battery drooping fast - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello I have my nexus 4 two months and my battery is not impressive at all. I read here people that in heavy use it hold 8 hours. Yesterday at work shift I only surfing internet 2 hours and after 6 hours the battery drained and phone shut down.
I use cynongen 4.2.2 and my kernel is Franco r110 any suggestions or the battery has defect and I need to replace it?

What's your kernel settings? There are multiple things that could lead to poor battery life. What's your phone setup like? If you have brightness on high, plus a lot of things auto syncing in the background. Gps on when not in use. Etc etc

Seems like your data signal is very weak.

GPS is off brightness is on auto kernel set tinges on pictures

I'm not sure kernel you're running but you can definitely unvervolt by at least -100 to -150 (careful past -100). To me those voltages settings seem kinda high. What governor and scheduler are you running? If you're looking for battery life go with on demand and noop / deadline. If you're looking for smoothness go with interactive and row / fiops combo. Don't overclock. You should get better batt life.
Edit: Just reread original post. Updating the kernel to the latest Franco may help. I also hear 111 does good job on battery life. I use trinity though so I'm not sure.


Interactive Vs Conservative Governor? CDMA Battery Life Tips

What is this nonsense people are saying about 4 or 5 hours with screen on and their phone is still at 20%? GTFO.... Usually I would say about 3 hours of screen on and i'm dead. I can get like 18 hrs or so lightly, and by lightly, I mean only using it for a few text and check email, maybe some fb just to check inbox and such, lightly, using the phone (with my reception).
I know the Fascinate is better hardware, and I switched for the GPU among other reasons (2 of em for free...=P) but, on my nexus, I still find that the interactive governor ramped up to the max freq. (1113Mhz) less. Of course, I am using the 1150 nonvoodoo from geeknik, but I doubt I will make it 4 or 5 hours of screen on time.w
How can you use the phone, with the screen on, and not do anything that uses the battery. I mean, without cyanogen, it was cool that I can make it through my day, easy, close to out of box (getting to superclean dj05 is about 100 less flashes that I made it through with the n1/sense/cyan nightlys/test roms/etc.).
But now I want more, the price I have to pay I guess for the .3 inches of gained screen is not using the phone heavily in order to save battery!? That sucks. I used to hammer my iPhone and I rarely made it through the day, but I hammered it with atleast 4 or 5 hrs of screen on time sometimes, and it would make it atleast 8 hours... that thing would idle wayyyy better on GSM Edge than CDMA I guess, as with my T-Mobile N1, it idled wayy better, than this CDMA phone. Is there a way to put it on 1x instead of having it always on 3g? There isnt a setting to uncheck, and you cant get in *#*#4636#*#* on CDMA. I tried that immediately after unboxing to get off 3g when I wasnt using net apps, and usually that gave better signal on GSM, saving battery.
Check out my interactive battery test on my N1 that I did, the interactive setting eventually fell out of favor because it ramps up to the max... instead of ramping up accordingly like OnDemand, and not too slowly like Conservative. Again, why does Fascinate use conservative? thats my Interactive Governor Battery Test on my N1 I did in the summer time...
I just wanted to start this thread so we can get a consensus on what works best, and for charging this battery. I used to charge my N1 an extra 1.5 hrs with it off after android says it was at 100. That way it idled on 100 instead of immediate drain. An extra 3 or so hours of battery life if you use it right.
CPU governors control exactly how the CPU scales between your "max" and "min" set frequencies. Most kernels have "ondemand" and "performance." The availability
********I want to be able to choose between ondemand and powersave when my battery gets low. On this phone, as I did with the N1.
ondemand - Available in most kernels, and the default governor in most kernels. When the CPU load reaches a certain point (see "up threshold" in Advanced Settings), ondemand will rapidly scale the CPU up to meet demand, then gradually scale the CPU down when it isn't needed.
conservative - Available in some kernels. It is similar to the ondemand governor, but will scale the CPU up more gradually to better fit demand. Conservative provides a less responsive experience than ondemand, but can save battery.
performance - Available in most kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "max" set value at all times. This is a bit more efficient than simply setting "max" and "min" to the same value and using ondemand because the system will not waste resources scanning for the CPU load. This governor is recommended for stable benchmarking.
powersave - Available in some kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "min" set value at all times.
userspace- A method for controlling the CPU speed that isn't currently used by SetCPU. For best results, do not use the userspace governor.
akaine2001 said:
What is this nonsense people are saying about 4 or 5 hours with screen on and their phone is still at 20%? GTFO.... Usually I would say about 3 hours of screen on and i'm dead. I can get like 18 hrs or so lightly, and by lightly, I mean only using it for a few text and check email, maybe some fb just to check inbox and such, lightly, using the phone (with my reception).
I know the Fascinate is better hardware, and I switched for the GPU among other reasons (2 of em for free...=P) but, on my nexus, I still find that the interactive governor ramped up to the max freq. (1113Mhz) less. Of course, I am using the 1150 nonvoodoo from geeknik, but I doubt I will make it 4 or 5 hours of screen on time.w
How can you use the phone, with the screen on, and not do anything that uses the battery. I mean, without cyanogen, it was cool that I can make it through my day, easy, close to out of box (getting to superclean dj05 is about 100 less flashes that I made it through with the n1/sense/cyan nightlys/test roms/etc.).
But now I want more, the price I have to pay I guess for the .3 inches of gained screen is not using the phone heavily in order to save battery!? That sucks. I used to hammer my iPhone and I rarely made it through the day, but I hammered it with atleast 4 or 5 hrs of screen on time sometimes, and it would make it atleast 8 hours... that thing would idle wayyyy better on GSM Edge than CDMA I guess, as with my T-Mobile N1, it idled wayy better, than this CDMA phone. Is there a way to put it on 1x instead of having it always on 3g? There isnt a setting to uncheck, and you cant get in *#*#4636#*#* on CDMA. I tried that immediately after unboxing to get off 3g when I wasnt using net apps, and usually that gave better signal on GSM, saving battery.
Check out my interactive battery test on my N1 that I did, the interactive setting eventually fell out of favor because it ramps up to the max... instead of ramping up accordingly like OnDemand, and not too slowly like Conservative. Again, why does Fascinate use conservative? thats my Interactive Governor Battery Test on my N1 I did in the summer time...
I just wanted to start this thread so we can get a consensus on what works best, and for charging this battery. I used to charge my N1 an extra 1.5 hrs with it off after android says it was at 100. That way it idled on 100 instead of immediate drain. An extra 3 or so hours of battery life if you use it right.
CPU governors control exactly how the CPU scales between your "max" and "min" set frequencies. Most kernels have "ondemand" and "performance." The availability
********I want to be able to choose between ondemand and powersave when my battery gets low. On this phone, as I did with the N1.
ondemand - Available in most kernels, and the default governor in most kernels. When the CPU load reaches a certain point (see "up threshold" in Advanced Settings), ondemand will rapidly scale the CPU up to meet demand, then gradually scale the CPU down when it isn't needed.
conservative - Available in some kernels. It is similar to the ondemand governor, but will scale the CPU up more gradually to better fit demand. Conservative provides a less responsive experience than ondemand, but can save battery.
performance - Available in most kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "max" set value at all times. This is a bit more efficient than simply setting "max" and "min" to the same value and using ondemand because the system will not waste resources scanning for the CPU load. This governor is recommended for stable benchmarking.
powersave - Available in some kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the "min" set value at all times.
userspace- A method for controlling the CPU speed that isn't currently used by SetCPU. For best results, do not use the userspace governor.
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Thank Samsung for breaking ondemand on every sgs phone.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Well what else can you contribute to this thread? Thanks for letting me know that the ondemand is just broken on galaxy s phones. So basically its interactive ... or laggy UI experience. And if you've never used a ondemand kernel, you wouldn't notice the difference but i certainly do. It just takes too long sometimes for it to wake and other things. I have my screen off at 400 mhz but still that is higher than the 256 i was using on the nexus one and it used to wake immediately.
I was reading today and I found that ondemand is pretty much the way to go so i wonder if we could bounty up enough would somebody unbreak it...
akaine2001 said:
Well what else can you contribute to this thread? Thanks for letting me know that the ondemand is just broken on galaxy s phones. So basically its interactive ... or laggy UI experience. And if you've never used a ondemand kernel, you wouldn't notice the difference but i certainly do. It just takes too long sometimes for it to wake and other things. I have my screen off at 400 mhz but still that is higher than the 256 i was using on the nexus one and it used to wake immediately.
I was reading today and I found that ondemand is pretty much the way to go so i wonder if we could bounty up enough would somebody unbreak it...
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You are doing something wrong. Conservative is not choppy on my device and the CPU will always ramp up faster than a human being can judge the response time.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
