[Request] AMOLED-Oriented Battery Kernel - Nexus S General

I miss the ICS days of Matrix 20.0. I pulled 7 hours of on-screen use twice, and always at least 5 hours of on screen time in 10-28 hours overall. That was some amazing battery life.
I really wish someone would make a kernel or implement these features on a currently active kernel for us AMOLED i9020 Nexus users.
What features?
Under voting, 50 FPS, tweaked deadline scheduled for battery, on demmand with the current settings bedalus uses, 100 min setting, and adjustable (400/800) Live OC.
Some people may argue all of those features save little to no battery. I'd disagree on all except maybe Live OC. I know for a fact that my battery has been NOWHERE near the same as ICS since JB. I struggle to get 4 hours of screen use. I know get about 2.5-4.0. Coming from 5.5-7.3 hours of on screen use this is terrible! I know those 'small' features in combination with each other made a huge impact on battery.
If I had the resources to make my own kernels I would. But I don't have the resources (good computer or knowledge or time) to do so. Hopefully some amazing DEV will make a JB kernel dedicated to battery life on AMOLED screens for our Nexus. That would be great ...
Nexus S. (GSM i9020a)
Paranoid Epsilon 1.2 (1.992 - 4.1.1)
Marmite Kernel (4.4.5 - Bedalus)
Smartassv2 (1000/200)
Deep Idle (Off - Deadline)
BLX (98 - Inverted Apps)
Black Exodus (Stock Voltage)

309041291a said:
I miss the ICS days of Matrix 20.0. I pulled 7 hours of on-screen use twice, and always at least 5 hours of on screen time in 10-28 hours overall. That was some amazing battery life.
I really wish someone would make a kernel or implement these features on a currently active kernel for us AMOLED i9020 Nexus users.
What features?
Under voting, 50 FPS, tweaked deadline scheduled for battery, on demmand with the current settings bedalus uses, 100 min setting, and adjustable (400/800) Live OC.
Some people may argue all of those features save little to no battery. I'd disagree on all except maybe Live OC. I know for a fact that my battery has been NOWHERE near the same as ICS since JB. I struggle to get 4 hours of screen use. I know get about 2.5-4.0. Coming from 5.5-7.3 hours of on screen use this is terrible! I know those 'small' features in combination with each other made a huge impact on battery.
If I had the resources to make my own kernels I would. But I don't have the resources (good computer or knowledge or time) to do so. Hopefully some amazing DEV will make a JB kernel dedicated to battery life on AMOLED screens for our Nexus. That would be great ...
Nexus S. (GSM i9020a)
Paranoid Epsilon 1.2 (1.992 - 4.1.1)
Marmite Kernel (4.4.5 - Bedalus)
Smartassv2 (1000/200)
Deep Idle (Off - Deadline)
BLX (98 - Inverted Apps)
Black Exodus (Stock Voltage)
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You may not get it. Most of the features you are asking are a strict no-no from the current Kernel devs of Nexus S. The only kernel that include a voltage mod today is Air Kernel, but you may need to do undervolting yourself. You can try reducing all voltages by 25 and check stability, my phone can take up to 75 voltage reduction.
Again there are no 50 FPS kernel for JB. You can modify ondemand settings & voltage settings using NSTools. Live OC isn't there in any JB kernel and will not be included by any one as it is unstable. Bedalus ondemand settings are below:
Sampling rate - 20000
Up Threshold - 95%
Sampling down factor - 1 step
All the best..

