Fully functional Jelly Bean ROM!!! - Galaxy S III General (US Carriers)

Did u guys see a dev has done up a JB rom for the GNex already? Wow, devs are no joke!
Sent from my MB865 using XDA App

What they did is extract the rom from the io units and modified a bit to get lte nothing special
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good to hear. I am assuming it won't be too long before we'll have it also
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium

kulzboy said:
What they did is extract the rom from the io units and modified a bit to get lte nothing special
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However or whatever they did, the fact of the matter is its done and they deserve credit for the quick work they made of it!
Sent from my MB865 using XDA App

kulzboy said:
What they did is extract the rom from the io units and modified a bit to get lte nothing special
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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If you feel it was just nothing special, like per say blowing ur nose, why didn't you do it?
Sometimes people think they are too special..geez
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2

kulzboy said:
What they did is extract the rom from the io units and modified a bit to get lte nothing special
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Lotta great dev work from you too huh?

kulzboy said:
What they did is extract the rom from the io units and modified a bit to get lte nothing special
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Says who?
Sent from my GT-I9300

dasistsparta said:
Says who?
Sent from my GT-I9300
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That's exactly what happened, but to say it was no big deal is foolish. It may not have been as awesome as building from the source that does not exist yet, but to get a bunch of noobs who don't know how to flash anything onto Jellybean and to even have the idea to extract the OTA from the I/O devices is a little bit more than "nothing special"

What I meant is that it could have been done sooner or later with all of the devs at io. What else do you expect them to do with a dev phone loaded with exclusive access to jb. Jeez I'm not trying to steal credits here look at my sig I'm not even a android user (yet). My point is it's not worth to celebrate something like that by opening a thread just keep going on existing threads.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Jelly Bean OTA people flashed is just a preview, it won't be fully available until mid-july.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

kulzboy said:
What I meant is that it could have been done sooner or later with all of the devs at io. What else do you expect them to do with a dev phone loaded with exclusive access to jb. Jeez I'm not trying to steal credits here look at my sig I'm not even a android user (yet). My point is it's not worth to celebrate something like that by opening a thread just keep going on existing threads.
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Well when u become the admin of XDA, we'll care about what you think constitutes a worthy thread.
Sent from my MB865 using XDA App


Android 2.3.4 with native chat is rolling out

Well it looks like Google is rolling an update for Samsung nexus s , now i really want to get the nexus s 4G. I doubt will get this from HTC and sprint tho hut who knows
At least i know cyanogen probably will realease it
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
As soon as it comes out CM7 will be 2.3.4 with Google talk video I'm sure.
2nd that, cm7.1 shortly after released
NewZJ said:
2nd that, cm7.1 shortly after released
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Truth but it sucks for people that don't root
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I like it- hopefully it can be implemented smoothly in AOSP roms. I'd assume they'll make a version that will work with Evo's normal GTalk anyway though, since it's got video chat abilities
jgalan14 said:
Truth but it sucks for people that don't root
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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Too bad for them.
Awesome! Can't wait.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Aaaannd...this is why I love cm.
m4rk0358 said:
Too bad for them.
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You know the more then 50% of people that have Android don't root right? So practicly they don't get the android experience and it sucks cause they get a bad taste of android because of manufacturers and carriers
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
jgalan14 said:
You know the more then 50% of people that have Android don't root right? So practicly they don't get the android experience and it sucks cause they get a bad taste of android because of manufacturers and carriers
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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Like I said. Too bad for them. It isn't rocket science to root.
jgalan14 said:
You know the more then 50% of people that have Android don't root right? So practicly they don't get the android experience and it sucks cause they get a bad taste of android because of manufacturers and carriers
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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Truth. I almost wish Google would just take the plunge and start their own mobile carrier with AOSP-only phones. I would switch.
jgalan14 said:
You know the more then 50% of people that have Android don't root right? So practicly they don't get the android experience and it sucks cause they get a bad taste of android because of manufacturers and carriers
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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A lot of people are scared of android, and most of them come from iPhones that just "work" and never had to to anything. Also, those same people just want the phone to make calls, or from the time, use flash.
teh roxxorz said:
A lot of people are scared of android, and most of them come from iPhones that just "work" and never had to to anything. Also, those same people just want the phone to make calls, or from the time, use flash.
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Yeah but I came from iPhones and all rooting has done has made me glad I have something I can actually sink my metaphorical nerdy teeth into. Next step- developing
Can. Not. Wait. To have the NS4G, I want to be on the first wave of Google updates. Screw waiting around for ROM XX.XX to integrate it.
Also, I wonder what the "other" surprise Google is rolling out will be?
midaseris said:
Also, I wonder what the "other" surprise Google is rolling out will be?
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Yeah, saw the mention of another surprise. Very interesting.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Google IO is this year. The Nexus S 4G will be outdated.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
m4rk0358 said:
Like I said. Too bad for them. It isn't rocket science to root.
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+1. Best thing about android is rooting.
Sent from my Ultimate 2.3.3 Incredible
gqstatus0685 said:
Google IO is this year. The Nexus S 4G will be outdated.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Isn't it in two weeks, around when this update is supposed to start moving? Are you suggesting the announcement of another Nexus phone?
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conqu1stador said:
Isn't it in two weeks, around when this update is supposed to start moving? Are you suggesting the announcement of another Nexus phone?
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Nexus phone aren't in summer time they do winter time so probably by the end of year
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I think the other surprise was just the video. No?
conqu1stador said:
Yeah, saw the mention of another surprise. Very interesting.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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[RECOVERY] TeamWin Recovery

