Asus Customized setting on Hydro 4.1 - Transformer TF300T General

Hi, i've recently installed hydro 4.1 JB on my asus tf300, but now when i open asus customized setting the app block and go to home screen, i've tried to fix permission on cmw recovery but nothing, i need to change right mouse click, someone can help me plz?

Works fine for me, But I flashed using twrp, which I believe is recommended. If you haven't tried it, give it a spin, I used to be a cwm fan, but recently switched allegiances. Also, wipes were necessary for hydro 4 if you happened to miss that step. Good luck, its a rom well worth the effort
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2

same here. No problem.
Used TWRP and did a full wipe before flashing and fixed permissions after update.

mikaole said:
same here. No problem.
Used TWRP and did a full wipe before flashing and fixed permissions after update.
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ok i'm on TWRP Recovery and i'm on Wipe Menu what have to do for full wipe now?
Edit:i've done full wipe, flash rom and fix permission but nothing when i go on setting and asus setting (to set right mouse click for example) setting app crash to home..any solution?

anthraxx90 said:
ok i'm on TWRP Recovery and i'm on Wipe Menu what have to do for full wipe now?
Edit:i've done full wipe, flash rom and fix permission but nothing when i go on setting and asus setting (to set right mouse click for example) setting app crash to home..any solution?
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I tried the Hydro ROM the past weekend and had no issues outside of not being able to use the device as a Mass Storage location when connecting to my PC (still need to reflash to test some things out on that.) But for some help, I would suggest you give us a step by step on how you flashed and what files you used. There are two that are suggested (from what I can read). The base ROM, and then the Update A and Update B. If what I interpreted from what I read, the Update A is needed to bring the Base ROM to the lastest, and the Update B is for those already on the base ROM, though as I read what I just wrote here that seems kinda redundant. I'll have to go back and try to flash update A by itself and see if it contains the whole ROM and Update together.
Anyway, if you can just give some details on your device, the way you flashed, and the files used, we might be able to better direct why the settings are FCing on you.

Using Hydro Ponic
You can get into trouble if you don't get the right install. With a fresh install of the base Rom, you install Update A. On a tf300 with Hydro Ponic already installed and previously updated, you just install the update B. It's possible to jump to the B update after just installing Base Rom but you might be missing some stuff - not surprising if Asus Cust Setting is not working. Always backup before you leap into the install - other wise you risk losing data as you scramble to bring things back into order - I know all about losing data. I use CWM and have never found it lacking, I'm sure TWRP works very well, it's just a preference and comfort level with a Recovery program that one gets used to. Pay close attention to the clearing or wiping of things in the following tutorial: The order of doings things is important and don't leave out a step.


[GUIDE] Install CyanogenMod 7 on the SGS i9000 (and live to tell the tale)