My phone makes it the entire day with heavy use, this means about 20 - 10 min phone calls one or two lasting 30 min, texting my wife all day at work, checking emails, and angry birds for at least 1 hour a day i love that game but I suck at it lol. Something that I found is that the phone will last almost an hour of being on the phone after it hits 0%. In my pocket it lasted 4 hours at 0% the day before yesterday. I thought maybe this is on purpose so you have more then enough time to make it to a charger. When I first downloaded angry birds I played it for three hours straight with the screen at full brightness (i always keep it at full brightness, looks prettier that way) I know it was three hourse because it was while i was waiting at the hospital I got there a little before 7 and wasnt called until 10. Overall I am very pleased with the battery life of this phone not so much with other aspects but battery life and lag never came into my mind as a complaint for this phone, except with all the stock touchwiz stuff.
As adrynalyne said, CPU's scaling changes faster than human's perception. It's your phone or setting that's having an issue.
4 hours at 0%?
The little graphic samsung gives you in the stock battery is misleading.
In my brief experience with it, I got the following impression.
full battery graphic: you have between 100% and 75% left.
<full battery: 75%-50%
Half battery: 50%-25%
low battery: 25%-15%
empty: 15%-0%
This may not be quite right, but you get the idea. It has been a while, but stock battery is pretty misleading. Samsung reports [more than] half empty [always] as being half full!
Want a more trailer indicator? You can get an accurate battery mod (via a theme for instance) or you can download an app to check current battery % left (i use osmanager - do not leave this app running in the background! )
Assuming your phone lasts 27 hours or so unplugged with no use at all, I would say 4 hours at "zero" battery makes sense.
For my phone, the display uses an average of 3.5x as much power as the rest of its functionality (total of 1/4.5x lifespan in active use vs. pocket)
Swyped w/ XDA App. When in doubt, mumble.
I meant "reliable" not trailer.
I get about 5 hours of screen time with little voice calls on wifi.
I don't know if I am just one of the lucky ones but my phone gets between 30 and 36 hours on a single charge, having even made it to 44 hours on a very rare occasion and that's without setcpu profiles even set.
Wtf... my phone is brand spanking new and I get about 4ish hours of screen time on a full charge, with the lowest brightness + screen filter app set at 50.6% reduced light. I get like 3 hours without screen filter on.... wtf. This is running on conservative or interactive the whole time..... wtf!!! With wifi on and 0 extra screens or Widgets using launcher pro without animations... wtf!!!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
+1... stock battery indicator is not accurate. Get the accurate battery mod.
soba49 said:
4 hours at 0%?
The little graphic samsung gives you in the stock battery is misleading.
In my brief experience with it, I got the following impression.
full battery graphic: you have between 100% and 75% left.
<full battery: 75%-50%
Half battery: 50%-25%
low battery: 25%-15%
empty: 15%-0%
This may not be quite right, but you get the idea. It has been a while, but stock battery is pretty misleading. Samsung reports [more than] half empty [always] as being half full!
Want a more trailer indicator? You can get an accurate battery mod (via a theme for instance) or you can download an app to check current battery % left (i use osmanager - do not leave this app running in the background! )
Assuming your phone lasts 27 hours or so unplugged with no use at all, I would say 4 hours at "zero" battery makes sense.
For my phone, the display uses an average of 3.5x as much power as the rest of its functionality (total of 1/4.5x lifespan in active use vs. pocket)
Swyped w/ XDA App. When in doubt, mumble.
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Terror_1 said:
I don't know if I am just one of the lucky ones but my phone gets between 30 and 36 hours on a single charge...
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That's because you don't use your phone.
Go play NFS for 3 hours and get back to us.
MoShiBa said:
...screen filter app set at 50.6% reduced light. I get like 3 hours without screen filter on...conservative or interactive the whole time...
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What's the screen filter app? Conservative and interactive? That's SetCPU?
I wouldn't worry about these guys coming in here saying they're getting 2 days of use either. They're not using the phone anywhere near as much as you. I've had 3 of these things and know 2 guys with them. They all got the same battery life. You don't see anyone posting any screenshots, do you?
Me and my gfs fascinate gets about same battery life in our apt and hers is still DI01 and i'm on DJ05... she has jts 11/16 kernel and i have the 12/21 voodoo5 and we get about the same battery life... dependent on how much we use the phone. .... so just use your phone, and charge it as necessary... its better for the type of battery we use anyways in our phones... **************************************************************************************closed.**************************************************************************************

