[Q] Anyone have AT&T rom flash? - Venue Pro General

My DVP decided to crap out yesterday for no reason. I read the "how to unbrick your phone" thread and was able to revive the phone using the TMO ffu file. It crapped out again so it looks like it's the SD card. I will be doing the flash again but does anyone have that file for AT&T instead of TMO? Thanks in advance.

It might be possible to use the TMO ffu, update to 7720, then use cabsender to send the ATT firmware bundle and turn it into the att version (as that's the only file that differentates the 3 versions)
It could also possibly brick you to the point that nothing can fix it, so I'm intentionally not posting the direct link to the files, but there are links to them if you search around for the VP on xda.

TheManii said:
It might be possible to use the TMO ffu, update to 7720, then use cabsender to send the ATT firmware bundle and turn it into the att version (as that's the only file that differentates the 3 versions)
It could also possibly brick you to the point that nothing can fix it, so I'm intentionally not posting the direct link to the files, but there are links to them if you search around for the VP on xda.
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I think I'll give it a try, can you point me to the right cabsender? If it bricks I really don't care, went out and bought a Lumia 900 and actually like it. Thanks for the help.

I'm only make a (hopefully) educated guess on the whole thing, I believe there's only 1 version of cabsender(?), but it's the actual cab that i'm talking about that i'm not linking to.
Since the potential issue of permenetly bricking isnt an issue(?), look on the VP page on the xda wiki, it's listed there.

TheManii said:
I'm only make a (hopefully) educated guess on the whole thing, I believe there's only 1 version of cabsender(?), but it's the actual cab that i'm talking about that i'm not linking to.
Since the potential issue of permenetly bricking isnt an issue(?), look on the VP page on the xda wiki, it's listed there.
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Found it, thanks again!

SPYDar007 said:
Found it, thanks again!
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Have you tried this and what happened?

mofotech said:
Have you tried this and what happened?
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I was able to flash the phone and get it running but it shows TMO as the carrier. It does work with the AT&T sim card, so no issues.


I found out that there is a T-Mobile Wing Rom

I ended up bricking a co-workers Wing yesterday and after some internal research, found out that there is a recovery rom that is developed by tmobile to reinstall the original oem rom. I am working with internal departments to allow the rom to be available legally right now. Prod development has the rom currently on t-mobile's intranet. Hopefully they will allow us to use it and essentially make it available to the general public.
No more bricked wings!!
xavier6303 said:
I ended up bricking a co-workers Wing yesterday and after some internal research, found out that there is a recovery rom that is developed by tmobile to reinstall the original oem rom. I am working with internal departments to allow the rom to be available legally right now. Prod development has the rom currently on t-mobile's intranet. Hopefully they will allow us to use it and essentially make it available to the general public.
No more bricked wings!!
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Well that sounds good, please keep us posted.
Incidently it isn't nice to tease the animals . . . .
Well, I am just looking at the legal concerns of uploading the rom without express permission. Maybe I could do so on my home pc.
I now have a copy of the tmo wing RUU but I am trying to get tmo to release it to the public before I send it anywhere.
xavier6303 said:
I now have a copy of the tmo wing RUU but I am trying to get tmo to release it to the public before I send it anywhere.
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AHH!! I've been waiting FOREVER!! Please upload it somewhere!
Is your phone bricked or are you looking to tinker? I might be able to get it to you somehow.
xavier6303 said:
Is your phone bricked or are you looking to tinker? I might be able to get it to you somehow.
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Just looking to try some different ROMs out, but I have no reliable way of backing out if something screws up. I've tried taking dumps but have been unsuccessful.
How'd you get t-mobile to release it to you in the first place? I'll gladly call up and get a copy for myself if I knew what to ask for without sounding like I want to void the warranty.
Xavier6303,... I would really like to get a copy of the t-mobile wing ruu. I bought a phone from an ex-t-mobile employee over ebay, and the bluetooth modem does not work correctly,... I eventually got though to t-mobile's level 3 support and they said my ROM version was old but could not give me the new one. Said I needed to replace the phone.
I have ROM version 4.10.531.3 WWE, dated 03/15/07,... he said the latest t-mobile has is 4.27....
What version do you have? Can I get it from you,... Pretty Please.
What!?!?!? They have a NEW rom and haven't released it? With all the problems this ROM has they are sitting on it?
dkb218 said:
What!?!?!? They have a NEW rom and haven't released it? With all the problems this ROM has they are sitting on it?
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To my knowledge this is the stock ROM that comes installed on the wing, not an upgrade.
Does anyone else have it or know how to obtain it from tmobile? What could we ask for that would make them give it to us without making it sound like we're going to do something that might void the warranty?
Edit: Sorry. Just realized that I had pretty much already asked this... long week... lol
Xavier just upped it here.
schwags said:
Just looking to try some different ROMs out, but I have no reliable way of backing out if something screws up. I've tried taking dumps but have been unsuccessful.
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So many smart ass responses to that, but I'll just leave it be
Seriously though, this just might be the beginning of a whole new era for the Wing!
freakingwilly said:
So many smart ass responses to that, but I'll just leave it be
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haha. Good call. Gotta love the potty humor.
T-Mobile (Official?) Rom At last!!!!
Posted from another thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=321717)
of official T-Mobile Rom (original)
so this is the real deal?

