Trade xoom for note10.1? - Xoom General

After watching some demonstation of note10.1 , i really feel like to get one, if its not too pricey.
Anyway, can anyone give me some opinon about this?
I owned a razr, n after comparing with s2 (almost same spec), s2 is much more laggy than my razr due to the touchwiz ui.
But s3 seems better anyway.
I m using xoom with eos jellybean now n the speed is awesome, sometimes i might think that i m using a quad core device.
So is trade xoom for note10.1 a good choice?
Sry for my extremely bad English . I really need some suggestion

omnia1994 said:
After watching some demonstation of note10.1 , i really feel like to get one, if its not too pricey.
Anyway, can anyone give me some opinon about this?
I owned a razr, n after comparing with s2 (almost same spec), s2 is much more laggy than my razr due to the touchwiz ui.
But s3 seems better anyway.
I m using xoom with eos jellybean now n the speed is awesome, sometimes i might think that i m using a quad core device.
So is trade xoom for note10.1 a good choice?
Sry for my extremely bad English . I really need some suggestion
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Its no alternatives to xoom right mow, imho

One thing that caught my eye is that aside from the Quad core processor, the Galaxy Note 10.1 is running on 2 GB of ram!

big ach said:
One thing that caught my eye is that aside from the Quad core processor, the Galaxy Note 10.1 is running on 2 GB of ram!
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Same here, thats really awesome.
Somemore there r floating keyboard, s note calculation , floating video player etc, all these are really amazing features

I might pick one up just for the helluvit. I really like my sg note and my xoom, but I've also really gotten attached to the s-pen.
If Motorola doesn't get in gear and release a kick ass tablet to replace the xoom, I think its going to be hard for them to get back into the game.
EOS3 N130 @ MZ604 [XDA HD]
Stock ICS @ SGH-i717R [XDA Premium]

Just saw that the n8000 makes calls. Thia is a killer feature I've been waiting for on a 10.1 tablet. Maybe eos guys can pick one up in a bounty.... hint hint.
If kc, brd or solz gets one, I'm there too.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium

Originally I was dead set on replacing my Xoom with a Note 10.1, because some of the features sound really useful (such as side-by-side apps, pressure sensitive notes taking, etc).
But after reading the reviews yesterday... well it sounds really disappointing So I am going to wait for the coming software updates and price drops, before re-considering it.

The only thing about the Note that I like is stylus. The rest is pretty meh.
I'll wait another year before considering replacement. The Xoom has plenty of life left in it.

Mine arrives tomorrow... will test over the weekend and report back. I have and still do love my xoom and use it daily, but my GNote has convinced me of the value of the wacom digitizer technology. Should know by Monday whether its a realistic xoom replacement.

hchxoom said:
Mine arrives tomorrow... will test over the weekend and report back. I have and still do love my xoom and use it daily, but my GNote has convinced me of the value of the wacom digitizer technology. Should know by Monday whether its a realistic xoom replacement.
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Waiting for ur report n pls tell us if the device is suitable for gaming.. in pics the corner of the device looks toothick to hold for gaming

what's this about being too thick... its bezel on the flanks is a bit wider, but that's for the speakers. And its around ~200grams lighter than our xoom.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium

Eun-Hjzjined said:
what's this about being too thick... its bezel on the flanks is a bit wider, but that's for the speakers. And its around ~200grams lighter than our xoom.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
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Sry i mean the corner is abit too wide

omnia1994 said:
Sry i mean the corner is abit too wide
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Just opened the box so haven't even turned it on, yet... but does this pic of the corner edge (beside the xoom corner edge) help you?
Initial impression in the hand is pretty good. Not the tank that my xoom is (have always felt I could use it for personal protection if necessary), but not cheap-feeling either. A bit lighter and thinner than our xoom, but the bezel around the screen is larger meaning the entire device is a little taller and wider than our xoom despite the same functional screen size. I do think the weight loss and less sharp edges will make long sessions more comfortable.

hchxoom said:
Just opened the box so haven't even turned it on, yet... but does this pic of the corner edge (beside the xoom corner edge) help you?
Initial impression in the hand is pretty good. Not the tank that my xoom is (have always felt I could use it for personal protection if necessary), but not cheap-feeling either. A bit lighter and thinner than our xoom, but the bezel around the screen is larger meaning the entire device is a little taller and wider than our xoom despite the same functional screen size. I do think the weight loss and less sharp edges will make long sessions more comfortable.
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Thx for ur information, but what i mean is the length between the corner of the screen to device's corner.. sry for my bad english

omnia1994 said:
Thx for ur information, but what i mean is the length between the corner of the screen to device's corner.. sry for my bad english
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Here is a shot of both from the front. It is a bit larger, but not much.
Early use has been positive. I was a little worried about the screen at first but then realized the autobrightness is darker than my taste in low-light settings. Setting brightness manually, the note's screen is brighter & clearer than the XOOM. It is also a warmer screen than XOOM. I never disliked XOOM's screen, but colors do seem truer on Note whereas they all had a coder bluish tint on XOOM'
The note is quite snappy ... I'm impressed. I've been running EOS JB on my XOOM, so wasn't thrilled about going back to ICS, but this HW makes ICS seem better than I remember it I suspect it will really prove itself on JB,or if we can get Eos on the case.
The coolest thing is that I've written this entire post with my S-pen. I have awful handwriting that meanders from print to cursive & back, but Note had almost no problems translating
Will have more time to put this thing through its paces tomorrow -buta good 1st impression!

hchxoom said:
Here is a shot of both from the front. It is a bit larger, but not much.
Early use has been positive. I was a little worried about the screen at first but then realized the autobrightness is darker than my taste in low-light settings. Setting brightness manually, the note's screen is brighter & clearer than the XOOM. It is also a warmer screen than XOOM. I never disliked XOOM's screen, but colors do seem truer on Note whereas they all had a coder bluish tint on XOOM'
The note is quite snappy ... I'm impressed. I've been running EOS JB on my XOOM, so wasn't thrilled about going back to ICS, but this HW makes ICS seem better than I remember it I suspect it will really prove itself on JB,or if we can get Eos on the case.
The coolest thing is that I've written this entire post with my S-pen. I have awful handwriting that meanders from print to cursive & back, but Note had almost no problems translating
Will have more time to put this thing through its paces tomorrow -buta good 1st impression!
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tq very much =)

The note 10.1 will be awesome once custom ROMs like cm10 go on there to unleash the true power. Sucks that the s-pen is only fully compatible with Samsung based apps, hopefully app developers will make equivalents that support it.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 using Tapatalk 2

Well, didnt get as much time to play on it today and dont have but a few minutes to update this thread - will try to add more detail tomorrow.
In summary, though, I am thoroughly impressed with this tablet. Notwithstanding that the EOS JB experience on my Xoom was unbelievably smooth and this ia a (hopefully short-term) step back to ICS, the Note makes it remarkably snappy and smooth.
S-pen functionality is great, and multitasking windows works well... little to no lag.
Battery life has been phenomenal (approaching 40 hrs with 7 screen on)... Ive posted a few screenshots of battery life. No problems with deep sleep.
Hopefully more tomorrow or Tuesday, but the short recommendation is to go get one.

