EVO LTE not what I expected! - Epic 4G General

So yesterday my epic was stolen. I call sprint to do my ins claim n found out my upgrade was up. So I decided to givea shot to the EVO (keeping in mind that I have 14 days to switch to my gs3 lol ) .this phone looks n feels amazing but truly has far as the performance goes it cannot match our E4GT. It has too many issues. Despite not having LTE yet this phone is not an upgrade from the epic. Google wallet doesn't work , WiFi issues , multitask sucks and I don't care what people say this phone lags. Keep in mind I'm neither an HTC or Samsung fanboy. I'm just android freak looking for the best experience.
Sent from my EVO using XDA

jcaicedo82 said:
So yesterday my epic was stolen. I call sprint to do my ins claim n found out my upgrade was up. So I decided to givea shot to the EVO (keeping in mind that I have 14 days to switch to my gs3 lol ) .this phone looks n feels amazing but truly has far as the performance goes it cannot match our E4GT. It has too many issues. Despite not having LTE yet this phone is not an upgrade from the epic. Google wallet doesn't work , WiFi issues , multitask sucks and I don't care what people say this phone lags. Keep in mind I'm neither an HTC or Samsung fanboy. I'm just android freak looking for the best experience.
Sent from my EVO using XDA
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This isn't the Epic Touch forum.
Sent from my SPH-D700 CM9 ANDROID 4.0.4

Oops sorry ..delete
Sent from my EVO using XDA

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

I am a Samsung fanboy and am using the EVO til gs3 is in stores and everything you said is correct and more. The things that are blowing me away is the mods that keep deleting the threads of the people that are discussing why they are returning the phone and how many returns that there for quite a few different reasons.

jbadboy2007 said:
I am a Samsung fanboy and am using the EVO til gs3 is in stores and everything you said is correct and more. The things that are blowing me away is the mods that keep deleting the threads of the people that are discussing why they are returning the phone and how many returns that there for quite a few different reasons.
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Speak the truth... man shuts you down. I wish they wouldnt so people wouldn't waste their money on a chunk of **** with an 8mpx camera.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

Hmm..Interesting experience. My experiences have been amazing. Ironically I was just thinking apple doesn't stand a chance with such a stable HTC device with sense 4, and ICS... Unfortunate you did not have a better experience with the LTEvo
Sent from my LTEvo using xda premium

Have u ever play with any of the gs2 phones?
Sent from my EVO using XDA

theryanfoley said:
Hmm..Interesting experience. My experiences have been amazing. Ironically I was just thinking apple doesn't stand a chance with such a stable HTC device with sense 4, and ICS... Unfortunate you did not have a better experience with the LTEvo
Sent from my LTEvo using xda premium
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Its not the LTEVO its the EVOLTE.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

ÜBER™ said:
Its not the LTEVO its the EVOLTE.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium[/QUOTE.
was he trying to say TiVo?:screwy:
Sent from my EVO using XDA
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ÜBER™ said:
Its not the LTEVO its the EVOLTE.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Lol... sounds like the EVOLTE might cause HTC fanbois to rEVOLTE
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA

Zeinzu said:
This isn't the Epic Touch forum.
Sent from my SPH-D700 CM9 ANDROID 4.0.4
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I was wondering when we'd get the next person posting in the wrong forum lol
I feel bad for the Galaxy 3 forum

ÜBER™ said:
Speak the truth... man shuts you down. I wish they wouldnt so people wouldn't waste their money on a chunk of **** with an 8mpx camera.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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QBKing77 bought one and likes it very well and hasn't complained at all for it.

XxLostSoulxX said:
QBKing77 bought one and likes it very well and hasn't complained at all for it.
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There are some pretty significant issues with a good percentage of these phones mine has issues its just not worth my time to return it when I will be returning it for the gs3. Some people are on their 2nd or 3rd exchange. So good for him he is lucky. It isn't a bad phone but I like Samsung's better. Everything about sammies are better.

The op also posted this in the e4gt forum and the mod closed it so it wouldn't be all about fanboism. Ughhh What's so wrong with being a fanboy?