HTC Hero Telus - BASICS

Ok, got my HTC Hero Telus, but am kind of overwhelmed by the root and terms used.
Can somenoe just briefly fill me in, what does ROM actually mean and do?
I've been searcing the forums, and found a bunch of updates for RADIO on the Hero, what is this for? What are these updates for?
What's best way to start rooting, and how to learn all these ROMs, Radio, and other terms?
Welcome to XDA!
A ROM is the operating system on the phone. It's called ROM because it gets installed to the phone's "Read Only Memory." There are custom ROMs to replace the stock one, you'll find those in the Hero Android Development forum. This forum also has plenty of posts about how to root/flash your phone.
The radio is the firmware that goes into the phone's radio device. Generally it's best to have the latest radio version installed, currently it's the JU version found in the Official Radio ROMs link in the Hero Android Development forum.
As far as the Telus Hero itself is concerned, there are a couple threads about it in the "Hero General" and "Hero Q&A" forums. Any common problem should be tackled in one of those threads. I think I was the first one to root a Telus Hero (unless someone kept quiet about it) so I've been through just about every Telus-specific issue that has arisen. If you go through those threads and still have questions, I'll be happy to help... but please look through the forums first.
EDIT: Start on page 2 of this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=576826
Thanks for the response Craig, you definitely cleared it up for me.
I'm using the TELUS hero on AT&T, so is there anything different regards the root and radio update process because I'm on AT&T?
gadgeter_1977 said:
Thanks for the response Craig, you definitely cleared it up for me.
I'm using the TELUS hero on AT&T, so is there anything different regards the root and radio update process because I'm on AT&T?
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That shouldn't make a difference to the radio/root flashing process... However, I have no idea what it'll take to put an AT&T SIM card in a Telus Hero. I know it can be done, I just don't know the steps since I'm using mine on Telus.
Also, a lot of the issues that show up in that thread I linked you to are Telus-specific, so that might not help you as much as I originally hoped.
Good luck!
craig0r said:
However, I have no idea what it'll take to put an AT&T SIM card in a Telus Hero. I know it can be done, I just don't know the steps since I'm using mine on Telus.
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Using the phone on AT&T is really simple. Nothing like the complicated steps you have to do to goldcard/downgrade/root the phone. I'm using a white Telus Hero on AT&T, and didn't have any problems.
One question, though. How'd you buy it? If you bought it "unlocked" from a website like ImportGSM, then all you have to do is open the back of your old phone, take out the SIM card, and put it in the Hero. If you bought it on eBay, had somebody in Canada ship it to you, or bought it yourself from a Telus store/Best Buy/etc., then you need to unlock it first. You can get the unlock code from a number of websites, thought you'll have to pay for it. Then put your SIM card in as above and the phone will prompt you for it. After you put in the code, you're good to go!
If you want to use the internet or MMS, then there's actually one more step. You have to put in the APN settings, which tell the phone how to access the network. They can be found in the forum somewhere or by Googling for "AT&T APN".
Ya I'm using it on AT&T works fine, but I'm trying to root it but not having any luck!
gadgeter_1977 said:
Ya I'm using it on AT&T works fine, but I'm trying to root it but not having any luck!
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Oh, ok! Sorry, I can't help you there. I'm waiting till I've got some sort of backup of the firmware that came on the phone (Or some other official upgrade meant for the North American model) before going through the process to root the phone & load a custom ROM. Just a personal preference


