[Q] HTC Official OTA Update ICS sense for evo 4g possible? - EVO 4G General

i know chances are very slim to none, but do you guys think that HTC may push a sense 4.0A OTA Update for the evo? sense 4.0A on the one v matches our specs like 1 ghz proccesor and 512 ram. Voice your opinion in this thread!

Evo has been discontinued so the chances are slim to none but closer to none that it will happen
XDA Forum Moderator/Recognised Contributer

No, we will not see it as the device has been deemed EOL, so it is no longer supported.
Though a leak from the One V might be helpful in porting Sense 4.0 as you can see they have very similar specs: Qualcomm Specs

imheroldman said:
No, we will not see it as the device has been deemed EOL, so it is no longer supported.
Though a leak from the One V might be helpful in porting Sense 4.0 as you can see they have very similar specs: Qualcomm Specs
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one V(aka htc primo) RUU was leaked a while ago

evo4gnoob said:
one V(aka htc primo) RUU was leaked a while ago
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true, i already deodexed, zipaligned and what not. i just need to resize some widgets decompile most apps etc. and of course, get a booting kernel lol
i got my ruu a month or so ago so it has been out for a while



Android Central: HTC Says 2.3 for DInc This Summer

Android Central has this from a customer that contacted HTC.
The bigger question for me: which version of Sense will it get? (2.0? 2.1? 3.0? something entirely different?)
[Could someone post the link for me, still can't put outside links in]
First off, here's that link you wanted...
Second, if it gets Sense 3.0 I will **** myself. Likely 2.0, but still...
I really like that lockscreen in 3.0.
Also I guess its worth speculating over which gingerbread it will get. The rumors about the Droid X update had 2.3.3, but supposedly 2.4 is in the works.
As i said with Froyo, I'll believe this when I see it.
billandsebastian said:
Android Central has this from a customer that contacted HTC.
The bigger question for me: which version of Sense will it get? (2.0? 2.1? 3.0? something entirely different?)
[Could someone post the link for me, still can't put outside links in]
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I think its "impossible" for us to get sense 3.0 because well its built to run on dual core phones as you see only two phones have been "announced" and not "released" that will run sense 3.0 and both have dual core 1.2 ghz processors and i dont think htc would give us sense 2.0 since sense 2.1 is so similar so if we get sense 2.1 or 2.0 it will be 2.1 because of it's similarities and thats only a slim chance that we will get sense 2.1 because we might stick with out original sense which will be very sad but as the other guy said if the incredible gets sense 3.0 i will also **** myself hehe.
PGleo86 said:
Second, if it gets Sense 3.0 I will **** myself. Likely 2.0, but still...
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Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
Unfortunately, it's official - HTC will not be supporting Sense 3.0 on non-dual core devices. So it's Sense 2.x or bust for us.
I would imagine HTC would port Sense 2.0 to the Incredible, rather than working with Sense 1.0. That being said, I've been wrong before.
giantcrazy said:
Unfortunately, it's official - HTC will not be supporting Sense 3.0 on non-dual core devices. So it's Sense 2.x or bust for us.
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And the clarification:
"Clarification: aspects of the latest HTC Sense won’t work on some previous devices. We are working to incorporate other aspects that will"
Perhaps Sense 2.1.1? Or 2.2?
Odds are we will be on sense 2.0. Engadget just posted an article saying that only the newwer phones will get 3.0 so that's a non-issue. HTC did say we will get gingerbread by end of 2nd qt 2011 so we should be good on that.
The big question is... will be it worth unrooting and loading back on all that bloatware for the 2.3 update?
I'm sure a couple of the devs around here will help all of us not make that decision.
We wont be getting Sense 3 thats for sure, but once again I don't really care what we get since I'm rooted and will always have the best stuff available before stock users
Compared to the Evo Gingerbread leak yesterday, the Inc might get stuck with Sense 1.0...
refthemc said:
Compared to the Evo Gingerbread leak yesterday, the Inc might get stuck with Sense 1.0...
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yes but that leak can turn into sense 2.0 within a day
I'm concerned that we will get locked from being able to root after the update. I think that happened with the Aria when AT&T pushed out the 2.2 update where the phone was unrootable after that?
Am I mistaken or is this a legit concern? I'm kind of a newbie to the root scene so I could be being a total idiot here.
incubus26jc said:
yes but that leak can turn into sense 2.0 within a day
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Hey incubus any chance of that getting ported to our incredibles?
I'm still happy with CM7 so IF we get it I probably won't install it.
Posted using XDA Premium App
HTC Incredible
Cyanogen Mod 7
The evo got a leaked version with sense 1.0 so I will just assume that our phones will not receive anything better
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA Premium App
for me, the importang from official 2.3 from htc is, dev could get the driver2 that need for optimizing the kernel and rom (gpu, cam, etc)
badogg said:
I'm concerned that we will get locked from being able to root after the update. I think that happened with the Aria when AT&T pushed out the 2.2 update where the phone was unrootable after that?
Am I mistaken or is this a legit concern? I'm kind of a newbie to the root scene so I could be being a total idiot here.
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I could be mistaken, but given that you can set S-off, doesn't that pretty much guarantee that you can always flash a custom recovery and then, flash a rooted ROM?
Besides, even if the update is "unrootable"... I have no doubt that smarter people than I will be able to find a way.