I think it is a good opinion that all who are upgrading would like to know. But it is usually best to post these things in the phone upgrading thread.
Sent from my PantechP4100 using xda premium

Jbadboy I heard about people having a color bleed issue? Did you evo have that same issue as well?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

I have seen many who have had that issue with the screen light bleeding into the home button. But no not me. I have slower 3g than my epic and WiFi is wonky. Ear speaker while on call is very low. Music volume is very low. Multi tasking is crap. The keyboard will get hung up and won't type. I don't like sense lol

It's okay to criticize HTC so long as you also acknowledge Samsung's shortcomings. 'Fanboy' is synonymous with 'hypocrite.'
Remember when the Epic 4G was released with video out capability? Oh wait, no, they nixed that at the last minute without telling anyone so that they could force their MediaHub over DLNA. Because every TV I'm ever near has DLNA. But I'm not bitter.
FACT: MediaHub was the first apk I deleted when I first rooted.

jbadboy2007 said:
Ughhh What's so wrong with being a fanboy?
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Sometimes, you can be bias.
(Not you, specifically. In general)


Giving it away........

So I've had my evo since it first came out rooted shortly after and been flashing ROMs daily til CM6. And stuck with their nightlies, but I'm ready to move on now. Giving this beauty to my girlfriend, stuck now on which phone to get next. Seriously thinking about getting the Nexus S, but also thinking about verizon's incredible. Not too sure which I'm gonna get. I just wanna know what this beautiful XDA community thinks. Maybe this could've been in another section but oh well. Sue me!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Wait for ctia sprint will release the good stuff
sent from my HTC evolution running a freshly baked gingerbread with the 4gs in it
noahguz said:
So I've had my evo since it first came out rooted shortly after and been flashing ROMs daily til CM6. And stuck with their nightlies, but I'm ready to move on now. Giving this beauty to my girlfriend, stuck now on which phone to get next. Seriously thinking about getting the Nexus S, but also thinking about verizon's incredible. Not too sure which I'm gonna get. I just wanna know what this beautiful XDA community thinks. Maybe this could've been in another section but oh well. Sue me!
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I would not get a phone that can't handle an SD card. The S looks sweet but thats it IMO. I had a Fascinate and I swore I would never get a Samsung device again because of the lack of software updates. I had an INC and liked it. Its all a matter of taste. I have had a Droid X and the original Droid and out of all the phones I like the EVO the best and my second would be the original Droid..go figure.
if you go verizon, get the thunderbolt.
at&t the atrix.
t-mobile id get the mytouch4g or wait for the lg 3d phone.
for sprint id wait for the nexus s or the evo3d.
fixxxer2008 said:
if you go verizon, get the thunderbolt.
at&t the atrix.
t-mobile id get the mytouch4g or wait for the lg 3d phone.
for sprint id wait for the nexus s or the evo3d.
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+1...Had a MyTouch on Simple Mobile and it was nice...
So when are these phones coming out guys? And am I gonna have to wear glasses w the 3d lol.....? Is the Nexus really that ****ty? I've read some good reviews.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Well honestly I think the Nexus S us a great device! it just comes down to what you like & what you need. Some people say to wait for Dual-core phones but personally I don't like the idea. So it's all up to you, when it comes down to it. Also take into account that the Nexus S didn't have a SD card slot, but not a big deal to me
Sent From My Command Center... (aka basement)
I understand it doesn't have an sd but what kind of internal memory does it have? A. Do what's that mean performance wise?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
inc and nexus s are not real upgardes from the EVO.
i would wait for a few months.. and better phones will be released.
better cpu and gpu and mem and screens.
For 3d its no glasses and I disagree on getting the thunderbolt its not a real upgrade from the evo
sent from my HTC evolution running a freshly baked gingerbread with the 4gs in it
It's not that I'm trying to upgrade really, just want something different. Inc has a better processor too.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
And I just looooooooove the contour screen on the Nexus. Ha
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noahguz said:
And I just looooooooove the contour screen on the Nexus. Ha
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I just can't stand how the buttons are "backwards" on the nexus s. I know all samsung phones are this way, its just annoying at first.
noahguz said:
It's not that I'm trying to upgrade really, just want something different. Inc has a better processor too.
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the inc has a better cpu than the evo????
no.. they are the same!
I read on verizon's website it had a 1.2 ghz processer.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Dan330 said:
the inc has a better cpu than the evo????
no.. they are the same!
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+1 that's what I thought.
Right now the evo is still top dog imo, plus the developer community is way involved. Seems like at least one new rom comes out each week.
Sent from my hand with XDA Premium installed
you must be talking about the inc 2...
but the Inc is 1 yr old phone with 1ghz same tech as evo:
Hm, yea. Must be the new one bc I was just comparing a bunch of phones today and read that about the inc and was pissed of. Haha, "I thought my evo was the ****"
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
inc 2 .. is not out yet... not sure when it will
Idk man, I swear I read that today. Somewhere!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App