We have a lack of Developers involved with the Atrix hailing from Canada, France, Australia, United Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil. Or so it would seem....
If you are out there, show your faces! I am willing to help as best I can, I am not without knowledge.
Maybe we can make some kind of amalgam with the French 2.1.1 & the "Pudding" SBF? Are the keys different in the AT&T firmware? Preventing us from using portions of it? We have to get moving on this.
*Update 1*
As I stated earlier, the keys might be different from the AT&T version & CAN/FR/AUS/UK versions. Unfortunately they are. The files released today are useless to us, other than the method to compile an SBF of our own when the time comes. We need someone to leak these files:
From a Gingerbread build for International Atrix's or we wait for the OTA Update. Basically it's a waiting game for a leak or the first OTA Update that is compatible with our devices. I am not even sure if we can grab Code Groups from an already flashed Atrix though.
*Update 2*
Couldn't we use some of that Bootloader Bounty to maybe "Persuade" someone into coughing up a couple Code Groups? Anyone know someone at Bell, Telstra, T-Mobile or Orange UK?
I have an IDEA.
i tried to depack the unlocking SBF and it works. now i can see all the files:
If i replace the firmware.hmg file for thefirmware.smgon the french or Telstra sbf, it should work but i have a big problem, i cannot repack the file . i have an error message (Error opening files from folder. Some ramdownloaders have nothing to flash, remove them.) (
nexxusty said:
We need to get rolling on this. The problem is, there is not many Canadian Dev's in the Atrix forum.
If there is, show your faces! I am willing to help as best I can, I am not without knowledge.
Maybe we can make some kind of amalgam with the French 2.1.1 & the "Pudding" SBF? Are the keys different in the AT&T firmware? Preventing us from using portions of it? We have to get moving on this.
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yungboss22 said:
I have an IDEA.
i tried to depack the unlocking SBF and it works. now i can see all the files:
If i replace the firmware.hmg file for thefirmware.smgon the french or Telstra sbf, it should work but i have a big problem, i cannot repack the file . i have an error message (Error opening files from folder. Some ramdownloaders have nothing to flash, remove them.) (
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I was about to do just this. So I am guessing we have to figure out if these .img files are signed with the right keys. It seems they are compatible with AT&T devices, but not ours.
I am unsure as to how they did this. I am sure they all chat in IRC somewhere, we need to get in there and ask a few questions.
Ended up here. Seems there is a way to recalculate the checksums of the sbf.
Got one step further, went to compile but errored out half way through.
*edit 2*
Not gonna work. The program errors out even when you unpack and repack the stock 2.1.1 SBF.
Try to unpack and repack the SBF, we never know
nexxusty said:
I was about to do just this. So I am guessing we have to figure out if these .img files are signed with the right keys. It seems they are compatible with AT&T devices, but not ours.
I am unsure as to how they did this. I am sure they all chat in IRC somewhere, we need to get in there and ask a few questions.
Ended up here. Seems there is a way to recalculate the checksums of the sbf.
Got one step further, went to compile but errored out half way through.
*edit 2*
Not gonna work. The program errors out even when you unpack and repack the stock 2.1.1 SBF.
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I really don't think this is going to work for you guys but if you have any questions come in to #moto-atrix on freenode and I'll answer the best I can.
nexxusty said:
I was about to do just this. So I am guessing we have to figure out if these .img files are signed with the right keys. It seems they are compatible with AT&T devices, but not ours.
I am unsure as to how they did this. I am sure they all chat in IRC somewhere, we need to get in there and ask a few questions.
Ended up here. Seems there is a way to recalculate the checksums of the sbf.
Got one step further, went to compile but errored out half way through.
*edit 2*
Not gonna work. The program errors out even when you unpack and repack the stock 2.1.1 SBF.
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the only way is to flash the leaked GINGERBREAD chineese SBF Do u have the link of this firmware ?
the2dcour said:
I really don't think this is going to work for you guys but if you have any questions come in to #moto-atrix on freenode and I'll answer the best I can.
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I will be on IRC in a bit. Just in town grabbing a few things.
Chinese. SBF hmmm....
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
i haven't seen the full .sbf, all i've seen of this firmware and the way to apply it is in post 2 of this thread
