The S3 ? SUPER PHONE or SUPER PHLOP - Galaxy S III General

So finally we see the S3.
After wandering around several phone shops is it even worth getting an S3 ?
Several things have made me wonder this :
First up the hype of the handset was soooo high, it has been hanging in its own mist for so long with all the leaks and fake leaks e.c.t so for non-fanatics if the hand set does not deliver its going to be one hell of a fall from grace.
Secondly Samsung have gone and done an Apple on use and all the song and dance around the devices launch, it was horrific to watch, all the slogans and buzz words it was like watching a 16 year old's business plan exam.
Then there are all the leaks that have appeared, some good custom designs and some Photoshop trickery and the shoddy fakes of recent times.
Again these have shown what people think Samsung would produce, and some of them where not far off and it was the Photoshop trickery's ones that where the closest and also the least ambitious designs.
Now we know what it looks like and its specs its not stacking up as revolutionary as the S2.
1. Looks like Samsung ran out of ideas and have fused the current Galaxy series and the Nexus series.
2. The thing is a considerable size, in between the Nexus and the Note.
3. Its all shapely ( Yes i know its designed like a pebble ) and curved and shiny, Apple already does this with its handsets so its a clone really and still adopting the single home button its still looking iphone-esqe
4. Its got a Quad core CPU for what ? most people who can afford to buy this handset off contract or on a new contract are not really the kind of customers who will playing Quake on their phone.
5. The S2 already packs enough CPU power to do everything a business user could want, and still play the 3D games.
6. With a bigger screen and a quad-core and delivering HD visuals your battery is going to get raped, and im sorry no matter what people say about less power hungry X/Y/Z the simple fact is if you add more screen and need brightness to see in direct day light your screens going to negate the savings of the improved power consumption of the other components.
7. No battery technology improvement - until this progresses there is no point adding fancy 6 core CPU's and 4k Screens what ever fancy next Tech is about.
Now I love my S2 and I like Samsung products I own 3D TVs and have had several PC screen and Phones and Laptops by them, but i can't get excited about another "Super Phone" it does not offer anything GREAT or SUPER that last years high end hand sets already do.
I skipped the Galaxy Nexus for this very reason, the design is frankly poor its still made of plastic and its filled with stuff your never going to use. . . . "I want to take a photo" why must i talk to my phone and wait for it to decipher what i said to then load the camera ? I can press the bloody button on my screen and get to the app quicker this goes with everything.
Speaking to your phone to do stuff is not faster or more intuitive its a gimmick like NFC and Beam.
"Designed for humans" is frankly the most pathetic tag line I have ever heard to plug a product, and "People don't want to learn technology" ? Im sorry Samsung you have just called your audience stupid in a round about way.
All this event has done for me, is prove that Samsung is trying to go Apple on us.
People are just Sheeping Samsung now instead of Apple.
Call me cynical but im not impressed and will think hard about who to buy my next handset from.

hutzdani said:
some rant
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Wrong forum, tl;dr.

oh!! not again.....

Can we direct general discussion into here please, thanks.


Atrix \ Galaxy S2 Comparison

I have prepared this thread to help myself and others compare and contrast the different phones and hopefully come to a decision here. If anyone has anything to add to the comparison that I have missed, please list it and we can get it all chocked up.
For the record. I have only listed something as a "Disadvantage" if I believe that the category is below what we would expect of the average Android.
Battery Life - This is a big thing for me. I can make my vibrant last through a 14 hour day by crippling every single possible feature. But people here are saying that the Atrix runs solid though 30 hour periods. This is a huge plus for me.
Higher Resolution (even if its fake) - Even though this resolution is fake and can actually cause text to blur, I can say first-hand that I saw the screen in action at a local wal-mart and found it to be acceptable by my standards. I think it may help overall with browsing. The GS2 has a larger screen size, and no pentile matrix display, which could possibly be considered better. This is one that may work out to be a tie.
Tegra 2 - I list this as an advantage not because it is faster, the various benchmarks for either processor seem to be inconclusive at this point. I am listing it as an advantage because it has its own series of games optimized specifically for it, and because Google has chosen to build their framework around tegra 2.
Webtop - I am initially hesitant to even mention this. The phone has a webtop environment, it is most likely Debian Linux and it is said to also be very sluggish. If, in the future, devs gain access to this environment and find ways to optimize it and add in worthy apps such as Chrome and open office, then this will be a massive advantage, but right now it is pretty much just a gimmick.
The webtop interface retains its session when you disconnect it. So you can plug the phone back into another dock and go right back to what you were doing. This is one of the good things about webtop.
Laptop Dock - We all know it is hideously overpriced right now and maybe in the future a cheaper solution will be available. But regardless of how you get the dock, it is an advantage to run your apps in full screen, even if you don't use the sluggish webtop interface and firefox.
The dock charges your phone, but plays sound through your atrix speakers, it has no speakers of it's own, you can answer calls by removing the phone, picking it up on bluetooth or by just yelling at it from behind the laptop. The phone retains its session when you remove it and there is no special unmounting procedure, you just grab it and run.
Screen - Bright beautiful and extremely rich. Those who have seen the screen firsthand have claimed that there is nothing like it at all and that it is miles above even the old Super Amoled display. The 4.3 inch size is also a bonus for those of us with large hands. This is probably the best overall feature of the Galaxy S2.
Camera - 8 Megapixels, and 2 megapixel front facing camera. People say that megapixels don't really matter in the long run but the Atrix camera is also said to have a purple wash to it and that the video can be splotchy in certain situations.
Design - Even though it looks way too much like the iPhone, this phone actually looks exceptionally nice. I like the three button design much better than the 4, the search button is pretty useless overall. The thinness of this phone is also amazing if you are into that sort of thing. Naturally it may come down to the US carriers to ruin the design, but by it will likely be summer before that happens.
32GB internal storage - Expect to pay for it, but it is there, you get 64 gigs total with this phone.
Gingerbread - The Atrix won't likely get gingerbread until at least this summer, this phone will have it much sooner if you get the international version coming sometime this quarter.
Gyroscope - This phone has it, do any apps support it? Not sure, but it is there.
NFC - In the off chance that any stores upgrade to NFC this year, you will have the ability to use it. NFC may have other uses that we haven't envisioned yet. It is a protocol, so it can be applied to just about anything. You could potentially set it up to unlock your home, cars could start with it, whatever.
So it has a lot of potential use other than having your money stolen from you.
Bootloader - To sum it up for those not familiar, the phone can be rooted, a custom ROM can be flashed, but the kernel cannot be altered at all. (someone will likely correct me here) but if part or all of the webtop code is contained in the kernel somehow it will be difficult to alter it to add new software or make it run more efficiently. This would be a terrible shame.
I can tell you that Team Whiskey has made my Vibrant browse faster than I have seen in Atrix videos, with half the memory and a single core processor. It is scary to think of what this phone could actually accomplish if Moto decided to allow it.
Motoblur - I read that this requires you to sign up for an account before you can even use the phone. I find it alarming that Motorola has decided to help themselves to all this information and it makes me wonder just exactly what they really have access to and why.
Crippled FM radio - WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY. All of these phones have both transmitters and receivers for FM. So can someone tell me why in god's name anyone would disable them? FM radio has many more uses than just listening to local stations and why again should I have to burn my limited data on
internet radio when there is a receiver right in my phone?
Heat - My current Galaxy S runs very hot already, if the screen is active while the phone is being charged it will heat up to what seems to be a very dangerous temperature. The pre-release Galaxy S2 was said to be scorching hot after running with the screen on and the charger active.
Fail File System, Hideous and crippling lag - Update: the galaxy S2 is said to not use RFS. Chock one up for Samsung.
Updates - Samsung has a horrible reputation for updates when working with US carriers, even for new phones. If it was not for this community I would have likely given up on Android and Samsung altogether. Although I know that part of the update delay has been t-mobile, it is also in Samsung's interests to ship out new phones instead of updating their old ones.
Battery Life I have a feeling that Samsung tried to push the limits to get their phone to be as thin as possible and I am worried that they have done so at the expense of battery life. We won't know for sure until it gets in people's hands but I expect the battery life to be subpar.
NO HID Bluetooth Support (possibly) - I have had a black wiimote sitting here for 6 months waiting to connect to my Vibrant. I love emulated classics but action games are near impossible to play with the on-screen kb. So if you want this feature, I would make sure that the GS2 has it first, because it is not likely that it will.
Availability - What it really comes down to now. Unless you want to shell out over 1000 for the phone, you will probably need to wait 5 months from now for any kind of US availability this summer. And don't doubt that those versions will become crippled and even more bloated in the process. But again there is no locked bootloader here.
Ok I think that covers it. Having written all this down, I think I am really leaning more toward the Atrix. There just doesn't seem to be anything else out there now that will be able to match it at the moment. And as you can see, our experience with Samsung has not been exceptional.
Good comparison there. I am also looking at the exact 2 models and thank you very much, looks like Atrix will too be my choice.
I guess I'll get the atrix laptop dock too and prays for the devs here to make it all better. Otherwise, I think its still a good piece of hardware I don't mind owning.
""Samsung's dual-core, Gingerbread-powered Galaxy S II has appeared on alongside a tentative SIM-free price and release date. According to Play, which is currently taking pre-orders for the phone, it'll ship Mar. 31 for £599.99 (~$960). Pre-release prices are never guaranteed to be accurate and are always subject to change, but £599 seams like a realistic price point for the Galaxy S II, as it's slightly higher than current single-core offerings from other manufacturers.""
Just published at androidcentral. £599.99 (~$960)?? Get a grip..
Not bad, just a couple of things to note that I thought of while reading. First, the screen resolution can be arguable considering the Pentile screen that the Atrix uses. That gives the SGS2 more sub pixels, but then it's a bigger screen, so less (I believe) pixel density still... it's really kind of a toss up, but I think they will both look great. I think the lower resolution and bigger screen on the SGS2 will look just fine with the full 3 subpixels per pixel.