My current gf's upgrade is due and she's elgible for the phone surprisingly! I was considerng dropping my sexy, gorgeous, fantastic, amazing epic 4g on her and taking off with the 4ton4g! I played around with it a bit yesterday at the sprint store and I literally jizzed in my briefs!(false story) I'm strongly considering taking it though! Has any one played around with it as of late? First impressions?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I have had it for 3 days and love it. But you should look in the photon 4g section, and read the forums there. That's where you will find the most info on it. And yes its a bad Mopho!
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
I almost bought it yesterday it was crazy ........come on gs2 hurry or I might have a new toy
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
lballer69 said:
I almost bought it yesterday it was crazy ........come on gs2 hurry or I might have a new toy
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Yea its amazing man! Like it literally ****s on evo 3d....
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Eh, personally the underwhelming Tegra 2 and locked bootloader ruined it for me. If it had the OMAP 4430 like the rest of MOTOs new "Droids" I'd give it a try.
"Whats a fourton 4g?"
No seriously, this is what i thought when i saw your title... -.-
Magic Oreo said:
"Whats a fourton 4g?"
No seriously, this is what i thought when i saw your title... -.-
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that's what i thought too
Me personally would go with an evo 3d instead over a moto
MOTO= Ugly Phone,Screen,Locked boot loader, the list goes on and on and on....
Just my opinion..
davidrules7778 said:
Me personally would go with an evo 3d instead over a moto
MOTO= Ugly Phone,Screen,Locked boot loader, the list goes on and on and on....
Just my opinion..
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That's one hell of an opinion. Lol....
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I don't know if I would call the phone 'ugly' but it's certainly different. The screen...well, no one can really compete with Sammy's screen, let's get real here. Locked bootloader = fail IMO. I know, I know, there's an update that supposed to come out and unlock it, but when? Has there been an actual announcement date on it?
I was seriously considering the Photon because of impatience with the SGSII, but knowing the bootloader is in fact locked, and with hope of Nexus 3 coming in a few months, I'm going to skip on the Photon personally.
I hope it's a rockin phone for those that get it, I just won't be one of them.
locked bootloader = fail
I literally just got mine in the mail the ups guy just knocked on the door I'm about to open it up now......gotta love working for a third party sprint dealer. Korey has it and loves it. Unfortunately only way to root right now is having the media dock which is 100 bones but I'll let you guys know tomorrow how I actually feel about the phone.
Gonna miss my keyboard but I'm going to keep my epic for dev/testing purposes.....
I don't know display is really pixelated and lock bootloader sux
I honestly could not buy it. My epic right now runs smoother. Just based on the reveiws the galaxy s2 is much better than the other duel core phones.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

