Nexus 7 shutting down in idle state due to battery drain! - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My nexus 7 was fully charged and I put it in the rack in the night. Next morning it shut down completely. When I switched it on, it showed battery 0% says 0% the same c thing happened today as well. Its a new device. Any idea??
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Can you please show the screen snap of battery usage??

Sure.. Here is the screen shot..
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Some app or service is draining your battery. Get BetterBatteryStats to narrow it down.
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I installed battery saver app.. I will check if it can do any good..
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Like someone said before it's a rogue app and the only way your going to get the battery drain issue to go away is to figure out which app is doing it and then get rid of it.
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I think the best solution for you is to factory reset or re-install android on your device once.
It will be easier than finding out where is the problem. as screen snap shows most of the battery is drained by "android OS".
It was just my opinion you can take it if you want.
My battery usage. Even though my screen on time was only about 2 hrs most of the battery was drained by the screen. So there music be something very wrong in your case.
I don't know about android virus but that might be an option.
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I found that its day dream option got activated some how. I deactivated. Now its working great again.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

*Crosses fingers*
pcoruganti said:
I found that its day dream option got activated some how. I deactivated. Now its working great again.
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Gonna follow along and disable my daydream as well since I'm having the same problem you are with it actually draining while on the charger (Stock ROM, Franco Kernel, OEM wall wart with gold tipped USB cable). Tis quite annoying to have to either keep the screen off or power down completely in order for this bad boy to charge...


Strange problem I recently developed on my vibrant. Suggestions?

Ok so these last couple of days I've been having the strangest problem with my vibrant. The battery litterally sucks it self on the charger. For example, today at 3 in the morning I woke up to find my phone charging at 71% I was like ok good. Woke up at 7 and the phone was completly dead! It looses power on the charger. At first i thought it was the battery so i switched it. And whattya know. Still the same problem. Then i thought it was the usb port since ya know samsungs port sucks ass so j get a new charger and nothing. Let me remind you tthat this is a recent problem. Any body know a fix to this?
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Jasonhunterx said:
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Bionix V 1.3.1, Bali kernel.
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which bali kernal? im rockin bali 1.8.8 and no problems
im getting amazing battery life with this setup
Yea 1.8.8. Im getting serious battery drain! Ill loose about 7% in like 5minutes while plugged in the friggin charger.
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Test your charger. Try usb charge from pc. With a different cable to be sure something is not crossed inside.
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edit to fix autocorrect fail
caliga4221 said:
Test your charger. Try usher charge from pc. With a different cable to be sure something is not crossed inside.
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The battery should not drain like that period not even cm is that bad
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My point is nothing to do with rom or phone but rather the charger or cable my be damage and causing short that drains the battery. Hence the suggestion to try other cables and charge methods to eliminate the possibility of this being the culprit.
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Bought a new charger before I posted. Still draining!
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Does it also fail to charge if the phone is turned off? If it charges while off then perhaps its a software issue after all. If not then the charge/usb port might be bad. How are you charging the battery between posting?
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caliga4221 said:
Does it also fail to charge if the phone is turned off? If it charges while off then perhaps its a software issue after all. If not then the charge/usb port might be bad. How are you charging the battery between posting?
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It shows its charging. But it'll go from like 11% to 0% in like 10 mins. And yea it charges with the screen off.
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Have you tried to backup and re-flash your phone? Have you tried a battery calibration by wiping the battery stats? My advice *having never encountered that issue* would be to save all your data, make a list of the apps you use regularly and re-flash the phone then manually re-download each app and do not restore anything. if all goes well and it charges like normal then your set and can if you wish restore your old data and/or apps 1 per day till you notice the problem, return if it does.
I did just that. Reflashed a new rom and less drain but its definatly.
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My next advice would be to try stock 2.2 for a day or so and see if it has issues. then if its ok try a new stable version of cm7 or miui * different build than previously used* and see if the problem returns.
caliga4221 said:
My next advice would be to try stock 2.2 for a day or so and see if it has issues. then if its ok try a new stable version of cm7 or miui * different build than previously used* and see if the problem returns.
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Ive been thinking of cm7 but the battery life is driving me away. I was able to charge it till like 40% then i unplugged it by accident and I plugged it back in and BOOM battery drain. Its at 0% and will not rise.
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If the phone gets hotter than 120° then it wil stop charging and actually dicharge. Make sure your not overcloking or ajything.
My advice on which rom if your not set would be to use trigger. I moved to trigger a long time ago after one of my bionix flashes didnt work quite right and have not looked back yet. I am currently on project v with trigger theme which is a little more like stock but with tweaks than a fully custom rom.
Ok so I got it to charge too 100% overnight and I unplugged it and it went down too 37% instantly. -__- just started working today and this isn't cool. I also left it by a fan so it wasn't hot at all.
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Alex530 said:
Ok so I got it to charge too 100% overnight and I unplugged it and it went down too 37% instantly. -__- just started working today and this isn't cool. I also left it by a fan so it wasn't hot at all.
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In that case I would be sure to flash back to stock clean and then go to a different rom, I suggest Trigger 3.2 very stable in my experience, and charge to 100% and do a battery calibration. Trigger comes with an app to calibrate the battery and be sure its fully charged.