Also, the SGS2 looks nothing like an iPhone. I wish people would stop saying that about every phone that comes out. Apparently every square black phone with a screen is an iPhone now.
And also it's been reported that the SGS2 does not use RFS.
The Galaxy S2 looks like a great phone, but even as much as I hate Motorola's implementation of the lockdown...I can't *STAND* Samsung for updates. They've promised up and down that they would release updates for every phone since Android came out, and they've delivered on about 3 of those promises...out of probably 20. They are *HORRIBLE* at updating devices and they don't even apologize when they cancel. I would *never* buy a Samsung on the hopes that it would get an updated OS.
As for the screens, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm a pretty severe audiophile and videophile and although I can tell a difference it's absolutely not enough to make me go with one phone over another. I'm coming from an iPhone 4 which has the best screen to date on a mobile phone...and even between that and my Atrix I barely see a difference. They're both fantastic screens.
hotleadsingerguy said:
The Galaxy S2 looks like a great phone, but even as much as I hate Motorola's implementation of the lockdown...I can't *STAND* Samsung for updates. They've promised up and down that they would release updates for every phone since Android came out, and they've delivered on about 3 of those promises...out of probably 20. They are *HORRIBLE* at updating devices and they don't even apologize when they cancel. I would *never* buy a Samsung on the hopes that it would get an updated OS.
As for the screens, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm a pretty severe audiophile and videophile and although I can tell a difference it's absolutely not enough to make me go with one phone over another. I'm coming from an iPhone 4 which has the best screen to date on a mobile phone...and even between that and my Atrix I barely see a difference. They're both fantastic screens.
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The updates aren't really an issue for people who visit sites like this. I would never rely on Samsung to update my phone. My Captivate has been running 2.2 for ages while they just released the update for everyone else. Yes, Samsung sucks at updating, but the hacking community will always get it done regardless.
I must be the only one, but i use the search hotkey absolutely all the time. I love it and I realize that you can hold menu for the same effect on the SGS2, but i'd prefer to have the 4th hotkey than their ugly stupid home button. It is not an iPhone, embrace uniqueness samsung.
eallan said:
I must be the only one, but i use the search hotkey absolutely all the time. I love it and I realize that you can hold menu for the same effect on the SGS2, but i'd prefer to have the 4th hotkey than their ugly stupid home button. It is not an iPhone, embrace uniqueness samsung.
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I really miss the hardware home key! The orientation of the 4 buttons makes it a bit awkward to thumb navigate since its so close to the bottom. Its actually one of the things about the sgs2 that is making me think twice about my atrix. Despite how much I love it.
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Man_of_Leisure said:
I really miss the hardware home key! The orientation of the 4 buttons makes it a bit awkward to thumb navigate since its so close to the bottom. Its actually one of the things about the sgs2 that is making me think twice about my atrix. Despite how much I love it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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I wouldn't mind if the buttons were hardware, thats another debate. I just want all four of them!
The back button is beyond crucial. Maybe back and home should be two hardware with the other capacitive? For symmetry, obviously a concern for samsung .
I definitely want the new Galaxy S 2. I've heard that the Atrix was a huge let down. I used to own a Captivate and I loved everything about it except the ****ty build quality and lack of flash for the camera. It was so smooth with voodoo and custom roms. The Galaxy S 2 will have an amazing screen and I think it will do average on battery consumption. Just my 2 cents
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
King Shady said:
I definitely want the new Galaxy S 2. I've heard that the Atrix was a huge let down. I used to own a Captivate and I loved everything about it except the ****ty build quality and lack of flash for the camera. It was so smooth with voodoo and custom roms. The Galaxy S 2 will have an amazing screen and I think it will do average on battery consumption. Just my 2 cents
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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****ty build quality? Like hardware wise? I personally think the Captivate is the nicest of all of the Galaxy S phones. The hardware itself has been absolutely wonderful for me. The software quality leaves a lot to be desired from a stock standpoint though.
AJerman said:
****ty build quality? Like hardware wise? I personally think the Captivate is the nicest of all of the Galaxy S phones. The hardware itself has been absolutely wonderful for me. The software quality leaves a lot to be desired from a stock standpoint though.
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The plastic build was a huge downgrade for me, especially coming from a beautiful iPhone 4. I'm much happier with the Inspire 4G now though. HTC Sense is amazing and super smooth, and HTC build quality is great. The phone feels ultra solid.
SGS2 is apparently RFS-free. Also, some versions will have Tegra2 instead of Exynos - hope this includes us.
People knock Samsung's plastic designs, but they're actually a lot harder to break than the "well-built" iPhone 4.
Very good write up man, these are the posts that I like to see.
By looking at my signature, you can see that I just got the Atrix as well, and I love the phone. Amazingly fast, awesome screen (love the higher density and the effect itbhas on the overall experience), and the battery is pretty good too.
I'm seriously thinking about buying the laptop dock, but I don't know how well that will perform, and I haven't seen any live videos of it.
I really like the design and specs of the GS 2, but there are a lot of possible problems holding me back....
Rooted/ROM Captivate (For Sale)
Rooted Atrix
FLAC Vest said:
Very good write up man, these are the posts that I like to see.
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Thanks a lot, bro.
I am no engineer and I can't build tools. But I can put a few thoughts together and provide someone with some information.
This is an amazing community and what people do here is outstanding, I just want to do what I can to add to that.
King Shady said:
The plastic build was a huge downgrade for me, especially coming from a beautiful iPhone 4. I'm much happier with the Inspire 4G now though. HTC Sense is amazing and super smooth, and HTC build quality is great. The phone feels ultra solid.
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S2 looks like meizu m9
I have both and a Galaxy S 2 on order
Why? I really liked the Captivate. My plan was to use both but the Atrix is so much more fun to use I'm selling the Captivate. Well, maybe. Maybe not.
Yesterday after I removed the SIM card and replaced it, the Atrix went bonkers with freezes and instability issues. After numerous soft resets, two factory resets and replacing the SIM card, SD card and battery a couple of times it seems to be back to normal. I suspect I had reinserted the SIM card incorrectly but maybe there was another issue.
So why would I pay $1000 for the Galaxy S 2? The Captivate was that much fun. Although I'm sure we will be able to do more custom rom's shortly on the Atrix, the Galaxy S 2 sounds like an even bigger blast than either. And boy oh boy does that LG 3D look interesting. But you have to draw the line somewhere.
Here is what the Atrix has that the Captivate does not:
1-better graphics and screen quality, dynamic and vivid visuals, a joy to read and watch (text as well as video quality is sharp and crisp, very clear)
2-more interactive features with outside devices (i.e. computers)
3-interacts more efficiently with e mail, voice and text programs (really like the way it handles multiple incoming calls especially when you are already on one-notification, instructions and directions for handling)(I can now actually use Excel spreadsheets and Word documents) (works well with contacts)
4-updated browser can handle more types of video content and pop up windows better
5-it feels better when you hold and talk or watch or do most anything with it (I did make one call and even though I could hear the other party clearly they could not hear me-I do not what happened.)
My friends all tell me I should get an iphone. I had one for years and the Androids are far more fun. I'll never return. I don't think. LG 3D anyone?
I think Tegra2 is actually a disadvantage for Atrix 4G.
As a new generation dualcore processor, it's early, but not strong.
It's video playback ability of H.264 is limited, but H.264 is currently the most frequently played format.
It has no neon support, big loss on processing power.
Till now Tegra2 has not proven itself in Graphics power. In benchmarks it's no superior to Hummingbird.
However the performance of Mali400MP on GS2 is also questionable, so just wait and see...
hotleadsingerguy said:
The Galaxy S2 looks like a great phone, but even as much as I hate Motorola's implementation of the lockdown...I can't *STAND* Samsung for updates. They've promised up and down that they would release updates for every phone since Android came out, and they've delivered on about 3 of those promises...out of probably 20. They are *HORRIBLE* at updating devices and they don't even apologize when they cancel. I would *never* buy a Samsung on the hopes that it would get an updated OS.
As for the screens, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm a pretty severe audiophile and videophile and although I can tell a difference it's absolutely not enough to make me go with one phone over another. I'm coming from an iPhone 4 which has the best screen to date on a mobile phone...and even between that and my Atrix I barely see a difference. They're both fantastic screens.
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+1 great post!
King Shady said:
The plastic build was a huge downgrade for me, especially coming from a beautiful iPhone 4. I'm much happier with the Inspire 4G now though. HTC Sense is amazing and super smooth, and HTC build quality is great. The phone feels ultra solid.
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See, I don't understand that. There is far less plastic on the Captivate than the majority of the phones out there. The front is all glass, and the back is mostly metal. It's only the top and bottom on the back that are plastic, and they have both felt very solid to me since I got the phone on launch day. I came from an iPhone 4 as well, and granted nothing compares to the iPhone 4 in build quality, the Captivate definitely doesn't seem bad at all to me.
As long as you're happy with what you have now though, that's what matters. I just think the Inspire is a bit of a waste of money considering it's lack of power compared to all the other phones coming out now. It feels like it's last generation still. I did play with it a little at the AT&T store though, and it seemed nice. If it had come out last summer with the Captivate (even if it didn't have 4G), I might have gotten it. Now I'm going to wait until a dual core offering I like though.

Upgrading from Captivate to Note or GS3? Help requirements inside...

So I have been using my Captivate for a long time...tweaked and overclocked to its max...just a great phone (except for lame GPS). Of course time passes and you want more. 4" is not enough for me any more (and I am speaking about my phone screen!!! LOL).
So I was set on the GS3 BUT a few things have made me think about the Note.
First , I dont care about silly things like looks..come on now. Or the camera....more megapixels on a a freakin small phone sensor? Some people need to learn about real cameras before commenting.
Anyways, the thing is....the GS3 is great the way it is Internationally with the Quad and nice GPU BUT after seeing the 5.3" Note I was like WOW this is BIG.
I use my phone mainly for watching youtube, streaming MST3K , SouthPark etc.
Also for playing emulators, FPSE , MAME etc.