help me with setcpu profiles

can someone help me with set cpu profiles. I think I set it correctly, but battery life not what i'm expecting. i'm running ACS newest rom. I have it set to ondemand 100-1000 as the base. then I have a profile for screen off that specifies 100-200 conservative. so shouldn't it basically just be sitting at 100-200 most of the time since the screen is usually off? when I check it seems to be using 1000 an aweful lot which is weird for something that isn't using that unless the screen is on.
Those settings look right to me. I bumped my idle up to 400 though incase any background services need it. If its too underclocked it will stress the battery even harder if a service needs more from my understanding. Try calibrating your battery and downloading juice defender. I caught some flack in the ACS thread for these two things but after 7 idle hours last night I only lost 6%. Having the screen on is the biggest drain but there may also be other factors at play in your case.

Savage Zen/Tiamat kernel

On CM7 I dont have ondemand governor with the tiamat or savage. Only with stock CM7 kernel. What should I use instead?
Also does it take a while to notice improve me with these kernels?
Also those with awesome battery life on stock battery are you leaving wifi on? I get about half those times but I leave 3g on all the time.
I wish I could get through an 8 hour work day with 5hrs of screen on time on my battery.
Usually on my yoobao 3000mah I get 4.5hrs on screen time with no charging throughout the day lasts about 17hrs that way.
If I switch back to my stock battery I wouldnt be getting that would I?
CM7.1 nightly
yoobao 3000mah battery
tiamat 407 kernel. Everything under volted by 50mV but I do not think it is sticking.
churro7 said:
On CM7 I dont have ondemand governor with the tiamat or savage. Only with stock CM7 kernel. What should I use instead?
Also does it take a while to notice improve me with these kernels?
Also those with awesome battery life on stock battery are you leaving wifi on? I get about half those times but I leave 3g on all the time.
I wish I could get through an 8 hour work day with 5hrs of screen on time on my battery.
Usually on my yoobao 3000mah I get 4.5hrs on screen time with no charging throughout the day lasts about 17hrs that way.
If I switch back to my stock battery I wouldnt be getting that would I?
CM7.1 nightly
yoobao 3000mah battery
tiamat 407 kernel. Everything under volted by 50mV but I do not think it is sticking.
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i prefer the SavagedZen 2.2.1 kernel with savagedzen. but would suggest trying the smartass and interactiveX governors to see which one you and your phone prefer. some folks like the 3.06 version of Tiamat, you may want to ask folks in the tiamat thread about the diff between 4.07 and 3.06 (not positive on the version numbers).
i'd suggest running each for a couple days to see how it feels.
i use Tasker to activate my wifi when i arrive at work and at home...the rest of the time my wifi is off unless i turn it on.
the "5hrs of screen on time" may be an issue, the screen draws a lot of juice. perhaps if you verify your undervolting is sticking, used no widgets, do not use live wallpapers, set everything to sync once or twice a day you'd get further...but thats kinda no fun and i still don't think you'd get 5hrs.
i've had a light day on my phone...1.5hrs of screen on and i'm at 16hrs w/ 44% left. standard battery.
How can I verify the UV settings?
smartass is laggy
You guys should d/l System tuner. You can change your Governor with that app
Some guys swear by the SavagedZen kernel but it's reached the end of it's development life, the SavagedZen team is no longer supporting or updating the kernel and it hasn't been updated in almost 3 months. My personal experience with the kernel notwithstanding, I think that's reason enough to stick with Tiamat.
Turn brightness to 30 or 40%. Get a mugen 4500 mAh. Problem solved...your welcome.
Oh and there is ondemand in sz221. I am currently using tiamat 407 SBC conservative governor and my settings. No undervolt and working very nicely
I own a stock, gailio 2000mah, and siedio 3500. My 3500 never has a problem making a heavy day of use. I'm guessing that 4500 def wouldnt
churro7 said:
How can I verify the UV settings?
smartass is laggy
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you can use vipermod to set and verify your uv settings. there are other apps as well. but i find the script works well.
in CM7 you can set your governor and clock speed via:
menu -> settings -> Cyanogen Settings -> Performance -> CPU Settings
no 3rd party app is required. (unless you wish to use "profiles" like those available with SetCPU)
you may find interactiveX to be more responsive.
yes, SZ is not currently being developed and tiamat just released v407.
i may try the new tiamat kernel to see if it plays nice with my phone.
note: the new tiamat is based on and SZ is based on
thus far my EVO has shown a definite preference for SZ over Tiamat. /shrug
i always feel like i'm carrying around a pregnant EVO when i put on the 3500mh battery. LoL
My Evo also never ran tiamat well after 337 but 407 is running great
I avg five hours display on time. I have Deck's AOSP ROM and I turn off background data and sync twitter and email manually. I use Gemini App Manager to prevent apps from auto starting. I'm using a S-Z CFS kernel interactive x governor with SBC. I rely on 3g during my commute and wifi while at work and at home. I use the web, youtube and the xda app extensively. I don't think it is possible to have five hours screen on time using 3g only. Sprint's network is not that strong.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Quest for the best battery life.

