Battery at 48% after 17 days and 18 hours without charge. - Galaxy S III General

Hey guys,
I live in the uk and went to Bulgaria for 16 days. I left my S3 home and took an older phone with me. Didn't want my samsung stolen, etc.
So, before I left the house I charged the phone up and left it in airplane mode.
I got back more than 2 weeks later to find the phone still on in standby mode with 48% of battery left. Meaning that it could go for about 34 days in airplane mode with one charge.
I know we can't do much with this info but I felt the need to share it.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

That's awesome. My sgs2 can only make it for about a week in airplane mode, with a 2100mah extended battery.
Are you using the stock ROM? Looks like touchwiz icons from the screenshot you posted.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

Cool info man. Nice to know that.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

This is completely useless... But very interesting ha ha
I wonder how long would it go without airplane mode on
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium

Teio said:
This is completely useless... But very interesting ha ha
I wonder how long would it go without airplane mode on
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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Speak for yourself...
This is a discovery!!!!!!
Something along those lines.....
Thanks for sharing... Great Info

RicarduZonta said:
Hey guys,
I live in the uk and went to Bulgaria for 16 days. I left my S3 home and took an older phone with me. Didn't want my samsung stolen, etc.
So, before I left the house I charged the phone up and left it in airplane mode.
I got back more than 2 weeks later to find the phone still on in standby mode with 48% of battery left. Meaning that it could go for about 34 days in airplane mode with one charge.
I know we can't do much with this info but I felt the need to share it.
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Holy crap
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I could've told you that from GSMArena's spec sheet
Stand-by Up to 590h/25days (2G) / Up to 790h/33days (3G)

We need to know your rom version !
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you didn't take "precious" on holiday with you? How very dare you!

lude219 said:
I could've told you that from GSMArena's spec sheet
Stand-byUp to 590h/25days (2G) / Up to 790h/33days (3G)
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There is absolutely no way it could go that long with the radio on. Mine was in airplane mode.
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Fredo13127 said:
We need to know your rom version !
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Everything is stock unbranded uk. Still on ICS.
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So in order to get great battery life all we need to do is never turn the screen on and never use it as an actual phone, great find!

I bought my s3 from cex (a popular exchange chain here in UK) and when I got the phone it was at 8% charge with 34 days of standby. The phone was left on, without sim card inserted, but with WiFi on, even if wasn't connected to any network. I thought it was pretty cool as the same happened with a one x I bought two weeks before, always from cex, and in the same condition the HTC was on 8 days standby time when it discharged completely in my hand
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2


Actually there is a point to this...
I think that this is a very interesting post. Why?
Because I suspect that for most people, there are times of the week when they don't actually use the phone or even need it available to take calls but (like me) don't want to have to turn it off at night and turn it on again in the morning.
So, using a tool like Llama, you can set your phone automatically to put itself into Airplane mode at night and to reconnect in the morning - so extending your stand-by time.
(Note: I actually go further than this - and put mobile data on only 3 minutes every 30 when screen is off. And I get great battery time - or would do if I didn't use the screen so much!!)

Too many wake locks
《swagged from aokp》

Well, I have lots of apps installed. Could have last much longer after a factory wipe I guess.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

ggresso are
lol, pretty impressive.
My old smartphone with data and radio off could last about a week at most.


Happy man

Manage to get my sg2 up to 5 days(battery wize) now with allot of tinkering and rom switching =)
Tell me more, tell me more....
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Kanzari said:
Manage to get my sg2 up to 5 days(battery wize) now with allot of tinkering and rom switching =)
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5 days yeah, im assuming you mean 5 days on standby meaning you barely if ever used it in that time because it is practically impossible otherwise to get that amount of battery for 5 days.
One man post on some forum. 7 days
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Kanzari said:
Manage to get my sg2 up to 5 days(battery wize) now with allot of tinkering and rom switching =)
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You need to start using ur phone instead of leaving it on stand by.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Jeeez you lot are obsessed!
Plug sockets arnt hard to find!
with an intelligent use of the power-off button your battery may last some weeks...
I had 4.5 day on normal use but disabled data.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Greatz for buying this kind of phone and keeping it unused.
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jangomango said:
Jeeez you lot are obsessed!
Plug sockets arnt hard to find!
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Bang on man! think my worst case I have burned through a whole battery in a 4-5hours (chroot vnc gps etc) you know what though, it's not an iphone carry a spare!!! have a charger, have a battery pack charger, have a car charger!
the slightly more worrying factor for me is the power draw of some apps being greater than the draw on car charge.
I-on road for example probably the only truely useful AR app but V. battery intensive (gps and camera on full time go figure)
Lol - it doesnt matter how many days you got, i bet it was still only 3-4hrs screen on time like everyone else.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I saw someone post a 8 days screenshot in the extended battery thread.
Sent from my GT-I9100
i don't see the point...5 days, 7 days, 98 days...whatever...i'd acheive the same by not using my phone at all...
Dude I can accept 5 and 7 but 98 you are on. ;-)
Sent from my GT-I9100
"Hey guys I got my phone 2 weeks ago and haven't even had to charge it yet.
It's still in the box."
My granny claims she have't charged her phone for years Must be one of those wired devices...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Yeah carry a spare battery and don't worry about it, no point on spend $600 on a phone only to use it like a $50 one.
I've burned through a fully charged battery in an hour and half...
curioct said:
I-on road for example probably the only truely useful AR app but V. battery intensive (gps and camera on full time go figure)
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I had to look it up, and jesus god help us if people had to rely on that to drive safely...

