Wireless Charging - Rant - Galaxy S III General (US Carriers)

Am I the only one that finds it ridiculous that 2 yrs+ after the Palm Pre debuted with wireless charging, using a device (the Touchstone) that won the 2009 Engadget Best Gadget of the Year award, and some other international design awards, no other phone manufacturer has adopted the technology? The Pre charged very rapidly on the Touchstone. It held the phone in place with magnets (fantastic for use as a car dock), and even angled the phone for excellent viewing angle. Best of all, it did all of this with a replacement cover that added no size to the phone. Palm got it right the first time, why can't anyone duplicate (or license the technology)?!? Here's a video of the Palm Touchstone in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpfQSLBezn4
Rant over.

Perhaps patent issues? Not exactly sure...I started that on my evo before it became cool. Additionally, people aren't taking advantage of the technology, like nfc, so much more can be done with it. Though you just have to let manufacturers get their priorities in order.

Isn't the s3 wireless kit supposed to ship September?
I feel your pain tho, I'm waiting to give them my money too

delao13 said:
Am I the only one that finds it ridiculous that 2 yrs+ after the Palm Pre debuted with wireless charging, using a device (the Touchstone) that won the 2009 Engadget Best Gadget of the Year award, and some other international design awards, no other phone manufacturer has adopted the technology? The Pre charged very rapidly on the Touchstone. It held the phone in place with magnets (fantastic for use as a car dock), and even angled the phone for excellent viewing angle. Best of all, it did all of this with a replacement cover that added no size to the phone. Palm got it right the first time, why can't anyone duplicate (or license the technology)?!? Here's a video of the Palm Touchstone in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpfQSLBezn4
Rant over.
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thats the only good thing that crappy phone had. The real question is how come they only had 1 great idea ?

I dont know what you are talking about wireless charging is available for the sgs3 today. Take a look...
Whole phone

Bagbug said:
thats the only good thing that crappy phone had. The real question is how come they only had 1 great idea ?
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I disagree it was the only good idea. It was their best, though. I also miss the ability to switch from app to app like shuffling cards, without having to hold the home button down. Pre had the most elegant multitasking/switcher I've yet come across.
There was a very interesting article a month or so ago about the implosion of Palm generally. The consensus seems to be that Verizon helped killed the Pre b/c its sales people were pushing the Droid. Palm didn't/couldn't/wouldn't win over the sales people. If people don't buy the phone, devs don't develop for it, and people don't buy the phone. If Pre could have debuted before the Droid, and didn't have such crappy hardware, it would have had a chance. I still prefer the portrait keyboard to the Droid style. But with Swype and Dragonspeak, I've gotten over needing to have a physical keyboard.

stu5797 said:
I dont know what you are talking about wireless charging is available for the sgs3 today. Take a look...
Whole phone
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I will wait till September. I'm sure Samsung's wireless charging will be expensive, but can't be as expensive as buying a Pixie and flying to Ohio. On the up side, though, the angled Touchstone beats a flat charging mat......
Thanks for posting!

There has to be some DIY directions out there. The Pixi cover and Touchstones are dirt cheap too. I'd much rather use the Touchstone than a flat "power mat" type thing.

If someone sees instructions, please post. I have 3 Touchstones laying around.
Touchstones for $14 on eBay (with cable and wall plug):
You can buy touchstone alone for about $5, but the cable is critical because most third party USB cables did not fit inside the very small back port to the Touchtone.
Palm Pixi Touchstone battery doors are available for $5.40 on eBay (free shipping):
Now we just need instructions.

check this out...


