mikechannon said:
"In general "I hate my phone" threads neither contribute soluactions to problems nor do they seek answers to problems in a calm and reasoned way.
These forums are for the giving and receiving of information that assists users to get the best from their device - it is not a vehicle for "sounding-off" about your phone.
This thread does have some useful content, so I will not delete it but will close it as relevant points have already been made.
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Ok .... so, the fact that we know HTC pay attention to people gripes, comments and compliments on these forums.... if that had been a "we love HTC thread" would that have been closed?
I agree being rude and obnoxious are very good reasons but ... why not censor the very few posts related to it. Why close the general dissastifaction with what appears to be a typical HTC release. Without a place to talk about the general failure of HTC, how can the majority of people learn? How can those prospective customers be aware of the challenges they need to overcome to turn a rubbish device (out of the factory) into a great device (after XDA and chefs)?
mikechannon said:
(In addition - this thread has been reported by Members)
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And it appears all you have to do is complain about a thread, not be justified in your complaint.
The one thing i've always used in years is the xda forums and some of that i haven't even owned a HTC device. Like it or not, most people here have invested a lot of hard earned cash (or will over the next 18/24 months) and that will naturaly attract an emotional value - hence some anger when something like this doesn't work. The fact there was so much feeling in that thread should indicate the level of "emotion" about it and the incensed feeling they have about the amount people feel they have spent, money and time, on a device they are so unhappy about. Maybe if you guys created a "vent here thread" you might get to allow people to rant AND get usefull threads - heck, even HTC might read the "vent here thread!" and take note?
I'm so worried after reading todays threads in particular, about ordering mine earlier today but sadly nothing else that supports FULL exchange meets my requirements. I know my consumer rights and will use them to the full should I need to but I hope not it does have so many great points.
Monty Burns said:
Ok .... so, the fact that we know HTC pay attention to people gripes, comments and compliments on these forums....
We don't know that for sure. There are many on here who would disagree, saying that for them, if HTC were listening, then perceived problems would have been resolved quicker.
I agree being rude and obnoxious are very good reasons but ... why not censor the very few posts related to it. Why close the general dissatisfaction with what appears to be a typical HTC release. Without a place to talk about the general failure of HTC, how can the majority of people learn? How can those prospective customers be aware of the challenges they need to overcome to turn a rubbish device (out of the factory) into a great device (after XDA and chefs)?
Problem with this argument is that there are some on here who don't wish to face those challenges, which is fair enough. However what they do is to gripe about it and not help themselves, even when you point them in the right direction.
And it appears all you have to do is complain about a thread, not be justified in your complaint.
Not sure where you get that from. Please provide evidence of this or retract.
The one thing i've always used in years is the xda forums and some of that i haven't even owned a HTC device. Like it or not, most people here have invested a lot of hard earned cash (or will over the next 18/24 months) and that will naturally attract an emotional value - hence some anger when something like this doesn't work. The fact there was so much feeling in that thread should indicate the level of "emotion" about it and the incensed feeling they have about the amount people feel they have spent, money and time, on a device they are so unhappy about. Maybe if you guys created a "vent here thread" you might get to allow people to rant AND get useful threads - heck, even HTC might read the "vent here thread!" and take note?
Any "ranting", as you put it, should be made direct to HTC. XDA-Developers is exactly that; a developers site with a lot of interested non-developers in it. Its not the place to take out your frustrations against a manufacturer.
Re your point on hard earned cash being spent, I can't disagree with this. However ask these people how many of them went out and gave the device a really good test drive and an assessment of whether it would meet their needs or not and you will be silenced by the response.
I'm so worried after reading todays threads in particular, about ordering mine earlier today but sadly nothing else that supports FULL exchange meets my requirements. I know my consumer rights and will use them to the full should I need to but I hope not it does have so many great points.
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If you have doubts about this device then don't buy it. You will be severely disappointed. If you have not taken time out to test drive one before putting your order in then, with respect, more fool you.
Finally, moderators on here bend over backwards NOT to close threads or be seen as censoring debate. However we have to keep a balance and if, in our judgment, a thread is getting out of hand or no longer has any value nor serve any useful purpose then it will be closed.
All the best,
as you've quoted inside of quotes you have made it really dificult for me to "quote" back - nice job! (although i suspect not deliberate).
"We don't know that for sure. There are many on here who would disagree, saying that for them, if HTC were listening, then perceived problems would have been resolved quicker."
Yeah ok. So the very big majority of Winmob market phones are produced by HTC, this site is dedicated to HTC (and historicaly Winmob).... do you REALLY think they don't read these forums? Really? Honestly? Are you sure?
"Problem with this argument is that there are some on here who don't wish to face those challenges, which is fair enough. However what they do is to gripe about it and not help themselves, even when you point them in the right direction."
I agree. There are SOME who want to gripe. There are a ship load more who want to make a device work but can't, no matter the support they get from the community - random users suffering from the SMS bug for example? The very fact most of these people have googled/have knowledge of these forums, means that they have at least gone to some effort to resolve an issue. So yes some, but a VERY small number. So, how can they air the frustrations they have? where? Maybe the most expansive and read HTC forums... thats a good place to start!
"And it appears all you have to do is complain about a thread, not be justified in your complaint.
Not sure where you get that from. Please provide evidence of this or retract."
*sigh* .... ok .... i'll come back to this but, i did quote, if you really want me to link to a thread closed in the past 10 minutes other than i already quoted your mod. I will.
"Any "ranting", as you put it, should be made direct to HTC. XDA-Developers is exactly that; a developers site with a lot of interested non-developers in it. Its not the place to take out your frustrations against a manufacturer."
Yeah ya know, it was a developers site years ago.... its not any more and hasn't been for a long time. Its a cookers and users site now. If you still think HTC don't read this forum then .... The sites success over the years can also be its greatest strength if you let it.
Now this isn't a problem of the site itself, more one with many reviews and fanboys of ALL phones, Iphone, HTC, Nokia....
"Re your point on hard earned cash being spent, I can't disagree with this. However ask these people how many of them went out and gave the device a really good test drive and an assessment of whether it would meet their needs or not and you will be silenced by the response."
Trying out a phone is a shop is a VERY diferent affair to OWNING one. Any person will know that, sadly though, many of us have to go by the reviews and forum comments that are available and try to filter out what may or may not be fanboy. Magazines, forum posts, personal reviews, blogs are all individual and very personal. Saying that someone should have reviewed more is simply not fair. Its impossible. Try asking your local O2 shop if you can take a phone away for a couple of weeks to try?
