Jury rules for Apple - Galaxy Tab 7.7 General

I knew this was going to happen, Danm apple
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american vs korean company... go figure...

Yes, where everyone so stupid to use apple products, poor Samy

It just seems wrong that a rectangular device with rounded corners can be patented. Then patenting a bouncy effect. /double face palm.
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Really bad outcome for innovation and fair competition. Wonder if the makers of the very 1st PDAs which were rectangular with rounded corners might want to now go after Apple.
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And what is worse the average Joe thinks that Samsung stole Apple's technology. Did not know that a rectangular object with rounded corners was classified as technology.
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benkcsg said:
Really bad outcome for innovation and fair competition. Wonder if the makers of the very 1st PDAs which were rectangular with rounded corners might want to now go after Apple.
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I imagine that US courts will be happy to let Apple go after foreign companies who obviously used time machines to travel forward and steal Apple's 'innovative' design for a rounded rectangle to make similar devices years before the first iPhone. Just think how many years of retrospective-royalties they can claim for :laugh:
Whilst they are at it, they can shut down European and Asian flatscreen TV manufacturers who have long been building sets with rounded corners .. should prove useful when Apple introduce their rumoured TV.
It's no surprise that Apple were able to file a very dodgy bunch of patents with the US Patent Office and that a US Court will hold them up when deployed against foreign competition. What will be interesting is when other US companies end up tangled in Apple litigation, principally Google/Motorola.

You cant stop the Android train when it start's to move, 70% of the smartphone marked and still rising :good:
Don't think the iPhone 5 can save apple

Even though it was a loss for Samsung i think in the end they will bounce back and still be a stiff competitor to Apple. Samsung is bringing back the stylus format, even though many people hate it, what will Apple do to combat this? Probably nothing. We have all complained about Samsung many times due to hardware or software issues but we still go back to them because they come out with excellent devices. Imagine what Samsung will come up with next after this ruling.
Here is another article on the subject
Here is another thing I don't understand why is Samsung still supplying parts to Apple? Okay aside from the million/billion dollar business deal for parts, enough is is enough, you want to make a dent in Apple's sales take away their parts and force them look somewhere else. By doing this they will have to make possible design and software changes from the parts (correct me if I am wrong on this).
Well another point I want to make is that Iphones, Ipads will become part of a niche market just like their computers are.
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ShyPod said:
You cant stop the Android train when it start's to move, 70% of the smartphone marked and still rising :good:
Don't think the iPhone 5 can save apple
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I don't think apple is in need of any saving last time I checked, have a bucket load of cash reserves and a ridiculous market cap.

I've read somewhere earlier that there's a lot of discrepancies from the side of the Jury, .. I think this isn't over yet

adinis78 said:
I knew this was going to happen, Danm apple
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I found the following list of the verdict here:
– On the question of patents on the bounce-back technology featured in Galaxy line of smartphones immediately following the launch of the iPhone, Samsung is liable.
– On the question of pinch-and-zoom technologies, mostly based on one-and-two fingered control, the jury finds Samsung is guilty. Not all of the phones and tablets have been tagged as liable but many of them. (The damage figures could be huge.)
– On the question of tap and zoom technologies, Samsung is guilty. There are fewer devices dinged.
– Jury finds Samsung should have known that its divisions were enabling infringement actions.
– Jury finds Samsung DID NOT infringe iPad patents. That’s one on the column for Samsung.
– On the question of UI, mostly based on the iconography of the front screen of the iPhone, the jury finds Samsung guilty.
– This might be the biggest one so far: On the question of willfulness on most of the infringement of patents, the jury finds Samsung guilty as well.
– The jury ultimately upholds most of Apple’s patents. Samsung is barred by “patent exhaustion” from using patents 516 and 941. In the original instruction form Apple denied “infringed claims asserted by Samsung” and argued claims asserted by Samsung were invalid. The jury agreed.
– The jury decides against awarding Samsung any damages. Zero.
– The jury finds Samsung did not break Apple’s anti-trust exception.
– After reviewing the verdict, Judge Koh noted discrepancies that wrongly gave Apple more money than it deserved. The first is a judgement on the Galaxy Tab. There was no infringement for the Tab patent but the jury had given more than $200,000 in damages. A second problem involved a trade dress judgement, which involves more than 2M dollars. Considering the judgement leveled more than a Billion dollars upon Samsung, a 2M dollar saving is strictly irrelevant.
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Is there an accurate detailed list somewhere about the points the jury decided on? Apparently many of the points only affect certain devices, which is quite strange - if the jury ruled Samsung infringed e.g. on the pinch-zoom patent then basically every single Android device (and most other smartphones) would be infringing, no?
One of the more interesting points for us 7.7 users seems to be mostly ignored by most of the reporting, the forth point:
Jury finds Samsung DID NOT infringe iPad patents.
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I've seen this on several mentioned on several websites yet none goes into any detail on what exactly it means. If the jury ruled Samsung's tablets including the 7.7 do not infringe this could be seen as a partial win for Samsung.

ThE_SoUrCe said:
I've read somewhere earlier that there's a lot of discrepancies from the side of the Jury, .. I think this isn't over yet
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I believe this is regarding the 3G patents, but apple claims that once they bought the chips from intel who paid the fees to samsung that apple is no longer required to pay samsung for those 3G patents.

But even if the court decides in accordance with the jury's conclusion will not tear away the reason for Samsung's competent.
Relatively small claims
Firstly, the compensation amount is set to 1.05 billion dollars. The amount is less than half of the original claim to Apple.
Samsung is unlikely to suffer any distress due compensation amount. Approximately 70% of revenue is based on the smart phone sales, where the number of phones that were sold between April and June was more than double the number of sold smartphones from Apple. Proceeds from this sale amounted to 4.5 billion dollars.
New design creates loopholes
"The impact on Samsung will be quite limited. The models affected are primarily older products, while the new products, changes in design to avoid potential litigation, "says patent attorney SU Intellectual Property, DJ Jung.

ShyPod said:
But even if the court decides in accordance with the jury's conclusion will not tear away the reason for Samsung's competent.
Relatively small claims
Firstly, the compensation amount is set to 1.05 billion dollars. The amount is less than half of the original claim to Apple.
Samsung is unlikely to suffer any distress due compensation amount. Approximately 70% of revenue is based on the smart phone sales, where the number of phones that were sold between April and June was more than double the number of sold smartphones from Apple. Proceeds from this sale amounted to 4.5 billion dollars.
New design creates loopholes
"The impact on Samsung will be quite limited. The models affected are primarily older products, while the new products, changes in design to avoid potential litigation, "says patent attorney SU Intellectual Property, DJ Jung.
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Actually the impact on all Android devices will be quite severe. If they force them to remove features such as double tap (ridiculous since Windows tablet computers did this before there even was an iphone) and pinch to zoom, the Android interface will be quite awful. Can you imagine zooming into websites or pictures using some crappy slide bar or arrows or something? Blech!