Not my work, found on rootzwiki. Its Awesome. Custom color themes built into recovery, gets rid of cwm's are you sure section after you pick a zip to flash. Link below!
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA Premium App
idkwhothatis123 said:
Not my work, found on rootzwiki. Its Awesome. Custom color themes built into recovery, gets rid of cwm's are you sure section after you pick a zip to flash. Link below!
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA Premium App
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Your sharing this with xda!? They don't deserve it here
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
superchilpil said:
Your sharing this with xda!? They don't deserve it here
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
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Please don't start forum flame wars, it's immature. Who cares what forum is what. I'm registered on both and don't care. It's about helping people not dividing/making out imaginary differences.
yareally said:
Please don't start forum flame wars, it's immature. Who cares what forum is what. I'm registered on both and don't care. It's about helping people not dividing/making out imaginary differences.
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I think its still against the rules to "spam" another site
So even if he did want to share with xda he would have to bring it all over here with team wins permission
Just saying
As far as "helping everyone out" there are to many trolls here that run the noobz off faster than they can be helped
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
I also meant no disrespect to the OP
I figured this thread is going to be locked and deleted soon so I was like what the hell
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Lol oh well. Lock it. I just have a deep hatred for cwm and figured some would miss out on this.
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA Premium App
superchilpil said:
I also meant no disrespect to the OP
I figured this thread is going to be locked and deleted soon so I was like what the hell
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
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Swinging for the fences... And it's outa here!
Guess not, oh well.
Cool recovery. That are you sure dialog was annoying, since YES I AM SURE THATS WHY I TOOK THE TIME TO SCROLL TO IT AND HIT THE POWER BUTTON NOWHERE NEAR THE VOLUME KEYS... lol
idkwhothatis123 said:
Lol oh well. Lock it. I just have a deep hatred for cwm and figured some would miss out on this.
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA Premium App
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Its a great recovery at that, just needs a few bugs ironed out
I love the option to back up what I want to back up, not everything at once and waste my time when I only wanted the data
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
superchilpil said:
I think its still against the rules to "spam" another site
So even if he did want to share with xda he would have to bring it all over here with team wins permission
Just saying
As far as "helping everyone out" there are to many trolls here that run the noobz off faster than they can be helped
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
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I haven't really noticed much noob hate the last 1-2 weeks, for whatever reason that might be.
idkwhothatis123 said:
Not my work, found on rootzwiki. Its Awesome. Custom color themes built into recovery, gets rid of cwm's are you sure section after you pick a zip to flash. Link below!
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA Premium App
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I really like this recovery, however I actually like the confirmation screen. At least make us go only 2 or 3 levels down instead of 7. I went to flash a ROM and wasn't paying close attention and ended up flashing the wrong one.
sithdroid2187 said:
I really like this recovery, however I actually like the confirmation screen. At least make us go only 2 or 3 levels down instead of 7. I went to flash a ROM and wasn't paying close attention and ended up flashing the wrong one.
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Lulz. Oops.
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA Premium App
Its fine to post this here, i would however give credit to the OP in the first post. If Op there requests we take it down then we will have to unfortunately : ( They did an awesome job on this recovery!

