So I mugged someone today... - EVO 4G General

Stole this Evo phone thing he had and found this forum.
It's pretty neat.
What Rom should I put on it?

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bwaahaahaa! brilliant trolling, bro.
Sent from my calculator watch.

this is why we can't have nice things. Dirt bag

d-evo_me01 said:
this is why we can't have nice things. Dirt bag
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Well did you already clone the esn to work on a different provider, that's what thieves do with bad esn phones that are stolen lol

I should put MUIU on it and Craigslist it as an iPhone 5 prototype.

Lol be like iPhone 5 now has flash lmao

This is funny
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!

sand1303 said:
This is funny
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!
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What makes it funnier for me, is that when I saw the thread, it was directly under the one that started "Mugged today, stole my Evo". Brilliant post, my man. Thanked.

I was drinking a monster and it almost came outta my nose when I read the tittle and it was right under the original thread.

I think I just peed my pants, that was amazing!

You ain't right....
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App


The general section is already as useless as it can get on this forum...
At least this is is funny and original
Can't hate.

This is how it went down...
But I was OK and went home and this is what happened...

To Funny!10 char

LOL thanks epic even though kind of harsh in a way but LOL

About time we have something worth reading on xda. lol
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G On The Now Network From Sprint Using Tapatalk Pro!


[Q] Root EVO 2.3.3 I found it i think

So i got a replacment phone how do i root it.
I see on this video it can be done but i cant figure it out
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I had to click it even though I knew it wasn't real. I've been trolled
real funny jack off
go screw urself foollllll
twan7717 said:
go screw urself foollllll
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why so butt hurt...lmfao
twan7717 said:
go screw urself foollllll
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>clicks OPs troll link like a fool
>resorts to calling OP a fool like the idiot that he is
>confirmed aspie
I almost **** pant when you said
" Root EVO 2.3.3 I found it I think" You a jerk!!!
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God, I hate this...
Not your statement. The fact I got trolled too.
Evo4eva said:
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I had to click it even though I knew it wasn't real. I've been trolled
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lefty__ said:
So i got a replacment phone how do i root it.
I see on this video it can be done but i cant figure it out
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I love how Hipkat tagged that picture and then someone, somehow managed to post it again.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Best post ever
I saw it on one of Hipkat's posts one day and thought I needed that for other things.
Sorry about that.
conqu1stador said:
I love how Hipkat tagged that picture and then someone, somehow managed to post it again.
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Nay its all good. The funny part was someone tagging the picture in the first place ... was humerus seeing it posted again.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App


Peace the **** out everyone. I am officially through with this forum. It is filled with a bunch of children who have nothing better to do than hate on one another for no good reason. Don't bother posting your hate comment I won't see it anyways.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Your next 156 posts will be sorely missed....
You're online 10 mins after your post. Which means you wan reactions which makes you a troll. Good to see you go.
Deck's + SZ + SuperCharger script + ViperMod script.
free the dirk
jaquaslife said:
Peace the **** out everyone. I am officially through with this forum. It is filled with a bunch of children who have nothing better to do than hate on one another for no good reason. Don't bother posting your hate comment I won't see it anyways.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Sent from my Gruesomes Rom using Tapatalk
jaquaslife said:
Peace the **** out everyone. I am officially through with this forum. It is filled with a bunch of children who have nothing better to do than hate on one another for no good reason. Don't bother posting your hate comment I won't see it anyways.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Whether or not you're right, weren't you the one necroposting and **** not just a few days ago?
Papa Smurf151 said:
free the dirk
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good one lol
well **** out to you too
Another one bites the dust! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
While the OP talks some truth, I'm closing this for significantly obvious reasons.

Dissatisfied with EVO, what's wrong with you!!!

I glanced over at the sprint forum and folks are enraged that the Oct 25th release is actually just online & telephone order, and the device wont ship for about 4-10 days. I want the device but not that bad to throw a childish tantrum like a 6yo.
Yeah its a cool phone but it wont change my life it wont give me a raise and it's more important things to concern your self that unboxing on the 25th. Are women gonna give me a cell number and say call me I like your phone.. NO...that's what the Yamaha r1 and Mercedes is for..lmao.
3 additional phones will be dropping in the first quarter so I can still wait. Some of you are in need of a new phone since that evo might be on its last leg. My evo works fine and thanks for development of cool roms to keep me busy.
So for me its still no rush, cause the evo works , I rather wait for the kinks to get ironed out.. and I want gameloft MC4 working out the gate.. none of that device is not compatible crap....
Ummm what are you talking about? What evo 4g is shipping out the 25th??
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cbucz24 said:
Ummm what are you talking about? What evo 4g is shipping out the 25th??
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
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Ooops I was speaking on the Samsung note 2, forgot to include that
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lreyes said:
View attachment 1423289View attachment 1423291
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C'mon guys, just let this fade into darkness.

Sometimes I wonder...

...just how many people that visit XDA's OG EVO, actually know how to use their device? The things you devs entail are pretty straight forward. Makes me giggle when I see, "hey man trying to get past ten post limit to ask a question to a dev, here ya go."
Girly giggles...
I mean I know I'm still at a noob-ish level here, especially since I haven't contributed anything but advice but...
Sup. I love you guys. You make my world go round.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
CyanJustice said:
...just how many people that visit XDA's OG EVO, actually know how to use their device? The things you devs entail are pretty straight forward. Makes me giggle when I see, "hey man trying to get past ten post limit to ask a question to a dev, here ya go."
Girly giggles...
I mean I know I'm still at a noob-ish level here, especially since I haven't contributed anything but advice but...
Sup. I love you guys. You make my world go round.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
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Uhhhhhhh, "girly-giggles"?
OMG, the new Emo sucks so bad :/
Haha, yeah just like high pitched, joyful giggles. Comes with an extended amount of time spent with the OG EVO.
What do you mean the new emo?
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
CyanJustice said:
What do you mean the new emo?
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This, for one. And men don't talk about "girly-giggles" FFS!
BTW, nice iPhone
Eh, old picture. Flattered though!
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app

Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
nice story! Finished my popcorn do you have another story to get some more!
So who won the fight? I bet android dude stabbed iphone dude more because iphone dude lost time getting a new bottle from itunes. But the debate continues… ..
LOL. Just thought I'd post so everyone else could laugh as well. Never ceases to amaze me! That there let's ya know 2 things:
1: we are definitely in the "techy age"
2: people are crazier than ever!
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
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IPhone what? Android who? This has bacon.........
View attachment 3268184
IPhone what? Android who? This has bacon.........
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mmmmm bacconnnn -humor gurgle-
Stupidest **** I ever read! morons!
Bubba Fett said:
So who won the fight? I bet android dude stabbed iphone dude more because iphone dude lost time getting a new bottle from itunes. But the debate continues… ..
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Hahahaha. Funniest thing I read this whole month! Funny, cause it's probably true. Hahahaha
Wonder if they argued about who's phone would call the ambulance first as they stared at them sitting on the counter while bleeding out.
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lorjay589 said:
Wonder if they argued about who's phone would call the ambulance first as they stared at them sitting on the counter while bleeding out.
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Of course the Android would! WANT TO FIGHT ABOUT IT??!?!?!
jazzmachine said:
Of course the Android would! WANT TO FIGHT ABOUT IT??!?!?!
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*Pulls 2002 Nokia out of pocket... smiles...."Nope"...walks off whistling while playing snake* lol
I like turtles
Such an important development topic.
Thread closed
Have a great day!