Day 1:
Flashed Simple and Clean v1.3 speedmod test3 k2 kernel
Juice Defender Ultimate in Agressive mode.
Batterylife: 11 hours. Lost most of the life when the phone and I were both asleep during the night. It went down from 100 to 38%...
PS: If anyone wants to give me their set up so I don't have to spend so long on this quest, that would be appreciated...
There are 2 more threads with the same topic, with much more info. Also, we know nothing about how you use your phone, except that you have huge wakelocks. Not really helpful tbh.
care to point out those threads for me?
convolution said:
care to point out those threads for me?
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you could actually use the search function
PS - Ditch Juice Defender it uses up as much battery as it saves, trust me this is fact.
I did. I tried some of the solutions posted in some threads like using speedmod + clean n simple, and also lightning v6.1 and ninphetamine kernel; doesn't work.
I used to have the Galaxy S Vibrant before I got the S2. I swore by Juice Defender. I would get on average 45-60% more battery depending on usage (phone was rooted with OCLF installed). My S2 gets an additional 2-3% more life while running juice defender. Takes more than that to run it. My opinion, remove the app.
I am running sensation 1.9 rom and hardcore speedmod kernel. I work oh average 11 hours a day. Phone isn't used much during that time. Wifi is always on and by the end of my shift, it's at 94% or so.
When I get home, my phone is put through some heavy use. Facebook, youtube, texting galore and internet browsing. I always have 25-30% battery left at the bare minimum written I go to bed at 6-8 hours later.
In my personal opinion, this rom and kernel combination give me the best power (4700 on quadrant), best options (configuration got nearly anything) and best battery life (phone lasts all day with ease). I would recommend this to anyone in a heartbeat.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I'd recommend the Hyperdroid rom. A lot of users (including myself) have hit 5 hours screen on time (most I've seen is 7 hours). Phone can easily last a whole day, just need to check for wakelocks using BBS. 60% overnight is ridiculous lol, you should really be losing 1% every 4-5 at least unless you have loads of people ringing you all night
My setup
Rom: Hyperdroid 2.9.0
Kernal: TWD2.5
UV with voltage control
200mhz - 1200mhz
Sio I/O - Lulzactive governer
Max Screen On Time - 5 Hours 28 Mins
Facebook/Whatsapp Syncing
Read the guide i posted yesterday, its a bit long, but will definately save you battery life.
Also my setup is in my sig - very fast, very slick and above all great battery life (range between 20hrs and 28hrs moderate use)
I read the long thread. It has some points in there I didn't know about.
Will try HyperDroid Rom.
Tried Sensation. Battery life failed for me with that ROM. Will try it againwith speedmod kernel if HyperDroid doesn't work...
btw, what governor is the best for Hyperdroid?
i use
check/leo rom v 3.1.1
siyah kernel 2.2 beta6
ice cream sandwich theme
the kernel is set at smartass v2 governor
1.4ghz - 1300mv
1.2ghz - 1275mv
1ghz - 1150mv
800mhz - 1050mv
500mhz - 950mv
200mhz -900mv
100mhz - 875mv
