Problem with edited APK's - xpost from General - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

Hi all,
First of all, apologies for the xpost...
Question re: weird behaviour on APK files I've edited according to
I use a couple of apps regularly and have tried modifying them to make the UI suit me a bit better. For what it's worth, one's a Twitter app and one's a keyboard.
I've used apktool to decompile them, edited certain res .xml files to change the interface and then compiled them again with apktool. I've then signed them using Sigare (obviously it's not signed using the original developers key, but a key that I've made)
I've then replaced the apk in data\app with my modified one.
The problem is that, while the new app works for a little white, after a while it just disappears from my app list. When I go to run it directly, I get a message that the app won't load.
TL;DR: apps I've modified work to start with and then don't. Anyone think of a reason?

have you read this answer of mine?

spirosbond said:
have you read this answer of mine?
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I did thanks. Giving it a go now

Arrow Problem with edited APK's (updated
I've tried a couple of things and got these edited APK's to install and work
Fire it up the next morning and find that the app crashes


[Q] How to edit theme images and not have phone hang on boot?

I've figured out all apk files are really just zip files, but why am I not able to unzip the framework-res.apk file, edit the images within, then save it again without causing my phone to hang on boot?
Is there some step I am missing? I've tried rezipping with normal compression, store only, and only photoshopping and resaving a single image within the apk and still it fails.
How are images edited and updated? What am I missing?
I use apkmanager myself for most theming. You might look into it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
An apk is a zip, but it's a *signed* zip
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Here is the way I do it. I use 7zip to do this and I think it is the only program that can do it.
The way you can do it is to extract the drawable-hdpi folder within the framework-res.apk then do all your edits and save them with the exact same file names. Then you can go back into your framework-res.apk and drag and drop the drawable-hdpi folder back in and it will over write the original ones. Now just hit the Up (like to move up a directory) button until you see the message "framework-res.apk has been changed. Update it in the archive?" then click yes. Now you can put it on your phone without force closing. If you were just editing framework-res and it was not within another .zip file then you won't get that message and that is fine.
APK Manager.
You can use extract/zip (2/3) for image-only edits, but you need to decompile/compile (9/11) to mess with xml files.
Do *not* sign system apks (like framework-res.apk). Do sign other apks.
Btw, this is in the wrong forum.
(Next step: learn about the packaging script. Remember to name it something besides afterwards, because on the Fascinate we're installing everything through Clockwork, which should be the only file actually called
s44 said:
APK Manager.
You can use extract/zip (2/3) for image-only edits, but you need to decompile/compile (9/11) to mess with xml files.
Do *not* sign system apks (like framework-res.apk). Do sign other apks.
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Oooh! I didn't know this app made xml's editable. That opens up a whole new set of theming fun. I can't wait to release my new theme. It should be well received (I hope)
Btw, this is in the wrong forum.
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I considered putting this in Themes, but this was a theme development question, so here it ended up. If the Theme and Development forums ever hook up and have a few drinks, then spawn a sub-forum, Theme Development, I assure you it would have been a much easier decision to make
Thanks everyone for helping me out. My last time playing with a phone is an old WinMo 5 device. Anroid seems limiting in it's own ways (no dedicated theme files (can't update without losing the apk theme), but much better for customizing for a 'look' of the OS.

[think tank] disable increasing ringer (link to intl ver working)