OK, the CM7 ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S i9000 has now hit the CM7 Mainstream and has matured in leaps and bounds over the last few weeks. The installation method has therefore ALSO matured by leaps and bounds.
However, there has been a downside to all that advancement...namely that there are lots and lots of incorrect install procedures floating around out there and even more misunderstandings as to what/how/when/why you install CM7 on your SGS i9000.
Therefore, this is intended to be the definitive guide about how to install CyanogenMod 7 (or CyanogenMod 7.1 if you are a stickler for such things since that is the most recent stable version but for the purposes of this guide it is STILL CM7) on the i9000 right here, right NOW. As things change, the first post of this thread will be updated.
If you have any questions/comments about the CM7 install procedure, post them here.
If you have any questions/comments about CM7's features, capabilities, battery life or anything OTHER THAN installing it...look HERE or HERE.
Before we do anything....make sure of the following:
* Your phone is fully charged.
* You have confirmed you can get into download/recovery with the three button method.
* You have used Titanium Backup to backup your apps (yes, there may be some factory defaulting happening soon).
* You have taken a Nandroid backup via Clockwork Mod, just in case the early steps go south.
* You have used a third party program to back up your SMS messages (if so desired)
* You have made your peace with your loved ones and said all your goodbyes...maybe left a nice note or something.
Remember, this will be one of the most harrowing, horrific experiences of your life. Grown men have been known to gnaw off their own legs during this procedure, unable to face the deepening horror their feeble minds cannot hope to comprehend.
Are you SURE you want to install CM7?
OK, its your funeral, I am just here for the open bar.
OK, here we go....
Boy are you lucky to be doing this now. Recently CM7 was improved so that it works just fine with either Froyo or Gingerbread Bootloaders. It used to be that when you installed CM7 with Gingerbread bootloaders, a puppy died in agony. Now, the cuddly little puppies are safe thanks to the hard work of the CM7 Devs.
However, if for some strange reason you have still have Eclair installed currently, smash your head repeatedly against a wall for being such a stinking Luddite. Once you wake up, update to Froyo or Gingerbread and then come back and start this again. Plenty of threads on XDA will help you do that. Go read one and flash froyo or gingerbread via ODIN, we'll wait right here with the car running.
Don't know how to use ODIN? Not sure about all those little checkboxes? Befuddled by those driver thingies? Unsure how to click on the links above while using a Commodore64? Well, we won't wait in the car THAT long. If this is the case then you absolutely shouldn't be flashing CM7 yet my poor lost child, educate yourself for awhile and then come back, or just buy a used iPhone.
OK, still with me? ONWARDS.
Here is the point where you need to do all sorts of things that you may have already done.
If you have already done them, GOOD, you are very, very clever and ahead of the game. Give yourself a gold star.
If you don't know how to do any of these things, then you shouldn't be here yet. Go search for things you don't understand in the general and Q&A forums for the i9000 and when you feel you are better grounded in the arcane mysteries of flashing custom ROMS, come back and we will have a joyous reunion and try this again.
OK, so what do you do in STEP TWO?
* Doublecheck that you can indeed get into Download Mode using Vol Down+PWR+Home, and into Recovery with Vol Up+PWR+Home. If not, go away and search XDA for a way to fix that.
* Root your phone.
* Confirm you have Clockwork Mod recovery running. If not, use Odin to flash this Speedmod kernel if you are on Froyo. If you are on Gingerbread flash the TalonDev kernel using the v2.2 tar (yes I know the TalonDev kernel has lagfix automatically enabled, but as your file system will be grabbed and ripped out still beating and then replaced with a better one by the CM7 Installer, it really doesn't matter). There are two different versions of the v2.2 tar available but don't panic. Use TalonDEV-0.2.2R2-I9000-1200-JVP.tar first...if that doesn't work for you, try TalonDEV-0.2.2R2-I9000-JVP.tar. One of the two should work for you. (Thanks to chan1628 for testing them the hard way)
* Install ROM Manager (I STRONGLY suggest you buy the Premium version if possible to make flashing Nightlies easier. It is quite cheap with a lot of great features and is one of the core apps you will use on your phone from here on Koush deserves your support).
* Take another nandroid backup (even if you took one already) and confirm your Titanium Backup is up to date (and includes a backup of ROM Manager).
* Confirm that you are rooted.
* Backup your contacts to either Exchange, Gmail or your SIM card.
* Write down your correct APNs and your IMEI, just in case.
* Take a backup of your efs folder and save it somewhere.
* Post a note on your monitor reminding yourself to breathe.
* Say goodbye to your Samsung apps like Snap2Go and Daily Briefing, they won't work with CM7.
* Pour yourself a stiff drink
Confused? Not sure how to root your phone or worried about voiding your warranty? Really curious about what these APN things and where can you find them? Hoping to sync your phone with iTunes once CM7 is installed? Then go away, do some searching, get up to speed and I will see you later. I mean it...avaunt ye. Scram. Exeunt with all due alacrity. Happy reading.
Also, if you are getting errors concerning CWM, or cannot get into CWM3 Recovery, then search XDA (or the comments to this thread) for a solution. I cannot help you. I am not an expert on Clockwork Mod, I am just here to get CM7 running for you, or kill you and steal your girlfriend in the attempt. Clockwork Mod is YOUR lookout.
Still here? Did all that? CWM Recovery working properly? Crossed all your i's and dotted your t's? Forward then. Things get REALLY BAD from here on in. Whatever happens next, I am truly, truly sorry.