hchxoom said:
Well, didnt get as much time to play on it today and dont have but a few minutes to update this thread - will try to add more detail tomorrow.
In summary, though, I am thoroughly impressed with this tablet. Notwithstanding that the EOS JB experience on my Xoom was unbelievably smooth and this ia a (hopefully short-term) step back to ICS, the Note makes it remarkably snappy and smooth.
S-pen functionality is great, and multitasking windows works well... little to no lag.
Battery life has been phenomenal (approaching 40 hrs with 7 screen on)... Ive posted a few screenshots of battery life. No problems with deep sleep.
Hopefully more tomorrow or Tuesday, but the short recommendation is to go get one.
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Did u root it?
What happen if u uninstall a samsung apps that have samsung small window widgets? (I dont know what that calls, the small window app thatappear after pressing the arrow at thecenter of notification bar)
Will it disaapeared in the small windows widget bar too?
and, does the stock video player plays flv movies?
Sry for mybad description lol


[Q] Atrix vs. Infuse

I'm due for an upgrade at the end of July. I cannot decide whether to go for the Atrix or the Infuse. They're just about dead even for me.
Atrix Pros:
-Dual Core CPU
-GeForce GPU
-Fingerprint Scanner
-Motoblur > Touchwiz 3 (IMO) (of course I'd do LauncherPro/ADW, but still)
-qHD Resolution
Infuse Pros:
-GORGEOUS Super AMOLED Plus screen (I am pretty much in love with AMOLED)
-0.5 extra inches of screen real estate
-HSUPA isn't disabled
-Sideloading isn't disabled (but I'd probably root and lagfix anyway)
-I have huge hands
Basically, the Atrix has more horsepower, but the Infuse has more eye candy and network speed. I'm not sure which is the better trade-off. I'm a power user for sure, but I just can't get over AMOLED. Does anyone care to sway me one way or the other?
Of course, if the US gets the Galaxy S II by July then this is irrelevant.
Sorry if this has been posted a bagillion and five times.
US is getting galaxy sII in July so there's no point
Anyway to answer you before this gets locked, I say get the atrix. The resolution upgrade is awesome. Not only that but when we get custom roms, this beast will finally be freed.
But if you love the SAMOLED then just get the infuse. In everyday usage I doubt you'll notice the difference.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Well.... i went from an iPhone 4 to an Atrix... and i absolutely love it. I keep thinking about swinging by an AT&T store to check out the Infuse.... but i doubt it'd be tempting to me.
Reasons i like the Atrix:
1) the already mentioned dual-core... which i'm pretty sure will be a requirement in some Android versions... and a little bit of future-proofing never hurt anybody
2) 1GB RAM.... which i don't think many other phones have.... if any, really. (other than the SGS2)
3) fingerprint reader. Yes, it can be finicky at times, but at least your phone can't be cracked into by, say, figuring out a pattern that the oils of your skin have nicely smudged across your screen for you.
4) the also mentioned NVidia chipset. I don't do a lot of gaming on my phone... but hey.... just a little more future-proofing i guess.
Things i'm not sure of with the Infuse:
1) Super AMOLED. I know... they're quite nice screens.... but i also hear the colors are extremely vivid... which might not necessarily be the greatest thing.
2) screen size. Yes, it's only another half inch... and yes, we may have large hands... but pocketability is my concern. An extra half inch can do wonders to a pocket.
Two things i'd like to correct in your Pros/Cons... HSUPA has been enabled for the Atrix (and reviews of the Infuse i've seen don't really show much difference from what many still see with the Atrix. Sometimes nice speeds.... sometimes sh*t speeds), and supposedly sideloading could be allowed by AT&T in the near future.
The Galaxy S2 might be worthwhile... but i dunno. Would have been nice had they gone with the NVidia chipset... but maybe they figured it would generate too much heat for an extremely thin phone? Not saying the Atrix is a beast size-wise... but i'm pretty sure it's thicker than the SGS2.
Futureproofing is something I didn't really think of. The Dual-Core, though zippy now, has even more room to grow with Gingerbread updates. And considering Samsung's track record with updates, the Atrix will go a lot farther.
The Atrix probably will be my choice unless the screen difference is just that huge.
And I sure do hope the GS2 comes in July.
yea... a friend of mine has the original Motorola Droid on Verizon. He thought about getting the Thunderbolt, but figured it didn't make sense to upgrade to another single-core phone when dual-core phones on Verizon are just around the bend.
And like i said... not entirely sure about the screen, since i haven't actually taken the time to look at a Super AMOLED screen, let alone both side-by-side.... but i quite like the Atrix's screen, even though it is a pentile matrix screen.... mostly because the downside to pentile matrix is only really that noticable if you frequently use 100% brightness or are constantly an inch or a few from your phone's screen.
Your posting in the atrix forum...what answer do you expect
Sent from the bowels of hell...
elementaldragon said:
mostly because the downside to pentile matrix is only really that noticable if you frequently use 100% brightness or are constantly an inch or a few from your phone's screen.
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Definitely not true...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
I have been using Atrix for a while now, have to say that even with a huge battery the back up is not great. Bootloader is locked which means no custom goodies. Finger print reader is buggy and slow and irritating. You can not turn off 4g, which takes a lot of battery. Can not turn off haptic feedback etc etc etc .
Sent from Atrix
Wow.... who'd have seen that coming. Another person complaining about the bootloader. Haven't really noticed any issues with the fingerprint reader either, other than when i try to swipe too fast and it doesn't quite get a good read... which is kinda expected. And i may be mistaken.... but can't you turn off 4g/HSPA+ by just choosing a different APN in the mobile network settings? Such as to AT&T US instead of the default AT&T US HSDPA?
eallan: how you figure? I didn't even really know wtf people were complaining about with pentile matrix displays til i actually turned the brightness up to 100% on my Atrix, and even then it's not really a "Hey, that shouldn't be like that" moment.
Extra real estate should be a con lol
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I am also unsure as to which one to go with. I am still using a sammy omnia II and was wondering if the new screen on the infuse is better in the sun than the older omnia II also which is better in the bright sun the atrix or infuse that. Also works betted as a phone, the atrix or infuse??
jimvit1 said:
I am also unsure as to which one to go with. I am still using a sammy omnia II and was wondering if the new screen on the infuse is better in the sun than the older omnia II also which is better in the bright sun the atrix or infuse that. Also works betted as a phone, the atrix or infuse??
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On you tube it is seen the the qhd
Display is much more visible in direct sun light then SAMOLED+ Display atrix has a better loud speaker a much more superior GPS I tried the infuse it has the same gps problem I seen old cappy
Here's the Youtube video
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
elementaldragon said:
Wow.... who'd have seen that coming. Another person complaining about the bootloader. Haven't really noticed any issues with the fingerprint reader either, other than when i try to swipe too fast and it doesn't quite get a good read... which is kinda expected. And i may be mistaken.... but can't you turn off 4g/HSPA+ by just choosing a different APN in the mobile network settings? Such as to AT&T US instead of the default AT&T US HSDPA?
eallan: how you figure? I didn't even really know wtf people were complaining about with pentile matrix displays til i actually turned the brightness up to 100% on my Atrix, and even then it's not really a "Hey, that shouldn't be like that" moment.
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Yeah another person. Maybe Motorola should take a hint. Its is big fat CON of the device.
All you have to look at to see the pentile is any color straight line. Especially green. The fact that its a rgbw layout instead of a rgbg layout makes text on white look much better though.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
jimvit1 said:
I am also unsure as to which one to go with. I am still using a sammy omnia II and was wondering if the new screen on the infuse is better in the sun than the older omnia II also which is better in the bright sun the atrix or infuse that. Also works betted as a phone, the atrix or infuse??
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I haven't noticed either phone having an advantage in call quality.
The screen is incredible on the infuse. Beats the hell out of the atrix
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
I took the time to mess with the Infuse today. Can't really vouch for the whole visibility in direct sunlight bit.... but i will say two things about it. It is nice... but i still don't like the way it looks. Pentile may not be the greatest display.... but neither is a fantastic Super AMOLED+ with extremely vivid colors. I was looking at both the Infuse and Atrix side by side... trying to get a comparison of the color quality.... and to be honest i prefer the Atrix's. Yeah, it may not be quite top-notch... but i'd rather have slightly less fantastic than over-the-top vivid. Tried to compare the icons... but couldn't. For one, Samsung uses their own custom ones.... and two, what you'd expect to be a decent red would be like a fire engine red. What you'd expect to be a nice mellow blue tone looks like cobalt blue. Think they need to stray away from Xbox-ification. Upping the shinyness doesn't always make something better.
Other than that, it actually seemed to be fairly laggy just pacing back and forth through the default home screens that were on the one at my local AT&T. And i don't mean the "laggy" that people say the Atrix is (which i fail to see).... i mean like you'd move your finger, and depending what's on the screen, it could take two seconds or so for it to actually flip screens.
Having used both I'd wait as you're waiting til July. There will be other choices like the Thrill as well as possibly a SGS2.
elementaldragon said:
I took the time to mess with the Infuse today. Can't really vouch for the whole visibility in direct sunlight bit.... but i will say two things about it. It is nice... but i still don't like the way it looks. Pentile may not be the greatest display.... but neither is a fantastic Super AMOLED+ with extremely vivid colors. I was looking at both the Infuse and Atrix side by side... trying to get a comparison of the color quality.... and to be honest i prefer the Atrix's. Yeah, it may not be quite top-notch... but i'd rather have slightly less fantastic than over-the-top vivid. Tried to compare the icons... but couldn't. For one, Samsung uses their own custom ones.... and two, what you'd expect to be a decent red would be like a fire engine red. What you'd expect to be a nice mellow blue tone looks like cobalt blue. Think they need to stray away from Xbox-ification. Upping the shinyness doesn't always make something better.
Other than that, it actually seemed to be fairly laggy just pacing back and forth through the default home screens that were on the one at my local AT&T. And i don't mean the "laggy" that people say the Atrix is (which i fail to see).... i mean like you'd move your finger, and depending what's on the screen, it could take two seconds or so for it to actually flip screens.
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The icons don't have a background on the homescreen or custom launcher. I also couldn't disagree with your screen assessment any more.
The atrix colors are ok. The viewing angles are terrible however. Blacks are bright!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
someone at work had the infuse today. too big and i seriously dont understand what the fuss is all about with regards to super amoled +. Its nice, but too cartoony. Cant go back to anything less than what the atrix has.
i have had the atrix for a couple of months. Bought SGS2 last week and IT IS GETTING RETURNED!
When compared to Atrix: Battery is awful, GPS is poor, sound is poor and it wont make it for more than 4 hours on a charge. I assume the Infuse is going to be similar.
ekerbuddyeker said:
i have had the atrix for a couple of months. Bought SGS2 last week and IT IS GETTING RETURNED!
When compared to Atrix: Battery is awful, GPS is poor, sound is poor and it wont make it for more than 4 hours on a charge. I assume the Infuse is going to be similar.
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4 hours on a charge? Come on man... That's ridiculous. No one is only getting 4 hours without doing something massively wrong.