I saw this thread and it made me gain interest in this again. I know many do not like three ringtone volume increasing.
If this is possible on the international version, we should be able to do the same right?
This would be great i hate that volume increase in ringtones. Any dev plz port this for Vibrant.
The meat of it
The meat of what they are doing appears to be in >> THIS << post, which I will quote below. If any developer that knows what they are doing wants to attempt this for the Vibrant the quoted post should give them an quick idea of its feasibility. If it looks like it is doable there is more info in the original I9000 thread that is linked in the OP.
the_ozyrys said:
I've just found a (not easy) way to disable increasing ring.
This involves using Apk Manager to backsmali Phone.apk,
which then have to be replaced by patched version, either by root access or creation of
1. Get your Phone.apk (\system\app\Phone.apk) and copy it to computer.
2. Use Apk Manager to decompile it.
3. Open folder with Phone source (<Apk Manager folder>\projects\Phone.apk\smali\com\android\phone).
4. Open file Ringer$1.smali with your favourite text editor.
5. Find line that reads:
invoke-virtual {v1, v5, v4, v3}, Landroid/media/AudioManager;->setStreamVolume(III)V
6. Delete this line, save the file.
7. Compile Phone.apk, put it back to phone.
8. Enjoy constant-volume ringtones.
Side effects:
- currently not known
- if you have problem decompiling Phone.apk, >here< is the solution
Maybe somebody will make pre-patched packages, I'm currently using JM5
so I can only provide one for this firmware.
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are you guys talking about when someone calls you and the ringtone is like quiet almost, and then goes super loud? if so, i want that too, its annoying as hell.
xriderx66 said:
are you guys talking about when someone calls you and the ringtone is like quiet almost, and then goes super loud? if so, i want that too, its annoying as hell.
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4 5 6 7 8 9
I will work on this tomorrow after I get off work unless someone beats me to it. This ringer volume issue has been bothering me a lot with this phone.
That would be amazing man. It would have to be incorporated into every rom (as an option)!
This thread should be en dev section.
pretty sure that is where I posted this initially..... must have been a mod moving it.
OK so this fix rrequires that use the .apk's from a deodexed rom which I don't have on hand so I will down download a few and edit the .apk's. Gonna take a bit more time than previously thought but I will get it done soon.
YetisAreReal said:
OK so this fix rrequires that use the .apk's from a deodexed rom which I don't have on hand so I will down download a few and edit the .apk's. Gonna take a bit more time than previously thought but I will get it done soon.
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Thank you for this. Please log your work. With a good writeup and good understanding of what is going on it would be nice to see devs put this in as a option on all the deodexed ROMs.
Some good news and some bad for now. I have successfully decompiled and recompile the APK as told but no luck so far in fixing the ringtone. Ran into a similar issue that the i9000 users were with each build being different. I am testing on JL4 first with other builds to follow once I am successful. In my Phone.apk I found two lines similar to the line mentioned in the OP for the i9000 but removing either one or both has has no effect for me so I am digging deeper and trying test builds. Java isn't exactly my thing so if anyone with java know how would like to look at the decompiled script I can forward it to them.
EDIT: added the file for peer review just remove the .txt and open with any text editor.
After reading this last night, seemed easy enough, I was determined to try this. Dl'd the apkmanager, extracted my phone.apk, and began playing. Apparently, this is listed in the About/Tips/Debug (menu selection 23) inside of apk manager, you cannot decompile themed apk's, which is exactly what i was trying to do with my Ginger Clone phone.apk. Oh well, back to the drawing board, or at least something with a stock phone.apk i can play around with. Anyone have one, unthemed, from froyo (preferrably jl4 as thats the basis for the current rom I'm running) they want to post?
Br1cK'd said:
After reading this last night, seemed easy enough, I was determined to try this. Dl'd the apkmanager, extracted my phone.apk, and began playing. Apparently, this is listed in the About/Tips/Debug (menu selection 23) inside of apk manager, you cannot decompile themed apk's, which is exactly what i was trying to do with my Ginger Clone phone.apk. Oh well, back to the drawing board, or at least something with a stock phone.apk i can play around with. Anyone have one, unthemed, from froyo (preferrably jl4 as thats the basis for the current rom I'm running) they want to post?
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Here you go stock JL4 Phone.apk, please let me know if you get this working I had no luck.
YetisAreReal said:
Here you go stock JL4 Phone.apk, please let me know if you get this working I had no luck.
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Thx! I'll be giving it a go in the morning when I get to my pc.
Ginger Clone's of the World Unite! Via the XDA App
Epic Fail. I successfully decompiled, edited, and recompiled the APK. The exact line in the script that was linked instructions from T313C0mun1s7 was removed, script file saved, apk recompiled properly, and pushed to the phone. Rebooted phone, the stock jl4 i just edited actually works and doesn't fc on Ginger Clone R2 Final, but the ascending ringtone is still there. I'll post the edited apk if anyone is interested, but it seems to not work. I see, more research in my near future.
Edited - spoke too soon, fc's on outbound calls. Gonna try again granted I have the time this morning, if not, I might have to wait until I get back in town after the holidays to play around with this.
Edit 2 - No more fc's on outbound calls with the newly edited phone.apk, but also, still having the ascending ringer. I removed both lines in the script that echoed the linked post on page 1, tried with removing one or the other first, then both, and still the ascending ringer persists through all attempts. Hrm.
I see you ran into the exact same problems I did using JL4 stock. I am on JL5 now so I am going to test a few things on this build now in the hopes I can fix this.
YetisAreReal said:
I see you ran into the exact same problems I did using JL4 stock. I am on JL5 now so I am going to test a few things on this build now in the hopes I can fix this.
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First of all I have no idea what I am doing. Second I am not sure of all the issues you guys are having. I am just trying to think outside the box. I found this not sure if it applies or not.
apks can be re-edited a few different ways. The easiest example is by replacing the individual files within the apk by dragging and dropping the files in a program such as 7zip or winrar. In this manner the signature of the apk isnt broken. If you must unpack the apk file then when you pack it back up you must resign the app to have in install successfully. Do a google search for Stericson's apk sign application (its over on xda forums). I usually prefer the first way, but have also done the second method and it works as well.
yetis - yeah, same place you were getting stuck. let me know what your results are for the jl5 attempt. i tried with both the jl4 stock and ginger clone apk's this morning, all with the same results.
nomad - thx for the heads up, i am admittedly a novice in the android world, but have been in IT for years and am a self professed computer geek. With the apkmanager posted earlier in this thread, it will do all of the uncompiling and decompiling for you, as well as signing and a ton of other things written into the script, all based on user choices. it does warn about signing system apps after recompile, unless you want to resign all of the other system apps. Never had a problem with the installing of the modded phone.apk, just push it to the system/app folder and reboot, and the last one i did worked flawlessly without and fc's, but did not fix the problem of the ascending ringer.
Yetis, I was over reading through the thread on this in the i9000 forums, and I dug up some information that might help us here. I'm away from my pc so can't verify any of this right now.
-Make sure the rom is deodexed.
-Delete the line that matches what was posted earlier, I think it was the first one in that script, not the one way down at the bottom, leave that one be.
-When recompiling, set the compression in apk manager to 0 (not sure how to do that without the program in front of me)
When you go to push the file, put your phone in airplane mode first, push, then reboot.
Let me know if any of this helps, good luck.
Ginger Clone's of the World Unite! Via the XDA App

