Just discovered that I had 10 messages in my voicemail, since I flashed DarkJellyBean ( last version) no voicemail notification appear on my phone :S...I checked the voicemail settings and they are good...I am with Vidéotron. Is there something to do to fix this ?
Haven't had a voicemail problem w/DJB
Not to say that you're not having an issue, but I'm using Dark Jelly Bean and have not had a problem. I've been running it for about a week, and it gives me voicemail notifications just fine.
Sometimes when I'm having a notifications issue, it's about the network and my cell reception. That's just my experience.
I get the voicemail notification but if i retrieve the voicemail from a landline, the notification does not go away unless i call my voicemail from my 8125. anyway to turn off this voicemail notification?
I also noticed this yesterday. The notification didn't go away until I received another voice mail and checked it from my 8125.
I used to run the stock ROM on the 8125 and yesterday I went to the updated i-mate (maybe Qtek, not 100% sure) and I noticed this yesterday after I flashed. It might have been happening before but I am not 100% sure.
same deal
i can't get rid of this annoying voicemail notification...it keeps coming back...i thought it was smartskey causing the trouble...i tried uninstalling it and now i caused myself another issue to deal with...i deleted all traces of the file, but somewhere in the registry it's sending info to startup the program that was deleted on startup...good thing i copied the damn folder...just can't uninstall the cursed thing now...anyways i just called T-Mobile to see if they knew about this issue...remember that notifications from voicemail are sent from their servers, so i was thinking that it was maybe not an issue from the progs i was using...the conclusion is that there was a post about a voicemail issue...when you call your voicemail and hang up after finishing with the messages, it's suppose to send another notification to the phone that there are no more new messages: but this is not happening, because their voicemail computers are down and the notifications that are suppose to tell the device there are new messages are not being sent to our phones
btw...you are probably thinking what this has to do with you...well t-mobile, verizon, and cingular are all gsm...they are using the same networks :!: now time to fix the other things i did to my phone
Verizon is GSM? From whom did you hear this? I don't think that is accurate. They have been CDMA for a long time.
my fault...you are right! i believe i was only thinking that the phones do have sim card slots as well as nextel, cingular, t-mobile, etc (feel free to correct me if i am wrong)...but on a side note my vc indicator went away finally
Voicemail Notification off... how did you fix it?
I am getting the same notification message constantly and I have tried several things to fix it, but with no luck. What exactly did you do?
I have Smartskey installed too,
I am not sure where the issue is, but I decided to ask here prior to calling my provider.. (Fido).
I have visual voice mail plus (don't think that's the issue), and I got the Nexus 4 a few days ago and since then I noticed that the voicemail icon is always there even though I have no voice mails.
I found a workaround, which kind of tells me that the issue is not with fido but with the app.
If I clear data on the phone app, the voicemail icon disappears till I reboot the phone, then its back again...
I tried calling and leaving messages after clearing data, and it works nicely, the icon shows up, I delete vm, it disappears, on reboot..its back again...ugh.
Any ideas? thanks!
I've found e phout that my phone won't ring sometimes. It goes straight to voicemail even though I have a strong cell connection. Also, if someone leaves a voicemail phone won't download it or notify me that there's a voicemail. I happened to open the app yesterday to see if there was an update for it. There wasn't an update but suddenly it downloads about 10 messages from the past 3 weeks. Has anyone else had this issue?
Weird issue. 6P, completely stock, unrooted. Just got the Nougat OTA upgrade. All went well. Got a call & it went to voicemail. Got the voicemail, deleted the message & logged off the voicemail system. But the voicemail notification is still there. Reboots & 'checking' voicemail again don't seem to remove the notification. Anyone have any ideas?
Nevermind, solved. Just left myself another voicemail & it went away after 'checking' vmail again. Weird.
I have a 930V with the 930U build installed that I have been running on Straight talk verizon towers for months on MM with no problems. Upgraded to the G930U Nougat build when it first came out and still had no problems. Last week I upgraded to the latest G930UUEU4BQE2 build on Verizon Straight Talk and my SMS problems started.
I can send MMS with no problems. When I try to send a SMS text the person I am sending to to will receive it just fine but on my end it times out and says message not sent. I can receive texts and MMS just fine.
When I send another text, it tries to resend again all the texts that have timed out only to time out again and say messages not sent.
I have reinstalled all builds before the latest 4BQ2 and they all work ok with SMS and MMS with no problems, it is just the most current build 4BQE2 and only on Verizon Straight Talk.
Changing to a AT&T Straight Talk Sim with the 4BQ2 build and everything works ok.
Anyone else having these problems and have figured out what is going on?
I too have this problem. I was beginning to believe an app was running the phone in the background making it unable to send messages. And I was not receiving messages either I have found that darling my voicemail and hanging up immediately I receive text messages and all outgoing messages are sent.
I reset the phone because I found a dea running service that I searched on Google to find that my medication could be the reason this service was running. Weird!!! Freaked me out, I reset the phone and no longer see the service running.
Also...i have noticed that if I pull the notification menu down, the nearby devices button would be blue and quickly change to gray. Have you noticed this?
Lastly, I'm unable to restart in safe mode on either my s7 or s6 both with nougat update, both are Verizon builds running straight talk sim network