[Q] Worth buying

Pretty simple Q.
Is this tab worth buying, or should one wait for something better around the corner?
Hearing many issues from screen problems through to lag on the interface. What are owners opinions-pros/cons? I am looking specifically at 3G model.
There will always be a better device off in the future somewhere.
You should buy what serves your needs now; not wait for that illusary future device.
People that post on these forums are the ones that have strong opinions. "In a pitch black room with a dim display I see ghosting". Don't let posts like that worry you - the average user does not use the device that way.
The Galaxy Tab 7.7 is the best device with it's form factor available today. Try one and see if you like it - that is the only test that counts.
xlr8me said:
Pretty simple Q.
Is this tab worth buying, or should one wait for something better around the corner?
Hearing many issues from screen problems through to lag on the interface. What are owners opinions-pros/cons? I am looking specifically at 3G model.
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In my view definately the screen is very sharp and clear , the issues noted are not very evident with the screen at least with mine far superior to the P1000 . The lag is due to touchwiz and honeycomb not the hardware. ICS is round the corner and should put this right if not im sure the devs on here will. As for something round the corner always is only a year since 7" came and at the time I thought that was cutting edge . I have had mine for two weeks 10/10
10/10 here too.
no issue at all.
I consider Tablet + Phone at this price = cheap!
rmm200 said:
There will always be a better device off in the future somewhere.
You should buy what serves your needs now; not wait for that illusary future device.
People that post on these forums are the ones that have strong opinions. "In a pitch black room with a dim display I see ghosting". Don't let posts like that worry you - the average user does not use the device that way.
The Galaxy Tab 7.7 is the best device with it's form factor available today. Try one and see if you like it - that is the only test that counts.
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This. Because of it's form factor I think it's the best tablet out right now.
This TAB is amazing, I recommend it.
The TouchWIZ UX is lagging on top of honeycomb which isn't helping, so ICS will iron all these out.
You can get rid of the lagging by using ADW Launcher EX.
i own around 20 tablets and this is by far the best one i've ever had. I even got me a new 3g contract for it!
xlr8me said:
Pretty simple Q.
Is this tab worth buying, or should one wait for something better around the corner?
Hearing many issues from screen problems through to lag on the interface. What are owners opinions-pros/cons? I am looking specifically at 3G model.
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Importing or buying locally ?
I love mine, perfect form-factor for me.. And the AMOLED screen is amazing!
GPS Performance?
Hi all
For those who have the 7.7 (3G or WiFi) - I am looking at purchasing a 3G import...
Just interested in the GPS performance as i've read varying reports on how good a sat lock the unit gets...
I need something that will be reasonably reliable and want to use it with OziExplorer mapping software...
Any reviews or info from actual users of the tab?
Well, the GPS performance is stellar to say the least.
I'm using Sygic and Google Maps, it locks very fast.
I would also give it a 10/10
It is exactly what i was looking for I do notice some slight lag in the launcher but every android device i have ever used has had slight lag in the launcher.
When I get into apps though this thing really flys.
The screen simply can't be beat and i have watched a ton of video on it already and the high resolution makes reading things much better too.
the device size and weight might be my favorite part. It is light enough that holding it for a while is not nearly as bad as say holding an ipad for a while or even holding my old nook color for a while. And talking about the nook color the gt7.7 has about the same over all dimensions as a 7" device yet has a larger screen size that really adds a huge bonus.
I am using the $30 a month tablet plan on att and it is working great.
Lastly I wanna say I reallly like the stock browser in this device it is extremely smooth and quick.
Masterface7 said:
I would also give it a 10/10
It is exactly what i was looking for I do notice some slight lag in the launcher but every android device i have ever used has had slight lag in the launcher.
When I get into apps though this thing really flys.
The screen simply can't be beat and i have watched a ton of video on it already and the high resolution makes reading things much better too.
the device size and weight might be my favorite part. It is light enough that holding it for a while is not nearly as bad as say holding an ipad for a while or even holding my old nook color for a while. And talking about the nook color the gt7.7 has about the same over all dimensions as a 7" device yet has a larger screen size that really adds a huge bonus.
I am using the $30 a month tablet plan on att and it is working great.
Lastly I wanna say I reallly like the stock browser in this device it is extremely smooth and quick.
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Get rid of the TW Launcher, use ADW Launcher EX. Its very very smooth.
Totally worth the buy!
The display is big, clear and sharp, sound is great on the speakers.
But the main attraction for me about this tablet is that it can last thru my entire workday and still have over 50+% battery left. (thats about 12hrs of non stop radio streaming, hundreds of gmail pushes, phone calls, and brief browsing of the web)
Basically this device replace my ipad + phone + phone charger.