Are you sure you are ready for this? Are you quite, QUITE sure?
It is not too late to turn back....and if you do no one will think less of you. I promise.
Positive you are where you want to be?
Brave, brave darling. Take my hand and lets do this then....there are two possible methods to use now that you are at the Third Step..Method the First uses the ROM Manager and is by far the simpler of the two. However if the ROM Manager doesn't work for you or if you have a sudden premonition of flaming disaster about it....don't cry. Man up and go to the manual method listed after Method the First, known quite coincidentally as Method the Second.
Method the First!
Open ROM Manager from your App Drawer.
Select Flash ClockworkMod Recovery.
When it asks you what phone you are using, scroll down until you find Galaxy S MTD and select it (Galaxy S is what CM7 calls the i9000 series...CM7 is weird that way).
When it asks what version to use, select CMW3.
By the way, if ROM Manager tries to argue with you during this process, or tells you your phone may not be supported, ignore it and click OK or Continue or whatever it takes. It just worries over what you may be about to do to yourself.
Confirm that under Flash ClockworkMod Recovery it now reads Current Recovery: ClockworkMod 3.x.x.x. This means that now you should be able to see CyanogenMod zips and nightlies (if you have ROM Manager Premium) in ROM Manager. Hoorah!
Now, the moment of truth Download ROM.
Next close your little eyes tightly and select CyanogenMod or CyanogenMod Nightlies (if you see that one). Either one will do.
Down the road, you will use the CyanogenMod Nightlies files to update...assuming you survive the next 15 minutes. However when installing you can use the single file in the CyanogenMod folder (there for Free users) or the latest Nightly in the CyanogenMod Nightlies folder...same difference.
So click the file of your choice and stand back...well, not too far back because there is more stuff you have to do.
If/when you are asked if you wish to reinstall Google Apps, it is highly recommended that you do so, so check the little box. This saves many headaches and potential fc's down the line.
When you are asked what you wish to do to prepare for the new ROM, you can choose to do another Nandroid Backup, Clear Data and Cache (wiping the device) and/or Clear the Data Cache. No need for another Nandroid backup, but select the other two and hit OK.
Now let the ROM Manager make some magic. It will take a couple minutes but likely not nearly as long as you expect, so go out and make tea or paint the Sistine Chapel or something.
While you are gone your device will do all the wiping and installing, back up your efs folder and apply the new file system you will need. You will NOT need to apply any lagfix or mess about with tweaks or whatnot....CM7 does it all for you and no other options are don't ask.
Method the Second!
If for whatever reason you are having trouble working with ROM Manager in the previous method and are therefore stuck, you can do the following to flash CM7 manually.....but if you have a weak heart or tend to get squeamish...I implore you to look away.
Download this most recent version of CM7 from
Then download the most recent set of Google Apps from
Place both on your SD card.
Go into Recovery using the handy-dandy Three Button Skidoo (NOT by using the command "Reboot to Recovery" found in ROM have been warned).
Do a Factory Reset (wiping data so if you forgot to backup your apps before....whoops)
Wipe the Dalvik and Cache (just in case).
Select Install Zip from SD Card and flash first the CM7 zip, and then the gapps zip. No need to reboot in between. Finally fix permissions.
NOTE: If you are one of those people who have done some research and have also downloaded one of the CM7 custom kernels which you wish to flash as part of your install (if you haven't don't worry about it, I don't recommend using a custom kernel before you have spent some time with the stock kernel, but some people think they are 1337)...make certain you flash the Nightly BEFORE the custom kernel, otherwise you will totally confuse the installer and very bad things will happen which will require you to flash back to a Samsung ROM using ODIN and start all over again.
Once everything has completed, THEN reboot into CM7 (HOO-RAH) and continue to the Fourth Step. Hurry, hurry, scroll back up....
Oh, WAIT A MINUTE....When you have done all the stuff in the Fourth Step, do this too...go to ROM Manager, and select Flash ClockworkMod Recovery. ID your phone as Galaxy S MTD when it asks and select will tell you that your phone is not supported or some such but have it install it anyway. What the heck does it know. Doing so will ensure you can find your the Nightly updates using ROM Manager Premium in the future.
OK, now go on to the Fourth Step...really this time...
That's it, you are done. Throw back that drink now...or if you don't want it, I'll take it.
Your phone will show the CM7 SGS splash screen for a bit, then the CM7 boot animation for a while longer (spin, spin, spin)...and then you will be in CyanogenMod 7.
If you find that the boot animation never seems to end, or keeps restarting...DON'T PANIC. This happens to some people when flashing CM7 for the first time. Just go to recovery and flash the Nightly again, you should be fine. If you used ROM Manager the first time, the nightly will be in the ROM Manager folder on your SD card.
Where is all the pain, the agony, the brain bending complexity reducing scholars to madness that I warned you about?
OK, I lied...but I had to make sure you were serious.
Now restore your apps (remember that is best to do fresh from the Market, but if you use TB then be sure to reinstall just the APP, not APP + DATA, and NO SYSTEM APPS) and put all your contacts and email addresses back and so on.
Also, remember that your external SD card is now located in the /emmc directory. Why? Because that is how it is in CM7, so cope. It really is NOT that tough to get used to. However, if you want to have some kicks, go into the CM7 Dev thread and ask where your external_sd card has gone a few times to watch people go berzerk yelling at you. Fun, fun, fun.
