OSCURA 0.99$ Limited!! - Member-Found Deals

Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using xda premium

nice find

Shirokishi said:
nice find
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Not really. It was plastered all over the Play Store home screen...



Seems like you got the sharp display from those pix. How is the G2X?
DADDYDC650 said:
Seems like you got the sharp display from those pix. How is the G2X?
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Yes its the good display. And the g2x is perfect. Once it gets more support and cm7 it will hold me over till the sensation.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
Night bump
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
no that's the bad screen!
Jaylito. said:
no that's the bad screen!
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How do u figure that? I have the good display. My phone doesnt have the washed display. Please dont throw salt on my thread if you dont know what your talking about.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
Member I traded my inspire to-
Superior vs washed screen
Do your research before you comment.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App

Check this out...evo 3d running on the of evo

Just in case you didn't see it in the dev thread awesome!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
iitreatedii said:
Just in case you didn't see it in the dev thread awesome!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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i think its been confirmed its the evo3D but another sprint phone
Not sure why there will be a port as our evos cannot run the 3d apps.
I don't really care about the 3d honestly. Just give me the new sense
Sent from "The" Evo using XDA Premium VIA your moms house. ™
jayharper08 said:
Just give me the new sense
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That's the point.
mattykinsx said:
That's the point.
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Lol 10 char
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Blacked out

You think now the XDA blacked out the site, it will ever go back?
1 star. cmon thats a classic funny.
I don't get it ? Lol
Sent from my HTC Droid Incredible using xda premium
Alton (Halo 2) said:
I don't get it ? Lol
Sent from my HTC Droid Incredible using xda premium
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Not sure if serious...
It's a saying: Once you go black, you never go back (or want to go back...can't remember which lol)
grunt9800 said:
Not sure if serious...
It's a saying: Once you go black, you never go back (or want to go back...can't remember which lol)
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if it still doesn't make sense, this was a saying that got popular among women dating black men.
Oooooo ok
Sent from my ADR6300 using xda premium
Alton (Halo 2) said:
Oooooo ok
Sent from my ADR6300 using xda premium
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too much info? :D
POQbum said:
too much info? :D
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LOL nahh
Sent from my ADR6300 using xda premium
Hilarity ensues XD

[SOLVED] Original "Bubbles" Wallpaper for Xoom from Honeycomb

Hello all,
I have recently got a Xoom and upgraded to 4.0.4 but I'm missing the original Bubbles wallpaper from 3.x and from the promos. I was hoping if you could supply me the original one for the Xoom. I would appreciate it extremely! Thank you so much in advance!
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
is it a live wallpaper or a stock one?
Lothaen said:
is it a live wallpaper or a stock one?
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The stock one, here's a promo featuring it: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_9wj2JSvr8IrwQazrS4ElfKiIKNJC1Ue1l49DTOP7gN7wAlhCCw
Thanks again for the reply!
Sent from my Xoom using xda app-developers app
HeroKhar said:
The stock one, here's a promo featuring it: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_9wj2JSvr8IrwQazrS4ElfKiIKNJC1Ue1l49DTOP7gN7wAlhCCw
Thanks again for the reply!
Sent from my Xoom using xda app-developers app
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Your right. I remember that now...
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda premium
Lothaen said:
Your right. I remember that now...
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda premium
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Yes, I have searched all over and found nothing, just the results you gave me, with an incomplete set of stock wallpapers. The bubbles one was the iconic and wallpapers (IMO) and I cannot find it AT ALL
Sent from my Xoom using xda app-developers app
Check this one?
edeseven said:
Check this one?
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OMG OMG OMG!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! GAVE YOU A "THANKS!" I have een looking all aroud for the wallpaper FOREVER and found NOTHING, but you found it! THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH!
Lothaen said:
Your right. I remember that now...
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda premium
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Thank you so much for your effort, although you didn't find what I was looking for, you still did spend your time looking for it! I gave you a "Thanks" too! Thanks again!
no problem :highfive:
I found it using Google Image search, and it was under Xoom 2/Xyboard official wallpaper
edeseven said:
no problem :highfive:
I found it using Google Image search, and it was under Xoom 2/Xyboard official wallpaper
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Oh wow haha I kept searching under Stock Honeycomb wallpapers but thanks again!
Sent from my Xoom using xda app-developers app
HeroKhar said:
Oh wow haha I kept searching under Stock Honeycomb wallpapers but thanks again!
Sent from my Xoom using xda app-developers app
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haha me too

BBC News now compatible

Just checked BBC news is now compatible with HTC one .
Well done BBC
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Great news, well done HTC
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
NiCk.JaY said:
Great news, well done HTC
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
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its not in my list :s
maybe it will show up in BlinkFeed and finally be available in the US?!
I hope...