anshumandash said:
You may not get it. Most of the features you are asking are a strict no-no from the current Kernel devs of Nexus S. The only kernel that include a voltage mod today is Air Kernel, but you may need to do undervolting yourself. You can try reducing all voltages by 25 and check stability, my phone can take up to 75 voltage reduction.
Again there are no 50 FPS kernel for JB. You can modify ondemand settings & voltage settings using NSTools. Live OC isn't there in any JB kernel and will not be included by any one as it is unstable. Bedalus ondemand settings are below:
Sampling rate - 20000
Up Threshold - 95%
Sampling down factor - 1 step
All the best..
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I know the DEVs of today won't do it, but that doesn't mean nobody might give it a shot or make a new kernel...Matrix 20.0 was 50 FPS on ICS so it's possible. I've UV at 50 on Air and it was fine. I already know the Bedalus settings.... My kernel is Marmite lmao.
I'm not asking for MK, r_data, or Bedalus to do this. I'm asking someone else. If I could I'd try to make an AMOLED battery kernel. I miss good JB battery.
Nexus S. (GSM i9020a)
Paranoid Epsilon 1.2 (1.992 - 4.1.1)
Marmite Kernel (4.4.5 - Bedalus)
Smartassv2 (1000/200)
Deep Idle (Off - Deadline)
BLX (98 - Inverted Apps)
Black Exodus (Stock Voltage)


[Q] These Kernals Confuse Me o_O

Not sure if this was asked before but what is the difference between the Netarchy Toastmod Kernel Builds (cfs-nosbc) , (cfs-sbc) and (bfs-nosbc), (bfs-sbc).. and which is the best?
Nellyboy555 said:
Not sure if this was asked before but what is the difference between the Netarchy Toastmod Kernel Builds (cfs-nosbc) , (cfs-sbc) and (bfs-nosbc), (bfs-sbc).. and which is the best?
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This should help you out a bit.
While I could link, I'll throw a few quick comments up for quick reading...please note that generally I follow the following pattern when chosing a kernerl
SBC or No SBC - SBC gets alot of bad rap, all I'm going to say is that I've been using SBC kernels only for months and haven't had a single issue. I've found that actually having my phone at 100% when I take it off the charger really makes a difference during my daily usage. However do your own research and make your own decisions on this.
SBC kernels have a trickle charge tweak that powers on and off to keep the battery at 100% instead of the stock kernel which considers "Full Battery" to be between 90% and 100%, this is why when you plug in your phone from a full nights charge, that it may discharge 5-10% within an hour. No SBC would be stock charging
Second BFS/CFS (I don't really know how these function, but my lamens take is below...)
CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) - Use this one, it's the most friendly and stable and is my preferred choice just for stability reasons
BFS (Brain **** Scheduler) - Faster burst readings on various speed tests, but often doesn't play well with many phones, less stable but possibly faster.
Third (Havs, Less Havs, More Havs)
Havs or Hybrid Adaptive Voltage Scaling - adjust voltage to cpu depending on certain conditions of the phone, this generally helps battery life as it won't provide full voltage to the cpu when not needed. SVS which is not usually listed in kernels would be standard or stock, and if no HAVS or other Under Voltage is listed then this is likely the case. Less havs, means "Less aggressive scaling, More would be more aggressive scaling. It is not suggested using a overclock program as this can cause worse battery life as havs may work harder when you fluctuate the cpu speed with a program like setCPU. Go with less havs if unsure.
UV - Undervolt - a static undervolt that does not fluctuate.
Smartass Kernel - basically lowers cpu when the screen is off, this would help battery life, Less/More applies similiarly to havs.
Enjoy, Net's new 4.3.4 is very stable - I'm currently using 4.3.4 - cfs - nohavs - suv - sbc, with Koni III rom. I've had a couple of random reboots but otherwise it's sittin pretty. I'm going to try a less havs tonight to see how it affects battery. I try to carry and extra battery or charger so I don't have to stress and can use my phone to the fullest enjoyment. Stressing over to many little things ruins the fun. Don't worry about everyone else, flash away, almost all mistakes are fixable.