More Quality HTC engineering

High Tech Crap have once again surpassed themselves with the Wizard.
My stylus is held in by sticky tape and the paint flakes off, however even worse my good friend Alex's died a few days ago of its own accord. He thought maybe it had just run out of batteries so he plugged the charger in and within seconds it got so hot that it burned him and melted all the internal stickers off. god knows what would have happened if he'd left it.
Just a warning. Sounds like a lawsuit to me
Your issues seem atypical--I've been reading through this forum for a few months now and haven't come across a single one where somebody said their Wizard blew up/melted/what have you. Sorry you're having problems, but isn't that what a warranty is for?
Doubt the paint and stylus are covered by warranty, certainly not the paint as they know its just an issue full stop and would be replacing each and every unit constantly.
I disagree with your assessment. See here.
Well when your house burns down, don't say I didn't warn you
Doubt the paint and stylus are covered by warranty, certainly not the paint as they know its just an issue full stop and would be replacing each and every unit constantly.
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They should do. You'd think for the price these things would be built to the highest standard. They MUST know these things are issues when they start producing these. Either that or they did NO product testing. I don't understand how it passes EC quality control.
If you bought a car and the paint fell off you'd expect it sorting out. I bet the paint won't flake off the Sony Ericssion p990.
If each of us here wrote to HTC/Trading Standards/our service providers we could get a brand new handset each.
In fact, if I start a petition on here that just requires name and email address, and sent it to HTC, threatening to send it to trading standards, how many people do you think would sign it if it meant a free device for each of us?
Because TBH, I'm pretty sick of spending hundereds of pounds on HTC junk only to have it fall apart after 2 months EVERY TIME, not to mention the software issues. In fact, I'm pretty sure they're required by law to replace things like that.
mike freegan said:
Because TBH, I'm pretty sick of spending hundereds of pounds on HTC junk only to have it fall apart after 2 months EVERY TIME, not to mention the software issues. In fact, I'm pretty sure they're required by law to replace things like that.
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I am really sorry to hear about your issues. However, you must understand that the K-JAM is nowhere near the Casio E-200 as far as quality is concerned. I went through 3 E-200's and the product line was so bad, Casio eventually pulled it off the market and not soon later exited the PPC market altogether.
I am on many forums and have heard relatively few complaint other than the standard stylus-loose issue and maybe just a complaint here and there that the paint on the blue "E" for internet explorer came off. Considering that the Wizard comes from Imate, T-Mobile, 02, DoPod, etc it seems relatively few people have the same issues as you mention. Personally, I beleive either you treat your device harshly or you got one from a bad production batch. I have had my K-JAM for 8 months already, and aside from the stylus being loose nothing else is wrong with the device.
If you are that dissapointed, get on the phone with support and demand that you want a replacement unit. Tell them exactly what you complained about here that you didn't expect such an expensive device to peel and chip. See how that goes.
Please read properly.
My device is fine. I was talking about my friend's device. I assure you, I take excellent care of mine.
My point was that there should be safety mechanisms to prevent things getting so hot to the point that they melt and pose a fire risk, no matter how badly you treat it (which he didn't).
The only faults on mine are the loose stylus and the flaky paint -both known problems. My point is that for £400 you shouldn't have to put up with either. I mean, if you buy a cheap, low quality phone for £20 I bet the paint wouldn't flake off, so why do HTC who charge so extortionally for what should be quality products be forgiven for cutting corners and selling shoddy hardware?
Also, it's only because of the gurus on here like Vijay and Buzz that our devices work at all. We shouldn't have to rely on these guys working volentarily to try and patch up the bugs left in by HTC/Microsoft. It's not even like the odd bug; EVERY SINGLE ROM is full of serious errors that HTC know are there and affect even basic functions. I am grateful to buzz/vijay, but it sholdn't be their job to do it. They don't get paid to do it. For the price we pay, you should expect maybe the odd bug, but not some of the ridiculous and obvious errors that HTC sell these devices knowing about (talking more about the BlueAngel/Universal really, but alot of people report Wizard bugs too)
Also, saying a device by another manufacturer is worse does not justify making a sub-quality product. If the paint flaked off you car, I wouldn't try and defend it by saying that the wheels fell off mine so you should be happy. That's ridiculous. you paid alot of money for a product which you should expect a certain quality from.
I think if just a few hundered of us petitioned, threatening to involve trading standards, it might just give HTC a kick up the arse, show them that we won't just put up with this stuff because they can't be bothered fixing it and get them to put a little more effort into ensuring the hardware and software quality of their next device.
Viva la revolution
Sleuth255 said:
I disagree with your assessment. See here.
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That maybe so but it doesnt change the fact that the paint flakes off.
What would the conversation to support go like ?
Consumer " Hi I bought a device from you and the paint is flaking off. "
Support " Yes but the device will survive should it be dropped in water "
Consumer " Really ? "
Support " Yes. "
Consumer " I didnt realise. Sorry to have troubled you. "
right.... I guess I deserved that....
I'm actually wondering if HTC actually makes all the various cases for these devices. Or, do they sell the basic insides as an OEM provider and the end seller provides the rest. This wouldn't apply to Qtek devices of course as these probably would be completely produced by HTC.
Case in point: I'm not aware of paint peeling or loose stylus issues on the 8125. Perhaps somebody can correct me here.
now this is funny!!! I have not had any problems with the phone yet. But i would sign if anyone started it. I will stand by my boys in arms hehehehe
but i do think there is a diffrence between a car and phone, that the phone takes alot from being in a pocket or something ( how about we all put car paint on our phones) and a car is made to withstand rain and so fore. But i do think that it should be abit better for the price.