The "Ice Cream Sandwich Desire Z waiting" thread

Well, even though Samsung and Google have delayed their event, Ice Cream Sandwich is around the corner and the funny thing is that still nothing has been confirmed of its features.
Looking forward to it on your Desire Z?
It'll be nice, but I'm sure not much of a change for day to day use for me. I'm more excited about getting it on my Nook Color.
You should put desire z and g2. But I just want it to be released already. Have you seen the new ics video on the supposed nexus prime?
Sent from my HTC G2 using XDA app
98% sure it won't be released for our phones.
rmcsc said:
98% sure it won't be released for our phones.
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Definitely won't be released officially, but that's why we have CyanogenMod and other CM-derived ROMs
I still hope they think of us Desire owners.....
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Isn't there an update supposed to be coming for the DZ? Maybe we'll get the ICS with Sense 3.5...
I think they will . But have you guys downloaded the new ics music app just search for it on the forums. Looks similar to the honeycomb one just a few tweeks here and there
Sent from my HTC G2 using XDA app
rmcsc said:
98% sure it won't be released for our phones.
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I smell Darwin Award....
We all know it wont be released for our phones.
I bought a Viewsonic gTablet and this was the same talk going on - No Honeycomb. Mods started to ban people whining about when HC would be ported to the gTab. I gave up hope and literally a month later, there was an alpha ROM and now there are 3-4 good HC ROMs out there. And I think Google didn't release the source code for it. So, I am sure we will get IS on our Zs!
rmcsc said:
98% sure it won't be released for our phones.
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Well obviously... But most people on XDA aren't waiting for official OTA updates lol. Go go CM8!!
ashwinmudigonda said:
I bought a Viewsonic gTablet and this was the same talk going on - No Honeycomb. Mods started to ban people whining about when HC would be ported to the gTab. I gave up hope and literally a month later, there was an alpha ROM and now there are 3-4 good HC ROMs out there. And I think Google didn't release the source code for it. So, I am sure we will get IS on our Zs!
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Well the issue there was no source code and probably a smaller community. It will be much easier when ICS source drops lol.
Im more excited about all the cool roms the devs are going to make based off ICS!
im sure cyanogenmod 8 will be he BOMB!
According to Koush on G+ it will be CM9. Makes sense because Honeycomb wasn't open source
C.Flat said:
According to Koush on G+ it will be CM9. Makes sense because Honeycomb wasn't open source
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Makes sense I guess, but I would think since CM8 never existed they'd just do CM8 for ICS.
Yea that would be awesome regardless of the naming scheme. I have yet to flash CM7 but for ICS I would do it in a heartbeat lol.
C.Flat said:
According to Koush on G+ it will be CM9. Makes sense because Honeycomb wasn't open source
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Actually doesnt make sense but let the CM team do what they want....
In related news to CM, CM 7.1 final was released today
