Could anyone port this over to the Xoom?
Me too, is one of my dream....but sincerly the first one is webOs on my xoom
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
I would love touchwiz on my xoom.
For the first honeycomb tablet, I thought we would get things like voodoo sound/touch wiz too.
Kippui said:
I would love touchwiz on my xoom.
For the first honeycomb tablet, I thought we would get things like voodoo sound/touch wiz too.
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Why would the xoom, being the first honeycomb tablet, be first for these things?
Samsung makes touchwiz for its products, so it would never be available for a Motorola device first. Regardless of which tablet came first.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
sirius b said:
Why would the xoom, being the first honeycomb tablet, be first for these things?
Samsung makes touchwiz for its products, so it would never be available for a Motorola device first. Regardless of which tablet came first.
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lol you missed the point
the acer/transformer has voodoo/touch wiz while we don't get it?
Love this idea. If only I had developer skillz.
Kippui said:
lol you missed the point
the acer/transformer has voodoo/touch wiz while we don't get it?
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Does the Xoom have the same audio codec WM8903 as the Galaxy Tab 10 and Transformer? If not, then that's probably why we don't have Voodoo sound.
I dont understand why in motorola section our dev are so conservative...i think that people bought honeycomb tablet vs ipad for play a little.
Custom rom, launcher and more....
Some time only for test it..yes we know how our ui is great...but is gret to thest others too
Sent from my MZ601 using XDA App
Can anyone say they know how to do this? People ask, but does anyone legitimately understand how to make this work.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
So I sold my GS3 for a Galaxy Nexus because I wanted to experience Jelly Bean. Well after a week I'm back and heres why.
1. Screen bigger and better
2. Camera much better felt much snappier(although I wasn't on Jellybean)
4.volume much louder and crisp
5.GSM Nexus had no LTE and below standard HSpa+ never over 6 mbps
So if your in to specs I say the Gs3 is the place for you.
Also if buying the Nexus off craigslist make sure it's able to receive the update the one I bought was on the wrong radio and was told it would not which Is why I sold it too.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Well, not to be bashful or anything, but I figured going with the GSIII was a given. Jelly Bean may be great, but it's not going to do anything to get the GNex up to GSIII standards. And no worries, GSIII will get it's fill of Jelly Bean goodness soon enough.
I had the galaxy nexus, I want on JB, I have no regrets switching.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
JB will come for GS3 soon enough
Love the nexus but sold it last week. Jelly bean will soon hit roms so not a huge loss and I'll definitely be picking up the new nexus when ever it comes out.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
Nickel Dime Bay said:
JB will come for GS3 soon enough
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No it won't. Official ics only just now rolled out for some sgs2 phones.The SDK was released in October of last year.
You might get some carrier leaks (buggy asz shiz) or cm10 (less buggy) but that will probably be many months.
nabbed said:
No it won't. Official ics only just now rolled out for some sgs2 phones.The SDK was released in October of last year.
You might get some carrier leaks (buggy asz shiz) or cm10 (less buggy) but that will probably be many months.
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Me personally I can wait, I never run stock and the amount or ROM's the international version has will keep me busy for a long time.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
We will be rocking cm10 in very little time.
Or at least beta of it.
Since pics to jellybean isn't a major overhaul. Like froyo to gingerbread or ginger to pics.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
humdrum2009 said:
We will be rocking cm10 in very little time.
Or at least beta of it.
Since pics to jellybean isn't a major overhaul. Like froyo to gingerbread or ginger to pics.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
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Very little time = many months?
If you mean like a month or so, where do you come up with that bs?
The numbers speak clearly - look up froyo to gb, or gb to ics timeline.
nabbed said:
Very little time = many months?
If you mean like a month or so, where do you come up with that bs?
The numbers speak clearly - look up froyo to gb, or gb to ics timeline.
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Look up the change log and structure between those earlier android versions then go look at jelly bean compared to ics. Believe it or not the change isn't a complete overhaul, they meant for it to be that way.
Ps. there is already a beta jellybean on the international version, and we got cm9 and aokp within the first few weeks of the phone being out, the s3 is a whole nother beast compared to the s2
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
mastarifla said:
Look up the change log and structure between those earlier android versions
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Enlighten me. Where can I find a "change log and structure" for Gingerbread/ICS and ICS/JB?