Why so expensive?

I am really interested in getting tablet, only thing holding me back is the price. I can only seem to find it on ebay (looking for wifi version, live in the US) and its around $500 despite being out for a while. It just puzzles me that the 10.1 (which I currently have) is a lot cheaper than this. Can the AMOLED screen really bump the price up? Or is it that Samsung didn't make too many of these therefore increasing demand thus raising price?
I started to reply to this but then noticed that Googling "Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 vs 7.7" gave me all the answers that I just deleted my post and wrote this instead.
In a nut shell: much faster, better battery life, better screen, and much smaller parts costs more $$
Yeah.. Googling.. I like the sound that I make when saying that.
Actually they set the price just below the maximum amount that customers in that region are willingly to spent, regardless of the cost. I know this fact doesn't help you much.
May be the super amoled+, amazingly lightweight and incredible slim design would be worthy? I for one spent extra on them.
kable said:
I started to reply to this but then noticed that Googling "Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 vs 7.7" gave me all the answers that I just deleted my post and wrote this instead.
In a nut shell: much faster, better battery life, better screen, and much smaller parts costs more $$
Yeah.. Googling.. I like the sound that I make when saying that.
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i own 7.7 and 10.1
7.7 is not much faster then 10.1, battery life 10.1 better, 7.7 better screen and smaller yes
---------- Post added at 06:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 AM ----------
九千. said:
Actually they set the price just below the maximum amount that customers in that region are willingly to spent, regardless of the cost. I know this fact doesn't help you much.
May be the super amoled+, amazingly lightweight and incredible slim design would be worthy? I for one spent extra on them.
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if it once by mistake fell down from your hands it will have lots of ugly bumps and scratches even each of its four corners get scratch by it self they are using some kind of cheap plastic to make a back side but super amoled+ is great much tougher than its lightweight and incredible slim body
irmani said:
i own 7.7 and 10.1
7.7 is not much faster then 10.1, battery life 10.1 better, 7.7 better screen and smaller yes
---------- Post added at 06:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 AM ----------
if it once by mistake fell down from your hands it will have lots of ugly bumps and scratches even each of its four corners get scratch by it self they are using some kind of cheap plastic to make a back side but super amoled+ is great much tougher than its lightweight and incredible slim body
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As a matter of fact, it did, fall from my hand, in a public toilet, toward a moist ground which I didn't want my tablet falling onto. I attempted to grab it mid-air, but out of panic I flapped it toward the opposite wall a meter away, and regardless of my efforts, it still hit the floor. It slided for about 2 meters before it finally stopped by fiction.
Fortunately for me it slided face up. The back panel got some slight scratch on the plastic corner, and an unnoticeable scratch on the metal brand name "Samsung". Amazingly there isn't a noticable scratch on the main metal back panel, though I am sure it must have been in contact with the rough toilet ground.
Regardless of the impacts the tablet is still running without a glitch. This device is more robust than I thought.
irmani said:
i own 7.7 and 10.1
7.7 is not much faster then 10.1, battery life 10.1 better, 7.7 better screen and smaller yes
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I disagree.
Just got my 7.7 and sold my 10.1. The 7.7 is much snappier and more responsive in every way. One thing that drove me nuts was how laggy the 10.1's gyrometer was in responding to screen rotation. Loading apps and app animation were smoother.
Another issue with the 10.1 was, half the time wifi would take longer (up to 1 min) to connect after wake from sleep. Sometimes, I even need to toggle wifi on/off to force connection. So far, the 7.7 connects instantly (2 s) from every wake.
Finally, the 10.1 must have older graphics hardware. When I use MX video to play a variety of movie formats, some require additional codec download as the files were not compatible with the H/W decoder. For the 7.7 (and a Galaxy Note that I had before), all the movies that I have, originally converted for iPad, work with the H/W decoder.
ikeny said:
I disagree.
Just got my 7.7 and sold my 10.1. The 7.7 is much snappier and more responsive in every way. One thing that drove me nuts was how laggy the 10.1's gyrometer was in responding to screen rotation. Loading apps and app animation were smoother.
Another issue with the 10.1 was, half the time wifi would take longer (up to 1 min) to connect after wake from sleep. Sometimes, I even need to toggle wifi on/off to force connection. So far, the 7.7 connects instantly (2 s) from every wake.
Finally, the 10.1 must have older graphics hardware. When I use MX video to play a variety of movie formats, some require additional codec download as the files were not compatible with the H/W decoder. For the 7.7 (and a Galaxy Note that I had before), all the movies that I have, originally converted for iPad, work with the H/W decoder.
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To defend the 10.1 which I use on a daily basis for a large variety of things, from youtube to reading documents and pdfs. You obviously had not rooted it and run a custom rom on it. There are a few roms out for it and Galaxy task is one hell of a rom. My wifi is instantaneous (I have set to turn off when screen turns off, but when I turn the screen on, wifi connects my to the internet and google servers before I even pass the lockscreen) and it doesn't lag for me that severely (lag still exists, just not crazy lag to the point of being frozen). The gyroscope when turning the tablet isn't instant, but its not long enough to bother you(takes less than a second to respond).
The main reason I want the 7.7 is because I could go for something a bit smaller than the 10.1, not a 7" tab though. Also being so used to the AMOLED of my S2, I'd really like a tablet to have the same quality screen. I'm thinking about waiting for the Toshiba Excite 7.7 and seeing what happens to the price of this then.
Also thanks for you input everyone.
九千. said:
As a matter of fact, it did, fall from my hand, in a public toilet, toward a moist ground which I didn't want my tablet falling onto. I attempted to grab it mid-air, but out of panic I flapped it toward the opposite wall a meter away, and regardless of my efforts, it still hit the floor. It slided for about 2 meters before it finally stopped by fiction.
