WM 6.5 WiFi LAN USB/Media Server/'Stream' - Networking

Hi all, like many I want music/videos over wifi! Tried lots of searching, and lots of 'tips'.
I have T7373 - Rhod100, 6.5 (SEA) WWE rom (3.5 net), ASUS RT-N56U with USB drive/app, and the rest of LAN is W7. (HOMEGROUP, WORKGROUP, and LAN-USB app all work among other devices.)
WM6.5, MP will play a single song (very long path!) from LAN-USB.
With various versions of NETWORK FOLDER PLUGIN (and Network Browser) I can see the machines (but not the directories) on LAN, and when I try to attach or map I can see that WM can tell if there is a password/username active before telling me it failed. (NB will also see other routers and such.)
Since I cannot see the directories, I am using locations similar to what works in W7 for WORKGROUP - ie \\ASUS\AiDisk_a1 and also trying \\ASUS\Music to get to LAN-USB, and \\Z\C to get to W7 machine.
I think I'm (and many others) missing something very basic here. The WM6.5 tries and just does not map - can anyone help?
I would really to see a 'network' folder I could search for media just like my SD card...


hermes and network tools

I am a new Hermes owner and I am a networker.
So I am loking for anything related to network on Hermes to play with
unfortunately I am very confused with so many non-working applications for PPC. This is my first PPC device and I still couldn't go further then seeing my IP address on the device.
Of courser I can use it for any network application but I want to sniff, analyze, collect info...
So far, I've heard the following applications:
- VxSniffer
- PhatNet and Phatnet Pro
- Hitchhiker
- Commview wifi for PPC
- Windows Mobile Network Analyzer PowerToy for WM5
- Pocket Warrior
- CENiffer 3.0
- wififofum
- wifiknife
didn't work on my Hermes - don't know why but it says that it can't load driver.
it only worked once but then after a reset it gave the same error.
do you know the cause ?
PhatNet Pro:
didn't also work. but it never works. VxSniffer worked at least once.
Windows Mobile Network Analyzer PowerToy for WM5:
It works but really does nothing other than giving me obvious information.
Wifiknife and Wififofum aren't really doing anything sensible. Maybe just for fun.
I didn't try CommView, Pocket Warrior, CENiffer, Hitchhiker yet. But I really have no hope.
I've read the following article :
But it gave me no hope...
So I am still looking for software.
Which one really works on Hermes and really is useful ?
How do you use VxSniffer ? (I ask this because it was the only one that seemed like it would work and I see some people on this forum talking about it)
Does hitchiker or commview work ?
Please help me
Well erm..... what is it you want to do?
Hitchhiker works if you want to connect to a network. Wififofum that you say does nothing sensible gives you info about networks in the area. That is what these sort of apps. are designed for. If you want more then you have to be more specific in stating your purpose.
At random I might suggest something like logmein as a network tool to control your PC, but I live in fear that you will say that's not what I'm looking for it does nothing sensible!!
You ask for apps that really are useful - and that's the point, useful for what?
More detail please?
ok; detail...
I am looking for network analyzing, packet capturing, sniffing tools.
also talking about wifi, wep key sniffing would be nice.
also, I am looking for an emule/edonkey client for PPC.
I have mobiphant but a better client (if exists) would be nice.
btw, what information do you get from wififofum (I mean information that standart builtin wlan tool does not supply) ?
logmein is a pc controlling software as far as I know from my readings throughout the forum. I need this kind of application but my limitation is that I can only use remote desktop protocol. (formy work pc)
now, you'll say "use the built in TSC" but it is not usefull with 320x240 screen size. So I tried Nyditot to achieve a higher screen resolution. Then it made my stylus unuseful (screen alignment problem)
you see, there are too many problems that I need to solve with my Hermes.
emule/edonkey, wep key snifers - get a life!!
Come on ...
Want to use your HERMES as a hacking tool?
Forget it ...
why not ?
hey guys, why not ?
I don't understand you.
there are these applications...
mobiphant is a working emule client. I used it and I even downloaded someyhing on the go.
I just couldn't find the right sniffing application.
commview and hitchhiker should be working. I just don't know how to install and use these.
if phatnet, commview, hitchhiker, vxsniffer, and other tools are written. then there is a demand. and also there is possibility.
so why not we don't use it ?
I don't understand why you are negative about this.
I think there is negativity because the combination of applications you seem interested in suggests that you want to drive up to someones house or perhaps detect the neighbours network, crack their wep key, and start downloading their files.
Or maybe you have just given the wrong impression??
I think it's wrong impression.
I am a network expert in a serious network and telco company.
I have high bandwidth internet access both at work and at home.
I don't need to crack my neighbour's wep key.
It's just that I love network tools and now that I have a new toy which can access wifi, I want to play with it.
I need network sniffer to troubleshoot my voip applications on the hermes.
I need the emule client to download ANYTHING from e2dk networks while I am connected with my hermes.