So the bigger display would , in my opinion, be something I can really use.
So in that regards the high resolution big Note screen is awesome as long as it at least looks as good as the one in my Captivate.
The bad thing about the Note...well, some benchmarks, specifically Nenamark2 , I have seen low scores. I mean my Captivate, I hold (I think I still do) the record of 33.5 for that phone and normally score around 30-32 which is VERY close to what I have seen for the Note so that makes me feel like its not a huge upgrade but maybe those were an older Rom or something.
On the other hand I am sure dual core and specially 1GB Ram should give the phone a very smooth feeling compared to my OCed phone.
Another bad thing about the Note is, I got the impression Dev is not huge for it not overclocking.
So on the GS3 end...well the hardware is faster and better overall but the screen is smaller and there is a change the USA ends up with a dual core as well instead of quad. So right I am like...wait for the USA release or just get the Note and enjoy it now.
Its a tough decision.
Any feedback is appreciated specially if anyone is running emulators, specially the new Mame one that plays .139 roms as I would like to know how afterburner runs on dual core.
Are talking about ATT Note or the Int. Note? Confused, you said that ur waiting for the US release, I'm assuming your talking about the ATT versions of both phones?
Yes both will be the ATT version.
decision is still yours
well i am using my note for like 4 months now, and i am very happy with it, because of its magnificient screen for browsing and my ebooks. I am a surgical resident and this galaxy note saved me from carrying my laptop to the hospital. Here i am sharing my experience abt the note. Its easy to carry my hybrids in the rounds while taking overs during rounds. capture HD videos and pics related to the clinical findings. sometimes i even take it to the OR during cases when i am not assisting or scrubbed. I have all my books for references on my note. The good thing is being loaded with my work stuff, i have plenty of space to have my entertainment part on it. So right now i would say that i have never used a device like the galaxy note.
As far as S3 is concerned. Its an upcoming device with enhanced processor and a few more sensors. So its also charming.
Now as note prices have fall down, if u want to be on the saving path get a note, if u want to be on the top notch in competition, get an S3 as it will be the king till 2013.
I got my Note about 3 months ago and I really will not use anything smaller than the Note.
Before I got this I was tossing a coin between GS2 and Note. I mean literally
The coin landed for the GS2 and I got the Note hehe
I just couldn't resist this phablet.
In comparison to other Android phones I cant say much on that as this is my first ever Android phone and everything on it is great. From watching movies to browsing and even just looking at the thing will make you
Sure it is a bit bulky but I really like it that way. Also it depends on how much you call on it. I spend about 95% doing everything else than calling people. So holding it to my ear is a rare thing. It's better for people with big hands.
I guess everything else can be found on review sites.
I have read a lot about the S3 so far and I gotta say it's not that much better than what the Note is right now. Sure it has an updated touchwiz (in the end both are running ICS so no biggie) with better hardware performance and added apps and features but overall I would not give up my Note for an S3.
But given your situation and if I was in the same situation I would struggle to choose between the two. I would most likely lean towards the Note. About a 60-40 ratio towards the Note.
lets face it QUAD CORE !! (what for) nothing uses that much power and yet its a muscle show for companies over each other. HTC did it sammy said (ME 2).
i love my note and by far the description you wrote means your device acts as a multimedia tool not for a normal usage phone, the note matches your requests fully well it has many ROM to speed it up and give you a great battery life (BTW i dunno about battery on SG3) so stick with note, cutsom version some guys say the ICS official has a bug well dunno i'am using it and its fine but you can wait i guess one week everything will cool down now and problems will be fixed.
NOTE advantages:
Screen HD 5.3"
2500 mAH
big phone with great images and brightness
8Mp cam
1.4 Dual Core enough for nowa days
that it by far if you try it you'l never regret or even change it XD unless another comes out !
BTW i hate to say so but i think it's not right to upgrade to an SG3 its about almost the same specs nothing serious for a daily use except for Camera and ICS !
happy buying the phone....
Yesterday i sold my sgs2 . It was a great device, but had some hardware problems. I am thinking too ''should i go for white note '' or ''should i wait for sgs3'' one thing for sure if i'll buy note now, i will lose some money for selling it latter after sgs3 official release.
Please give me some advices.
Things i like about note:
1. huge hd screen
2. better res and ppi than on sgs2
3. normal sim card (not micro)
4. same specs as sgs2
Things i hate about note:
1. damn stylus ! - what is it for ? 2012 and we are still using stylus ?
2. stupid look while making a call
3. i am not sure if it is possible to write a text message with one hand
4. mobile phone with big screen in my pocket - much easier to damage a screen!
Things i like about sgs3:
1. even better resolution and ppi. MUCH BRIGHTER SCREN
2. quad core (not sure if i can feel a difference on apps i am using now) but must be significant difference in battery life.
3. nfc, bt4, few more tweaks with camera & sensors
4. wireless charging
Things i hate about sgs3:
1. rounded look (egg shape)
2. not a big improvement in camera or rams
3. micro sim card
benzas said:
Yesterday i sold my sgs2 . It was a great device, but had some hardware problems. I am thinking too ''should i go for white note '' or ''should i wait for sgs3'' one thing for sure if i'll buy note now, i will lose some money for selling it latter after sgs3 official release.
Please give me some advices.
Things i like about note:
1. huge hd screen
2. better res and ppi than on sgs2
3. normal sim card (not micro)
4. same specs as sgs2
Things i hate about note:
1. damn stylus ! - what is it for ? 2012 and we are still using stylus ?
2. stupid look while making a call
3. i am not sure if it is possible to write a text message with one hand
4. mobile phone with big screen in my pocket - much easier to damage a screen!
Things i like about sgs3:
1. even better resolution and ppi. MUCH BRIGHTER SCREN
2. quad core (not sure if i can feel a difference on apps i am using now) but must be significant difference in battery life.
3. nfc, bt4, few more tweaks with camera & sensors
4. wireless charging
Things i hate about sgs3:
1. rounded look (egg shape)
2. not a big improvement in camera or rams
3. micro sim card
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You are wrong in the brightness department of s3!!
note is about 100cd/m2 brighter than the s3 and could be easily said that its one of the brightest amoled screens around.
pikulu said:
You are wrong in the brightness department of s3!!
note is about 100cd/m2 brighter than the s3 and could be easily said that its one of the brightest amoled screens around.
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Click to collapse have a look here when compared. s3 looks so brighter, might it be just a dimmed settings ?
Just get the Galaxy Note,I have been using it for over 5 months now its one great piece of device,as for SGSIII I would have considered it or the HTC ONE X for that matter only if the GNote did not exist.
shaolin95 said:
So I have been using my Captivate for a long time...tweaked and overclocked to its max...just a great phone (except for lame GPS). Of course time passes and you want more. 4" is not enough for me any more (and I am speaking about my phone screen!!! LOL).
So I was set on the GS3 BUT a few things have made me think about the Note.
First , I dont care about silly things like looks..come on now. Or the camera....more megapixels on a a freakin small phone sensor? Some people need to learn about real cameras before commenting.
Anyways, the thing is....the GS3 is great the way it is Internationally with the Quad and nice GPU BUT after seeing the 5.3" Note I was like WOW this is BIG.
I use my phone mainly for watching youtube, streaming MST3K , SouthPark etc.
Also for playing emulators, FPSE , MAME etc.
So the bigger display would , in my opinion, be something I can really use.
So in that regards the high resolution big Note screen is awesome as long as it at least looks as good as the one in my Captivate.
The bad thing about the Note...well, some benchmarks, specifically Nenamark2 , I have seen low scores. I mean my Captivate, I hold (I think I still do) the record of 33.5 for that phone and normally score around 30-32 which is VERY close to what I have seen for the Note so that makes me feel like its not a huge upgrade but maybe those were an older Rom or something.
On the other hand I am sure dual core and specially 1GB Ram should give the phone a very smooth feeling compared to my OCed phone.
Another bad thing about the Note is, I got the impression Dev is not huge for it not overclocking.
So on the GS3 end...well the hardware is faster and better overall but the screen is smaller and there is a change the USA ends up with a dual core as well instead of quad. So right I am like...wait for the USA release or just get the Note and enjoy it now.
Its a tough decision.
Any feedback is appreciated specially if anyone is running emulators, specially the new Mame one that plays .139 roms as I would like to know how afterburner runs on dual core.
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Honestly dude.. i would go out and hold a phone that's 4.8in and hold the Note and see which one you'd feel comfy handling 12 hours a day x 2 years.
Boiled down, they're almost the same phone. Quad doesn't necessarily > Dual. Just better if you're a heavy heavy multi-tasker. I multi-task like i'm on crack when i'm on the Note and don't feel any bit of fatigue.
Benchmarks don't mean SH
They're like college degrees. Nice on paper, but the important thing is being able to apply that knowledge in real-life situations.
anyways. i love my note. first week: it's too big (TWSS)
now when i handle an iphone it feels like a little kid's toy in my hand. like someone else said, can't go back to anything smaller.
Although i DO wish i had this on the Note (that the SGS3 has)
-That amazing screen
-That amazing camera (i take over 50 photos a day and that would be my fav feature of all)
-Software features they included (eye tracking, etc)
Still think it's lame how they didn't increase the ram though. I'd never have to close anything if I had 2gb
Also, since there's no LTE in Hawaii.. (yet)... I'd still go with international version. Exynos is king. Snapdragon will probably be what's in the AT&T version. bleh.
benzas said:
Yesterday i sold my sgs2 . It was a great device, but had some hardware problems. I am thinking too ''should i go for white note '' or ''should i wait for sgs3'' one thing for sure if i'll buy note now, i will lose some money for selling it latter after sgs3 official release.
Please give me some advices.
Things i like about note:
1. huge hd screen
2. better res and ppi than on sgs2
3. normal sim card (not micro)
4. same specs as sgs2
Things i hate about note:
1. damn stylus ! - what is it for ? 2012 and we are still using stylus ?
2. stupid look while making a call
3. i am not sure if it is possible to write a text message with one hand
4. mobile phone with big screen in my pocket - much easier to damage a screen!
