[Q] GPS Module? - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is confirmed that the Nexus 7 has a GPS module??
I know the google advertised specs say so, but would like to see this confirmed.

pack21 said:
Is confirmed that the Nexus 7 has a GPS module??
I know the google advertised specs say so, but would like to see this confirmed.
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When it was being revealed they opened up Google maps and on the top left it showed a gps location icon. I don't think Google would leave gps out.

It states clearly in the specs on the play store that it does have GPS.

Yep, I can confirm that the I/O edition, at least, DOES have GPS!

Cool, thus makes it worth the price even more.
Now just need the USB OTG confirmation.....eheheh
HDMI stuff i pass, this is not a Cable TV media Center.

A couple questions: if it has GPS does that mean it will be able to do navigation without wifi? If not, what benefit does a GPS module bring if you are not connected to wifi, if any?

If it has a GPS module, like it seem....you dont need any data conection, via 3G or wifi.
works like a usual CAR GPS....u just need a GPS app on it to Drive on.
I like sygic app.
this is good, because you save your phone from this purpose.

With the new ability to download a section of Maps locally, this is feasible now. Just download the maps around your next day of driving if you're on a trip, and you should be good to go.


Google Maps

Any success anyone in using the built-in GPS with Google maps? No problem with TomTom, Copilot or Pocket streets, but the darn google maps (that obviously has the best maps), won't use the GPS. I set the Hardware port to COM4 and tried every speed possible (the others seems to work fine at 115200). Any tips anyone?
lbarouf said:
Any success anyone in using the built-in GPS with Google maps? No problem with TomTom, Copilot or Pocket streets, but the darn google maps (that obviously has the best maps), won't use the GPS. I set the Hardware port to COM4 and tried every speed possible (the others seems to work fine at 115200). Any tips anyone?
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Nope. I've searched everywhere and there was one hack but I never tried it. I just downloaded Microsoft's Live Search, which is free, and this works perfectly and is just like Google Maps....and arguably better. Easily configured to your built in GPS and you're on the way. Hope this helps.
I have to agree Microsoft's Live Search is great !!!
ltxda said:
Nope. I've searched everywhere and there was one hack but I never tried it. I just downloaded Microsoft's Live Search, which is free, and this works perfectly and is just like Google Maps....and arguably better. Easily configured to your built in GPS and you're on the way. Hope this helps.
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After trying to get Google Maps to work for a while with obviously no success, I ran across this post (thank you!!!). I just installed it from (http://mobile.search.live.com/about/default.aspx) and it works incredibly well.
FYI, these are the settings I have that work (after reading the GPS posts) for the GPS Settings tabs:
• GPS program port - (None)
• GPS hardware port - COM5 with 9600 baud rate
• Access - Manage GPS automatically is CHECKED
This really is going to make me wonder how Navigation companies like TomTom are going to survive in the future. Why will people pay for something when they have the wireless internet and programs like Live Search for free. Anyways, the GPS worked perfect and even get's a signal inside my office, which was impossible with my bluetooth GPS I have.
Yep, Windows live! is the way forward until GoogleEarth Mobile gives you an option to tell you where the GPS is, rather than trying to auto find it, and doing it rather badly. Especially when Live!, TT and Reperion have no difficulty locating the signal via the GPS applet. But then you can point them at the comport, unlike Gearth.
As for these systems replacing personal nav systems, I still use TT for my navigating to places I need to get to. I find its features far easier to use than Windows Live! and also TT doesn't fail when I'm outside a 3G or GPRS connection! But perhaps in 5 years time, server based navigation will be the future - its just to immature at the moment though.
olliesshop said:
After trying to get Google Maps to work for a while with obviously no success, I ran across this post (thank you!!!). I just installed it from (http://mobile.search.live.com/about/default.aspx) and it works incredibly well.
FYI, these are the settings I have that work (after reading the GPS posts) for the GPS Settings tabs:
? GPS program port - (None)
? GPS hardware port - COM5 with 9600 baud rate
? Access - Manage GPS automatically is CHECKED
This really is going to make me wonder how Navigation companies like TomTom are going to survive in the future. Why will people pay for something when they have the wireless internet and programs like Live Search for free. Anyways, the GPS worked perfect and even get's a signal inside my office, which was impossible with my bluetooth GPS I have.
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Glad it worked for you. Live will work well with most configurtions, thank goodness. Not sure what the fellas as Google were smoking when they developed an app that uses GPS and left the manual config option out. Especially with a new and not throughly tested app. I hate to admit it but Microsoft saved the day on this one.
Have a look how it responds with Fransons GPS Gate installed or the other free to use GPS Port splitter software, I have no way of testing this at the moment as no "real" PC connection to use, Franson sorted out a similar issue with certain software problems on the P3300 and sound similar - Mike

Just got a touch/elf, GPS?

