So it has come to this... (Lawsuit time!) - Galaxy S III General
Cupertino believes the Galaxy S III violates at least two patents, one the data tapping patent that's also being leveled against HTC and the other a unified search patent that covers Siri; not surprisingly, Apple isn't keen on that strangely recognizable S Voice interface. A hearing was already scheduled for June 7th and is now taking on a new sense of urgency, at least in Apple's mind: it's arguing that the rumored nine million pre-orders (still unconfirmed) are evidence of the potential damage if the US court lets the dispute slide. Samsung has already said that the injunction call won't affect its rapidly approaching US launches. The company had better hope it's right, or it risks disappointing a lot of early pre-order customers.
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So here we go, they couldn't sue for design, and are terrified by the UNIFIED design, release, and success! Seriously, they're suing for some stupid "data-tapping" nonsense, and swear they invented voice actions.

Bowsa2511 said:
So here we go, they couldn't sue for design, and are terrified by the UNIFIED design, release, and success! Seriously, they're suing for some stupid "data-tapping" nonsense, and swear they invented voice actions.
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Here we go again.
The EVO LTE and One X all over again.
I hop the US carriers are ready this time.

They fear the new android.
That's all.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium

Stupid apple. All the carriers are losing money on their annoying patent claims. All the us carriers should just stop selling apple iPhone and applied would lose a ton of market share.

Will they ever stop?

lol never going to happen...
Ascertion said:
Stupid apple. All the carriers are losing money on their annoying patent claims. All the us carriers should just stop selling apple iPhone and applied would lose a ton of market share.
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Their gonna spend the rest of their lifes just doing lawsuits to everything that has a button
We should tell IBM to make a lawsuit against Apple for making touchscreen smartphones, IBM SImon was the first !

Not too surprise. We already knew it from HTC EVO 4G LTE.

Even the data tapping, how was that even patent-able!??

whats new with apple. I guess they figure they can't keep doing minor upgrades expecting to steal android customers when Samsung, htc and the likes are coming out with bigger, better devices and the isheep are beginning to see the light on the horizon and the great potential android has and is becoming better everyday version.

Apple seem to think they own everything....little does everyone make the NAND for the i**** and the display....if I were samsung id say "**** you....make your own ****" lol
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium

I wonder what Apple would do if Google said just **** it and stop their G-mail and their maps from being used on their OS. Maybe that would keep Apple from sleeping on the court steps. Just thinking out load.

Well, you had to know this was coming. S-Voice does sound exactly like Siri. Needs more cupcake answers to crazy questions though.
But seriously, Android has had voice commands for a long time before Siri. Maybe it didn't talk back to you, but at least if you said "Search for XXXX" it would just go ahead and do the search without some dumb robot lady saying, "Do you want me to search for XXXX?"
I watch my wife try to use Siri and the app becomes more and more useless every day. Almost every answer she gives now is "Would you like me to search for the answer to that?" Then my wife tells Sirii to go f#$% herself, and Siri says "Now now, that's not nice" lmao

vinnyjr said:
I wonder what Apple would do if Google said just **** it and stop their G-mail and their maps from being used on their OS. Maybe that would keep Apple from sleeping on the court steps. Just thinking out load.
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Or if samsung said "we're not making your nand or displays anymore" they'd be up **** creek....wankers! Lol
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium

No, apple did not invent voice actions - but really, samsung didn't have to make s-voice look like such a blatant rip-off of siri - right down to the glowing mic.
Just saying that it could have been designed differently.

I think it has something to do with those 9 million preorders of this beast! Apple used to be a great company until the stopped innovating (after the 1st iphone) and throw all their money to lawyers!

I'm sure Samsung knows what they are doing and prepared for this. They've been sued by Apple already, and making the SGS3 I'm sure they knew what they were doing when they made S Voice, etc.

What is data tapping? Do they mean toggling it?

I just sold my iPhone 4 on eBay yesterday. I'll be glad when they pay for it so I can ship it and get it out of my house. What a bunch of losers.

