dialer problem of defy cm10 - Defy Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i am using cm10 of defy(MB525)
I cannot use the function bar of dialer.
Because of
"To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages. After approximately 10 posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thank you for understanding!"
,Please go to youtube link: youtube/watch?v=-VqMmu2ZCW8
Thanks you for your help

Hmmm, try wiping data + cache + dalvik? I haven't seen this before.
Or you could update to a newer version?


[Q] The Beast v1.0 ZSJPK (10 Languages) [4/17/11] / KB5 / Galaxy Star Dev Team

Hi, can't post in under your thread, so had to create my questions here, sorry.
Lovely Rom thank you.
Problem: Apps moved to SD keeps dissapearing after reboot.
Problem2: No missed call logs on notifications bar.
Problem3: No Dialer icon, Contacts on the Arc home launcher. (Fixed by manually created shortcuts.)
Problem4: Gallery slow in opening.
Any idea on how to fix them???
Wipe dalvick cache?
can you post questions in that thread so op can see it?
delete this message
Tried to, somehow XDA said that thread is for dev & I can't postin that section unless I'm dev?
Not one of the described problems is not present
The Beast running perfectly for me
I know how you feel, man. Just keep posting questions on here until you reach 10 posts and they'll let you post on Android Dev forums.

[Q] CM7 Market, wrong gapps?

Sorry but its saying i cant post in the developer section, which gapps file is needed for the advent vega? it installs everything apart from the market
Please do not start new threads with questions that have been answered many times in the cm7 thread. Maybe a PM to the developer would have been the best way to go, if you were unable to find the info with a search.
Your answer is in the first post of the cm7 thread.
Here is the direct link: http://goo-inside.me/google-apps/
Hope that sorts you
Take it easy
I did this post becuase i cant post on the dev forum and what the post said doesnt work, i have talked to people and i still have the same issue. : /
I would suggest you PM mad-murdock. I dont use cm7.
If the cm7 gapps from the link i posted is not working, then indeed there may be a problem.

CM10.1 Google Now Voice Feature HELPPP

Every time I try to access the Google Now Voice feature I get an error message saying "Unfortunately Google Now has stops working" and closes out I am on the latest Nightly Build: "10.1-20130109-mako" and I flashed the newest gapps version: "gapps-jb-20121212".
And one more question PLEASE! How can I post on "Nexus 4 Original Android Development" page? I am always told I need to have atleast 10 posts but I already have 10 posts and still cannot post there? I've been flashing ROMs for a long time now and it sucks not being able to post :/
cesar521 said:
Every time I try to access the Google Now Voice feature I get an error message saying "Unfortunately Google Now has stops working" and closes out I am on the latest Nightly Build: "10.1-20130109-mako" and I flashed the newest gapps version: "gapps-jb-20121212".
And one more question PLEASE! How can I post on "Nexus 4 Original Android Development" page? I am always told I need to have atleast 10 posts but I already have 10 posts and still cannot post there? I've been flashing ROMs for a long time now and it sucks not being able to post :/
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You are not supposed to post there.. unless you have a rom/kernel you wanna share.
You want help with CM 10.1? Then post in the CM10.1 thread.
cesar521 said:
Every time I try to access the Google Now Voice feature I get an error message saying "Unfortunately Google Now has stops working" and closes out I am on the latest Nightly Build: "10.1-20130109-mako" and I flashed the newest gapps version: "gapps-jb-20121212".
And one more question PLEASE! How can I post on "Nexus 4 Original Android Development" page? I am always told I need to have atleast 10 posts but I already have 10 posts and still cannot post there? I've been flashing ROMs for a long time now and it sucks not being able to post :/
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First of all, There is no reason to make 2 Post about the same Question (2nd Post)
Secondly, you will probably get your issues resolved sooner, if you post them on the CM Forum Or Under the CM ROM Build Topic here on XDA.
Thread closed. Please don't duplicate your questions as it's not needed and in the rules that you should only post once:
5. Post a message only once.
As a large forum we don't need unnecessary clutter, You're free to edit your message as you like, so if you do not receive an answer revisit your message and see if you can describe your problem better. Not everyone is online at the same time, it might take a while before you receive an answer.
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As for not being able to post in the Development section, your profile may not have updated yet removing the restriction so just give it some time then try again but do not post question threads in development, I hope you meant you wanted to post within the ROM thread.

Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 (GT-S7710)

I have problems few apps: for example Netflix, youtube and skype doesn't work.
Netflix gives error code 1018
Skype let you sign in but you can't call or receive calls
Youtube don't play videos
Please fix these problems
Hi there,
First of all, you must try to clear apps cache.
Second, post your questions in the forum bellow for more and relevant answers:
> General discussion > Questions and Answers
Good luck
Thanks for answer
I have cleared cache several times and it doesn't help.
I have version installed in my phone
Timppa701 said:
I have cleared cache several times and it doesn't help.
I have version installed in my phone
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Please, post in the forum I linked you in the above post.

[Q&A] [ROM][Official][4.4] Evervolv Nightlies

Q&A for [ROM][Official][4.4] Evervolv Nightlies
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for [ROM][Official][4.4] Evervolv Nightlies. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
i can't play video. it will reboot
lamgiaodau said:
i can't play video. it will reboot
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Provide a logcat I did hopefully it will be fixed
lamgiaodau said:
i can't play video. it will reboot
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As we already know its GPU rendering problem.
Nothing related to videos working
I noticed that i couldn't playback videos (using any player), and if there was a video on my news feed on facebook, it would autoplay (function of the app) and my phone would crash and reboot. This is pissing me of. Additionally I can't even record videos :/ Please fix this ASAP.
Screen Flicker
Any possible fixes available or on the way? Everything else was perfect ^_^
Hey bro
1.- When ready the Android 5.0 ROM for Glacier?
2.- I'm going to buy a new cell in 1 or 2 months to make mischief ...
The question is: How can I make my MT4G get as a gift for you to continue contributing to this wonderful device @elginsk8r ..
Well I am from Ecuador and if you want the smartphone would arrive. Having trouble battery and when you press the power button sometimes the screen is turned upside but 100% operational
3.- Sorry for my english
where is the download link?
Thank you, but I have a fully functional device to work with, plus I dont want something that makes me feel obligated to continue development on it. I would like to continue on using my devices that I work hard to afford. Handouts are not my thing. Not saying you would but I have had experiences in the past that make me think this way.
---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 PM ----------
jasson994 said:
where is the download link?
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No 5.0 links yet. All others are in our archives which the link is on the front page
Dear developer
I see that there is a new version of the ROM, but I can not find a direct link to it, please post a direct link to EV 5.0, thanks in advance.
PS Sorry for the bad english
Dear members
Who can write a direct link to the test version Evervolv 5.0, please write, thanks in advance
Thanks for keeping the glacier alive bud
All ways backup your current rom before adding root apps, modifying system/system files, flashing zip files, or installing new rom. be on the safe side. do it now or regret it later
glacier android 5.0 rom
sir can u kindly send me the link of evervolv nightly android v5. i cant recognize it in downloads.
fido65 said:
sir can u kindly send me the link of evervolv nightly android v5. i cant recognize it in downloads.
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5.x.x is experimental version so Developer does not upload yet. Kindly wait till nightly release.
Sent from my myTouch 4G using Tapatalk
elginsk8r said:
Thank you, but I have a fully functional device to work with, plus I dont want something that makes me feel obligated to continue development on it. I would like to continue on using my devices that I work hard to afford. Handouts are not my thing. Not saying you would but I have had experiences in the past that make me think this way.
---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 PM ----------
No 5.0 links yet. All others are in our archives which the link is on the front page
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Hey bud, question. Ever thought about doing development on both of the MT4G? or possibly porting over?
Sent from the keyboard of my Stock/Rooted HTC Mytouch 4G Slide (aka HTC Double Shot)