So I just got an Elf. I bought it new off of ebay unlocked. I'm using T-Mobile but this phone just has straight WM 6.1, no Tmobile software.
So I was able to put the T-Mobile Settings in and the internet works fine. I downloaded Google Maps and it will give my location but it’s always a bit off from where I actually am. Like maybe it’s getting my location from the cell tower and not the GPS?
I downloaded some other GPS programs like SportyPal and it will say configuring GPS and then just sit there. Do I need to do something to turn the GPS on?
it's specs don't mention gps at all
what makes you think it got gps?
Here it says that it has:
I think it is a external Bluetooth GPS receiver.
Touch-ee said:
So I just got an Elf. I bought it new off of ebay unlocked. I'm using T-Mobile but this phone just has straight WM 6.1, no Tmobile software.
So I was able to put the T-Mobile Settings in and the internet works fine. I downloaded Google Maps and it will give my location but it’s always a bit off from where I actually am. Like maybe it’s getting my location from the cell tower and not the GPS?
I downloaded some other GPS programs like SportyPal and it will say configuring GPS and then just sit there. Do I need to do something to turn the GPS on?
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elf doesn't have built in GPS
kekele said:
Here it says that it has:
I think it is a external Bluetooth GPS receiver.
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External bluetooth GPS reciever.
External means that its outside of the device, and Bluetooth-powered is how it interfaces with it. You'll need to purchase another piece of kit to enable Bluetooth on an Elf - it is not internally native.

MapQuest GPS

Not sure if anyone has or is willing to try MapQuest just release a Android app for GPS Navigation. I was wondering if anyone know if you can use it offline..
It uses OSM maps bu states they are online so I doubt it but I hope so..
You'll first need to get a bluetooth gps. My father uses this one:
and it works great with his Archos 101.
I know it does not include a GPS receiver I was just wondering if it is offline or not..
Sorry.. didn't read carefully. I think you're right. I think it has to be online. Maybe tethering to phone or mobile hotspot from phone to get it to work.

[Q] A500 and a Garmifone

I was wondering how many have experience with the Garmifone? My G1 is dying a slow death plus I am looking for a better GPS receiver that I can connect to the A500 to use aviation navigation apps.
What are some thoughts here? Could this kill 2 birds with one stone?
I have heard from a buddy that he did not like it, but I have not had any experience with it.
NOt sure if teather GPS needs to have root acess but that will share your android phones GPS with the iconia.
if your also looking there are bluetooth GPS recievers, I have yet to use one, they do pair with android phones not sure about tablets
Thanks for the feedback Brian.
I have been looking at the Bluetooth GPS receivers made by Globalsat and talking with the developer of the Naviator App. He has been using a Bluetooth receiver paired with his tablet I believe and it seems to be working. Since I need to upgrade my G1 anyway, and don't really care about all the social networking bells and whistles that come with a lot of modern phones, I was looking at the Garminfone for it's navigational abilities.
eersfanpilot said:
Thanks for the feedback Brian.
I have been looking at the Bluetooth GPS receivers made by Globalsat and talking with the developer of the Naviator App. He has been using a Bluetooth receiver paired with his tablet I believe and it seems to be working. Since I need to upgrade my G1 anyway, and don't really care about all the social networking bells and whistles that come with a lot of modern phones, I was looking at the Garminfone for it's navigational abilities.
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the nexus s for tmobile is quite cheap right now at best buy
BrianDigital said:
the nexus s for tmobile is quite cheap right now at best buy
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Good looking phone. Do you know how well the GPS signal locks in it?
mine has been fine always gets a lock
I've had one for over a year now. It works fine. I don't know anything about linking its GPS function with another device. I tried to find a way to use it as a GPS receiver for a PC application, but could not find a way to do that.
I use the GPS in my Nexus One for my A500, shared via bluetooth. It works 100% beautifully, since it can lock down almost instantly and tracks more accurately than this thing can. I use Sygic's latest release as my navigation app, the only problem it has is that the top part of the interface is cut off (it doesn't use the new HC full-screen mode, yet), so the signs that come up are cut off.