Things i like about sgs3:
1. even better resolution and ppi. MUCH BRIGHTER SCREN
2. quad core (not sure if i can feel a difference on apps i am using now) but must be significant difference in battery life.
3. nfc, bt4, few more tweaks with camera & sensors
4. wireless charging
Things i hate about sgs3:
1. rounded look (egg shape)
2. not a big improvement in camera or rams
3. micro sim card
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I really don't understand it when people say "damn stylus ! - what is it for ? 2012 and we are still using stylus ?". This is very narrow minded.
First of all that is like saying, "pens, pencils? What the hell are they for?" The stylus is used for taking notes, it's excellent for that. It is used for drawing, have a look at some of the threads on here where people post their artwork, some pretty amazing stuff. Fingers just aren't accurate enough to do all that. So, fingers are just used for navigating through the phone and selecting things, the stylus is used for so much more than that.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
ngocdao said:
Honestly dude.. i would go out and hold a phone that's 4.8in and hold the Note and see which one you'd feel comfy handling 12 hours a day x 2 years.
Boiled down, they're almost the same phone. Quad doesn't necessarily > Dual. Just better if you're a heavy heavy multi-tasker. I multi-task like i'm on crack when i'm on the Note and don't feel any bit of fatigue.
Benchmarks don't mean SH
They're like college degrees. Nice on paper, but the important thing is being able to apply that knowledge in real-life situations.
anyways. i love my note. first week: it's too big (TWSS)
now when i handle an iphone it feels like a little kid's toy in my hand. like someone else said, can't go back to anything smaller.
Although i DO wish i had this on the Note (that the SGS3 has)
-That amazing screen
-That amazing camera (i take over 50 photos a day and that would be my fav feature of all)
-Software features they included (eye tracking, etc)
Still think it's lame how they didn't increase the ram though. I'd never have to close anything if I had 2gb
Also, since there's no LTE in Hawaii.. (yet)... I'd still go with international version. Exynos is king. Snapdragon will probably be what's in the AT&T version. bleh.
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Size is not a problem with the phone for me.
My reason for wanting a quad was mostly for emulators as some are not super efficient so the more power I can provide the better although that MAME one I mentioned seems to be done for duals.
Yes benchmarks are not the last word but they do give an idea of relative performance.
Well one thing I wanted to have was a Tegra 3 chipset. Not because it is the fastest but because the lame market thing with Tegra game having extra features etc. I hope the trend does not continue.
As for Exynos vs Snapdragon, I thought there was not much different between the ATT and international version but I guess I can always sell it then by the international version or something.
Not sure if there is LTE and I dont really care for it except that with my BS "Unlimited" plan if I had a LTE phone my limit before they slow me down to unusable speeds will be 5GB instead of 3.
Markhypnosis said:
I really don't understand it when people say "damn stylus ! - what is it for ? 2012 and we are still using stylus ?". This is very narrow minded.
First of all that is like saying, "pens, pencils? What the hell are they for?" The stylus is used for taking notes, it's excellent for that. It is used for drawing, have a look at some of the threads on here where people post their artwork, some pretty amazing stuff. Fingers just aren't accurate enough to do all that. So, fingers are just used for navigating through the phone and selecting things, the stylus is used for so much more than that.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
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Actually the styles us something I like for taking notes for sure...would be very nice.
qazibasit said:
well i am using my note for like 4 months now, and i am very happy with it, because of its magnificient screen for browsing and my ebooks. I am a surgical resident and this galaxy note saved me from carrying my laptop to the hospital. Here i am sharing my experience abt the note. Its easy to carry my hybrids in the rounds while taking overs during rounds. capture HD videos and pics related to the clinical findings. sometimes i even take it to the OR during cases when i am not assisting or scrubbed. I have all my books for references on my note. The good thing is being loaded with my work stuff, i have plenty of space to have my entertainment part on it. So right now i would say that i have never used a device like the galaxy note.
As far as S3 is concerned. Its an upcoming device with enhanced processor and a few more sensors. So its also charming.
Now as note prices have fall down, if u want to be on the saving path get a note, if u want to be on the top notch in competition, get an S3 as it will be the king till 2013.
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My concern with the S3 is , how much enhanced is going to be if the USA cripples it to dual core..then it would feel more like a small note since not even the RAM changed.
NutZInTheHead said:
I got my Note about 3 months ago and I really will not use anything smaller than the Note.
Before I got this I was tossing a coin between GS2 and Note. I mean literally
The coin landed for the GS2 and I got the Note hehe
I just couldn't resist this phablet.
In comparison to other Android phones I cant say much on that as this is my first ever Android phone and everything on it is great. From watching movies to browsing and even just looking at the thing will make you
Sure it is a bit bulky but I really like it that way. Also it depends on how much you call on it. I spend about 95% doing everything else than calling people. So holding it to my ear is a rare thing. It's better for people with big hands.
I guess everything else can be found on review sites.
I have read a lot about the S3 so far and I gotta say it's not that much better than what the Note is right now. Sure it has an updated touchwiz (in the end both are running ICS so no biggie) with better hardware performance and added apps and features but overall I would not give up my Note for an S3.
But given your situation and if I was in the same situation I would struggle to choose between the two. I would most likely lean towards the Note. About a 60-40 ratio towards the Note.
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I am hoping I can have AOKP with it and hopefully some Overclocked kernel. That should make me happy.
As for calling, I dont use my phone to call, always use a headset so no problem there.
REVERSiN said:
lets face it QUAD CORE !! (what for) nothing uses that much power and yet its a muscle show for companies over each other. HTC did it sammy said (ME 2).
i love my note and by far the description you wrote means your device acts as a multimedia tool not for a normal usage phone, the note matches your requests fully well it has many ROM to speed it up and give you a great battery life (BTW i dunno about battery on SG3) so stick with note, cutsom version some guys say the ICS official has a bug well dunno i'am using it and its fine but you can wait i guess one week everything will cool down now and problems will be fixed.
NOTE advantages:
Screen HD 5.3"
2500 mAH
big phone with great images and brightness
8Mp cam
1.4 Dual Core enough for nowa days
that it by far if you try it you'l never regret or even change it XD unless another comes out !
BTW i hate to say so but i think it's not right to upgrade to an SG3 its about almost the same specs nothing serious for a daily use except for Camera and ICS !
happy buying the phone....
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I agree...that is what my usage of the phone looks like and since camera is not important to me as I have real cameras when a shot matters, then I keep leaning towards the Note right now
benzas said:
Yesterday i sold my sgs2 . It was a great device, but had some hardware problems. I am thinking too ''should i go for white note '' or ''should i wait for sgs3'' one thing for sure if i'll buy note now, i will lose some money for selling it latter after sgs3 official release.
Please give me some advices.
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Labas benzas
As truputi suprantu lietuviskai
Its better to create your own post to get more responses.
I hate when I cannot make a clear cut decision. LOL
Benchmark results aren't relative at all.. that's the problem
Its like the quote goes "you can't rate a goldfish's intelligence based on its ability to climb"
There is a significant difference on exynos / snapdragon. (Stock) I've tried both notes.
Another prime example is AT&T S2 w/ exynos and TMO S2 on snapdragon. The latter is horrible on stock.
I still hate writing on the stylus, since i cant write as fast on it as i do with a reg. Pen and professor talks too fast. I do all my mock up sketches though on it/annotations.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
shaolin95 said:
Labas benzas
As truputi suprantu lietuviskai
Its better to create your own post to get more responses.
I hate when I cannot make a clear cut decision. LOL
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hahah . Labas! Nice to see some native language in here
went to some phone shops today to hold NOTE ... also compared it to nexus (as nexus is the same size as s3) and i easily made my mind. BOUGHT NOTE FROM EBAY TODAY. £359 so that's about $577 , brand new n7000 , factory unlocked - WHITE
s3 in uk going to be part of Olympics (official olimpics phone) so i presume price is gonna stay high for a long time. I'll hold note for some time now , and decide if it is worth to go for s3 latter when it is cheaper.
benzas said:
hahah . Labas! Nice to see some native language in here
went to some phone shops today to hold NOTE ... also compared it to nexus (as nexus is the same size as s3) and i easily made my mind. BOUGHT NOTE FROM EBAY TODAY. £359 so that's about $577 , brand new n7000 , factory unlocked - WHITE
s3 in uk going to be part of Olympics (official olimpics phone) so i presume price is gonna stay high for a long time. I'll hold note for some time now , and decide if it is worth to go for s3 latter when it is cheaper.
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ah good idea! I will do the same to see how much different the size will be. I wish I could just get the international version but then again, I guess I can always sell it and get the international one.
Are you in Vilnius? I am planning to visit in late June.
shaolin95 said:
ah good idea! I will do the same to see how much different the size will be. I wish I could just get the international version but then again, I guess I can always sell it and get the international one.
Are you in Vilnius? I am planning to visit in late June.
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No bro. I live in United Kingdom for last 7 yrs. but originally i am not far away from Vilnius.
My advice for you would be : - go for note and if you'll be very disappointed go for s3 in autumn or so. (maybe even NOTE 2 )
Based on what I use it for I think the big screen will be the choice for sure. I will go by the store today.
Yeah many of my friends are moving to the UK as well so I hope to see them before they leave.
benzas said:
Things i hate about note:
1. damn stylus ! - what is it for ? 2012 and we are still using stylus ?
2. stupid look while making a call
3. i am not sure if it is possible to write a text message with one hand
4. mobile phone with big screen in my pocket - much easier to damage a screen!
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1.- Really, hey if you dont like it you dont HAVE to use it, i love it couse its great to making some postcards out of picture of me and my gf just for fun, also its great for playing drawsomthing, but you dont have to use it.
2.- I dont think how you look should matter in this case you want something useful you are not modelling right?
3.- With ICS you can write with one hand, it has a special one hand handling feature
4.- Sure, but after 6 months no problem with my phone, and i broke 2 other small ones so i gues it depends how you take care of your stuff
Bottom Line, i Love my Note, im not planning on any change unless Note 2 is out there and yet, it has to be a great update, cause this phone has it all
I would say go for the note.