From here on in, you can install nightly updates to stay on the bleeding edge of CyanogenMod, as well as to allow yourself to experience the terror of waiting for that boot animation to stop again and again and again. You can look at the Nightly Wiki for instructions on different flashing strategies.
You may also install custom kernels and alternate modems via Recovery if you wish, but be sure that they are CM7 compatible. The ones you used back on Samsung ROMs won't work for you any more.
Carry on, and enjoy your new ROM.
As always, if this procedure bricked anything or gave your dog syphilis, it isn't my fault. By God, I WARNED you. If you liked it, or it worked out well for you, feel free to click Thanks and heap praise in the comments.
Finally, all due honour and thanks to the incredible Devs and Maintainers of TeamHacksung and the SGSTEAM listed below. Find their profiles and donate to them, they have earned it.
* codeworkx -
* atinm -
* coolya -
Great guide, just want to make a quick addition...
rschenck said:
OK, so what do you do in STEP TWO?
* Root your phone.
* Confirm you have Clockwork Mod recovery running. If not, flash the Speedmod kernel.
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I couldn't complete this step during my exciting first install of CM7
If anyone has trouble getting Clockworkmod Recovery running, and you can't manage to flash a new kernel using Odin/heimdall please read:
[RECOVERY] 3e Recovery Modded w/ No Verification
I just skimmed through it but wouldn't this require you to buy rom manager premium?
runedrune said:
I just skimmed through it but wouldn't this require you to buy rom manager premium?
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No. The premium version is only required to download nightlies directly through the app. Download them manually, then point rom manager at the zip on your sdcard & install.
Yay! First thanker! Nice guide too.
runedrune said:
I just skimmed through it but wouldn't this require you to buy rom manager premium?
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Not the install, that is free as far as I know. Installing nightlies via ROM Manager needs Premium. Plus I suggested people buy Premium anyway.
sambwel said:
No. The premium version is only required to download nightlies directly through the app. Download them manually, then point rom manager at the zip on your sdcard & install.
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Exactly. The instructions tell you to use rom manager to download CM7. Just thinking that should be included too for those that can't buy rom manager.
But anyway great guide rschenck. Hopefully it'll save us from unnecessary questions.
runedrune said:
I just skimmed through it but wouldn't this require you to buy rom manager premium?
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Yepp true story!
IF you want to download roms and stuff from Rom manager you do have to have premium.
I have no plans to install yet (still waiting for the stable release) but really this guide has no boring part. Very informative and easy to follow. Just wanna say thanks for this guide. KUDOS!
Nice tutorial man. I want to instal cm7 and this tutorial is very helpfull. Hope this topic get sticky :d
upgrading to latest
just to clarify, I'm (thanks to you!) on v11 due to some people suggesting me that version over v14. After reading some I would like to flash the new experimental build (v15?) in order to do so I:
1) charge it up
2) do a nandroid backup /done
3) wipe data/factory reset + wipe cache in CMW /not sure about this, I've read some diferent post about what to wipe. Some said that when upgrading only cache + dalvik will do just fine. This is the main issue.
4) flash the v15 ( through CMW
+ all that other stuff like preparing myself for long agonizing experience and stuff
thanks in advance!
James.q said:
just to clarify, I'm (thanks to you!) on v11 due to some people suggesting me that version over v14. After reading some I would like to flash the new experimental build (v15?) in order to do so I:
1) charge it up
2) do a nandroid backup /done
3) wipe data/factory reset + wipe cache in CMW /not sure about this, I've read some diferent post about what to wipe. Some said that when upgrading only cache + dalvik will do just fine. This is the main issue.
4) flash the v15 ( through CMW
+ all that other stuff like preparing myself for long agonizing experience and stuff
thanks in advance!
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You are quite correct...when upgrading all you need to do is wipe dalvik cache. You can also take a nandroid backup if you wish to be extra careful but there is no need to wipe data for an upgrade.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
rschenck said:
You are quite correct...when upgrading all you need to do is wipe dalvik cache. You can also take a nandroid backup if you wish to be extra careful but there is no need to wipe data for an upgrade.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
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thanks! .. so is it just wipe cache or both wipe cache + wipe dalvik cache in advanced menu? I get confused with that
James.q said:
thanks! .. so is it just wipe cache or both wipe cache + wipe dalvik cache in advanced menu? I get confused with that
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Wipe cache is in the main cwm menu, wipe dalvik is in advanced...and you can wipe them both.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Thanks mate, you made my day! I haven't laughed so hard in a while ...
James.q said:
thanks! .. so is it just wipe cache or both wipe cache + wipe dalvik cache in advanced menu? I get confused with that
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Yes, you should do both
A few small edits and clarifications added...
Good job on this guide.
You kids gave it easy. Back in my day, we had to flash our phones in Morse code.
Sent via XDA Premium app on my GT-I9000 running CM7 (GB 2.3.4)
bump...and if anyone who has used this guide has feedback or suggestions, please comment with them.
How come when i go to download rom i cannot see cyanogen mod there?
I did buy the rom manager

