Five Ways To Shut Down Windows 8 - Windows 8 General

If you installed Windows 8, you might be wondering how to shut down or restart this operating system. There is no start button anymore so where do you shut it down?
Here - - you can read this funny article. I personally prefer the last option

This are the most useful key shortcuts, from my opinion..

For me the better way is :
Win + R
Shutdown -s -f -t 1 (But it dowsn't save your hivernate state for quick start) ! :laugh::laugh:


(Thread CLOSED, 22 October 2007) S2U2 v0.60 - back to clock

Hey, (22 Oct 2007)
Another update to v0.60:
- changed the clock files format (all under GFX\Clock) for easier customisation (for transparent effect, the top left corner pixel must be the transparent color)
(For hi-res devices, please extract files from either or & copy them to \GFX\Clock under the installed path. Otherwise the clock will be shown as half-sized.)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
(used & TimeFormat set to hh':'mmtt)
- fixed the background power interuption problem
- do not start S2U2 when the LCD is turned off
- smoother start-up
- some bugs fixed
CAB files (Thanks Xenpain for hosting the file)
(There is no updated files only for download this time)
For details, as usual, please read the Readme file or the 2nd post.
Besides, S2U2 now has two add-on
The configurator by dmagician:
And a Today plug-in by perasite:
Thanks both!
Hey, (17 Oct 2007)
A minor update to v0.53:
- added option ShowAlarm to show the coming system alarm info
- added a little animation when the device is charging
- fixed the "Flight Mode" issue for Treo
- some minor bugs fixed
For details, as usual, please read the Readme file or the 2nd post.
Hey guys, (14 Oct 2007)
Just updated to v0.52 with the following changes:
- ShowAppointment also shows "all day event" (but only the 1st one)
- reworked the "Flight Mode / No Service" detection
- fixed the WVGA display defect in Landscape mode
- fixed Autostart to work with soft-key power off
- some bugs fixed
For details, as usual, please read the Readme file or the 2nd post.
Hey guys, (11 Oct 2007)
Following the previous thread, here is another update... v0.5...
- added Landscape orientation (the wallpaper file is wallpaperL.bmp under GFX folder)
- added auto power saving as S2U (i.e. the shimmer will stop after idle for a while)
- added an icon for S2U2
- added Unread XXX notifications & ShowTask option
- added options ShowAppointment & AppointmentTimeFormat
(read the Configuration section below for the details)
- no more AC_XXX.bmp temp files
- all texts are VGA aware
- some graphic improvements on VGA mode
- fixed the problem with other Alarm software
CAB files (Thanks Xenpain for hosting the file)
There is no updated files only for download this time, please backup your settings & use the CAB file to install.
For details, as usual, please read the Readme file or the next post.
Finally, to show your appreciation or if you want to see the future of this app, pls CLICK HERE.
S2U2 is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don't use your device.
- WM5 or 6 devices
- free RAM: ~ 1M for QVGA; ~ 3M for VGA
- If you have Slide2Unlock installed, please uninstall it first & then soft-reset.
- After installation, there are 2 shortcuts created under \Program Files\S2U2:
iLock2.lnk - start/stop ilock2.exe (on the 1st run, it runs silently in the background; on the 2nd run, it closes iLock2 & S2U2)
S2U2.lnk - manually start S2U2 (be sure iLock2 is running in the background, otherwise the Battery status will not be updated)
- A shortcut for iLock2.exe is created automatically under "\Windows\StartUp" as well.
- Installation on Storage Card is not supported (for the sake of stability).
- There are 2 clock font files for selection - (default) & How to use?
1. stop iLock2
2. delete those files under \GFX\Clock (under the installed folder)
3. copy the extracted files to \GFX\Clock
4. start iLock2 & S2U2
- For hi-res devices, please extract files (follow the above steps) from either or & copy them to \GFX\Clock under the installed path. Otherwise the clock will be shown as half-sized.
Configuration: (in the Registry under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2. Please remember to RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings changed, otherwise it won't work):
- The Date & Time format can be customized by changing the keys DateFormat & TimeFormat:
d Day of month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit days.
dd Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation.
dddd Day of week as its full name.
M Month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit months.
MM Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months.
MMM Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
MMMM Month as its full name.
y Year as last two digits, but with no leading zero for years less than 10.
yy Year as last two digits, but with leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy Year represented by full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars both have five digit years. The "yyyy" pattern will show five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars.
yyyyy Identical to "yyyy".