Need a means to compile apks

OK seeing as my computer currently doesn't work, I need to know if there is an app for my phone that will at least edit the contents of an apk, if not compile one. Anyone?
Also, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it, mods.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Realorasz said:
OK seeing as my computer currently doesn't work, I need to know if there is an app for my phone that will at least edit the contents of an apk, if not compile one. Anyone?
Also, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it, mods.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
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apk's are just renamed zip files.
If so, then is there an app that will directly edit zip files? And do they need to be set to store compression level? If so, is there an app that does so?
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Realorasz said:
If so, then is there an app that will directly edit zip files? And do they need to be set to store compression level? If so, is there an app that does so?
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
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yes, set to store...all you have to do is long-press the file and select rename...same to change it back afterward. I don't know about what app will allow you to set to store, but there are a TON of free zip apps. Check the market
I need to edit them though, and if I extract it edit it then zip it with an app, it's not set to store.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Root explorer can open xml files in apps but I don't think it can edit them.
After modding the contents of a non-system apk file i believe you'll have to re-sign the apk. I dont know of any way to do that on your phone, i am admittedly not an expert though. Ive modded icons and such for apps and the only way I could find out how to get them installed was to re-sign them on my PC and push back to the phone.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
CMoney87 said:
After modding the contents of a non-system apk file i believe you'll have to re-sign the apk. I dont know of any way to do that on your phone, i am admittedly not an expert though. Ive modded icons and such for apps and the only way I could find out how to get them installed was to re-sign them on my PC and push back to the phone.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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Yeah signapktic can sign on the phone, all I need is an app that either will, zip things set to store like in sundae or one that will directly modify the contents of the zip.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
The files inside apk is I think encrypted. normal text viewers (ex. notepad) cant see it. and the resource files (styles strings colours ) are archived again. Btw it would be great if we have an app to disassemble them within 4n. Coz copying apk from and to to computer is a pain
akila87 said:
The files inside apk is I think encrypted. normal text viewers (ex. notepad) cant see it. and the resource files (styles strings colours ) are archived again. Btw it would be great if we have an app to disassemble them within 4n. Coz copying apk from and to to computer is a pain
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Well making it a zip on my phone didn't screw anything up. I can still browse normally. What I need is a means to edit a zip without compressing it, like you have to for bootanimatjons and everything else.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
I would suggest having a look through the every free app you can find and see if any help. There are so many out there that I have no idea which would work for exactly what you will want it to do. Really, trial and error is the best way, sometimes lol
I'm not sure I understand correctly, some previously mentioned are right on track.
Contents of an APK file are as normal zip files, extract the APK with winrar, 7zip or similar program.. make modifications and re-zip it and change the file name.
Important process called "Zip Align" optimizes the file for the APK format and helps to optimize and align the archive for memory mapping I/O ensuring the payload is delivered correctly, for more info - mmap
If you would like to reverse an APK file, I choose to use APKTOOL a Google hosted project and complete with it's own reverse engineering syntax called "baksmali" - This wraps AAPT - Android Asset Packaging Tool part of the android SDK - need this installed.
An issue exists with obfuscated Java classes. Meaning source code has been scrambled (obfuscation algorithm) enabling it be understood by a compiler but no longer is human readable. Another issue is Signing the APK file as most installers are to authenticate the issuing publisher.
To build an APK anyone only need's have the Eclipse IDE and Android SDK installed and you can do this without even having an Android device by using the emulator to build and test your application.
Happy play!
EDIT: Apk edit and Apk tool are both able to help in this situation also.