And how do those relate to programming an aosp rom?
nabbed said:
Enlighten me. Where can I find a "change log and structure" for Gingerbread/ICS and ICS/JB?
And how do those relate to programming an aosp rom?
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Here's a little info on what's being worked for CM10 if you haven't seen I already.
masaidjet said:
Here's a little info on what's being worked for CM10 if you haven't seen I already.
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I really wasn't interested, if you haven't guessed yet.
I was making a point about JB not being easily ported compared to ics or gb.
Im no dev but the majority of ICS porting applies to JB. Under the hood they are very similar. Google Now, the new voice software, and the triple buffering (kernel level stuff) are the major differences. Google now is an APK and the voice isn't requiring a lot of work either I'm sure.
If we don't have a fairly strong jb aosp in a month I would be surprised.
Sent from my AT&T Galaxy SIII (SGH-i747)
I kept my GNex as my backup to my GSIII. Praying for some AOKP love over here in Verizon GSIII land, lol.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
I think it's pretty obvious that the jump from GB to ICS is what took so long. imagine trying to get all your current apps and data and customization to work with a new OS with zero hiccups and nothing lost. ICS is so completely different from GB, I'm not surprised it took so long. The jump to JB from ICS isn't nearly as large, as some people have pointed out. I'm banking on us getting it early Q4.
jbzcar said:
I kept my GNex as my backup to my GSIII. Praying for some AOKP love over here in Verizon GSIII land, lol.
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Ha ha right? The only thing that bothers me about the gnex is the screen and camera, the screen for some reason on my GS3 looks much better
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
jgalan14 said:
Ha ha right? The only thing that bothers me about the gnex is the screen and camera, the screen for some reason on my GS3 looks much better
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
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Yup and it's spec wise not much bigger but the Gs3s screen just looks much nicer and bigger.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
CM 10 doesn't require a bunch of new drivers or official blobs from Samsung so it should be rewrite of code and implementing the apps and such. If the SGS III got AOSP ICS in weeks I'd say cm 10 might be weeks away from the point source was released. I'm not positive cause I'm not on a computer, but I think Steve Kondik (Cyanogen) has the SGS III for T-Mobile. I'm no where near a PC (just my phone til Monday)... if he is on the device as the main team member, we are looking at great nightlys and then some.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
mt3g said:
CM 10 doesn't require a bunch of new drivers or official blobs from Samsung so it should be rewrite of code and implementing the apps and such. If the SGS III got AOSP ICS in weeks I'd say cm 10 might be weeks away from the point source was released. I'm not positive cause I'm not on a computer, but I think Steve Kondik (Cyanogen) has the SGS III for T-Mobile. I'm no where near a PC (just my phone til Monday)... if he is on the device as the main team member, we are looking at great nightlys and then some.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
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I agree he actually has post in the nightly build topic, so he most likely is working on it
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Looks like all tegra ii phones will never take any ics update at all , all other phones already got it.
dont be silly , quit waiting for an update and buy a snapdragron chip
Why You say that?
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
Why do you wait for ICS when there is Jelly Bean? ICS is obsolete.
What's a Tegra ii? Is it anything like a Tegra II?
Sent my Atrix that is faster than most phones
1) Motorola is working on ICS for the Atrix 4G... Why don't you look on Moto's forum ?
2) When ICS is released for the Atrix the ICS drivers will be used for JB
3) Stop raging and just be patient... I paid 300€ for a phone that kicks many more expansive phones, with a badass dock. I'm waiting for the ICS update, but you can fully enjoy it with a stock/Blur ROM.
The Photon, a Motorola phone with a Tegra 2 processor, has official ICS.
You are a troll.
daveschz said:
The Photon, a Motorola phone with a Tegra 2 processor, has official ICS.
You are a troll.
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No it doesn't
Its only scheduled for ICS in Q4 2012. If the Photon had official ICS, CM9 for our Atrix would be totally functional. Video recording, hardware acceleration. Everything would be working.