We have waited so long for an unlocked BL and now when we get one, everyone that isn't on AT&T are SOL. I have 100% had it with the Bell side of things.
Looks like we are waiting for an OTA update.....
I guess we'll just have to wait until the 2.3.3 OTA update is released. I know there's skepticism regarding international users obtaining this update, but Motorola went on record stating that it will be released simultaneously for US and UK users. Since SBFs from Orange UK work on all international builds, it would seem likely that all international users will get Gingerbread from them.
EDIT: How were ATT users able to unlock their bootloaders anyway? And why is it so different for us?
I know you guys on Bell are extremely anxious to get your BL unlocked as well, however, I dont think it was necessary to create a new thread in the DEV section for it... It hasnt even been 24 hrs yet. Its also been said hundreds and hundreds of times that requests do not belong in the DEV section.
jgc121 said:
I know you guys on Bell are extremely anxious to get your BL unlocked as well, however, I dont think it was necessary to create a new thread in the DEV section for it... It hasnt even been 24 hrs yet. Its also been said hundreds and hundreds of times that requests do not belong in the DEV section.
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Although i do appreciate where your coming from, i do think it is necessary for a Bell/international thread for unlocking BL/2.3 for Bell Atrix seeing as our framework is different from the ATT.
Perhaps this request could be moved to the correct area but i do think there should be a Bell/International related thread in the Dev forum.
J-Roc said:
Although i do appreciate where your coming from, i do think it is necessary for a Bell/international thread for unlocking BL/2.3 for Bell Atrix seeing as our framework is different from the ATT.
Perhaps this request could be moved to the correct area but i do think there should be a Bell/International related thread in the Dev forum.
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Umm see, once we unlock ALL of our Bootloaders... there wont be a "Bell" or "AT&T" version. We will all be running the same stuff. AFAIK.
That's really why I want this the most, I am sick as hell of AT&T only stuff, which is 90% of the mods available, and 100% of the Unlockable Bootloaders available.
nexxusty said:
Umm see, once we unlock ALL of our Bootloaders... there wont be a "Bell" or "AT&T" version. We will all be running the same stuff. AFAIK.
That's really why I want this the most, I am sick as hell of AT&T only stuff, which is 90% of the mods available, and 100% of the Unlockable Bootloaders available.
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There will still be bell and att versions - the firmwares are still different. I dont think we'll be running "the same stuff" until some of the devs polish up some custom kernels painted with custom roms that can support both models of the Atrix.
jgc121 said:
There will still be bell and att versions - the firmwares are still different. I dont think we'll be running "the same stuff" until some of the devs polish up some custom kernels painted with custom roms that can support both models of the Atrix.
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I can 100% guarantee there is 1 model of the Atrix hardware. Maybe a couple revisions, but the same hardware nonetheless. This being said, only the software differs. Now that we do not have to use signed files, we can essentially all use the same kernels and data partitions.
If we had an unlock for our phones and flashed the 2.3.4 HKTW build, I highly doubt there would be much difference between our phones and yours when flashed with that same build.
nexxusty said:
I can 100% guarantee there is 1 model of the Atrix hardware. Maybe a couple revisions, but the same hardware nonetheless. This being said, only the software differs. Now that we do not have to use signed files, we can essentially all use the same kernels and data partitions.
If we had an unlock for our phones and flashed the 2.3.4 HKTW build, I highly doubt there would be much difference between our phones and yours when flashed with that same build.
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I just hope the UK build for ginger comes out the same day the US one does.
Magnetox said:
I just hope the UK build for ginger comes out the same day the US one does.
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Here's hoping!
Magnetox said:
I just hope the UK build for ginger comes out the same day the US one does.
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Anyone tried putting cg42 in a french. Orange. T-Mobile sbf? Ill try later if not
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
stevendeb25 said:
Anyone tried putting cg42 in a french. Orange. T-Mobile sbf? Ill try later if not
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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Read my first post. Signing Keys differ.
double. 10 char.