Hold on .... yes you can!!!! And that was the point of the last thread that got closed! Your fellow mod closed a thread which wasn't actually personal to anyone and (from a personal fed up with moaners point of view) I was trying educate people who purchased there phones in the UK that they had a bucket load of rights. If they are not happy, and it was purchased from the uk, then please "turn it in!" and return it.
Now from my pov, i'm a londoner (can you tell?) but i work all over the world. Currently im in Durban (yeah I was there at the test match! and met the England team) but out here they dont have the HD 2 so, I have to go on the reviews etc. Some people out here will spend near on £600 getting it imported from Expansys UK (ummm .... and other sites.
Can i provide evidence? No. It was not made public so all I can assume is that if I PM a mod, things will be closed:
mikechannon said:
"In general "I hate my phone" threads neither contribute soluactions to problems nor do they seek answers to problems in a calm and reasoned way.
These forums are for the giving and receiving of information that assists users to get the best from their device - it is not a vehicle for "sounding-off" about your phone.
This thread does have some useful content, so I will not delete it but will close it as relevant points have already been made.
(In addition - this thread has been reported by Members)
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How can i provide more evidence than that? I'm not privvy to your private messages. The previous line though backs up my "love HTC or go away" argument to a small extent:
mikechannon said:
This thread does have some useful content, so I will not delete it but will close it as relevant points have already been made.
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I really think you guys, having helped, actually almost pushed HTC to where they are should now use your position and be .... responsible(? maybe a bit strong)) ... finaly get off the HTC only band wagon. Let them know that the stunning products they produce will no longer be accepted only 90% complete.
Ok. Lets be realistic. I ain't gona change your minds on anything and I don't want you to rebel against HTC as they make amazing hardware but, at least, in the position you have got.... maybe create a "if your gone B*&% and let off steam, do it in this thread?" thread? Maybe, just maybe there will be a common thread in it that HTC will finaly get to grips with .....?
Oh, and i've had a tytn, tytn 2 and having had both of those replaced under warranty i thought... no! Poke it! And had a tosh g900 when most people couldnt even spell 800 res screens and then foolishly went to a TD. That was refunded quickly under sales of goods act. Have an Acer M900 but due to the fact i'm living in south africa and i purchased that under my company contract, i now need to replace next week when im back in the UK. I was looking at a Milestone but the exchange support is rubbish at best. So, I have a week to try the HD2 or return it as not fit for purpose.... I do however, really want it to work!
And one final word.... my best winmob device without a device? Well two actually .... the Samsung Omnia and the baggage reconciliation devices i'm working with at the new Durban airport (what??? its not just a PHONE O/S!!!!??)
My opinion.
Here's an example of 2 threads.
I bought this fone for £x000 dollars and it should do everything I can ever imagine, rite out of the out of the box. I am disgusted that HTC expect ME to fix their problems.
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SMS didn't send
Hi everyone.
I tried to send a text message to my friends earlier and it's stuck in my outbox. Does anyone know why this might be? Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I should do about it?
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This forum is not about defending or slating any particular device. It is meant for users to get together and talk about ways to make the experience better. This forum is not responsible for the fact that some hardware that comes out of some factory and gets some software installed on it is not 100% perfect!
Now for 1 moment, can we please put aside arguments regarding the device and talk about the forum? Which of the above 2 threads is the most constructive?
Thank you.
johncmolyneux said:
Here's an example of 2 threads.
This forum is not about defending or slating any particular device. It is meant for users to get together and talk about ways to make the experience better. This forum is not responsible for the fact that some hardware that comes out of some factory and gets some software installed on it is not 100% perfect!
Now for 1 moment, can we please put aside arguments regarding the device and talk about the forum? Which of the above 2 threads is the most constructive?
Thank you.
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More to the point, what is the point of leaving the first example open? At the very least there should be a dedicated section for those unhelpful posts (as [★] suggested yesterday) but I think they should just be closed as they're so worthless.
Do you work for a newspaper?
Both comments are usefull. Just because you don't see the use in both doesn't mean they are not usefull. Does that mean 10% of men don't like brand x of condoms so they should be ignored of Fred Smiths Condom appreciation website?
(sorry thats a really poor example but its 2am here in SA and i've been on the beer and Eve-online and films for a few hours )
Very fair play to you for putting forward an argument (non abusive as I would hope) and maybe catch up tomorrow.
You are a Londoner eh? I should have known. You lot are nothing but trouble makers!
First off sorry about the quotes within quotes; didn't realise it stopped you from quoting back. Now that I do...
OK, lots in your post that I could come back on in detail but I won't because I'm the sort of chap that likes going forwards, not looking back in self pity or whatever.
The one thing that you have suggested, and you are not the first, is that we think on somewhere where people can let off steam WITHOUT cluttering up the forums. As you know there is some work going on as to how best we can restructure the place to make it better. Can I ask you to be a little patient while all this gets worked through.
In the meantime, think on the following:
- Help us to support people who need and want help and please be robust about those that don't but just fancy a moan and upsetting people on here without ever really wanting to seek help or to help themselves (the word Troll comes to mind).
- If you look at the Development & Hacking forums you will see that Development is stronger than ever and does not change what this place is all about. The work of the chefs is recognised and appreciated, and you can argue that is also development so 2-0 there.
- Lets all try to be a little adult, constructive and get along a little. I can tell you that, from a Mods perspective, we really want to be doing other things to make people's lives on here better rather than spending time closing threads down because people just can't have a little respect for each other. I often wonder whether anyone ever reads the forum rules.
Finally thank you for keeping on the straight and narrow re this thread and not going off the rails and getting it closed.
jakem said:
More to the point, what is the point of leaving the first example open? At the very least there should be a dedicated section for those unhelpful posts (as [★] suggested yesterday) but I think they should just be closed as they're so worthless.
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I totally agree mate (hence the support in said thread raised by [★] yesterday.)
I find this site a ridiculously valuable source of information when I need help with my phone, and I find it disheartening to have to wade through complaint after complaint just in order to get to constructive discussions.
If I wanted to live in troll city, I'd pack all my stuff into boxes; call a removals company; do some browsing of estate agents and property letting agents; check the reputation of the areas I was interested in and then guess what.... MOVE TO TROLL CITY!
I'm a placid guy generally, but some posts really make me struggle to just not tell the OP where to go.
+9999999 recurring to real constructive users of this site.
