CyanogenMod 7.2 RC2 - Droid Eris Android Development

FYI, the newest RC was built by CM last week. Didn't see a thread, so I figured I would make one. Here's the link:
I don't own an Eris, but it was my first Android phone so I try to follow. I'm curious to know if this will work with the .35 beta kernel. Also, I know Shed had made some adjustment to CM (a la GSB) for a better experience. What works? What's glitched? Can some of CondemnedSoul and Shed's fixes be applied?


[Q] Nightlies, build numbers and dates?

I've been scratching my head figuring out which combination of versions of CM7 and Dalingrin OC kernel to use and I've been getting confused because different people use different words to describe versions: build number, nightly number, date.
Can someone please confirm whether I've worked it out right:-
build number (example: 2.6.32) means the Barnes and Noble stock kernel version on which CM7 or Dalingrin is based
Nightly number (example Nightly 113) means the version of CM7
Date (example 042411) means the version of the Dalingrin OC kernel
Given noob tutorials often mention both CM7 and the OC kernel it would be really nice if the way versions are numbered was clear...
I'll try, though I'm a noob myself...
linux kernel version: either 2.6.29.x or 2.6.32.x
CM7 hasn't been on 2.6.29 since nightly 86 (or so). So any CM7 > nightly 90 is 2.6.32. This includes the most recent
nightly number
This is simply the nth build of CM7 on a (mostly) nightly basis. The full list can be seen at:
date of Dal OC file
This is simply the date he releases a new build. As far as I know, these aren't explicitly tied to any particular CM7 nightly build, so long as the kernel aspects are compatible. This means, use a recent CM nightly (100+) and a recent OC kernel and you should be fine.
Just an observation for others that may be reading...
Dalingrin seems to releases builds in groups of 4:
These are for users of the stock BN 1.2 ROM that have been MN'ed. -sd for folks that are running the stock from sdcard, emmc for those running from internal.
These are for users CM7. -sd for folks that are running from sdcard, emmc for those running from internal.
I hope this helps.

[Q] Is the latest CM9 Eppy's ?

Hi guys i'm very confused about Cm 9 nightly builds.
Is Eppy's 13/05 Buils is the stable vesion?
As far as I know there is no stable versions for the defy!
CM make stable versions but not for the defy well not the defy+ anyway and epsylon mods the CM version to work on defy with other mods as well. Like tweaks and he may add things and remove things.
So no its not stable. I dont think there is a stable CM9 build, the latest Stable CM build is CM7.1 AFAIK and it may be used by epsylon or quartx or other moders but I dont call that stable.
here is CM lastest stable version for the defy (not sure if it works on defy+ as its just a jordan version and there are no jordan+ versions)
Edit: so you know a stable version is considered one that would run like a stock version and one you can trust to put on other peoples device that would not know how to mod it. All the rest come with risks and they could work perfectly fine for you and not so well for others. From what I have found defy can be a real pain to work with and there is no real time support (by real time I mean we have to have modders like epsylon and quartx to mod the ROM's that are made but say CM to work on our devices) and the defy having so many makes and variations then there is alot of conflict and what works on one device may not work on the same one for another person.
Its a real pain and the bootlocked on the moto phones are a real downfall. I found out today that telstra got the defy as it meet there spec for rural service and MOTO changed them specs before shipping it out then telstra got them to change it back to the original. So the same device has so many different changes its not funny. As well as the cameras and batteries and all that so who knows what else has been changed!
Nightly's are not stable..
just try a nightly..if everything wat u need works fine then stick to give it a try for atleast 1 week..
If you meant the latest version then it's Quarx' Version from May 11. Currently I am running this one on my Defy+ and for me it runs pretty reliable, but it's still not called "stable". More like "alpha" or "beta".

what's the different between Quarx and Eps3?

hello friends,
I'm the new guy here,but I used the defy+ nearly half a year.And I always use the Qrarx's ROM from the CM7 to CM10.
In here, I read lots of threads about the defy's ROM, and found that there are two Kings ,Quarx and Eps3.
they gived us lots of wonderful defy(+) ROM,such as ICS and JB which the MOTO didn;t update the OS.
NOW I don't known the diffience between the Quarx's and Eps3's rom.
sombody can explain it for me?
Thanks a lot!~
basically its the same rom, only difference is that epsylon mostly builds for froyo kernel (defy, mb525), and quarx for gingerbread kernel (defy+, mb526). of course being two separate developers, they probably have different bugs. but the functionality and feel is the same, as they both port the official cyanogenmod rom.
sent from my jellybean defy...
zakoo2 said:
basically its the same rom, only difference is that epsylon mostly builds for froyo kernel (defy, mb525), and quarx for gingerbread kernel (defy+, mb526). of course being two separate developers, they probably have different bugs. but the functionality and feel is the same, as they both port the official cyanogenmod rom.
sent from my jellybean defy...
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Thanks a lot !
My phone is Defy+, seems I choose the right guy, Quarx!
And I will always focus the Quarx's ROM.
For CMX, Quarx and Epsilon are planning to use a common repository, so I guess they won't have different builds in the near future.