there is no evil idea. I just want to use tools that are available. I am not familiar with this pocket pc OS (I was a PalmOS user for 6 years) and I need help.
besides, if I need to hack my neighbour's network I could use my laptop with many available tools.
That seems fair comment to me.
Unfortunately not being an expert in this area, we'll have to wait for replies from those who are.
I've found another one: ministumbler
it's available at :
it seem like a new application however, it didn't work...
Maybe I am doing something wrong.
Should I enable wifi card or disable it before using such applications ?
as soon as I enable my wifi card it connects to my wifi network.
maybe this interrupts the sniffer application ???
I use WiFi Companion, so you can chack that out if it suites you
Here is the link: http://www.jiwire.com/socket-wifi-companion-product-review-1.htm
wifi companion seems like a nice application. should I install it to devşce or the storage card ?
any special instrucions ?
You can install it on storage card, it works fine from there..
No special instruction needed for network experts..
here is what i have on my Hermes.
btcrawler - bluetooth snarfing/scanning tool (not really that useful but fun none the less)
mtoken - serial/telnet/ssh client
pocket tty - ppc version of putty
sniffi - wireless scanning tool (btw ministumbler doesnt work on the hermes)
wififofum2 - wireless (not sure which one i like yet)
vxipconfig - release renew etc..
vxutil - ping/traceroute/finger/nslookup etc...
CE Sniffer v3.1 - packet capture (like ethereal, i have used it on my old ppc havent installed it on hermes yet)
vxSNMP - read/write snmp (havent installed it)
vxSniffer - packet capture (havent installed it, but Cambridge software generally is very good)
WEP cracking - havent seen anything for ppc running windows. Generally you need linux on a IPAQ or similar.
thank you
I will try these...
However, I have a very generic problem:
when I install something related to wifi adapter, I generally can't run it.
all of the apps I tried say that :
"can't load driver"
"driver not loaded"
"driver not available"
I got these for most of the apps. Now I try the Socket Wi-fi Companion as suggested and I get a similar error:
"one or more components of WLAN tools were not found, or there are too few resources available to start the program. please verify proper installation of WLAN tools and try again"
I tried several times and the result is same.
My wifi is working. I am connected to my home wifi router now.
So what is the problem ?
Should I start these apps when my wifi is on or off ?
should I run them when I'm connected to a wlan or not ?
maybe there is a conflicting application I think but the only continuous running app is Wisbar Advanced.
What do you suggest ?
most of the wifi apps were written a while ago and dont contain drivers for the wifi in the hermes. A good example is ministumbler, it has not been updated for years.
You dont really need a wifi scanner to do more then tell you a network exists, if it is secured, what channel, power of the network, and if your lucky what brand of AP it is. sniffi and wififofum2 both do this and have gps tagging too.
There are plenty others out there though.
I understand you but I can't run any of the apps that you (and others) report working.
I have a problem using these drivers on my hermes. what could it be ?
anyone using any of these sniffing applications successfully on Hermes ?
which vxsniffer version works on Hermes ?
I still can't get further than "cannot load driver"
I'd go for the PPC ARM cab

Browing local network / shares via Wifi?

I've managed to successfully map & connect to 'file shares' on the several computers that i have on my local homegroup...using the standard 'explorer' within Duttys excellent WM6 build.
However this is being done whilst my Tytn is physically connected via USB & Activesync to my computer.
It is possible to see the local network, browse & connect to share folders, as i am doing currently but via Wifi!? - Thus not needing the depandancy on my laptop & usb? - Basically see the network & browse it the same way as all my other computers do...?
Can it be done with what is installed explorer or do i need a special program? - if so, whats good & free?
Yes. It is possible. Have used total commander and the built-in explorer to browse my network shares.
Many thanks, i shall give it a go...
P.S. sorry for my typo "Browing" - meant Browsing of course ;-)
hi there, you can try this one - http://www.vmobilesoftware.com/NetworkBrowser.htm it is much much comfortable. not tested on WM6 yet on my side, perhaps you can test is, and tell us if it work correctly. I have no free time
PS: I think that Resco Eplorer should be suitable for you also - http://www.resco.net/pocketpc/explorer/indepth.asp
Hi Sinmae
I shall certainly give this prog a whirl...
In the meantime, it seems that the built in Explorer, once a drive is mapped, CAN re-connect via Wifi to it....... I've been using my Tytn as an MP3 play wirelessly... by listenning to my files on an external drive that is mapped as a share on my laptop, which in turn connects via wifi..... The HTC default earphones are to shabby either... & this is from someone who owns a set of Shures!!!
However it is a manual process to map... you cant' sniff out & browse shares that are already there on other network machines... you have to key them in & hope for the best. - Therefore the prog you suggest might be good.