my sgs2 doesnt like undervolting so them settings should be safe to use on most sgs2 handsets
i then have the following profiles
screen off 100mhz -- 200mhz
charging 100mhz -- 500mhz
in call 100mhz -- 500mhz
battery at 60% set cpu to 100mhz -- 1ghz
battery at 30% set cpu to 100mhz -- 800mhz
battery at 15% set cpu tp 100mhz -- 500mhz
getting excellent battery life with my sgs2
ive also frozen any apps i dont use via titanium and used a start up manager to stop certain programs starting at boot
i used to use juice defender but on the sgs2 it doesnt seem to wrk as well at all
i was getting wakelocks from facebook chat draining my battery so i have installed an app to auto close that when the screen goes off and that has saved me more battery and kept wakelocks down
as other users have said its all about how you use your phone , the settings above might be useless if you have lots of background tasks going on as a screen off profile off 100mhz -- 200mhz may not have enough power to do your background tasks however when my screen is off i want my phone to go to deep sleep and not consume power etc so a very low screen off profile suits my needs as does a low charging profile as i dont use my phone on charge and 500mhz max power suffices my needs for when the phone is charging
same goes for setting a battery % profile i know when my battery is at 15% i wont be playing high end 3d games so it makes sense for me to try and save battery and limit the cpu to 500mhz at that battery percentage but other users may want full power all the way till their battery dies , it all depends on what you want and do with your device
Day whatever:
Used Hyperdroid ROM: Battery Life is AMAZING!
Using their 2.5 TW kernel as well...
The first thing I did was restore all my apps with Titanium Backup, but then I got crappy battery life, so I reflashed the ROM but this time, I didn't restore any apps.
I got amazing battery life!
So it was an APP's fault!
yeah sometimes apps are rogue. Hyperdroid has an awesome kernal though, someones just hit over 8 hours screen on time with stock battery which is amazing. betterbatterystats would show you apps that are causing wakelock problems. I do use some app called gemini just so I can stop apps loading from boot (haven't been bothered to search for autostart apps). Fresh wipe is good sometimes though, fresh and clean is the way to go unless your upgrading from the same line of roms
DramatikBeats said:
yeah sometimes apps are rogue. Hyperdroid has an awesome kernal though, someones just hit over 8 hours screen on time with stock battery which is amazing. betterbatterystats would show you apps that are causing wakelock problems. I do use some app called gemini just so I can stop apps loading from boot (haven't been bothered to search for autostart apps). Fresh wipe is good sometimes though, fresh and clean is the way to go unless your upgrading from the same line of roms
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DB i manage minimum screen on time with rom/kernel combo over 5hrs.....and it saved me money from getting a extended battery. why you think i aint been back on foxy yet...and even though i love raffaeles work (foxy and androidmeda is the top two) for me its all about battery life and that one has done it for me nxt stop though is ICS