For example, to get the date displays "Wed, Aug 31 94"
set DateFormat to ddd',' MMM dd yy
h Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
hh Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
H Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
HH Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
m Minutes with no leading zero for single-digit minutes.
mm Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes.
s Seconds with no leading zero for single-digit seconds.
ss Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds.
t One character time marker string, such as A or P.
tt Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM.
For example, to get the time displays "11:29:40 PM"
set TimeFormat to hh':'mm':'ss tt
- If you want to "auto start" S2U2 when the device is woke up, set:
Autostart to 1 (0 to disable)
- To turn off the LCD by S2U2, you may specify:
OffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)
- When the OffLCD is enabled, you may specify whether the device is suspended or remain active but with LCD turned off:
BlankScreen set to 0 or 1 (0 to suspend the device; 1 to turn off the LCD only)
- For devices with the capability to turn off the backlight, you may set S2U2 to start automatically when the device's backlight is turned off by:
IdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)
- Similar to IdleStart, ACIdleStart has the same function when the device is charging:
ACIdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)
- Similar to OffLCD, ACOffLCD has the same function when the device is charging:
ACOffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)
- Similar to BlankScreen, ACBlankScreen has the same function when the device is charging:
ACBlankScreen set to 0 to suspend the device; or 1 to turn off the LCD only
- If you want to install S2U2 to other folders or the storage card, please update the key:
S2U2Path to "the new full path"
- To turn off the LCD during a phone talk, set the key:
BlankOnTalk to 1 (0 to disable)
- To enable D-Pad input, set the key:
DpadOn to 1 (0 to disable)
- To show the Appointment information shown at Today's screen, set the key:
ShowAppointment to 1 (0 to disable)
- To change the format of Appointment's time, change the key:
AppointmentTimeFormat (use the same syntax as TimeFormat)
- Not to display the total no. of "Active Task", set:
ShowTask to 0 (1 to enable)
- To show the coming system alarm info, set the key:
ShowAlarm to 1 (0 to disable)
Only use the following 2 settings if your device have any abnormal behaviour:
- When NoPowerSuspend is set to 1, the OffLCD & ACOffLCD will be disabled. It'll untouch the Power Management and leave it back to the OS.
- When SafeMode is set to 1, iLock2 will not enter the "Unattended mode" (this is a special mode for the background jobs to run but without turning the LCD on). The device may need to soft-reset for SafeMode to be enabled.
- The default values are added on the first run of iLock2:
DateFormat=dddd', 'd MMMM
S2U2Path="\Program Files\S2U2"
Command Switch of iLock2:
iLock2.exe accepts the following command switches:
-slide to start/invoke S2U2
-nomsg to not to show any message even it closes itself & S2U2
-refresh to close S2U2 & reload the registry settings
Known limitations & FAQs:
- How to change wallpaper? Create a jpg file with resolution the same as your device (QVGA is 240 x 320; VGA is 480 x 640); rename it to "wallpaper.jpg"; copy it to the gfx folder (default is \program files\s2u2\gfx\); restart iLock2. And the file "wallpaperL.jpg" is for the Landscape mode.
- How to edit the registry? You need 3rd party software like "Task Manager" & "Total Commander". Try to google them & they are very user friendly apps.
- After changing the registry settings, iLock2/S2U2 do not behave as instructed?? Pls RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings is made.
- If "Password/Pin Lock" or "Owner Information" are enabled to display at wake up, S2U2 may cause the screen flicker. Pls disable these functions.
- My device's special Keys are not blocked by S2U2?! (e.g. HTC Touch) This is a device specific problem that cannot be resolved.
- Error: UserNotification has too much records?
That means the notification database contains more than 500 records. It'll ruin the Autostart of S2U2. Pls use other s/w to clean it up first.
- NOT Compatible devices: SX66, Xda IIs (Blue Angel)
Trouble shooting:
If you find your device is hang with a blank screen or no response with any key or screen-touch, you may not need to reset it. Please follow these steps if your device has a camera button:
- press the camera button to invoke the built-in camera program
- press the end call button to go back to Today screen
- use Task Manager (a third party freeware; highly recommended) to close the S2U2.EXE
Special Thanks:
- Forum fellows at xda-developers ( Thank you for your testings, comments, supports & patience.
Downloaded and works great. No more artifacts on the operator or date line AND task notifications. Great Job.
PS yr paypal link doesn't work (for me anyway)
let me be the second to say thanks.....
atleast 10x better on my device than v0.3.
btw, did you use my method for drawing the fonts?
or are they just larger bitmaps?
well whatever it is atleast it looks much more iphone-like
great job!
Ghostdog1 said:
Downloaded and works great. No more artifacts on the operator or date line AND task notifications. Great Job.