Lost Email and other apps after installing a new ROM

I am new to tablets so please bear with me
I downgraded my 3.2 A500 to 3.0.1, root it and than installed a custom ROM Thor 3.2.1 (v12) using Acer Recovery Installer.
1) I've noticed that Email (exchange + others) is gone and no way to put it back
2) Other previously installed apps like Acer Folders are gone too.
3) The tables is slower than before although people keep bragging about how fast this Rom is.
I've seen couple of posts saying that Email is lost because I didn't full wipe the tablet. What is full wipe? is it factory reset? is more than that? is a program that I have to run? I've also seen people talking about clear data + cache? What is this command?
Please advice how can I get a custom rooted ROM to be as close to the stock one?
At this point I should factory reset the tablet to get my email back or I have to start all over again?
Any idea in this myriad of terms an acronyms would be highly appreciated!
danix said:
I am new to tablets so please bear with me
I downgraded my 3.2 A500 to 3.0.1, root it and than installed a custom ROM Thor 3.2.1 (v12) using Acer Recovery Installer.
1) I've noticed that Email (exchange + others) is gone and no way to put it back
2) Other previously installed apps like Acer Folders are gone too.
3) The tables is slower than before although people keep bragging about how fast this Rom is.
I've seen couple of posts saying that Email is lost because I didn't full wipe the tablet. What is full wipe? is it factory reset? is more than that? is a program that I have to run? I've also seen people talking about clear data + cache? What is this command?
Please advice how can I get a custom rooted ROM to be as close to the stock one?
At this point I should factory reset the tablet to get my email back or I have to start all over again?
Any idea in this myriad of terms an acronyms would be highly appreciated!
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When you flash a new ROM, especially a custom ROM based on Asus, and not Acer (like the Thor ROM), you generally retain nothing after the flash, unless you'te merely upgrading from one version to the next.
Before flashing a new ROM with CWM, proper formats and wipes should be done to clean out all residuals of the previous ROMS.
Wipes menu
1) Wipe cache
2) Wipe Data, Factory reset
3) Wipe dalvik cache
4) Wipe battery stats
Mounts and storage menu
5) format system
6) format data
7) format cache
8) format flexrom
Install zip from sdcard
Choose zip file
Flash ROM
reapeat steps 1-4 (not 5-8!)
Reboot, and follow setup in your new ROM.
Some people will consider this redundant, and overkill, but rest assured that you'll not have half the problems that most people have after flashing a new ROM that don't do a proper wipe, and format.
Doing this by memory, will reboot, look at the menus again, and correct if I missed anything in a minute.
EDIT: Just rebooted into recovery, and checked. Method above is correct.
---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 AM ----------
If you want a ROM that is close to stock as possible, hit the DEV section of this forum and choose a Stock rooted 3.2 ROM.
---------- Post added at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 AM ----------
As to your comment about the Thor ROM being slower. I found that while the transitions were much smoother, boot up lagged and was slower than others, and shutdown took longer as well.
On the plus side, I've never gotten GPS lock so quickly in my life, nor with as many sats as I did with the Thor ROM. I had a look through the ROM, and there are many more files and folders that are Asus specific related to the GPS hardware that Acer doesn't include, thus the horrid GPS performance on the A500.
Thanks a bunch!
Just couple of question: Given the fact that I am already in the situation of having Thor ROM what do I do now?
Or on the alternative given the situation, if I choose to install a rooted stock ROM will all come back to normal?
Note: I don not try to preserve the existent data, just to get the tablet back in a good working state.
danix said:
Thanks a bunch!
Just couple of question: Given the fact that I am already in the situation of having Thor ROM what do I do now?
Or on the alternative given the situation, if I choose to install a rooted stock ROM will all come back to normal?
Note: I don not try to preserve the existent data, just to get the tablet back in a good working state.
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Do a complete wipe, format, and install a pre-rooted Stock 3.2 ROM if you want it as close to stock as possible. This is what you want if that's the case.
I didn't initially followed the instructions and I got a rooted stock ROM that seemed fine at the beginning until I've realized it doesn't have the Android Market app
However I've followed strictly the instructions and now I got it all working !!! Many thanks!
danix said:
I didn't initially followed the instructions and I got a rooted stock ROM that seemed fine at the beginning until I've realized it doesn't have the Android Market app
However I've followed strictly the instructions and now I got it all working !!! Many thanks!
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Good job, glad it all worked out for you!
I had this problem on my rooted HTC Sensation and went mad. Rebooting, reflashing - you name it, did not work. This saved my life, and in case this happens again (dont count on it haha), i'm safe now. Thank you for posting this.
My first post on this forum goes to thanking you!
For all new to flashing make sure, you always study the directions, and do not attempt till you fully understand each step. Once you do a few flashes, it all will become easy. This is a good thread for the new comers.