-9999999 recurring to trolls (and we know you don't think you're a troll, but you are.)
Monty Burns said:
Do you work for a newspaper?
Both comments are usefull. Just because you don't see the use in both doesn't mean they are not usefull. Does that mean 10% of men don't like brand x of condoms so they should be ignored of Fred Smiths Condom appreciation website?
(sorry thats a really poor example but its 2am here in SA and i've been on the beer and Eve-online and films for a few hours )
Very fair play to you for putting forward an argument (non abusive as I would hope) and maybe catch up tomorrow.
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If 10% of men don't like brand x of condoms then they should definitely speak their mind. They would be wrong though to go to a forum that supports uses of brand x condoms and slate them. A support forum is for support.
OK first, no idea who Martin is. (Its Monty spelt the wrong way - doh)
Second, guys sounds like we might have a good conversation on the values of "to HTC or not HTC" although I might be on the wrong side, despite just spending a bucket load of fivers on a HT2.
Please, keep it clean and (well funny if you can't) but not personaly insulting. Everyone on a keyboard is a human being!
Be safe, have fun!
Monty Burns said:
OK first, no idea who Martin is.
Second, guys sounds like we might have a good conversation on the values of "to HTC or not HTC" although I might be on the wrong side, despite just spending a bucket load of fivers on a HT2.
Please, keep it clean and (well funny if you can't) but not personaly insulting. Everyone on a keyboard is a human being!
Be safe, have fun!
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I agree with that totally, but I do think this thread should be moved to a general area. Let's face it, it's hardly HD2 specific now is it!
It would be nice to see everyone's thoughts on this, rather than just the ones with The God Phone. (Just kidding - that was meant to incite trouble )
To be fair, those "I hate this phone" ranting type threads really do spiral into a hate fest or at least the few I've seen. If a topic is interesting and you comment on it, and go back later to see how it develops when all that is left is just insults, it has no use to most if not all.
johncmolyneux said:
I agree with that totally, but I do think this thread should be moved to a general area. Let's face it, it's hardly HD2 specific now is it!
It would be nice to see everyone's thoughts on this, rather than just the ones with The God Phone. (Just kidding - that was meant to incite trouble )
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Argh! I'm not a god!!! (although I think I am, with my size 9 shoes... bow down before me!)
Seriously, maybe a good idea. I guess in an odd way this may complement (orb3000s?) the other thread vote about should it be HTC or not site? We don't know you server statistics of course but, we can hope that we can get to the stage where we can give our opinion on HTC honestly..... ( i wanted to deleted that and not type it as its not fair, i think we can, mostly ).
In my view its like a really cool manopoly. The games fun to play for almost all of us (i may/may not include myself in that after 2 years HTC abscense on next Friday) but for some it really sucks cos they keep losing.
I would think that moving it to an adult discussion of the real benefits as us users see if you become "open" but, we have no idea of the server costs... only you guys do.
(you do of course know that pressure will mount and mount and mount with regards to non-HTC phones. Your not silly Samsung, LG, Acer.... to name but a few know that the serious money is in smart phones in the next few years, not feature. In Slough o2 test 150-200 meg 4g phones a couple of weeks ago )
From what I understand, this is a developers forum. i.e. look to the potential rather than to the faults as is.
There are far too many distracting threads along the lines of "the virtual keyboard is killing me", "my wife left me because of the battery life", "the pink camera issue made me kill my neighbour". These type of threads may have valid points but they are all a bit melodramatic and really don't serve the purpose of the forum very well as they fan the flames of discontent rather that rise to the can-fix mindset. Despite what the trolls (for want of a better word) might like to say, this isn't a fanboi site, it's for those who realise a problem and want to solve it, simply just improve things, or just want to tweak things just because they can! I'm sure most of us here are all too aware of the shortcomings of Windows mobile software, just as we recognise the potential & strengths of this platform.
Speaking as a self-confessed technophile I will admit to spending an not inconsiderable amount of hard-earned money on utter crap i.e. gadgets that promised so much, yet delivered so little or were simply just badly executed. The HD2 is non of these, it's a stunning piece of design & engineering. It's not perfect, for example: the sharp edges of the camera lens annoy me a little, but it doesn't induce a desire in me to vent my spleen to the world.
I'm optimistic, I hope to survive longer than my HD2 and maybe via this forum HTC will hear my concern for this non-life threatening design flaw and engineer a more ergonomic lens cover for the next mobile phone I get. If they don't, it will undoubtedly leave a microscopic void in my life, but I'm strong enough to move on and no doubt the HTC designers will burn in hell for their tardiness.
xda-developers is what is says and is a great community that helps us get the best from these intriguing phones, so please diss the efforts of those who contribute and recognise that enthusiasm is a far better fertilizer for technology than manure.
Besides that, looking at my HD2 I've just noticed that it's going to be wet & windy at "My Location" tomorrow. That's fifty miles away and I'm not even going there, so it's a win for me!
So theres this website (you can find the name and or link in mdj's cyanogen mod forum) that is selling a service that you send them your hd2 and they will put the cyanogen mod on your phone.....I called and asked to speak with a supervisor cause I thought it was wrong....its like 99 dollars but when I called he claimed it was 79 dollars....anyway he said hes not doing anything wrong because its open source etc etc. I said your wrong for taking someone elses work and selling it, then he said "im not selling it im just selling a service to rich people to put the mod on there phone"....then we argued some more and he said hes bringing xda a bunch of buisness by selling this service yada yada yada...he also said he has been a member here at xda for years....then I replied oh really then tell me your handle and he refused and then I said you know this is gonna piss people off and he said no it wont blah blah blah and then he had to go, and hung up.....Im probably being overly protective over something thats not mine but I was sure the xda peeps would think it was wrong.....just wanted to vent this to every one.
That was discussed many times before. He does nothing wrong because he is not selling the Rom. He sells the service to install a Rom for people who aren't able to do this or don't want to invest much time in this.
sent from my HD2 running Android
nothing wrong with this. he could even charge for flashing stockroms. this guy doesnt sell roms, he sells his service
One way or another... Per XDA rules, he is not allowed to post links or advertise this "service" here on XDA.
Please link me to the post where this link is locate.
dharvey4651 said:
One way or another... Per XDA rules, he is not allowed to post links or advertise this "service" here on XDA.
Please link me to the post where this link is locate.