I would like to point out that there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that there will not be a 4.0 upgrade available for HTC VISION. Need I remind you all that there was an official upgrade to Android 2.2 for HTC SAPPHIRE/MAGIC32B made almost exactly ONE YEAR AGO? Yes, approximately the exact same time that HTC VISION was initially made available.
Also remember that the 32B was a 192 MB RAM device where only 97 MB was actually available to Linux. This significant upgrade from Android 1.6 to 2.2 required some MEMORY REDISTRIBUTION via new SPL to increase the available RAM to 112 MB. HTC VISION is not starved for RAM as the 32B was. HTC VISION has plenty of space left within the system partition (in fact on mine, there are 262 MB of free space on /system of over 400 total -- clearly intended to leave space for upgrades). Unlike the 32B, the specifications of Vision are far more than adequate, and even with a device as limited as 32B, they made the upgrade.
---------- Post added at 02:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 PM ----------
riahc3 said:
Actually doesnt make sense but let the CM team do what they want....
In related news to CM, CM 7.1 final was released today
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CM "team", as well as all the other rom cookers out there (yes, they are cookers, Android is written by Google, CM just cooks it and adds in a few goodies.) do a TERRIBLE job of versioning.​
I once suggested a much more sensible approach to versioning, which is used by many other downstream open source projects... but they threw a tantrum.
Versioning of Android ROMs should be as follows;
Obviously ARCHITECTURE doesn't apply directly, but this could be replaced with DEVICE.
So.... CM7.1 for VISION should be versioned as
With this, if they make a minor update (that they would normally call CM7.1.1), it would increment the DOWNSTREAMREVISION, so the new version would be android-2.3.7-1.CM7.1.vision.
I.e., the point here would be to keep the priority on the upstream version rather than downstream, because "android-2.3.7" is FAR more important than "CM7.1". Quite frankly, the "CM" version means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Haven't heard anything amazing about ICS so far wish I had though. Any solid awesome rumors about improvements or features?
killj0y said:
Haven't heard anything amazing about ICS so far wish I had though. Any solid awesome rumors about improvements or features?
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Not really.
dhkr234 said:
I would like to point out that there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that there will not be a 4.0 upgrade available for HTC VISION. Need I remind you all that there was an official upgrade to Android 2.2 for HTC SAPPHIRE/MAGIC32B made almost exactly ONE YEAR AGO? Yes, approximately the exact same time that HTC VISION was initially made available.
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That was a long time ago. Now, forget it. They already gave up one update. They wont give us another.
Besides HTC is problably planning a new version of Sense for Ice Cream Sandwich.
killj0y said:
Haven't heard anything amazing about ICS so far wish I had though. Any solid awesome rumors about improvements or features?
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Nothing. There is nothing confirmed for Ice Cream Sandwich at all. Google has had it tightly wrapped up.
The only thing we do know that it is Android 4.0
Besides that:
Facial recognition features, new APIs to reduce development fragmentation, a unification of phone and tablet UIs and its APIs.
Nothing else is confirmed with sources beside it.