Value Pack For Galaxy S Leaked

Quit making new threads for this.
It was already linked in one of the other threads.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
ac16313 said:
Quit making new threads for this.
It was already linked in one of the other threads.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I reads almost Every thread up here for Epic 4g and i haven't seen anyone post this.. BUT just in case i missed it could some one Please post where that person Linked This..
txtmikhail said:
I reads almost Every thread up here for Epic 4g and i haven't seen anyone post this.. BUT just in case i missed it could some one Please post where that person Linked This..
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Sorry I was kinda irritated. But yes its linked in the other ICS thread.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Screw Samsung and their pathetic lazy ass value pack.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Zeinzu said:
Screw Samsung and their pathetic lazy ass value pack.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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I think it looks interesting. Definitely a step up for those who don't root.
txtmikhail said:
I reads almost Every thread up here for Epic 4g and i haven't seen anyone post this.. BUT just in case i missed it could some one Please post where that person Linked This..
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Yeah I linked it in the rumors and news thread. I still like individual threads though just in case something didn't get posted in the OP and get lost in the thread.
Do y'all think it might be possible to port some of these features since its still 2.3?
or should we wait for our version?
txtmikhail said:
Do y'all think it might be possible to port some of these features since its still 2.3?
or should we wait for our version?
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I've been on G+ talking about it and how hard it might be. Ill check it out and do some research to see if I can't hack it together somehow.
theduce102 said:
I've been on G+ talking about it and how hard it might be. Ill check it out and do some research to see if I can't hack it together somehow.
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Lol well the simplest way I discussed with you didn't work, although I don't want it bad enough to revisit it right now. It's all framework and apps of course.
AproSamurai said:
Lol well the simplest way I discussed with you didn't work, although I don't want it bad enough to revisit it right now. It's all framework and apps of course.
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Be better off waiting for cm9 probably huh?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
txtmikhail said:
I reads almost Every thread up here for Epic 4g and i haven't seen anyone post this.. BUT just in case i missed it could some one Please post where that person Linked This..
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There's a rumors & news thread for a reason <_<
ksmullins88 said:
Be better off waiting for cm9 probably huh?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Uhhh, I can't say. The Value Pack is Gingerbread based, even more so it's Gingerbread, it's not impossible, I don't think it is in any way shape or form and it's all things on the Rom side, not on the kernel side as far as I'm aware.
|| Acer || said:
There's a rumors & news thread for a reason <_<
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not a lot of people care for that thread
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
masaidjet said:
not a lot of people care for that thread
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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That's because we need it stickied again.
|| Acer || said:
That's because we need it stickied again.
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Then the app user will complain about not being able to see it
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
masaidjet said:
Then the app user will complain about not being able to see it
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Then tell them to favorite it.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
masaidjet said:
Then the app user will complain about not being able to see it
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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I can see the stickies with the tapatalk app...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I take it this isn't flashable for the Epic?
AproSamurai said:
Uhhh, I can't say. The Value Pack is Gingerbread based, even more so it's Gingerbread, it's not impossible, I don't think it is in any way shape or form and it's all things on the Rom side, not on the kernel side as far as I'm aware.
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So something being built upon Gingerbread, intended for ICS, is impossible to port???
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

Calling all devs, designers, and themers!