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he didnt post here, he said hes been a member here for years, so im sure he knew he would get booted ....I just came across the link where someone pointed out that they were selling the service to apply that rom to there phone....
anyway guess I should not read,, post,, drive ,,post.....guess i just wanted to see peoples opinions to discuss this...thats why I didnt post in the thread where I seen the link...and I posted in the discussion forums.....I am aware hes not doing anything legally wrong...just wanted to post this and discuss... good looking out though!
I understand what the OP is saying, and I feel the same way, however the atheist is correct. Wish it wasn't the case, but, hey what can you do?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
TheATHEiST said:
Sick of seeing these ignorant posts now.
These people are NOT selling roms, they are selling their "time" to provide a service of rom installation.
There are some people out there who can not or do not want to go through the steps of installing a rom and would rather pay somebody to do it correctly and safely for them.
This is EXACTLY the same as if you take your car to a mechanic and ask them to fit a new *insert part name here*.
This is also EXACTLY the same as if you had taken your xbox 360 console to a modder and asked them to flash a hacked firmware to your dvd drive. ( I can do this myself but if I couldnt I would want somebody else to do it for me)
This is EXACTLY the same as if you had a virus on your computer and you asked somebody in a repair shop to clean it for you.
( I can do this myself but if I couldnt I would want somebody else to do it for me)
....You get the idea?
Only thing wrong really is the price, too expensive (unless it includes postage).
The guy sounded polite imo. If you had called me (not that I do this service) I would have told you to get ******!
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just my 2 cents.
Maybe be 3 is applicable if and only if the technician is using his own skills and free, open source softs and not pirated ones.
Maybe for item 2 if you will still use games you bought legally.
And totally not applicable for 1. Why? You are the one who bought the part, unless it was stolen.
Yes, it is not illegal, but it shouldn't be abused also.
Sent from my HD2 Droid [HD] using XDA App
knappenberger79 said:
I call shananigans with all your dooshbagery son...its past your bedtime..let the adults talk now
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lol, I actually expected a response like that.
Instead of actually addressing my points and challenging them all you could think to do was reply with a childish cliché or trying to act like you are been patronising when its simply that you cant think of anything to say.
You asked for a discussion and you have got one, you have aired your opinion and I have aired mine, If you cant take a opposite opinion of yours then that is your problem and you probably shouldn't create discussion topics.
You are calling yourself an "adult" yet you use the word "dooshbagery", Grow up and talk like and adult if you expect to be seen like one.
Back on topic, The guy is not selling roms, he's selling a service, simple!
Ok mods, changed my mind, close/delete thread if you wish, this guy obviously cant have an adult conversation.
I agree, he's not selling the ROM. He's obviously selling his time. The guy is taking full responsability (at least he should) for whatever happens to the device.
Just don't point this thread to jagpoag. Insulting is the only way of reasoning he knows.
You can build a full mail/web/whatever server you want using Linux. That doesn't mean you cannot charge for installing and configuring it.
Monrad said:
I agree, he's not selling the ROM. He's obviously selling his time. The guy is taking full responsability (at least he should) for whatever happens to the device.
Just don't point this thread to jagpoag. Insulting is the only way of reasoning he knows.
You can build a full mail/web/whatever server you want using Linux. That doesn't mean you cannot charge for installing and configuring it.
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This guy obviously doesn't like it when somebody has a different or better point them him.
Its simple logic really, He would be selling a ROM if he took the money and only supplied teh ROM files, he isn't. Hes taking money and going through flashing/config process instead of the customer having to, he selling a service.
If you dont know how to fix/change something on your car you got to a mechanic (or friend). Yes we may find it easy to learn this stuff (rom flashing) but others will not find it as easy. car repair/change and phone fix/flash same concept.
i guess.. people shouldn't do it.. because the guides r pretty easy that my 12 year old cousin can do it in like 1 hour. And if people don't have that much time and can pay so much just to get android, whatever installed.. I bet they can trash hd2 and buy d OS specific phone.. Just not morally correct even though it's not illegal.. Maybe it can drive the chef of the rom to think about even providing it to the general public in the first place.. just my 2 cents don't get hypered people..
sudeep6258 said:
i guess.. people shouldn't do it.. because the guides r pretty easy that my 12 year old cousin can do it in like 1 hour. And if people don't have that much time and can pay so much just to get android, whatever installed.. I bet they can trash hd2 and buy d OS specific phone.. Just not morally correct even though it's not illegal.. Maybe it can drive the chef of the rom to think about even providing it to the general public in the first place.. just my 2 cents don't get hypered people..
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Well you see tahts the point, some people will find it easy and some people will find it either hard or too daunting to try, or simply do not know how or know of xda etc.
Its the same as modding a xbox 360, its a pice of piss to flash its dvd drive but many many people do not know how or want to try so instead choose to pay somebody with more experiece.
lol, Im starting to sound like an agent for this guy
I just cant see how this guy or others are doing anything wrong, unless they overcharge ofcousre but if they was to charge something reasonable like £15 or something then that would be fine imo.
I cant see how you view this is immoral.
Exactly, simple logic. I don't think there's any way to bring down your argument so... don't expect a discussion
Believe me I've read hundreds of pages of people complaining because someone was charging for installing a map, rom, etc. and they just can't make a solid point about it.
Remember the Linux example, it's one of the best I ever heard off. You take free software and charge for your time when installing it. You can even make money installing paid software like Microsoft Exchange, Windows, etc. You're not stealing from M$. You're just offering a service for someone that cannot do it by his own.
sudeep6258 said:
i guess.. people shouldn't do it.. because the guides r pretty easy that my 12 year old cousin can do it in like 1 hour. And if people don't have that much time and can pay so much just to get android, whatever installed.. I bet they can trash hd2 and buy d OS specific phone.. Just not morally correct even though it's not illegal.. Maybe it can drive the chef of the rom to think about even providing it to the general public in the first place.. just my 2 cents don't get hypered people..
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Morally incorrect? Why? You think it's easy because you're used to doing it. You have experience while others don't.
Some people don't have the experience and don't even want to know about it. They just want the job done and that's how they work. It's called to "delegate tasks".
We cannot do everything by ourselves. That's why we study and learn different things in life and we search people to make the work we cannot do by ourselves.
He isn't really selling his work..Useless thread
Monrad said:
Exactly, simple logic. I don't think there's any way to bring down your argument so... don't expect a discussion
Believe me I've read hundreds of pages of people complaining because someone was charging for installing a map, rom, etc. and they just can't make a solid point about it.
