Value Pack For Galaxy S Leaked - Epic 4G General

Quit making new threads for this.
It was already linked in one of the other threads.
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ac16313 said:
Quit making new threads for this.
It was already linked in one of the other threads.
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I reads almost Every thread up here for Epic 4g and i haven't seen anyone post this.. BUT just in case i missed it could some one Please post where that person Linked This..

txtmikhail said:
I reads almost Every thread up here for Epic 4g and i haven't seen anyone post this.. BUT just in case i missed it could some one Please post where that person Linked This..
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Sorry I was kinda irritated. But yes its linked in the other ICS thread.
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Screw Samsung and their pathetic lazy ass value pack.
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Zeinzu said:
Screw Samsung and their pathetic lazy ass value pack.
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I think it looks interesting. Definitely a step up for those who don't root.

txtmikhail said:
I reads almost Every thread up here for Epic 4g and i haven't seen anyone post this.. BUT just in case i missed it could some one Please post where that person Linked This..
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Yeah I linked it in the rumors and news thread. I still like individual threads though just in case something didn't get posted in the OP and get lost in the thread.

Do y'all think it might be possible to port some of these features since its still 2.3?
or should we wait for our version?

txtmikhail said:
Do y'all think it might be possible to port some of these features since its still 2.3?
or should we wait for our version?
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I've been on G+ talking about it and how hard it might be. Ill check it out and do some research to see if I can't hack it together somehow.

theduce102 said:
I've been on G+ talking about it and how hard it might be. Ill check it out and do some research to see if I can't hack it together somehow.
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Lol well the simplest way I discussed with you didn't work, although I don't want it bad enough to revisit it right now. It's all framework and apps of course.

AproSamurai said:
Lol well the simplest way I discussed with you didn't work, although I don't want it bad enough to revisit it right now. It's all framework and apps of course.
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Be better off waiting for cm9 probably huh?
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txtmikhail said:
I reads almost Every thread up here for Epic 4g and i haven't seen anyone post this.. BUT just in case i missed it could some one Please post where that person Linked This..
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There's a rumors & news thread for a reason <_<

ksmullins88 said:
Be better off waiting for cm9 probably huh?
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Uhhh, I can't say. The Value Pack is Gingerbread based, even more so it's Gingerbread, it's not impossible, I don't think it is in any way shape or form and it's all things on the Rom side, not on the kernel side as far as I'm aware.

|| Acer || said:
There's a rumors & news thread for a reason <_<
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not a lot of people care for that thread
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masaidjet said:
not a lot of people care for that thread
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That's because we need it stickied again.

|| Acer || said:
That's because we need it stickied again.
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Then the app user will complain about not being able to see it
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masaidjet said:
Then the app user will complain about not being able to see it
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Then tell them to favorite it.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1

masaidjet said:
Then the app user will complain about not being able to see it
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I can see the stickies with the tapatalk app...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

I take it this isn't flashable for the Epic?

AproSamurai said:
Uhhh, I can't say. The Value Pack is Gingerbread based, even more so it's Gingerbread, it's not impossible, I don't think it is in any way shape or form and it's all things on the Rom side, not on the kernel side as far as I'm aware.
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So something being built upon Gingerbread, intended for ICS, is impossible to port???
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk


CM7 Alpha 1 is ON

Get your Download ON! Woot woot ,dont forget to thank the CM7 team in anyway you can. They deserve it.
Yeah....... gives me something to do.
Sent From My Evo Killer!
What's the point if this thread?
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MysteryEmotionz said:
What's the point if this thread?
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I had the same question
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Could someone tell me the difference between CM7 and Syndicate?
I was jealous of my friends hero phone having the cm7 and my epic not. Can't wait.
mycall said:
Could someone tell me the difference between CM7 and Syndicate?
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cm7 is aosp gingerbread as syndicate is touchwiz froyo
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Although it's an alpha it's genuinely worth trying out. I don't think anyone would be dissappointed.
Sent From my CyanogenEpicMod 7G
I don't mystery I just felt like posting in it. Good question though.
MysteryEmotionz said:
What's the point if this thread?
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Sent From My Evo Killer!
MysteryEmotionz said:
What's the point if this thread?
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sorry I thought this was general, and didn't need to be anything specific. Next time I'll make sure you approve all threads before posting. Thanks!
heathmcabee said:
sorry I thought this was general, and didn't need to be anything specific. Next time I'll make sure you approve all threads before posting. Thanks!
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Don't worry too much about it. I read all the headlines of the general forum but only the first few (and not that often because I go directly to my bookmark for Syndicate thread) of the developer forum. If it wasn't for this thread's headline, I wouldn't have even known about the Alpha for a while.
So, for what it's worth, your post helped me begin a new ROM on Monday. Thank you.
MysteryEmotionz said:
What's the point if this thread?
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Exactly ...
Sent from my Epic 4G using XDA Premium app
MysteryEmotionz said:
What's the point if this thread?
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Would you rather see cheers in the main thread cluttering up the bug reports and stuff? Although according to Al Gore we're running out of internet so we need to conserve our posts, at least thats what I think he said.
Thanks for the heads up.
Some days I just wonder if it is a requirement to be a douche bag to own this phone. I am thinking not, just because no one asked me if I was a douche bag when I bought it, but man some of the people on this forum are just full of themselves..
Anyways, to the OP, thanks for the heads up, although I think I will wait. Syndicate Frozen is performing pretty well for me right now.
MysteryEmotionz said:
What's the point if this thread?
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From what I read, the point is to let people know that CM7 is available for the Epic 4G. Maybe you need to read it again.
mllora81 said:
From what I read, the point is to let people know that CM7 is available for the Epic 4G. Maybe you need to read it again.
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I thought the thread to let people know that CM7 was available for the Epic 4G WAS the CM7 thread.
I must be crazy.
algorhythm said:
I thought the thread to let people know that CM7 was available for the Epic 4G WAS the CM7 thread.
I must be crazy.
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lol pwnt
I thought the general section was here to post whatever you want about the phone. What's the point of flaming the guy for trying to put out information that obviously atleast a couple of people found interesting?
algorhythm said:
I thought the thread to let people know that CM7 was available for the Epic 4G WAS the CM7 thread.
I must be crazy.
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Devi0124 said:
I thought the general section was here to post whatever you want about the phone. What's the point of flaming the guy for trying to put out information that obviously atleast a couple of people found interesting?
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What information? He linked to another thread. Just go up one level, switch to the Android Development page, and you'll see it.