Fortunately for me it slided face up. The back panel got some slight scratch on the plastic corner, and an unnoticeable scratch on the metal brand name "Samsung". Amazingly there isn't a noticable scratch on the main metal back panel, though I am sure it must have been in contact with the rough toilet ground.
Regardless of the impacts the tablet is still running without a glitch. This device is more robust than I thought.
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Double harrowing story...Firstly, because it actually happened to you, secondly because it sounds like the kind of thing that keeps happening to me
Will be holding this tab in couple more days and I can't really wait
One thing about the gyroscope sensor in, probably, all android tablet devices is that they are not very instant, are they ?
(if you compare to iPad's, it's tad score slower and is not very responsive )
Note that I will and can only fully justify this once I've got this tab on my hand. But experiences on stores showing that the response is very slow. There is even a 7.7" tab on store display that sometimes get "stuck" in orientation when you change from landscape - portrait and vice versa
Now, is it just because it's HC issue or is it more because of TW issue ?
( all store display will run HC - TW by default )
Would installing Go Launcher HD solve or improve the response ?
I have S2 and it doesn't really have this problem
Just got a 7.7 yesterday and I can say I have been buying Android tablets since the chinese have started doing them (which means I bought a lot of crap lol).
Never held a tablet that gave such a feeling of quality when you hold and use it. Never had a tablet not crashing once while using it for a whole evening. And I could not believe how good the sound is albeit not very loud. First tablet ever with 0 light bleed, by now I thought it was impossible for this to happen.
This thing smells of quality like nothing else, definitely in another league than the Asus stuff for example. It's like Samsung said let's use the best of everything and put it together.
No ICS yet, but besides extra smoothness when navigating within the OS, it's not like it's day and night when you are actually doing something in an app. For having had different tablets that were updated to ICS, I know it's better to have no ICS than buggy ICS that's crashes or eats battery like a monster.
aleifuu said:
Will be holding this tab in couple more days and I can't really wait
One thing about the gyroscope sensor in, probably, all android tablet devices is that they are not very instant, are they ?
(if you compare to iPad's, it's tad score slower and is not very responsive )
Note that I will and can only fully justify this once I've got this tab on my hand. But experiences on stores showing that the response is very slow. There is even a 7.7" tab on store display that sometimes get "stuck" in orientation when you change from landscape - portrait and vice versa
Now, is it just because it's HC issue or is it more because of TW issue ?
( all store display will run HC - TW by default )
Would installing Go Launcher HD solve or improve the response ?
I have S2 and it doesn't really have this problem
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There's a horizontal calibration option somewhere in the main settings. This might help the gyro. Overall I don't think its as responsive as an ipad.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
for me its definitely worth every bucks i spent on this little beast .
the perfect screens for movie , just nice screen size for e books .
its worth it
Build quality second to none. Longest battery ever tested on a tablet via engadget review. Screen is amazing. Thin and small bezel looks sexy. Its perfect. IcS will put it over the top.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA Premium HD app
I 'm hardcore android fan.
About 5-6 Mobile & 3 Tablets in a year.
7.7 is worth every $ because
- it's Super AMLED screen is work outdoor.
- Screen density.
- 5000 mAh Battery. & Use as phone : with good BlueTooth, this is only 1 android device that battery over 75% at the end f the day.
- Weight & Handling : Best of single hand's handling.
7.7 price is high but If you use as tablet , Phone , BIG! GPS in car , Movie Player in car
, it totally worth.
OK guys. I caved in and bought the wifi version today. Should be here in a few days, am pretty excited. I'm a student so I'll be using it for browsing, reading documents and pdfs, also movie/YouTube viewing. Didn't need the phone version since I have the sgs2 which is super great btw.
A few questions though, is it just me or us the development slow? I'd think with a superb tablet like this, there would be tons of developers flocking here.
Also any other issues due to software I should know about?
Does this tablet have haptic feedback?
And finally any accessories to recommend? I only bought some anti glare protectors on Amazon.
And one last thing to do, sell my current tab lol
Thanks for all the input guys.
I think development is slow because of it is expensive, and not many devs have this, over say the 10.1 or 7.0 counterparts.
Nonetheless, aside from other users saying that it has a great battery and screen, I would say that not other tablets have a built-in phone. So the fact that this can double as one, it sounds a lot more reasonable doesn't it!
I've bought mine from Dixons, in the Netherlands, for 479 EUR early this month.
I can't force myself to considering it expensive, no matter how I look at it and taking into consideration what it offers me, for the price.
The single fact that it can double as phone - and as a smart one, for that matter - is reason enough to consider this a bargain, let alone the incredible screen, the form factor, the ability to take 64Gb Micros Sds or the USB with host controller capability.
If anything, for what it so aptly does, this one is pretty cheap, me thinks...
I think the price is comperable to the IPad.
murmur70 said:
I think the price is comperable to the IPad.
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No, it is not, precisely... (at least over here)
My 7.7: 479 EUR
iPad3 16Gb, Wifi+3/4G: 599 (...the same all over Europe. Apple has a tight hand on pricing...)
So, for 120 EUR less (!) I got:
1. A better display.
2. A better format (subjective)
3. The ability to expand the internal 16Gb with 64Gb more, via the SD slot.
4. The ability to use an host enabled USB slot.
5. The ability to use it as a phone.
6. Complete customization for my particular needs, supported by an ever-helping, outstanding community.
Now, if this is not a deal, I don't know what is...
As I posted in the other thread, you can get it in switzerland for 499chf thats 415euros. Maybe you can import them to other european countries but beware of local sales tax.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium

OMG i love this tablet!