Remember the Linux example, it's one of the best I ever heard off. You take free software and charge for your time when installing it. You can even make money installing paid software like Microsoft Exchange, Windows, etc. You're not stealing from M$. You're just offering a service for someone that cannot do it by his own.
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That is a very good and precise point.
I myself know sweet FA about linux, what I do know you could write on a back of a stamp. If I wanted/needed a specific linux setup/configuration I would ask/pay somebody else to do it simply because I wanted it doing correctly without any hassle.
Some people didnt have a good enough education/or simply dont learn easily to be able to comprehend simple logic or concepts like this so like the OP they resort to childish responses like he did. I really did "lol" because after my point earlier I seriously did know that he would answer in that way, I could just tell, its typical of people to resort to that level of maturity when they cant think of a proper answer/challenge.
Thanks for also adding your opinions guys, I was beginning to think I was going crazy
dude.. seriously ya'll think it's right to do it.. and what's the crap about experience.. The chef's can't possibly make it easier.. It's just that some people don't have the mind at times to google it and jump at the sight of android for some $$.. and dude.. if u think it's right i ain't saying it's illegal.. but then why don't u urself do it eh??
I found someone selling NAND android for the hd2 on craigslist..... pisses me off, so much work dev's put into this and people are selling it.... here's the ad:
If this is not the correct place to post this, please move it, it is about nand android so I figured it would be okay here.... and in case he removes the ad because I instructed him to do so, here is the ad:
I say any developers not happy about this give him a call!
I talked with him over text messaging and he claims that he does not know what XDA is and never heard of it....If any mods are interested in his personal info, I am going to have the name registered to this line in a few..... so he can be banned from XDA
yea theres a couple of those on craigslist here in the boston area also
And what he says in his ad about 4g..... does the radio upgrade make it 4g capable? if so, I wasn't aware that it did.....
Ya know... as disgusting as it is, he's not doing anything wrong. It's almost like saying that a mechanic charging to fix your car is ridiculous because they didn't even invent the parts, they're just using their technical know-how to fix it.
He's offering a service - to set up your phone with Android. Don't people pay to get Windows installed on their computers? Or Linux even? I mean, if there's a demand for a service, then there will be a supply of people who will charge for said service.
That being said, I hate how people are stupid enough to pay for this service when all the knowledge is out there for free and you'll be better off learning how to do it on your own because you become more knowledgeable and you can fix the phone on your own if there's some kind of software problem.
These kinds of services are rampant in the Los Angeles Area. These guys usually charge $20 a head. Gotta wonder how many people are dumb enough to shell out any amount of money for this kind of service.
I kind of do see a need out there for that kind of service though. Some folks would rather just fork over the $20 than risk screwing up their phone, and how many noob question threads are there from ppl who cant manage to flash a rom without help even after reading the stickies, etc. It kinda makes for less clutter in the forums, and people are glad to hand over a little cash for the garuntee that they get Android quick and easy. 2 things though:
These people should donate a certain amount of their profits to the devs who made their business possible.
And learning by doing makes you smarter. By reading and applying the knowledge gained, you are better preparing yourself for future challenges. There's always going to be a next cool phone, and today's lesson learned makes tomorrows challenge easier. I would never pay someone to make me dumber and lazier, I'm already dumb and lazy enough
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
The EBAY is full of those NAND builds. I once bought one to see whatsup and it was MDJ Ginger nand build...
diesburg said:
If this is not the correct place to post this, please move it, it is about nand android so I figured it would be okay here.... and in case he removes the ad because I instructed him to do so, here is the ad:
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Who in the hell are you to instruct someone to remove an ad off of Craigslist. Is it ****ed up, yeah, but you have absolutely zero right to instruct someone to do anything. Some people would rather pay someone rather than take the time to do it themselves. Some people could care less how they get to point B, just that they get there. Other people would rather pay someone to work on their phone so they don't have to deal with the stress of bricking their device. Anytime there is a dollar to be made, people are going to take advantage of the situation. This isn't the first time, and damn sure isn't going to be the last time.
That being said, hopefully, people that are charging to install Android on HD2's are donating a % of their income to the devs. Without them, it wouldn't be possible.
While were instructing people to do things, I'm instructing you to delete his phone number out of your post.
Get off your horse before you fall off it. XDA and TW are awesome resources for this interest group but not for everyone. I could go on, but will just leave it with "you're wrong on this one".
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
This subject has already been debated to death... some people rather pay to have it done instead of learning themselves. At least these craigslist sellers actually meet and do the flashing for you. To charge someone $20 to meet up with them and do the flashing isn't that unreasonable. What bothers me are the people on ebay selling the instructions for $20. One guy I saw made over $10,000 in less than a week selling instructions to install wp7 for $25 ea... I couldn't believe he sold that many.
It think plenty of right is reserved for someone to instruct him to take the ad down. As said above, a certain % of what he makes should be donated to developers, then it would be okay. But we know damn well that he won't donate anything. So I don't think it's right or should be done unless donations are gave to the developer of whatever software is being used. If you took all the time to make such a good rom such as typhoons cm7, I'm sure you wouldn't like someone selling it on an auction site.... but the ones who say this is okay I don't think are developers so you don't understand..... I'm not a developer but I would not be happy if I saw my rom being used for these services if I were the developer.....
Wow, you still don't get it. They don't sell any roms, they offer a service...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Wow, I do get it. But I still feel like it shouldn't be done without a percentage going to developers.... at least cotulla.....(and I'm not even a huge fan of his work) it would not be possible for someone to sell such a service without the hard work of developers, at least the bootloader dev's. When someone charges to install windows... well, windows must be purchased first(at least for it to be legal) So microsoft gets their share for their work.... no dev is getting a share for his hard work when someone sells the installation service.... and I feel this is not right...... that is my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are your opinion.......
diesburg said:
..... I'm not a developer but I would not be happy if I saw my rom being used for these services if I were the developer.....
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That's right, you're not a dev, so why are you tripping? Is Best Buys ripping off Microsoft because they charge someone to install windows? C'mon dude, you cannot be this dense.
diesburg said:
that is my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are your opinion.......
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You are definitely entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to instruct someone to remove an ad off of Craigslist, or to post some random dudes phone number on a message board.
this is such an old topic!!! I've been seeing this since I got my first windows mobile phone(Tmobile dash) 3 years ago, shoot you can go to ebay and find tons of ads on buying roms and install services with tech support, and all it is someone online or a text file with step by step instructions on how to do it yourself flashing and modding.