Petition HTC release an ICS update for the Desire Z

It was confirmed today that HTC will update the Desire HD to ICS.
I think this is unfair, the Desire Z was released at the same time and cost the same. I have and still maintain that HTC should of never pushed a sense 3.x update to our devices, But with the announcement of the HTC One V and the leaked RUU's i can confirm that we now have a version of sense that runs very well on our devices.
So I am asking you to take 1 minute to sign the petition to get HTC to release an update for what seems to be a device they have forgotten about.
Please post this link on your blogs, twitter, facebook and anywhere else that you can get it some coverage.
Lets do this
cjward23 said:
It was confirmed today that HTC will update the Desire HD to ICS.
I think this is unfair, the Desire Z was released at the same time and cost the same. I have and still maintain that HTC should of never pushed a sense 3.x update to our devices, But with the announcement of the HTC One V and the leaked RUU's i can confirm that we now have a version of sense that runs very well on our devices.
So I am asking you to take 1 minute to sign the petition to get HTC to release an update for what seems to be a device they have forgotten about.
Please post this link on your blogs, twitter, facebook and anywhere else that you can get it some coverage.
Lets do this
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yes i will post it every where!!!
cjward23 said:
It was confirmed today that HTC will update the Desire HD to ICS.
I think this is unfair, the Desire Z was released at the same time and cost the same. I have and still maintain that HTC should of never pushed a sense 3.x update to our devices, But with the announcement of the HTC One V and the leaked RUU's i can confirm that we now have a version of sense that runs very well on our devices.
So I am asking you to take 1 minute to sign the petition to get HTC to release an update for what seems to be a device they have forgotten about.
Please post this link on your blogs, twitter, facebook and anywhere else that you can get it some coverage.
Lets do this
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+1 to this. Lets do this guys!!
Sent from my HTC Vision
Please click to submit this thread as a news tip, front page of XDA would be ace
SIGNED AND BLASTED EVERYWHERE! Thank you for initiating this CJ.
We are up to 135 sigs. Would be great to see 500 buy the end of the day
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Don't forget you can always make a personal plea to HTC
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Signed, hope this will lead to something
Good find! At least they should give us the cam drivers and new wifi calling libs, id be happy then. Those glitches didn't mean **** to me cept a simple kill the launcher
i support and signed this, thanks for all your efforts!
Just a random thought. Could it be that they wont release ics for the dz ( just yet) because they are giving the older models, as we can see with sensation and the xe and xl. The 3.6 version of sense wich would run slow on our devices.
Maybe when they update there whole line with sense 4.0 the dz may get ics?
Sent from my HTC Vision
johrie said:
Just a random thought. Could it be that they wont release ics for the dz ( just yet) because they are giving the older models, as we can see with sensation and the xe and xl. The 3.6 version of sense wich would run slow on our devices.
Maybe when they update there whole line with sense 4.0 the dz may get ics?
Sent from my HTC Vision
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RajkoK said:
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Oops, i will keep mine running though I'm up I have more sigs already. Having 2 can't hurt though
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
cjward23 said:
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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Yes i have read that but it says nothing about wich sense version they are using. My thought was the whole list is getting sense 3.6 wich maybe is to heavy for our device?
Sent from my HTC Vision
The explanation regarding Sense 3.6 and 4.0 can be seen here
HTC Sense 3.6 preview by Engadget
Both versions were developed in parallel to each other, which gave us even more reason to initially believe the two would be closer in look and features than they actually were. So what gives? According to HTC, there are a couple reasons: first, users of legacy devices are accustomed to the previous interface, and the upgrade adds the features and benefits of ICS without upsetting that user experience. Second, only the One lineup can support ImageSense, which is an integral part of Sense 4.0.
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This explains the fragmentation
any way my +1 for the petition
I made 2 threads in other forums:
The reason the G2/Desire Z is not receiving the ICS update imo is the issue of RAM and not being a high end device (not worth the time in HTC's opinion?). All those devices on the update list are high end HTC devices with 768MB+ of RAM.
boost3d23 said:
The reason the G2/Desire Z is not receiving the ICS update imo is the issue of RAM and not being a high end device (not worth the time in HTC's opinion?). All those devices on the update list are high end HTC devices with 768MB+ of RAM.
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While I agree that they really skimped on the RAM with the Vision, for what it's worth I have signed the petition. I hope HTC listens.
boost3d23 said:
The reason the G2/Desire Z is not receiving the ICS update imo is the issue of RAM and not being a high end device (not worth the time in HTC's opinion?). All those devices on the update list are high end HTC devices with 768MB+ of RAM.
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Wasn't the g2 high end when it was released? I thought I remembered it being almost four without a contract or some **** like that.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