This was a very hard decision for me to return my beloved tf700 as im loving the super high resolution on this unit and the all metal case but i still pulled the trigger and replace it with the note 10.1 . After readiing some negative review on this tablet im still optimistic that this tablet will exceed my expection and it did surpass my expectation on this tablet . I love this tablet, this is the only tablet that is almost as easy to browse as the ipad 3 in terms of smoothness almost lag free on the native browser , the pen is very usefull for sketching , the case even though its made of plastic it doesnt feel cheap at all .
The micro sd card is fast compared to the tf700
I love the speaker placement and you really hear the stereo separation.
The design is lovely specially in white.
Although the lcd has a lower resolution it still very bright with very good color saturation , never at all miss my tf700 higher dpi .
Build quality is very good , fit and finish is perfect.
No light bleed .
No slowdown even with multiple apps running on the background made possible by the built in 2gb system memory.
This in my opinion the only tablet that can really compete with the ipad . Overall im a very happy camper...
I'm really impressed with this tablet also. The display is actually very good. Wish I could find documentation on what each of those 3 different dpslay modes does. I can see the changes but want to see how exactly display is changed. I think dynamic mode gives best look so far.
Although plastic, it feels high end. Far from feeling cheap. Very well put together. I love the stereo speakers. I think no other tablet can compare, soundwise. Amazing sound. Especially if you use volume+ to increase overall volume & quality.
Everything moves very fluid. Virtually no lag.
If anyone finds the official PDF manual for wifi version, please post it up. I want to master this s pen feature. I know the manual will details things we don't know tablet could even do.
Yea I returned TF700 and decided to buy this one after searching for a new tablet.
It is so much better than TF700 in almost every way, with the only obvious exception being the screen. The screen is great except for lower pixel density which is especially visible when web browsing. But for me, Note 10.1 is a very easy win over TF700.
Agreed! The Infinity definitely felt more solidly built and the screen wins by a landslide but that's where the competition ends. The Note wins in every other way that I can see.
This thing flies and all the basic functionality (like WiFi and GPS) that didn't work on my Prime and barely worked on my Infinity works like an absolute charm on the Note.
Those of you concerned about the pixelation in the stock browser check out Maxthon Browser for Tablets. The text looks much better and believe it or not I think it may actually be faster.
I returned the tf700 also for this. This tablet is light years better than the prime and infinity performance wise. Those dudes in the tf700 forum are delusional thinking it out performs this.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
demandarin said:
If anyone finds the official PDF manual for wifi version, please post it up. I want to master this s pen feature. I know the manual will details things we don't know tablet could even do.
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Here you go:
crystalstylez said:
I returned the tf700 also for this. This tablet is light years better than the prime and infinity performance wise. Those dudes in the tf700 forum are delusional thinking it out performs this.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
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I agree I am not looking back prime had gps and wifi issues and green camera rma 'd it for a return and bought the tf700 I had it for 2 days i/o issues and the same browser lags as the prime .......hello galaxy note 10.1 :good:
Gave my tab1 to my mother(big mistake 300% more spam in my mail account ) bought the tab2. I've returned the tab2 for my note, now I'am happier than ever.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
qnfauf said:
Yea I returned TF700 and decided to buy this one after searching for a new tablet.
It is so much better than TF700 in almost every way, with the only obvious exception being the screen. The screen is great except for lower pixel density which is especially visible when web browsing. But for me, Note 10.1 is a very easy win over TF700.
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Try the Maxthon HD browser. It does fonts much better.
Sent from my awesome Note 10.1
demandarin said:
I'm really impressed with this tablet also. The display is actually very good. Wish I could find documentation on what each of those 3 different dpslay modes does. I can see the changes but want to see how exactly display is changed. I think dynamic mode gives best look so far.
Although plastic, it feels high end. Far from feeling cheap. Very well put together. I love the stereo speakers. I think no other tablet can compare, soundwise. Amazing sound. Especially if you use volume+ to increase overall volume & quality.
Everything moves very fluid. Virtually no lag.
If anyone finds the official PDF manual for wifi version, please post it up. I want to master this s pen feature. I know the manual will details things we don't know tablet could even do.
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Hey demandarian aren't you the guy who was so high on the prime? The one who wouldn't let anyone say anything bad about the obvious design flaws of that tab?
Sent from my GT-N8013 using XDA Premium HD app
richB7 said:
Hey demandarian aren't you the guy who was so high on the prime? The one who wouldn't let anyone say anything bad about the obvious design flaws of that tab?
Sent from my GT-N8013 using XDA Premium HD app
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Who ever said it "DIDNT" have one? Meaning the metalback. That didn't stop me from having a good working unit though. That's where people get confused. No device is perfect. Just like now I'm seeing a screen light bleed thread in here and some other ones. No device is free from manufacturing flaws. Nothing man made is 100% perfect.
IM HIGH ON TECHNOLOGY my experience with Asus was a great one. So great I got me a Nexus7. Which is flawless and one of the best tabs out now. So it doesn't really matter if I liked Prime or not. This is Galaxy Note 10.1 forum. This is my new device. If I like it, which I do so far, ill keep it. If not, ill get my money back or just exchange for infinity pad. This device in testing phase for me. Simple as that.
demandarin said:
Who ever said it "DIDNT" have one? Meaning the metalback. That didn't stop me from having a good working unit though. That's where people get confused. No device is perfect. Just like now I'm seeing a screen light bleed thread in here and some other ones. No device is free from manufacturing flaws. Nothing man made is 100% perfect.
IM HIGH ON TECHNOLOGY my experience with Asus was a great one. So great I got me a Nexus7. Which is flawless and one of the best tabs out now. So it doesn't really matter if I liked Prime or not. This is Galaxy Note 10.1 forum. This is my new device. If I like it, which I do so far, ill keep it. If not, ill get my money back or just exchange for infinity pad. This device in testing phase for me. Simple as that.
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This +1
I will be trying mine out as well soon. If it does not meet my needs, I will exchange it for my 3rd infinity
I am also impressed with the note 10.1 I have been thru a few tabs . Archos, xoom, than TFR 101, got so frustrated with the probes with android bugs on th TFR I jumped ship and bought an iPad 2. I needed to judge for myself . At first I enjoyed the iPad alot. It was smooth and reliable. Rooted it and like it evenmore. Looking back i see i was always searching for ways to do tasks on the ipad2 that are easier and standard on android. I use my tablets alot for work and believe it or not it the ipad2 fit in well there. I was waiting for the note to come out and when it did i knew i needed it. First i hesitated with some of ther reviews. But than said i need to judge for myself. And I am glad i did bc those reviews are so wrong. This thing is amazing. Playing with it side by side with my ipad2 the display in my opinion is just as good and just as smooth. I hope there is not a huge delay in geeting jelly bean but even without it this is great. The pen feature blows everything else away. I was considering an adonit touch or jaja on the ipad but this is so much better.
I just dont understand some of those reviews.
In the end i am glad i got this and am happy with all of its features. Anyone want to buy an ipad2.
The note 10.1 and gs3 were the 2 devices that won my wife over. Had to stop working to pick hers up on release day. Coming from ipad3 she is wondering what took her so long to switch. All the extra functionality is blowing her.
Only thing is screen resolution. But its not a deal breaker.
demandarin said:
Who ever said it "DIDNT" have one? Meaning the metalback. That didn't stop me from having a good working unit though. That's where people get confused. No device is perfect. Just like now I'm seeing a screen light bleed thread in here and some other ones. No device is free from manufacturing flaws. Nothing man made is 100% perfect.
IM HIGH ON TECHNOLOGY my experience with Asus was a great one. So great I got me a Nexus7. Which is flawless and one of the best tabs out now. So it doesn't really matter if I liked Prime or not. This is Galaxy Note 10.1 forum. This is my new device. If I like it, which I do so far, ill keep it. If not, ill get my money back or just exchange for infinity pad. This device in testing phase for me. Simple as that.
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Oh I understand the perfect thing statement but the Prime was so far from perfect it was ridiculous.
Come on at least most devices can pick up WiFi and GPS, that's basic and the prime had difficulty doing that. I hardly call that debacle a manufacturing flaw it was flat out a design one.
Anyway good luck with the note. I've no light bleed whatsoever.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using XDA Premium HD app
So far my experience with my note is nothing lessthan spectacular my only regret is that i should have purchase the international versin with 32gb 3g version.
demandarin said:
I'm really impressed with this tablet also. The display is actually very good. Wish I could find documentation on what each of those 3 different dpslay modes does. I can see the changes but want to see how exactly display is changed. I think dynamic mode gives best look so far.
Although plastic, it feels high end. Far from feeling cheap. Very well put together. I love the stereo speakers. I think no other tablet can compare, soundwise. Amazing sound. Especially if you use volume+ to increase overall volume & quality.
Everything moves very fluid. Virtually no lag.
If anyone finds the official PDF manual for wifi version, please post it up. I want to master this s pen feature. I know the manual will details things we don't know tablet could even do.
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you bought a Galaxy Note 10.1? The sky is falling....
What happened to you getting your beloved TF700?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
sledgie said:
you bought a Galaxy Note 10.1? The sky is falling....
What happened to you getting your beloved TF700?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
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He never had a tf700. He has a prime and nexus 7.
I was being snarky but I know that. He said multiple times in the Prime forums that he wanted to trade his prime or exchange it to gamestop for an Infinity TF700 but couldn't. I was being sarcastic to Asus top cheerleader btw. I'm just shocked that's all
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
As far as I can tell the 3 different display choices effect gamma, warmth and saturation. I personally prefer the "movie" setting as it gives the blackest blacks while adding some warmth. The other two settings ccreate some activating around screen fonts.
Does anyone know of a good app that sets gamma independently?
Sent from my awesome Note 10.1