Just because we know XDA and we know how things should be done in the mobile hacking world , it doesn't mean everybody does, or everybody cares, I agree the devs deserve a donation or a percentage of anybody making a profit but it's not going to happen, at least from those people!
I did not post some random dudes number to a message board, I copied and pasted the craigslist ad that this thread is about. Yes, the ad contained his number but that is info you can find on the internet anyways. (
This topic and all the millions of variations of it over the years are absolutely ridiculous.
This is 100% exactly the same as somebody providing a linux installation/setup/configuration service and anybody who says otherwise simply doesn't have any common sense.
diesburg said:
I did not post some random dudes number to a message board, I copied and pasted the craigslist ad that this thread is about. Yes, the ad contained his number but that is info you can find on the internet anyways. (
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It's F'ing retarded to post his info with the intentions of getting him harassed. Where is the "no thank you" button when you need one?
WorldWide60 said:
It's F'ing retarded to post his info with the intentions of getting him harassed. Where is the "no thank you" button when you need one?
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Goddamn WorldWide60, STFU! This topic may be old and we all have different opinions on the subject but no need to jump down this guys throat on every single one of his post!
I think it's rather shady that he's talking about installing "4g". What the hell is this loony talking about? That's the real issue here.
I guess there are two sides of the story its nice for people who have no knownledge how to do this but love android.
This hole controversy over the past few days over P3droids post
When i first read this i was stunned, i unloaded a lot of frustration out in another thread but that didn't do anything other than make me feel better, temporarily. I have another year with the Droid X and don't want to just put up with it until i can upgrade. I've enjoyed my Droid X very much and would like it to continue that way but the development on it seems to be dieing. I still see there being much more to do to the device, considering Gingerbread leak was just released and rooted. I don't know how many people flashed the leak but i have... and it makes a huge difference in performance. I am no dev or anything, the most knowledge i have on this concept is rooting, flashing roms, and sbf'ing when something goes wrong. So i just want an idea of what everyone else is doing now that P3droid has said what he had to say. Do you believe it?
This is my question ...why would someone who had this info release a "leak" of the rom they can track down? And still have links up for d/l?
If that was me id advice people not to upgrade to GB and wait for an official release then figure out how to root it... just how they figured out how to root the nexus s g2 mt4g atrix thunderbolt ...its possible ..
Now this is all a "he said she said"thing case ... no evidence no links no emails from Verizon or Motorola ...I understand the tethering and data thing but the root is garbage in my opinion clearly voids warranty so you really think Motorola would be upset if you voided your warranty and have to buy a new phone? Less likely ...just my two cents
And just read where its posted in..
"News and Rumors" .....
That's all I gotta say
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA Premium App
I agree with 100% jeezy. I understand why Verizon would be upset about the tethering, but we all do pay for UNLIMITED data. Verizon is just upset that we found a loophole instead of paying for their wireless tethering. And it is a little fishy that P3droid will be the one person to give us a leak and then immdiately tell us this information. I did take a peak at his twitter the night that he posted that information and aparently he was drunk...hmm.... No disrepect to P3Droid, he may be telling the truth about all of this but we can't tust anyone anymore, especially after the recent rumor that someone cracked the bootloader.
And there is 70 views on this thread already and only 2 votes. Please people, we want everyones input on this topic. Obviously other people are curious too if there are already 70 views lol. If you want to comment and give your opinion, thats great too, but all i ask is if you make those 2 clicks to vote.
The final decision is to stop spamming and trolling about that topic. There is no solid evidence, links, Official ANYTHING for that matter and quite frankly, and I speak for a lot of senior members and those with common sense, I think we all want to stop hearing about it.
There are four posts in this thread, three of them are yours (OP). No one is posting because this is old and dead news on XDA. I doubt this thread will even get to a page two.
Well now someone has their panties in a bunch. The idea for this thread was the poll. Your exactly right in that there is no solid evidence on the topic... Which is the point of the poll. If there were solid evidence, then the topic would be dead. So instead of trashing a thread with your useless information, go make another thread on switching the 3g icon to 4g. Talk about pointless Ben
sdicker89 said:
Well now someone has their panties in a bunch. The idea for this thread was the poll. Your exactly right in that there is no solid evidence on the topic... Which is the point of the poll. If there were solid evidence, then the topic would be dead. So instead of trashing a thread with your useless information, go make another thread on switching the 3g icon to 4g. Talk about pointless Ben
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sdicker89 said:
This hole controversy over the past few days over P3droids post
When i first read this i was stunned, i unloaded a lot of frustration out in another thread but that didn't do anything other than make me feel better, temporarily. I have another year with the Droid X and don't want to just put up with it until i can upgrade. I've enjoyed my Droid X very much and would like it to continue that way but the development on it seems to be dieing. I still see there being much more to do to the device, considering Gingerbread leak was just released and rooted. I don't know how many people flashed the leak but i have... and it makes a huge difference in performance. I am no dev or anything, the most knowledge i have on this concept is rooting, flashing roms, and sbf'ing when something goes wrong. So i just want an idea of what everyone else is doing now that P3droid has said what he had to say. Do you believe it?
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Umm.. Does anyone with a real brain cell believe it? Seriously stop spamming with this useless garbage. This isn't true. Not one shred of any evidence, stop spamming.
sdicker89 said:
Well now someone has their panties in a bunch. The idea for this thread was the poll. Your exactly right in that there is no solid evidence on the topic... Which is the point of the poll. If there were solid evidence, then the topic would be dead. So instead of trashing a thread with your useless information, go make another thread on switching the 3g icon to 4g. Talk about pointless Ben
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No this is a waste of space. The poll is meaningless as it is not true. Seriously how in the world can you believe this? If someone honestly truely believes this and not just from a fear campaign I pity them. Verizon and Motorola are coming off saying they don't care if your Zoom is rooted they will upgrade it anyways. Also every Verizon rep I have talked to have no clue what I was talking about and the most recent one went a step farther and claimed it would probably have been a breach of contract on their end.
sdicker89 said:
And there is 70 views on this thread already and only 2 votes. Please people, we want everyones input on this topic. Obviously other people are curious too if there are already 70 views lol. If you want to comment and give your opinion, thats great too, but all i ask is if you make those 2 clicks to vote.
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Then give an option to say this is bull**** I bet that hit counter will light up like christmas lol...