[REF] Best Governor And I/O Scheduler Studies + Battery Saving Tips

Ok it's been so long and for the love of God! I still see a lot of users posting about how horrible their battery lives are. So, here are a couple of guides that I found. I'm copy pasting them here because (1) I find them very informative and (2) I can agree with the information provided from my experience. And hopefully you find it helpful too.
Please follow the original thread and thank bedalus for all his time and effort!
Governor And I/O Scheduler Studies
Direct Copy Paste---I TAKE NO CREDIT---Original Thread Here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1470247
bedalus said:
Spreadsheets for CPU Governors and I/O Schedulers
Summary of the Results
This is a summary of the six most commonly used governors, listed in order of performance.
Best Performing
#1 - Performance
--- : Use Noop or Deadline
--- : Uses a lot more battery
#2 - SmartassV2
--- : Use Noop or SIO
--- : Uses a little more battery
#3 - LulzactiveV2
--- : Use Deadline or Noop
--- : Uses a lot more battery
#4 - Lazy
--- : Use Deadline or CFQ
--- : Helps save battery as long as SOMF is not enabled
#5 - Ondemand
--- : Use Noop or Deadline
--- : Helps save battery
#6 - Conservative
--- : Use CFQ or Noop
--- : Helps save battery
Check my summary in this thread for more info about how to save battery.
Thanks to all the developers.
The most important thing to remember is that the testing hardware is a nexus s. Although I believe they are essentially the same device, there may be differences in how the galaxy s hardware affects performance. Do some experimenting yourself, and if it feels right, go with it!
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Battery Saving Tips
Direct Copy Paste --- I TAKE NO CREDIT --- Original Thread Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=22126792#post22126792
bedalus said:
Spreadsheet of the Battery Drain Data
VIDEO of how it's done! (Do NOT try it yourself!)
NEW: Lab study done by nathanson666 see here and featured on the XDA's portal and twitter here.
Summary of Results
#1 - With screen on, if the processor is Idle, 100MHz saves the most power.
#2 - Regardless of your choice of governor, even with extreme undervolting, you are not going to be able to increase your battery life by more than 2%. (Click here for explanation.)
For the instability introduced by UV, it seems a 2% increase in battery life isn't really worth it! REMEMBER rebooting uses so much power, a single one would more than undo any savings made by UV.
#3 - The most power saving governor is Ondemand. If you need a high performance governor, use smartassV2, which offers some battery savings.
#4 - This is one point that everyone ought to know, but I'm including because many people seem to believe in myths: if the screen is off, and the CPU is not active, neither deep idle nor UV will have any impact on battery life.
#5 - The matr1x kernel by mathkid95 mainly saves power through UV of the INT voltages. You may need to raise these if you have freezes/reboots with your phone (in addition to raising the ARM voltages). I found that a maximum of 1 mA can be saved through INT UV, regardless of whether the CPU becomes idle (or with screen off in deep idle), so this is a constant saving. However, it is a very small saving, and doesn't apply if the phone is asleep. Remember, reboots cost more juice than UV can ever save.
#6 - If you have an amoled display, black saves a great deal of power. After that, red. If you have a black and red theme, this is saving you power!
#7 - If you are determined to UV, I found that my phone would become unstable with UV settings that were fine when the battery was fully charged. So check what UV your phone can handle when your battery is nearly empty. Again I say: Because of the high likelyhood and massive battery drain that comes with a reboot, I highly recommend you DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE UV. Also remember, even with extreme UV, you will not increase battery life more than 2%
#8 - I found that with bluetooth or GPS preventing the TOP=OFF state, there was no additional power saving from Deep Idle, i.e. the TOP=ON state does not save power.
#9 - Kernels with the 65 fps hack will cause the screen to drain about 10% more power compared to the usual 56 fps.
#10 - Conservative does not save power! For further details and exceptions, refer to my new thread: here.
#11 - This is just general advice: if you are having very poor battery life, have you tried turning auto brightness off? And if you've got no reception, you might as well be in airplane mode, because searching for reception also eats battery.
