Best Kernel for CM10 - Galaxy S III General

Post your thoughts here.
Personally I'm looking for best battery life
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slking1989 said:
Post your thoughts here.
Personally I'm looking for best battery life
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I'm not sure you're going to be significant gains in battery life with CM10 in its preview stages (I certainly haven't, and i'm quite conservative), but i've been using Siyah 1.3.8a since the latest preview build and it's brought improvements across the board for me, most notably in speed & audio.
To be honest, I wasn't overly taken back with the animations & 'Project Butter' thus far but that's all changed with the introduction of Siyah! : )

Closed, "best" anything threads are unwelcome.
Also there is a damn CM10 discussion thread, use it.


Galaxy s2 official battery life thread.

Hey guys.
Ive been on the s2 forums for nearly 10 months now, and i always see people showing batt life or discussing how to improve it..
So i decided to start a thread with everything battery related included.
In this thread we can discuss battery saving tips, battery lives aswell as sharing our configs for the best possible batt life.
If u want to post your images of batt life. Please say ur rom and kernel your on plus any other useful info.
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I will kick it off by asking why my android OS usage is so high? Im running official lp3 02 uk ics update and my batt isnt fantastic. Any tips? Kernels you guys recommend?
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Deja vu ​
<IRONY>Maybe we could make a new poll asking if people want yet another battery thread </IRONY>
Another battery thread...
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Mods please close this thread, the op obv dosent know we already have batt threads.
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This thread is redundant, as mentioned we have several battery/Android OS threads, full of tons of information..
Here's an excellent Battery Life thread:
And here's the thread about Android OS

Galaxy S2 solid combination(Rom+ mods+ tweaks+ kernel+ themes)

Hello Everyone,
I started this thread to know more what people prefer for this fantastic xda community from our god galaxy s2.
My intention is to provide beast and best sgs2 rom with the stable and best tweaks and themes coupled with best sound experience and battery performance.
Let me know if this is any duplicate thread and I shall delete it.
I need a discussion which shall help me to gather or develop some good things for our sgs2 community.
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vishalgunthey said:
Hello Everyone,
I started this thread to know more what people prefer for this fantastic xda community from our god galaxy s2.
My intention is to provide beast and best sgs2 rom with the stable and best tweaks and themes coupled with best sound experience and battery performance.
Let me know if this is any duplicate thread and I shall delete it.
I need a discussion which shall help me to gather or develop some good things for our sgs2 community.
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My best combination so far is latest cm9 + beats audio 1703 + sgs3 fuju tweaks + HTC sense clock mod + sgs3 addons + voodoo louder(paid app) + abyss kernel - Apollo player + power amp(paid app)..
This is by far the best for me
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OK many thanks for pointing me our there.
Now I shall present u all my custom aosp from shortly.
I don't say this is the best amongst other which many senior developers are working.
My only intent is to connect missing threads from many roms.
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I don't think discussion is a development
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Thanks may I know what could be a healthy development approach
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Means its related to modified KERNEL/ROM or any features u ported from other phones to SGS2... Congrats on ur first port of AOSP.. Everyone wants better battery life with managable performance!!
True and I am currently compiling my first rom and will post soon NY changelogs
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So, is this a placeholder thread?
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vishalgunthey said:
Hello Everyone,
I started this thread to know more what people prefer for this fantastic xda community from our god galaxy s2.
My intention is to provide beast and best sgs2 rom with the stable and best tweaks and themes coupled with best sound experience and battery performance.
Let me know if this is any duplicate thread and I shall delete it.
I need a discussion which shall help me to gather or develop some good things for our sgs2 community.
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Appreciate effort but this is a development forum. Discussions go in general. Questions go in Q&A.
I will be moving this ti General as it is not a development thread. That being said I will keep an eye on the thread, if it turns in to a "X>Y" thread getting locked.
Thanks and I am still in progress of compiling rom . I am still getting some unexpected errors.I hope this fixes soon.
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Hello Everyone,
As promised my first custom rom is ready to be uploaded.I personally have tested all aspects of it so far and everything looks rock solid.
Here are the changelogs for version 0.1.
Note:This custom rom is currently for indian users based on official firmware 4.0.3 xwlp7 ddlp9.
1) Removed almost all bloatwares
2) zipaligned and deodexed
3) sgs3 fuju tweaks
4) sgs3 launcher as default
5) custom boot animation enabled
....and many more cant remember.
Some custom apps which i recommend you all to purchase from market are
1) Voodo Louder paid
2) Poweramp full version
3) Volume+
The stock kernel works best but if anyone needs better battery life i recommend using phenomenal extreme kernel.
The benchmark results for this tested rom were fpund to be 6240 on antutu.
I have almost found this rom to be on par as checkrom...
...Rom uploading is in progress...
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ROM for best battery life !!!

It has been some time since we have talked about a ROM to have the maximum battery life..
With normal usage through the day that includes data, music and talktime..
Everyone please write the ROM they think provides the best battery life.
It's against forum rules to suggest ROM's. Here's the post stating such rule:
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Best battery life possible? Ultratoxic, Gingerbread ROM. Best battery ICS ROM? Slim ICS. Siyah kernel for both, plus you can undervolt more aggresivly on Gingerbread. So basically, the less resources and **** there is, the less the phone has to worry about.
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I think I have seen some posts related to the same so there shouldn't be a problem.
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Matt3333 said:
Best battery life possible? Ultratoxic, Gingerbread ROM. Best battery ICS ROM? Slim ICS. Siyah kernel for both, plus you can undervolt more aggresivly on Gingerbread. So basically, the less resources and **** there is, the less the phone has to worry about.
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Thank you
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First of read this. Second this technically is a Question that you want a Answer, so it should have been posted in Q&A not general. Locked

Best kernel for battery life?