[MOD] Add top number row to Swype

Hello guys,
Since I use a Samsung device, I'm used to the extra number row on top of the keyboard so I modded Swype to have that extra row. However since Swype is to be purchased and not distributed, I'll only tell here how to do it for your legally purchased copy. And this is a bit complicated and for advanced users and you need to be rooted. You also need Root Explorer. Here we go:
1- First buy/download Swype from Google Play.
2- Go to /mnt/asec/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1 folder, copy pkg.apk to your sdcard, rename it to com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk.(keep a backup of this file at all times)
3- Go to /mnt/asec/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1/lib folder copy the files ( and to your sdcard.
4- Using apktool (I used version 1.52) decompile com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk.,
5- Go to decompiled folder\res\xml folder. kbd file pertaining to your language is to be edited, I edit kbd_qwerty.xml for English using Notepad++.
6- Check the attached kbd_qwerty.xml in portrait folder and notice the extra row section I added to the top. You can in fact add secondary characters to numbers or customize the keyboard completely, rearrange letters, add symbols etc.
7- Once done, save the file and go to decompiled folder\res\xml-land folder and edit the landscape for the layout, kbd_qwerty.xml file, notice the attached file in landscape folder.
8- Once done, save the file and go to decompiled folder\res\values folder and edit the dimens.xml file. Here I raise the height of the keyboard and height of the key to 270dip and 54dip respectively, check the top rows of the attached dimens.xml. Also increase the keyboard height for landscape (if you want) by changing the dimens.xml under res\values-land folder.
9- Once done, recompile the folder with apktool, go to decompiled folder\dist folder and copy the apk here to a different folder and rename it to
10- Open with 7z/winrar and copy the resources.arsc and kbd_qwerty.xml files from res\xml and res\xml-land folders to your PC(obviously keep the 2 files in seperate folders not to overwrite)
11- Then, rename the original apk from step 2 to , open with winrar and first delete resources.arsc file, then drag the resources.arsc file from step 10 to the archive, it will be added. Staying in winrar, go to res\xml folder and replace the file with kbd_qwerty.xml from step 10 (the portrait version). Do the same with res\xml-land folder and the landcape file.
12- Once finished rename the file back to com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk, don't sign it, don't delete META-INF folder, leave it as it is.
13- Now, on your phone, uninstall Swype. Reinstall it from the apk file on Step 2. Go to /data/app-lib/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1 folder and move the 2 files ( and to system/lib folder. You have to mount the System R/W from Root Explorer on this step. Fix the permissions so these 2 files have the same permissions with other files there. If you can't find these files just use the ones from Step 3.
14- Once done, copy com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk from Step 12 to /system/app and fix the permissions so that it has the same permissions as other files there.
15- Then delete the com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk from /data/app/ folder. Restart your phone.
This should be it if you followed it exactly, tracing and Dragon voice dictation also works. While you're doing all this work (takes 10 minutes by the way), you might also consider changing how Swype looks (theming) and changing many other things like swype thickness, colors etc. Please note that this is for advanced and rooted users and please don't ask me to give you the modded apk, you have to do it on your legally bought version. You might consider doing backups just in case anything goes wrong. Have fun.
And a quick tip: if you swype from swype icon to symbol key(123), arrow keyboard opens up.
You can also add arrow keys by copying arrow keys from kbd_edit.xml, check the 2nd screenshot.
Please hit the thanks button if you think this is useful.
Nice how to. But may u should tell that the latest Android versions store purchased apps in data/app-asec as asec version, this need special procedure to get a apk from the asec format.
Can you please update this tutorial to 4.3 ? I couldn't find the files in the mentioned paths. . I'm on stock rooted 4.3 on gt9500
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
lesalloum said:
Can you please update this tutorial to 4.3 ? I couldn't find the files in the mentioned paths. . I'm on stock rooted 4.3 on gt9500
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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It works same for me on 4.3 stock rooted i9500, maybe you could do a file search to find the necessary folder. Here is another screenshot with the updated Swype(, where I made number buttons smaller like original Samsung Keyboard and hide the suggestions bar to save space.
ozkaya said:
Hello guys...
9- Once done, recompile the folder with apktool, go to decompiled folder\dist folder and copy the apk here to a different folder and rename it to
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using the current play store version (, i decompiled com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk (/mnt/asec/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1/pkg.apk) using APKTool 1.52. i made no changes and attempted to recompile without success.
the first error displayed by apktool is:
"C:\Users\Phil\apktool\com.nuance.swype.dtc-1\res\values\arrays.xml:545: error: Found tag dimen-array where item is expected"
i do use APKTool successfully to mod other apps so i am familiar with the process.
QUESTION: what frameworks file are you using when making your mods? are you using a TW ROM frameworks? that's the only other variable i can think of...
EDIT: well, i just tried using TW framework too without success
PhilDX said:
using the current play store version (, i decompiled com.nuance.swype.dtc-1.apk (/mnt/asec/com.nuance.swype.dtc-1/pkg.apk) using APKTool 1.52. i made no changes and attempted to recompile without success.