PS yr paypal link doesn't work (for me anyway)
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Thanks for letting me know. It's updated...
Yea, the new version ROXX! Great work! 0.5 has all features I need and works flawless so far and needs way less ram than S2U1. Thank you very much!
it's working flawless now. Thanks!!!
great work!
love it.
it works great keep up the work!
Hay A_c
Works great, but I'am havin an issuie, when i push the power buttom to wake up my device, the slide2unlock2 wont start auto, i end directly on the 2day screen ???
Is there something I'am missing ???
Cobra2 said:
Hay A_c
Works great, but I'am havin an issuie, when i push the power buttom to wake up my device, the slide2unlock2 wont start auto, i end directly on the 2day screen ???
Is there something I'am missing ???
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Did you start s2u2 by going to the Programms -> S2U2 folder and klick on s2u2?
Cobra2 said:
Hay A_c
Works great, but I'am havin an issuie, when i push the power buttom to wake up my device, the slide2unlock2 wont start auto, i end directly on the 2day screen ???
Is there something I'am missing ???
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Pls read your PM.
Hello A_C. I Love your Program! (Sorry for my very bad english)
I have a Question, it is possible to add a new notification or appointment, i mean the Alarm Clock like SPM Mobile Shell.
I want to view in how many hours the Alarmclock starts and on what Day.
I hope you can unterstand me.
Next Alarm On Fri 12.10.2007 at 06.00 (20h 30min)
That is very fine when you can do it.
And when I receive a MMS than comes the Icon for E-Mails. Can you make a Extra Icon for MMS?
1 MMS ; 2 SMS ; 5 E-Mails
Thank you, i donate you Now with 10 € for your very good Program!!!
hi A_C.. nice app.. i've been following and using s2u and s2u2 for months now..
the update is very nice.. especially the quick transition from landscape to portrait and back..
a problem though and an annoyance.. when my device goes to sleepmode/suspend (blankscreen=0 , offlcd=5).. i can't make my screen active again (to show the slide to unlock) by any keypress except the power button.. under settings>buttons>lock, i've already set When device is Off: Do not lock buttons
i'm using a case on my wizard and accessing the power button is very difficult.. that is why i have s2us as a launcher icon on my today screen to lock buttons and turn off the device.. but going back from sleep is very difficult now.. i need to remove my phone from the case first, press the power button, return it to the case, then slide to unlock.. and if i'm not fast enough, 5 seconds lapse, phone goes back to sleep, and i need to press the power button again..
on previous versions (even on S2U), all i need is to press the red button (call end), or any hardware key, to activate screen then unlock by sliding the arrow..
also, my other device.. a blue angel.. has a broken power button.. and once it goes to sleep (same settings: When Device is off: Do not lock).. it won't wake up unless i poke on the reset hole.. it's becomming an annoyance now.. that i'm thinking of going back to s2u2 v0.3 for the meantime..
i know this mode saves power preventing screen activation via ANY accidental keypress except power .. but this setting is already handled by the settings>button>lock applet.. maybe you can just remove that bug/feature on s2u2 or just let s2u2 follow the mode set in the settings.. so those with power button problems won't have a phone-in-comatose every time s2u2 kicks in..
i hope my problem is properly addressed on future updates..
Thanxs nic work
Just installed it - it runs very smoothly on my MDA Vario/Qtek9100/Wizard.
Switching to landscape mode works very fast! Appointments are shown correctly, sms-notification works perfect, just like the tasks-icon.
You did a very nice job with version 0.5! It's lightning fast, and the animation stop should save even some more memory usage - thanx!
I hope the weather icons are next on the to-do list for version 0.6! Keep up the very nice work...
A_C said:
Pls read your PM.
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Hi A_C
Great work on this new version!
Am excited to see each of the previous features are now being implemented! However, I realise S2U2 v0.5 doesn't support other means of powering off the PPC.
With v0.5, when I off my PPC using the on-screen shortcut and when I switch on my PPC again, S2U2 is not activated. S2U2 seems to be activated if only I off my device using the 'power' button.
Basically, I like to switch off my PPC (i.e. device off, not just the screen) using on-screen shortcut icon, instead of the 'Power' button (try to preserve/lengthen the lifespan of my hard button).
I remember at one point you've remove this feature, and upon my (and some others most probably) request, you have included it back. May I know whether it's possible to include this feature back again?
Or... is this feature (removal) intended in the first place.. which then, make this a 'bug'??
Switching back to v0.3 for the time being.
Thanks @dodo-dk. The alarm notification is quite interesting. But I would like to fix the bugs first. I'll think about it later.