ICS-CWM Problem on Galaxy Note, my experience

I post here because i am a new registered user and do not have the right to post in the appropriate section (dev i think).
If a moderator want to move this tread, i agree, as i am always able to follow this post and make reply or update it
This post is not to ask help (and not in the future i hope) but to help devs to identify the problem and solve it...
- I was on LC1 stock GB rom rooted using Chainfire'SU(thanks to him for his work), with a 1% battery mod, nothing else as extra or tunning.
- To upgrade to the official LPY Stock Germany (downloaded with checkfus pc version) rom with the CF root kernel of Chainfire, i use my usal method: flash with mobile odin pro, enable everoot and inject mobile odin and wipe dalvik cache during flash process.
- At the first launch all apps were optimized by ICS before give me access to my phone.
After this sep, i applied under CWM this script:
I has for effect to redo an installation optimization, as at the first ICS Launch.
All went fine and no problem at this step, just a few boot loop on the first start, the time to apply the SU Chainfire's update zip by CWM and install/re-update the stericsson busybox pro v1.20.0.
After this, no problem to tell you, just sometimes a lag screen when i want to clear somes notifications in the status bar aera (make vanish a few time the statut bar).
The Chainfire's 3D mod do not work with this rom, it is a know problem but it's just to say that the installation by CWM went fine too, as the SU app.
I resume: Install update package, wipe dalvik and battery stats (data not tested), fix permissions under CWM, and make nandroid backup give no problems to me...
The problem occur when i wanted to restore a nandroid ICS backup, the writing process fail at the system state...
I was unable to use my phone, blocked to the withe samsung logo (not the boot animation), juste able to acces to download and CWM modes.
So i put my phone in download mode and inject the same LCY STOCK firmware with pc odin 1.87, nothing else, just wait the end of the flash process and pray...
I restored my phone and my acces, to restore root i used this method:
I kept this method to re-inject Chainfire's SU after a second boot
At this step, i have the same configuration as with GB, without loss any data, except SU settings, adaway host files, just miss CWM manager 3.15 and mobile odin pro 2.35 (this one restored with Titanium Backup pro) as sytems apps.
A bootloop appear at this step, i used a new time the cleaning script to redo an initialization of ICS.
Reinstall with the first method to root the phone the chainfire's kernel (i think it is better for Chainfire's SU) and keeping in mind to not use the recovery writing backups function (proved as source of problem)
Reboot in CWM and wipe cache, dalvik cache, battery stats, fix permissions,
An error appeared in CWM, see log joined here. (this not the log from the failed restored operation before, afraid to redo the attempt)
Seems to be sucesfull, boot-loop killed.
At this step, i just need to re-define my lock-screen and the police (certainly due to the wipes i did)
My phone seems to be good at a new time.
My personal diagnostic is that is not a bug with the rom but with CWM wich is certainly not compatible.
The version in this tread seems to be most recent, maybe someone can test the nandroid restore function with this one... It should work but i know, it is easy to tell this...
If i have some news elements, i go back here to tell you.
I hope help devs and others with this post.
If you read this thread more carefully you'll see that there is a warning!! so please do not test it!!
Update :
Due to rising numbers of phone being bricked based on rumors and stuff, I strongly suggest NOT trying to use any nandroid backup or restore on this CWM and it is best we keep CWM out of our devices to do major I/O stuff. So far I have never seen anyone bricked their devices on this small rooting/unrooting process but JUST DO NOT MAKE BACKUPS OR RESTORES!
See this one:
Welcome to the forum.
I completely agree with you.
There is problem with CWM recovery not stock recovery.
We still need expert opinion here though.
Btw you posted this in the correct section, this does not belong to the development section.
---------- Post added at 02:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 AM ----------
Hello Master_Unit, seems CWM recovery is the culprit in all the cases.
I'm sorry to contradict you but stock recovery with rooted phone has the same potential danger as clockwork recovery.There is a minimal risk on operations with the recovery in special circumstances.Lpy firmware is safe but play with the recovery on ICS and Note should be done carefully
Trying to go back to Gingerbread
Had ICS via CW for a few days now, very unstable and a lot of my programs are having issues with this version of ICS.
How do I go back to gingerbread?
I also believe its a recovery issue on both stock and cwr. Maybe root is allowing access to some command it shouldn't or one thing not spoken about is radios ? Could there be a radio mismatch ? That would explain why only a small amount of people are effected. Whatever the case I consider myself lucky to wipe on lpy and live to tell the story. Let's hope there's a answer soon.
@proper158 please don't post off topic , SEARCH
proper158 said:
Had ICS via CW for a few days now, very unstable and a lot of my programs are having issues with this version of ICS.
How do I go back to gingerbread?
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Use PC Odin.
Back on ICS
Boy124 said:
Use PC Odin.
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I reflashed it wiping out both caches in Mobile Odin. Ran a lot smoother but the battery would discharge 10% every 15-20 minutes. I just did a factory reset to see if this would resolve the issue.
I wanted to use Nova launcher, and although it looks amazing and feels really smooth, the snote widget doesn't work properly which is a deal breaker for me since I like to write quick post it notes on each of my home screens that are specific to each of my businesses. Not sure if they have a work around on this.

Some questions about Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 and root/ROMs, etc.