Here is the stock SBF for the xprt.

Okay, here is the stock SBF file for all those that have been waiting and digging around for it.
Please be careful using this and I am in no way responsible if you break or cripple your phone.
here it comes!
tcaudill01 said:
**** Since not one of the people who downloaded the file even had the decency to say "Thank you", I'm pulling the file. I have no tolerance or willingness to help ingrates. ****
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A pity, but I understand. Thanks for posting it when you did though.
(I never had the chance to download it, but I'll thank you anyway.)
tcaudill01 said:
**** Since not one of the people who downloaded the file even had the decency to say "Thank you", I'm pulling the file. I have no tolerance or willingness to help ingrates. ****
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I've downloaded it...
Now I give you my "thank you". But.... Can You understand my "But"?
tcaudill01 said:
Okay, here is the stock SBF file for all those that have been waiting and digging around for it.
Please be careful using this and I am in no way responsible if you break or cripple your phone.
**** Since not one of the people who downloaded the file even had the decency to say "Thank you", I'm pulling the file. I have no tolerance or willingness to help ingrates. ****
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aww :-(. 30 minutes of google and i find this thread two days too late? My phone is bricked and useless :-(. Please reconsider?
dcostalis said:
aww :-(. 30 minutes of google and i find this thread two days too late? My phone is bricked and useless :-(. Please reconsider?
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I have to agree. My old man needs this desperately. If you won't post it, at least send the link to some via PM.
Again, thank you for uncovering this.
thanks to original uploader, I personally don't understand calling people names and pulling the file after 2 days...
For those still looking...
Thanks for the sbf!
This is great news, thanks a ton to whom managed to share this with the community.
working or not working
do u try it? information is not clearly.
works, but not recommend
cutdaubac said:
do u try it? information is not clearly.
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it works, but not recommend.
motorola has released the update.zip for 4.1.15, and after the update, the final sha1sum of every file doesn't equal to the sha1sum in the sbf.
take care of it...
Being that the SBF is version 4.1.110, I would assume that file checksum would not match those in version 4.1.15. Also, 4.1.110 is Sprint based while 4.1.15 is direct from Motorola and I'm unsure what changes (if any) sprint may have applied.
All I know is that I have used this several times without issue and over 400 downloads have been made and no one else has seen the issue you have so I am not sure what is going on.
Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention and if anyone else is seeing this please share your experience.
i mean, after update to 4.1.110 from 4.1.15, the sha1sum of the system dont equal to the sha1sum of the files in the sbf. however, i didn't check it, and i flashed the sbf.
now, i dont think there are any chance for this sbf to upgrade to the coming gingerbread. as the version are 4.1.100, but the sha1sum are totally different.
tcaudill01 said:
Being that the SBF is version 4.1.110, I would assume that file checksum would not match those in version 4.1.15. Also, 4.1.110 is Sprint based while 4.1.15 is direct from Motorola and I'm unsure what changes (if any) sprint may have applied.
All I know is that I have used this several times without issue and over 400 downloads have been made and no one else has seen the issue you have so I am not sure what is going on.
Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention and if anyone else is seeing this please share your experience.
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for example,
the sha1sum of /system/app/AccountAndSyncSettings.apk:
4.1.15: d8c4844aaea053262817f7e3e48a2c70cab9c1b9
4.1.110: b8be65cc4224f5fd1bcb27404a94c463f57f8041
4.1.110sbf: b4957ae44524df9c8bd61d1f6842d47175092055
