xoom light - Xoom General

While chargeing my xoom, a white light started to flash in the top-right side of the xoom.
someone know what is it?

that's your notification light. Shouldn't flash during charge because you connected the charger though, but much rather whenever you receive a notification (like new E-Mail, etc.)

It will still flash notifications while charging while the Xoom is on, but shouldn't if you have it powered down...


turn off green blinking light, how?

where do we need that blink if phone is working properly?
if there is message or low bat, bt or wifi connection, thats nice to know, but no need for green light to show that there is power.
so, how to disable that? registry hack or something i suppose.
first time posting here...
My flashing light seems to do what it want's. If it flashes the right thing at the right time it's just coincidence...
Mat.. I think he's referring to e.g. the right-side green LED flash that pops up every 2 seconds when the radio is on. It can be a wee bit annoying when you've got the thing on your nightstand - some people simply can't fall asleep ( even though they should close their eyes, after which they can't see it anymore )
What does the orange light mean? It seems to change to orange whenever it wants!
Left LED:
Green, Flashing slow (2s): WiFi on
Blue, Flashing slow (2s): BlueTooth on
Right LED
Red, Flashing quickly (1s): Battery nearly empty
Green, Flashing slow (2s): Radio on
Green, On: Fully recharged
Amber (orange), On: Recharging
Amber (orange), Flashing quickly (1s): Notifications (Alarm, SMS, MMS, etc. depending on settings)

LED indication

The LED has the following:
1. Green when fully charged and while on a charger
2. Amber when charging and not fully charged
3. Flashing when a new SMS, email or missed call.
My question is: how can I set my TD2 to flash to indicate a new SMS, email or missed call at the same time as charging? It would seem that the charging indication takes priority over the flashing.... I want the flashing to take priority.
Does anyone know a solution to this please?
I would like the same.It will be great with no missing call or sms until you unplug your phone...and what about the second light next right to the phone? thanks a lot
fs1978 said:
I would like the same.It will be great with no missing call or sms until you unplug your phone...and what about the second light next right to the phone? thanks a lot
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There isn't a second light - it is a light sensor.
The light flashes different colors. So it could have be in rhythm with one color and different rhythm of another color.
R=Red, G=Green, Y=Yellow, - = 1 sec
---R---R---R---R---R---R---R (Charging)
-G---G---G---G---G---G---G-- (Missed Call)
Y---Y---Y---Y---Y---Y---Y--- (New Message)
So if it were charging, while having a missed call and new message, it would blink
Yellow, Green, Red, Yellow, Green, Red, etc
If it were just charging and a New Message it would
Yellow, pause, Red, Yellow, Pause, Red, etc
Just a Missed call would be
Pause, Green, Pause, Pause, Green, Pause, etc
So basically if you walked away for a minute and you had a new message and missed call while charging... it would be going crazy. You could even make a dash equal to 2 seconds to slow it down... or 3.
Well Player911, you do have a vivid imagination! Simply just flashing any colour would do nicely for me when charging and something has arrived from SMS, email or missed call.
Can you fix it?
I would prefer a green blinking light simply as a 'breathing' light. Maybe it could blink amber/red when it is low on battery.
It should burn full time only when there's a new event.
Anyway, preference may vary, but I think we all agree that it would be awesome if we could customise it!
mitsi said:
Well Player911, you do have a vivid imagination! Simply just flashing any colour would do nicely for me when charging and something has arrived from SMS, email or missed call.
Can you fix it?
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I have the ideas, but not the know-how.
I am close to a solution and am currently testing this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1954259.
It seems to work, but the drawback is that you lose the LED notification for charging/charged completely to get the LED's to flash on an SMS/Email/missed call....
EDIT: This doesn't seem to work. It will work for a while, but if you charge then remove and then charge again, the charging LED comes back on. This then overrides the notifications LED which is what I want to take priority Back to the drawing board.
can anybody provide a hint on how to change flashing time of the green led indicator? It blinks on missing calls but I'd like to increase the blinking period. I have HTC TD2 with Manilla 2.5 and Touch Sense.
my TD2 comes tomorrow, i think i miss my kaiser's led indicators when using TD2. kaiser is the best and enjoying with its leds, mostly when gps wifi and bluetooth opened at the same time
ccaparli said:
my TD2 comes tomorrow, i think i miss my kaiser's led indicators when using TD2. kaiser is the best and enjoying with its leds, mostly when gps wifi and bluetooth opened at the same time
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My old P3300 (Artemis) was like that too - quite a light show with gps, wifi, and bluetooth all on. Doesn't last long, 'cos the battery goes flat!
I really miss the flashing green "in service" LED. It was so handy to know a) you had reception and b) the phone hadn't crashed or the battery expired. The TD2 just sits there "lifeless" giving you no feedback at all.