the first error displayed by apktool is:
"C:\Users\Phil\apktool\com.nuance.swype.dtc-1\res\values\arrays.xml:545: error: Found tag dimen-array where item is expected"
i do use APKTool successfully to mod other apps so i am familiar with the process.
QUESTION: what frameworks file are you using when making your mods? are you using a TW ROM frameworks? that's the only other variable i can think of...
EXIT: well, i just tried using TW framework too without success
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Latest version of Swype has incompatible tags with Apktool. What you do is go to all the lines that give error and change them to <string-array>. Then it compiles.
ozkaya said:
Latest version of Skype has incompatible tags with Apktool. What you do is go to all the lines that give error and change them to <string-array>. Then it compiles.
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i'll give this a shot tomorrow, thanks a lot!
ozkaya said:
Latest version of Swype has incompatible tags with Apktool. What you do is go to all the lines that give error and change them to <string-array>. Then it compiles.
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it works!!!
thanks man, appreciate the help and info!
I've been going nuts trying to edit swype for a week now and still can't seem to get it to work. All I want to do is change the suggested word color and maybe a few other minor color related things. I assumed just changing the color codes in /res/values/styles.xml that seemed to pertain to the holo theme would work but I can't ever get the app to install. Not even sure where to begin to ask for help on this one but if anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it.
Ok I've tried this a hundred times following all the steps completely and it just wont work.
Once I go to install the final apk it always tries to install then sais App Not Installed.
TeknoGodz said:
Ok I've tried this a hundred times following all the steps completely and it just wont work.
Once I go to install the final apk it always tries to install then sais App Not Installed.
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You don't install the final apk, in fact you can't since the certificate is no longer valid. You copy the final apk in place as in Step 14.
I would love this! I have used Swype for years but I would love a number row. To be honest I have no idea how to follow those instructions! I have a rooted phone - what can I do?
Am I right in concluding that you can't use TB to backup and restore the finished product and this will have to be done manually? I did this on my rooted Note 3 and I keep going back to my stock image because I don't want to have to keep doing the steps when I flash a new ROM or ROM update.
Would I maybe just have to do steps 12 onward every time?
mr.BeBoT said:
Am I right in concluding that you can't use TB to backup and restore the finished product and this will have to be done manually? I did this on my rooted Note 3 and I keep going back to my stock image because I don't want to have to keep doing the steps when I flash a new ROM or ROM update.
Would I maybe just have to do steps 12 onward every time?
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When you install a new ROM, you install original Swype from apk file then you move the lib files to /system/lib, copy the modded apk to /system/app and delete original apk from /data/app folder. So it is 4 steps once you have the modded apk ready, should take no more than 5 minutes.
thumm138 said:
I've been going nuts trying to edit swype for a week now and still can't seem to get it to work. All I want to do is change the suggested word color and maybe a few other minor color related things. I assumed just changing the color codes in /res/values/styles.xml that seemed to pertain to the holo theme would work but I can't ever get the app to install. Not even sure where to begin to ask for help on this one but if anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it.
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This is similar. Please go through the steps, you don't (can't) install the modded apk, you move it in place.
ozkaya said:
This is similar. Please go through the steps, you don't (can't) install the modded apk, you move it in place.
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Yeah I realized that after I posted and still nothing. I'm no programmer but I've never NOT been able to change a few things and recompile. Not sure how just changing a few color codes is causing such a problem. Shame such a nice keyboard has such little customization and few themes. Don't get me wrong I like orange but it really doesn't mesh at all with the rest of the UI. Thanks for the reply though.
ozkaya said:
This is similar. Please go through the steps, you don't (can't) install the modded apk, you move it in place.
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I did all that and it changed the height of the keyboard, but didn't add any additional number row.
kdb_qwerty or whatever it's called is the default that comes up when you install it, right? Becuase I tried again and specifically made sure to use this one and it just wont give me the extra row, just the height.
TeknoGodz said:
I did all that and it changed the height of the keyboard, but didn't add any additional number row.
kdb_qwerty or whatever it's called is the default that comes up when you install it, right? Becuase I tried again and specifically made sure to use this one and it just wont give me the extra row, just the height.
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It depends on your system language. Try kbd_qwerty_panlatin.xml.
ozkaya said:
Latest version of Swype has incompatible tags with Apktool. What you do is go to all the lines that give error and change them to <string-array>. Then it compiles.
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Thank you for this change, this is exactly what I was looking for to compile.
Once again my Swype is blue!!! :victory:
here's my creation, what do you guys think?
the theme is "Lucid" from the pay store:

Help needed - modding stock 5.0.2 LGSystemUI

Hello! I'm trying to make something relatively simple, but i'm doing something wrong. What i want to achieve is to change the stock battery icon with a circle with % inside. I managed to decompile LGSystemUI.apk using the latest apktool. I changed the pngs and edited the battery stats and chatging animation xmls. I'm not touching the .odex file since i don't have anything to change there. I recompiled the apk again using the apktool and zipaligned it. And here comes the issue - once i push it to the phone and reboot i get only desktop without navbar, status bar and lock screen. I don't get a FC but the Systemui is not loading properly. I also tryed to sign the zipaligned apk which resulted in constant FC from LGSystemUI, something which i don't get is the apk is not signed. I lost a significant amount of time recompiling and trying different combinations but the result is always the same - either fc or no fc but ststemui is not loaded. Can you do please help me with some ideas what i might be doing wrong?
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Free mobile app
I use Advanced APK Tool , and have changed apktool.jar to 2.0.0 RC4.
DonĀ“t sign the file, that is wrong.
Have u tried only replace the new (recompiled) files in the original LGSystemUI.apk (the xml & png , ressources if u need)
i tried several tools and many combinations today - they're all either FC-ing or just giving the desktop without status bar, navbar and lock screen. i tried both odexed and deodexed version. i tried taking files from the original lgsystemui.apk, i also tried injecting already compiled xml and png-s to the original - nothing. i have the feeling i'm missing something. i'm installing both the framework-res.apk and the lge-res.apk to the tools i tried to work with. everything decompiles and recompiles without a single error. no matter what i try i get the same 2 types of errors, which i mentioned above. i also tried not signing, signing with the original signature and signing with a new signature. everything should be relatively simple, but the output never works. do i need to decompile/recompile (or deodex) the framework too?
show me your changed files, i will try for myself
I tried to do some changes too, I tried deodexing systemUI and odex and same result as you
Hi i see you have manged to make it work in your other thread. May i know which files and code i need to edit in order to make this work. I know how to compile and decompile ,sign, zipalign......etc. i have checked other tutorials to do this in the net but to no avail. Ty in advance.
Hello, yes I managed to make it work using the latest ApkTool 2.0.0 rc4. Also it's a good idea to use something like TickleMyAndroid tool or similar automated de/recompile script. You need to sign with the original signature in order to make it work. Also please keep an eye on the exact version of the ApkTool included in the tool, only rc4 is working fine with our stock Rom.
There's no need to deodex if you only want to make some cosmetic changes.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Free mobile app
d_ave said:
Hello, yes I managed to make it work using the latest ApkTool 2.0.0 rc4. Also it's a good idea to use something like TickleMyAndroid tool or similar automated de/recompile script. You need to sign with the original signature in order to make it work. Also please keep an eye on the exact version of the ApkTool included in the tool, only rc4 is working fine with our stock Rom.
There's no need to deodex if you only want to make some cosmetic changes.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Free mobile app
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Cool ty, but which exact files and code i need to edit?. i know i am asking alot here but if you can answer me or refer me to a tutorial that helped you that will be great. i have already tried TickleMyAndroid to change the battery icon but it doesn't seem to work. So i prefer doing it the old way more easier to know what is going on. Thx
d_ave said:
Hello, yes I managed to make it work using the latest ApkTool 2.0.0 rc4. Also it's a good idea to use something like TickleMyAndroid tool or similar automated de/recompile script. You need to sign with the original signature in order to make it work. Also please keep an eye on the exact version of the ApkTool included in the tool, only rc4 is working fine with our stock Rom.
There's no need to deodex if you only want to make some cosmetic changes.
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I wanted to only change color of the LGContacts but now on lolipop its shows FC,so i am using the latest apk tool.jar with Advanced apk tool,so how should i sign and is there need for zipaligning the apk?