Ascertion said:
What is data tapping? Do they mean toggling it?
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When you tap on information that has a hyperlink and then it asks what do you want to open it with.


Samsung Sues Apple

Looks like Samsung is ready to return the favor:
Washington Post Article
Karma is a *****
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I'm not so sure Apple should have gone after them like that. Sammy has the most patents in the US next to IBM and a lot of those are cell phone patents. Why was Apple so intent on biting the hand that feeds them. Yes, I see the similarities in the phone and somewhat in the UI but not to the extent of suing them the amount of product that was purchased from Sammy.
We all knew this was to come... and to someone who said Samsung was one of the most patent-maker companies... thanks for the info, i really didn't know that.
Anyways, Apple is sure to lose this, because Samsung filed like 6 back at them, from like 4 countries lol
Yup Like I said in a previous posting, This is nuisance suing because you have no other way to slow the competition down from running you over. and for Samsung, this is just a speed bump. Apple is going to have A LOT of market share loss over the next 2 years, and suing will not change that..........Watch how Apple will come out and play the victim........ LoL they are such putz's
oka1 said:
Yup Like I said in a previous posting, This is nuisance suing because you have no other way to slow the competition down from running you over. and for Samsung, this is just a speed bump. Apple is going to have A LOT of market share loss over the next 2 years, and suing will not change that..........Watch how Apple will come out and play the victim........ LoL they are such putz's
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What is incredible is how a multitouch patent was given to apple,when multitouch screen dates back to the early 80's and was the university of Toronto who first made one.
Even better Apple doesn't make touch screen or any kind of LCD they are not manufacturers of hardware they buy it.
I think they are mistaken by the fact that they were the first to do it on a cellphone,but that doesn't mean the patent is their.
Nintendo did rumble on consoles before any one else did,but the patent wasn't theirs,in fact Sony and MS pay money to a company know for patent infringement for rumble on controllers even that no other company before Nintendo had done that.
I think is the whole flawed system of patent which allow for this kind of craps,i may as well patent taking photos of unknown planets out side this world.
And Samsung fire back with hey we have the patent to connect phones to PC by USB..haha
Apple suck so much i don't know how people put up with their crap.
eltormo you are correct but application patents are what companies use to create useless lawsuits. And, if you have alot of money you can afford to do this. The fact that apple sued microsoft for the use of windows or Graphic User Interface was also a joke. This was invented by Stanford Univ. for their teachers.....go figure
I hope sammy takes a big bite out of that apple.
apple is going down
Plus one jazzy!
You're all correct. Apple is only doing this because of how Android and Samsung are doing so well. Just a means to slow the competition.
Its just funny to me to Steve Jobs shake in his boots. He thought apple was unstoppable. He's wrong. Just like how he said flash was "old technology " and didn't want it on his phones. Then he realized he was dumb and went crawling to adobe to get flash working on his OS. LOL
He's a tool. And his business strategy is weal now. Especially cuz of Android. I personally know probably around 15 people who were isheep. Once they seen my phone they all switched to Android
Sent from my badass Vibrant
eminembdg said:
You're all correct. Apple is only doing this because of how Android and Samsung are doing so well. Just a means to slow the competition.
Its just funny to me to Steve Jobs shake in his boots. He thought apple was unstoppable. He's wrong. Just like how he said flash was "old technology " and didn't want it on his phones. Then he realized he was dumb and went crawling to adobe to get flash working on his OS. LOL
He's a tool. And his business strategy is weal now. Especially cuz of Android. I personally know probably around 15 people who were isheep. Once they seen my phone they all switched to Android
Sent from my badass Vibrant
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this thread is old.
Samsung and Apple according to yesterdays Engadet article are solving the sueing issue OUT of court.

