New phone for an old horse? - Fascinate General

Hey guys, I'm looking for a new (used) device since my Verizon service has been disconnected as I can't afford it any more. I'd like to get my hands on a fascinate in decent condition with a clean esn, so that I can activate it on a more affordable prepaid plan. Please PM me or post here with any offers. Thanks.

Hey man. Awesome to see you around these parts again.
Have you tried looking at swappa? I think they have used fascinates for $120 apx.
I have access to the best buy private auction site. Seems you can do a "buy it now" for 90$ about shipping included. Otherwise you could give me a limit and I could try and bid one for you...
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium

I say we thrown in and buy JT a fascinate! Just as a token of appreciation for all he has done for this device. I would sell mine, but Im not sure that I want to part with it yet lol.

I would love to offer to buy him one outright but I am not in great financial shape myself (damn job and law school were really worthwhile. :banghead: .....). But I could certainly kick in 10 bucks or so.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium

I'm gonna take care of him guys I have one on the way to me if that falls through I'll push him my dev phone (no vibrator) but everything else works. Least I can do for the man, myth, legend.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Stephen.k.spear said:
I'm gonna take care of him guys I have one on the way to me if that falls through I'll push him my dev phone (no vibrator) but everything else works. Least I can do for the man, myth, legend.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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On bahalf of everyone thanks steve! I hope you won't be leaving us since you are donating your phone as I would love to see you guys team up on some killer jb stuff. I can't believe jt is coming back, thought he left for good. This is awesome, I'm definitely not gonna upgrade till I know there is development on uscc sgs3 or uscc gets a nexus. Cheers jt1134 and stevespears!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium

mezster said:
On bahalf of everyone thanks steve! I hope you won't be leaving us since you are donating your phone as I would love to see you guys team up on some killer jb stuff. I can't believe jt is coming back, thought he left for good. This is awesome, I'm definitely not gonna upgrade till I know there is development on uscc sgs3 or uscc gets a nexus. Cheers jt1134 and stevespears!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
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Sounds like someone beat me to it. He got one already. No I'm not leaving. I'll be bringing you AOKP unless jt 1134 wants to. I won't stand in his way. He knows more about the fascinate than prolly any Samsung engineer. Lol. Let him do his thing...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Epic for sale?

Hello all, I'm looking for a Samsung epic for sale between 150 & 200$ if anyone has one or has seen a deal like that would you kindly tell me? I love my hero but its about time to upgrade to bigger and better things,
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
There's this website called that might have what you're looking for.
Good luck with your phone buying goals for 2011 OP!
Also try craigslist for your location.
I've looked on eBay, way outta my price range, and no one is selling the epic on Craigslist for my area
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
You're not going to find one for that price unless something is wrong with
Don't know why someone would sell you one for that price when they can easily get more for it on ebay or CL.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Got mine for $200 a few months back off of Ebay. It is difficult to find them for that price, but not impossible.. The good news is there are a lot of people in this forum who want to stick it to Samsung, maybe they will do what they keep saying they are going to do and sell.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
socos25 said:
Got mine for $200 a few months back off of Ebay. It is difficult to find them for that price, but not impossible.. The good news is there are a lot of people in this forum who want to stick it to Samsung, maybe they will do what they keep saying they are going to do and sell.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Yeah, I'm sure that's how someone would stick it to Samsung, sell their phone for less than half of what it's supposedly worth and then can't buy another phone.... If you're that dumb you deserved to be screwed by Samsung!
If you are up for an upgrade through sprint then I believe that the epic is selling on amazon for $99. Not sure if it works with an upgrade or if it is only for new customers but it might be worth checking out
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I would consider a trade... Only for a pristine, mint evo... Black, not white
Ill have to look at amazon for that, and if already had the evo I wouldn't be trying to get an epic though I would trade if I did, I like the epic more lol I wouldn't want the black evo ne way white is so much better IMO
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
cpcormier3 said:
Yeah, I'm sure that's how someone would stick it to Samsung, sell their phone for less than half of what it's supposedly worth and then can't buy another phone.... If you're that dumb you deserved to be screwed by Samsung!
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With all the angry people on this site you should be able to find someone. But, If they sell their phone what would they have to complain about anymore. I'm just puzzled why they didn't take their phones back within the 30 day refund period? Well good luck. I hope you read all the threads before you buy one so you know what your getting. I have eb13 and my phone runs great. I still think this is the best phone I have had so far. Just my $.02
Yeah I hear its a great phone, and its everything I want in a phone, great size all around awesome keyboard brilliant display, all that, granted Samsung might not be the best, but they can make a damn sexy phone and to the amazing Guy, my upgrade is in November, and thru radioshack its 150 so ill prolly have to wait till then, unless I can find a better deal,
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App