Browsing X1 media files via pc/ps3

Hi everyone, 1st post on this forum so please be gentle.
I've recently upgraded to an X1 from a nokia n95.
One of the things i that i used to be able to do with my n95 was browse my photos and music files that i had stored on the phone using my playstation 3 or my laptop over a wi-fi connection.
Havn't found an obvoius way to do this yet on the X1.
Is there an app or something in the settings that i can change so that i can do this on my x1 or isn't this possible?
anyone .
Don't you simply see all content of your X1 in your WIN Explorer like attached?
Certainly you would have needed to set up the connection between your X1 and the PC, but I guess you'll anyway have done that for synchnonisation reasons?
Eric X1 said:
Don't you simply see all content of your X1 in your WIN Explorer like attached?
Certainly you would have needed to set up the connection between your X1 and the PC, but I guess you'll anyway have done that for synchnonisation reasons?
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Yes i can do this no problem when i plug the phone into the pc via a usb cable.
I just wanted to know if i could do this over wi-fi without having to use any cables at all. I could with my n95.
I had an N95 aswel and I have to say that I miss how easy I could make it share all media files through the home network. This had something to do with UPnP I remember. Any program which could make the xperia almost a media server?
Just found a UPnP Server (for Windows Mobile 5.0) at Microsoft. As my X1 has not arrived up to now, i cannot try it out. Seems to be a package with several server components. If UPnP Server works, loggin in to your WLAN access point should make the UPNP Server promote itself and the X1 data accessible inside the local net.
This package contain optional redistributable server components that you can incorporate into your own applications for the Windows Mobile 5.0 platform.
MSMQ - Contains the core MSMQ libraries and the MSMQ administration utilities visadm and msmqadm.
HTTPD - Contains the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server.
PeerNet - Contains the Peer-to-Peer core library, the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) Namespace Provider (NSP) and the Peer-to-Peer service.
UPnPCtrl - Contains the core UPnP control point libraries.
UPnPHost - Contains the core UPnP device host libraries.
For full documentation, please see: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 SDK - Optional Server Components in the MSDN Online Library.
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Greetings from Vienna
It's a library. We need also a program that up a multimedial server.
I would love to see development on this front. I am trying out a HTC Touch HD coming from a N95 whihc is my main phone.
The media server ability of the N95 is extremely useful. I used to use to show pics on the PS3 wirelessly whenever i took snaps.
Much like wireless cameras with Upnp. Hopefully someone can make a solution. Its odd not having it.
the reason you could do that with your n95 was because it had dlna media server capabilities.. i kno the x1 was supposed to be able to do this initially but it got removed for some stupid reason..(it was in the original white paper)..i was really looking forward to this and was bummed when i got my phone and realized it was removed..so i doubt u will be able to do what your aiming at, your best bet would most likely be to map your public/shared folders to your phone so you could easily synchronise it
lakeside00 said:
the reason you could do that with your n95 was because it had dlna media server capabilities.. i kno the x1 was supposed to be able to do this initially but it got removed for some stupid reason..(it was in the original white paper)..i was really looking forward to this and was bummed when i got my phone and realized it was removed..so i doubt u will be able to do what your aiming at, your best bet would most likely be to map your public/shared folders to your phone so you could easily synchronise it
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Ah thats nice too. Lets hope windows gets on the badnwagon. I have to say the Symbian phone functionally are great out of the box. I have to tinker alot with other devices including the Iphone(whihc doesnt do much...).

getdropbox for win6.1 / xperia ?