I have started a dev rom team called Super Charged Series. We are looking for new members to help bring the Super Charged Rom to more devices.We also need a themer and someone with experience with photoshop. IF you are anyone of these kind of people please pm me,
AW: Calling all devs, designers, and themers!
Could you please give more information about the rom?
What is the main idea of the ROM?
There a lot types of roms: cm , AOKP, miui...
What will be the difference in that rom?
I can help developing and have some experience with Photoshop, but I want to have some information...
Tapatalked with my JellyBean powered HTC Desire
The idea of the ROM is to be the perfect
Stock ROM, but were going aosp
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
Ur gonna release this on all phones ?
hatememarkz said:
Ur gonna release this on all phones ?
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all phones. FACEPALM
Well i mean only newer device...
AW: Calling all devs, designers, and themers!
CovXX said:
The idea of the ROM is to be the perfect
Stock ROM, but were going aosp
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Every Rom is aimed to be perfect, but none of them is really, everybody has different
Likes and dislikes.
If you really want to succeed you need a new idea, which is completely new.
Tapatalked with my JellyBean powered HTC Desire
Hey guess what?
A little birdie told me your ROMs are SuperCharged... and yet no credit and no link to my thread to be found anywhere
Trying to recruit ain't gonna get you far with those kind of ethics.
Well they are "super charged" but not with v6,you can take a look in any of my roms,if it was in their I would have asked you before hand and of course credit would have been given.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
Then you shouldn't mislead people
MustafaHadaKing said:
What is supercharged?
Thanks for bringing another Rom to the dna
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
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CovXX said:
Has Super Charged Tweaks built in for speed and a lag free experience
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FYI, saying it has Super Charged tweaks without saying what they are exactly smells bad because either
1. people think that V6 is included and if not...
2. what you're saying actually means nothing at all and it's all just hot air.
btw it's fine to include it in any rom anyway as long as credit is given
Its build.prop tweaks ,I've stated it before. If you really don't believe me go ahead and look for yourself, v6 isn't in any of my ROMs. Instead of assuming that its included with out proper credit
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
ok... it's #2
I have interest in being your kernel developer. I also have my own VM for us for file hosting
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
CovXX said:
Its build.prop tweaks
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
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PM sent OP
Sv: Calling all devs, designers, and themers!
Pm sent
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium

Google Play Edition On Galaxy S4 i9500

Hi guyz can I install stock jb os on my s4 "i9500".
I really wanted to get it.
Any way?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2
Yes you can. just wait for few days. Docrambone is gonna get us stock 4.3
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I wouldn't hold my breath. It will always take time for exynos-device to get a good stock android rom.
UrbanDrawer said:
I wouldn't hold my breath. It will always take time for exynos-device to get a good stock android rom.
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He ported it already... There's only a few bugs that need to be fixed before releasing it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
IIIPowerIII said:
He ported it already... There's only a few bugs that need to be fixed before releasing it.
Its based on 4.2.2
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
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IIIPowerIII said:
He ported it already... There's only a few bugs that need to be fixed before releasing it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Those were pretty major bugs, and cross-chip winzip ports ALWAYS fail to go much further than "boots to lockscreen".
Byakuya88 said:
ppppfffff you again ??? you really need to stop this.......you don't like exynos device so go somewhere else there is nothing here for you......every time i see a new topic for i9500 i see a post from you bashing....
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I like how they're doing that. As soon as you see a progress for exynos-device, they bash it for nothing.
@entropy even if there's some major bug, who care? It's going in the right direction. So when CM is released, it's always perfect with no bug?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
The irony is that the supposed "pure" rom we have on the i9505 is not even pure google but a debloated TW ROM. So why do people even fight?
Sent from my GT-I9500/9505 using xda premium
bean12147 said:
The irony is that the supposed "pure" rom we have on the i9505 is not even pure google but a debloated TW ROM. So why do people even fight?
Sent from my GT-I9500/9505 using xda premium
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Agreed. Sammy effed that one up. Seems the 4.3 leak doesn't have any TW elements, though.
Theshawty said:
Oh yeah sure, ignoring major bugs. Makes perfect sense! :good:
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Not ignoring them, but if no one does anything, we won't get it at all. Now someone is willing to work on it, fix bug ti help the 9500 community.
If no one word do that, the rom won't appear magically like you seem to think.
CM aren't working on it, fine but let other do something for the 9500.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
IIIPowerIII said:
Not ignoring them, but if no one does anything, we won't get it at all. Now someone is willing to work on it, fix bug ti help the 9500 community.
If no one word do that, the rom won't appear magically like you seem to think.
CM aren't working on it, fine but let other do something for the 9500.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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But they are. Well, at least one of the CM guys are and according to Entropy, this guy is the one who could make this happen.
Theshawty said:
But they are. Well, at least one of the CM guys are and according to Entropy, this guy is the one who could make this happen.
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Can someone update on the status ? can I download it from somewhere?