let's sign this petition to stop Apple unfair software patent suits against android

from The Verge
Will you android nerds live in a world where every gadget sold is made by Apple? sign this petition (not made by me) if you in any way care about Android.
Is this thing true?
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droidgenius said:
Is this thing true?
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these are tough time we're living.. we might lose one of our life's luxury, Android. without Android, everything is locked; you can't do this, you can't do that. Android OS frees your life, free as in freedom to do anything you want with it.
Apple will never stop Android. I actually think they arent't even interested on that. I know it's very annoying to see those news about lawsuits against android and/or devices with android os. This concernes all of us but I think it is importat, especially at this times of turmoil, to take this more objektively. Also, it is important to stay rational and don't let feelings control our reactions. Only now we'll be able to understand these happenings. I hope some of you will get what I'm trying to say
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
nitrous² said:
Apple will never stop Android. I actually think they arent't even interested on that. I know it's very annoying to see those news about lawsuits against android and/or devices with android os. This concernes all of us but I think it is importat, especially at this times of turmoil, to take this more objektively. Also, it is important to stay rational and don't let feelings control our reactions. Only now we'll be able to understand these happenings. I hope some of you will get what I'm trying to say
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and how are you so sure?
no matter how ridiculous Apple patents are, they will win one way or another. even though they won't win 100%, Apple will surely hurt most android manufacturers to the point where they want to stop making android phones. surely you can live with that, right?
Apple doesn't give a s**t about workers dying in Foxcon, what makes you think they will even notice petition? They are US company. If there is 1$ possible profit from anything, they will go for it.
Generally, it's not about Apple, it's about stupid law which allows to protect ****ting in toilet in some fancy way.
stfudude said:
and how are you so sure?
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'coz companies need each other to compete. If there wasn't android, apple would be a random company which produces some electro stuff, and less people would recognize the whole smartphone section the way they do it WITH Android, RIM, WP7 and WebOS or Symbian as competing companies. And doesn't this bringing us together? To have a mutual enemy, is far more productive as you might think
It's also a rule of law, that monopol's aren't allowed in business section. People have the right to be able to choose between various options. Just imagine there were only one Car manufacturer, and this would be GM :O!! Idon't even wanna think about that... At least in Germany, don't know how they handle this in other countries. And because of that, I assume Apple isn't interested on destroying Android. And if they do, google would just change the way how patended things on Android OS works and boom...we're out of that game . Google is one of the most innovative company on the Planet or solar system, of course they'll find a way out of this misery. Never underrate Larry Page and his company guys
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
I really want to know how the government lets Apple get away with this? I mean for instance didn't Apple just file a patent last year for slide to unlock? How is that legal? How can you just patent something so you can sue other companies? Also I read in the newest lawsuit against the galaxy nexus, they are claiming that Ice Cream sandwich rips off Siri...really? SIRI JUST CAME OUT! Google voice actions for android has been around since what eclair? So Apple is going to rip off Google, file a patent for it, then turnaround and claim they had the idea first and sue google? How does that work?
I really really loathe apple.
Uh the fact of the matter is that Android does infringe on many patents. There's a reason manufacturers pay MS a ton of money to prevent litigation, because they know they'll lose. If OEMs wants patent lawsuits to stop then Google needs to rewrite their OS to stop it from infringing on other people's patents. Deal with it.
Cor-master said:
I really want to know how the government lets Apple get away with this? I mean for instance didn't Apple just file a patent last year for slide to unlock? How is that legal? How can you just patent something so you can sue other companies? Also I read in the newest lawsuit against the galaxy nexus, they are claiming that Ice Cream sandwich rips off Siri...really? SIRI JUST CAME OUT! Google voice actions for android has been around since what eclair? So Apple is going to rip off Google, file a patent for it, then turnaround and claim they had the idea first and sue google? How does that work?
I really really loathe apple.
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ummm, siri is not new, but it was originally an excellent app until apple bought it out and limited it to 4gs
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smegg said:
ummm, siri is not new, but it was originally an excellent app until apple bought it out and limited it to 4gs
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Hello smegg dude,
Siri WAS from Google Voice Search. What FAGpple do is,
-They improved the app by adding many fcuked features.
-They improved microphones to synced with the app.
But still, its Google Voice Search, what is FAGpple's default search? MobileMe? Bing? It's Google.
Also, you guys must remember. Processor chips for iPhone is now manufacturered by Samsung.
Sent from my GT-i9000 using Tapatalk
These patents really are straight ridiculous, it's clear apple doesn't want to compete they want to be a monopoly. This isn't just apple vs Android this is apple vs blackberry and apple vs windows phone too. Apple wins all this stuff then there will be no competitors, thus creating an apple monopoly. I'm sure it's all a result of them loosing the pc battle to Microsoft in the 90s and being bitter about it but you know what? They wanna destroy Android then make a better product, price more competitively. Take tablets who wants to pay $600 for an ipad when you can get a nook color for $120 refurbished and then root it and put cm7 on and you have a full working tablet!
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App