Bring it on Big Red. Ill have the legal team from Cydia make you their B%$# just like Apple
If it is true it's bullsh#t. If it's a rumor, that's sh#tty too. I hope it's not real, or at least something that never actually happens to us. I don't like the idea of being forced to go back to stock. And why? What was the main reason I got out of all the reading I did? Wireless tether. I don't even use it.
I own my hardware not Verizon.
I haven't changed the code for the baseband which is what interacts with their system.
My user experience is just that, mine.
Isn't a forum an open place for discussion? If you're not interested in the discussion why even read the thread or waste your time commenting on it?
Whatever, regardless if the rumor is true or not I for one am not changing my ways. I will do whatever I want with my phone until Verizon gives me the boot, at which time I will just flash to cricket and enjoy the reduction in my bill.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Sorry for the wall of text. I started typing and next thing I knew I wrote a novel.
Honestly, until I see some news on it, it's just a rumor. I did not upgrade to GB because I would rather wait for some development, but the bottom line is that this is just a rumor.
People have beat the whys, ifs, and hows into the ground so there is no reason for me to talk about them.
If you're so concerned that you have to make multiple threads, polls, and cry to your mother, SBF back to stock and enjoy your stock ROM as best you can. If you were on GB and this is true, VZW already has your MEID so you're ****ed one way or the other. So the only thing I can say is just chill out, crack open a beer, go to work, watch some baseball, jerk off... whatever you do in your spare time that relaxes you. If this whole thing is going to happen it's going to happen and worrying about it won't solve anything. You're already screwed on your current phone if everything P3 said goes down.
Most people here know there are certain risks involved when they mod there phones so if this all goes down, I'll just buy a new one and deal with the wenching from my wife. **** happens; deal with it.
Finally, just some food for thought:
I've been using custom ROMs since the days of WinMo 6.5. Unfortunately, my first phone was not hacked due to lack of interest. I think it was the Samsung SCH-i760. While it was not hacked, people were sending this $600 phone bricked under a warranty replacement. I'm sure not as many as the Droid X's being sent back from complete noobies coming here and bricking their phones, but I digress.
Warranty replacements due to tampering are nothing new; it's been going on for YEARS, even prior to Smart Phones. In fact, I remember people warranty replacing their RAZRs trying to get rid of the Verizon UI.
Whatever happens, happens. Just go with it.
Honestly if everything is true and we will be no longer be able to make our droid Phones OUR droid phones I'm just going to get a plan with a cheap carrier and use this as a multimedia device and leo it mine.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA Premium App
tech_head said:
I own my hardware not Verizon.
I haven't changed the code for the baseband which is what interacts with their system.
My user experience is just that, mine.
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You are very correct. You can do whatever you want with your device and Verizon cannot do anything to your device about it. HOWEVER, they can do whatever they want with THEIR service. As stated in the terms of service that EVERYONE here agreed to, in section 2 part d of reasons they can terminate or suspend your service, if you " modify your device from its manufacturer's specifications" they have the right to stop providing you service.
So yes you can modify your device to hell and back but they DO NOT have to give you service for it. So all of you can stop saying Verizon had to tell you something or can't do this. THEY ALREADY TOLD US.
I see only one device. As far as I am concerned this is the SGS III or whatever you want to preferably name it, one single name, and one single name recognized by all, it should be, in all the Development forums it should be. There should be a universal name for this device that everyone calls it and it is referred to within the forums, this would be helpful if established. I don’t see this device as being T-Mobile’s SGSIII or Sprint’s SGSIII, AT&T’s SGSIII or Verizon’s SGSIII. No offense but IRC may have channels for this device, however misses contributions, however $%ssholes stay the @#ck out of the communications, if you feel the need to post your own discussion in the General discussion forum. The reason the possibility for this device; where a Team whose ever team’s, does not value it’s importance in this device. Why go to a limited area a limited mindset, when you can go to an area where everyone within open area knowledge consists of four carrier devices exists? This should be about Development uniting what you did before and what you plan to do- why not bring it together. Development should unite on this single device, while those channels are helpful for single devices; this single device brings four carriers together for more solutions, not ROM specific but everyone's work and effort (but every non DEV should butt the [email protected]#k out of the discussion.) As far as I am this is a device, regardless of the carrier, that works there should work here. Is this device new, absolutely? Are things going to change because of this device? Developers think of your efforts what was designed to work on T-Mobiles platform, is able to work on Sprint’s platform with this change, with this change it can work on AT&T”s platform and this change will work on Verizon’s. Implement these changes on each carriers platform so that each carrier benefits from the changes and so every SGSIII today or tomorrow will recognize the Developer that made the change work for them. They better [email protected]#king should. This is not a carrier specific model; this is a model specific to all specified carriers, so why is it not treated that way? Because, people are used to carrier specific specific models? This is not a carrier specific model and should not be treated that way. When people realize this? Who knows maybe never. In the interim, what happens, who the [email protected]#k knows. All I know I can imagine (same device) is if this is changed it works on Sprint, if this is changed it works on T-Mobile, if this works it on AT&T and will work on Verizon (You guys are the miracle workers, I am simply the beneficiary.) Why not work together to make a better solution, where everyone benefits? Don’t thank me, I am not a developer; thank the developers and thank their efforts, in every way you can. Think of the Allies, Verizon that will soon receive their devices they are strong extremely supporters. Act strategically, and make them your greatest friend. Make this device whether Sprint, T-mobile, AT&T and Verizon extremely strong. EVERY DEVICE should want to be an SGSIII power and energy is one thing, it is the DEVELOPMENT is the most important factor. THIS DEVICE HAS THAT. EVERYONE MAKES A DIFFERENCE.
Im guessing your giving the devs a hand at making roms/themes/mods universal so that noobs dont run into more problems by flashing things they "think" are universal. I hope you are, they need all the help they can get.
I just dont have the time to do that atm. But I will try to focus on roms/themes/mods we know will work on Sprint. Then comes the step of making it universal. It just takes a little longer. But we will make it happen And in the future you might want to use paragraphs, makes reading a little easier.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
Wait, what?
Sent from my Droid Incredible using the XDA app.
Awesome wall of text. Unless you can make ROMs universal for all devices, which I understand is being worked on, having separate development forums is necessary.
Herp derp Captivate Tapatalk 2
Wall of text looked like the matrix
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
I assume this is what the Unabomber's manifesto looked like.
TeamERA said:
Im guessing your giving the devs a hand at making roms/themes/mods universal so that noobs dont run into more problems by flashing things they "think" are universal. I hope you are, they need all the help they can get.