note 10.1 full of lag? plus ipad comparison

Hey guys...
So I want to love the note and think the spen with a tablet is just awesome. So I went to best buy today to play around. Have any of you played with the note in best buy? I ask because wow it was laggy. Noticeable shutters While swiping home screens; delays after trying to close out multi screen display, etc. Yet everyone on here says its super fast... I even disabled home screen widgets. On the flip side I'm considering a used iPad retina. I'm kinda tired of android. Currently have a nexus 7 which is fantastic but I need more functionality. The iPad just seems so polished from the gorgeous retina display to the more polished apps. I know multitude of people sold their iPad after using the note so I'd love to hear those opinions. Thanks for the help guys... Fwiw I'm an android guy at heart but the fragmentation of android makes me really appreciate apple lately... Their stuff is just smooth.
dale_cooper said:
Hey guys...
So I want to love the note and think the spen with a tablet is just awesome. So I went to best buy today to play around. Have any of you played with the note in best buy? I ask because wow it was laggy. Noticeable shutters While swiping home screens; delays after trying to close out multi screen display, etc. Yet everyone on here says its super fast... I even disabled home screen widgets. On the flip side I'm considering a used iPad retina. I'm kinda tired of android. Currently have a nexus 7 which is fantastic but I need more functionality. The iPad just seems so polished from the gorgeous retina display to the more polished apps. I know multitude of people sold their iPad after using the note so I'd love to hear those opinions. Thanks for the help guys... Fwiw I'm an android guy at heart but the fragmentation of android makes me really appreciate apple lately... Their stuff is just smooth.
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Don't base off your decision on BB's display model. I tried the same and it was super leggy.. I found gazillion things running and weird stuff people had tried on it or it could be anything but it was just unusable on the other hand iPad was normal (is it deliberate ?!?!) Anyhow, try buying one and play with it for about 2 weeks and then make a decision (you can always return it if you don't enjoy it - within X days policy)
dale_cooper said:
wow it was laggy. Noticeable shutters While swiping home screens; delays after trying to close out multi screen display, etc. Yet everyone on here says its super fast... I even disabled home screen widgets.
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Don't you think there would be a 100 page thread on the front page of the forum if that was true? There's a couple of user-made videos showing transitions, multiview in action, and multiple apps running that are floating around. Check those out. Below is a comparison review to the TF700 made by Lisa at MobileTechReview who's considered pretty thorough and unbiased. Personally I have over 100 apps loaded and have 30 widgets on my home pages and I don't have any lag. I will say when using S-Note in multiview there's a bit of lag when moving from the other open app to it but it's only noticeable because everything else is so fast comparatively. JB should fly on Exynos Quad with 2GB of RAM. Until the Nexus 10 comes out the Note is the fastest Android tablet on the market bar none.
On the flip side I'm considering a used iPad retina. I'm kinda tired of android.
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Apples and oranges (no pun intended). If you're only interested in consumption, browsing, and gaming the Note's features probably aren't a big deal for you. An iPad or Nexus 10 would serve you better because of their displays. If all I cared about was consumption I'd probably get the Nexus 10. I'm not a big fan of walled gardens so nothing Apple makes is on my shopping list.
Op answered his own question really. New Ipad is the opposite of more functionality..lmfao you will get way less as IOS isn't as versatile as android. Apple is cool and alot of good apps bit Android is superior by far,IMO. My first tablet was an ipad1. Used it over 2 yrs. Back then Ipad was only real good device out. Android tabs were lacking. Now, Android tablets are tons more capable of various tasks than a mere Ipad. I gave my Ipad to my 2yr. Old daughter. I now have 2 Nexus 7's, Note 10.1, and ipad1. I use to have a transformer prime also. Once i went android, tablet wise, there was no looking back.
dale_cooper said:
Hey guys...
So I want to love the note and think the spen with a tablet is just awesome. So I went to best buy today to play around. Have any of you played with the note in best buy? I ask because wow it was laggy. Noticeable shutters While swiping home screens; delays after trying to close out multi screen display, etc. Yet everyone on here says its super fast... I even disabled home screen widgets. On the flip side I'm considering a used iPad retina. I'm kinda tired of android. Currently have a nexus 7 which is fantastic but I need more functionality. The iPad just seems so polished from the gorgeous retina display to the more polished apps. I know multitude of people sold their iPad after using the note so I'd love to hear those opinions. Thanks for the help guys... Fwiw I'm an android guy at heart but the fragmentation of android makes me really appreciate apple lately... Their stuff is just smooth.
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Well I love iPads, have had every one usually on release day, same with iPhones, but I can also appreciate Android tablets, and while most Android tablets I've used to date have been disappointing (most recently the Asus Infinity), I have to say the Note 10.1 is a remarkable product. I haven't used the S pen much yet, but it does seem very capable. I'm running straight stock and don't notice much, if any, lag. The browsers could be a little faster at page rendering, but all in all from an overall perspective it's plenty fast.
I have to agree with you about iOS apps being more polished, they truly are, but android apps keep getting better and better. The nice thing I like about android is that it's a lot more flexible and I'm a geek at heart, so all the widgets and stuff are really cool. The Note takes that to a whole new level with the pop up apps, side by side windows and s pen functionality.
I also love the display, I think it's awesome, the front facing speakers are also a very unique feature. It's hard to compete with the audio quality out of an iPhone / iPad, but this Note's speakers are stellar.
My Note is a little on the creaky side, but I'll leave that for nit-pickers So far I love mine and the pro's far outweigh the con's.
kevroc said:
Well I love iPads, have had every one usually on release day, same with iPhones, but I can also appreciate Android tablets, and while most Android tablets I've used to date have been disappointing (most recently the Asus Infinity), I have to say the Note 10.1 is a remarkable product. I haven't used the S pen much yet, but it does seem very capable. I'm running straight stock and don't notice much, if any, lag. The browsers could be a little faster at page rendering, but all in all from an overall perspective it's plenty fast.
I have to agree with you about iOS apps being more polished, they truly are, but android apps keep getting better and better. The nice thing I like about android is that it's a lot more flexible and I'm a geek at heart, so all the widgets and stuff are really cool. The Note takes that to a whole new level with the pop up apps, side by side windows and s pen functionality.
I also love the display, I think it's awesome, the front facing speakers are also a very unique feature. It's hard to compete with the audio quality out of an iPhone / iPad, but this Note's speakers are stellar.