Apple does it again,0,6656116.story
Are they this fricking bored and butt hurt?
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
It will lead to World War III!
It already started in that upgrade thread...LOL.
This is getting absolutely ****ing ridiculous. Apple is one gigantic crybaby. Gtfo, *****es.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Don't tell me they are suing for voice search which Google provided for the iPhone before siri...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Hmm lawsuits that's what apple has over android...they are the ultimate fanboys.
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:
Theyre really showing what kind of business they want, and thats ALL OF IT. They dont do well with competition, and I see them in a giant hole within the next 5 years.
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
b16flybye said:
Theyre really showing what kind of business they want, and thats ALL OF IT. They dont do well with competition, and I see them in a giant hole within the next 5 years.
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
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i still say android its more user friendly then any apple iphone ipod or what ever they got. at least thats how i feel. grabted they started this touch screen phones. but to me android improved apples ideas..
Surprised this is just being posted, I read about this two days ago. I thought nobody cared lol!
marcusant said:
Don't tell me they are suing for voice search which Google provided for the iPhone before siri...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Nah they're suing for the "Slide to Unlock" patent, which is stupid, since there's hardly any similarity in their lock screens.
What's even more stupid is Apple is trying to patent facial recognition as well, even though they don't even have the freaking feature yet.
Didn't you guys see the bio of steve jobs. He said android was a stolen idea and would spend all of apples money litigating the issue in every major company. But you know what's hilarious is autorities in china are pulling ipads off of retailers shelves due to another company owning that name lol cracks me up.
Lol, its just sad that theyre scraping any little feature to try and use against android. Slide unlock? Really? Whats next? I would have a tad more respect for apple if they would just die like men instead of the whining we've witnessed lately.
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
I don't know that Apple can die at all, with the a userbase comprised of illiterates and blind followers. They make exorbitant profits, and for what?! Nothing is going to the employees or the users, just vast bank accounts. I'd feel better about this if they had a reason for it other than "THIS TAKES POTENTIAL PROFITS FROM US!!! SUE SUE SUE!!!"
Name one time thy Android actually stole an idea from iOS.
In Soviet Epic forum, clockworkmod root you!
Well, there is the 'i' in Android
They are also claiming that the nexus infringes their patent of the hyperlink, this is getting ridiculous. Microsoft and apple are also the ones that want everyone to agree to a commitment to not sue for patent infringement of technologies which are essential for devices to work. Apple wants everyone to do as they say, not as they do.
Even if android is a copy of iOS (it isn't), it is an open source alternative. They are attempting to sue a company distributing free, open, software.
In Soviet Epic forum, clockworkmod root you!
This is Bull **** Apple needs to be sued by google seeing how in iOS5 they put the drop down notifications menu in and also should be sued because they took our android lockscreen puzzle etc..... What has it come down to suing for every little damn thing. Seriously they want to play like that then we should sue em for all their dumb Bull**** patents. GTFOH APPLE
Apple is panicking... before some phone would match the iPhone of that Gen and they'd +1 they're iPhone with a feature they held back from the previous model now they really can't so what do they do? Sue.
Sent from my SPH-D700
If i were google i'd make an anti apple campaign ... and knowledge common people about them and their products