mike freegan said:
Please read properly.
Also, saying a device by another manufacturer is worse does not justify making a sub-quality product. If the paint flaked off you car, I wouldn't try and defend it by saying that the wheels fell off mine so you should be happy. That's ridiculous. you paid alot of money for a product which you should expect a certain quality from.
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I seem to remember the old Citroen BX's cost a lot of money in their day and the paint flaked off... people still bought them though.... and they still worked... not to mention the fact the wheel could fall off and it would work too :lol:
seriously though. i agree that the paint flaking is a bit of an issue, and the stylus not seating properly is poor design. I do think however that fighting via a petition for them to replace our devices with equally as faulty devices is a waste of time. Example for this is my friend and I both have owend smart roadsters. they both slightly leaked as with nearly all cabriolets, but he moaned and demanded they fix it (i didnt!)... it went in for the supposed leak fix and came back worse than before and he had to reject the car (upsetting himself at the same time because he really loved that car for what it was). I just dont quite see why i would want to cut my own nose to spite my face right now
Cry me a river, this is what is known as the bleeding edge.
Look what you are holding in your hand, its a miniature PC with bluetooth, wifi, a phone with gprs/edge, a PDA with a full keyboard. This is an incredibly elegant device. Yes my stylus falls out but when I took it apart I was totaly impressed by the elegance of the design, flawed maybe but not the china crap I've seen. Also understand how the supply chain works. HTC contracts out with flex or foxcon or whomever which actually manufacture these, most all electronic mfg do this. So as a mfg you are dependent on the quality of your sub, yes you can and do police them but with a mobile workforce you are going to get quality issues. It's just the way the world works and as was said, that's what the warrenty is for unless of course you flashed a new rom or opened the case and voided it, then tough luck.
Well, I would agree with thompsd. I mean, HP and others have phones that work much stable, better and the paint doesn't flake off. So, why don't you just go ahead and buy yourself an HP Phone? I'm not sure about your reason, but I just can't affort an HP, and I don't really like the bulky HP (though their recent device looks promising, not sure about the price).
Hey, consider the HTC company is like.. how old? Oh man, give them some slack. I think they are pretty good in putting in so many things into such a small unit and if they aren't that good with their paint job, so be it. However, having said that, I'm still expecting them to be getting much better soon, inside out. Go ahead with your petition thing and good luck.
BTW, how does the 'easily scratched' iPod case ended?
Anyway, as for the fire thing, it is not an HTC issue only. The invincible Apple had laptop camp fire here and the mighty Dell had their contribution on the conference.
My advise is, don't leave any electronic stuff left unattented.
@ JNGold
First of all sorry for deviating from the true subject of this thread.
I am glad that you are happy with the build quality of your wizard. Since you have been using your device for 8 months I would like to know if the keyboard sliding mechanism is showing any signs of wear / looseness. I am interested in this because previously I owned the i-mate pda2k (HTC magician) and over few months of use the keyboard became quite loose to the point that it would slide open by its own weight if held vertically.
I am now considering going for the HTC TyTn once this is out. My only apprehension is the quality of the slide mechanism and your comments would be really helpful.
Thanks and Regards
Why do you repeat buy HTC if you're having such issues with their devices?
My point is, if HTC can do such an excellent job (and it is excellent) of getting so much technology into such a small space, and charge so much for their devices, why not just spend the extra 5 minutes to make sure the paint doesn't flake off? I don't understand why they think they can sell something which is faulty.
It's a device designed to be mobile and carried in a pocket (hence pocket pc/windows mobile). For £400 you are entitled to expect that the paint will be to a reasonable quality like EVERY other phone on the market.
I have just noticed that every HTC device has a whole host of small flaws that could be avoided so easily and at no extra cost, if they just thought about what they were doing. My friend has programmed for Windows Mobile and he tells me that they know its full of bugs and clashing scripts because of a lack of cummunication between departments, but they just release the software anyway, where an extra couple of days resolving the clashes between each application would solve the problem.
I mean, someone's worked really hard making all the hardware fit in the case which is the difficult part, but then not bothered designing or testing the stylus issue, something which is obviously gunna suffer from wear and tear.
I don't want a replacement device, but I just think that if we scare HTC/our service providers a bit with threats of trading standards, and show that alot of us are interested then it might make them spend the extra couple of weeks testing their next device and making sure it works well before they sell it.
I mean, the Sony Ericsson P990 does everything the wizard does, and more, but I bet they made sure the paint doesn't fall off and the stylus stays in. high functionality does not have to mean low quality.
Err... Can't speak for the p990 but the p800 I had suffered from peeling paint and stylus issues as well (cracking styluses, styluses that fell off) as well as a notorious keyboard design that actually worked until you put it in your pocket and broke the two tiny tabs that held the top of the keyboard away from the screen. So Sony-Ericsson isn't the acme of product perfection you hold them to be.
The only peeling paint I have had with my wizard has been the qtek label on the bottom. Which to me was no great loss.
To me the biggest issue with this phone has always been the software. Which honestly has improved dramatically since the 1.x firmware days.
I knew going in that the wizard had the potential to be a disaster of a phone hey lets see, an innovative package and feature set and new software from Microsoft is quite the triple threat for product mayhem but 9 months into it I have little to complain about.
That may all change tomorrow when the phone decides to self-whimilate or some such thing. but for now I'm content.