so i dont think there is anyone can upgrade from 4.1.110sbf to the coming gingerbread.
of course, the apk content is same.
tcaudill01 said:
Being that the SBF is version 4.1.110, I would assume that file checksum would not match those in version 4.1.15. Also, 4.1.110 is Sprint based while 4.1.15 is direct from Motorola and I'm unsure what changes (if any) sprint may have applied.
All I know is that I have used this several times without issue and over 400 downloads have been made and no one else has seen the issue you have so I am not sure what is going on.
Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention and if anyone else is seeing this please share your experience.
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i think, i consider too much...
i wish the coming gingerbread use a total update, not patch..
if there are patch, then it will check the sha1sum of the origin system.
and if it just replace the whole system, then everything should be ok.
tcaudill01 said:
Being that the SBF is version 4.1.110, I would assume that file checksum would not match those in version 4.1.15. Also, 4.1.110 is Sprint based while 4.1.15 is direct from Motorola and I'm unsure what changes (if any) sprint may have applied.
All I know is that I have used this several times without issue and over 400 downloads have been made and no one else has seen the issue you have so I am not sure what is going on.
Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention and if anyone else is seeing this please share your experience.
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thank so much for the file...!! im sure this would have saved quite a lot of people!
The Cell Phone Biz is corrupt to the core thats why we have to,,, customize..
All I know is that I have used this several times without issue and over 400 downloads have been made and no one else has seen the issue you have so I am not sure what is going on.
Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention and if anyone else is seeing this please share your experience.[/QUOTE]
I like the phones you mention...
Galaxy Prevail, Marquis XRPT... I know I am well on my way to becoming a fanatic about this...
And I am just saving up to buy the Galaxy Note from Korea for like $250 (unlocked)...
But can you clue me in on how to save this "original file onto my mac"..
I already downloaded this MDM installer for my mac...
I am dreading all this and have no clue if I can take the ..
Original Sprint Motorolla ,,, that someone in China put a cardboard boost mobile sleeve around and now... Not really knowing who's OS is on this phone... and now try to unlock it (from ..?? sprint or boost) to.... Virgin Mobile (and a special low end Virgin Mobile called Assurance Wireless which everyone says is JUST FOR PAYLO (read lousy phones without features).... so teach me how to ave whatever OS is there in case this does not work at least I can activate it for Boost... and i will share my files... if you need em..
A still somewhat sane Newbie who has been tormented too many times but the "in humane" and uncaring cell phone business!
I want to restore my Sprint XPRT to stock Froyo using this SBF and then update to Gingerbread.
liudongmiao mentioned some checksums not matching up for files between this SBF and stock files originally on the phone. Now that GB has been out for a while, anybody run into any problems updating as a result of that or have your updates went smoothly?
My phone isn't bricked, but rongsang made the excellent suggestion in the main XPRT thread on here that I should use the SBF and then apply the Gingerbread update as the easiest way to get to GB. My XPRT currently is running Froyo, rooted, and works okay (other than missing a few Sprint bloatware apks that the GB update seems to want there).
Update: After finding positive reports on another forum I went ahead and applied the SBF followed by the OTA Gingerbread update and all appears to have succeeded.
will this work with thr boost version of XPRT ?
I clicked the download link, and the file was accessible and downloadable. I don't know if this means that the OP was having second thoughts, but thank you very much to the OP for the file!