It's a pity über-litigation, immeasurable greed and pure "douchbaguiness" weren't around in the 1930's.
Just imagine the market cap of Baird UK in our days if someone there had just put a proverbial turtle-neck black sweater on and been consequentially infused with the brilliant idea of preventing every other prospective TV manufacturer to use their "patented" "Box-with-screen-and-some-dials" propriatary format
---------- Post added at 01:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------
...and another thing...The lack of equity in the dispensing of justice is something that always ticks me off.
If I was the judge in this case the first thing I would have asked Apple's in the very first hearing session would have been: "All right, where are the other individual claims against all manufacturers that used the same touch pad concept?"
If they failed to produce proof of the other filled claims, I would immediatly rule the claim against Samsung to not be about the alleged infrigment but about trying to block a competitor and, as such, would consider Apple a "bad faith litigator".
Going after selected targets for commercial convinience is something no system focused on actual justice should allow.

Apple wants more, now hey waned to Ban almost all the latest samsung released , including tabs and the sIII.. what a pity

Do not fear. This is just the beginning. This is just a small battle that Apple has won but the war is not over and the end result will be that all these companies will just cross license their "patents" so that they can focus on their core business of providing good hardware and software that can compete on merit. Anything else will just result in the demise of the company that takes its eye off the ball. Apple will have to decide if they are a tech firm or a law firm.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium


Google gives Apple gets its own medicine. IPhone/iPad ban

Google tries to block U.S. shipments of Apple’s iPhone and iPad over 3G patents [updated]
Google is seeking to block U.S. imports of Apple’s iPhone and iPad over 3G patents held by Motorola Mobility,*Bloomberg*is reporting.UPDATE:*Bloomberg*is theorizing that due to a review of a previous ruling, Apple could face a ban on importing iPhones and iPads, but Google is not filing an injunction at this time.
By Susan Decker and William McQuillenJune 25 (Bloomberg) — A U.S. trade agency said it willreview a judge’s findings that Apple Inc.’s iPhone and iPad tablet computer infringe a patent owned by Google Inc.’s Motorola Mobility unit, in a case that could lead to imports of the devices being banned. The U.S. International Trade Commission said it will review ITC Judge Thomas Pender’s findings that Apple was violating one*Motorola Mobility patent. The commission is scheduled to issue a*final decision on Aug. 24, and has the power to block devices*made in Asia from entering the U.S. The iPhone, iPad and related*devices generate 78 percent of Apple’s revenue.*The commission said it would review aspects of all four*Motorola Mobility patents in the case, including the one found*to be infringed. The agency also will consider whether it should*be issuing import bans on products found to infringe patents*related to industry standards. Notice of the commission’s decision was posted today on the agency’s website.*The iPhone generated $22 billion in sales last quarter for*Apple, or 58 percent of the company’s total revenue. It was the*best-selling smartphone in the U.S., with 29 percent of the*market, while Motorola Mobility had 10 percent, researcher NPD*Group said May 2.*Apple’s iPad dominates the tablet computer market, with 72*percent of the market, according to researcher DisplaySearch.*The iPad and related products brought in $9.2 billion for Apple,*almost 20 percent of its revenue.*Motorola Mobility filed the complaint in October 2010 as a*pre-emptive strike after Apple made public statements that*phones running on Google’s Android operating system were copying*features of the iPhone. The dispute is part of a broader global*battle for supremacy in the smartphone and tablet computer*markets that also pits Apple against Android-device*manufacturers Samsung Electronics Co. and HTC Corp.*Android is the most popular platform for smartphones, with*61 percent of the market, NPD said.*Apple is appealing its loss in the patent-infringement*complaint it filed at the ITC against Libertyville, Illinois-*based Motorola Mobility, and a federal judge in Chicago last*week threw out patent claims Apple and Motorola Mobility had*filed against each other. Google bought Motorola Mobility in*part to gain access to its trove of 17,000 patents, many on*phone technology.*Cupertino, California-based Apple also has filed a*complaint against Motorola Mobility at the European Union,*accusing the handset manufacturer of misusing patents that*relate to industry standards.*The patent that Pender said Apple infringed relates to the*industry standard for 3G technology used by most phones, and*Motorola Mobility has argued that Apple infringes the patent byfollowing the standard.*Apple argued that, since Motorola Mobility helped establish*the standard, it shouldn’t be allowed to block use of patent*inventions related to the standard. It filed a lawsuit accusing*Motorola Mobility of breaching its contractual obligation to*license any standard-essential patents on fair and reasonableterms.*The U.S. Federal Trade Commission, members of Congress and*Microsoft Corp. have filed papers supporting Apple’s argument*that import bans should not be imposed on such patents. Verizon*Wireless, the largest U.S. mobile-phone service provider, and*No. 2 AT&T Inc. filed papers making similar arguments.*Verizon Wireless, jointly owned by Verizon Communications*Inc. and Vodafone Group Plc, also said an import ban on the*iPhone “would hamper technological development, strand critical*infrastructure investment and cost American jobs.”*The patent that was found to be infringed covers a way to*eliminate noise so signals are clearer. A Wi-Fi patent is*invalid because it doesn’t cover a new invention, the judge*said. No infringement was found on two other patents, for a way*the server tracks which applications are available, and a sensorto determine the proximity of a person’s head to the phone so it*doesn’t accidentally hang up or dial unwanted numbers.*The case against Apple is In the Matter of Wireless*Communication Devices, Portable Music and Data Processing*Devices, Computers and Components Thereof, 337-745, and Apple’s*case against Motorola Mobility is In the Matter of Mobile*Devices and Related Software, 337-750, both U.S. InternationalTrade.
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that should get them to back off of samsung lol
Not likely to happen. But there is hope. And it'd be funny as hell if it does.
Sent from My Epic Ice Cream Sandwich With Sprinkles!!!
this is ridiculous from both parties. they're just acting like a bunch of babies at this point. I was reading on fortune magazine over the weekend that judges are getting sick of this crap by both camps and are gonna be getting more likely to throw these cases out with prejudice. the previous judge that threw out the case of apple v motorola recently sets a pretty nice precedent for telling this two children to go play nice.
dardani89 said:
this is ridiculous from both parties. they're just acting like a bunch of babies at this point. I was reading on fortune magazine over the weekend that judges are getting sick of this crap by both camps and are gonna be getting more likely to throw these cases out with prejudice. the previous judge that threw out the case of apple v motorola recently sets a pretty nice precedent for telling this two children to go play nice.
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I completely agree with your viewpoint here, and i don't like to point fingers, but in this case Apple is at fault. Should Apple had let things be, and chosen to compete on advertising, features, and other commercial traits, this would not be happening. Instead, Apple has been filing one patent action after another, first holding up the evo 4g and replenishments of the htc one x, then achieving the recent injunction against the galaxy nexus. This forced Google's hand, as we can see above, to play the same dirty game in order to achieve leverage to halt Apple's anti-competitive behavior. Apple has to come to terms with the fact that real competition exists in the marketplace and that winning the fight has be accomplished on innovation, price, differentiation and other business factors outside of the courtroom.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA Premium HD app
IOS 6 is suppose to have features that have been exclusive to android like face unlock. So if Apple got an induction for the slide to unlock feature why couldn't Google get an induction against apple if they do release that feature in the next os.
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"The U.S. Federal Trade Commission, members of Congress and Microsoft Corp. have filed papers supporting Apple’s argument that import bans should not be imposed on such patents."
huh? ROFL
dardani89 said:
this is ridiculous from both parties. they're just acting like a bunch of babies at this point. I was reading on fortune magazine over the weekend that judges are getting sick of this crap by both camps and are gonna be getting more likely to throw these cases out with prejudice. the previous judge that threw out the case of apple v motorola recently sets a pretty nice precedent for telling this two children to go play nice.