SamsungJohn's conversation with k0nane

What was this all about?
Sent from my SPH-D700
Wow someones nosey! Lol
Sent from my Epic™ 4G using XDA Premium app
This needed a whole thread?
The exact contents of the conversation will remain confidential. However, I can say that it is clear that Samsung (or SJ, at least) is still listening.
Lol, where did this take place?
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I asked samsungjohn if he released another GB leak but never answers so ill take that as a yes
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squshy 7 said:
Lol, where did this take place?
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John found me in the Indulge IRC channel and PM'd me.
jeffyv2 said:
I asked samsungjohn if he released another GB leak but never answers so ill take that as a yes
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SSShhh! dont jinx it
ungovernable1977 said:
SSShhh! dont jinx it
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And it's not like John's ACS's source.
k0nane said:
This needed a whole thread?
The exact contents of the conversation will remain confidential. However, I can say that it is clear that Samsung (or SJ, at least) is still listening.
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They are STILL listening? Shouldn't they be ACTING by now? Jesus Samsung, get yourself together.
muyoso said:
They are STILL listening? Shouldn't they be ACTING by now? Jesus Samsung, get yourself together.
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Click to collapse say we got that gbread leak pretty quickly. Dont know what more you want.
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squshy 7 said: say we got that gbread leak pretty quickly
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Well, that wasn't Samsung. That was all us (and our source - who is not John - thank you!).
squshy 7 said: say we got that gbread leak pretty quickly. Dont know what more you want.
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They could release a small maintenance build fixing the TW lock screen date bug, browser checker boarding bug and the Gallery sensor bug.
God forbid they actually fix the keyboard lag that was present in DI18, if not since launch. (Which Impaler has already fixed on here.)
Where I work, patching production builds/environments take priority over new development.
When did all this happen? Good things or bad things?
nikon120 said:
(Which Impaler has already fixed on here.
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Actually, mkasick fixed it. Impaler just changed the settings on mkasick's fix.
Darkshneider said:
When did all this happen? Good things or bad things?
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Earlier today, and good things.
Good enough, although I gotta say, the anticipation will kill me... GG sir, gg.
k0nane said:
Actually, mkasick fixed it. Impaler just changed the settings on mkasick's fix.
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Ah good looking out, was unaware of that. Well cheers to both of them. I can type like normal again.
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The Root said:
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Go check the off topic thread, more sammiches are showing up over there and MEXICAN food
Anyone with any sense of the big picture should have already realized that Samsung is making a presence here. Due to political business issues they can't be out so to speak...
Sent from Bonsai