Nexus 7 shutting down in idle state due to battery drain!

My nexus 7 was fully charged and I put it in the rack in the night. Next morning it shut down completely. When I switched it on, it showed battery 0% says 0% the same c thing happened today as well. Its a new device. Any idea??
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Can you please show the screen snap of battery usage??
Sure.. Here is the screen shot..
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Some app or service is draining your battery. Get BetterBatteryStats to narrow it down.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
I installed battery saver app.. I will check if it can do any good..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Like someone said before it's a rogue app and the only way your going to get the battery drain issue to go away is to figure out which app is doing it and then get rid of it.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
I think the best solution for you is to factory reset or re-install android on your device once.
It will be easier than finding out where is the problem. as screen snap shows most of the battery is drained by "android OS".
It was just my opinion you can take it if you want.
My battery usage. Even though my screen on time was only about 2 hrs most of the battery was drained by the screen. So there music be something very wrong in your case.
I don't know about android virus but that might be an option.
Please press the thanks button if you find this helpful
I found that its day dream option got activated some how. I deactivated. Now its working great again.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
*Crosses fingers*
pcoruganti said:
I found that its day dream option got activated some how. I deactivated. Now its working great again.
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Gonna follow along and disable my daydream as well since I'm having the same problem you are with it actually draining while on the charger (Stock ROM, Franco Kernel, OEM wall wart with gold tipped USB cable). Tis quite annoying to have to either keep the screen off or power down completely in order for this bad boy to charge...

INSANE BATTERY DRAIN while powered off!

So I powered off my Nexus 7 last week before I went on vacation and found it completely dead when I tried to turn it on a week later - it would not even turn on. After charging for about 10 minutes it booted up but the battery was at 1% and charging. Initially i though I forgot to turn it off, but then again I was pretty sure I did. Once it charged up I powered it off completely ("Power Off" option after holding down the power button) and left it till 5PM the next day. Once it booted up it showed that I had only 44% charge, that's down from 100% just last night! WTF? It lasts me 3-4 days if it sleeps but looses 66% charge when powered off!? Anybody in the same boat?
It's the government tracking you. (Yes they can track a powered off device)
Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013) using Tapatalk 4
I will test it next day.
DeDanMU said:
I will test it next day.
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Cool! Thanks!
Also forgot to mention that my tablet was completely dead when I exchanged because of the touch screen issues with the previous one. The previous one turned on just fine! So maybe it was a bad batch, even though I hope it's not
I'm using GTab 8.9, but I experienced the same thing as the OP, too. I tried switching kernels and this issue went away.
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I'm gonna try tonight.. I'll let you know.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I don't believe OP's story. Why would you go on vacation and leave your N7 at home? Your story doesn't add up.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
rschauby said:
I don't believe OP's story. Why would you go on vacation and leave your N7 at home? Your story doesn't add up.
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I'm not starting a war here, but why would he lie? There's no reason for the OP to do so. (Except for increasing post count which I don't think so.)
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panpjp said:
I'm not starting a war here, but why would he lie? There's no reason for the OP to do so. (Except for increasing post count which I don't think so.)
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lol, he was kidding. Hopefully someone can post their experience here soon...
Muikkuman said:
It's the government tracking you. (Yes they can track a powered off device)
Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013) using Tapatalk 4
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Swapped out for a new unit. Issue solved.

Battery Usage on 4G + Hostpot

i only manage to use it for about two hours after a full recharge ..i only tether my laptop on my cellphone with 4g connection..other battery sipping settings have been turned off including background data
how about you? is this normal?
Yes this is normal even though I think my battery only last about an hour and half maybe because im using apps on my phone too.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
AbductedCasper said:
Yes this is normal even though I think my battery only last about an hour and half maybe because im using apps on my phone too.
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thanks for that..guess i have to keep my charger with me always
my phone working for 9 hours . screen 6 hours. wifi or 3g full connected is this normal ?
GT-I9500 Tapatalk 4

Less than 5 hours on a full charge?!