Battery Saving Apps (4.0.4 Aurora ICS)

Hi there many of you have thought about battery saving apps.
Do they really work?
Are there some apps that instead of saving battery just drain your battery even more?
Do you know any methods that really save battery?
Just post your oppinions about this subject.
nikeradsn said:
Hi there many of you have thought about battery saving apps.
Do they really work?
Are there some apps that instead of saving battery just drain your battery even more?
Do you know any methods that really save battery?
Just post your oppinions about this subject.
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Battery saver apps are useless. just turn of data, sync,WiFi, Bluetooth when not in use. decrease screen brightness and screen timeout to 30 seconds. Use 245-806 with ondemand goveror for better battery.
mittalmailbox said:
Battery saver apps are useless. just turn of data, sync,WiFi, Bluetooth when not in use. decrease screen brightness and screen timeout to 30 seconds. Use 245-806 with ondemand goveror for better battery.
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I've read many people saying that using the ondemand governor wouldnt save that much battery because of the continuous search for cpu activity, actually i'm using performance at 1024 and i also have another profile with 806 performance aswell.
I have to test it better in order to see which governor saves more battery.
I think a good set may useful
nikeradsn said:
I've read many people saying that using the ondemand governor wouldnt save that much battery because of the continuous search for cpu activity, actually i'm using performance at 1024 and i also have another profile with 806 performance aswell.
I have to test it better in order to see which governor saves more battery.
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I used to use 806 on demand, 1024 ondemand and 1200 ondemand... now I'm using 1024 performance, and I dont see any battery difference.. damn thing still drains.
The battery lasts 4/5 days on idle, what more do you want? It's par for the course.
why do you need the phone to stay on idle? for that you could buy a 10$ one =S
nikeradsn said:
why do you need the phone to stay on idle? for that you could buy a 10$ one =S
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Because it's an indicator of battery performance and proves there's nothing wrong with battery life on Aurora, despite what many believe. Having ~1 day of battery life with heavy usage and 4-5 days (or even more) on idle is on par with the battery specs.
faekplastik3s said:
Because it's an indicator of battery performance and proves there's nothing wrong with battery life on Aurora, despite what many believe. Having ~1 day of battery life with heavy usage and 4-5 days (or even more) on idle is on par with the battery specs.
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Actually we all know that the battery life in aurora its not full optimized. what i mean is what can we do in order to get the best performance without having to spend so much battery life. maybe its not possible but who knows
Fact: ICS produces more traffic than GB. A lot of apps (like browser) use more memory, so background processes die more quickly. You cannot except to get the same kind of battery performance out of an ICS rom and that's the end of it. This has nothing to do with Aurora.
When I dont need to use the phone I put the governor in powersave with a low Mhz and the battery is more safe with little use.
Phone become a little more slow but work.
When I really need to use the phone I change the governor to Smartessv2