My Note is a little on the creaky side, but I'll leave that for nit-pickers So far I love mine and the pro's far outweigh the con's.
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Really appreciate the thoughtful replies and not flaming me - started the thread while in the theater waiting for Argo to start (excellent movie by the way), realized I rambled a little bit.
Anyways, Demandarin - I never thought about that but it's really true, the ipad is a media consumption device for the most part while the note's hardware (and software) enable functional tasks to be performed.... So if I want functionality beyond really smart/polished apps (which iOs does have), note is the correct choice.
I had the first ipad, sold it cuase I didn't use it much. Had an OG transformer with dock, sold that cause I didn't use it much. I don't use my nexus 7 much but because it was so cheap I don't feel as bad. The problem is that my laptop is slim and portable so its always on the couch with me and I end up not using a tablet. The note though is advanced enough to where I think I would use it alot - in fact I want to get rid of my laptop (and have a mac mini as the "computer" in the house).
It was interesting as I was in best buy this older guy who had no idea about tablets was looking at the note vs the ipad. I'm thinking man there is no way that guy should get the note, there's just too much going on for the average user compared to the simplicity of the ipad . It's also interesting how the ipad runs in full demo mode practically, everything is locked down and apps are demo's - because of this its smooth and perfect. I figured the note was overloaded with crap as you guys said... its really a shame because if I was a general consumer like that guy, I would've been like man this note is a piece of CRAP (due to lag and the downright CLUSTER of widgets on the homescreens).
I'm gonna go ahead and try the note - the s-pen and split screen is so useful to me (I can see me doing both all the time).
You sound like compulsive gadget buyer.
Do you really need the note and not just want it?
makanimike said:
You sound like compulsive gadget buyer.
Do you really need the note and not just want it?
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Lol... does it matter?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I dunno. For you to decide.
It's just that you have tried tablets three times, and three times you end up not using them.
Aa for the original question: I can confirm there is no lag on a non-abused note. I used apex launcher for two days but switched back to stock touchwiz cause for me apex was laggy
dale_cooper said:
the s-pen and split screen is so useful to me (I can see me doing both all the time).
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It's also a great device for people with ADD...
Could be bc it was plugged in...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
gmfeny said:
Could be bc it was plugged in...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
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A very good conclusion
Sent from my X10S using xda app-developers app
gmfeny said:
Could be bc it was plugged in...
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I don't know why some people are having touch response issues when their devices are plugged in. Mine doesn't act any differently one way or the other and it probably spends have the time I use it plugged in via the universal dock. A couple of people on the One X forum where having the same issue but they are way in the minority. It doesn't seem like something with the device itself; if it were I'd imagine we'd be seeing a lot more comments from owners.
I never realized it until it was mentioned here. I thought it was bc i have a screen protector.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
As long as I have unit plugged into a surge problems. Without surge, it acts differently. Not sure if this would make a difference but maybe try this and see if it helps those who are having issues.
It's really risky to try stuff at stores. Chances are that the device has been used by hundreds of people without a reboot, so RAM may be completely depleted and so much in the cache partition that would confuse the device. Apps in the background can for sure make it laggy. My advice is go back and ask them clear the RAM and reboot if possible. If the iPad ran perfectly, maybe it was because nobody was playing with it and and the most popular device was just exhausted
I've used iPads before and up to a month or so ago I had my iPad2. It's a very entertaining OS, but you get tired of it very quickly; I only had it for 5 months. I bought with the excuse that the apps on iOS have more development that its counterpart in Android. And to a point it is true, but the hype gets dull very quickly.
I will confess that I'm a sort of compulsive buyer and buy things without really needing them. Just this year I've had and sold about 3 tablets beside the 3 I currently possess. If you buy the Note 10.1, I don't think you will regret it. For the first time this year I see myself keeping this one for a long time. You will not miss the iOS exclusive like Infinity Blade and tweetbot, and better facebook and twitter apps. I will not lie to you, the iOS is butter smooth, Android doesn't feel like that yet; but that should not be enough reason for not getting all the other perks...
I'm gonna try to scoop one up on craigslist... however I'm VERY intrigued to see what the nexus 10 pricing will be.
My SGN10.1 was initially full of lag as well.
What I found works is this. If you snap off the back plate you will see what looks like a screw cap. Carefully unscrew that and pour the lag into an empty jar. There is a lot of lag in there so the jar may be about half full before you are done. Once you have poured out all the lag screw the lid back on the jar and dispose of it in a hazmat safe landfill. Lag is carcinogenic so please avoid touching it.
Many people do not realize this but SGN10.1 units which have been manufactured in colder climates actually add the lag as an antifreeze. It is supposed to evaporate once the tablet is exposed to a warmer climate but occasionally it does not and the owner must pour it out manually.
Hope that helps. Once the lag has been removed your SGN10.1 should perform much better.
mitchellvii said:
My SGN10.1 was initially full of lag as well.
What I found works is this. If you snap off the back plate you will see what looks like a screw cap. Carefully unscrew that and pour the lag into an empty jar. There is a lot of lag in there so the jar may be about half full before you are done. Once you have poured out all the lag screw the lid back on the jar and dispose of it in a hazmat safe landfill. Lag is carcinogenic so please avoid touching it.
Many people do not realize this but SGN10.1 units which have been manufactured in colder climates actually add the lag as an antifreeze. It is supposed to evaporate once the tablet is exposed to a warmer climate but occasionally it does not and the owner must pour it out manually.
Hope that helps. Once the lag has been removed your SGN10.1 should perform much better.
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Before I go to the hazmat safe landfil, should I change the blinker fluid on my car? :laugh::good:
mitchellvii said:
My SGN10.1 was initially full of lag as well.
What I found works is this. If you snap off the back plate you will see what looks like a screw cap. Carefully unscrew that and pour the lag into an empty jar. There is a lot of lag in there so the jar may be about half full before you are done. Once you have poured out all the lag screw the lid back on the jar and dispose of it in a hazmat safe landfill. Lag is carcinogenic so please avoid touching it.
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Mine is a little too fast. Is it safe to pour some of the lag in?