Adreno 205

Is this legit? are these libs already being used by the devs here?
Yes. Qualcomm announced them a few days back. Some of the ROM devs have already included them.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
Yup, some ROMs like IceColdSandwich use it already
Is the performance boost really that great? Would be awesome.
Dr. lele said:
Is the performance boost really that great? Would be awesome.
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try reading that thread...people said that adreno 205 outperformed sgx 540 in some benchmarks...and one things clear that when you play gta 3 on IceColdSandwich and then play on any other sense rom, you see the performance....there's no lag in ICS whatsoever...
But IceColdSandwich is an AOSP Rom. Cm 7 with gingerbread runs GTA smoothly, too on a DHD.
So the question is: is the Desire HD really that much faster with the new drivers and Sense.
DHD users will we get it oficial with htc ICS update?
Yes in a couple of months
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
Dr. lele said:
But IceColdSandwich is an AOSP Rom. Cm 7 with gingerbread runs GTA smoothly, too on a DHD.
So the question is: is the Desire HD really that much faster with the new drivers and Sense.
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No but trust me, that gingerbread rom doesn't run gta 3 as fast as the current LC's ICS run...try checking it yourself, there's definitely a boost..
Well, if it does beat sgx 540, then i think adreno 205 becomes 4th or 5th fastest GPU around after Tegra 3, tegra 2, mali 400, adreno 220...i mean, sgx 545 is being used in iphone 4s i think, so if adreno 205 beats sgx 540 then it competes with sgx 545, in other words Iphone 4s...
I think, OCed to 1.5ghz and adreno 205 with new libs can perform nearly the same as iphone 4s if what i've said above is correct then i think most of the upcoming dual core games can be run on DHD...
but nothing can be said until a proper benchmark is done with new and old libs...
green0153 said:
Yes in a couple of months
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
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lol actually sooner than that. Someone mentioned that specific carries will get it by the end of april but officially it would come out sooner and once the leaked is out, it's a matter of hours before devs adapt the rom...
Something can be expected within two weeks...
Optimistic, but I hope you're right!
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
lol actually sooner than that. Someone mentioned that specific carries will get it by the end of april but officially it would come out sooner and once the leaked is out, it's a matter of hours before devs adapt the rom...
Something can be expected within two weeks...[/QUOTE]
On gsmarena.com it's wrote "upgradable to v 4.x.x"...It is already official?
I hope is no problem cause i post an external link here
Today i've made a downgrade to stock 2.2.1 just to check that information ( if it is an OTA available )....it's not . All what i can find it is 2.3.4 with sense 3.0...that's all
bogddy87 said:
lol actually sooner than that. Someone mentioned that specific carries will get it by the end of april but officially it would come out sooner and once the leaked is out, it's a matter of hours before devs adapt the rom...
Something can be expected within two weeks...
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On gsmarena.com it's wrote "upgradable to v 4.x.x"...It is already official?
I hope is no problem cause i post an external link here
Today i've made a downgrade to stock 2.2.1 just to check that information ( if it is an OTA available )....it's not . All what i can find it is 2.3.4 with sense 3.0...that's all[/QUOTE]
gsmarena starts saying that when the update s announced and not necessarily released.
To be honest, i will not stick with the official update but the custom one since they're optimized for better performance and most of the junk is removed...
plus, sense 3.6 might put you out because of the similarities to 3.5 which gives me another reason to get ported sense 4.0 rom rather than the official 3.6
shad0wboss said:
On gsmarena.com it's wrote "upgradable to v 4.x.x"...It is already official?
I hope is no problem cause i post an external link here
Today i've made a downgrade to stock 2.2.1 just to check that information ( if it is an OTA available )....it's not . All what i can find it is 2.3.4 with sense 3.0...that's all
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you are currently looking at a GSMarena page saying an HTC 1 year 8 months old device, is upgradable to ICS
excellent work by HTC, seriously
More than 20 months worth of update support.
Yes, we will only get Sense 3.6, but that's not what's important. The important bit is the kernel.
I figure HTC could very easily just release a kernel for phones that they want to support but don't want to build a full ROM for, and let homebrew devs do the rest.

"Devices with 512MB ROM or less will not be upgraded to Android 4.0"