Pretty Please Help. Bricked S5 and Lost

So, I'm at a total and complete loss as to what to do. I have spent hours upon hours googling, and searching xda and trying step after step after guide after guide and I canNOT fix my S5! I've tried recovery, I've tried Odin and there has got to be something I'm missing. When I plug up the phone into my laptop, it sort of recognizes it, in the sense that it makes the notification noise of it being recognized, as with any external device. Odin picks it up as well. The issue is when trying to boot up the phone, it's stuck on the Samsung Galaxy S5 custom, android etc screen. it will not go past this. i'm almost in tears right now, and just want to get the phone working again. Is there anyone out there that can help???
Tiny update.
So I tried another method, and still having issues. Only difference is, I get past the powered by android screen, but then when getting to the Samsung with the color and oval it freezes and shuts down. One step forward, 2 steps back.
which G900 model do you have? like is it a G900F? Mine is a G900P
youdoofus said:
which G900 model do you have? like is it a G900F? Mine is a G900P
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it is the 900a (at&t). after spending hours upon hours. i finally managed to do something and get it back to working again. the band and the firm ware match, and i managed to get rid of the unauthorized actions detected message.
good to hear!! (or see, rather LoL) usually a flash in Odin with the correct tarball fixes most issues with S5's
youdoofus said:
good to hear!! (or see, rather LoL) usually a flash in Odin with the correct tarball fixes most issues with S5's
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I'm just sad that I don't know which one or who it was that posted it so I could give my thanks, but I just tried so so so many I don't even know lol.
ahervey85 said:
I'm just sad that I don't know which one or who it was that posted it so I could give my thanks, but I just tried so so so many I don't even know lol.
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what do you mean? the posts should still be wherever you found it. And giving thanks to the folks who helped out is one of the things that makes this forum so great. this place is so selfless in the time, energy and knowledge shared by its users!
youdoofus said:
what do you mean? the posts should still be wherever you found it. And giving thanks to the folks who helped out is one of the things that makes this forum so great. this place is so selfless in the time, energy and knowledge shared by its users!
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well, let's just say i have a folder of 26 links, majority from here on trying to find a solution on how to root and consequently unbrick my phone when I messed it up. that's probably not even all of them. I only posted on one asking a question, but it was about upgrading the firmware (still waiting on a reply on that, lol). so I have no clue which post it was that was finally successful in restoring my phone.
ahervey85 said:
well, let's just say i have a folder of 26 links, majority from here on trying to find a solution on how to root and consequently unbrick my phone when I messed it up. that's probably not even all of them. I only posted on one asking a question, but it was about upgrading the firmware (still waiting on a reply on that, lol). so I have no clue which post it was that was finally successful in restoring my phone.
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ahhhh, the clusterf--k of saved links, gotcha. whats your question about upgrading firmware?
youdoofus said:
ahhhh, the clusterf--k of saved links, gotcha. whats your question about upgrading firmware?
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This is my phone. Just wondering if I can upgrade it following this https://forum.xda-developers.com/att-galaxy-s5/general/galaxy-s5-android-version-6-0-1-t3419016
Or not.
ahervey85 said:
This is my phone. Just wondering if I can upgrade it following this https://forum.xda-developers.com/att-galaxy-s5/general/galaxy-s5-android-version-6-0-1-t3419016
Or not.
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oh holy [email protected]!!! according to samsung, no :/
thats the only firmware release on their database... thats so weird tho, i have the G900P and it has a dozen or so firmware releases