For the MMS notification, actually there is already an icon made for it. But it's found that different OEM or Service provider had implement this part quite different and do not follow what Microsoft's SNAPI's requirements. So in your case, it seems that part is broken & S2U2 could not display the proper numbers.
Pls try the option NoPowerSuspend (set to 1) & let me know does it work. Sorry that I made a mistake in the readme. The NoSuspendMode should be treated as NoPowerSuspend. You need to rename the key NoSuspendMode to NoPowerSuspend.
(just corrected them & re-uploaded)
I have reservation to recover the weather icon as it seems to have many problems.
Your case should be same as Cobra2, pls read your PM.
i've upx unpacked and disassembled to remove the 's2u2 v0.5 by A_C' message at the start,
as it kinda ruins the iphone effect imo. same reason i didn't put any credits in my slider app.
hope you don't mind.
can upload here if you want to have two versions
(one that supports giving you credit, another for people who don't like the message on there).
or you could have the message on by default, but allow people to set an option in the config to turn it off.
some other bugs (and this is getting really picky..):
1. the arrow's graphics movement on vga devices is still a bit laggy. might need to increase the buffer if it's detected it's a vga device.
2. the slideback movement is also a fair bit faster than the iphone. (only mention this because it effects the functionality of being easily able to grab it when it's sliding back that the iphone has)
there are some people that like it springing back to the start really fast and some that don't.
a config option to set the slideback speed could be an idea.
3. grabbing it when it comes back makes it go another 2x faster when you let it go again.
i've come across this problem in my .net and javascript slider versions.
the reason it goes 2x faster every time is because it's using the old slideback timer which is already moving the pixels back, and then it's trying to do that again at the same time.
the way to overcome it is to turn off and reset your timer for the 'slideback' every time you get the mousedown event.
then when it slides back on the mouseup event it will do it the same way as it did the first time.
should be the same to fix in c++. i assume you must use a timer for the slideback etc. as there aren't many different ways you can code it.

Some tips for the Shift

Finally got my shift...
Here's some tips from the 2 day of hardcore usage and 14 broken instalations of vista.
Service pack 1 is good to have. It DOES make a difference. Mostly for network usage, sharing and copying files it tends to speed up some things. Windows will "calculate" necesary time and file sizes quicker when you move or copy something. Boot time is also decreased but don't expect magical things.
By default Vista sets a huge amount of time to wait for programs to close when initiating a shutdown command. If a program doesn't respond the shutdown time is very long. I've used regedit to manually adjust this from 20000 to 2000. The tweak didn't result in any problem for me. Here's the path.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control > waittokillservice
Speaking of registry, careful when using registry cleaner programs or tweak utilities. Some of them will delete the HTC Shag controll keys and some empty keys that these utilities think they are junk, resulting in the inability to change resolution by hardware button. Also this disables the Comunication Panel from being started by hardware button. If you want to use this kind of programs ALWAYS back up the registry before making changes.
Install the video driver update from Microsoft. It will improve your video performance. However restart the shift as soon as the upgrade completes. The resolution changer program will not operate until then and if you stress it to much it may not work even after the restart. It will simply ask you to restart the shift because the driver has changed, even if you already did that. This happened once, i don't know if it was an isolated incident.
Don't try to overcloack the shift. Rummors on the internet say that the intel A110 can run at 1ghz. This is not the case for the Shift. Curently the SetFSB program mainly recomanded over the internet isn't compatible with the shift's hardware and it will do no good.
If your desktop icons appear to big in the lower resolution change them by presing the ctrl button (keep pressed) and mouse scroll (use external mouse). This is the simplest way i've found out and it will enable you to see more size options then the icon size changer in the customize menu.
Thanks heaps for those tips and suggestions, I was concerned about installing SP1 but now I will give it a go and the other tips are great.
Thanks for your suggestions! after using "tune-up utilities" I had problems with the shift control center as well: disappeared completely or needed a lot of time to be available after windows start.
With SP1 installed I didn't have any issue so far. Although I've made no comparison test my impression is that there is a little but perceptible increase of speed.
facdemol said:
If your desktop icons appear too big in the lower resolution change them by presing the ctrl button (keep pressed) and mouse scroll (use external mouse). This is the simplest way i've found out and it will enable you to see more size options then the icon size changer in the customize menu.
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yeah and this works from almost everywhere (IE, desktop, explorer,..)

Quick OEM Locking solution.

Alright guys:
Myself as plenty of you fellas are probably still seeking for a quick, light and fast solution for locking your Jewels.
Believe me I have tried every locking app that has been uploaded and they all worked great and thanks to all members that made them........