Replacement Epic

Hello all, I'm from over at the shift section lol and no I'm not trolling. I was wanting to see if ANYONE has an extra epic, or if anyone has an epic they don't want anymore. I'm trying to find one VERY reasonably priced. The condition doesn't matter as long as it works and the screen is better than decent. Someone please help me out here I'm dying to have that samoled and used my damn upgrade on the shift.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
A sucker is born every minute.
nbunn said:
Hello all, I'm from over at the shift section lol and no I'm not trolling. I was wanting to see if ANYONE has an extra epic, or if anyone has an epic they don't want anymore. I'm trying to find one VERY reasonably priced. The condition doesn't matter as long as it works and the screen is better than decent. Someone please help me out here I'm dying to have that samoled and used my damn upgrade on the shift.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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Sorry bub, I love my Samsung Epic. I am running it with Gingerbread. You know what the best thing is some dude is working on port HTC Sense to the Samsung Epic. Dude you are screwed. Try posting an ad on craigslist too, if you have not already done this. You might find some sucker who has the Samsung Epic with Enclair. You can probably tell them that your phone is better because it has a better operating system or some crap that that. Good luck they say a sucker is born every minute.
P.S. Maybe this person might possibly sell you his Epic:
My dumbass friend traded his epic for a shift . The people are out there, just gotta find em.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Id hate to have to trade but if someone comes up then I might
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I'm willing to buy one if anyone will come up with one
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Anyone new?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I think you should try BestBuy, they're giving out Epics for FREE w/ new contract/upgrade. Buying an unactivated used one can cost quite a bit still. Might as wel grab yourself a new one.
Overstew said:
I think you should try BestBuy, they're giving out Epics for FREE w/ new contract/upgrade. Buying an unactivated used one can cost quite a bit still. Might as wel grab yourself a new one.
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Didn't he say he used his upgrade on the shift?
The Root said:
Didn't he say he used his upgrade on the shift?
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Yes he did lolz, I hope they gave him a reach around with that deal.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
jamice4u said:
Sorry bub, I love my Samsung Epic. I am running it with Gingerbread. You know what the best thing is some dude is working on port HTC Sense to the Samsung Epic. Dude you are screwed. Try posting an ad on craigslist too, if you have not already done this. You might find some sucker who has the Samsung Epic with Enclair. You can probably tell them that your phone is better because it has a better operating system or some crap that that. Good luck they say a sucker is born every minute.
P.S. Maybe this person might possibly sell you his Epic:
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I've got one I'm looking to sell actually after upgrading to the Nexus S.
Has a game-grip, extra samsung oem battery + charger, small scuff on the back but otherwise a flawless screen.
PM me.
Here's the FS thread:
It does say "firm" in my FS post, but I'm entertaining offers, feel free to PM if you are interested
Snowmanwithahat, I've pmed you. Anyone else?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Anyone new?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Ive got one that i dropped into pool, phone still fully functiona; just flex cable needs to be replaced. Screen still good
DiMa1720 said:
Ive got one that i dropped into pool, phone still fully functiona; just flex cable needs to be replaced. Screen still good
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What's the flex cable?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App