Calling All devs: I need help on miui

Hey guys. I'm the miui developer for the epic. I've fixed a lot, like calling and text and no more screen flicker, not to toot my own horn, but need some help on fixing data. Please post ideas or your gtalk here if you can help. Me and a lot of people would love to see this working
Yeah, the progress is amazing. If someone can assist with the data, I will give you 5 thanks a day for a
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Yeah. If anyone knows what I can do, please let me know.
xboxfanj said:
Yeah. If anyone knows what I can do, please let me know.
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People are going to get upset with me because I am going to be a one man bump machine on this thread. I want that 3g working so bad right now.
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JohnCorleone said:
People are going to get upset with me because I am going to be a one man bump machine on this thread. I want that 3g working so bad right now.
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Make that a 2 man bumping machine.
Don't have an epic..but my wife does. Would love to install this for her.
Sent from my E3D.
Third bumper checking in. if only i could offer more.
Maybe this title will get me some help
So no data at all? noobnl would be perfect for this. I'm guessing its ril related, or way over my head. But I will take a look at the ROM before I install the new simply ASOP.
malcolmXman said:
So no data at all? noobnl would be perfect for this. I'm guessing its ril related, or way over my head. But I will take a look at the ROM before I install the new simply ASOP.
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OK, thanks. No data, cept wifi. Latest link is on the last page of that thread. Still no data though.
Sorry for the bump, but a lot of people would like to see this happen and this will help.
Xboxjfan you should check this out
I spoke to a dev that will take a look right after his next ROM release which should be any day now
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
masaidjet said:
Xboxjfan you should check this out
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For looking at the site on my phone I accidently voted for another phone lol
Sent from my SPH-D700
JohnCorleone said:
I spoke to a dev that will take a look right after his next ROM release which should be any day now
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Ooooo I love these teases. Does this devs name start with a "C"
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xopher.hunter said:
Ooooo I love these teases. Does this devs name start with a "C"
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I can't say because I don't want to put any pressure on him but CompKid would be a good person to give it a try.
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masaidjet said:
Xboxjfan you should check this out
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Epic isn't on the poll, is it?
JohnCorleone said:
I spoke to a dev that will take a look right after his next ROM release which should be any day now
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If he has any questions have him pm me

New Chinese ROM out

DianXin OS
Wouldn't u love to see this on our epic 4g?
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DrKaotica said:
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Half way kidding haha..
Yeah looks cool.. I don't think it will be taking cm9 fanboys in a dif direction tho
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Misleading title -.-
Looks pretty nice actually.
Sent from something with a Kモ尺れモㄥ.
|| Acer || said:
Misleading title -.-
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You have been saying this a lot lately. Which makes me think of an old saying don't judge a book by its cover and read what the person is actually posting rather than interpreting what you want from the title.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Guarnteed apple is gonna sue them lol
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jbadboy2007 said:
Guarnteed apple is gonna sue them lol
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MIUI is another Chinese iOS clone and they're still around.
jbadboy2007 said:
You have been saying this a lot lately. Which makes me think of an old saying don't judge a book by its cover and read what the person is actually posting rather than interpreting what you want from the title.
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What? This has been the first time I've said that in a long time. If you can somewhere else where I've posted this recently, then id be interested to see it. I apologize if I seem to be coming off rude lately.
Sent from my Samsung Epic using CM7!
jbadboy2007 said:
Guarnteed apple is gonna sue them lol
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algorhythm said:
MIUI is another Chinese iOS clone and they're still around.
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Love the picture with the web browser open to the Apple page with the Iphone 4s on it LOL
That's pretty sexy im not gonna lie lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
|| Acer || said:
What? This has been the first time I've said that in a long time. If you can somewhere else where I've posted this recently, then id be interested to see it. I apologize if I seem to be coming off rude lately.
Sent from my Samsung Epic using CM7!
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Lol it was another person and they said it in my thread. Lesson for today is always read the fine print. In this case always read the post before coming to conclusions.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Whats the difference between this and MIUI?
jbadboy2007 said:
Lol it was another person and they said it in my thread. Lesson for today is always read the fine print. In this case always read the post before coming to conclusions.
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Well i only posted it was misleading because i know others may have thought that this was an actual ics rom and wanted to inform the op to change the title so others wont get their hopes up.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
|| Acer || said:
Well i only posted it was misleading because i know others may have thought that this was an actual ics rom and wanted to inform the op to change the title so others wont get their hopes up.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
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LOL..U right i changed the title cuz it did seem to be named like a Rom title..

I just wanna say thanks..

Thanks to all of you awesome developers and members who have helped make my Samsung Epic 4G a wonderful piece of equipment. Unfortunately (well kinda) I upgraded to the WHITE Epic Touch 4G today so I wont be around these parts as much although I still have my Epic and will keep it as a secondary phone if something happens to my SGSII. Thanks again!
Wow, haven't seen you in a while. Be careful over there. I hear it's dangerous.
The Root said:
Wow, haven't seen you in a while. Be careful over there. I hear it's dangerous.
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With my job switching me to the 3rd shift I am rarely online anymore. Nothin but work and sleep lol. And I have yet to post over there. I just watched the video on how to root and got to work. And with the greatness of ACS on my original Epic, that was the first Rom I went for.
But from the comments I've seen they seem like a friendly bunch. LOL
Your 50 posts per year will truly be missed.
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austin420 said:
Your 50 posts per year will truly be missed.
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He has a life, and no time for posts.
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Baby come back ...
... look at those take tas.
masaidjet said:
He has a life, and no time for posts.
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But time to make a goodbye thread(regardless of what the title says.)?
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austin420 said:
But time to make a goodbye thread(regardless of what the title says.)?
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austin420 said:
But time to make a goodbye thread(regardless of what the title says.)?
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Better up your post count.. your under your 1 post per day since you've signed up!
Ouch....this is me....backing out of the thread slowly....i wasn't here.
xTmDarren said:
Better up your post count.. your under your 1 post per day since you've signed up!
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diffrence is im not making good bye threads.
austin420 said:
diffrence is im not making good bye threads.
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Yeah, I guess sex survey threads do hold a higher legitimacy rank....