Apple can go f.. itself
"Apple has claimed that Samsung violated its patent for SIRI, the voice controlled assistant as it introduced "S-Voice" in its newest flagship phone Samsung Galaxy S3 and also infringed the automatic detection of certain types of data such as phone numbers, email addresses and hyperlinks as reported by The Inquirer."
Considering voice recognition has been around for over a decade if not closer to two, it's really one more pathetic attempt by Apple to control the market! I really hope they get some judges in there that have an understanding of technology!
Meh voice control is just a gimmick, not to mention you look like a ****ing retard talking to a machine.
So Apple can take it imo their users are just a bunch of left handed facerolling dribble-sheep anyway
Haha there is already a topic like this but yes they really can go f themselves. I dont think we are going to hear much about the case until tomorrow but im just praying that this phone does not get delayed/banned
slight22 said:
"Apple has claimed that Samsung violated its patent for SIRI, the voice controlled assistant as it introduced "S-Voice" in its newest flagship phone Samsung Galaxy S3 and also infringed the automatic detection of certain types of data such as phone numbers, email addresses and hyperlinks as reported by The Inquirer."
Considering voice recognition has been around for over a decade if not closer to two, it's really one more pathetic attempt by Apple to control the market! I really hope they get some judges in there that have an understanding of technology!
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Have you seen the new iphone design samsung should sue them for copying there round shape housing.. lolzz
I'm not gonna go into how bad the editorial but just gonna go ahead and say that Samsung still have time to show them the source code and prove that they didn't infringe anything. The final verdict isn't out yet
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The funny thing about source code, is that if the language is the same, the syntacs will be the same #main() is the same whether you a programing in windows, android or iOS. The proof is only in the comments not the code.
I could rebuild both Siri and the samsung voice system from ground up and there is a very real chance the code will look VERY similar. And when even the smallest program has hundreds of lines of code trying to prove this code or that is yours or theirs is very VERY hard. I personally think apple is trying to stop something that will decimate their iphone 5 before it's even out in market.
S-Voice is using Google's voice recognition API. Doubt Siri uses that.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
Well Apple is going at the Gnexus as well, but they haven't stopped the selling in the US, so why are they trying to ban the S3?
The same thing for HTC. Apple was/is trying to go after HTC for the second infringement from the OP. They are going after almost every HTC phone, but are only trying to ban the One Series and not the other phones that they are going after.
Apple is just trying to stop all of these new phone's that will put then to shame when they release the new iCrap 5 lol.
Interesting thread topic if anyone has produced the capabilities of a phone to do just that then Apple is more likely to lead the way .
I'd rather Samsung pull S-Voice rather than risk delaying US shipments. They can add it back later as an update. S-Voice, like Siri, is a gimmick and a waste of time. Not worth going to the mat over.
JJEgan said:
Interesting thread topic if anyone has produced the capabilities of a phone to do just that then Apple is more likely to lead the way .
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the people who want "just" a phone these days is so small a number, it don't make sense to even sell them anymore.
As for apple leading the way, doubt it.
tekhna said:
I'd rather Samsung pull S-Voice rather than risk delaying US shipments. They can add it back later as an update. S-Voice, like Siri, is a gimmick and a waste of time. Not worth going to the mat over.
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Right now, shutting apple down in any way is worth going to the mat over. Apple has to be stopped as they think they own everything.