I finally came to the conclusion that the best way to lock the Jewel is with the famous Hold Down End Key. But holding down the damm end key for 3 seconds every time is not really nice.
Even though I believe it has some major positive points compared to other locking apps such as:
-Very lite, comes OEM in Windows.
-It is the real all round lock, NO hard key can remove it.
-You save space and mem by not using a third party app.
Easy Solution:
-Add a shortcut to your start menu or your programs list. No need to hold down the end key.
-Or add it to a soft key on home screen.
I provide the .exe attached, I extracted this from my device so I dont know if it works on all devices. But we all have the same .exe file in the Windows directory.
Hope this helps some one.
PS: I was looking for that terrible grey background image that apears when you want to unlock the device to change it for something cooler, any ideas? Thanks.
The skin for the endkey is in windows folder.
Copy entire windows folder to your PC, and looks for the images related to endkey. Sorry but i cant remember the names right now
And maybe ull find some more images to skin more programs like the dialer, etc...
Driskol said:
The skin for the endkey is in windows folder.
Copy entire windows folder to your PC, and looks for the images related to endkey. Sorry but i cant remember the names right now
And maybe ull find some more images to skin more programs like the dialer, etc...
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Yes, im aware, all the image files are in windows.
But I dont have time to search (dammm job)
Thanks anyways.
Yes good idea to use the standard WM lock. It would be considered a really good locking solution if it wasn't for the stupid, bloated HTC dialer with its big answer and reject buttons. The standard WM dialer works better with the standard lock because the incoming call notification is much more difficult to accidentally press.
Even better, if you use the standard WM (bubble popup) volume control then you can still use the volume up and down buttons with the device locked.
You can also assign Endkey.exe to the left softkey, that way you can use the same softkey to lock and unlock the device.
is there any way to change the holding the key time to something shorter than 3 seconds?
hamish909 said:
is there any way to change the holding the key time to something shorter than 3 seconds?
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Not that i know of.

Speaking Clock with Chime & Signal Strength detector

## TamerSpClock v1.4 ##
Last update 13 Dec 2008
"TamerSpClock" is a Windows Mobile 2003/5/6 software which lets you take hand over your time to the max. It is a fully customizable speaking clock & a chimer.
- you can choose a THEME of time intervals of 1 ,5 ,15 ,30 or 60 minutes ,Then you can choose actions to be done on these choosen theme intervals.
- you can adjust when to speak time or chime and when to mute in a way that differs from other programs by means that you can set multi portions (intervals) of time that mute the program automatically for daily use. you can access the file "Validity.ini" found in the folder named "settings" inside the program installation path. this file can be edited by any notepad or word (pocket or pc word) then you can specify at what hours to work on and what to mute (just Change validity = 0 corresponding to hours that needed to be muted & Change validity = 1 to the rest of the hours).
- The program can wake up the device without waking up your screen conserving your battery life and will chime even if the ppc is sleeping or in a deep sleep, The software have a feature that can force the screen not to wakeup (BlackMe feature) at chiming times or (if you choose to) to leave it to the current windows mobile configurations (settings) to decide ,this is useful for some ppc that wakeup the display on every chime which may have negative results on battery life.
- you can put your own wav files to be chimed ,just insert them in folder "Wav" found inside installation directory but use the same names of course.
- This software differs from other similar products in that if you choose for example 15 minute iterval for speaking the clock ,it wll activate itself and speak time on whole miute numbers like 15-30-45-60 and will not just repeat the choosen interval starting from the time you switched it on which results in speaking times like 4:52 and 7:27 etc.
- you can choose or omit salutations like "the time is" & "Am ,Pm" & saying "Oclock" at the whole number hours. this can be customized using the provided links to enable and disable the action features.
- you can choose whether to use vibration or no with the chiming process.
- you can stop all software processing events by one finger click.
- Software will automaticaly activate itself and work again after any restart of the device.
- you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%.
- you can set an action like Zekr which can help Muslims remember their Lord every 5 minutes with a low volume sound saying God is the most Great. This option acts solely without dependency of the choosen theme interval since it have a fixed firing every 5 minutes (take it or leave it).
# How to install Cab file of TamerSpClock:
1- For versions prior to v1.4 you must download MortScript from the following link
(Version v1.4 & above already have it embedded inside software)
This software acts like an environment for "TamerSpClock" to work. please note that "TamerSpClock" cannot run without installing this software.
2- Transfer cab to any place on your ppc using active sync or any other communicating software.