Battery issues with 4.2.1?

Ever since I updated to 4.2 and especially 4.2.1, battery life has not been the same. Today I went from 100% last night to 73% in 22 hours just in standby. I didn't change any settings that I can remember. Can anyone please help with this?
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I had the same battery issues on 4.2 in standby...even with wifi disabled. I ended up flashing back to 4.1.2 and battery is back to normal. To me 4.1.2 is more stable and much smoother. Hopefully Google will fix these issues in the next update.
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I noticed that a large portion of the battery is being used by something called "Media server" Any idea what that is or how to turn it off?
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I'm also noticing the same sleep mode battery drain on 4.2.1,around 1% per hour..
I need to root my tablet to downgrade?
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Use media scanner root from the play site and disable the media scanner. Then this battery drain should reduce.
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ashwinrajsr said:
Use media scanner root from the play site and disable the media scanner. Then this battery drain should reduce.
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Do I need to be rooted for this?
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wws12 said:
Do I need to be rooted for this?
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Yes. Root access is a must.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I think in my case most of the battery issues was from the device being new and the software stats still needed more time to be accurate, that has happened to me on my Sony tablet also..
Now I can see some real stats as I use better battery stats app for keeping track of the battery.
I use my tablet as a use when needed device because it's not my notifications device that is always connected, for that I use my smartphone. That said I turn on airplane mode when I'm not using it and sync when needed as well.
Só when my Nexus 7 is in sleep mode it has very few apps and services running other than the system ones.
So the stats I came up with are:
1% in sleep mode with airplane mode on and Google Now and Location History turned on..
0.3% in sleep mode with airplane mode and Google Now plus Location History off..
So for me no Google Now as I don't need that much.. It lasts 3x more in standby without it... And the truth is, in my country Google now for me isn't that useful as it is although I'm sure someday will be..
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It's strange...with stock 4.2.1 no root I haven't any battery drain... 0.7% /hour with wifi on and sync enabled...In the battery stats, even if in a hour i turn on the display on a minute, the display takes at least 40% of battery...

[ Q ] not turning on

So my nexus had been unplugged and without charge for about 3 weeks or so, I've been very busy at work. I try and connect the tablet so that i can use again and the screen flickers for an instant and nothing happens, I don't see the white icon charging animation and no response after that. It's my tablet done or is there a solution for this. Thanks to anybody that can help.
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Have u tried to unplugged the battery for a couple minutes?
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Qijos said:
Have u tried to unplugged the battery for a couple minutes?
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Yes sirrr and no response
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Ok, I don't really know what exactly the problem is. But I think the battery seems to be dead. because if it is still good, at least it shows the indicator light when it's plugged with charger.. If u have a simple tool to test battery energy maybe u can find out. or maybe try another battery..
Leave it plugged into the charger for a good while and then hold down the power button hard, for about 30 seconds. See if that forces it on.
How long did you leave it plugged in for? It may take a few hours...
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It was plugged for like an hour or so and no dice.
I think im screwed
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Not sure if it would help your specific problem, but my thread covers every fix known-to-man for issues such as yours. Check it out if you haven't yet.
Try leaving it plugged in overnight. I once had a laptop battery die on me, had to plug it in for like a week before it would turn on again.
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Your device is hibernating to prevent further damaging the battery. Plug it in... boot to bootloader... select power off using the volume keys... the tablet will now charge normally
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najaboy said:
Your device is hibernating to prevent further damaging the battery. Plug it in... boot to bootloader... select power off using the volume keys... the tablet will now charge normally
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Thanks will try as soon as i get home
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
I want to thank everyone that pitch in to help finally got it up and running, i thought it was dead. Thanks again for the help i really appreciate it
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
nexus issue
SpartanVissepo said:
I want to thank everyone that pitch in to help finally got it up and running, i thought it was dead. Thanks again for the help i really appreciate it
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My problem is solved, I have a friend who had the same problems with the tablet Nexus 7 16GB, the back of the unit opens easily with just a fingernail to open a case as remote and actually the battery plug is not fully inserted into the camera, a little bit of nail to reconnect the cable and now my tablet displays well 100% load.
niamé said:
My problem is solved, I have a friend who had the same problems with the tablet Nexus 7 16GB, the back of the unit opens easily with just a fingernail to open a case as remote and actually the battery plug is not fully inserted into the camera, a little bit of nail to reconnect the cable and now my tablet displays well 100% load.
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Yup - there is a sticky that covers this method, and all the other methods as well. For anyone else suffering from similar N7 issues, be sure to check it out. Either go to stickies in this Troubleshooting section, or use this link.

My battery life has been terrible today...