Just got a GTab 2 7.0 a few days ago. A P3113, so only 8GB of storage, about half of which is the ROM and crap apps. I've rooted before (had a KF 1st gen when it came out), and just wondering about a few things with the GTab:
Right now, I don't mind the stock ROM so much. There are problem things that would be "nice to have", but right now, would like to generally stay as "stock" as possible. That being said, I'd still like to "de-crap" the ROM to free up some storage space, and I assume that might lead to it running a bit better, since so much seems to just pop-in while running other apps. So:
I know I need to root first, so my first question - how reliable is that? I'm on a Mac, but have access to a netbook running Win7, so could run Odin to "get things done". I'd hate to brick the thing, still having 51 weeks of warranty left. (I also understand that I might want to install something else to keep the flash count from showing it's been flashed).
Once root'ed, is it better to use one of the "de-crapped" ROMs floating around? And if so, which seems "best" (yeah, I know the moderators hate the "which is best" - I'm looking for stock - and STABLE)
Or, is it better to eliminate the apps myself? (Not sure if this is a wholesale "rm" to remove certain apps from a terminal app, using adb, or if they have some uninstallers embedded somewhere, or...) - so better to use one of the ROMs floating around?
Is the GTab 2 "stable", so even if you trash a ROM, you can still get into the ROM manager to restore a previously working, or stock, ROM?
I'll probably come up with a couple more questions, especially depending on the replies... TIA
I can answer some of your questions. I hope that helps!
1- Rooting is easy and reliable. you may use "CF-Auto-Root" tool (search for it in XDA forum).
But you need to remember that rooting and custom ROMs void your warranty.
2- If you just need to free some storage space, you may use an app such as "Clean Master" to uninstall system apps and get rid of temp and junk files.
3- If you opt to use a custom ROM make sure it is very well supported and maintained.
aisais said:
I can answer some of your questions. I hope that helps!
1- Rooting is easy and reliable. you may use "CF-Auto-Root" tool (search for it in XDA forum).
But you need to remember that rooting and custom ROMs void your warranty.
2- If you just need to free some storage space, you may use an app such as "Clean Master" to uninstall system apps and get rid of temp and junk files.
3- If you opt to use a custom ROM make sure it is very well supported and maintained.
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Thanks - but prior to using Clean Master I assume I better either get a stock image to reload, or use CWM so I can make a backup of the ROM before messing something up?
tundrwd said:
Thanks - but prior to using Clean Master I assume I better either get a stock image to reload, or use CWM so I can make a backup of the ROM before messing something up?
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Taking a backup is always good thing to do. I suggest you try clean master to know how it works and what does it do.
aisais said:
Taking a backup is always good thing to do. I suggest you try clean master to know how it works and what does it do.
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Thanks - I plan to use Clean Master. Allows me to be selective about what I remove/move, instead of getting a ROM from someone and they removed the ONE THING I really wanted.
Ok, got it rooted and CWM installed.
HOWEVER, when I boot into CWM, I DON'T see an option to backup my ROM (I've used TWRP before on my KF, so the menu is different).
What I've got on my screen in CWM:
Android system recover <3e>
Volume up/down to move highlight;
power button to select.
reboot system now
apply update from ADB
apply update from external storage
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache partition
apply update from cache​
That's it. Where's the option to do a ROM backup? Oh, used file Had CWM and Root all in one. I do have GT-P3113_ClockworkMod-Recovery_6.0.1.0.tar as well. Should I just go through procedure again to flash this CWM? Will it still retain SU?
nandroid backup ok to use? Seems it's just a wrapper for a backup script...
Ok - I'll reply to myself.
I don't know what was wrong with the CWM I installed via the aforementioned file (, but I went to the CWM site, D/L'ed the latest touch enabled CWM for the P3113 (, I believe), and installed it over the existing recovery image on the device (I had to create my own .tar.md5 - easy with *nix).
Anyway, I now have access to the backup options by scrolling down. The image from, simply wouldn't scroll beyond what I listed earlier. Now can scroll down, make backups, etc.
Haven't tried yet to re-install the image I made with nandroid - I'm a bit leery of that - so I'll just get the stock 4.1.1 ROM from sammobile, and keep it around....
tundrwd said:
Ok - I'll reply to myself.
I don't know what was wrong with the CWM I installed via the aforementioned file (, but I went to the CWM site, D/L'ed the latest touch enabled CWM for the P3113 (, I believe), and installed it over the existing recovery image on the device (I had to create my own .tar.md5 - easy with *nix).
Anyway, I now have access to the backup options by scrolling down. The image from, simply wouldn't scroll beyond what I listed earlier. Now can scroll down, make backups, etc.
Haven't tried yet to re-install the image I made with nandroid - I'm a bit leery of that - so I'll just get the stock 4.1.1 ROM from sammobile, and keep it around....
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That's exactly what I did today, grabbed the stock image for a backup, rooted with Odin and CWM then flashed a CM based 4.3 ROM. Piece of cake.

Help with wipe-rom-kernal for first time, If have donate button I can donate cpl$