-- Although the ATT version doesn't have the same power as the international version. overclocking to 1704hmz is certainly a plus for the note, and some roms can go higher. If you are going for the Note do the international version.
As apps get more complicated (and they will) more cores will be needed. Currently thats not the case, but it will happen. I remember 20 years ago when people were saying 52mb was all you would even need in a hard drive!
Thats basically what it comes down to. For me its the bigger screen as apps don't need 4 cores at the moment, and im loving the Note. The next note will be quad core so that will be my next purchase...
I'm never going for a smaller phone than the note...

Has the Note turned you into a Samsung fanboy?

I've had my Note a few months now and I still believe its the best tablet out there. The nexus 10 does have a higher resolution but the
Note screen is beautiful anyway, also I use the S pen for everything and it has an SD card, so that tips it for me.
I remember years ago when I was a lad buying hi-fi equipment or stuff like that, Samsung was always at the bottom of the pile, the Beko
of the hi-fi world, if you had Samsung, you just had crap. Sony and the others were the things to aspire to, and if you were really
lucky, Technics! So it really does amaze me how samsung have seemingly come from nowhere over the past few years and are in the
position they are in now.
I had the original Galaxy phone and I think that represented a milestone with its combination of Amoled screen and Android operating
system. The numbers it sold in clearly showed Samsung they had created a winner and that this was the direction to go in. Thankfully
they did. After that I had the original Note. The return of the stylus to the small screen devices was a masterstroke. I sold the Note a
few months ago as it was a bit big for me and I was missing the Sense user interface I had years ago on the HTC Blackstone. I'm now
using a One S.
I'd never be daft enough to be like one of those iSheep who cant think beyond what a marketing campaign tells them, or who has no
sense in value for money. But am I a Samsung Fanboy? Definitely.
P.S. Samsungs projected phone sales for 2013 are over half a billion units.
Samsung been producing top class electronics for years .
VCR TV DVD Hard |Drives SGS1 2 3 and Note 10.1 are just a few of my Samsung products .
Sony no longer cut the mustard in my view .
I had the Original Samsung Galaxy Nexus and was only so-so on it. I quickly traded it for a Motorola Razr Maxx. But the S III looks like a great phone and most people that own it seem to really like it. The Note phones are just too big for my tastes. But it would be cool to have that form factor with a pen. I'm hearing rumors the S IV may have a pen with a smaller form factor than the Note. We'll see.
But I won't make the decision on my next phone, or any other product, just based on my love of the Note 10.1. But I will give them serious consideration, unlike Apple. I have no desire to go down that dark path.
Only for tables i love the built quality of htc phones i had hd2 for 3 years without a single scratch and i may consider htc butterfly as my next phone, but on tablets i have nerarly owned every samsung tablet out there and i will not buy any tablet rather than samsung again
Sent from my GT-N8000 using xda app-developers app
Fanboy? No...
In fact, I dislike Samsung because of some of their surreal business practices - like having reciprocal 'no sell' policy between Canada and the US that prevents me from buying Samsung products from stores like Which would be ok - if Samsung Canada carried the same products as Samsung US, or at least allowed you to order them *through* Samsung Canada - but they don't. This makes their opening the first physical Samsung Store in Burnaby, BC, Canada rather surreal since the store carries a tiny fraction of what Samsung US sells.
The customer support is often wonky and frustrating (note, we North Americans are still waiting for *any* updates for the Note while it's already rolling out for the second time in Europe).
They try too hard to be Apple and get it wrong too often.
That being said, here's the reality - I have an Q1U-V tablet, a Series 7 Slate, a Galaxy Nexus and a Galaxy Note 10.1. I have two external DVD drives, both Samsung. About the only thing I don't own made by Samsung is a desktop computer or monitor. I've had to buy most of them by driving to the US and buying them over the counter and bringing them back to Canada.
Simple. While they don't get it perfectly right - they get far closer to what I want than anyone else does. In the end, really - I have no other options. And Samsung seems to be slowly fixing the things I find annoying - so I'm prepared to cut them a lot of slack.
So am I Samsung fan boy? No. But they are my main consumer electronics producer for now...
Nope. I tolerate them only because of the S-Pen. As soon as someone else comes out with one that runs Android I will jump ship immediately.
I don't really value the name of the company ..
Even apple , I believe it produces bad products when it comes to smartphones and tablets aka ipads .. but I dream of a mac laptop ..
I had a Samsung and I'm buying the next tablet from samsung again too ..
I have to admit It sucks when it comes to quality .. I never expected it would feel this bad ..
but It's still a Great device even with the bad feeling of the material of it :good:
I may have tendencies of fanboyism but tbh they do make quality products, it all started with my S3 then i bought an SSD and now the Note, all of which serve me well and work flawlessly.
I feel that the large departments for R&D which they possess play a large role in how good these devices are, e.g they have shrunk the die in many of their mobile chips in order to lower power consumption and heat production. Not many companies are capable of such things and this in my books is why samsung excels.
While I love my Note 10.1 and have had it since the first day it was released in the US it is far from the perfect tablet.
Proprietary charger.
Always a big negative in my book for any device. If you want to have more functionality than a standard usb form factor charger offers then include a second port for that functionality but leave the charging to a standard usb form factor plug.
Screen resolution.
While I have no real complaints about the screen I expect an apple style rollout this year of a new Note 10.1 with a higher resolution screen making all of us early adopters have to decide if the upgrade is worth it for something we all wanted and expected in the beginning.
Software Updates.
It is frustrating to watch multiple updates come out across the globe for items in the same family of devices without getting even a hint or update on the progress of updates for your region. I think Samsung could do a lot to quiet people's complaints on the update delays by communicating the progress and causes of delays to their users. Even without a definite release date just being able to see that it is in the pipeline would do a lot to satisfy me.
And one final minor issue for me.
Placement of the S-Pen in the body of the device.
The pen placement really confuses and frustrates me. It seems that the note is designed to be held in a landscape orientation, speaker placement, volume button directions, native app orientations, camera positions, accessory orientation, etc. That being the case why does the pen come out of the bottom of the device? If I am using a stand I have to lift up the tablet to get the pen out or put it back in place. When I hold the tablet in portrait orientation, which I do most of the time, because I am right handed I have to choose ease of access to the s-pen (camera to the left), or keeping the light sensors uncovered (camera to the right). I would guess the same from the reverse would be true for lefties. Upper left corner vertical in landscape, next to the power button, would have made much more sense as then the pen would be easily accessible from any position other than upside down while keeping the power and volume buttons accessible as well.
The note 10.1 is a great tablet. It is fantastic for taking notes and as a digital sketchbook but it isn't anything that would make me into a fanboy for Samsung.
I do love my note 10.1. The best tablet for me right now. Not the best at everything, but best overall. The nexus would have been my second choice.
Higher Res screen is no good for me as my eye sight is not as good as it used to be. So the nexus would not have been beneficial.
The nexus had no SD card slot, may as we have an ipad.
A big plus for me with the note is USB charge. I can go travelling and use the same extended battery for my phone and tablet.
My old tablet was an ald xoom. I sold it for 160 ukp and bought the note for 330 with 80 cashback, so it was a sub 100 ukp upgrade.
Yes it has. I have a Glaxy Player, GS3 and now a Note 10.1.
I think "fanboy," especially the way it's used on XDA, implies a kind of blindness favoring a specific manufacturer. I bought (coming from a i9100 SGS2) the Teg3 One X over the SGS3 when they came out because I liked the display, design, and Sense vs. TW.
Here's a quote from Samsung's CEO made in June:
"A particular focus must be given to serving new customer experience and value by strengthening soft capabilities in software, user experience, design, and solutions."​
It's clearly being taken to heart. The welcome and unique capabilities of the Note series make other Android devices look barren. I liked the features (I'm a productivity user) of the Note 10.1 so much I got a N2. And it has even more features than the 10.1. I was playing with a friend’s N10 over the holidays and it looks like a barren wasteland feature-wise compared to the Note. Similarly, he was amazed at what the Note could do that his N10 couldn't.
Samsung's raised the bar for other manufacturers in features and usability. From the "Phone X" leaks at Motorola it seems they've gotten the message. The N4/Optimus G and One X+/DNA/Butterfly are simply re-hashes of existing direction with better h/w. To me, features are like crack; once you're hooked they're hard to give up. So I'm not married to Samsung and would consider other devices but not if it means I'm going backward.
In the high-end space I think manufacturers that just mildly evolve their devices are going to be screwed going forward. As it is, their a generation behind Samsung and if Samsung keeps moving the goal ahead their struggles will only continue. Motorola survives because of Verizon and HTC actually lost market share with the introduction of the One series. From a volume and market share perspective everyone other than Samsung’s in trouble. It'll be interesting to see what's announced at CES and MWC in the next couple of weeks.
TheWerewolf said:
Fanboy? No...
In fact, I dislike Samsung because of some of their surreal business practices - like having reciprocal 'no sell' policy between Canada and the US that prevents me from buying Samsung products from stores like Which would be ok - if Samsung Canada carried the same products as Samsung US, or at least allowed you to order them *through* Samsung Canada - but they don't. This makes their opening the first physical Samsung Store in Burnaby, BC, Canada rather surreal since the store carries a tiny fraction of what Samsung US sells.
The customer support is often wonky and frustrating (note, we North Americans are still waiting for *any* updates for the Note while it's already rolling out for the second time in Europe).
They try too hard to be Apple and get it wrong too often....
That being said, here's the reality - I have an Q1U-V tablet, a Series 7 Slate, a Galaxy Nexus and a Galaxy Note 10.1. I have two external DVD drives, both Samsung. About the only thing I don't own made by Samsung is a desktop computer or monitor. I've had to buy most of them by driving to the US and buying them over the counter and bringing them back to Canada.