Farewell epic

Just wanted to say goodbye to the epic 4g. I recently traded my epic for a nexus s 4g, and I couldn't be happier. I wanted to say thanks to all the great devs that made the epic what it should have been out of the box. My decision was confirmed for me when my wife's LG Optimus s got an ota gingerbread update the other day! Before the epic! Crazy! For me its all nexus phones from now on. There will be some features that I miss from touchwiz, but for the performance and update trade off, I'd gladly go vanilla android. Thanks again for everyone who made the epic an awesome phone!
From cellblock D
Who are you?
Zor Omega said:
From cellblock D
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You in prison dog? I'll send you some gingerbread or some jelly beans.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
have fun! haha
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Ill say good bye too
But ill probably br lurking aroud every where execpt dev
Sent from my SPH-D710-10 using xda premium
Sent from my rooted, suited, & booted Epic 4G #knowdat!
Farewell. You will be missed kind sir.
The irony lies in the search feature being disabled for me to see if you've been lurking or not lol. Bye man, enjoy your phone.
Thanks and i hope to see all of you guys on my next phone
Damn i dont want a new community
I like this one
Why cant we all graduate together
Sent from my SPH-D710-10 using xda premium
Good luck with your new toy and happy flashing! This community is great. The ET4G forum was all jovial for the first 2 days. Now, the morons are popping up everywhere! As soon as one minor issue pops up, people are going ballistic. If only they could learn patience from some of us here...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
gtuansdiamm said:
Thanks and i hope to see all of you guys on my next phone
Damn i dont want a new community
I like this one
Why cant we all graduate together
Sent from my SPH-D710-10 using xda premium
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I've got this bro. I'll wear a "Forever Alone Face" mask, and it'll be the story of "E for Epic 4G" and I'll blow up the E4TG Parliamentary Manufacturing plant.
(I really do hope someone gets the connection and I don't look like a lame ass haha)
I just sent an email to Samsung through asking them to release the Gengerbread update and/or the source code for our phone, hopefully they will reply to me in 24 hours as they claim and not just ignore it :/
Sohip said:
I just sent an email to Samsung through asking them to release the Gengerbread update and/or the source code for our phone, hopefully they will reply to me in 24 hours as they claim and not just ignore it :/
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Good luck with that. I am sure your email will get it done...
Sorry for being a ****, but come on.
Gengerbread... Really?
Quote: I've got this bro. I'll wear a "Forever Alone Face" mask, and it'll be the story of "E for Epic 4G" and I'll blow up the E4TG Parliamentary Manufacturing plant.
(I really do hope someone gets the connection and I don't look like a lame ass haha)
Remember, remember, the fifth of November...
Sent from my Epic 4G Touch
Neckberg said:
Good luck with that. I am sure your email will get it done...
Sorry for being a ****, but come on.
Gengerbread... Really?
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Well, the ICS is not out yet
Not gonna lie I too have been thinking about the Nexus S 4G as well as the ET4G... may just trade if I can
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Pretty ****ty that my niece just got a new Android through METRO PCS (probably the worst provider in the U.S.), and she has Gingerbread. Glad I paid all of this money for something treated like a red headed step-phone.
Disgusted with Samsung beyond belief. What is taking so long to release this? It looks like they are working on it, but I don't understand what is taking so long. Not that I am available for an upgrade right now, but even if I were, there is nothing out there that I really want right now (QWERTY is something I really want).
CLZJCasper said:
Not gonna lie I too have been thinking about the Nexus S 4G as well as the ET4G... may just trade if I can
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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That's what I did. I traded my epic straight up for a nexus. The Guy wanted a keyboard...I wanted an unlocked phone. Worked good all around. There's quite a few of us former epic users in the nexus forums. I got to say, its all its cracked up to be!
From cellblock D
Zor Omega said:
That's what I did. I traded my epic straight up for a nexus. The Guy wanted a keyboard...I wanted an unlocked phone. Worked good all around. There's quite a few of us former epic users in the nexus forums. I got to say, its all its cracked up to be!
From cellblock D
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If you see anymore people wanting a trade for their Nexus, and PM me. I may be interested in that deal.. lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Still using my Epic as my main phone, but I used my sister's upgrade to get the Nexus. Just as a nerd toy. Got it for 30 dollars. It was so worth it oh my god, MIUI is amazing on that curved screen. It hasn't been thirty days yet and I was gonna trade it back for the Epic 4G Touch but the Best Buy website says there isn't any in stock in my area so I guess I'm stuck with my Nexus
erikkWTF said:
Still using my Epic as my main phone, but I used my sister's upgrade to get the Nexus. Just as a nerd toy. Got it for 30 dollars. It was so worth it oh my god, MIUI is amazing on that curved screen. It hasn't been thirty days yet and I was gonna trade it back for the Epic 4G Touch but the Best Buy website says there isn't any in stock in my area so I guess I'm stuck with my Nexus
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30 dollars?! Damn, and that was a hell of a deal! I really would like to get my hands on one of those so I can get a true Miui and CM7 experience. I am too new to the Android scene. I have yet to have a phone with either of those ROMs but I assure I will get a chance on my ET4G
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