#12 - If your phone can't handle OC (or UV for that matter) it's because components in general are built to cost, which means factoring in tolerances, and every chip is made as cheaply as possible within the specified tolerances. Outside of those tolerances, whether your chip can cope or not is unfortunately down to the whether you got lucky with the individual device that dropped off the manufacturing line.
ARM document on A8 fault tolerance: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0344k/Babhjhag.html
In fact I measured how UV in particular can cause errors, and saw in action the A8 using MORE power to correct the errors. From my spreadsheet:
At 100Mhz
mV 1500 4.92mA
mV 950 2.83mA (default mV)
mV 800 2.58mA (UV saves some power)
mV 750 2.96mA (Extreme UV uses MORE power)
Same test but with Deep Idle enabled:
mV 1500 1.91mA
mV 950 1.49mA
mV 800 1.29mA
mV 750 1.49mA (Same result again but with DI enabled)
Referenced from my spreadsheet starting row 41.
Recommended reading: http://everything2.com/title/wafer+yield
Stock voltages for reference:
1000MHz @1250mV
800 MHz @1200
400 MHz @1050
200 MHz @950
100 MHz @950
1000MHz @1100
800 MHz @1100
400 MHz @1100
200 MHz @1100
100 MHz @1000
Summary of Power States by tchaari (thanks!)
After research, and some explanation from Steve Garon, it is clear that Deep Idle & CPU Idle are two completely different things:
1) Three main CPU states are implemented in the standard android kernel: NORMAL, IDLE and SLEEP
2) Ezekeel added an intermediate 4th state: Deep IDLE. This saves more power but only when the processor has a background task to run while screen is off. Bedalus proved here that it really saves a considerable amount of power in particular cases (e.g. music playing when screen is off). A minority of users are reporting some slight instabilities with it, but they may in fact be caused by things other than deep idle.
3) The CPU IDLE backport is a replacement of the standard android kernel drivers used to put the CPU in idle/sleep states by the new ARM methods integrated in the linux 3.2 kernel. This backport is theoretically supposed to improve battery life (with just the basic 3 CPU states). It is 100% stable but no power saving has been shown either in bedalus' amp meter measurements, or Harbb's overnight drain tests.
Where did the other benchmarks go?
All ICS ROM Benchmarks: this thread
Kernel Features and Benchmarks: this thread
CPU Governors and I/O Schedulers: this thread
Power Saving Governors: this thread
Thanks to all the developers, and a big shout out to: Harbb for his dedicated testing; tchaari for his motivation, great ideas and inspiration; jcolinzheng for the idea to test Deep Idle at fixed frequencies (genius); aLNG for links to interesting and useful articles; Steve Garon for demystifying esoteric kernel technicalities and his excellent kernel itself; everybody else who helped; and of course Ezekeel for making Deep Idle work, and for a stimulating debate!
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here's a screen shot of my battery life in standby.
set up:
Governor and Scheduler: Ondemand/Noop
CPU Frequency: 200-1000
No Didle
xtone said:
here's a screen shot of my battery life in standby.
set up:
Governor and Scheduler: Ondemand/Noop
CPU Frequency: 200-1000
No Didle
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Can you please share What kernel are you using and what are your settings buddy ??
amritpal2489 said:
Can you please share What kernel are you using and what are your settings buddy ??
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I think you're getting your hopes up. Something tells me the radio isn't in use the whole time, extended battery might come into play, or a total of an hour's worth of screen on time. The vibrant has battery drain problems with normal use with aosp ROMs, nothing is gonna change that.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
xtone said:
here's a screen shot of my battery life in standby.
set up:
Governor and Scheduler: Ondemand/Noop
CPU Frequency: 200-1000
No Didle
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Dude! My phone on for 1d18h says 13% battery and i don't even use wireless or bluetooth.
amritpal2489 said:
Can you please share What kernel are you using and what are your settings buddy ??
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He has not been using his phone see his screen drained only 5% battery. all phones will gives similar results if you just keep phone on table.