Maybe you have heard from the great tool "dropbox" who synchronize your files at the desktop-pc, laptop and so on - easy to handle like an normal folder:
It also works with an browser-client when you are at a "foreign" pc.
The only problem is - it doesn´t work with the opera-browser or mobile internet explorer, maybe it depends on win mobile 6.1?
The last files you worked with are displayed, but not the folders.
Also the iphone-version of the browser-client: www.getdropbox.com/iphone
So maybe anyone knows an solution to handle that?
Thx for listening and sorry about my english ,
I'm too searching for solution for getdropbox on WM6 or maybe even some similar software for phone-to-pc file syncronization. Maybe somebody knows soft like this for Windows Mobile?
sugarsync -but the free version only works with two computers, but the same 2GB as with dropbox.
Concentrate, thanks for a tip!
It's seems like a good service!
http://www.mesh.com/ - supports wm6 as you'd expect. Great service.
Try Iris browser
Maybe it works
Concentrate said:
sugarsync -but the free version only works with two computers, but the same 2GB as with dropbox.
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If I modify a Word document (that is saved in a shared Sugarsync folder) on my X1 , it does not update on the cloud or my laptop (where I also have Sugarsync installed). (Though it WILL update the name if renamed.... strange). ANyone else noticed this? ANyone found ANY program where you can sync Word documents wirelessly BOTH ways, just by saving it?
Mesh is not available for mobile devices yet, as far as I can tell.