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---------- Post added at 08:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 AM ----------
Random thought
I wonder how many patents there are on (apply to) every aspect of our Siii? Don't they patent line of code?
dardani89 said:
this is ridiculous from both parties. they're just acting like a bunch of babies at this point. I was reading on fortune magazine over the weekend that judges are getting sick of this crap by both camps and are gonna be getting more likely to throw these cases out with prejudice. the previous judge that threw out the case of apple v motorola recently sets a pretty nice precedent for telling this two children to go play nice.
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To be fair, Apple launched the first nuke in this mutually assured destruction with the Galaxy Nexus ban.
Not going to happen for a few reasons:
1. The patent in dispute is based on a 3G standard that Motorola is letting many other companies use. This isn't like Apple's design patent suits. It is a standard, so all they likely need to do is work out a licensing deal.
2. There would be way too much backlash and public disapproval of such a decision.
3. Apple has way too many backers: Verizon, AT&T, Microsoft, the FTC, and Congress to name a few. That is A LOT of support.
4. Things usually tend to fall Apple's way. Whether it's bias, really good lawyers, or the result of being the most valuable company in the world, they seem to get their way more than they should.
dardani89 said:
this is ridiculous from both parties. they're just acting like a bunch of babies at this point. I was reading on fortune magazine over the weekend that judges are getting sick of this crap by both camps and are gonna be getting more likely to throw these cases out with prejudice. the previous judge that threw out the case of apple v motorola recently sets a pretty nice precedent for telling this two children to go play nice.
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Whatever dude. I think Google, Samsung and Motorola have been pretty frickin patient with Apple and their psychopathic former leader Steve Jobs (RIH). Especially considering the Apple you know today was all started from stealing from Xerox and then stealing from a whole industry only to turn around and claim it as their own.
I say we file a class action lawsuit against the patent offices who are giving Apple all these bull**** patents. Does the patent office really not give a damn who the technology belongs to? I really would like to see Apple come out with SOMETHING original.
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They have been doing this for over a year, there's an apple fanboy I used to go to high school with on my Facebook and rants all the time about how Apple is taking action against Android for their "thievery" I lol'd then put him in his place by stating lock screen usage and notification drawer, which have been android for years!!! I pointed every little flaw in his arguement only for him to delete his status he made and remove from his friends. That's Apple fans for you. This will not end and will have little effect to any of us in the long run.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Sadly it won't happen
Here's why: Apple is the golden child of the good ol' Us of ****ing A, and the entire system is corrupt. How much would you like to bet that the judge who placed the GNexus ban is getting some sort of payout or campaign contribution. Apple will win because apple has the deepest pockets. They have a great legal team, and have the best marketing team on the planet. I personally see them as a threat to all technology, as I fear they're going to use patents to kill innovation.
I wish it would end on both sides, the patent war that is.
Patents are fine, but you can't say someone is stealing from you, when they take your idea and throw in some new ideas/inventions. You patented something specific. You didn't patent something square and is a phone.
What is annoying to me is for a couple of years now the courts have ruled for Apple. But now when people start suing Apple, their reply is "im sick of this."
Why couldn't you have said that from the beginning? To me it seems that Apple has all the control with it's lawsuits.
Well, Apple is the US company being judged by US courts, at least vs Samsung. Let's see what happens with Google.
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Paging Dr B said:
Here's why: Apple is the golden child of the good ol' Us of ****ing A, and the entire system is corrupt. How much would you like to bet that the judge who placed the GNexus ban is getting some sort of payout or campaign contribution. Apple will win because apple has the deepest pockets. They have a great legal team, and have the best marketing team on the planet. I personally see them as a threat to all technology, as I fear they're going to use patents to kill innovation.
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I'm fairly certain judge Koh or whatever her name is got bribed, the case she's handling had till recently, based on her comments not been going Apple's way, including not allowing a ban on the SGS3 to go through, and then suddenly she changes her mind? Not likely at all, the law has been generally against Apple from day one, nothing has changed law wise for this sudden turn around.
AND her turnaround comes way too close after Judge Posner's ruling that injunction's are not to be used as punishment and to stop competition
BGR is the worst place to get Android/Google news. It is run by a bunch of Apple fan boys, so of course they are going to over speculate the situation. Go to a reliable source like Engadget or Phonedog.
z0phi3l said:
I'm fairly certain judge Koh or whatever her name is got bribed, the case she's handling had till recently, based on her comments not been going Apple's way, including not allowing a ban on the SGS3 to go through, and then suddenly she changes her mind? Not likely at all, the law has been generally against Apple from day one, nothing has changed law wise for this sudden turn around.
AND her turnaround comes way too close after Judge Posner's ruling that injunction's are not to be used as punishment and to stop competition
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she didn't change her mind because she was bribed. she changed her mind because initially she didn't find apples argument for unified search to be reasonable to warrant a patent so she threw out the case but not without prejudice. then apple appealed the case to a higher court. the appeals court found apples argument to be justified in the unified search patent and Judge Koh was ordered by the federal appeals court to retake the case and find a decision. she was not allowed to revisit the issue if the patent was legitimate or not, the higher court had made that decision for her. so she had to work on what she was given, and under the assumptions that she was ordered to accept from the higher court, lead to the conclusion of the injunctions. Judges make bad decisions and good decisions, they're just human beings. Ultimately though they make decisions based on the law and orders from above, not what is right or wrong. The problem here is not the Judges, it's a combination of Samsung's God awful legal team, Apples abuse of the patent system, the failure of the patent system in technology and our austerity mindset with regards to budget cuts for the patent office.
its a bit retarded that apple has to stop any phone that will be better than theirs