So true, I think apple is really worried, if I was Samsung I would tell them to stop hassiling us or find someone else to make the amazing screens, they advertised the iPad3 with an amazing one of a kind screen but Samsung made the screen, all apple has every been doing is taking an idea, changing it a little and saying that they created it and ever since Steven jobs died they have run outta proper new things to do and iOS users are noticing that, all my iPhone friends want me to put android on there phone cause whenever apple updates something the system gets slower not faster and they hate the control apple has over them.
Sent from a I9000 running the amazing Tiger Rom
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slight22 said:
Right now, shutting apple down in any way is worth going to the mat over. Apple has to be stopped as they think they own everything.
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No, right now selling phones is Samsung's job. It's not a crusade, it's a business.
I think Apple is just being a sore-loser because Samsung topped Apple in sales. Svoice is not gonna work for me anyway because I am not a natural-born english-speaking person. lol.
Even if Apple is successful, I will not buy an iPhone anyway, I'll probably end up with another HTC like the EVO LTE. Screw Apple.
This thread is different from the other similar thread and I would like it to be open. I believe the purpose of this thread is to curse Apple. So here are my two cents:
Apples made up of money grubbing entrepreneurs who take gorilla glasses up their asses.
Sent from Rooted debloated stock Galaxy S3 OG I9300
tekhna said:
No, right now selling phones is Samsung's job. It's not a crusade, it's a business.
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No business is about making money. Apple has never been about business, Apple has always been a "crusade" against things. First it was IBM, then it was Microsoft, now it's everyone who has a product remotely similar to them. Apple's entire history has been "us VS them". Hell steve jobs even had bar "fights" where he would pit his teams against each other.
No this is a crusade to stop a [email protected] company from selling anymore products that they can try to control how you run your day to day online activities.
I don't know, can anyone else see the irony of Apple today from their "1984" super bowl commercial??
ceo.mtcl said:
This thread is different from the other similar thread and I would like it to be open. I believe the purpose of this thread is to curse Apple. So here are my two cents:
Apples made up of money grubbing entrepreneurs who take gorilla glasses up their
Sent from Rooted debloated stock Galaxy S3 OG I9300
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Lets try and not get the thread closed for profanity
It would be nice if Samsung got so much money behind them that they could stop making parts for Apple, think 30 or 40% of the iphone 4 is made by Samsung.
There would be other companies out there...lg? who would step up but the change over would cripple Apple.
Always makes me laugh when Apple boys dis Samsung, if were not for them their phone would not even turn on.
slight22 said:
No business is about making money. Apple has never been about business, Apple has always been a "crusade" against things. First it was IBM, then it was Microsoft, now it's everyone who has a product remotely similar to them. Apple's entire history has been "us VS them". Hell steve jobs even had bar "fights" where he would pit his teams against each other.
No this is a crusade to stop a [email protected] company from selling anymore products that they can try to control how you run your day to day online activities.
I don't know, can anyone else see the irony of Apple today from their "1984" super bowl commercial??
Lets try and not get the thread closed for profanity
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The us vs them mentality is about making money. Apple will go after anyone that produces a product that could take sales away. Apple is all about business and their business is to make money at all costs.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
apple is the new anti technology, anti innovation, anti consumer company!!!
There OS is stale and they know it...this includes there computer OS, windows 8 rocks apples mountain lion. There going to be the old n out fashion, and believe it or not Microsoft and android will be new fashion.
Just a matter of time Apple will steal the live tiles from MSFT..find out in about an hour.