Sent from that Atrix.
daveschz said:
The Photon, a Motorola phone with a Tegra 2 processor, has official ICS.
You are a troll.
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Sauce, plz?
daveschz said:
The Photon, a Motorola phone with a Tegra 2 processor, has official ICS.
You are a troll.
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Get off the internet boy.
The nexus 7 tablet with its nvidia chips isn't stopping anyone from buying it either.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
daveschz said:
The Photon, a Motorola phone with a Tegra 2 processor, has official ICS.
You are a troll.
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The only troll here is you. The Photon's internals are nearly the same as the Atrix's, so if the Photon had ICS, then we would have full CM9.
no trol amymore
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
razr had official ICS and it runs on TEGRA 2
nathan96 said:
razr had official ICS and it runs on TEGRA 2
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No, that uses the TI OMAP.
In other news, even though I swore to never buy a Tegra device ever again, I got a Nexus 7 last month. And I love it.
There is a driver pack from nvidia but it only working for 3.xxxx kernel. So now we are waiting for Motorola.
Do not blame nvidia
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
Look at my signature. This ROM has all the features my Nexus 7 has. I can do everythingJB has to offer except camcorder and there is a work around for that. I'm not a huge fan of the fingerprint sensor or webtop and I do not film with my phone.
Once you try JB it is very hard to go back to any previous Android OS. So, even if ICS gets officially released, I will not go back to any ICS based ROMs. I really hope whatever the devs can scavenge out of this official firmware can be used to make JB based ROMs even better.
Sent from my MB860 on CM10 (Epinter)
Soldier-2Point0 said:
Once you try JB it is very hard to go back to any previous Android OS.
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Not necessarily.
Today I installed CM10 because I had to do some testing. I did a nandroid backup of my current setup (CM7.2-based) and I did a restore as soon as I was done testing. Don't get me wrong, everything worked fine, I think it was just a too big of a leap for me and I didn't feel comfortable on it as I do on a GB ROM. So yeah, just like everybody else I'm also waiting and hoping there will be an official ICS release, but I definitely won't be the first one to jump to it.
Sorry for off-topic.
Soldier-2Point0 said:
Once you try JB it is very hard to go back to any previous Android OS. So, even if ICS gets officially released, I will not go back to any ICS based ROMs. I really hope whatever the devs can scavenge out of this official firmware can be used to make JB based ROMs even better.
Sent from my MB860 on CM10 (Epinter)
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Im still Hopefull sooner or Later we will
have an update i Mean heck motorola wouldnt put it on there website if it was A *Mabe kinda thing thats Just opening them up for A Crapload of returned devices and Lawsuits for False Advertising so kick back in ya pc chair
with ya Favorite Beverage ....:beer:
and Chill , it will come Time
Hopefull in Calli...
Deggy said:
Get off the internet boy.
The nexus 7 tablet with its nvidia chips isn't stopping anyone from buying it either.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
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its stoping me from getting a nexus 7 thats for sure
ofteno said:
its stoping me from getting a nexus 7 thats for sure
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Nexus 7 is Google's first tablet. I doubt Nvidia would mess up a potentially long term relationship.
Off topic: You haven't tasted JB until you use it on this quad core GPU tablet! Magnificent device!
Sent from my Nexus 7 on official CM10
Well, this is it.
Is it worth trade? I was thinking about use the webtop and try to buy a vehicle dock and lapdock for a better use of the phone... But seeing on another way I have an ipad 3 and its better than the docks for Atrix, I can just plug my iPad via hdmi on my TV and I get a better "webtop".
But I still getting it on my head, is it really worth? Maybe is just excitement now with the docks that Atrix have.
Sorry my bad english btw.
balintmaci said:
i dont really use the hdmi of the atrix but im excited to do so when i get my new tv. its a quite good phone and i hate lg but the screen quality is extremely bad (rgbw pentile matrix)... plus no 3D. the hardware is good enough, but the lack of official ics is not very positive
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Looks like Optimus 3D will get official ICS...
So you think better keep my LG? Because it have the hdmi function as well, only not the webtop, but I really dont think it is that better when compare with my Ipad 3.