'Has Apple Really Ever Invented Anything?' video

For those of you who haven't seen the video, here it is:
DeadSOL said:
For those of you who haven't seen the video, here it is:
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Just makes you wonder how can the Samsung lawyers let this charade go this far! For crying out loud, if a couple of guys can collect this amount of evidence in a matter of few days, I'd say there is something wrong with this whole trial.
Actually this video (as some of you would have probably already seen) would be more relevant: especially @4:14
I remember that 1994 Steve Jobs interview when he basically admits he steals ideas, but that was when Apple were really struggling so didn't have investors and shareholders that would have shot him in the kneecaps if he said the same thing recently.
---------- Post added at 01:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------
caslca said:
Just makes you wonder how can the Samsung lawyers let this charade go this far! For crying out loud, if a couple of guys can collect this amount of evidence in a matter of few days, I'd say there is something wrong with this whole trial.
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American courts, American company.
Do you think Johnny Foreigner is ever gonna get a fair trial against a huge American company like Apple? I mean big business always funds election campaigns over there so companies like Apple have basically bought shares in USA plc.
caslca said:
Just makes you wonder how can the Samsung lawyers let this charade go this far! For crying out loud, if a couple of guys can collect this amount of evidence in a matter of few days, I'd say there is something wrong with this whole trial.
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The lawyers are horrible. It is easy to defend that. All they need is to get a hand on any documents that show Apple researching Windows OS because everyone knows everyone, including Apple researches other companies.
The recent Samsung documents telling the designers how the Galaxy S should differ from the iPhone are a real blow to the whole case, in my opinion. That's what has to stand the brunt of the attack now.
Also, one of Samsung's documents was rejected by the court. I think they brought it in too late. That's why they leaked it to the public. Ah, Samsung. What are you doing to yourselves?!
Has the whole world gone mad or just America? **** Apple. They will repeat history.. come and go.
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I hate this trial just as much as anyone, but Samsung made absolutely NO effort in differentiating their 1st gen Galaxy S (mainly i9000 model) from the iPhone. The first thought that came into my head when they revealed the phone was "why does it look like an iphone inside and out?" I know the needs to take down Goliath and all, but the first Galaxy S was just downright blatant mirror image of the iPhone...even down to the touchwiz icons and UI.
With that being said, the US patent system needs a complete overhaul to stop these frivolous suits and the Supreme Court needs to set precedence once and for all.
Todays consumer are smart. They know what they are buying. A small boy will differentiate sammy from apple. Grow up apple
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I hate this trial just as much as anyone, but Samsung made absolutely NO effort in differentiating their 1st gen Galaxy S
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Korean, japanese and russian companies all have the same principle: first copy a device, then optimize and extend it so much with the gained experience that it becomes superior to the original.
The Chinese unfortunately are not quite there yet - mainly due to lack of hightech but it won't be long.
I know the needs to take down Goliath and all, but the first Galaxy S was just downright blatant mirror image of the iPhone
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Sadly only from looks. It was sooooo sloooooow even though it's based on good hardware, mainly because Samsung decided to go with their RFS and other software issues.
For those of you who haven't seen the video
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The main problem with the video is that they exclude software, where Apple (partially more or less involuntarely since they base on FOSS software) has contributed lots of patches and extensions to existing standards and helped push new ones. Google's Chrome for instance would at least have had a much harder start if not for Apple's Safari and the resulting changes in the Webkit engine.
Apple has definitely made worthwhile contributions to the advancement of technology. For example they may have stolen the mouse from IBM but if they hadn't, IBM probably wouldn't have done anything with it.
These days however they are just plain being lame. Google should sue them for having web search in the safari browser. It's about the same level of idiocy as what Apple have dropped too.
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dr.m0x said:
Apple has definitely made worthwhile contributions to the advancement of technology. For example they may have stolen the mouse from IBM but if they hadn't, IBM probably wouldn't have done anything with it.
These days however they are just plain being lame. Google should sue them for having web search in the safari browser. It's about the same level of idiocy as what Apple have dropped too.
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The universal search patent is especially retarded.
This has always been my bugbear with patent law. Nokia's recent sign up for ms means apple now have legal rights to all of Nokia's patents and are now using Nokia patents against Samsung and htc, and indirectly claiming them as apple's (which from a legal standpoint they are!). However, the simple solution would be to do what LG and Sony already do and that is pay the damned patent license. Yes it increases overall handset cost but not significantly.
It's sad when you consider the patents would have only added on about $5 to the cost of each handset. I doubt anyone would have said "oh man, the s3 is great, but its $5 bucks over my budget".
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andyl66 said:
Nokia's recent sign up for ms means apple now have legal rights to all of Nokia's patents and are now using Nokia patents against Samsung and htc, and indirectly claiming them as apple's (which from a legal standpoint they are!).
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Wrong. It may very well be the case that Apple are suing over technology that overlaps with others patents, but it should not be doing so because it does not have the right to sue over patents it has licensed from others. From a legal standpoint they are anything but Apple's patents.
Even Intellectual Property licensed with the explicit intention of allowing a third-party to sue over the IP, isn't valid for a suit (big case on that in recent years).
Licensing means I say "Okay you can use my spatula when you need it in exchange for your mother's bra". It doesn't mean if on some other occasion someone else has it you can scream "Thief!! That spatula doesn't belong to you, give it back!" At the end of the day it's still my spatula so I can still give it to whomever else I want, and if someone steals it, that's my concern not yours.
Same thing: the patents are still Nokia's. The absolute best Apple could do is pressure Nokia into suing. You cannot sue on someone else's behalf except in exceptional cases like the would-be plaintiff is under-age, or dead.
Well, whatever the case may be, we all know that Apple is a crap company and it's trying to threaten our beloved Android. I love the fact that Android is open-source. I love the fact that Android-based devices are popping up everywhere. Nikon has made an Android-based camera. Isn't it lovely when all your devices use the same software? Isn't it amazing that we can legally hack these devices and modify them? Thank you Google for being such a friendly company!
This section is for the discussion of the SGS3, not for apple nonsense.

Well this is funny..