battery drooping fast

Hello I have my nexus 4 two months and my battery is not impressive at all. I read here people that in heavy use it hold 8 hours. Yesterday at work shift I only surfing internet 2 hours and after 6 hours the battery drained and phone shut down.
I use cynongen 4.2.2 and my kernel is Franco r110 any suggestions or the battery has defect and I need to replace it?
What's your kernel settings? There are multiple things that could lead to poor battery life. What's your phone setup like? If you have brightness on high, plus a lot of things auto syncing in the background. Gps on when not in use. Etc etc
Seems like your data signal is very weak.
GPS is off brightness is on auto kernel set tinges on pictures
I'm not sure kernel you're running but you can definitely unvervolt by at least -100 to -150 (careful past -100). To me those voltages settings seem kinda high. What governor and scheduler are you running? If you're looking for battery life go with on demand and noop / deadline. If you're looking for smoothness go with interactive and row / fiops combo. Don't overclock. You should get better batt life.
Edit: Just reread original post. Updating the kernel to the latest Franco may help. I also hear 111 does good job on battery life. I use trinity though so I'm not sure.

[GUIDE] N7 2013 'Best' Kernel (Performance & Battery Tests)

After doing this guide for the OG Nexus 7, I picked up a 2013 version. I'm loving it but my battery life has been a bit all over the place.
I decided to look into kernels and I have come up with the same guide/tests/results that I did on the OG Nexus 7
I was intrigued and decided to work this out for myself and share it with the rest of the community.
This is not meant to hurt the makers of these kernels.
But FIRST, it is not a fact that there is a 'best' kernel. 'Best' is an opinion and everyone has a different opinion.
I personally believe there is no 'bad' kernel and none of these kernels I have tested perform badly or lag heaps.
People still like to push their N7's as hard as they can though.
Please take my results with a grain of salt. This is hardly scientific and results will vary heavily. This is just my results.
The Main 2 Features people look for in a kernel are:
Performance & Battery Life
Some people prefer performance over Battery, or vice versa, or an all-round kernel.
My Setup:
NEXUS 7 (2013)
Paranoid Android AOSPA RC2
[Sep10] [FLO/DEB] ElementalX 1.4 | S2W | DT2W | OC | UV | GPU OC
by flar2
1.5 Beta
[KERNEL][GPL][N72013] franco.Kernel - r3
by franciscofranco
[KERNEL][09/24]Glitch kernel for Flo - CPU OC/UV 2.3GHz - GPU OC 654MHz - S2W/S2S - SM toolchain
by Tk-Glitch
[KERNEL|22|09|13][FLO/DEB][n3oFlo_v14|CPUQUIET|DT2W|CPU:2GHz|GPU:487,5|VC|THE RMAL]
by n3ocort3x
[KERNEL][flo]Tinykernel - Updated 9/13/13
by tiny4579
[Kernel] (006_r2) flo/deb JB 4.3 (S2W/UV/CPU/GPU OC/Hybrid Linux 3.4+) [Sep-21]
by faux123
[KERNEL][3.4.62][Linaro 4.8] DanKernel - r12
by R930
[Aug 27] [flo/deb] Bulletproof 1.2 | Optimized stock | S2W/DT2W
by flar2
4.3 Stock Kernel
Performance was tested with Antutu. Tested three times and averaged.
Kernels set to 1.5GHz max and used the default governor for the test.
1. ElementalX: 20722
2. Bulletproof: 20716
3. Franco: 20571
4. Tinykernel: 20476
5. Glitch: 20435
6. n3oFlo: 20336
7. Dankernel: 20232
8. Faux: 20142
9. Stock: 20098
Kernels set to highest clockspeed available, performance governor.
1. Dankernel (2.0): 24041
2. ElementalX (2.2): 22364
3. Faux (2.3): 22260
4. n3oFlo (2.0): 21578
5. Glitch (2.3): 21541
6. Bulletproof (1.5): 20716
7. Franco (1.5): 20571
8. Tinykernel (1.5): 20476
9. Stock (1.5): 20098
Default Governor, 100% Brightness
Watching HD 720p Video on a Loop (MX Player Software Decoding) in a 10% range. The reason for this is not to kill my battery lifetime.
Max Freq at stock speed (1.5GHz)
1. ElementalX: 7 hours
2. Glitch: 6 hours 42 minutes
3. Franco: 6 hours 33 minutes
4. Bulletproof: 5 hours 53 minutes
5. n3oFlo: 5 hours 51 minutes
6. Dankernel: 5 hours 44 minutes
7. Faux: 5 hours 35 minutes
8. Tinykernel: 5 hours 27 minutes
9. Stock: 5 hours
Max Freq set as high as it can go.
1. Franco (1.5): 6 hours 33 minutes
2. Bulletproof (1.5):5 hours 53 minutes
3. ElementalX (2.2): 5 hours 41 minutes
4. Tinykernel (1.5): 5 hours 27 minutes
5. Glitch (2.3): 5 hours 13 minutes
6. Faux (2.3): 5 hours 8 minutes
7. Dankernel (2.0): 5 hours 4 minutes
8. n3oFlo (2.0): 5 hours 2 minutes
9. Stock (1.5): 5 hours
Best Performance:
MAX Winner:
[KERNEL][3.4.62][Linaro 4.8] DanKernel - r12
by R930
1.5 Winner:
[Sep10] [FLO/DEB] ElementalX 1.4 | S2W | DT2W | OC | UV | GPU OC
by flar2
1.5 Beta
Best Battery Life:
[KERNEL][GPL][N72013] franco.Kernel - r3
by franciscofranco
1.5 Winner:
[Sep10] [FLO/DEB] ElementalX 1.4 | S2W | DT2W | OC | UV | GPU OC
by flar2
1.5 Beta
Best Overall:
[Sep10] [FLO/DEB] ElementalX 1.4 | S2W | DT2W | OC | UV | GPU OC
by flar2
1.5 Beta
[KERNEL][GPL][N72013] franco.Kernel - r3
by franciscofranco
[KERNEL][09/24]Glitch kernel for Flo - CPU OC/UV 2.3GHz - GPU OC 654MHz - S2W/S2S - SM toolchain
by Tk-Glitch
Spreadsheet Results
Very interesting...
How did you achieve to make nexus 7 boot on 2.2gh on elemental kernel? Mine is crashing all the time in this frequency...