Hmm...not so sure. One thing that its actually better on the Atrix is the development support. Last time i checked when i was looking to root and update my friend's O3D, the development was kind of dead at the moment. Not so sure how it is now, but it usually slows down with time, so my guess its that it must be kind of dead right now. Atrix's development is not the best one, but its great. And the community here is great. If you are OK with not receiving official ICS, i would do the trade.
I would look for something better though. Maybe a Galaxy Nexus if you can find a deal for it.
djluis48 said:
Hmm...not so sure. One thing that its actually better on the Atrix is the development support. Last time i checked when i was looking to root and update my friend's O3D, the development was kind of dead at the moment. Not so sure how it is now, but it usually slows down with time, so my guess its that it must be kind of dead right now. Atrix's development is not the best one, but its great. And the community here is great. If you are OK with not receiving official ICS, i would do the trade.
I would look for something better though. Maybe a Galaxy Nexus if you can find a deal for it.
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The thing is that O3D community is kind waiting the ICS uptade... But I dont know, Im really confused about trade it.
Cause the O3D can not get the ICS and stuck on 2.3 forever, thats my fear, on the other hand In Atrix I would get enough custom roms as I can.
Any additional info would be appreciate!
Sent from my New iPad using Tapatalk HD
SanderVisions said:
... the O3D can not get the ICS and stuck on 2.3 forever, thats my fear, on the other hand In Atrix I would get enough custom roms as I can.
Sent from my New iPad using Tapatalk HD
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It seems like you've answered your own question :good: go for it!!
Noway i will go for an android phone with less than 1Gb ram.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
balintmaci said:
i dont really use the hdmi of the atrix but im excited to do so when i get my new tv. its a quite good phone and i hate lg but the screen quality is extremely bad (rgbw pentile matrix)... plus no 3D. the hardware is good enough, but the lack of official ics is not very positive
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voncount said:
Noway i will go for an android phone with less than 1Gb ram.
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O3D is dual-channel 512mb = 1GB.
SanderVisions said:
O3D is dual-channel 512mb = 1GB.
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Nope, total is 512 and you have 2 channel with 256mb each.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
voncount said:
Nope, total is 512 and you have 2 channel with 256mb each.
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Really man? Argh... I Just tough it was 1gb.
Now im really considering to trade it.
If I look at my Atrix here, I wouldn't choose it again. Honestly, I love the fingerprint scanner - and due to that + the chipset we're pretty stuck on gingerbread. A ton of apps do require ICS and JB and we're pretty stuck; Don't want to sound desperate or pessimistic, but even my P1 runs on JB by now - so I wouldn't swap if I were you.
cb5264 said:
If I look at my Atrix here, I wouldn't choose it again. Honestly, I love the fingerprint scanner - and due to that + the chipset we're pretty stuck on gingerbread. A ton of apps do require ICS and JB and we're pretty stuck; Don't want to sound desperate or pessimistic, but even my P1 runs on JB by now - so I wouldn't swap if I were you.
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LG Optimus 3D won't gonna get any ICS it appears... And the Atrix can use JB from custom roms right? So it won't be stuck forever.
If it was me I'd do the trade but I think you should look at other phones too maybe ones with ICS and JB support. But you should also look how active the development is. Luckily us atrix users have great developers
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
inaudibly said:
If it was me I'd do the trade but I think you should look at other phones too maybe ones with ICS and JB support. But you should also look how active the development is. Luckily us atrix users have great developers
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I don't have any other options, and for me... I use my phone to SMS, calls and a little bit web search, but I use alot the HDMI feature to see some movies on my girlfriend's house, so webtop would be cool too.
If I can upgrade, even from custom roms to JB or ICS Im going to be happy anyway, I dont need a powerful smartphone, only one which dont freezes and lags when im texting or awnsering an call like my old Moto Milestone (hate it).
Atrix can do all of them things perfectly and webtop on ICS is looking promising. Or you can use tablet ui which is quite good. If you have no other choice I'd recommend the atrix I'm running epinters latest CM10 build, the battery is great and it is a great daily driver would highly recommend that.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
inaudibly said:
Atrix can do all of them things perfectly and webtop on ICS is looking promising. Or you can use tablet ui which is quite good. If you have no other choice I'd recommend the atrix I'm running epinters latest CM10 build, the battery is great and it is a great daily driver would highly recommend that.