Hi all
I'm currently running Cyanogenmod with faux's kernel and getting pretty good results, just wondered what other people are using to get great battery life?
Thanks in advance
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No such thing as a best kernel. Some phones like certain kernels more than others. Experiences vary.
If you're looking for kernel suggestions I'd go with Franco or Trinity by morfic (Google to find his kernel as it isn't on xda).
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This is really subjective and is something you would need to test out on your own to get any solid answers since there's so many factors that could affect the outcome.
Thank you but it was just to see what others recommend. I've heard good things about the matrix kernel
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Also when using those kernels download the app trickster mod it'll let you customize the kernel settings but don't touch anything you don't understand because you might mess something up. Franco and morfic have paid apps that customize their kernel but trickster is a free alternative until you commit to one kernel
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Franco or Matrix...But while using Franco Ive seen a big difference in battery and thats just my experience with it but like the others say just try em out and see wats best for you my friend..
alewis2k12 said:
Franco or Matrix...But while using Franco Ive seen a big difference in battery and thats just my experience with it but like the others say just try em out and see wats best for you my friend..
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Agreed. Franco really knows what he's doing, no offense to the other developers. Morfic is another good developer.
Wasn't a huge fan of matrix on the Nexus S. Just my personal opinion (don't attack me because I prefer one kernel over another!)
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zephiK said:
Agreed. Franco really knows what he's doing, no offense to the other developers. Morfic is another good developer.
Wasn't a huge fan of matrix on the Nexus S. Just my personal opinion (don't attack me because I prefer one kernel over another!)
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+1 to that...
alewis2k12 said:
+1 to that...
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Nothing against math kid but (not saying he does this) but there are some shady developers or Rom cookers who say they added their secret special tweaks to boost speed or performance. I don't believe it because it's placebo. If there's no proof in the source then it doesn't exist.
Franco actually says what he did, and you can see it in the results. Plus he's very adamant about replying to feedback as long as it's not a silly question like "can I under volt using this kernel???" There's a reason why he has 20k thanks
But either way enough of my rant. Hope op finds a kernel he likes. I'd start using the most popular kernel out there and use it for a couple of days. If you aren't satisfied then try another. Satisfied but want to see if you can do better? Go ahead and try. They're all free anyways, the beauty of xda
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samwebbo1990 said:
Thank you but it was just to see what others recommend. I've heard good things about the matrix kernel
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I'm using the Matr1x 3.0 kernel I love it but my brother gets battery life on trinity. So like others said its phone specific.
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Thank you for all your replies, I might give Franco's kernel ago. I'll be surprised if I get better battery life than I currently do on faux's because Franco's doesn't support undervolting
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alewis2k12 said:
Franco or Matrix...But while using Franco Ive seen a big difference in battery and thats just my experience with it but like the others say just try em out and see wats best for you my friend..
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I agree. I've tried both, they're efficient but I prefer the franco kernel
samwebbo1990 said:
Thank you for all your replies, I might give Franco's kernel ago. I'll be surprised if I get better battery life than I currently do on faux's because Franco's doesn't support undervolting
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Franco doesn't support undervolting because,
I answered that the last page. UV comes when I think its a good time for it. I do my own thing, not follow what other people do on their kernels.
I really don't care much about undervolting, I think in the end its more placebo than anything. Sure it might help a little bit, but not as much as users think it does. Aggressive cpu frequency management, core management, now thats where true savings come from in my opinion.
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I don't really undervolt my phone and have pretty good battery life as it is. I didn't undervolt on my Galaxy Nexus either because it had something called Smart Reflex undervolted for you when necessary. more info @
---- Franco isn't saying that there won't be UV support but as of right now he's focused on other things and will add it when it becomes more stable. And I agree with him on the second part about there are other parts of the kernel that can be worked on to have better battery life rather than just having people UV as the solution (for now).
Edit: there's a reason why his thread on GN has Views: 4,859,042
Even there's no UV on his r14, this kernel is very stable and I've a (very) good battery life
I really appreciate all your responses, so what settings do you recommend for best battery life on Franco's kernel?
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Out of the box settings work just fine.
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zephiK said:
Out of the box settings work just fine.
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On your phone they do they sucked on mine. I went from 2 to 2 1/2 hours to 4 because of a kernel.
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If takes a couple of recharges for the kernel to come into effect. Have to give if a few days for your phone to get used to it.
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zephiK said:
If takes a couple of recharges for the kernel to come into effect. Have to give if a few days for your phone to get used to it.
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If u are talking to me Ive had my phone since Thanksgiving I gave it 3 weeks before I flashed a custom kernel. My stock kernel never got any better. U got a awesome stock phone I wish I had the same luck.
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A suggestion would be to add a poll and let people vote on the different kernels.
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Trinity vs Faux?

I am running trinity and am pretty smooth, but still I feel like sometimes it lags. I was wondering which one is better battery and performance wise. Personally I don't think trinity has that great of a battery life. Please just don't tell that you use one of these kernels, explain why you think its better over the other. Thank You
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one kernel isnt better over the other, they are both good. the question is which is best for you. these kinds of threads arent allowed on xda as they are a good environment for flaming to pop up.
I was just asking the pros and cons of these two kernels
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aanonymoushuman said:
I was just asking the pros and cons of these two kernels
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which is where the flaming will start. trinity(or faux) users will say that the one they use is better than the other, then itll go downhill from there. the pros and cons are for you to decide, based on how you use your device and how your device reacts to the kernel.
simms22 said:
one kernel isnt better over the other, they are both good. the question is which is best for you. these kinds of threads arent allowed on xda as they are a good environment for flaming to pop up.
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This ^^^^^^^^^^
Thread Closed
