Win 8 Release Preview Start Menu Issue - Windows 8 General

When I go to the start menu the metro UI appears. However whenever I move the mouse the boxes vanish. The start menu background remains, so basically i have a grey screen. If I click where a shortcut box should be it works and takes me to the app or desktop. So basically everything is there, it just turns invisible as soon as i move the mouse.
I was running consumer preview without this issue. Any ideas?
Also just noticed that if I move the mouse to the right side of the screen and cause the dark bar to appear, the dark bar just flashes and is unresponsive. I then minimized chrome and the sidebar vanished. Now the sidebar, the start menu shortcut, and the recent apps no longer appear when i move the mouse to the corners of the screen. So basically i dont have access to the start menu until i restart.


White bar at bottom of screen

Anytime I open up my phone to text a white bar shows up at the bottom of the screen. It's been happening for like 2-3 weeks now, but can't figure out what it is. Basically anytime I slide up, the screen switches to landscape and it automatically has a white bar on the bottom. If I click the screen, everything is moved and the screen reacts like the bar isn't there(as in I have to click an inch below anything I want to actually hit)
Any ideas? Thanks guys!
Really? No one can help?
Can you post screenshots of your screen?
Is this a physical screen problem or a graphic problem?
How can I tell which is which?
The problem is pretty easy to explain, dunno how to do a screenshot... Basically it is my normal screen, just like always, except at the bottom there is a white bar, maybe 1/4 inch thick. What it does is move all my graphics up. So the start bar is not visible, and the send button(for txt messaging) would be right above the white part.
If I hit something I can see on the screen, it will act like I'm hitting where the graphic is supposed to be. For example, on the text messaging screen, if I hit the part that says "Inbox" (which is located at the very top of my screen because of the white bar), it will bring up the Start Menu as if I hit the start menu(which I did tap where the start button would be if the white bar wasn't there, but graphically the start bar is off the screen and I am tapping where the start button would be, but instead it is now the Inbox button that is there instead, but the behavior acts like there is no white bar there)

Problem with WM Start bar

Hi there,
I have a problem with the Start bar on the top. Whenever I load some applications 3rd party apps that should show up on full screen, the Start bar wouldnt go away. It's somehow fix to the screen and it loads the applications in full screen mode under the bar. This results in some apps (ie GPS navigation) not being able to press any buttons to load menu etc) the buttons are below the screen. Anyone had similar problems?
perhaps your app is vga so you must use :
to change your screen resolution to vga before using your gps app. Hope it helps.
Unfortunately it doesnt help, Itchanges the resolution, so its only showing it on part of the screen but the top bar (start) and bottom bar (keyboard sign) are still on top of the application unabling from selecting some options.

6.5 home menu question/idea??

Been having fun with 6.5 after getting it loaded up, the home screen is great. I kind of think the start menu has something to be desired, big icons that scroll up and down. Well got me thinking, is there a plug-in out there, for the home screen that when flicked right or left, would move the whole "main" home menu off screen and bring up a new menu(slides in from the approate direction?). Run up and down with in that new menu, then flick again (right or left) and get yet another new menu, all of these additional menu sets either preset or set up by the user. To get back to the home screen, maybe a soft Home key or just wait a few seconds and the software shifts back to Home?
Something to ponder, talk amongst your selves.
Thats a great idea, although not really suited for me and it would be extremely annoying to an extent. Because when you scroll with your thumb up/down you move slightly to the left or right.. that would trigger it and annoy most if not all people.
I'm sure a range of some kind could be set up that would recognize what's meant to be up-down Vs. left-right. Already see it with most of the fields on the home screen. I just saw it as a way to keep the start menu programs "in theme" while not extending the home screen to some crazy length.
i was thinking the same thing.. for the start menu i think it can be done since ifonz and iphone today are similar to this type of a menu. It would be pretty useful or another option would be to get rid of the bouncy option and instead when u scroll the other way, it should show the icons from the bottom of the list.
what do u think?

opera 9.7 border disappears

well when I use opera for a while it seems that the border just disappears (back favorites tabs home options) does anyone know why that is ? can it be running out of memory?
It just disappears so that you can see the whole screen and view it, if you want to get it back all you have to do is hit the little button at the bottom right.
It gets annoying at times, no idea if there is a way to keep the border and buttons up.
Just go to the settings menu, choose display and then uncheck "Automatic full screen"
right I knew that much but what I ment was the button disappears and I cant click anything. if I click physical back button it will go back a screen but the border still remains hiddenand three area where the refresh button is is black. any ideas?

Multi window toggle and by holding back button?

I just bought this phone, upgraded from my Note 4. Basically on the Note 4, there's a toggle and setting for multi windows, but I dont see it on the Edge+? Where can I find it?
Also, on the Note 4 I can hold the back button then a side panel will appear with the list of apps that can be used in multi windows. But holding back button on the edge+ doesnt do anything?
I've done some googling but didnt find anything useful, pls help.
Press and hold the recent apps button. Available apps will appear at the bottom of the screen. You can scroll left and right through the apps. Just select an app and it will fill the top half of your screen. Second app selected will fill the bottom half.
What you mentioned is split view. In Note4, if i have a full screen app running (e.g. games), then when i hold the back button, it will allow me to open another apps as a popup window so I can let the full screen app running while looking at the pop up app. But the split view doesnt support this as both apps need to be split view-able