3- Choose whether to install to Device or to MemoryCard ,It is very important to choose the installation target location during the setup process corresponding to the version you downloaded whether it is on memory card or on phone. Note that program is hard coded ,this is why this point is very important for the program to work.
4-For Version v1.4 & above before running program ,press the icon named "RunFirst" prior to run the program (This acts as if MortScript Cab is installed)
This software had been tested on HTC Tytn & found stable ,Also can work on any windows mobile device.
I have been looking for an hourly chimer that does not wake up the screen. The disappointing thing about this one it it is hard coded to run from the storage card. Can this be modified to use variable paths?
One issue I have with installing to the storage card is Windows Mobile unmounts the card to save power on some devices. I also change my card based on what I am doing. I keep my maps on one card and my MP3s on another.
painter_ said:
I have been looking for an hourly chimer that does not wake up the screen. The disappointing thing about this one it it is hard coded to run from the storage card. Can this be modified to use variable paths?
One issue I have with installing to the storage card is Windows Mobile unmounts the card to save power on some devices. I also change my card based on what I am doing. I keep my maps on one card and my MP3s on another.
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Added 2 versions ,one if you want to setup on the Phone Main Memory & the other for Storage Card.
This really sounds great - but how to use it?
I am no expert in programming or in mort scripting.......
I would like to use this feature: "you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%."
But no speaking clock, only those alert, when signal drops.
It should check every minute.
What do I have to enable/disable for that?
And how to let it run, when my touch is sleeping?
I'm using a TyTN II. Great software.
Like to feedback that when I was using my bluetooth headset, when the phone is off (no display), announcing (audio) could be heard and vibration. When I don't use the bluetooth headset (bluetooth is off), and phone is off (no display), I don't hear any announcement and there is vibration only. If I turn on the phone now, I will hear the end part of the time announcement.
Is this normal?
zard said:
I'm using a TyTN II. Great software.
Like to feedback that when I was using my bluetooth headset, when the phone is off (no display), announcing (audio) could be heard and vibration. When I don't use the bluetooth headset (bluetooth is off), and phone is off (no display), I don't hear any announcement and there is vibration only. If I turn on the phone now, I will hear the end part of the time announcement.
Is this normal?
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Zard .. if you enable the black me feature the speaking clock can be capable of walking up the device to say time at chosen theme points without walking up the screen. So i advice you to enable the blackme feature as long as the phone is in your pocket. if you are using the phone for an instance or a period of time you can disable the blackme feature since when you are using the phone the feature will be annoying.
in some devices (devices differ in reaction to wakeup) the phone cannot wake up to say the time if it is sleeping ,this is why i made the blackme feature. So the solution is to enable it.
Also if you go to programs menu in the start button you will see a pack on enable & diable features. you can choose what ever you like to enable and what to diable.this features can be clicked (enabled or disabled) & once confirmed you will notice that it will be active wherever any theme is choosen. iam sure that the blackme feature is able to walking up the device to say the time whether your device is in sleep or deep sleep.
kino-kino said:
This really sounds great - but how to use it?
I am no expert in programming or in mort scripting.......
I would like to use this feature: "you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%."
But no speaking clock, only those alert, when signal drops.
It should check every minute.
What do I have to enable/disable for that?
And how to let it run, when my touch is sleeping?
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Kino-Kino .. first of all open the start menu programs ,you will find 2 folders ,one is named enable & the other named disable. now you are ready to open each and click what ever features you like to be enabled and whatever to be disabled.
At this time you are ready to go for the Theme selection which means at what intervals you want the choosen features to fire ,you can try the "01M" which means that the software will fire every 1 minute to execute the selected feature (or features if you choose others).
For example ,if you want only the signal detection feature ,go to disable folder and click all features to disable them all ,then go to enable and only click the shortcut named "Signal".
Once done .. every 1 minutes (since we choosed "01M") the phone will execute the selected feature (or features). in some phones the system cannot walkeup itself to execute the so called notification tasks at given times if it was in "Sleep" or "Deep Sleep Mode". So you can check your phone reaction to such notification tasks.
To make sure we are ready to go ,you must check first that your phone registry key when the phone is on and receiving signal looks like this :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Phone] the value of "Cellular System Available" must be 65
to do this test just download Fred Taskmanager free from this link
once downloaded install it ,open it and go to RegEdit tab and go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Phone] & check for "Cellular System Available" number .. it must be (65) i mean the number between brackets.
If this is the case ,the program will correctly do the job. but if it isnt (may vary from phone to another) ,then this number must be modified in the software to read correctly ,Go to program installation folder " \Program Files\TamerSpClock\Data\Signal.mscr " rename the file "Signal.mscr" to "Signal.txt" then open it by any notepad or word ,then check the line "if(%PhoneActive% = 65)" and change the 65 to be like the number that you found for your phone in the normal signal state. Do not forget to rename it back once finished to "Signal.mscr".