Long time HTC user goes to AT&T and gets a little Focus

It's been a long journey for some of us with smartphones/pdas. My journey began with XDA and moved to the 8125, 8525, Tilt, Fuze and Tilt 2.
Today I join the ranks of the qwerty-less and HTC-less folks on the XDA as I now have a focus SGH-i917.
First impressions:
From reading various reviews I was thinking the Samsung Focus was going to be a plastic, piece of junk. I feel it is better than I expected. With an exception, the back cover and the way it attaches to the device. Instead of it being a slide, click & lock like an XDA/HTC this thing is a click. It is hard to explain but the back cover looks flimsy and like you should choose to rarely take it on and off. It snaps into place and snaps out of place, the snaps are very tiny little plastic tabs. Not galaxy tabs but plastic tabs. It reminds me of an older motorola phone where if you dropped it once, broke all those tiny plastic attachment tabs then your cover would never stay attached.
So far the body glove case that AT&T was selling at my store works like crap, as it keeps pressing in the power button. I am going to take a Dremel tool to it and report back in, I am going to shave the interior portions to make them slimmer.
Thresher said:
So far the body glove case that AT&T was selling at my store works like crap, as it keeps pressing in the power button.
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I had the exact same problem.. lame case.. should have know not to buy it.. but the phone is great. I agree with the back cover, but I think the IDEA is that you only need to open a few times to insert SIM or SD card..
surfnet said:
I had the exact same problem.. lame case.. should have know not to buy it.. but the phone is great. I agree with the back cover, but I think the IDEA is that you only need to open a few times to insert SIM or SD card..
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Lame case! At&t Gel Case from Body Glove.
I saw the cases they had and told them I would wait for better ones. As for the tabs, I had the same exact thought. Better to keep the back on and hardly take it off. I was worried they could break easily, but other than that the phone is really nice.
I too had (and really liked) the 8125, Tilt, and Tilt 2, and just got the Samsung Focus today. I really like it so far, and agree taking off the cheap back cover was scary.
I guess I'm keeping my Tilt 2 until someone comes up with a tethering app so I can use it while travelling.
MarcBate said:
I too had (and really liked) the 8125, Tilt, and Tilt 2, and just got the Samsung Focus today. I really like it so far, and agree taking off the cheap back cover was scary.
I guess I'm keeping my Tilt 2 until someone comes up with a tethering app so I can use it while travelling.
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Hehe...8525, Fuze, Tilt2, HD2. I just picked up the Focus today, was the last one left in the store. I am in the same boat as you with tethering, hopefully ATT wont charge to use it.
I was a lot more worried about the screen side than the back side. I've owned a lot of Windows phones (HTC WinMo and that awful LG piece of crap AT&T was selling last year) and, invariably, the screen was plastic and fairly easily scratched and damaged. Not the Focus. I've read it has Gorilla Glass and given how rigid it is and how tapping it sounds the same as tapping the iPhone, I believe it. I'm not so worried about the back because I've had phones with "snap on" backs before and they were surprisingly sturdy if you applied a little care when removing and replacing the back. What I don't like about the back is how the camera pokes out, making it a greasy fingerprint magnet which leads to lousy pictures. It would have been nice if it had been recessed even 1/2 mm so it was at least a little more difficult to trash the glass. I'm sure a case would fix it but I don't have a case and from I've read above, I won't be getting one quite yet.
I can't say I've committed to the phone yet since I have 30 days to return it and I'm coming from a relatively feature rich iPhone 4. But since buying it....yesterday....I've already bought Slingplayer (the fastest I've EVER seen Sling Media do ANYTHING, ever, by several magnitudes!) and new apps are appearing quickly. So far so good!
Oh...per tethering, each system has it's own schedule, of course, but I can tell you it took a LONG TIME before the iPhone got tethering and oh yeah, you BET AT&T charges out the ass for it. $30 a month for 5 GB? What a swindle. If you jailbreak the iPhone you have better options, such as a $30 app that does it "for free" in that AT&T doesn't know you're tethering, but who knows if something that like will be an option with these WP7 phones in the future? You may want to keep in mind the old saying "Buy a phone for what it does now, not what has been promised in the future" because it may be a LONG TIME before there's WP7 tethering.
People are reporting too many accidental power offs, the location of the power button and the volume buttons and the power button in general is a detractor.
The case I reported was so lame may be dremelled even further to make ' notches ' where the buttons are, removing the plastic case over that button. This would force my fingers to have to depress a bit.
markgamber said:
and how tapping it sounds the same as tapping the iPhone, I believe it.
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The iPhone does NOT use Gorilla Glass. It uses an inferior glass that's somewhere between normal and Gorilla.
MikeyMike01 said:
The iPhone does NOT use Gorilla Glass. It uses an inferior glass that's somewhere between normal and Gorilla.
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That's not what I've read elsewhere. It was even posted here, I believe, that Samsung stated on twitter that it was Gorilla glass. Whatever, as long as it's not cheap plastic that scratches when you look at it twice in the same hour I don't really care.
I was still on a 8125 Wizard until monday. What a shocking change when I turned on the Focus.
He says it won't scratch. It must be similar to gorilla glass.
I too have been a very loyal HTC user. I got a lot of use out of my tilt and tilt 2 especially, but when it was announced that HTC was going to be launching with a phone that features a slide-out speaker instead of a slide-out keyboard, it was like a slap in the face. Maybe it was ATT that made the call (idk) but i wasn't going to pick up the LG Quantum (whenever it does come out.)
So, HTC has lost a customer and Samsung has gained one and i'm liking it so far.