Simple. While they don't get it perfectly right - they get far closer to what I want than anyone else does. In the end, really - I have no other options. And Samsung seems to be slowly fixing the things I find annoying - so I'm prepared to cut them a lot of slack.
So am I Samsung fan boy? No. But they are my main consumer electronics producer for now...
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I laughed a little I'm not sure I quite agree with they "try to hard to be Apple and get it wrong too often." comment. What does that mean exactly?
Frankly Samsung has very clearly innovated, beyond and better than has Apple in many cases. I think one can only fault, if that's even a realistic term in this case, things like the heavy use of plastic vs metal/glass... but is that even really fair? Those same materials are what make the unit so "flexible" in many cases (replaceable battery, internal sd card, light weight, more resiliency when dropped).
I think if anyone is playing catch up now it's Apple. Samsung isn't building knock-offs, they are building better and in many ways different mouse traps. Even Samsung's software is well polished comparatively.
The only thing I dislike on the Note 10.1 is the lower res screen. But that's simply because I know there's better out there. However that doesn't mean it's low quality, quite the contrary it's an excellent screen.... I just wish it was as "excellent" as the one on my Note 2
It's not that I won't buy from other manufactures, Samsung has just made consistently the best products I have use recently. They have converted me from HTC for phones, and Nexus tablets. Now I own a galaxy s3, 8 Samsung pebble, a note 10.1, and a Samsung laptop. As long as they keep up the innovation and good customer service, I think I will stay with them for a long time. As much as everyone complains on these forums, I actually think their rollout schedule of updates is really good
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
I'm not a samsung fan boy and i will never be one. Will never spend a penny on samsung products again.
xuanphucn said:
I'm not a samsung fan boy and i will never be one. Will never spend a penny on samsung products again.
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HUYI said:
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It would appear not to matter. Motorola and HTC both had new products in the period and still lost market share. LG maintains its percentage of market share primarily with low to mid-range devices. According to reports the N4's sold only 400K units so it's in high-demand from lack of supply.
I can say Samsung now. This note 10.1 and SG3 are my first Samsung devices. They perform so well I left them stock. Not even rooting them. I underestimated them. They do produce some quality products.
I will say though I loved my previous Transformer Prime. Only reason I got refund on it(to buy note 10.1) was because I saw its forum and developement scene kin agoing downhill. It still was, IMO, a great experience. Its the price we pay to be on cutting edge technology at the time. I still have my Nexus7 to satisfy my Tegra3 /Asus needs though
I'd easily recommend either Samsung device I own to others. They work great out the box. Only thing I don't like is their updating software routines. but its cool with me since device works so well out the box.
Also I will likely be getting a Note 2 shortly. Then give my SG3 to my woman. I love that huge. 5.5in. SuperAmoled. Screen on it. It'll compliment my tablet well. Can you believe that that company Haewei is releasing a 6in+. Phone? Love it. Even the rumored SG4 will likely be at least 5ins. I love the phablet category!
demandarin said:
I can say Samsung now.
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Whoever thought we'd see that day.
I'm having fun with my Note, it's a toy to me....Samsung has to do a lot more to lure me away from my HTC phones........

Should we buy or wait s4 due to screen or other issues?

I want to know from expert guys who have bought S4 or those who have expert ideas about screen smearing or other issues with S4, kindly advise me should we buy S4 right now or should we wait, or should we consider iPhone5 which does it all in good way but just smaller display or even HTC One?
Advice required?
How can you even consider iPhone 5 is beyond me...
Wait to see if the problems get fixed I guess. HTC One is the next best thing.
@usmanxhmed you can choose whatever you prefer. People here will bash you if you mention any iOS devices. But tbh I just switched to S4 and currently having yellow tint issues .. I believe my iPhone 4S's display is brighter and clearer than my current S4, only that it's smaller. You may want to wait.
it's not bashing about ios. iphone 5 is rubbish. even galaxy s3 is better. how could someone consider iphone 5 to galaxy s4. it's beyond my imagination.
I'm loving my S4, I can't see what everyone is moaning about, inventing all of these 'issues' with it! Just set your phone up properly and off you go.
Seriously, it's the best phone I've ever had. My mate has an iPhone, I was showing off my S4 today and it does impress.
The quality of the screen is the first thing you notice, just playing the helicopter video which is on the phone does a good job when showing off, then demonstrate hovering over text messages and emails, then gesture scroll on the browser, it can't fail to impress, even iPhone owners!
Don't hesitate, just buy an S4.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
usmanxhmed said:
I want to know from expert guys who have bought S4 or those who have expert ideas about screen smearing or other issues with S4, kindly advise me should we buy S4 right now or should we wait, or should we consider iPhone5 which does it all in good way but just smaller display or even HTC One?
Advice required?
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If you consider to buy a Iphone 5 instead of the s4, better go with the One. Its closer in terms of fluidness, haptics, optics and display.
nniicckkss said:
I'm loving my S4, I can't see what everyone is moaning about, inventing all of these 'issues' with it! Just set your phone up properly and off you go.
Seriously, it's the best phone I've ever had. My mate has an iPhone, I was showing off my S4 today and it does impress.
The quality of the screen is the first thing you notice, just playing the helicopter video which is on the phone does a good job when showing off, then demonstrate hovering over text messages and emails, then gesture scroll on the browser, it can't fail to impress, even iPhone owners!
Don't hesitate, just buy an S4.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
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You're probably just too excited with your S4. I had an iPhone before the S4 and the screen is much brighter. Also, my S4 has a yellowish tint, which is not something i'm happy about. Oh and all those features by Samsung are gimmicks and useless, I turned them all off.
It's a good phone, don't get me wrong, but I hate how this forum is filled with fanboys defending it with everything. Phones DO have disadvantages whether you like it or not -.-
The screen is definitely brighter on my brothers iPhone 5, but most the time you have it on mid brightness anyway, otherwise the 1400mah battery will run out
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium HD app
@3473 Yeah a smaller battery and drains fast, but the screen does not disappoint imo. I always had my brightness on 80%. The thing is, I never noticed it until today, hence why I am annoyed by it so much. I realise it now every time I turn on my S4 :\
ZaZu90 said:
You're probably just too excited with your S4. I had an iPhone before the S4 and the screen is much brighter. Also, my S4 has a yellowish tint, which is not something i'm happy about. Oh and all those features by Samsung are gimmicks and useless, I turned them all off.
It's a good phone, don't get me wrong, but I hate how this forum is filled with fanboys defending it with everything. Phones DO have disadvantages whether you like it or not -.-
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I've had my first Samsung phone ever, for less than a week, and now I'm a fanboy...!
You're funny.
If your gimmicky phone is broken, change it!
(Perhaps for an iPhone as you like them so much.)
Mine isn't tinted yellow, it's fine.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
@NNIicckks This is my first samsung as well, hence why I'm disappointed. Can you hold your phone with an empty white screen to your laptop (both on full brightness) ? See if you can find yellow tint in yours.
Firstly i am not iFanboy, as i bashed all my life iPhones when i use to love Symbian, the likes of e52, which i bought 4 times in few years and i use to dislike Android as it stole the show and i use to laugh at iPhone as i thought it lacks basic features.
Then features made me switch to Android and i could never switch back to Symbian which i still love, but can't use as most of them you know why, thought i have an old Nokia 5630 for emergencies like now.
Used few Xperias, Desires, Galaxy and the last one i sold was HTC One x About 40 days ago to get decent money out of it just to save money for S4.
Then S4 was so dam late after its announcement, i could not wait, i bought brand new black iPhone 5 just to try iOS for the first time in life, to see why girls, and people like girls like iPhone so much, mainly i evaluated in past because it just do most things, and it does in fairly better way.
When i bought it, i liked iPhone5 screen, not just the brightness because i usually set brightness at 40 percent, to save batter, but the blacks, the colours and it was decent package.
I was surprised that you cannot change even SMS app in iPhone but little happy too that i could never decide which SMS app or which launcher i should use with Android, i was happy there is no home screen in iPhone as i was always nervous to use any widgets on Android due to poor batteries of all android phones.
I was sad that you cannot block calls, you cannot record calls and you have to pay for paid Apps unlike in Android, in which i use to find Apps from net and manually install them. i decided not to jailbreak iPhone because i bought it for ease of use and not to mess, so i given up in whatsapp being paid and start using viber.
then i found it iPhones bezal is prone to scratch like a fire in jungle, softwares were beautiful and screen was too small i felt, though i bought to use for long term but due to those limiations i bought new iPhone 5 with good loss for S4 a week ago after using for 2 weeks.
Now i kept my savings back to buy S4, now guess what, screen, issue, over heating, battery drain? now i think did i made bad choice to sale iPhone, as it was doing most things good and plus its size was great to carry it around, if i could adjust with smaller screen thinking, little is big if little can do most big screens task, as i sold iPhone for big screen S4 plus normal android features like default softwares changing, hacked apps, sharing of songs/videos and larger screen to view web pages and videos and pictures.
Though iPhone screen was very good, i was fond of AMOLED sharp colours too and deep blacks.
Now nobody knows whats the situation of S4 in Pakistan, i called the retailer he says he has no clue about about smearing, what it is, means he is not sure if its there or not, so i am left to spend all my savings to buy this fun and see if my luck is good or bad.
Another thing that let me down is no response from Samsung, i think they taking success as granted just as Nokia did and see its condition now, My beloved Nokia too took success by granted an stayed in past glory, by feeding ancient generation slow CPU when the world was moving to dual cores, they thought we are Nokia we can do whatever we want.
Now samsung is silent, no official response, are they this careless about consumer or worried about 10M pre orders?
now i am here without a smart phone? how can i buy S4 when i am not sure if my unit will have issue or not.
For HTC One X lovers, Metal is good, but prone to scratches and dents more than plastic, so you have to put silicon cover, metal gone and phone becomes fatter, but fine, its ok to bear it, but power switch is not fine? it must be pain for me? HTC in years every reviewer bashed your power button placement, and you are not willing to learn, this time put even farther.
Screem is better but why smaller? battery is nice and again smaller as was the case in S3 and One x? why HTC has to do these compromises is beyond me?