I know I'm a heavy phone user, but how are people saying they get 9+ hours of constant use, like watching videos, and I'm getting half that from texting, using Hangouts, and a couple social networking apps? My screen uses between 45-50% of that and the rest is apps, primarily the ones I use most.
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cowboyaryk said:
I know I'm a heavy phone user, but how are people saying they get 9+ hours of constant use, like watching videos, and I'm getting half that from texting, using Hangouts, and a couple social networking apps? My screen uses between 45-50% of that and the rest is apps, primarily the ones I use most.
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Mind posting battery stats?
cowboyaryk said:
I know I'm a heavy phone user, but how are people saying they get 9+ hours of constant use, like watching videos, and I'm getting half that from texting, using Hangouts, and a couple social networking apps? My screen uses between 45-50% of that and the rest is apps, primarily the ones I use most.
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And how much screen time are you showing?
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I unplugged from a charger about 330pm, it's now almost 8 with the following stats. This is driving me crazy, I feel like I can't unplug it. So today I get almost 6 hours to almost 10%
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
What launcher were you using? I unplugged at 7-8 am this morning and attached are my stats. Sometimes it drains more than others but overall the battery life is pretty amazing.
cowboyaryk said:
I unplugged from a charger about 330pm, it's now almost 8 with the following stats. This is driving me crazy, I feel like I can't unplug it. So today I get almost 6 hours to almost 10%
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Well, for starters wifi is at 0% which means ur constantly using 4G which can suck ur battery dry especially if you're in an area with bad reception.
frieked said:
Well, for starters wifi is at 0% which means ur constantly using 4G which can suck ur battery dry especially if you're in an area with bad reception.
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My wifi always shows it's connected as a solid blue line, but I've been on LTE all day.
Might be a rogue app running in the background or something? I use the Active Apps widget and randomly end programs from time to time while clearing up the RAM as well. Hopefully it's just a rogue app or bad battery?
cowboyaryk said:
I unplugged from a charger about 330pm, it's now almost 8 with the following stats. This is driving me crazy, I feel like I can't unplug it. So today I get almost 6 hours to almost 10%
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You're definitely not getting what you should. Look at my stats, a lot of wifi but also not as much held awake time on my phone considering what I have as Battery time. Take a look around there's things you can disable like bloatware that may be holding your phone from sleeping. Also see if you can reconfigure that one app, maybe it updates to often. I don't usually have any app drain more then kernel and the android system.
Or its your battery if you've done all that.
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Are you rooted?
thedoseofdopeness said:
Are you rooted?
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If you are asking me, no.
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
I was having that same problem when first got my phone. I'm pretty sure it was the new themer application it, worked fine until I uninstalled it, then my battery constantly needed to be charged. To originally fix it I backed up and factory reset it then it seemed to be working fine but now that I'm rooted I have been using greenify and it works like a dream. It tells you in better detail what's draining your battery and what wakes it up in your background as it tries to sleep. Now I get about 22 hours with pretty regular usage
With 56 minutes on screen time, I should get close to ten hours... you must have an app that is killing your battery or that uses data alot
Sent from my SM-N900V using Xparent Green Tapatalk 2
Sorry uploaded wrong pic
Here is how mine is looking today so far, I would say my Note 3 outlasts my other phones no problem.. biggest offenders I noticed that wrecked mine was Google Settings>Location Reporting turned that off, and when I dont need it turn everything off in Settings>Location Reporting.. when I go out or want to use Google Now I turn it on .. I greenified a lot of the stupid apps like My Magazine or disabled them outright
NeoMagus said:
Here is how mine is looking today so far, I would say my Note 3 outlasts my other phones no problem.. biggest offenders I noticed that wrecked mine was Google Settings>Location Reporting turned that off, and when I dont need it turn everything off in Settings>Location Reporting.. when I go out or want to use Google Now I turn it on .. I greenified a lot of the stupid apps like My Magazine or disabled them outright
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Three things, one are you rooted. Two if not, is the beginning of it while you are sleeping or using it? If using it, what other things have you tweaked If not rooted.
And third but completely unrelated, I see you have a sense clock, if you want a great one that is pretty much a perfect copy of sense, take a look at "sense v2 flip click and weather". I use that and love it
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MACHEK said:
Three things, one are you rooted. Two if not, is the beginning of it while you are sleeping or using it? If using it, what other things have you tweaked If not rooted.
And third but completely unrelated, I see you have a sense clock, if you want a great one that is pretty much a perfect copy of sense, take a look at "sense v2 flip click and weather". I use that and love it
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I can't speak for Neo but I'm rooted, but before then I still had amazing battery life because I disabled most if not all the bloatware.
I've disabled most of the bloat ware, I think. I'm it rooted. I'm just always plugging this thing in
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
I do want to root though
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