Also, has anyone tried placing a Captivate gel case on the Focus? i curious to see how it fits - not that i think it'll be perfect, but i'm interested to see how much modification would be required to make it decent.
Not gorilla glass in my opinion
He says it won't scratch. It must be similar to gorilla glass.
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I have a iPhone4, Captivate and now the Focus. The focus' glass on the front is just like the Captivate (obviously, both Samsung made). The captivate survived in my pocket for over 2 months with no case or screen protector on it and the screen looks good as new.
The iPhone on the other hand with a case on it and no screen protector now has what appears to be a surface abrasion in a 3/8 by 3/8 square spot, from what I assume was the other phone rubbing on the screen while in the same pocket. It is light, but noticable in direct light. Gorilla glass, I don't believe it is.
I went from an 8125 to the Tilt, and now the Focus. I didn't care much for the build materials either but it's starting to grow on me. I wish I could find a decent case though so that there's something to actually hold on to.
I am in the same boat. I am a VERY happy HTC owner since the StarTrek, to the Tilt and Fuze. I was stunned when att opted to go with a qwertyless HTC model, or maybe HTC is just over att and no longer providing cutting edge design or tech. The att sales rep who sold me my Focus claims that Samsung R&R dwarfs HTC's and that att is redirecting its smartphone relationship to Samsung. Whatever. Back on point.
I picked up a Focus on day one, feeling a little dirty to be dipping my toes in Samsung's waters. And now, I love this phone.
Build Quality: I agree that the plastic is disappointing, but I am not feeling it really when I hold the phone and I am a very tactile person. The phone feels nice. Would I like a nice metal battery case, yes, but the antenna works so maybe that lack of drama is the pay off.
Screen: This thing is what is really making my Fuze feel like it was a toy. It looks better, it feels better, heck it even has a nicer appearance when the phone is off. My only issue with the screen is the small ridge between it and the phone body. If that was smooth or imperceptible the feel would be sublime.
Typing: I love qwerty physical keyboards. I also love the lightweight Samsung feel right now and I am slowly getting used to the virtual keyboard. The key is using the suggested word which I am getting used to. That way you don't really need to fix every mis step. Will I go back to a physical keyboard? That was my plan originally, to bail the Samsung and get the first NICE HTC that cam along, but I love this phone. I am learning to deal with the virtual keyboard.
I won't get into the WP7'isms. The OS has a great feel and has room for updates but those are being discussed in other threads.
I love HTC, I have transitioned to Samsung and it was actually easy and enjoyable. I will now be very curious to see what is on Samsungs 2011 roadmap and yes, I will keep an eye on HTC in the distance.
MarcBate said:
I too had (and really liked) the 8125, Tilt, and Tilt 2, and just got the Samsung Focus today. I really like it so far, and agree taking off the cheap back cover was scary.
I guess I'm keeping my Tilt 2 until someone comes up with a tethering app so I can use it while travelling.
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The Samsung Focus CAN tether:
Steps to Tether :
Open the phone screen composition
Enter the code: # # 634 # > Press Call
This will open a new screen will be similar but in test mode
Then type in the code * # 7284 # > Press Call
See the screen that you see in the picture > Select Tethered
The phone will restart
Attach the USB cable to your phone and PC and wait for it to install drivers
You will see the phone modem and you can configure the data connection
number: *99***1#
user name: [email protected]
password: CINGULAR1
Click on connect and the Internet tethering would start, while if it does not work for the first time you should retry it a few times before which the connection would successfully work.
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First of all...Wow. Not the phone, but the fact that there are so many formerly loyal HTC users that jumped ship to Samsung with the Focus product. My story is just like everyone else, owned an HTC this and that, was holding out with my Fuze for something better on AT&T than the Aria. Before my visit today I had no knowledge of the Focus, but had researched the Captivate quite well. My Focus is still in the box, I'll break its hymen when I get everything backed up in my Fuze. Reading through the forums I was pleased to hear the reactions of many of you Focus veterans. I have been a lurker for the most part on XDA, but I feel that with so many like minded and experienced members here, I'll do my part to contribute monetarily and with any effort I can provide. Cheers to all and our new phones!
I've had HTC phones for years, the last one being the Fuze. And I was going to have a choice to make if the Dell Lightning had come out on AT&T and not T-Mobile, but as it was just the Focus and the HTC speaker model, the Focus was a no brainer. I was worried about it feeling like a toy after reading the pre-release reviews mentioning that's what it was made of, but I don't notice it and everyone who grabs it to check it out only comments on how light it is and never mentions any plastic feeling. They all seem to love it.
Like a previous comment, I wish the camera was a bit down in the body more...it seems I always get my finger on it when pulling out of my pocket, but so far the pics have still been great. And after my horrible pics experience with the Fuze, it's night and day better. (My camera on the Fuze just kept getting worse and worse as time went on. Even after wiping the OS, the camera lagged and every shot would be blurry. And that was my second one after the first one developed mysterious spots on it and was replaced while still under warranty)
Samsung has a new fan!
Ditto man, that little ridge on the front screen could potentially be problematic (i.e. I can see little specs of lint and stuff possibly getting in there).
The phone is great, but the build quality of the plastic back leads me to believe I really need a good case.
With my iPhone 3G, I've used a Griffin case that has really held up. It's basically leather-coated plastic, which I think would be perfect for the Focus. Here's a link: http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/elanform3g.
If anyone finds a good case, please post it! Thanks guys.