But the two things that is putting One off for me is power button placement, hello i have to use second hand every time? and batter concerns?
I have written too much bull**** here, why? because Samsung could not come up with official statement and they are sitting silent like ****** ?
So? so i may end buying another new iPhone 5 and forget about android advantages and just use my phone is phone and be happy with smaller screen, skype, viber, fluidity etc?
usmanx i think you are clearly isheep..
doesn't matter which phone is good. everywhere on internet said galaxy s3 is better than iphone 5. phone of the years 2012 is galaxy s3. phone of the years 2011 is galaxy s2.
2013 should go to galaxy s4 or htc one. iphone is big sh1t of rubbish. i have use iphone 1, 3gs and 4. yes my wife has iphone 4s and 5atm.
i know how it works. it's simple a prison ( iphone ). you can't do sh1t with it. a damn old ugly interface for ages now. same design kept for years.. nothing innovation.
well. i'm not fan of anything. but i'm sure go to freedom. android is freedom. f*ck ios. my galaxy s3 with wanam custom rom are million miles better than iphone 5. not to mention my galaxy s4 is going to be. once the dev start kicking.
nniicckkss said:
I'm loving my S4, I can't see what everyone is moaning about, inventing all of these 'issues' with it! Just set your phone up properly and off you go.
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Have to agree. I don't have or notice any of the screen issues folks are going on about. Compared to my HTC Evo 4G LTE, the whites might not be quite as bright at times, but the colors are so much better and the screen is very easy to see and use, even in full sunlight. I guess the screen comes down to personal preference in the end, but I sure would not let any minor issues like that have been reported stop you from trying it. It's not perfect, but I'm really enjoying mine so far after a week of using it.
Hovering affect is waist, so as air gestures? they are not reliable plus they will drain battery plus they will slower the phone, plus they make the OS heavy plus simply touching the screen is more assured? and if you have to show these off, then i should not take your advice.
You can talk about benefits of larger screen, more sharing options and other useless features, please not gimmiks, thanks.
I wanted S4 to be automatic choice for me, but a phone with unreliable screen?
conmeo said:
usmanx i think you are clearly isheep..
doesn't matter which phone is good. everywhere on internet said galaxy s3 is better than iphone 5. phone of the years 2012 is galaxy s3. phone of the years 2011 is galaxy s2.
2013 should go to galaxy s4 or htc one. iphone is big sh1t of rubbish. i have use iphone 1, 3gs and 4. yes my wife has iphone 4s and 5atm.
i know how it works. it's simple a prison ( iphone ). you can't do sh1t with it. a damn old ugly interface for ages now. same design kept for years.. nothing innovation.
well. i'm not fan of anything. but i'm sure go to freedom. android is freedom. f*ck ios. my galaxy s3 with wanam custom rom are million miles better than iphone 5. not to mention my galaxy s4 is going to be. once the dev start kicking.
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No dear i am not isheep, actually i was symbian fan, when it died i went to android, used many android phones, i was waiting for S4 after selling HTC One x, but it was getting long wait, so i bought new iPhone 5, liked it, but had small screen and lack of sharing features so i tempted to sale it again for S4 as i thought it is automatic choice, but now after these issues i am confused
conmeo said:
usmanx i think you are clearly isheep..
doesn't matter which phone is good. everywhere on internet said galaxy s3 is better than iphone 5. phone of the years 2012 is galaxy s3. phone of the years 2011 is galaxy s2.
2013 should go to galaxy s4 or htc one. iphone is big sh1t of rubbish. i have use iphone 1, 3gs and 4. yes my wife has iphone 4s and 5atm.
i know how it works. it's simple a prison ( iphone ). you can't do sh1t with it. a damn old ugly interface for ages now. same design kept for years.. nothing innovation.
well. i'm not fan of anything. but i'm sure go to freedom. android is freedom. f*ck ios. my galaxy s3 with wanam custom rom are million miles better than iphone 5. not to mention my galaxy s4 is going to be. once the dev start kicking.
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Well a personal question, you are not forced to answer, but why your wife has 2 iPhones any ways? is one not enough?
and few people don't have free brain and free time to waist on custom roms or all that stuff, they just want to use phone and after using iPhone i know its limitations and strengths now.
Plus, man take it easy, dont enforce your thoughts on others, and dont think what ever you think is absolute right for everyone, every one as different needs and brains, hence different preference for phones.
So if you tell phone one is good and phone too is crap, i will sit back and feel sorry and i will think you need time to be mature in life.
You should say my favourite phones has these benefits which other phone is not having, thats better
jejb said:
Have to agree. I don't have or notice any of the screen issues folks are going on about. Compared to my HTC Evo 4G LTE, the whites might not be quite as bright at times, but the colors are so much better and the screen is very easy to see and use, even in full sunlight. I guess the screen comes down to personal preference in the end, but I sure would not let any minor issues like that have been reported stop you from trying it. It's not perfect, but I'm really enjoying mine so far after a week of using it.
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Well dude, perfect is nothing, not iPhones scratch prone premium body, not HTC One bigger body with smaller screen as compare to S4 or its power button position, but for the like of me, who is not that rich and he save some money to buy expensive phone, its not easy feeling to buy it when he reads all this up here?
usmanxhmed said:
its not easy feeling to buy it when he reads all this up here?
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I understand. All I can tell you is that after using mine for a week, I don't find ANY display issues at all with my S4. I think there is just a mountain being made of a mole hill, personally.
BTW, some of the "gimmicks" are useful. Like the hover thing. In certain apps, it's kind of like hovering your mouse over a thread header in this forum and getting a preview of the thread.
The issues aren't that significant and they don't make the device unusable. Apart from these tolerable display issues, the device is amazing. Perfect audio quality, great battery life, thin and light.
iPhone 5 is also a great device. Yes, the display is small but it has great contrast and accurate colors. Just know that there will be things that you could easily do on Android but can't on iOS.
I didn't get a chance to use HTC One, so I can't comment on that one.
mkrmec said:
How can you even consider iPhone 5 is beyond me...
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How you can't even use proper grammar and still feel the right to insult someone else's smartphone choice is beyond me.

Smartphones aren't getting better?

Hello fellow smartphone users,
Just something that annoys me, feel like talking about it.
My contract with my mobile provider is over and I can now choose a new contract with a phone
I own a LG G3 since may 2014. I swapped my G2 for the G3 just because of the external SD. Other changes were minimal, but the SD was a must for me.
Now normally you would be happy when your contract is over and you get to choose a new phone, but honestly I'm disappointed. The G3 is a great phone, works very well and has all things one can expect in a todays flagship phones.
Smartphone innovation has stopped. What do the new "flagships" even have to offer that would improve smartphone use? It feels like they desperatly try to make up new things like ow lets add another GB of RAM. Make the phone bigger so there's more room for that extra GB, make it look a little different and sell it as the next big thing.
Right now I feel like waiting till they release new phones like idk the S7 or G5, but honestly there's absolutely no need for a newer phone.
What do you guys think?
Im gonna switch back to iphone ..durability is outstanding and way better than my g3 ..also I have to order a new camera lens due to scratching screen 10$ not a big deal but hey ...also this lag get me to a point of no return ..
send from LG G3
mathsmart said:
Im gonna switch back to iphone ..durability is outstanding and way better than my g3 ..also I have to order a new camera lens due to scratching screen 10$ not a big deal but hey ...also this lag get me to a point of no return ..
send from LG G3
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With the amount of smashed screens I've seen on iPhones. I'd say durability is outstandingly bad.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
I think that's a really interesting point. Just got my HTC One M7 back to work to fiddle around with it a little bit and it performs sooo well even compared to my G3 (that's running AOSP). There is a Full HD screen and an all metal body - pretty much standard by now for many OEMs. 2013 was in general a major step forward in the smartphone territory, the last 2 waves of flagship were not even close to being so game-changing.
papaluigi said:
I think that's a really interesting point. Just got my HTC One M7 back to work to fiddle around with it a little bit and it performs sooo well even compared to my G3 (that's running AOSP). There is a Full HD screen and an all metal body - pretty much standard by now for many OEMs. 2013 was in general a major step forward in the smartphone territory, the last 2 waves of flagship were not even close to being so game-changing.
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exactly. It's like they're out of innovation. It seems main points of smartphone innovation used to be better screens, faster processor for a smoother and faster user experience and thinner body. But it seems those points are perfected in some way. Higher resolution screens wouldn't do any good. The used software is fast enough and gets all the processing power it needs. Overall graphics are awesome. GPU power can always be improved ofcourse but c'mon who even wants to play call of duty or fallout 4 on a smartphone. And phones are thin enough. Only innovation on battery power would make a significant difference, but that requires entire new technology which isn't developed yet.
At this point smartphones are handheld computers as well as telecommunications devices. What is new in computers from year to year? Hardware. So what do you get with a new laptop this year vs one from last year? faster processors, more memory, SSDs are so 2 years ago, touchscreens more so, Phones, like computers, for the most part 2 year old computers are still working fine so sure, you can get along just fine with a 1 or 2 year old phone. Hardware is in control of the manufacturer, software provided by new phones from year to year will have better cameras, more RAM, more storage, faster processors, and with new developments in display technology, will be more durable (providing some manufacturers finally drop the idea of glass encased cases..SMH).
Well its kinda off topic but the new Windows mobile with its continuüm is a innovation ithink and a Iris scanner.
But for Android not so much ithink?
well, from my point of view the things i say:
If you are a geek, if you like to be "on top of tecnology" is obvious you want the newer phones, the most talked in the moment but you have a price for that and if you dont care about so go ahead!
If you are satisfied with your device and dont care about evolution, newer things and think "well, is all the same but only with 2 or 3 things different" then i say: stick with your actual phone!
- All depends of your need's or your brain! For me i dont care about better or worst, i have a G3, i love the device and i will keep it as long as i can, and now i will buy a G Flex2 just because the curvature and for SD810 (i know is a problematic processor but i dont care, i want to try it!) and for the experience to have a curved screen! For me LG are my thing, i cant move to other brand, and if you see my history with phones you know i am a LG and Sony user. I dont go for Sony anymore because they dont do it so well as LG does.