[Q] Most stabe custom rom recommendation?

Hi guys, I've just recently purchased a U8800 (NOT pro, just the normal one).
I did some research already and the more I read, the more confused I am. It seems that many roms, especially the MIUI ones all have similar problems related to performance, wifi issues etc.
And speaking of MIUI roms, I'm not sure which one is the better one (in terms of speed and stability). Here're the ones I'm referring to:
[ROM] MIUI V4 based Elite ROM SX - (Stable) - 2012-07-14
[ROM][MIUI-V4][2.8.3][3.0.8]CrazyMiui|08/05|{SMOOTH,FAST AND STABLE}
MIUI PORTUGAL V4 - (Base GenoKolar)
It seems that some of them are based on GenoKolar's MIUI rom, and that some are based on other people's roms.
The same applies to other non-MIUI roms, such as this one:
[ROM] Elora 1.10.13 - 2012-10-13
which is a hybrid of DZO's Alora rom and some extra added stuff from other roms.
Anyway, I'm really confused by which one to try. I don't want to risk bricking my device or going through the trouble of testing each one and experiencing the problems or bugs, and then try the next one and so on. I was wondering if someone could kindly provide some suggestions as to which rom is the most stable and is decent in terms of speed/performance.
Also, by stable I mean that it has the least bugs OR that it has the minimum amount of critical bugs that could affect the phone's daily use.
Thanks in advance.
Personally i think that for daily use ezet's CyanogenMod 7.2 with .32 kernel is the best considering performance,battery etc. but it is kind of outdated since dzo has made a pretty stable ICS rom(Aurora) which is a lot newer and smoother but with a few bugs remaining. Not to mention that dzo is from the same city as you haha!
n0_xQuZe said:
Personally i think that for daily use ezet's CyanogenMod 7.2 with .32 kernel is the best considering performance,battery etc. but it is kind of outdated since dzo has made a pretty stable ICS rom(Aurora) which is a lot newer and smoother but with a few bugs remaining. Not to mention that dzo is from the same city with you haha!
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Thanks for your reply!
Ya I also think that CM 7.2 is quite outdated, even my Motorola Milestone (which has locked bootloader and no custom kernel support until recently) is on an even newer CM RC release, I think it's on RC3 or RC4 now.
And ya I also agree that Dzo's Aurora rom is probably the most updated one around here but I did read a few comments in the last few pages about certain bugs so I dunno if I should flash it or not.....
I prefer Aurora 4.1u1 for daily use. There's still some bugs, but with some time and understanding of how to find the reason of your problem you'll get the most recent and stable ROM for U8800 now. Also Dzo's back and he is working on the update now so it wouldn't take long to fix all the bugs remaining.
Actually i'm with Elora. It's pretty cool and stable.
Best regards
MIUI PT, based on Geno's version is the way to go., in my oppinion.
Very stable, nice and weekly updated
But, honestly speaking, althought every rom as its ups and downs, nothing like you try them all and see which one adapts better to your needs. :good:

Cyanogenmod 10.2 Kernel, which version?

Hi all,
I'm testing the CM10.2 nighties on my Razr M from two weeks. Everything seems stable but I want to try it with the SmartassV2 governor that the CM kernel is missing. I started searching for alternative kernels (like Aaaagh's one) and I noticed that the actual CM10.2 kernel is v.3.0.96: wasn't Android 4.3 supposed to have the 3.4.62 version instead? If so, why Cyanogemod is stuck with th old 3.0.96 version? I've searched for answers but I've find none...
Is it possible that every CM10.2 build has the old kernel, or is this happening only with the Razr M build?
Maybe I'm just missing somenthing...
j27h said:
Hi all,
I'm testing the CM10.2 nighties on my Razr M from two weeks. Everything seems stable but I want to try it with the SmartassV2 governor that the CM kernel is missing. I started searching for alternative kernels (like Aaaagh's one) and I noticed that the actual CM10.2 kernel is v.3.0.96: wasn't Android 4.3 supposed to have the 3.4.62 version instead? If so, why Cyanogemod is stuck with th old 3.0.96 version? I've searched for answers but I've find none...
Is it possible that every CM10.2 build has the old kernel, or is this happening only with the Razr M build?
Maybe I'm just missing somenthing...
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3.4 kernel for MSM8960 isn't quite available yet.
Hopefully Moto will update to 3.4 if we ever receive official 4.2 (or 4.3)
You can contribute and follow the progress (dev wise) at and
Ok, everything isclear now! Thanks for the quick response!
Basically we've two options:
1) use the 3.0 kernel with backported 3.4 funcions (the one integrated in the CM builds)
2) use a 3.4 kernel (like Aaaargh's or others) non totally adapted to our device
And all this because we're still stuck with Android 4.1.2 thanks to Motorola/Google/Verizon...
At this point, I think te safest thing is to keep using the 3.0 kernel... Apart for the new governors/schedulers, why soul I prefer a 3.4 kernel (maybe this is a silly question too...)? Are they usable/stable even if they're not exactly matching our device?