So I ordered my 16gb Note 10.1 last week and went and picked it up yesterday afternoon. I opened the box at the store to check the "body" of the device to make sure it wasn't split along the sides and no odd creaking or anything. Everything looked good.
I get it home and discover that there's no S-Pen. It's not in the box, not in the back of the device, nowhere to be found.
The unit shipped directly from Samsung. I called the store and they said I could return it, and they'd order another one if I wanted or I could have my money back. The other option was that I could call Samsung directly and give them the low down and have them send me another S-Pen.
I chose to call Samsung and they apologized and said they'd send out an S-Pen right away. Sounds good, except that it's going to take 7 - 14 working days to arrive! Really?!?!?!
I specifically bought the Note 10.1 FOR the S-Pen and note taking capabilities. I am involved with multiple activities (my job included) that require me to take notes. This is a significant problem for me.
Yes, I know I can just buy a stylus and wait it out but it irritates me that the unit got shipped without one of the "selling-points" of the product. I understand they can't QA every single unit but come on, a CORE part of the device not being included? Really?!
Okay, I'm done ranting now.
I really like the unit and I'm sure I'll enjoy it, ONCE I get the S-Pen!
You are missing the whole thing. lol it is all about the S-Pen.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
buzznode said:
So I ordered my 16gb Note 10.1 last week and went and picked it up yesterday afternoon. I opened the box at the store to check the "body" of the device to make sure it wasn't split along the sides and no odd creaking or anything. Everything looked good.
I get it home and discover that there's no S-Pen. It's not in the box, not in the back of the device, nowhere to be found.
The unit shipped directly from Samsung. I called the store and they said I could return it, and they'd order another one if I wanted or I could have my money back. The other option was that I could call Samsung directly and give them the low down and have them send me another S-Pen.
I chose to call Samsung and they apologized and said they'd send out an S-Pen right away. Sounds good, except that it's going to take 7 - 14 working days to arrive! Really?!?!?!
I specifically bought the Note 10.1 FOR the S-Pen and note taking capabilities. I am involved with multiple activities (my job included) that require me to take notes. This is a significant problem for me.
Yes, I know I can just buy a stylus and wait it out but it irritates me that the unit got shipped without one of the "selling-points" of the product. I understand they can't QA every single unit but come on, a CORE part of the device not being included? Really?!
Okay, I'm done ranting now.
I really like the unit and I'm sure I'll enjoy it, ONCE I get the S-Pen!
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So I'm curious. If your job and activities require all this what we're you doing before you got your note? Under performing?
Not saying it's not messed up you didn't get a pen, but if you've been doing your all your job functions and activities for X time before you had a note I'm sure you'll survive another 5-7 days.
I got a note that when I pulled the pen out the little plastic tension piece inside the slot came out and then the pen would fall out if it was in the holder. Shoulda made Samsung ship it overnight.
Well THAT would irritate me too, since it´s not a 299.- $ device.
Even if they sell 20 million devices no single one with faults should pass QC.
I bought 1 SII, two SIII, 1 Note, 2 Note 10.1´s and they came all PERFECT, no broken seals, no creaking, no scratches, mechanically and by the hardware in perfect function and no faults by the software (never ever had one single firmware related crash or update probs out of the box with no single Sammy device)
In mobile electronics a defect rate of 5% or below is considered outstanding performance. The missing S-Pen is bad QC as it obviously shouldn't have shipped without it. But to put it in perspective, Samsung's sold 30MM SGS3's so it would be excellent if no more than 1.5MM had a defect. Someone who got one of the 1.5MM probably would disagree.
Is it a HUGE deal? No. Is it going to prevent me from doing my job? No. I can use pen & paper like I've been doing or I can go buy a 3rd party stylus. It's more of a convenience thing AND the fact that it SHOULD have been packaged with it. By my counting on / planning on / looking forward to being able to use the device, it just made it more of an irritation.
I completely agree that 5% being "jacked up" (hardware, software, defects, missing parts, etc) is acceptable. It would have just been better if someone else experienced the 5%.
As for Samsung products in general, never had an issue with them before. Home theater equipment, cell phones, etc.
Sorry, you're within the 5%.
The opinion that Samsung is solid in all their mobile devices is not correct at all. I also have a Samsung 7 Series slate and this thing came with its screen lifted big time as soon as I took it from the box. Getting it fixed by them was a [email protected], and this was not an isolated case. If you go to TabletPCReview.com, you'll notice that around 35% of all these slates came with the screen defected. I was in that big margin.
Being inside an even smaller margin should feel really crappy...
Now, for a solution, these tablets work with any WACOM pen, so if you have one for any other tablet or convertible then that should work flawlessly. It will no feel as nice as the one that comes with the tablet (as this one has a rubber tip and all others I know come with a hard one) but it should work the same way.
ron2k_1 said:
Now, for a solution, these tablets work with any WACOM pen
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There's another solution. Many Best Buy stores stock the replacment pen. You can buy one there and keep it as a spare or return it when your missing one arrives.
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Samsung...p03-14?id=1218734648372&skuId=6329995&st=note 10.1 stylus&cp=1&lp=1
ron2k_1 said:
Now, for a solution, these tablets work with any WACOM pen, so if you have one for any other tablet or convertible then that should work flawlessly. It will no feel as nice as the one that comes with the tablet (as this one has a rubber tip and all others I know come with a hard one) but it should work the same way.
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That is incorrect. There may be some Wacom pens which work with the GNote 10.1 but not all. I have an Intuos 3 and the pen for it will not work on my GNote 10.1 it has no effect what so ever. With that said you can use your finger. It is surprising how presice you can be on the GNote 10.1 with your finger.
Yeah, if there was a big hole on the bottom right of my tablet where the s-pen is stored, I'd be annoyed too.
sadly, it's all academic now... my kayscase flip case really doesn't allow me to get to it, muchless see it.
donec said:
That is incorrect. There may be some Wacom pens which work with the GNote 10.1 but not all. I have an Intuos 3 and the pen for it will not work on my GNote 10.1 it has no effect what so ever. With that said you can use your finger. It is surprising how presice you can be on the GNote 10.1 with your finger.
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I've heard indeed of some intuos and bamboo series pens not working on WACOM enabled screens. But I was referring to those that come with other tablets or convertible PCs. I've heard around that the intuos 5 pens work. I have a lil babmoo touch tablet and it doesn't work at all too.
In my last two weeks of ownership I've probably only used the pen less than 10 minutes and still love the tablet!
troed said:
well that would irritate me too, since it´s not a 299.- $ device.
Even if they sell 20 million devices no single one with faults should pass qc.
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what faults?
troed said:
Even if they sell 20 million devices no single one with faults should pass QC.
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Get a grip. That doesn't exist for any product manufactured anywhere.

