Center taskbar icons in Win8? - Windows 8 General

The trick for centering taskbar icons in Win7 (using a toolbar and not showing the text) doesn't seem to work since they've removed the show text check box. Anyone know of how this can be done?


Taskbar Volume Icon - What Drives Which One is Displayed?

I am using a taskbar icon set that works well with one exception. On my Verizon TP, the taskbar displays the 'Silent' Icon when the phone is set to normal, and displays the 'Normal' icon when the phone is set to silent. What tells Windows which icon to display. Others have found the same issue, so it could be a VZ thing.
I'm pretty sure the icons are in HTCVolume.dll, but I haven't yet confirmed this.
I couldn't find any relevant references in the registry, so this might be coded in the dll???
Can this perhaps be fixed by rearranging the order of the icons in the .dll? If so, can anyone recommend a good app?

Title bar text - how to remove it

You know the title bar, with the windows icon etc... at the top of the screen. Is there any way of getting rid of the text "Start" ?
Likewise for any program I run, I don't need to know what the program is, cos I ran it - so if I could remove the text in the title bar it would be a bonus.

[WM6.5] Calendar notifier icon in taskbar

I installed a new ROM yesterday (the new sense 2.5 rom on htc site) and I noticed when I make an appointment and I set it to remind me X minutes before the actual event, the icon in the taskbar (a white bell) was new and default.
I use a custom taskbar and I did find the icon in notify.dll, there are 3 icons in that file - 16x16, 21x21 and 32x32. When I am about to replace the 32x32 and press OK (with ResHack) the two other icons dissapear. So I signed the file and put it back to the phone but the notifier is not working at all now, no notification popup (HTC thingy) or an icon in the taskbar.
What should I do? Help me out guys
the file you want to change is notify.dll.XXXX.mui, change the other one back and mod this one...let me know if that works. It should...

[SOLVED] 6.5.3 bottom buttons

I am looking of a set of bottom bar icons for os 29022. Idealy I would like a standard black bar at the bottom and a set of plain white icons.
I have searched arround and can see different sets of icons available for 6.5.3 but I am looking for plain black and white to supply in my kitchen builds.
Can anybody help me out?
just make the softkeybar buttons transparent and background black (png's)..
what's the problem??
I have bee trying that but the buttons arnt mapping correctly. The lock icon and the "windows" icon button both show up as the windows Icon. I am not sure how to fix that. Also the back button comes up as Windows as well.
Very odd, didn't happen in os 23569.
and all over again you're using gwes from com5?
Ur quite right. I am not going to use gwes any more!!! Thanks sorted the issue. Buttons displaying properly

transparent upper beam and windows 7 style

Hi, i tried to make my desktop: delete this bar at the top of screen, i make it transparent by this program "bwizard":
but that doesn't look very beautiful... ; )i also tried to install mini os taskbar but it doen's work also... how to make this bar really transparent? or delete this stock black background?
2.i tried to make date/time to some from windows 7. like this:
and my question is how to make this letters bigger? or maybe it is a some app or mod to do this?
waiting for the answers
your pic is broken. i think your operational system is still wm5.6, so i suggest cookie home tab. maybe it can help.