I miss my epic

I just activated mu epic 4g touch and i already miss my epic
Dont get me wrong i love my et4g but you guys are like family to me and i do miss all you guys that are still here
Oh btw i order all you guys to get the gs3 i wanna see all you guys there
Itll be like the good old days
*****ing about not having android 10.0 on our phones
And all that other stuff we did
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I'm just anxious for CWM and root to work without any doubts of it ruining something in the process of flashing each. One thing that worries me is the back and forth about whether the phone will support Rev B or not, no one seems to know.
gtuansdiamm said:
I just activated mu epic 4g touch and i already miss my epic
Dont get me wrong i love my et4g but you guys are like family to me and i do miss all you guys that are still here
Oh btw i order all you guys to get the gs3 i wanna see all you guys there
Itll be like the good old days
*****ing about not having android 10.0 on our phones
And all that other stuff we did
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Hellz yea I got one more year with my epic (which I should be gettin by early next week) and by then the gsIII should be out and I'm definately getting one for sure, I have strong brand loyalty my last 4 smartphones have been samsung.
Sent from my spare Droid since my epic got jacked. Currently waiting on a guy to sell me his when his phone gets shipped
That quad core sounds good, but this ain't a computer yet, I wonder what all that power will really mean in real world use.
And I feel the same way about the community here...
My epic is now officially out of my hands
Its now my sister's
She is so frustrating
She wont let me root it and its on stock eco5
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Lol I feel you, I wanna root my friend's Evo but he doesnt understand the power of the XDA community and what it's capable of
Lol I practically own all 3 of the epic's in my house...
Brother: urban vendetta
mom: stock ec05 without bloat
me: urban vendetta with honeycomb fusion explosion half-baked cookie edition
gtuansdiamm said:
I just activated mu epic 4g touch and i already miss my epic
Dont get me wrong i love my et4g but you guys are like family to me and i do miss all you guys that are still here
Oh btw i order all you guys to get the gs3 i wanna see all you guys there
Itll be like the good old days
*****ing about not having android 10.0 on our phones
And all that other stuff we did
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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I'll let you have my epic and I'll take the epic touch off your hands ^^
I knew that joke was going to come up eventually and nty
I will eventually "steal" my epic back
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
gtuansdiamm said:
I knew that joke was going to come up eventually and nty
I will eventually "steal" my epic back
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Haha nice!
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G Touch+Keyboard
malcolmXman said:
That quad core sounds good, but this ain't a computer yet, I wonder what all that power will really mean in real world use.
And I feel the same way about the community here...
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I'd like to think we would have the capability to run real world applications and programs.....can you imagine making PowerPoint presentations on your cellphone/tablet??? I'm sorry...lol....I like school wayyyyy too much..lmao
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Qwallace70129 said:
I'd like to think we would have the capability to run real world applications and programs.....can you imagine making PowerPoint presentations on your cellphone/tablet??? I'm sorry...lol....I like school wayyyyy too much..lmao
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Really that's all that's missing from our devices, they are made to be mainly informative and entertaining, but not productive. Now the asus transformer has productivity written all over it as long as right productivity apps (imagine open office on android) could definateley replace a laptop for school. Like 75% of my schoolwork requires my laptop lol
Sent from my spare Droid since my epic got jacked. Currently waiting on a guy to sell me his when his phone gets shipped
Remeber, these things you mention were ran on much slower pc's years ago, has the code gotten that bad you need 4 2ghz cores, I don't think so.
xopher.hunter said:
Really that's all that's missing from our devices, they are made to be mainly informative and entertaining, but not productive. Now the asus transformer has productivity written all over it as long as right productivity apps (imagine open office on android) could definateley replace a laptop for school. Like 75% of my schoolwork requires my laptop lol
Sent from my spare Droid since my epic got jacked. Currently waiting on a guy to sell me his when his phone gets shipped
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Well the ThinkSafe app (I think it called) that came free with the Epic let's you make word documents, spreadsheets, and 2 other things I can't think of. I used it to make a spreadsheet for work so I could do inventory.
Sent from my un-rooted Samsung Epic 4G with XDA Premium
Its think its called thinkfree
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I'm so jealous...I really fine think I can hold out until next year for the SGS3...I might jump on the first ICS nexus prime thus holiday season...I KNOW that's going to be plenty ASOP with no problems for ROMS like MIUI and oh boy the first CM8 builds!!!
Sent from my rooted, suited, & booted Epic 4G #knowdat!
R3537L1F3 said:
Well the ThinkSafe app (I think it called) that came free with the Epic let's you make word documents, spreadsheets, and 2 other things I can't think of. I used it to make a spreadsheet for work so I could do inventory.
Sent from my un-rooted Samsung Epic 4G with XDA Premium
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According to the app description it let's you view pptx (powerpoint) and almost any other ms office file....... BUT still no support for powerpoint presentation creation.... Are the spreadsheets fully featured like Excel is?
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
Qwallace70129 said:
According to the app description it let's you view pptx (powerpoint) and almost any other ms office file....... BUT still no support for powerpoint presentation creation.... Are the spreadsheets fully featured like Excel is?
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
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For the most part yes. There are some limitatons in formating I didn't really poke through everyting to see. It does save as an excel document though so you can finish te job later if need be.
Sent from my un-rooted Samsung Epic 4G with XDA Premium
I also switched from the epic to the epic 4g touch. So far I'm loving it, but I will miss the community from the epic....esp the diet coke dilemma we had at the start! haha
Yay i made a goodbye thread without being flamed
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