What devices will not get Android 4.0?
We work hard to ensure each of our products has the optimal user experience and therefore some products will remain at their current version of Android. In general, devices with 512MB ROM or less will not be upgraded to Android 4.0. These devices include the HTC ChaCha, HTC Salsa, HTC Wildfire S, HTC Explorer, and others.
HTC tablets, including the HTC Flyer, HTC EVO View 4G, and HTC Jetstream, will remain on their current Android version (Honeycomb).
Upgrades are not the same thing as ongoing support. Devices not being upgraded to Android 4.0 will still get software improvements, security fixes, and technical support as needed.
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Source: http://www.htc.com/www/help/android4faq/?cid=android4blog
No shock there. Vision owners got their Android bump from 2.2 to 2.3, they weren't going to bother with another.
Unfortunate there was no mention of the Desire HD though, want those drivers...
Edit: Nvm, July-August! Yay.
Then how come htc desire c has ice cream sandwich???
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using XDA
Excuse me but isn't ROM the internal memory meaning we qualify" Or is it actually RAM? I'm confused. ROM is non-writable so it's definately not RAM...?
Why be care so much about rom? Isn't it ram they are concerned with?
But on topic htc is making a mistake here, even if they feel sense 4.x will be too slow they could bring just an aosp ics rom in, add their bloatware and our phone should be up to par with many phones currently running stock ics, and probably better than some. The g2/dz are not dinosaurs and developers have proved the stability porting ics here, this would be a mistake especially if we don't have a g3 soon... I wouldn't ming changing to a new manufacture if this is the case...
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
If this is the case:
ROM is "built-in" computer memory containing data that normally can only be read, not written to. ROM contains the programming that allows your computer to be "booted up" or regenerated each time you turn it on. Unlike a computer's random access memory (RAM), the data in ROM is not lost when the computer power is turned off. The ROM is sustained by a small long-life battery in your computer.
It means we will get ICS? We have 1.5GB of internal memory.
This is to my first point, its as if htc didn't edit their post
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
ICS with Sense 4.0 works perfect on our desire z. it's extremly fast and optimized. but no camera drivers and sound drivers are not very good.
those new devices with ICS (one v and desire c) both have 512 mb RAM and desire c has 600 (!) mhz CPU, I will never ever buy HTC phone again. no support = no loyalty
stranded.eu said:
It means we will get ICS? We have 1.5GB of internal memory.
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U got 1.5 GB memory? I have "only" 1.1 GB, on every ROM.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA
EDIT: They wrote at the down: Upgrade to Android 4.0 means Sense 3.6.
And: Sense 4.0 need special hardware ****.
xxx_1910 said:
ICS with Sense 4.0 works perfect on our desire z. it's extremly fast and optimized. but no camera drivers and sound drivers are not very good.
those new devices with ICS (one v and desire c) both have 512 mb RAM and desire c has 600 (!) mhz CPU, I will never ever buy HTC phone again. no support = no loyalty
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You need to read better.
HTC did not say that it will stop supporting these phones. they said that they will not get there ICS upgrade.
And about the Desire C and One V. Yes they are low spec phones with ICS but they have Sense 4.0, wich runs way faster then 3.6 ( wich older phones will be updated with ).
So newer phones Sense 4.0. Older phones 3.6.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
johrie said:
You need to read better.
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my reading is ok, don't worry dude
HTC did not say that it will stop supporting these phones. they said that they will not get there ICS upgrade.
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it doesn't matter what they say. "support" means at least time zone fix, peep updates, keyboard and other bugz fix etc. and ofcourse new OS if device is suitable. and sure it is.
And about the Desire C and One V. Yes they are low spec phones with ICS but they have Sense 4.0, wich runs way faster then 3.6 ( wich older phones will be updated with ).
So newer phones Sense 4.0. Older phones 3.6.
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so what's the point, "captain obvious"? thats what everybody was talkin about. sense 4.0 lighter, faster, better and low spec phones can easily run and use it.
Mine will
xxx_1910 said:
it doesn't matter what they say. "support" means at least time zone fix, peep updates, keyboard and other bugz fix etc. and ofcourse new OS if device is suitable. and sure it is.
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Only our device is unique in the product lineup because it has a physical keyboard. You'll see the Mytouch 4G Slide has no ICS and it also has a keyboard and is a much more a capable device.
I'd say the actual problem is the software development required to engineer Sense 4.0 to our device. We have a very custom version of Sense 2.1 that features rotating widgets and keyboard optimisations which will be the reason our updates are out of the standard cycle, we didn't get Sense 3.x and probably won't get ICS.