Your AnTuTu Scores seem to be totally weird. With Only 1.8GHz FUAX Kernel reaches over 25.000. I think mabe some kernel will work better on CM ROMs than on Paranoid, so comparing there performance is pretty difficult. When i comes to battery it's really confusing that with some kernels and highly overclocked cpu the battery lasts almost as long as without overclocking.
But thanks for sharing your results. I had already appreciated your work over at old Nexus 7 Thread.
theofanis said:
How did you achieve to make nexus 7 boot on 2.2gh on elemental kernel? Mine is crashing all the time in this frequency...
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I too have my nexus 7 running the 2.2 frequency. It does not crash at all. In fact it literally makes my tablet a super beast. That said though, not all processors are equal... They may all have the same specs yet they are not all equal in the frequencies that they can withstand..it is literally luck the draw...I'm pretty happy though, I always end up with the device that can handle the higher frequencies...I lucked out this time....
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
cool ill stick with franco like always then
madphone said:
Your AnTuTu Scores seem to be totally weird. With Only 1.8GHz FUAX Kernel reaches over 25.000. I think mabe some kernel will work better on CM ROMs than on Paranoid, so comparing there performance is pretty difficult. When i comes to battery it's really confusing that with some kernels and highly overclocked cpu the battery lasts almost as long as without overclocking.
But thanks for sharing your results. I had already appreciated your work over at old Nexus 7 Thread.
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The score is similar to what I got on stock JSS15R. Only a few custom aosp and cm based roms have much higher scores at the moment. Reason still remains unknown.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
can you tell us what options you chose when installing Elemental?
Can you please say which governors are default for each one?
madphone said:
Your AnTuTu Scores seem to be totally weird. With Only 1.8GHz FUAX Kernel reaches over 25.000. I think mabe some kernel will work better on CM ROMs than on Paranoid, so comparing there performance is pretty difficult. When i comes to battery it's really confusing that with some kernels and highly overclocked cpu the battery lasts almost as long as without overclocking.
But thanks for sharing your results. I had already appreciated your work over at old Nexus 7 Thread.
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Yeah I was also very confused. Oh well... Don't really want to retest at the moment..
timrock said:
can you tell us what options you chose when installing Elemental?
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Defaults besides the overclocking
Funny thing: I switched from Galaxy Note forums to the Nexus corner and just saw this thread.
In the Note forum best Rom/Kernel threads are immediately closed by the Mods because they are against XDA rules/policy.
"Best" is only a very personal view - and all these tests are without any value (for many reasons).
Thanks, very informational
voted eX v1.4 im on ! u can OC and it still better batterylife then stock! also good antutu score, 21680 i got
ThaiDai said:
Funny thing: I switched from Galaxy Note forums to the Nexus corner and just saw this thread.
In the Note forum best Rom/Kernel threads are immediately closed by the Mods because they are against XDA rules/policy.
"Best" is only a very personal view - and all these tests are without any value (for many reasons).
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Yeah.. I know. I was expecting to get shut down in the original thread but the mods were cool with it. Weird ey.
ThaiDai said:
Funny thing: I switched from Galaxy Note forums to the Nexus corner and just saw this thread.
In the Note forum best Rom/Kernel threads are immediately closed by the Mods because they are against XDA rules/policy.
"Best" is only a very personal view - and all these tests are without any value (for many reasons).
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I think the big difference between this and other "best" threads is this actually has some reasonable information. Other threads that get shut down are mainly "what do you THINK is the best..." and don't have any actual data to go with the opinions. Are these test here definitive? No, but still useful. OP, t:good:hank you for doing this.
Nice to see a thread like this. They are usually not allowed but are extremely helpful for comparing.
Comparing didn't have to mean which is better. It could just be a matter of what someone is looking for.
Sent from my shiny new(bought last Nov), scratch less Nexus 4!
Nice to see a thread like this. They are usually not allowed but are extremely helpful for comparing.
Comparing didn't have to mean which is better. It could just be a matter of what someone is looking for.
Sent from my shiny new(bought last Nov), scratch less Nexus 4!
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Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
My Best Battery Stats
ROM: CM 10.2 Kang (DJLamontagnelll)
Kernel: Faux 006 (Enhanced Stock)
Best Battery Stats: Screen on 12:33 at 10% battery life.