Thanks going to test on my lovly hima.
Thank You for Your reply!
I think, there could be a problem:
The reg key, You mentoned, does have different values.
If I am connected to a "GPRS" network, it is "1".
If I am connected to an "EDGE" network, it is "8".
And if only phone is active, but no internet-connection, it is "1".
So what should I take?
Thank You!
EDIT: There is another key called "Radio ready state" with the value "31".
And all value are "0" when radio is off.
kino-kino said:
Thank You for Your reply!
I think, there could be a problem:
The reg key, You mentoned, does have different values.
If I am connected to a "GPRS" network, it is "1".
If I am connected to an "EDGE" network, it is "8".
And if only phone is active, but no internet-connection, it is "1".
So what should I take?
Thank You!
EDIT: There is another key called "Radio ready state" with the value "31".
And all value are "0" when radio is off.
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The reply is that you take the number between brackets on the idle state without conecting to any network ,because the idea as you can see from the code that there is 2 conditions must be fullfilled to fire the signal alarm which is 1- if the signal in the idle state be so and so and 2- in the same time signal drops to so and so ... Bingo ... fire
So ,now you got the idea of the code & can now modify it to fullfils your needs ,and you are ready to put your constants that reflects the state where you want spclock to fire. wishing this could help .....
timoz73 said:
Zard .. if you enable the black me feature the speaking clock can be capable of walking up the device to say time at chosen theme points without walking up the screen. So i advice you to enable the blackme feature as long as the phone is in your pocket. if you are using the phone for an instance or a period of time you can disable the blackme feature since when you are using the phone the feature will be annoying.
in some devices (devices differ in reaction to wakeup) the phone cannot wake up to say the time if it is sleeping ,this is why i made the blackme feature. So the solution is to enable it.
Also if you go to programs menu in the start button you will see a pack on enable & diable features. you can choose what ever you like to enable and what to diable.this features can be clicked (enabled or disabled) & once confirmed you will notice that it will be active wherever any theme is choosen. iam sure that the blackme feature is able to walking up the device to say the time whether your device is in sleep or deep sleep.
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Thanks, with Blackme, it works now.
dont work with my diamond
great sharing.
Dynomite232 said:
dont work with my diamond
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Dynomite232 ,Kindly feedback whether the mortscript program didnt run on diamond or the TamerSpClock itself. i didnt expect this to happen from the Diamond of a VGA screen since my software didnt realy have a User Interface Menu ,its only shortcuts. In addition that Mort do support any windows mobile device.
Thanks again helping me, I think, I start to understand what Your mortscripts are able to do!
But I have to ask once more:
So I have three different scenarios, when I would get that signal-alert:
1 If Cellular Systam Available is "8" AND signal drops to less than 40%
2 If Cellular System Available is "1" AND signal drops to less than 40%
3 If Cellular System Available is "0" WITHOUT checking the signal strength
So would it be possible to edit the Mortscript this way?
Thank You!!
Reply to Kino-Kino
kino-kino said:
Thanks again helping me, I think, I start to understand what Your mortscripts are able to do!
But I have to ask once more:
So I have three different scenarios, when I would get that signal-alert:
1 If Cellular Systam Available is "8" AND signal drops to less than 40%
2 If Cellular System Available is "1" AND signal drops to less than 40%
3 If Cellular System Available is "0" WITHOUT checking the signal strength
So would it be possible to edit the Mortscript this way?
Thank You!!
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Kinio-Kino for your described situation the case will be as follows (copy & paste what is below between the # signs to replace what is inside Signal.mscr ,you can find this file inside a folder called Data inside the program folder inside Program Files)
ErrorLevel ("syntax")
SignalStrength = RegRead("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Signal Strength" )
PhoneActive = RegRead("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Cellular System Available" )
if(%PhoneActive% = 0)
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
if(%PhoneActive% = 8)
if (%SignalStrength% < 40 )
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
if(%PhoneActive% = 1)
if (%SignalStrength% < 40 )
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
You can now Download the latest version v1.03 ,I build a new user interface for this software instead of the icons .Before Uninstalling Do the process of "StopingAll" feature then make a new Install to v1.03.
first, thank You again, its working now as expected, great!!
The new Version 1.3: Both cabs get installed to the main memory, maybe something went wrong with one of them?
And one more question:
When my phone is sleeping, I dont get those signal-alerts.