As the title states, my battery life has struggled mightily today. Check out my pics, what do you think could be causing this?
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda premium
dude 3 hours awake time out of 5...thats an issue. you've got a wake lock somewhere. download wake lock detector
Sent from my LG G2 using Tapatalk 4
the 1positive with mine so far is the battery. i go all day (12-14hrs) with moderate use and still have 30% charge when i plug it in.
That's terrible. You got an app freaking out. I noticed a huge drop in battery life when I put on a different sms app.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk 4
Thanks guys, I installed the wakelock app. I will see what's going on.
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What was the issue?
Sent from my LG-D801 using xda app-developers app
Install better battery stats.....maps and partial wakelocks seems to be killing you battery. BBS would give u a better indication of whats eating your battery
WizeGuyDezignz said:
As the title states, my battery life has struggled mightily today. Check out my pics, what do you think could be causing this?
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akong702 said:
What was the issue?
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Not sure what the issue is yet, I was charging my phone. Now I took it off the charger and have better battery stats installed. I will monitor it and let you know.
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Held awake for 3 hours because your screen was on for almost that long. Right?
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one thing that really kills this battery is the setting under location access "wifi and mobile network location" if you have that enabled google services keep the phone awake and drain the battery. I disabled that and my battery last so much longer now.
Well guys, something is still eating my battery alive. I went to bed with over 40% battery and I woke up with 7% left.
Here are my screenshots from better battery stats. Can anyone figure out what's eating me alive?
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WizeGuyDezignz said:
As the title states, my battery life has struggled mightily today. Check out my pics, what do you think could be causing this?
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Use will see improvements right away.
Hit thanks
WizeGuyDezignz said:
Well guys, something is still eating my battery alive. I went to bed with over 40% battery and I woke up with 7% left.
Here are my screenshots from better battery stats. Can anyone figure out what's eating me alive?
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NLP-Network Location Process-seems to be your biggest issue. My best bet would be settings>accounts>Google>google+>location
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bova80 said:
one thing that really kills this battery is the setting under location access "wifi and mobile network location" if you have that enabled google services keep the phone awake and drain the battery. I disabled that and my battery last so much longer now.
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Thanks, I turned it off and will let you know if that was it.
lastdeadmouse said:
NLP-Network Location Process-seems to be your biggest issue. My best bet would be settings>accounts>Google>google+>location
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I wasn't signed into Google+, so hopefully turning off the setting above will help. Thanks!
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lastdeadmouse said:
NLP-Network Location Process-seems to be your biggest issue. My best bet would be settings>accounts>Google>google+>location
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Yeah, good tip. If that doesnt work, go to Maps and disable history and location reporting as well. Might want to disable Wifi and mobile network location under the global location settings as well. This prevents other programs from eating up battery trying to access location when GPS is off. Restart your phone after diasbling any of these, then check battery life
Ok guys, here is how my battery has been doing since I made the changes that everyone suggested. Am I in good shape?
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seems good. here was mine earlier though lol
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jayochs said:
seems good. here was mine earlier though lol
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Lol nice. The only complaint that I have about this is that I had to turn off every single location based setting in the phone. I've never had to do that on my previous phones. It never drained like this on my S4 with those settings on.
The root of my complaint is that I can't even get weather updates on my widget because it is all turned off. And I always like to have the weather widget on my main screen. Which single setting can I turn on to get weather updates? I will leave the other ones off.
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Getting eaten alive again. What are these top two things?
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda premium
Power management wakelocks in the kernel is a placeholder for partial wakelocks. Look at the partial wakelock list for details. I had a terrible *backup* partial wakelock that had a start count of 3000 within 8 hrs!!! It was killing my bat. Check yours, it might be that same if its not the location wakelocks acting up again

How do I finally fix this instant battery drain problem?

i hope some of you have experienced this. i'm on carbon rom right now. sometimes when i'm in the middle of an app, it's just turn off and when i plug it in and turn it on the battery is at 0%. i've done a factory reset.
I have never had that happen before. Does your battery meter move? Like does it say sit at 50% for ages then all of a sudden your phone turns off.
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no, but it does happen around 50% from my experience.
rty1138 said:
i hope some of you have experienced this. i'm on carbon rom right now. sometimes when i'm in the middle of an app, it's just turn off and when i plug it in and turn it on the battery is at 0%. i've done a factory reset.
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Try out another ROM to see whether the battery drain still happens. If no, then it's the ROM's kernel.
Yeah I would try another rom or hell even stock. Maybe your battery is defective if a new rom doesn't help
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How do you charge your phone? Using the stock wall charger?
usb from laptop
This used to happen to a friend of mine when the service centre guys open the phone they discovered that the battery was leaking so they had to change the battery the problem finally went away
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arpitnathany said:
This used to happen to a friend of mine when the service centre guys open the phone they discovered that the battery was leaking so they had to change the battery the problem finally went away
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bought a battery. worth a try i guess.