What do ya'll think? Does this make you think twice about any purchase's you make??
boom boom pow!
samsung must learn the lesson...
"invent uniquely"
That actually makes a lot of sense, 1 billion dollars isn't much considering how many phones Sammy sold/will sell on the back of emulating apple.
Best advertising campaign indeed, people will now see that apple are bending them over and banging them without even having the courtesy of using lube when it comes to price.
I kinda knew that somehow apple would be their own downfall and it will be something like this, there is always a case of being too smart for your own good.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Makes total sense.
Apple accuses Samsung of patent infringing features and designs. Meaning you pay less for the same if you go with Samsung. And another thing brought to mind is Apple obviously didn't care to much about the said patents, they settled for 1.05 BILLION dollars, meaning Samsung doesn't have to change a damn thing.
Like the article says “Best billion dollar ad campaign Samsung ever had.”
IMHO the patents at question are generic to almost ALL mobile OS's, just Samsung can execute much better than any other company and Apple saw them as a threat so the only logical way to go about it was a lawsuit...
My advice to Samsung though, break contract with Apple and quit making iPhone parts! =P
Cdjones187 said:
Makes total sense.
Apple accuses Samsung of patent infringing features and designs. Meaning you pay less for the same if you go with Samsung. And another thing brought to mind is Apple obviously didn't care to much about the said patents, they settled for 1.05 BILLION dollars, meaning Samsung doesn't have to change a damn thing.
Like the article says “Best billion dollar ad campaign Samsung ever had.”
IMHO the patents at question are generic to almost ALL mobile OS's, just Samsung can execute much better than any other company and Apple saw them as a threat so the only logical way to go about it was a lawsuit...
My advice to Samsung though, break contract with Apple and quit making iPhone parts! =P
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Oh I'm sure Samsung was just waiting for your advice before they made their next move. Finally
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1 billion is all what apple can get! what else? they have nothing left in their pocket to accuse samsung...
Samsung has already changed their hardware and software design starting from s3.. Apart from the software patents nothing is going to hurt samsung.
Apple dug its own grave
Cdjones187 said:
My advice to Samsung though, break contract with Apple and quit making iPhone parts! =P
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No they should not. Keep in mind that Samsung now earns on both their own phones and iPhones, this is business and business is about squeezing out every last dime.
Sent from Heavens using my Angel's
Cdjones187 said:
Makes total sense.
Apple accuses Samsung of patent infringing features and designs. Meaning you pay less for the same if you go with Samsung. And another thing brought to mind is Apple obviously didn't care to much about the said patents, they settled for 1.05 BILLION dollars, meaning Samsung doesn't have to change a damn thing.
Like the article says “Best billion dollar ad campaign Samsung ever had.”
IMHO the patents at question are generic to almost ALL mobile OS's, just Samsung can execute much better than any other company and Apple saw them as a threat so the only logical way to go about it was a lawsuit...
My advice to Samsung though, break contract with Apple and quit making iPhone parts! =P
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Apple didn't settle for anything. Samsung made offers but Apple took it all the way to trial. The jury awarded 1.05 billion didn't they? Im not that familiar with patent law in the US, but it seems like they've been awarded that amount and it's tough **** if they don't like it.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------
Cdjones187 said:
My advice to Samsung though, break contract with Apple and quit making iPhone parts! =P
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That's really bad advice. You might as well tell Apple to stop selling iPods. Selling components is one of Samsungs main businesses, they're obviously not going to stop doing that for one of their main customers.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I agree that 1 bil $ is too low. Samsung came from nowhere to the top by copying Apple products. They made tens of billions on phones that look exacly like iPhones while their competitors like HTC and Motorola struggled trying to market their not-copied original designs. This is just a slap on the wrist. The verdict should have at least been for 20 bil $ in my opinion.
aydc said:
I agree that 1 bil $ is too low. Samsung came from nowhere to the top by copying Apple products. They made tens of billions on phones that look exacly like iPhones while their competitors like HTC and Motorola struggled trying to market their not-copied original designs. This is just a slap on the wrist. The verdict should have at least been for 20 bil $ in my opinion.
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Samsung became top smartphone company because they wasnt sleeping and was giving latest/best hardware smartphones not because "copying" apple..... ^^
EdgaBimbam said:
Samsung became top smartphone company because they wasnt sleeping and was giving latest/best hardware smartphones not because "copying" apple..... ^^
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Yep.. totally agree with you.
Samsung's main strategy is marketing. Here in India if you enter a mobile store the first thing they show is a Samsung phone in your budget. They do the same for television sets and refrigerators.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
How many iPhones and ipads have sold in the last few Years? To which Samsung supply chips for both, pretty sure the 1+bn dollar would have nearly been paid by apple them selves.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
aydc said:
They made tens of billions on phones that look exacly like iPhones
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You mean rectangular phones with a screen? Car manufacturers make billions as well using the round wheel on their cars instead of developing some other shape. And why is that? Because it's the most optimal shape. Tell me how to make a touchscreen phone without using a rectangular shape with a large screen covering most of the phone.
The problem in this case is apple getting a patent on a god damn generic thing. You wouldn't let someone patent the wheel would you? It's the same ****ing thing.
But yeah, nothing would please me more than this lawsuit blowing up in apples face.
Apoxx said:
You mean rectangular phones with a screen? Car manufacturers make billions as well using the round wheel on their cars instead of developing some other shape. And why is that? Because it's the most optimal shape. Tell me how to make a touchscreen phone without using a rectangular shape with a large screen covering most of the phone.
The problem in this case is apple getting a patent on a god damn generic thing. You wouldn't let someone patent the wheel would you? It's the same ****ing thing.
But yeah, nothing would please me more than this lawsuit blowing up in apples face.
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The galaxy S2 and S3 don't look like iPhones, but the original galaxy S looks near identical to the iPhone. Samsung themselves have proved its possible not to copy.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
even a five year old knows what the difference between a galaxy s and iphone , seriously if any company wants to copy a iphone , lol mold it into a exact replica of it , why bother to add two extra capacitive buttons on it
Well i remember going into an O2 shop with my daughter who was 10 at the time, and she picked up the galaxy s and said wow Samsung are making an iphone.......
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I think that Samsung infringed on Apple patents but that those patents were invalid. The jury were given a questionnaire that first set out whether those patents were infringed and then they were asked to discuss whether those patents were valid.. it's seems pretty backward to discuss it like that and I believe that the jury went in with prejudice that the patents were already valid without exploring the matter in more detail.
If you were reading into the trial, you would be more inclined to believe that there was substantial evidence of prior art for most if not all of Apple's patents.
Samsung didn't grow by copying Apple but by offering choice to consumers by flooding the market with differently model tiers and designs. The top tier of Galaxy phones sell well but only make up a fraction of Samsung mobile's sales.
hboos said:
I think that Samsung infringed on Apple patents but that those patents were invalid. The jury were given a questionnaire that first set out whether those patents were infringed and then they were asked to discuss whether those patents were valid.. it's seems pretty backward to discuss it like that and I believe that the jury went in with prejudice that the patents were already valid without exploring the matter in more detail.
If you were reading into the trial, you would be more inclined to believe that there was substantial evidence of prior art for most if not all of Apple's patents.
Samsung didn't grow by copying Apple but by offering choice to consumers by flooding the market with differently model tiers and designs. The top tier of Galaxy phones sell well but only make up a fraction of Samsung mobile's sales.
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Exactly, I disagree with Samsung getting to number 2 by copying. I think they earned it fair and square.
Apple's retaliation at loosing out on sales to companies which are making better phones than theirs. Seriously Apple, make a more OS unrestricted phone and people may just come back to you.
IOS is dated and too restrictive compared to Android. And people have woken up to this a long time before the 4S was introduced. Apple = sore loosers
peteri8706 said:
IOS is dated and too restrictive compared to Android. And people have woken up to this a long time before the 4S was introduced. Apple = sore loosers
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Apple is loosing appeal. Many collegues of mine asked me info about SGS [ 2 | 3] because they were grown tired of iPhone and iOS... here and there I read, expecially among fashion/rich youngsters, iPhone isn't cool anymore; reasons are questionable but who really cares?
Anyway there will always be iOS users and fanboys and it must be this way. We need competition to have always a better OS.
About the lawsuit... Samsung copied the whole first wave design and it gaines success only for that. The first SGS, at launch, had very bad performance due to the terrible file-system used. So the lawsuit was lecit.
The real earthquake was SGS2 with its unmatched -among Androids- fluidity... its design was vaguely inspired to iPhone, but not the key to success.
Too bad no one of the jury debated the rightfulness of those patents :\