Traded Vibrant for Galaxy S2

Just traded my vibrant at Target for 90 bucks and they are having a sale on galaxy s2 for 99.99 so with tax I paid 15.99 for the phone. Its for new and upgrade. Thought I would share.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
Sweet deal! I didnt know Target took trade ins on phones. Where was it at?
Sounds SWEET!
Now time to convince T-mobile for an early upgrade. Any ideas? I'm not a very good debater.
Great deal!
Ahh... I envy the US market so much. Here in Brazil a sgs2 costs at least 17 times more than what Target was selling. And nobody does decent tradeins here.
I went to my Target and bestbuy and they pretty much told me to **** off because a deal like that is impossible haha gotta love the american attitude.
What?! This is amazing. I'm sappy for you, and myself haha.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Yeah thanks guys. The trade in program was through next tag I think. They take all kinds of stuff too.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
In order to "upgrade" you need to essentially extend your contract right?
Never mind I just re-read the OP.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
so I guess what it comes down is extend the contract now and get a Galaxy 2 (for almost free) or wait till it expires to resign and get a Galaxy 3? Probably will wait if that's the case.
Yeah that's usually the case.
SeanFloyd said:
so I guess what it comes down is extend the contract now and get a Galaxy 2 (for almost free) or wait till it expires to resign and get a Galaxy 3? Probably will wait if that's the case.
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
I've got an upgrade and was wondering if I should get the sgs 2 or amaze. Just want some input. Also my vibrant got cracked think they'd still trade it in?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
SeanFloyd said:
In order to "upgrade" you need to essentially extend your contract right?
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I have the same question, can anyone answer on this?
My GF keep bugging me to upgrade her phone to GS2, but our phone are still under contact
ckegg said:
I have the same question, can anyone answer on this?
My GF keep bugging me to upgrade her phone to GS2, but our phone are still under contact
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Yes to get the discount when you upgrade it will ad 2 years
OOO, I might have to get in on this myself.
You guys do realize that you play more for a plan that gets you discounts on phones right?

So long folks, adios amigos!

Today I purchased a Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket. It's been fun following the MB860 thread, but since it looks like it won't get ICS or JB, I had to move on. Thank you to all who helped me figure out my Atrix 4G and special thanks to Epinter for his kickass ROM that IMO, everyone should be running. I'll see you guys around. Goodbye for now. :good:
Oh come on guys...don'
Everyone is moving on.
djluis48 said:
Oh come on guys...don'
Everyone is moving on.
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You wont be alone cuz I'm not going anywhere regardless of ics or not. I've got 2 atrixes in case there isn't a better phone when my contract is up.
Bye soldier. It'll be quiet around here without your wisdom. I appreciate all you've done and I know you'll still be checking the atrix forum.
I'll be dropping this piece of junk come March. Going to support Samsung. Can't decide between GNex or GS3. GS4 might be coming out soon though.
See you in the N7 forums.
Sent from my Atrix 4.1.1
According to my phone call today with AT&T, I should be eligible for an upgrade today. If not today, this November. I'm so getting getting a S3 or the next Nexus phone sometime in the near future. Samsung has been getting their act together on updates on their phones unlike in the past.
Motorola can suck it with their $100 trade in offer.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
Good luck, sir.
Take care man.
Hey at least you didn't get an iPhone...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
andrew.cambridge said:
I'll be dropping this piece of junk come March. Going to support Samsung. Can't decide between GNex or GS3. GS4 might be coming out soon though.
See you in the N7 forums.
Sent from my Atrix 4.1.1
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I have no complaints with my s3, amazing device. I am starting to think I should have started a I'm leaving thread to.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
djluis48 said:
Oh come on guys...don'
Everyone is moving on.
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Nope. I'm not leaving anytime soon
Posted from my rooted Motorola Atrix.
Not leaving either, I got also a Xperia Mini and a Galaxy Tab to play around so the ICS wait is more tolerable. Also, I'll only move away for a GNex. So I'm waiting for the next one at a reasonable price...
Good luck with your new phone sir. I'm also leaving by tomorrow as my galaxy nexus arrived.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium HD app
So people, should I open a thread dedicated for goodbyes and thanks? Maybe that way, we (the remaining atrix users) need not go through the same threads over and over again
Sent from that Atrix... Motorola, where's my ICS?!
The real felling behind those "goodbye folks" is "**** you all, losers, I'm going for the big game !" :silly:
IMO, mods should step in now and take all the goodbye threads and just join them into one big thread.
Threads like these would normally be annoying, but I'm so bored with this forum that threads like these are exciting.
Sent from my Atrix 4.1.1
djluis48 said:
Oh come on guys...don'
Everyone is moving on.
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I ain't leaving. I got BOTH an Atrix and a SGSII.
I'll eventually sell my SGSII, but with the build quality and the RF reliability that the Atrix has, I'll probably never sell my Atrix...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Sorry to see you go bud.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium HD app
andrew.cambridge said:
Threads like these would normally be annoying, but I'm so bored with this forum that threads like these are exciting.
Sent from my Atrix 4.1.1
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Yeah, the Atrix forum is pretty much nothing but goodbye threads and stupid ICS questions. And the occasional zombie thread because of maggedo's many alt accounts.
Well I'm still lurking around, but as you can see from my sig line, I have an Asus Padfone now. Love this thing. But I'll never let go of my Atrix-- it's serving duty now as my TV's "set-top-box" with it's HDMI dock and Bluetooth keyboard. Also since it supports USA bands, I use this when I go back to the States. I still hope it can get some ICS or JB love, but I dunno...
Sent from my PadFone using Tapatalk 2