I love LG phones because i get in love with back keys, i cant live without them now, and get back to a phone without them is like to go to stone age!
I like the UI of LG, i cant live without IR Blaster now, is so usefull and because my job is eletronics, i work a lot with TV's, STB's and other things and have a IR Blaster to keep me away for the Remotes and have a phone to do that things is a must for me!
It's my opinion, and i will go for G Flex2 because theyr ridiculous price right now (i can order it for 260€ ~280$) and for the hardware they offer worth a lot the price!
I dont go for apple products because i think they dont worth the price they want for theyr products, i think is a steal to consumers because every year they launch a different one with 1 or 2 things different but the apple users brain says "i have to get the last because i am on top of the tecnologic world" - shut up guy's iphone's is only for status, i cant see other thing from people who buy that thing!
If anyone give me one iphone i sell it as fast i could and for the price i get for it i will buy 2 LG phones, and with better specs...and for sure i will keep the change!
copy2050 said:
well, from my point of view the things i say:
If you are a geek, if you like to be "on top of tecnology" is obvious you want the newer phones, the most talked in the moment but you have a price for that and if you dont care about so go ahead!
If you are satisfied with your device and dont care about evolution, newer things and think "well, is all the same but only with 2 or 3 things different" then i say: stick with your actual phone!
- All depends of your need's or your brain! For me i dont care about better or worst, i have a G3, i love the device and i will keep it as long as i can, and now i will buy a G Flex2 just because the curvature and for SD810 (i know is a problematic processor but i dont care, i want to try it!) and for the experience to have a curved screen! For me LG are my thing, i cant move to other brand, and if you see my history with phones you know i am a LG and Sony user. I dont go for Sony anymore because they dont do it so well as LG does.
I love LG phones because i get in love with back keys, i cant live without them now, and get back to a phone without them is like to go to stone age!
I like the UI of LG, i cant live without IR Blaster now, is so usefull and because my job is eletronics, i work a lot with TV's, STB's and other things and have a IR Blaster to keep me away for the Remotes and have a phone to do that things is a must for me!
It's my opinion, and i will go for G Flex2 because theyr ridiculous price right now (i can order it for 260€ ~280$) and for the hardware they offer worth a lot the price!
I dont go for apple products because i think they dont worth the price they want for theyr products, i think is a steal to consumers because every year they launch a different one with 1 or 2 things different but the apple users brain says "i have to get the last because i am on top of the tecnologic world" - shut up guy's iphone's is only for status, i cant see other thing from people who buy that thing!
If anyone give me one iphone i sell it as fast i could and for the price i get for it i will buy 2 LG phones, and with better specs...and for sure i will keep the change!
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Well, I am a tech guy, and I have always wanted the best. Not just with technology, but also with musical instruments(i'm a musician). I need to have the best guitar, I need to have the best amplifier, I need to have the best pc, graphics card, and ofcourse phone. I have always had the latest flagships since smartphones became a thing. But now it doesn't feel like that. I would need to spend some extra money on my new contract and pay about €200 intitial costs, but for the first time it feels like it's not worth it, but the "need for the best" is still there, believe me
sjoerd1234 said:
Well, I am a tech guy, and I have always wanted the best. Not just with technology, but also with musical instruments(i'm a musician). I need to have the best guitar, I need to have the best amplifier, I need to have the best pc, graphics card, and ofcourse phone. I have always had the latest flagships since smartphones became a thing. But now it doesn't feel like that. I would need to spend some extra money on my new contract and pay about €200 intitial costs, but for the first time it feels like it's not worth it, but the "need for the best" is still there, believe me
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you have to choise, if you want to trow money to junk or to spend less but have your needs only!
i know your point, and i am the same but i never feel "love" for apple, i dont think theyr products atractive, and never think they are high end...because they arent!
copy2050 said:
you have to choise, if you want to trow money to junk or to spend less but have your needs only!
i know your point, and i am the same but i never feel "love" for apple, i dont think theyr products atractive, and never think they are high end...because they arent!
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yeah i'm not talking about apple. Apple is out of the question. Extremely overpriced, retarded company charging 100 extra for extra storage, purposely excluding a 32gb version. Breaks to easy and is build to last 2 years. There are always battery problems, which can not be removed ofcourse because, you know, **** you, you don't get a removable battery or SD slot, or the possability to replace parts. Need a new screen?, better buy a whole new phone. My parents actually got the advice to buy a new ipad when their new one didn't start anymore. When I got it in my hands, I pushed some buttons and it seemed it was only in recovery mode.
nonono apple is not even an option, don't even get me started on their purposely locked software with retarded compatability for pretty much anything
sjoerd1234 said:
yeah i'm not talking about apple. Apple is out of the question. Extremely overpriced, retarded company charging 100 extra for extra storage, purposely excluding a 32gb version. Breaks to easy and is build to last 2 years. There are always battery problems, which can not be removed ofcourse because, you know, **** you, you don't get a removable battery or SD slot, or the possability to replace parts. Need a new screen?, better buy a whole new phone. My parents actually got the advice to buy a new ipad when their new one didn't start anymore. When I got it in my hands, I pushed some buttons and it seemed it was only in recovery mode.
nonono apple is not even an option, don't even get me started on their purposely locked software with retarded compatability for pretty much anything
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ok, now i get cleared about what you want! well...all depends of the offer your network offers, if you want a update better wait 1 or 2 months because V10 is out there and some networks will have it, or wait more and get the G5 wich i can tell is the bomb for the new year, i belive SD820 be inside it!
honestly i think smart phones have hit that 'ceiling' in evolution, same way dumb phones have hit the ceiling right before the iphones changed up everything (didnt really change but more like pivot in a different direction with more overhead evolution).
Manufacturers can stick in better spec processors, ram, storage etc.. but as long as people feel they have everything that they need currently, then we're stuck in a loop until convinces us otherwise.
mathsmart said:
Im gonna switch back to iphone ..durability is outstanding and way better than my g3 ..also I have to order a new camera lens due to scratching screen 10$ not a big deal but hey ...also this lag get me to a point of no return ..
send from LG G3
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seriously dude? i owned iphone, not the latest one like iphone 6, 6+ and 6Sh*t + Rose Gold..
it's just Black Coloured iPhone5S and i use it for my second number..
here's my own review in term of PERFORMANCE and DURABILITY
yes, iphone is a real lag-free devices, the software is real outstanding !
it's worth to pay for that ( iOS ) but unfornately the iphones not even great in term of durability
my iphone crack it screen twice in my pockets! LOL.. maybe my jeans is too tight i guess..
so i replaced it twice and already waste around $200 for that S*tty Screen.
and in terms of BATTERY LIFE and CAMERA
my iPhone is worser than my G3 ( avg 14 hours ) or my Xperia ZL ( avg 8 hours ) or maybe Lenovo A889 ( avg Almost a day )!
Please take note that i'm not a heavy user, enough for socialing and clash of clans only.
for camera, both doing great job ( flawless result ) but extra score for G3 with additional support for 4K video, OIS and RAW with XCam.
Don't Forget! G3 also have front facing flash too.. so i wouldn't need the iPhone 6Sh*t for an upgrade..
As conclusion, iphone easy to use in one hand while android is real fun to use.. NO JOKE!
but it's customizable.. even jailbroken iphone can't be customized too much.. still boring
what i can say, it's your choice.. and this is my opinion.. bear in mind that nothing is perfect
everything made has it's own pro's and cons depend on what purpose do you use it for..
Final word from me, i'm still use both of it... im satisfied with both G3 and iPhone 5S
I definitely agree with you on the fact that these recent phones have just been disappointing. I was itching to buy the 6p when I heard about it, but then when I realized they removed external battery and SD card that was my deal breaker. It's really sad that our contracts can expire and we can still prefer our current phones, but I have hope that we'll see some amazing stuff in the next few years. I'm currently in love with my g3, and the only thing that'll take it away from me is an equal device with a fingerprint scanner.
However, right now seems to be the year of software. We're getting an amazing update compared to our lollipop experiences, and google is really refining itself.
OP welcome to the world of corporate marketing.
Coming from the last 4 generations of nexus phones, the G3 was my first non nexus in a while. I kept it for 11 months, but i could never get used to the lag and choppy animations, it just hurt my eyes. I liked the camera though. Recently i sold it and switched back to my nexus 5, and i cannot describe enough how silky smooth it is on Marshmallow, every transition animation, every action, it's just a pleasure to use, despite being a 2 year old phone.
For me, the only candidate for a possible upgrade would be the nexus 6P, but i might as well just skip this generation and wait for a 2016 stock android flagship.
I'm not returning to laggy phones anymore.
rayiskon said:
Coming from the last 4 generations of nexus phones, the G3 was my first non nexus in a while. I kept it for 11 months, but i could never get used to the lag and choppy animations, it just hurt my eyes. I liked the camera though. Recently i sold it and switched back to my nexus 5, and i cannot describe enough how silky smooth it is on Marshmallow, every transition animation, every action, it's just a pleasure to use, despite being a 2 year old phone.
For me, the only candidate for a possible upgrade would be the nexus 6P, but i might as well just skip this generation and wait for a 2016 stock android flagship.
I'm not returning to laggy phones anymore.
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I experienced lag aswell when the 5.0 update was released. After the first update this problem was solved for me. Also some advice or just a little trick idk, I also turn off some animations or speed them up in the developer mode menu in order to make things a bit quicker and possibly less laggy. When this is done the phones feels faster.
Right now I'm waiting for the 2016 releases aswell. We'll see what LG or maybe samsung has to offer coming year.
ursuake said:
OP welcome to the world of corporate marketing.
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hahaha I know, I know. I know all about business strategy and marketing, But still, this year it feels a little bit more like trying to be innovative instead of being innovative
Where is my my small flagship... Motox x gen 1 with g3 or better speed
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