What Samsung Needed In The Court Room

This is on a few sites.......again its more same old but its all nice and very clear.
This has already been posted at least once on this very forum page!
Secondly do you really think your smarter than a bunch of higher paid, highly successful lawyers, they would have seen all this and if they didn't choose to use it in court they would have had a very good reason for it.
(p.s. I am a lawyer and I hate it when others think they can to do my job better than me )
Now that's one touchy mother. He wasn't insulting anyone, sheesh
Hello, yeah I would like a taxi please for a XDA member.
Can I book it under the name Mr Attitude, yeah its just the one.....going to Thinks Highly Of Himself Street.
Joking aside, I guess there is loads of this on here but I care not to search through them all.
Will leave it at that, if no replies will take post down.
Could you have not gone and given them a hand
Lennyuk said:
This has already been posted at least once on this very forum page!
Secondly do you really think your smarter than a bunch of higher paid, highly successful lawyers, they would have seen all this and if they didn't choose to use it in court they would have had a very good reason for it.
(p.s. I am a lawyer and I hate it when others think they can to do my job better than me )
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Ok but I want to know why not use all of this things thei have against them
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Going by what some say the Judge would not allow some picture evidence, not sure what it was.
mariusdroid said:
Ok but I want to know why not use all of this things thei have against them
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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Patent law is a funny thing, especially US patent law. Apple are suing on Patents they have that are granted, not pending, therefore, it doesn't really matter if the product existed before the patent was granted or not. Those respective companies had their time to appeal against the granting of the patent before it was approved and they for what ever reason chose not to.
The only way that they would now be able to 'appeal' against these patents would be to say that the patent was negligently approved in the first place, this is a whole different legal issue and one that in the first instance would not involve Apple but the Patent Office.
voodoochild2008 said:
This is on a few sites.......again its more same old but its all nice and very clear.
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From what I have read they used all those, but the dumb patent office in the US awarded Apple the patents, and that is what the jury of home boys voted on, even though prior use and art existed. If sanity prevails as the US patent office re evaluates these patents they will get dismissed. It is the only way to end this crap and move on, and for the US system to prove it works fair on the international stage. With regards to Google, maybe the concept was borrowed from Apple for Android but someone wrote the code and designed the UI that frankly bears no resemblance to IOS. Man has always got inspiration from others thats how we move on. Apple are scared stiff of Microsoft vs Apple all over again. Until the patents are nullified or amended, the likes of Samsung will just change a few things as they have with the S3. 2 thumbs and tilt to zoom. one thumb tilt to pan, bounce effect replaced with blue glow.
I know its so messed up over there, I don’t know if other countries are as bad.
Korea gave them both a slap on the wrist, UK was not having any of it, America 1 billion and change.
Other companies should have stepped up and questioned what Apple was doing, maybe the people who get paid the high money dropped the ball on this, either way I just hope they can get something out of all that talk about the trial and the mistakes made during it.
Think the best one was one guy saying they made their mind up on day one, he then goes on to say they took the full amount of time before making the decision.
Its funny in some ways this will cost Apple, even more so if they dont have the tech.
Samsung and others will need to up the game, make bigger changes to get round the US law, we know Samsung has the tech waiting to go and yet like most companies they give it to you bit by bit each year.
Now as other companies make changes this will in turn force Apple to keep up, no longer able to give out last years model with a few slight changes.
As posted the picture evidence i understand was to late for inclusion in the case .
This post is not copyrighted or patented .
Lennyuk said:
Patent law is a funny thing, especially US patent law. Apple are suing on Patents they have that are granted, not pending, therefore, it doesn't really matter if the product existed before the patent was granted or not. Those respective companies had their time to appeal against the granting of the patent before it was approved and they for what ever reason chose not to.
The only way that they would now be able to 'appeal' against these patents would be to say that the patent was negligently approved in the first place, this is a whole different legal issue and one that in the first instance would not involve Apple but the Patent Office.
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The US patent system is broken! A patent should not be granted if it already existed in the market.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using XDA Premium
CuBz90 said:
The US patent system is broken! A patent should not be granted if it already existed in the market.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using XDA Premium
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yes, but that is an issue for another day, doesn't matter how or why it was granted, the fact in this particular case is that a patent (or patents) was (were) granted and apple are suing on them.
The Jury had a Maximum Bias mode on, doubt it would matter
Anyway, instead of innovating apple just copy pastes the same device while trying to slow down others and keep the applebois proud. yawn..
Well I hope other countries see how wrong America is, not so much on this case as its done/almost done now, I mean for the future and how the system over there is holding back others all because there is a very vague patent on something that makes inventing anything new like walking through a mine field.
S1 1ghz 5mp camera 720p recording 4inch screen.512 ram
S2 1.2ghz dual core 8mp camera 1080p recording 4.3 inch screen.1gig ram.
S3 1.4ghz quad core 8pm camera 1080p recording 4.8 inch screen.1 gig ram.
Iphone 620mhz no camera 3.5 inch screen..128 ram.
Iphone 3g 620mhz.2mp camera vga recording.3.5 inch screen.128 ram.
Iphone 3gs 833mhz.3mp camera vga recording 3.5 inch screen.256 ram
Iphone 4 1ghz.5mp camera..720p recording 3.5 inch screen.512 ram.
Iphone 4s 1ghz.dual core.8mp camera 1080p recording 3.5 inch screen.512 ram.
It took them 5 phones to make these changes, they went form a 620mhz cpu to 1ghz dual core.
From no camera to 8mp 1080p recording.
From 128ram to 512ram.
And from a 3.5 inch screen to a..................well 3.5inch screen.
I know its all been said but to me this is not a big leap over 5 years, Samsung has done more over 3 years.
Lennyuk said:
yes, but that is an issue for another day, doesn't matter how or why it was granted, the fact in this particular case is that a patent (or patents) was (were) granted and apple are suing on them.
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Yes, but if the Patents wouldn't have been wrongly granted in the first place then this wouldn't have happened. This wouldn't be allowed here in the UK.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using XDA Premium
The Korean electronic manufacturers have a reputation for copying others hard work and research and then producing something similar more cheaply. This is an art they have done exceptionally well at. In more recent years, they have actually innovated rather than just copy.
Nevertheless, the root of the issues with Apple, are about things that should not be patented in the first place. It has got so silly, and I have no idea how this ever gets reversed. However, the key for court cases has to be, very simply, "did the other party achieve a market share through the use of that patent?". If double tapping the screen to zoom in makes Samsung more phone sales, then although the patent is stupid, it is permissable under US law to prosecute. But for any fine, it HAS to be relative to the loss of market share of that patent and that is where the focus of any decision needs to be.
You can be sure Samsung has the very best lawyers. But they are working in a biased country. If the jury consists of US citizens, where Apple is an American company, and Samsung is Korean, then how on Earth can it be impartial or non-biased? This is nothing to do with being racially descriminative, this is purely about patriotism. Hopefully a US judge can see past that in any appeal and over-ride any decision.
Lennyuk said:
This has already been posted at least once on this very forum page!
Secondly do you really think your smarter than a bunch of higher paid, highly successful lawyers, they would have seen all this and if they didn't choose to use it in court they would have had a very good reason for it.
(p.s. I am a lawyer and I hate it when others think they can to do my job better than me )
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You're way too serious
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jonstatt said:
The Korean electronic manufacturers have a reputation for copying others hard work and research and then producing something similar more cheaply. This is an art they have done exceptionally well at. In more recent years, they have actually innovated rather than just copy.
Nevertheless, the root of the issues with Apple, are about things that should not be patented in the first place. It has got so silly, and I have no idea how this ever gets reversed. However, the key for court cases has to be, very simply, "did the other party achieve a market share through the use of that patent?". If double tapping the screen to zoom in makes Samsung more phone sales, then although the patent is stupid, it is permissable under US law to prosecute. But for any fine, it HAS to be relative to the loss of market share of that patent and that is where the focus of any decision needs to be.
You can be sure Samsung has the very best lawyers. But they are working in a biased country. If the jury consists of US citizens, where Apple is an American company, and Samsung is Korean, then how on Earth can it be impartial or non-biased? This is nothing to do with being racially descriminative, this is purely about patriotism. Hopefully a US judge can see past that in any appeal and over-ride any decision.
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Enviado do meu GT-I9300
Lennyuk said:
This has already been posted at least once on this very forum page!
Secondly do you really think your smarter than a bunch of higher paid, highly successful lawyers, they would have seen all this and if they didn't choose to use it in court they would have had a very good reason for it.
(p.s. I am a lawyer and I hate it when others think they can to do my job better than me )
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You're a lawyer? I would expect more of an intelligent response from a lawyer who is moaning about someone thinking they can do your job better, as well as a far better formed sentence. I mean isn't one of the main points of being a lawyer (or wouldn't that be a solicitor in the UK?) being able to write properly in extensively complex and correct English?
Before you go *****ing about how my English isn't all that - I'm not the one claiming to be a lawyer in a most unbelievable manner...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