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Yea, I just want an good phone to daily uses... If the customs roms from Atrix grants this, Im happy to make the deal.
Sent from my New iPad using Tapatalk HD
i have just gone from evo 3d to atrix 4g, my opinion the atrix is better ,great phone
It is just not funny to have more workarounds than features due to nvidia and Motorola
And also the lapdock is so useful, I can even plug my PC on it and use.
Atrix is really a good deal, Im going to make it if my friend still wants.
cb5264 said:
I love the fingerprint scanner - and due to that + the chipset we're pretty stuck on gingerbread.
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Lies. The ICS leak has semi-good drivers and FP support.
I also think that the Atrix is a better phone. Only issue with it is that the Atrix tends to damage the digitizer by itself. It happens suddenly. One day you are using your phone normally, 100% ok, and the next one you have a dead strip on your digitizer with no response at all. Look that issue up before you make the trade.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
I'M wondering is it possible for a dev to make an ice cream rom based off 4.1 not 4.2. I really liked that a little better in my opinion. My imobster game just isn't the same on jelleybean as it was on ice cream. any thoughts?
I can't for the life of me think of why you would want ICS over jb but I think your luck is probably out. As I really can't see a dev taking the time to make a worse ROM. Sorry! Are you sure your game just hasn't been optimised for the n4?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
jusada said:
I can't for the life of me think of why you would want ICS over jb but I think your luck is probably out. As I really can't see a dev taking the time to make a worse ROM. Sorry! Are you sure your game just hasn't been optimised for the n4?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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I feels you dude.
I saw this post hours ago but I didn't even know how to respond to this. Lol
The only thing I could think of was the application itself was performing badly.
Not to mention that 4.1 is jelly bean and not I've cream sandwich
OP bought a future phone and yet he wants run something from the past . Do not expect any ICS ports for N4. That imobster game is something...
Thanks for informing me I kinda figured it wasn't possible. Now don't get me wrong 4.2 is an awesome OS but I play this game imobster and we have a thing we call spam attack when you can attack someone 10 in one sec and JB just will not let me do that so I'm still playing it on my HTC ice cream based ROM but I take my nexus 4 with me too and just change sim cards back and forth. Lol I've flashed every ROM the N4 has I think and I just can't find one that suits the need of the game.I'm a nexus junkie and a imobster junkie and have owned the first one through the last one well I still own nexus one but got rid of the other ones until N4 came along but I just wish storm8 the maker of the game would optimize it for jellybean. Thanks all. Anymore ROM suggestions?
There's probably a way with a lg optimus conversion.. but it's a bit of a brick risk
This is the most hardcore hipster request I've ever seen on XDA.
Now if what you're really after is just the look of ICS, there are CM themes that do that pretty well.
Maybe try a Galaxy nexus ICS ROM with a N4 kernel? Not sure if that will work but if you make a nandroid I'm sure you will be fine
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Tom540 said:
Maybe try a Galaxy nexus ICS ROM with a N4 kernel? Not sure if that will work but if you make a nandroid I'm sure you will be fine
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Lol. He's gonna have a bricked phone. Apples and oranges.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
there's an unofficial aokp release here but I have no idea how it'll run
There's nothing wrong with OP.. I want to run Android Cupcake on my Nexus 4. Get back to the old days.
meangreenie said:
There's probably a way with a lg optimus conversion.. but it's a bit of a brick risk
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The conversion is Optimus --> N4. Not the other way around.
Dungeon47 said:
This is the most hardcore hipster request I've ever seen on XDA.
Now if what you're really after is just the look of ICS, there are CM themes that do that pretty well.
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ICS and JB are 99% identical in terms of looks. Someone on the Galaxy Nexus forums asked for Gingerbread once.
Tom540 said:
Maybe try a Galaxy nexus ICS ROM with a N4 kernel? Not sure if that will work but if you make a nandroid I'm sure you will be fine
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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NO. You should NEVER flash something ROM or Kernel related that's not for your device.
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