Remote Desktop and VNC Issues

Ok, i know this one has probably been done to death, and yes i have searched the internet and this board for an answer and i couldn't find it. So what is my question you may ask?
My question is this. Where do i find a working remote desktop application for windows mobile 6.5 (OS version 5.2.21869) rom version 1.66.405.2 (FYI my provider is O2-UK, the device is fresh out of the factory and not O2 branded). I have an app installed at the monent that is supposed to work but all i get is a "connecting" message and nothing more and that's using wifi to a windows 2003 SBS server or my windows 7 pro desktop. I have tried IP address's and hostnames and still nothing. I did notice that if i connected to the server from my desktop while my phone was trying to do the same i did get a "connection failed" message on the phone. I'm also having issues getting vnc to work (it's acutally pretty much the same problem as i get with RDP).
I do know my wifi works becuase i use it all the time in the house and the GSM radio is definitely able to talk to my home network on the external side because exchange direct push is working perfectly in secure mode.
So ideas or links will be welcome.
Thanks guys and it's good to be back.
I just had a thought. Would the activex control for IE that RWWP work?
The problem is your setup on your PC. Remote desktop on the phone works out of the box (as long as it can connect then it will.)
There have been discussions on this forum about Windows 7 and remote desktop, so it's there to find (I know you said you searched, but it is there!)
I use Windows XP and had my home PC setup for RDP connections already as I connect from other PCs, so when I got my HD2 it worked straight away.
I should say at this point i am an IT Engineer. I have tested this to death. I have tried it with firewalls on and firewalls off. Exceptions allowed and not.
Please also note i was trying to connect to my windows 2003 SBS server which does work from my desktop (and if i really wanted to i can connect from the server to the desktop using RDP or VNC) and my preivous HTC touch diamond and the HTC artemis i had before that. Although since my last RDP install on a phone (and considering my last phone ran WM6.1) i've lost the cab file i had.
John, thanks for the fast response. I really do appreciated it but i think you missed the mark a little. If you wanna have another stab feel free.
M3PH said:
I should say at this point i am an IT Engineer. I have tested this to death. I have tried it with firewalls on and firewalls off. Exceptions allowed and not.
Please also note i was trying to connect to my windows 2003 SBS server which does work from my desktop (and if i really wanted to i can connect from the server to the desktop using RDP or VNC) and my preivous HTC touch diamond and the HTC artemis i had before that. Although since my last RDP install on a phone (and considering my last phone ran WM6.1) i've lost the cab file i had.
John, thanks for the fast response. I really do appreciated it but i think you missed the mark a little. If you wanna have another stab feel free.
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I'm not a Windows 7 user, so I can't vouch for any of the conversations that I've seen on here, but there have been many regarding this exact issue. It usually turns out that they don't have a version of Windows 7 that will allow them to host RDP sessions, or that there was a setup issue that could be resolved.
Have a look at this thread and see if anything there helps...
I got this from searching and was a little confused as to why, until I got past the first 2 posts
Hope you find something useful mate.
Nope that's of no use. It's only discussing very basic and standard things i have already done but i must emphasize that i am not really that concerned with connecting to my desktop from the phone (i'm just using it in my testing to prove that RDP is actually open and working on both computers). The server is the most important thing right now and as i have said it has worked in the past. I have not changed any settings on either of my machines and i can not get it to function with this new phone.
I'm pretty sure it's something wrong with the rdp client i had to install on the phone because it didn't come with one. I have read that there is one that works and one that doesn't but there was no further clarification of which was which. Right now i would settle for a verified known working client for the phone but i just can't seem to find a link. Hell if someone out there knows of a VNC client that works i'd settle for that.
Just to show how dedicated and willing i am to get this sorted i did follow the instructions for creating a vpn (well tbh i had already created one ) that connected no worries. Then I fired up the rdp client and tapped in the internal ip address for the server, username, password and local domain. It's come back and said it's "connecting..." but i can see no activity on my internet connection coming to or from my phone. Yet if click the shortcut on my Desktop that has the same details it connects faster than i can blink.
Also please take into account that windows 2003 SBS only has a firewall on the external interface. So the internal network is unprotected. The VPN connection bypasses the firewall for authenticated external devices and users. That is why it was suggested in the link you posted because the same situation is created when you use it on windows Vista or Windows 7.
p.s while i was proof reading this i tested it on the wifi (so on the internal side of the network) and nothing. I'm pretty sure from monitoring the wifi link activity that the RDP client isn't sending out any data at all which sort of comfirms that there is a working and non working client. Seems i have the wrong one. Has anyone got any links to windows mobile 6.5 RDP or VNC clients that i can test?
Thank you everybody.
I didn't realise that there was a non-working version of remote desktop out there. That sort of explains it then doesn't it!
I know it's overkill, but if you can't find a working version of the app then you could always flash a ROM that has it, but like I said, the version that was on my phone when I got it (1.43 ROM WWE) worked from day 1.
You may not have an answer yet, but at least you've ruled a lot of stuff out.
Hope you get it sorted mate.
Now isn't a good time to reflash the rom because i'm a bit busy with other things but it is something i was considering solely because the HTC text messaging application is awful and i'm pretty sure it has a memory leak in it.
So what's the recommendations for roms taking into account that according to HTC i have the latest version for my provider.
Also i'm still open to suggestions on the VNC front?
RDP works flawlessly here too, but then again I had it in my ROM. You say you saw 2 versions of the RDP client, I'd recommend trying the other one, and if it still doesn't work... happy flashing The ROM in my signature works fine, but it's just one of many.
Well i read it in a post on another forum as a response to someone having a problem like mine BUT with windows 7 home prem which isn't ever going to work. Unfortunately there was no links provided.
I think i better go and get the kettle and move it into my office and start some hardcore searching. Man, I hate hardcore searching.
VNC Viewer
Attached is a FREEWARE VNC viewer I have been using on various HTC devices I have owned over the years, and it works perfectly well for me. I know you guys are discussing RD Protocols and Services, but if you have UltraVNC server available on your "host" PC, then this little beauty will work like a charm!
I use it all the time to dial into my home PCs and switch torrents on and off of downloading etc. and it is faultless. I also use it on my work phone to connect to our customers PCs in order to remote fault find / rectify etc..
N.B. This viewer IS NOT written by me, nor have I anything to do with it, all I know is that it is based on FREEWARE public domain code, and issued as freeware, and on an "as is" basis to the WM community.
interesting to see you have the exact same version of the phone as me. I have tried that VNC viewer already with no luck at all but i'll give it another go and see what happens.
just tried it out and with good results. Hooked up to the server on the wifi just fine but i really wouldn't wanna have to click n drag something. so that will buy me sometime while i work on the RDP thing.
Thanks namwollem
Ok spent almost an hour search and got a couple of hits. Thanks to a thread on social.microsoft.com i found the cab file should be called wm6rdp.cab. Ran a search for it in google and found 2 different versions. One cooked by a guy called finster and another one (looks more offical) the finster version installed and seemed older than the version i had as it didn't support remote storage. That failed to do anything new. I next tried the more official looking cab and this removed the finster version, soft rebooted the phone and looked promising but alas it didn;t do anything different. Interestingly i now have 2 RDP icons on my start menu. both run the same app so i'm a bit confused as to how that happened.
I'm really quite stuck now and, as i mention before, i want to avoid flashing the phone for now so i'm still open to ideas.
I hate it when things get wierd. I removed all the rdp clients i had installed in an effort to tidy up a little bit. There was one that would not remove. It was marked "bengalih productions windows mobile..." so i figured i would give the phone a reboot and try see if it worked and hey presto it does. This is the original client that i installed and the first that didn't work and i haven;t changed the config at all so i'm completely baffled. I have noticed in further testing that if i select any options (like fit to screen, or colour depth) it will not connect but if you give it the user and machine details it seems to work. It also is not not RDP version 7 compatible (so you can't use it to connect to windows 7 pro or ultimate machines) but who cares when you have VNC and RDP working?
So i am happy. Thanks for all your help guys.