Samsung VS Apple - Trial Closing Arguements

Hey, for all of you who are curious about how the Samsung VS Apple trial has been going (I know I have), I came across this article this morning:
It's a tad lengthy, however its a good read. Enjoy.
Thoughts? Opinions?
Xenoism said:
Hey, for all of you who are curious about how the Samsung VS Apple trial has been going (I know I have), I came across this article this morning:
It's a tad lengthy, however its a good read. Enjoy.
Thoughts? Opinions?
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I was very disappointed to read the verdict - sad day for Samsung and their users. My question is - if Apple gets the judge to invoke the injunction does that mean that our rooted phones will also have to strip out the offending routines? Just makes me hate the zealots even more. Wonder how many of the members of the jury and judge had iphones? Does that mean that Apple cannot have any part of Project Butter?? Love my JB and the fact that my 2 year old phone is still cutting edge!!
On a different note, you mentioned that you are using FFC. I have installed one, but so far have not been able to fire it up. Is there any zip file with the i9000 FFC files on it? Would really like to know if mine is working.
JIM in FLA waiting for Isaac!
This just set a precedent for Apple.
Apple is now going to sue everything that makes anything they do.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman? Nope its our economy crashing.
xriderx66 said:
This just set a precedent for Apple.
Apple is now going to sue everything that makes anything they do.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman? Nope its our economy crashing.
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I love a
Samsung. And I'm sorry they lost. So hopefully Motorola will kick crapples butt
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
skinzy98 said:
I love a
Samsung. And I'm sorry they lost. So hopefully Motorola will kick crapples butt
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
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Their patents that they were suing Apple with also just recently got invalidated.
All I want to see is Google doing something. I want google to sneak some patents over to the OEM's and help em out a bit.
xriderx66 said:
Their patents that they were suing Apple with also just recently got invalidated.
All I want to see is Google doing something. I want google to sneak some patents over to the OEM's and help em out a bit.
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I can't believe I didn't here that. And it would be nice if Google helped out a bit.
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This means whatever next google nexus will likely be pretty different than most previous nexus. KeyLime will probably have redesign too to avoid lawsuit.
kobesabi said:
This means whatever next google nexus will likely be pretty different than most previous nexus. KeyLime will probably have redesign too to avoid lawsuit.
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Stock AOSP is not the problem, its mostly over Samsung's Touchwiz UI. Having familiar icons etc.
I dont see how their going to change the design though, from a rectangle to a square?
Jury member admits that they did not use prior art in consideration.
I hear an appeal.
these apple vs android OEMs make me think of one thing
Benz suing every other automaker for "copying" the automobile but the lawsuit would be like...
patent infringement on vehicles using a device to turn the wheels
having a location for the occupants to set their posterior on
Having spokes in the wheels
Having wheels with a round circumference
someone really needs to get a wiffleball bat an start swining for the fences on these apple yahoos they may have generalized smart phones but if you take cars into consideration it be like the first car with 4 wheels well hey 4 wheels is balanced an is general.
an also i hope that google has some sort of super patent waiting to deal with that stupid apple patent for searching :/
if anything apple needs to have all their vague broad patents voided until they can make it narrow an none broad
Patents on trade dress are ridiculous "a rectangle with gently rounded corners" " a screen with even space from the bottom and top to the bezel"
I didn't know apple invented rectangles and other symmetrical shapes?? And then some of the patents are obvious stuff, bounce back, screen pinch, REALLY
The fact of the matter is nobody bought a sgs1 or any other Sammy products thinking it was apple products.
When you go to the big box stores apple products are usually merchandised in another area than most other OEM's.
Apple just has their panties in a wad because Sammy is actually selling more smart phones than them and their products are comparable, better IMO, to theirs.
Its not Sammy's fault that apple has only released like six smart phones. They put out products to appeal to everyone, not just an elite group of pretentious asses.
I could go on but I think you guys get the jest of it!
Its peanut butter jelly(bean) time...
pintek said:
these apple vs android OEMs make me think of one thing
Benz suing every other automaker for "copying" the automobile but the lawsuit would be like...
patent infringement on vehicles using a device to turn the wheels
having a location for the occupants to set their posterior on
Having spokes in the wheels
Having wheels with a round circumference
someone really needs to get a wiffleball bat an start swining for the fences on these apple yahoos they may have generalized smart phones but if you take cars into consideration it be like the first car with 4 wheels well hey 4 wheels is balanced an is general.
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You'll really love this posting to facebook that I found then. Check it out, it freaking beautiful on Benz' part and really drives the point too.
I just saw the most incredible interview involving a Mercedes Benz executive talking candidly about his disgust with how Apple has been acting lately in court about the whole smartphone ordeal. I wish I could find it to share in full but I came accross it while channel surfing. In a nutshell, he said "We at Mercedes own over 80,000 patents worldwide including the rights to the first self-propel
led 4 wheeled vehicle, or as we all would call it today, the 'CAR'. We could take every car manufacturer in the world to court with legitemate claims that they copied our idea and force them put out 3 or 2 or 5 wheeled vehicles etc. Do we? Of course not! We exist today as we do because we bring the absolute best we can build to the market year after year. When he's asked if they're worried about the constant attempts to copy them as Apple claims Samsung and Google did, he just smiles and says "let them try, that's what has kept us at the top of our craft for over 100 years. Why would we stop now?" -Absolutely brilliant! That's how a real innovative company acts. Mercedes for president!
I couldn't have said it better, great find!
sent from the depths of helly bean
Goophone is planning to sue Apple for design infringement since their cloned hardware came out first before Apple. ROTFLMAO
If this allowed, Samsung should hurry and produce a prototype next week so they can sue Apple if they release later.