Im not rich or I would have got a newer version tablet by now, but if anyone who helps has a donate button I have no issue donating a couple dollars to the person who helps me get this done, Thanks. Or just a couple dollar PP gift. better than nothing I guess.
I just want to be sure I dont mess anything up here. I have a nexus 7 wifi model.
I used NRT to unlock and root and all seems fine. Am I correct in this:
I use nandroid backup to backup first
Put ROM file on device (where do I put it?)
Wipe (is this done via nexus root toolkit or is ok do do in the custom recovery?)
Then what, boot into recovery and find the ROM and install it via recovery install button?
Then do I do the same with a kernal? Where do I put it?
Then done?
I know there are guides around but for a complete newbie I need to be sure cause I dont always see a complete fully explained step by step. Just like when I was stock not getting SU to work after rooting via nrt, I did read to flash, but had no idea how, then when I found the file and thought maybe install from recovery meant same as flash, I didnt know the message about messing the device up was normal so I was afraid at first.
THANKS to any replies,
Been unsure for days now trying to make sure my ducks are in a row before i commit to a ROM/Kernal. I want to CPU control for both under and overclocking etc. Mainly overclock just a little. I must say I love root already, got stuff to work I couldn't before
1. Create nandroid- there's a free app called something like nandroid on line - very simple to use
1a. I'd also recommend backing up with titanium backup app. It means you can keep your app data (e.g. game progress) when switching between ROMs, unlike a nandroid which is just a backup of your device as a restorable image
2. Put ROM file on device - ROM will be a .zip file, out it wherever you want, as long as you remember where it is
3. Put kernel anywhere on device - easiest to find a kernel with .zip format (recommend M-kernel)
4. Wipe - from custom recovery
5. Hit install in your custom recovery, I always flash kernel and then ROM, but I don't think it really matters
Install from recovery and flash are the same thing.
I'd recommend only flashing ROM or kernel and sticking with that set up for a few days, then flashing the other desired element. That way, if anything goes wrong then it's easier to pinpoint.
Good luck!!
Sent from my HTC Desire C using xda app-developers app
THANKS! Don't see a donate button, did you want anything?
No, of course not! God luck!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
butler0607 said:
5. Hit install in your custom recovery, I always flash kernel and then ROM, but I don't think it really matters
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Actually that completely matters. Flashing a kernel before rom is worthless because the rom contains a kernel that will replace whatever you have just flashed.
If you want to run a custom kernel on a rom it is recommended to boot into the rom first before flashing the kernel.
Pirateghost said:
Actually that completely matters. Flashing a kernel before rom is worthless because the rom contains a kernel that will replace whatever you have just flashed.
If you want to run a custom kernel on a rom it is recommended to boot into the rom first before flashing the kernel.
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If I just want root access and overclock should i just flash kernal and forget a rom?
can i revert back to stock kernal if need to? ask cause need to find a kernal that has V4L enabled for a usb camera app i use currently to use an inspection camera via usb on my tablet. I guess i need to read what various roms and kernals add. do i need to do both. Hard to know what to pick out of them, lol.
Thanks for advice.
Anyone know of a list to show ROMs with V4L enabled? None seem to mention it?
I have read and see different suggestions around on various sites. What all do I wipe? I have read cache, dalvik cache, plus other stuff. What all must I wipe before flashing a rom or kernel? I did a nandroid backup already.
PirateGhost, Ill donate a couple dollars if you help, thanks.
When going from one rom to a different one all you need to do in custom recovery is select factory reset.
This wipes out your currently installed apps, their settings, but doesn't touch your 'sdcard'
Wiping dalvik is pointless as it's automatically handled in the rom process, and cache is wiped in factory reset.
When switching kernels follow the instructions provided by the dev. If no instructions are provided, it's safe to assume you just flash without wiping anything.
When doing this, I'd recommend titanium backup too. When you do a factory reset, all apps are lost, but some data is kept (not sure on the details). Basically Titanium allows you to restore all your apps with data when you change ROMs.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Pirateghost said:
When going from one rom to a different one all you need to do in custom recovery is select factory reset.
This wipes out your currently installed apps, their settings, but doesn't touch your 'sdcard'
Wiping dalvik is pointless as it's automatically handled in the rom process, and cache is wiped in factory reset.
When switching kernels follow the instructions provided by the dev. If no instructions are provided, it's safe to assume you just flash without wiping anything.
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Thanks! Ill donate a couple dollars later today when I get back from the doctor.
I have not put any customs ROM(s) on yet, so is it the same still? All I have done so far is unlock/root with custom recovery and nandroid backup....
butler0607 said:
When doing this, I'd recommend titanium backup too.
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Yeah I backed up the one app I needed to via TB, I just recently unlocked and rooted so lost most app data anyway and have only added one back so far. Thanks.
butler0607 said:
When doing this, I'd recommend titanium backup too. When you do a factory reset, all apps are lost, but some data is kept (not sure on the details). Basically Titanium allows you to restore all your apps with data when you change ROMs.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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No data is kept except what's on the sdcard. Mostly only game saves and some basic stuff. Apps databases are wiped during factory reset.
Pirateghost said:
No data is kept except what's on the sdcard. Mostly only game saves and some basic stuff. Apps databases are wiped during factory reset.
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Thanks, Ill donate a couple bucks. had bad day yesterday so wasn't on much.
Is it normal for the donate link to be missing the regular PayPal security info on the browser?
eBandit078 said:
Is it normal for the donate link to be missing the regular PayPal security info on the browser?
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I have no idea what this means.
Pirateghost said:
I have no idea what this means.
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Maybe Ill just do it and change my password when finished. Thanks. Sorry not replied yet have been in a lot of pain Only a couple dollars but better than nothing I guess. Thanks for your help. Ill be back online tonight to do it.
eBandit078 said:
Maybe Ill just do it and change my password when finished. Thanks. Sorry not replied yet have been in a lot of pain Only a couple dollars but better than nothing I guess. Thanks for your help. Ill be back online tonight to do it.
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Not forgot about you, had family issues, holiday etc, well did forget but I'll look into why it does that and figure it out. Sorry for delay.