[I9000 overclocking] Overclocking latest Mackay kernel

Dear all members & visitors.
I've been using your roms & kernels since the day our i9000 was released. Big thanks to you all - devs, forum moderators & guests for your fantastic work. This is my first post - hopefully under the right section. Hope it can help somebody to achieve the smoothness & stability out of our old but certainly not dead devices.
So, here are my details:
- running the latest Mackay Rom (4.9.14) with test kernel from Mackay (0.693).
- ART runtime
- kernel tweaker app from market to set the stuff:
-- min. freq. 100mhz @ 975mV
-- max. freq. 1300mhz @ 1350mV
-- row
-- read ahead size 4096
-- low memory killer set to very agressive.
With this configuration I was able to push antutu benchmark till (see attached) 8199. This was my higher score.
Now I am playing with OC 1400mhz, from 1351mV to 1365mV. Stable stuff around 1361mV - but antutu benchmark and quadrant fail to complete.. So no results. Otherwise all other apps work just great. No reboots at all. And the battery..well, I have a 1750mAh battery and with normal usage (phone, sms, gmail) a fully charged phone overnight loses around 15-20% from 07:00 till 14:00. I assume that the battery performs better with ART runtime rather than Dalvik.
With agressive memory killer option i have always around 90-140mb of free ram. I told you - average daily user, not a lot of multitasking/games/other stuff..
So once again, big thanks to ALL devs, from 2.2.1 to 4.4.4, to miui, slim, omni.. I really tried 96% of all the roms here, but settled with Mackay from Kasper & crew. Keep up the good work.
Cheers from Slovenia.
If someone has good&better tweaks please share.
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