(Curiosity) Am I the only one who feels like Apple is monitoring my spending habits?

Sunday, September 2, 2012
Note 10.1 Owners & XDA Members:
First, let me introduce myself. My name is Ed and I am the owner of a small networking and integration firm in Louisville, KY. While I am extremely proficient in my profession, my interest in mobile devices is a personal one and really more of a hobby. The number of times I've been corrected by Entropy512 will confirm that.
Anyway, enough about me. What I was wanting to know is, am I the only one who feels like Apple is monitoring my spending habits and basing their lawsuits on them? I mean seriously... the only Samsung device I own that has yet to be added to an Apple complaint is my absolutely gorgeous Tab 7.7 (GT-P6810) and it's 7.7" 1280x800 Super AMOLED Plus awesomeness! My other devices include the original Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), a Galaxy S III (GT-I9300), and a Galaxy Note 10.1 (GT-N8013) that I literally just bought yesterday!! Now today I read that Apple has added all but one of my devices to their most recent complaint. I would really like to own a device without having to worry about whether or not it was going to lose features. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Sent from my GT-N8013 using XDA Premium HD app
I don't feel like Apple is tracking spending habits, however every device listed is a very powerful (and popular) device. I've recently decided to pick up a GNote 10.1 over the TF700, and it feels like Apple is targeting anything popular that Samsung is rolling out. They really are trying to cripple the U.S market for Samsung, and It's really annoying.
iWay or no way I guess. I hope they get decimated with patent lawsuits.
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
Yes. It's all your fault! :laugh: But there is a solution - buy some iPad so they will sue themselves.
Biohazard0289 said:
I don't feel like Apple is tracking spending habits, however every device listed is a very powerful (and popular) device. I've recently decided to pick up a GNote 10.1 over the TF700, and it feels like Apple is targeting anything popular that Samsung is rolling out. They really are trying to cripple the U.S market for Samsung, and It's really annoying.
iWay or no way I guess. I hope they get decimated with patent lawsuits.
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
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I get what you're saying. However, if you're gonna wish, you should probably wish for Apple to be annihilated, not decimated. To decimate is to reduce by 10%. I'd be happier with 90%. Apple was a very likeable company when they were on the verge of bankruptcy.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using XDA Premium HD app
how to say ?
This is a blockage to creativity. And it is getting more ridiculous.
I mean, all of us also can see, where is the part which S3, N7000, and N8000 have copied from apple ?
On its first launch of Galaxy S i9000, yes, apple has the right to say that, since from the design, make-up and appearance, it is quite "similar".
I said "similar", not "same". Apple also claim that the gallery model on i9000 is copying their products, with a pinch method to zoom, etc.
Yes, apple may say like that for i9100.
But what right do they have to sue all samsung products ? Getting frustrated after Steve Jobs pass away ?
Especially on the N8000, I don't see anything similar on the iPad products.
From the looks, it is different alrd. Not to say about the S-Pen, Multiscreen, Pop-up play, floating keyboard, with the 3D surround speaker on the left and right side of the N8000.
I only see that apple is getting more and more ridiculous.
How not to jealous with Samsung ?
Ever since from Samsung S2, Note 1, S3, Note 10.1,.... Samsung always can grab apple market.
With android as the open source, and a lot developer supporting android, how Apple can win market ?
In Singapore itself, the market for samsung has been grown eversince Galaxy S2. And one by one, ppl start to change from iPhone to Samsung.
Now you tell me, how not to jealous, in here, at least before Galaxy S come out, almost everyone here got an iPhone (I think arount 80% of the mobile market here was under Apple).
Once i9000 come out, ppl here still confuse to change or not, since i9000 is Samsung 1st debut to beat iPhone.
But after that, come out i9100, the market just suddenly boost up for Samsung here.
Up to now, only in around 2 years+, at least here, Samsung can grab at least 40 - 50% of iPhone market.
And now, with Galaxy Note 10.1" (with its all special features), don't u think if this device is very cool, it will grab the iPad market as well ?
:victory: **peace** :victory:
This is a great article.
Apple Worked A Broken Patent System
Apple used a dysfunctional U.S. patent system to gain excessive control over technologies it did not invent. If you value innovation, don't cheer Samsung's punishment.
Charles Babcock Editor At Large, InformationWeek
BarryH_GEG said:
This is a great article.
Apple Worked A Broken Patent System
Apple used a dysfunctional U.S. patent system to gain excessive control over technologies it did not invent. If you value innovation, don't cheer Samsung's punishment.
Charles Babcock Editor At Large, InformationWeek
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+1. Apple has handled this worse than microsofts attempt of monopoly back in the 90s. At least microsoft just sought to dominate the market and didnt attempt to go suing its competition into the ground. Anybody of sound economic mind sees nothing good coming out of these rediculous lawsuits. Samsung is the center off apples imperialistic crosshairs only because Samsung is the only android manufacturer that can compete with Apple. If HTC was where Samsung is then Apple would no doubt go after them. I will vote with my dollar and not buy Apple products. But there will always be isheep out there who will pay for an overpriced product just to have an iproduct.
My guess is that this will all end in a massive antitrust smackdown of Apple. When the devil overplays his hand there is always hell to pay.
Imagine Apple thinking they have a patent on the rectangular phone with rounded corners. Motorola was making phones lile that 25 years ago. Pathetic.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
mitchellvii said:
My guess is that this will all end in a massive antitrust smackdown of Apple. When the devil overplays his hand there is always hell to pay.
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In USA it won't. It is American company, they won't do that to their own against company from the other side of the ocean.
In Europe though it's more likely, but Apple doesn't have monopoly, so maybe not.
Magnesus said:
In USA it won't. It is American company, they won't do that to their own against company from the other side of the ocean.
In Europe though it's more likely, but Apple doesn't have monopoly, so maybe not.
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Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean people aren't watching you.
Mister_Mxyzptlk said:
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Note 10.1 Owners & XDA Members:
First, let me introduce myself. My name is Ed and I am the owner of a small networking and integration firm in Louisville, KY. While I am extremely proficient in my profession, my interest in mobile devices is a personal one and really more of a hobby. The number of times I've been corrected by Entropy512 will confirm that.
Anyway, enough about me. What I was wanting to know is, am I the only one who feels like Apple is monitoring my spending habits and basing their lawsuits on them? I mean seriously... the only Samsung device I own that has yet to be added to an Apple complaint is my absolutely gorgeous Tab 7.7 (GT-P6810) and it's 7.7" 1280x800 Super AMOLED Plus awesomeness! My other devices include the original Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), a Galaxy S III (GT-I9300), and a Galaxy Note 10.1 (GT-N8013) that I literally just bought yesterday!! Now today I read that Apple has added all but one of my devices to their most recent complaint. I would really like to own a device without having to worry about whether or not it was going to lose features. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Sent from my GT-N8013 using XDA Premium HD app
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We are in The Matrix. Everything we do is being monitored.
toenail_flicker said:
We are in The Matrix. Everything we do is being monitored.
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You dont actually exist. You are just a virus i got responding to a Nigerian bank scam email
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
toenail_flicker said:
We are in The Matrix. Everything we do is being monitored.
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And the real joke is on everyone who owns an iPad, iPhone and gets their music/apps via iTunes or the app store. Bruce Willis know... www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showb...-Apple-over-music-rights-after-his-death.html
Welcome to iWorld, new iPad mini and iPhone 5 owners!
BarryH_GEG said:
This is a great article.
Apple Worked A Broken Patent System
Apple used a dysfunctional U.S. patent system to gain excessive control over technologies it did not invent. If you value innovation, don't cheer Samsung's punishment.
Charles Babcock Editor At Large, InformationWeek
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great article, i think these lines paint a pretty real picture of apple
"I will spend my last dying breath if I need to and I will spend every penny of Apple's $40 billion in the bank to right this wrong. I'm going to destroy Android because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go to thermonuclear war on this," Steve Jobs told his biographer, Walter Isaacson (Steve Jobs, page 512).
No wonder Apple and Samsung couldn't reach a settlement. This case is a rough replay of Apple suing Microsoft many years ago when Apple believed it was owner of the graphical user interface. In that case, it was well documented that both Steve Jobs and an Apple design team had visited Xerox PARC to see the first mouse-driven, graphical user interface available, then adopted its elements for the Macintosh. That case didn't get very far.
i LOLd hearing of how that first apple case didnt get very far
No matter what patent apple has for its products, I still believe that "general" technology is not suitable to be patented.
If technology is being patented generally, then, there would be no further invention.
And same thing goes for design.
If a product has been copied exactly the same, without any improvement at all, and you just put your own branding, then yes, I would agree that one is a violation to the copyright / patent. But if a copy has been improved with a lot of enhancement, I don't think it would be considered as a violation also.
I just couldn't believe a giant company like Apple would do such things, and forget that technology doesn't belong to 1 company only.
If Samsung has never started with its first Galaxy S (which according to apple is "copying" its iPhone), there won't be any improvement / invention so called as Phablet (N7000). No further invention like what we see at the N8000 as well, with its pop up play, real multitask with a multiscreen support, and no need to talk about tablet with smart-pen. Has apple done such improvement ? Other than its SIRI, which I believe before apple came out with it, others have known about this SIRI as well. Its so called as "Retina" display also come from where ?
Apple, you have grown up, but yet still act like a child ! Compete with your own innovation, let the consumer choose the technology, and let technology keep on improving !
BarryH_GEG said:
This is a great article.
Apple Worked A Broken Patent System
Apple used a dysfunctional U.S. patent system to gain excessive control over technologies it did not invent. If you value innovation, don't cheer Samsung's punishment.
Charles Babcock Editor At Large, InformationWeek
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Great article. Loved reading the comments section on it also. I'm really sick of Apple. The flawed patent system will be overhauled and many of apple patents will retracted as they should've never been issued in the first place.
I'm very interested in how the Motorola case against apple goes and this Samsung appeal.
I wonder how apple is feeling about MS jumping into the table game. If the surface does retail for the rumored $199, apple will have a heart attack..lol. apple is a household name BUT they aren't bigger than MICROSOFT. THEY don't have reach like MS does. It might take a collaboration of MS and Android to take down apple.
All I can say to Apple is you live by the sword you die by the sword.
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I had to jump in on this conversation with one question. What ever happened to the original develops of the GUI? I think it was Xerox. Why didn't they sue someone (Apple or Microsoft or both) for patent infringement back in the 80's? It might be a different world today if Xerox entered the PC market with its own interface.
They tried to years after the fact. The courts told them no dice.
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mitchellvii said:
All I can say to Apple is you live by the sword you die by the sword.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
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how very true, anyone read the aticle about how Apple may be levied import bans against the newest iphone due to it's LTE system infringing on HTC's patents
parry, Riposte!