So You have Your blackme-feature:
How could I handle that, to get the hardware-buttons locked, when blackme is active? I have a HTC Touch.
Thank You!
kino-kino said:
first, thank You again, its working now as expected, great!!
The new Version 1.3: Both cabs get installed to the main memory, maybe something went wrong with one of them?
And one more question:
When my phone is sleeping, I dont get those signal-alerts.
So You have Your blackme-feature:
How could I handle that, to get the hardware-buttons locked, when blackme is active? I have a HTC Touch.
Thank You!
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kino-kino ,Welcome again & thank you for your feedback. The Cab file targeting the storage card have been updated in the main thread page.
you are asking now about 2 subjects ,the first one concerning the signal alert didnt fire during deep sleep of the phone ,i think you might try to make the speaking clock feature active along with the signal alert feature ,maybe it will wakeup your device to fire at the specified times, of course if its voice is annoying to you can try deleting the clock wav files but leave of course the signal.wav without deleting. I wonder this happens to you although my Htc Tytn wakeup and fire Signal Alerts at specified times.
The second question can be solved simply by downloading "HomeScreenPluPlus" from the following link:
This software is free and have a feature in the second UI page of options that lock your device when the screen is off and vice versa ,see this pic for explanation.
Thanks for your great app, but I have troubles with BlackMe feature. If this feature is disable, my phone doesn't speak, vibrate only. But if it's enable, it turn off the phone screen when speaking time. That's annoy when I'm doing something on my phone, especially while downloading a large file, it interrupts the wifi connection and I have to re-download from beginning. Any solution for that?
hung_ng said:
Thanks for your great app, but I have troubles with BlackMe feature. If this feature is disable, my phone doesn't speak, vibrate only. But if it's enable, it turn off the phone screen when speaking time. That's annoy when I'm doing something on my phone, especially while downloading a large file, it interrupts the wifi connection and I have to re-download from beginning. Any solution for that?
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yes i know hung_ng ,i made the blackme feature as a separate item in folder links so that you can assign its icon to a hardware button to be easily accessed so that when you are using your phone you can easily deactivate BlackMe.
This annoying feature (from my point of view as you eaxactly) is essential in many phones ,as the system cannot wakeup the device from a deep sleep to do the choosed actions. the blackme feature (also known as "ToggleDisplay=1") force the phone to wakeup to fire the action. if it is disabled many devices will fall in deepsleep without being able to wakeup. the last version 1.3 have this separate shortcut that i explained.
Another idea i made in my Tytn and made me feel comfortable is that i made my telephone sense when a specific window is open ,the blackme is disabled automatically and when i close this window it reverts automatically to be enabled. for example i made RescoExplorer2007 window when it is opened the blackme is disabled & serving me while i work ,and once i finish i close Resco and automatically blackme returns active and conserving my battery life.
Sorry for being long in my explanation but if you are interested in the idea ,i can make a version for you that is capable of deactivating BlackMe once a specific window is opened. i am not a programer ,i am an Architectural Engineer that once upon a time needed this software and didnt find a really satisfying one available all over the internet ,so i decided to learn Mort Script and i write a one satisfiying my needs and by the way i think that it might help other people who might need it as me.

[Q] Is it possible to speed up animation ?

HI there
I very like the WP8 os but i have one question.
Is it possible to speed up animation ? or maybe switch it off ? regstry tweak somewere ?
example 1
from the home screeen open up any software you like and then push the arrow key (left key)
you will see that the screen is going back to the home screen and it takes a while to finish
it takes some time to put all the "icons" back to its original state.
example 2
goto to settings and push the windows (middle) key ...again it takes a while before all the icons
are in original state.
is this process "tweak-able" so maybe less seconds to build the screen up ?
i hope you guys understand what i mean ?!?
many thanks in advance
megasounds said:
HI there
I very like the WP8 os but i have one question.
Is it possible to speed up animation ? or maybe switch it off ? regstry tweak somewere ?
example 1
from the home screeen open up any software you like and then push the arrow key (left key)
you will see that the screen is going back to the home screen and it takes a while to finish
it takes some time to put all the "icons" back to its original state.
example 2
goto to settings and push the windows (middle) key ...again it takes a while before all the icons
are in original state.
is this process "tweak-able" so maybe less seconds to build the screen up ?
i hope you guys understand what i mean ?!?
many thanks in advance
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It was Possible in Windows Mobile 6.5 (my prev phone) to disable all animations or maybe turn them on.
we were able to that via a registry key.
but now in wp8 because of no Interop Unlock and no access to registry I couldn't find that but it's *maybe* possible to disable it at least.