Samsung Conquer 4G (opinions)

So this has nothing to do with the epic, but I was told I was getting a brand new conquer 4G as a gift. I tried finding its forums to see what's up with the phone but it seems likeit doesn't have its own section(or I can't find it)? So I just wanted to know what you guys thought about that phone? Would it be easy to root it and make it better or is it already a great phone stock?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
i have a friend that has one. He loves it, its not rooted or anything so dont have a clue about development for it. he likes it but of course he is jealous of my phone because of how badass it is...
My lady's sister has that phone. There isn't much development for it, and no official section for it on xda last I checked. There is some basic rooting info for it in general I found once. There is also another site you can find with google dedicated to only that device. As of a few months ago there were one or two roms for it.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Thank you both for the information=).
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Basically an updated version of the samsung transform, with 1ghz processor and no keyboard, an 'okay' device if you ask me, but put it to good use
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Its going to become my mp3 player lol. I got no better use for it for now. My epic is still amazing so I won't switch them and ill just use that for fun. Its size seems pretty nice to carry and have with me so I'm looking forward to getting it. And I found a way to root it, its actually the same way I rooted my epic on froyo. But I couldn't find no roms or anything for it.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Coming from a tech perspective, I never see them come in for repairs though they may be indicative of little we sell of them, it's still a great little phone, probably one of the best for your money in terms of an entry level phone. Budget level android phones have come a long way, and the Conquer is a great example of that.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
So one more question. What would you perfer the conquer or original evo?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
My son had one until it went through the washing machine. Great budget phone in my opinion. The lower screen resolution compared to my Epic was the only noticeable difference, that and it was running a more vanilla flavored Gingerbread without TouchWiz.
CapsLockKey said:
My son had one until it went through the washing machine. Great budget phone in my opinion. The lower screen resolution compared to my Epic was the only noticeable difference, that and it was running a more vanilla flavored Gingerbread without TouchWiz.
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That sounds nice lol. I just hope I can get voodoo sound on it.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I doubt it works with voodoo.. :O but the evo is a brick anyways, take the conquer, nice light and managable
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Fire n mage said:
I doubt it works with voodoo.. :O but the evo is a brick anyways, take the conquer, nice light and managable
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Lol, ya I seen it I liked its size its more comfortable in the hand than the evo and looks better I think lol.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Anyone happy with their GS3