How do I get stock Nexus Notification light working after cyanogen mod?

I have installed Cyanogen 5.0.6 ROM on my N1 and everything is working properly. However, I miss the stock Notification light(top right next to the ear piece) alerts. I don't want my trackball to blink for my emails. I get 500-600 emails every day & LED is too bight for me and blinks all day/night. Is there anyway I can disable LED notification & use only stock for emails? I tried to go back to stock 2.1 FW with clean wipe, unfortunately I can't get the stock notification light to work. LED still blinks instead of the notification light. It glows only while charging - Orange while charging & green once the charge is complete.
Any ideas on how to get that back?
Appreciate your help!
The top right light is only there to show charging of the phone.
It'll be orange when the phone is charging and green when it is fully charged (but still plugged in).
It's not meant to be for email/missed call/sms alerts, that's what the LED is for.
that's what i thought! when i read the OP i was thinking blackberry..
Thanks for the quick response!
I remember that light was blinking for emails before the mod. I am using Nitrodesk touchdown app for my corporate emails. May be this app used the notification light not the gmail app?

Led wont turn off

I just bought the droid 2 global and the green led wont turn off. Anybody know what to do?
Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using XDA App
Does the Green LED just keep flashing or is it consistently on? If its just flashing, than it just means you have an unchecked notification from your email or social networking, doesn't it?
Also somewhat related, when I plug in/charge my Droid 2, the white LED right next to the plug lights up and doesn't turn off unless I disconnect my Droid 2. It's kinda annoying since the light is fairly bright and I charge my phone when I sleep, is there anyway to turn this off?
Vietnamwees said:
when I plug in/charge my Droid 2, the white LED right next to the plug lights up and doesn't turn off unless I disconnect my Droid 2. It's kinda annoying since the light is fairly bright and I charge my phone when I sleep, is there anyway to turn this off?
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That light isn't able to be shut off that light is to tell you that your phone is getting power from the outlet. It's helpful if you aren't sure if an outlet is switched on or working or you can distinguish a bad charging cable from a good one.
Vietnamwees said:
Also somewhat related, when I plug in/charge my Droid 2, the white LED right next to the plug lights up and doesn't turn off unless I disconnect my Droid 2. It's kinda annoying since the light is fairly bright and I charge my phone when I sleep, is there anyway to turn this off?
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Why not just use a black indelible marker to cover the white LED? It will still be visible, but won't be as bright.

[Q] A500 Power switch light....

So I know that when you are charging the A500, the light is orange and when its charged the light is white.
My problem is that my A500 is on my bedside table and I am an extremely light sleeper. I have woken to find the white light has come on and is staring me in the face. It usually comes on and goes off by itself. Yes, I know I can cover the A500, tape over the light, etc....
The A500 is sleeping, in silent mode and the wifi is off and the charger is disconnected.
So what keeps triggering the power switch light by itself?
PS, 3.2 stock rooted.
tc80tc80 said:
So I know that when you are charging the A500, the light is orange and when its charged the light is white.
My problem is that my A500 is on my bedside table and I am an extremely light sleeper. I have woken to find the white light has come on and is staring me in the face. It usually comes on and goes off by itself. Yes, I know I can cover the A500, tape over the light, etc....
The A500 is sleeping, in silent mode and the wifi is off and the charger is disconnected.
So what keeps triggering the power switch light by itself?
PS, 3.2 stock rooted.
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More than likely you have some apps that are attempting to do update notifications and such. You will have to look at each app's settings, and turn them off.
Either that, or turn the tab the opposite direction. Man, it's a spotlight