[Q] Will the palm pre's touchstone be able to charge the N4

The touchstone is a QI standard inductive charger so it should work right?
This is what the general consensus is, but won't know for sure until we get one. I ordered a couple of them for 5 bucks just in case.
frigidazzi said:
This is what the general consensus is, but won't know for sure until we get one. I ordered a couple of them for 5 bucks just in case.
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i bought a couple as well. hopefully they work so i can have one at home and in the car
aznminivan said:
The touchstone is a QI standard inductive charger so it should work right?
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I think it should work, the problem however will be that the Phone won't stay on the touchstone, because the Nexus 4 doesn't seem to have magnets in the back of the device (That beeing said it shouldn't be too hard to mod the touchstone).
It seems like the official Dock uses rubber to make the phone stay in position.
wurzelsepp3 said:
I think it should work, the problem however will be that the Phone won't stay on the touchstone, because the Nexus 4 doesn't seem to have magnets in the back of the device (That beeing said it shouldn't be too hard to mod the touchstone).
It seems like the official Dock uses rubber to make the phone stay in position.
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Verge video stated that it does indeed have magnets both in the phone and the charger. The rubber? surface is simply to keep it from scratching.
ctfrommn said:
Verge video stated that it does indeed have magnets both in the phone and the charger. The rubber? surface is simply to keep it from scratching.
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This is what I had read too. That is does have magnets. Never used a palm pre or anything like this with wireless charging other than my tooth brush. I wonder how strong it is? Like will I notice there is a magnet holding the phone to the wireless dock when I pick it up?
frigidazzi said:
This is what I had read too. That is does have magnets. Never used a palm pre or anything like this with wireless charging other than my tooth brush. I wonder how strong it is? Like will I notice there is a magnet holding the phone to the wireless dock when I pick it up?
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looks like its strong enough to hold it up in the car if its placed upside down you can google pictures of it inside a car. i can link photos yet
That's cool. I didn't think about the magnets being strong enough to hold up in car. Let's hope so. Like this picture.
It has been confirmed by Androidcentral's Admin that Touchstone will NOT work on Nexus 4.
It's pretty cool. I hate Samsung's attempts to milk what few Galaxy Nexus users there were by coming up with a different (and super expensive) dock for every possible situation they could think of, instead of making one flexible dock.
Also, why are you buying Touchstones? We don't even know how much the ball costs yet.
Kookas said:
It's pretty cool. I hate Samsung's attempts to milk what few Galaxy Nexus users there were by coming up with a different (and super expensive) dock for every possible situation they could think of, instead of making one flexible dock.
Also, why are you buying Touchstones? We don't even know how much the ball costs yet.
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People were buying Touchstone docks because they're like $5 and if it turned out they would work, they were afraid the cost would jump up.
And yeah, we DO know how much the ball will cost. $50-55.
Palm/HP touchstones WILL NOT WORK...
Sent from my A510 using Tapatalk 2
Capt.PP said:
It has been confirmed by Androidcentral's Admin that Touchstone will NOT work on Nexus 4.
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I was just about to purchase some until I read your post! Thank you!
Capt.PP said:
It has been confirmed by Androidcentral's Admin that Touchstone will NOT work on Nexus 4.
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thanks for saving me $5 :good:
It would've been hilarious if the charging portion of the Touchstone worked, but the magnet was flipped so it repelled the Nexus 4.
abe in space said:
It would've been hilarious if the charging portion of the Touchstone worked, but the magnet was flipped so it repelled the Nexus 4.
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I bet the coil in the touchstone can be reversed. Still doesn't guarantee it will charge.
Will NOT Work!
I had a GS3 International and got the verizon inductive charging back for it. Worked flawlessly with all Qi compatible transmitter pads like the Energizer ones. However, the Palm Touchstone is NOT Qi compatible. Hence its a no go for the Nexus 4.
I am very interested in the Fatboy pillows though. Are they out for sale yet? The colors are quite interesting compared to the plain black orb from Google.
Confirmed by android central. palm will not work with nexus 4. Hopefully google sells one for less than 20 bucks.!
KentuckyHouse said:
And yeah, we DO know how much the ball will cost. $50-55.
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No, you THINK you know. Until you can provide a link with official pricing details, it's speculation just like everything else. Googles been putting "break-even" prices on all its newest devices, who's to say they won't surprise with a cheaper dock solution too?
The link to the definitive android central "no".