[Q] Need advice for GPS

Any one can suggest a good incar mount for the TF101 ?
Also is there any app for gps (like tomtom) for the tf101, as i have read there does not seems to have any one made specificaly for the tf101 or any other tablet anyway ?
as i know, there is no gps aplication for the transformer ,because of the rasolution. But you can lnstall a software with the best rasolution, that there is,i think 800x480 and you will see the map only on a part of the screen...
For example i use IGO my way...
I have been re-using my old EEEpc 701 car mount for my Transformer:
Works great and fits fine.
There are SEVERAL gps software solutions that not only work on the Transformer, but take advantage of the full resolution. I don't know why people think there aren't any for tablets?
The one I use: Copilot Live Premium (Europe). I've been driving all over the South of France and back to Belgium just last week. It's great if you can keep the reflections to a minimum.
Google navigation works great, if you have a portable wireless hotspot (ex: mifi), or if you download the itinerary before going, or if you tether it to your phone. I tried all of these successfully.
OsmAnd+, NavDroyd, will work at full resolution.
Both Sygic and Navigon are optimized(fullscreen) for Honeycomb.
berbecverde said:
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Navigon is marked as incompatible with the TF101 on the market. Last time I tried it, there was no way to get the menus up on HC. Has there been an update that fixes this?
Sygic is a great product but does NOT work on the transformer - it works only on 2.x. I have it on my phone. Compatible devices: http://www.sygic.com/en/android:compatible-devices
I don't see a single android 3.x device on there.
There was a thread about Navigon a while back: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1079369
For first tests the free Navid might be worth a try. I myself used MapDroid and Google Navigation for first tests.
Because MapDroid only shows your position and has no rooting cababilities, I'm searching for a nice offline navigation app for both my TF and SGS2.
How satisfied are people with NavDroid? Should I invest more?
I've purchased NavDroyd in anticipation of having to travel in several countries in Asia, where my normal GPS navigation software won't work for lack of maps or licenses. I haven't tested it on the road, but I have played around with it from my couch.
There are several problems using Navdroyd, but to its credit, it's the maps that are mostly the problem - not the software. The maps themselves come from the wonderful Openstreet map project, a collaborative wiki style world map that anyone can use and contribute to.
Main problem: in non Western countries, leave the big city centers, and you might as well ask the locals for your way - the maps are sometimes very incomplete. A lot of the data is contributed by individuals that have uploaded their GPS tracks on the site and have themselves typed the street or city names. Again, not NavDroyd's fault.
Osmand, Osmand+, Mapdroyd, Osmdroid and so on - all use the free maps from the Open Street Map project.
Quite frankly, I think I will most likely stick to Google Maps when in remote places. It won't offer navigation, but with the ability to download a 10 km radius map, and having studied the maps and the sites/itineraries I'm going to use, it should be more than enough.
michelhuy said:
Sygic is a great product but does NOT work on the transformer - it works only on 2.x. I have it on my phone. Compatible devices: http://www.sygic.com/en/android:compatible-devices
I don't see a single android 3.x device on there.
There was a thread about Navigon a while back: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1079369
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**Sygic does work on the transformer.
I was looking for a GPS app that works well offline, with good route adjustment, and this is the best I've used. NavDroyd took a while to get the maps and then couldn't find a GPS signal, so I moved on and didn't really test the product. Copilot looks good, but the USA map pack was over a gig, and I only wanted one state. It's possible you can choose individual states, but I didn't get far enough to determine this.
Sygic, for me , works perfectly. Can pick which states you want to download. I'm pretty sure they even use TomTom maps. You get two apps, one to download the maps and the GPS app itself. Lots of choices for voices (U.K, Australian, American English's in male or female, as well as many languages). The UI could possibly be better, and in the menus the very bottom of the screen is cut off, but half of the buttons (usually back or okay) still show so there's no problem. By this I mean only the lower portion is cut off, not half are missing, if that makes more sense. The maps are great, though sometimes cluttered with gas stations or other useful landmarks (these can be turned off). During navigation your MPH (or whatever unit you choose) is on screen, with ETA, time until next navigational action (exit, turn, etc.) and even the speed limit. The voice gives warnings usuall at 1 mile prior, 2/3 and then gets almost annoying so you don't miss the turn (probably adjustable?).
I'm probably forgetting some stuff, but this is exactly what I was looking for. Never have to touch it so I just set it in the passenger seat and turn up the volume. Might not be the best out there, but I don't have any complaints so I stopped looking.
michelhuy said:
Sygic is a great product but does NOT work on the transformer - it works only on 2.x. I have it on my phone. Compatible devices: http://www.sygic.com/en/android:compatible-devices
I don't see a single android 3.x device on there.
There was a thread about Navigon a while back: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1079369
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Sygic,Navigon,Copilot all work just fine in full screen(menus and everything) on the Transformer.
I know this because i tried all of them. Do not know about other apps but these work like they should.
I'm interested - how do you install sygic on the TF? Is it the official version?
To be honest, I started just downloading the apps offline after the first two, as I wasn't hopeful and wanted to test them first. I like to tell myself I'll buy the real version, but who knows.
It's possible that it wouldn't allow you to purchase from the market since it's not officially compatible, but I do not know. In any case side loading the newest version is what I did. Not sure if it was a cracked apk or not. Also can't remember if I had to sign up for an account, but downloading maps and everything worked fine after installation (and was free).
karlr30 said:
Also is there any app for gps (like tomtom) for the tf101, as i have read there does not seems to have any one made specificaly for the tf101 or any other tablet anyway ?
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Google Navigation is pretty good. If youre in the car just use the phone as a mobile hot spot. You have a lighter, get a car charger plug for the phone so it doesnt die and use it all of the way.
Im looking forward do doing something of the like while driving up to visit my grandparents in the near future. Road tripping with internet, its the future!