I got my gs3 and so far everything good not big upgrade compare to what I had, just the network but then again that's one of the major consideration on smartphones, phone is fast, camera great, 64 gb plus 16gb of storage and loving everything even the screen and the color (pebble blue) I see a lot people complaining like always when a phone is release(first is where the f*** is the phone and after they get it, does your phone do this?), anyways anyone else out there happy as well?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Not a huge upgrade from my S2...but...so far I LOVE the S3!!!
gandalf21502 said:
Not a huge upgrade from my S2...but...so far I LOVE the S3!!!
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Same here...i sold my s2 for $350. I chise not to use my upgrad and just pay the 549.99. If i used an upgrade i think id take it back bc its not much different then the s2. I think the phine was definitely over hyped.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Complete happy with my G S III. Retired go to phone > the Evo.
If the evo lte battery wasnt so bad id trade for that bc the beats audio on the one i had was niceeee
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bmoreboy02 said:
If the evo lte battery wasnt so bad id trade for that bc the beats audio on the one i had was niceeee
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Can't you just search for the beats audio software mod that's been zipped up and flash it?
Criticism I heard/read about beats audio is that it's mostly software enhanced "gimmicks", E.Q stuff etc, and can be flashed to most phones...
Sent from my SPH-D710
jgalan14 said:
I got my gs3 and so far everything good not big upgrade compare to what I had, just the network but then again that's one of the major consideration on smartphones, phone is fast, camera great, 64 gb plus 16gb of storage and loving everything even the screen and the color (pebble blue) I see a lot people complaining like always when a phone is release(first is where the f*** is the phone and after they get it, does your phone do this?), anyways anyone else out there happy as well?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
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I love my gs3. Traded a my one s plus $390. Yes I might have paid a bit more but whatever. What phone did you have before your gs3?
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LordLugard said:
Can't you just search for the beats audio software mod that's been zipped up and flash it?
Criticism I heard/read about beats audio is that it's mostly software enhanced "gimmicks", E.Q stuff etc, and can be flashed to most phones...
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Im not very good at flashing lol....not gona do something thatvi dont know hiw to fix if i mess up lol. But i think your right
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
I love it. It's the fastest phone I've ever held. More responsive than my Note. Screen is perfect size. Beautiful look and feel. Just awesome.
micxploed said:
I love my gs3. Traded a my one s plus $390. Yes I might have paid a bit more but whatever. What phone did you have before your gs3?
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I had the HTC evo lte(sprint data got really bad here so I had to switch) and galaxy nexus
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Love it..
Sent from my SGH-T999
Definitely an upgrade over my Epic. Outstanding battery life and improved GPS is all I really ask for in a device and I got it.
Sent from my Galaxy S III using Tapatalk 2
Switched from the epic 4G touch and don't think that is is a huge upgrade. Still an awesome phone though but it was over hyped. Jumped from sprint to t-mobile due to data issues and don't regret it at all.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Love this phone. Came from a Captivate and the difference is like night and day. It's like when i went from ps3 to sli 580s.
LordLugard said:
Can't you just search for the beats audio software mod that's been zipped up and flash it?
Criticism I heard/read about beats audio is that it's mostly software enhanced "gimmicks", E.Q stuff etc, and can be flashed to most phones...
Sent from my SPH-D710
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I've heard the "Beats" audio, it's mostly enhanced bass and tweaked treble. Was not extremely impressed.
As for my new GSIII, I like it. Came from a flashed GSI. The improvement is alot more than coming from an older laptop to a state of the art one...
Yeah, I rooted it a few hours after getting it.
I came from the Aria, so the difference is pretty significant. I will say that I think the screen is ever so slightly too large. I think 4.3-4.5 inch displays are the perfect size.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S III
Came from a gs2. Ran aokp and fluxxi kernel and it was smooth.
But the gs3 beats it by a mile.
Gps is faster. Battery life is way better. Data speed (lte) ****s on hspa and I love the screen... Plus the camera is very nice.
So overall the difference for me is pretty big.
sent from my GALAXY SIII
Not A huge update over my Int galaxy note but I love it!
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Happy, mostly... Wish I wouldn't have had the evo to play with first, grr... That camera knocks this one's dingle in the dirt, the display is much nicer, and the devs are killing that thing, lol, I'm sitting here with my rooted phone and thumb up my arse wishing I knew how to dev cause we have not one Damn Rom... On the other hand I do like playing with Samsung as it's a tad different than HTC. It feels maybe a little better than evo in my hands, in a strange way, the phone feels a little cheaper so I'm not as worried to use it like it's intended. This thing gets hot and has performance issues and hopefully all my "issues" are all software related... It does have removable battery which is huge for me as I like to keep a few extra batteries charged and ready to go, HATE to be tethered to a wall. The sound on this thing is really loud and clean, really appreciate that... The digitizer is a bit spastic at times but that might just need tweaked as well... It does have 2GB's of ram:-~ lol, I don't know any Sammy devs either, did they all go to evo??? Lol, Need to flash something, going through withdrawals:-o I also don't have any of the display having the black spots or weird colors so maybe I got lucky for once... Ramble, ramble...
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
jr71x said:
lol, I don't know any Sammy devs either, did they all go to evo??? Lol, Need to flash something, going through withdrawals:-o I also don't have any of the display having the black spots or weird colors so maybe I got lucky for once... Ramble, ramble...
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
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I have an evo lte too and it's screen + camera is beautiful. I just got my s3 in today and I'm sure they will be more devs when everyone is actually able to get the s3. I mean I pre-ordered mine on the 7th and it didn't even come until today with all the shortages.
Give it time, the devs will come here =)