Nexus 4 Charging Case

Been looking for something like this for quite sometime but couldn't find it anywhere, hence posting here.
Any idea where can I find one for N4?
I've been thinking the same thing myself. My only concern is that as the iPhone is so widely available that the accessories will be made for it, but will a company make accessories for a platform with such a wide range of devices?
These r available for Samsung phones too, since they r popular as well. But then again, so is N4.. I just hope we get such a case. I used to carry one with 4s and it was really very handy, compared to portable battery packs.
Charging Case
I have never seen a case like this before. I have been waiting for a hardback card carrying case. But if something like this became available I would defiantly get this instead.
I liked the rugged protection of the PRO case and how they redirect the speaker to the front of the phone. So annoying holding your hand against the back of your phone to try and hear things better
These types of cases are notorious for breaking your USB port in your phone. However, I'd LOVE to have a Qi version of one of these things. Then it shouldn't add a significant amount of height to your phone, mostly just thickness as expected.
I have used such a case for 4s for over a year.. I surely stopped working after that but it was for $ 20 only so u cannot complain really.
filthykid said:
Been looking for something like this for quite sometime but couldn't find it anywhere, hence posting here.
Any idea where can I find one for N4?
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Here's one I saw in another thread. It's bulky and expensive imo. I emailed them to ask if they could make one for half the size and battery for half the price. Well see. On a side note I think these kind of companies should add usb slots to easily add hdd and stuff .
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
frigidazzi said:
Here's one I saw in another thread. It's bulky and expensive imo. I emailed them to ask if they could make one for half the size and battery for half the price. Well see. On a side note I think these kind of companies should add usb slots to easily add hdd and stuff .
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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They responded and apparently they already have a smaller version. It's still too pricey for the use I personally would get out of it. Anyone else interested? Has usb port built in to.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
frigidazzi said:
Here's one I saw in another thread. It's bulky and expensive imo. I emailed them to ask if they could make one for half the size and battery for half the price. Well see. On a side note I think these kind of companies should add usb slots to easily add hdd and stuff .
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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holly cow lol no it's like carrying a dock around. i'd rather carry my battery pack. beside it's quite pricey I'd wait for a more proper one lol..
Custom Power Solar integrated chargers
michael_ta315 said:
holly cow lol no it's like carrying a dock around. i'd rather carry my battery pack. beside it's quite pricey I'd wait for a more proper one lol..
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We've recently added the USB power out port on selected versions of our chargers - primarily the thinner lighter versions. You can charge any devices up to 2A. The Nexus version we've made in a 1250 & 2500mah slim (15mm) version - besides the standard 5000mah version which is 21mm thick. The thinner versions are much lighter as well - less than 1/2 the weight.
What are you looking for in terms of features/price?
Here are the Nexus 4 versions:
custompowersolar.com - produtcs - LG
We make the cases using 3D printing, so can be easily customized. You can get a full color image printed on the case with our Sculpteo partner. Devlivery time is typically 5-10 days depending on options - many units we have in stock.
We also make versions for iphone5 in 1500mah and 5000mah, Galaxy S3, HTC DNA, iphone 4/4s, iPad and iPad Mini.
All models also can be purchased with a camera/tripod mount - 1/4-20 screw holes on the side & bottom for easy attachment to a tripod.
The X Bracket allows you to mount any smartphone to a tripod - we also have a ball swivel, bike mount, and hang glider mount.
If you have something special you want, contact us - we're having too much fun designing and building products with 3D printers.
Any one have experience with these cases I'm thinking about trying one
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