Its not a matter of the device suitability, its all about the Sense interface and in all honesty its not worth HTC's development as they're reportedly not producing any more QWERTY phones.
If you want ICS, you'll be going down a ported ROM route.
demkantor said:
Why be care so much about rom? Isn't it ram they are concerned with?
But on topic htc is making a mistake here, even if they feel sense 4.x will be too slow they could bring just an aosp ics rom in, add their bloatware and our phone should be up to par with many phones currently running stock ics, and probably better than some. The g2/dz are not dinosaurs and developers have proved the stability porting ics here, this would be a mistake especially if we don't have a g3 soon... I wouldn't ming changing to a new manufacture if this is the case...
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
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I already changed to Sony:
1.- Currently updating ALL their 2011 line to ICS
2.- Official bootloader unlocking tool (!!!)
3.- Light UX skin, not as heavy as Sense
4.- Xperia S offered 12 mpix Exmor-R cam and 1280x720 4.3" screen, I couldn't say no...
...and 5.- My DZ failed after 8 months of modrate use (capacitive buttons) and HTC refused to receive it for repair because I was not in the phone's country of origin (got it from an online retailer, the batch was from Bell Canada)
vaderx10minipro said:
U got 1.5 GB memory? I have "only" 1.1 GB, on every ROM.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA
EDIT: They wrote at the down: Upgrade to Android 4.0 means Sense 3.6.
And: Sense 4.0 need special hardware ****.
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HTC G2 HBoot? (it wouldn't run Sense though)
craiglay said:
Its not a matter of the device suitability, its all about the Sense interface
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yes u are right but every custom interface (2.3.* or 4.0.*) has rotating rosie and rotating widgets (except MIUI may be), so I don't think that's a big problem for such a big company. they just don't give a **** about us
xxx_1910 said:
yes u are right but every custom interface (2.3.* or 4.0.*) has rotating rosie and rotating widgets (except MIUI may be), so I don't think that's a big problem for such a big company. they just don't give a **** about us
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All companies are in this to make money, and no money is to be made updating a phone that is nearing it's two year anniversary and has been discontinued. I say it all the time to people about Android phones, you buy one for what it has right now, not what it might get in the future. The most you can expect an OEM to support you is one major OS version, and that's what we got. They want you to buy a new phone, and there is no incentive if they keep you updated.
Apple does the same thing. Sure they update phones to a better version number, but they intentionally lock older phones out of new features to get you to upgrade. The only thing they care about is getting your $, all phone manufacturers are the same. That said, Sony has been stepping up their game lately.....
But if they don't make a new generation phone compareable to the one they refuse to update many will change to a new manufacture - in this case no g3 means die hard htc fans will no longer be that
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
gtrab said:
I already changed to Sony:
1.- Currently updating ALL their 2011 line to ICS
2.- Official bootloader unlocking tool (!!!)
3.- Light UX skin, not as heavy as Sense
4.- Xperia S offered 12 mpix Exmor-R cam and 1280x720 4.3" screen, I couldn't say no...
...and 5.- My DZ failed after 8 months of modrate use (capacitive buttons) and HTC refused to receive it for repair because I was not in the phone's country of origin (got it from an online retailer, the batch was from Bell Canada)
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No probs with HTC here.
My Z still stands strong. Got it since release here in Norway. Just waiting for a ICS rom w/ sense 4 that support nordic HW-buttons. No need for Sony
Nospin said:
All companies are in this to make money, and no money is to be made updating a phone that is nearing it's two year anniversary and has been discontinued. I say it all the time to people about Android phones, you buy one for what it has right now, not what it might get in the future. The most you can expect an OEM to support you is one major OS version, and that's what we got. They want you to buy a new phone, and there is no incentive if they keep you updated.
Apple does the same thing. Sure they update phones to a better version number, but they intentionally lock older phones out of new features to get you to upgrade. The only thing they care about is getting your $, all phone manufacturers are the same. That said, Sony has been stepping up their game lately.....
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my english is not good enough to write so long and correct posts, but I partially agree with u. and u have to argree that our desire z always was lagging behind. no 3.0 update, no 3.5. yes, they made 2.3.3 (2.1 Sense) update, but gingerbread release was not far away from desire z start of sales
demkantor said:
But if they don't make a new generation phone compareable to the one they refuse to update many will change to a new manufacture - in this case no g3 means die hard htc fans will no longer be that
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yep. no updates cause of market reasons and no new phone of the same type