I just dont have the time to do that atm. But I will try to focus on roms/themes/mods we know will work on Sprint. Then comes the step of making it universal. It just takes a little longer. But we will make it happen And in the future you might want to use paragraphs, makes reading a little easier.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
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Look I'm not a Dev and I don't know who Dev's or all of them are. I have nothing to do with Samsung, I'm still waiting for my F#@King device, never have I flashed a ROM or ANYTHING else. BUT I WILL. But I bring people together. If you DON’T WANT TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION, GET THE F#@K OUT OF THE WAY. NO ONE HAS TIME FOR YOU. I'm a rainmaker, live life to the fullest or GET F#@K OUT OF THE WAY SO SOMEONE ELSE CAN. No one in specific, just those who can't. I have been a member as many of you have on XDA. I have seen things that are ABSOLUTELY F#@KING AMAZING. With this cross carrier combination, why can’t more be done? I can’t do it, but others that are more talented than I can. Why limit at one’s potential, when one’s potential can be pushed further or farther? These ROMS that everyone talks about are human created, yet there is so much talent that lies deep and some exposed within this forum. Why stop here, maybe a solution is found here, then push further until stuck here, solution found here, then the answer is found and resolved as a working solution. WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO INTERUPT THAT??? To make a point of this or that? To lose out on the possibility of this or that… EVERYTHING CONTINUES…
RampageRR said:
I assume this is what the Unabomber's manifesto looked like.
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Nope, missed your response. Would have have responded.
lopezpm said:
Wall of text looked like the matrix
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I lol'ed.
You need to chill out A LOT.
This device has been out a week, it seems that devs will follow this direction already. Better safe than sorry with regards to dev forums.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
This thread is hilarious. A guy who doesn't even have his phone is *****ing about having separate carrier development forums. Keep ramblin' bud, I'll just sip my beer and chuckle. Thanks for the free entertainment. You keep the internet interesting!
bigb252 said:
I lol'ed.
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Me too. I thanked him just for turning wall of text into a lol moment.
zaisaroni said:
You need to chill out A LOT.
This device has been out a week, it seems that devs will follow this direction already. Better safe than sorry with regards to dev forums.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
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Agreed. There have been a lot of quick fire rants about a device that has barely been out a week. Calm down and let things shake out. For right now we need to make sure things are safe for a particular device and then see if it can be universal.
If you were to flash something in from this one and only forum and brick your device because you thought everything in it was for your phone, you would then be ranting about how it needed to be split up because it's confusing.
If and when it is feasible to put everything together without worrying about a flood of bricks devices, the mods will. Until then smoke something good and relax.
And hit the enter key every once in a while.
XDA Mobile
I agree with OP, just because our devices work differently is no reason to keep then apart. Free love for all variants!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
jamesbra said:
I agree with OP, just because our devices work differently is no reason to keep then apart. Free love for all variants!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
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Got a free thanks,fyi.
I personally do not agree. I was against the idea if combining the forums as they have been done. It would be too easy for someone not as experienced as others to flash the incorrect rom, causing an inoperative device.
It would be wonderful if there was one firmware capable of operating on all carriers devices. Unfortunately, that is not possible, if for no other reason than the technology used in their data/voice transmission (CDMA,, GSM,etc).
Op, just relax a little. Your new device will be here soon enough. Many people were still waiting as you are.
Have a nice day
Docavelli said:
Agreed. There have been a lot of quick fire rants about a device that has barely been out a week. Calm down and let things shake out. For right now we need to make sure things are safe for a particular device and then see if it can be universal.
If you were to flash something in from this one and only forum and brick your device because you thought everything in it was for your phone, you would then be ranting about how it needed to be split up because it's confusing.
If and when it is feasible to put everything together without worrying about a flood of bricks devices, the mods will. Until then smoke something good and relax.
And hit the enter key every once in a while.
XDA Mobile
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I happen to agree with, and it is not in argumentative state.
There needs to be more people working together on this device.
This is not Sprint's SGS III device, it's not T-Mobile's SGS III device, it's not AT&T's SGS III device or Verizon's SGS III device. This is a community whether your neighbor is T-Mobile or Sprint, or across the street is AT&T. You talk to your neighbors and find out who they are, what they are going through and how to help them if you know how. Do I need to own another F#@cking device to that no way. But, if we work together all of us, ever f#@cking one of us, it accomplish so much more.
ScottyBeGood said:
I happen to agree with, and it is not in argumentative state.
There needs to be more people working together on this device.
This is not Sprint's SGS III device, it's not T-Mobile's SGS III device, it's not AT&T's SGS III device or Verizon's SGS III device. This is a community whether your neighbor is T-Mobile or Sprint, or across the street is AT&T. You talk to your neighbors and find out who they are, what they are going through and how to help them if you know how. Do I need to own another F#@cking device to that no way. But, if we work together all of us, ever f#@cking one of us, it accomplish so much more.
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And the devs do talk. As well as just casual users. There are always people saying, "hey, over in forum A, they're doing this. Will it work on our phone?"
I've had several devices and in every forum for my particular one this happens. It is a community and we do talk. We just don't all need to live on the same street to do it.
And it is not "one phone". There are differences. Maybe not brickable for the most part but differences none the less.
XDA Mobile
ScottyBeGood said:
I happen to agree with, and it is not in argumentative state.
There needs to be more people working together on this device.
This is not Sprint's SGS III device, it's not T-Mobile's SGS III device, it's not AT&T's SGS III device or Verizon's SGS III device. This is a community whether your neighbor is T-Mobile or Sprint, or across the street is AT&T. You talk to your neighbors and find out who they are, what they are going through and how to help them if you know how. Do I need to own another F#@cking device to that no way. But, if we work together all of us, ever f#@cking one of us, it accomplish so much more.
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You don't think this is going to happen? As someone who will be " developing" for this device, you can bet I will be looking in each of the forums. There will be somethings that are universal...I am guessing some that will not. Just because my device will be branded AT&T, does not mean I am not prohibited to read the other forums.
The focus of the community has changed...maybe not in a written manifesto, but it has changed. What once was a Dev-centric forum has become user centered. Development forums have become more of a "can I have this" "gimme that" forum. Users don't come here to learn, they come here for the latest and greatest, and will flash without understanding what they are doing. Sure, they can follow step by step directions...but they don't know enough to trouble shoot when step 4 does not go as planned.
Keeping the forums separated helps keep the issues down...but should not hinder the developers working together.
Sorry for another wall...
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