Camera trick doesnt work - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

I done the camera trick but nothing happen.
I got 7.8 Rom and 5.51 radio.
Any ideas how to have consuption -5?
I done it few times and I wait coupe of seconds in camera. What next ?
I got HD2 Pdaimatejam Rom Wp7.5 Tango 7.10.8773.98 v7.8 ROM.

marek1 said:
I done the camera trick but nothing happen.
I got 7.8 Rom and 5.51 radio.
Any ideas how to have consuption -5?
I done it few times and I wait coupe of seconds in camera. What next ?
I got HD2 Pdaimatejam Rom Wp7.5 Tango 7.10.8773.98 v7.8 ROM.
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I think the camera trick only works with radio version 5.51T. The idea is to turn on the camera, switch to video mode and let it focus. Then exit by pressing the Home button to exit. Then lock and unlock the screen before checking the battery status.

shouro said:
I think the camera trick only works with radio version 5.51T. The idea is to turn on the camera, switch to video mode and let it focus. Then exit by pressing the Home button to exit. Then lock and unlock the screen before checking the battery status.
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but how to check the battery state (I mean the MAh)


[Q] HD2 died over night?

Hi everyone,
furst of all i'm sorry for my bad english, but i'll try my best
Since i have installed now i think about 5 different NAND Versions of Android i have the Problem, that my Phone verry often just died over night.
At the Moment have the MarkinuX HD Clean Verison on my mobile.
Nearly every day i have the Problem, that either the Battery lost about 60 - 70 % overnight, or the phone just simply didn't react at all (battery removement is recommend).
What i just saw one night is, that die Screen just starts to light (not simply Background light - i had a withe screen and when i touch my Mobile, i got the normal unlock Screen).
Anyone who have an idea, what that is? Current Widget tells me that i have about 3-5 mA in Standby.
Thanks for any help
freakstyle74 said:
Hi everyone,
furst of all i'm sorry for my bad english, but i'll try my best
Since i have installed now i think about 5 different NAND Versions of Android i have the Problem, that my Phone verry often just died over night.
At the Moment have the MarkinuX HD Clean Verison on my mobile.
Nearly every day i have the Problem, that either the Battery lost about 60 - 70 % overnight, or the phone just simply didn't react at all (battery removement is recommend).
What i just saw one night is, that die Screen just starts to light (not simply Background light - i had a withe screen and when i touch my Mobile, i got the normal unlock Screen).
Anyone who have an idea, what that is? Current Widget tells me that i have about 3-5 mA in Standby.
Thanks for any help
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your phone is maybe rebooting trough the night. This can be caused because of gps issues + overlocking.. the only way to fix this is to do a clean recovery and install a good working Rom. You can try this:
Task 29 simply clears all the cache, data everything on your phone.. it makes your phone brand new.
download task 29
enter bootloader mode (hold volume down button while clicking on power button once) PS: make sure your phone is off.
install task 29
now you will have nothing on your phone.
install radio Leo_RADIO_2.15.50.14
install maglard 1.13
now.. you are ready to flash an android rom. I see that you want sense on your phone. I dont use sense.. so i dont know which android sense rom gps are working on. I recommend you to flash this rom: (it is gingerbread 2.3.2, everything works + its really fast)
Thank you for the answer but these are just the step's i've made right know.
The only thing is that i didn't install the radio after tast24. Could that solve the Problem?
This nand version have no sense
I will try a fresh version now and report if it dies at night.
No no no. The screen turning white is not a problem... it has happened to many people (myself included). Don't worry about it. It happens on different ROMS.
The battery drain is not related to your problem. It is probably just the build or kernel you are using and it doesn't mean your phone has 'died'.
If you are concerned, try another build.
freakstyle74 said:
Thank you for the answer but these are just the step's i've made right know.
The only thing is that i didn't install the radio after tast24. Could that solve the Problem?
This nand version have no sense
I will try a fresh version now and report if it dies at night.
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Me thinks you mean "Task 29" and not "Task 24"....Anyway, u might want to try out the nand build in my signature...Its fast, stable and has sense.

[Q] scree unlock delay

I seem to have noticed a problem in all gingerbread builds.The lock screen after some time doesnot respond the first time you slide but will do so on the second try.This is particularly true when you use the phone after 10-15 minutes of locking or more.
Is any one else also facing this as I dont see anybody else mentioning this
amitambika said:
I seem to have noticed a problem in all gingerbread builds.The lock screen after some time doesnot respond the first time you slide but will do so on the second try.This is particularly true when you use the phone after 10-15 minutes of locking or more.
Is any one else also facing this as I dont see anybody else mentioning this
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Not experienced this in any build for a long time...
Are you using the recomended radio - This seems to be the best for most Android Builds - Leo_RADIO_2.15.50.14
If it's not the Radio - it might be an idea to Task29 and start over...
Good Luck!
Remember u have to touch the slider on the correct spot
paulrgod said:
Not experienced this in any build for a long time...
Are you using the recomended radio - This seems to be the best for most Android Builds - Leo_RADIO_2.15.50.14
If it's not the Radio - it might be an idea to Task29 and start over...
Good Luck!
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tried both the options but still the same

[ROM]RUU_Schubert_TMOUS_1.54.531.02_Radio_5.51.09.29a_2, by ansar.

A new ROM for the TMOUS operator:
see also thread: Windows Phone 7 Branded ROMs for Schubert
Till next version enjoy!!!
Regards, ansar. said:
A new ROM for the TMOUS operator:
see also thread: Windows Phone 7 Branded ROMs for Schubert
Till next version enjoy!!!
Regards, ansar.
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hey ansar, nothing about unlocking tmobile version??
Okay.. this is driving me nuts.
I have the TMOUS HD7 synced with Zune and the ROMUpdateUtility is not able to connect to the phone.
I've tried this with Windows 7 and XP computers... both with admin and non-admin accounts.
Any idea what I'm missing?
Turn of the phone.
Then Hold power button and volume down.
You will enter the bootloader.
Wait till it says on the bottom USB and
Then launch the update app
Thank you for the tip! For whatever reason, all I saw was "Serial" the first time I went into the bootloader. It came up "USB" this time so I have it flashed now... thanks again
Dear ansar, pls kindly check ur download link, i can download ur rom from this link. If u can, upload ur rom to mediafire. Tks
Just an FYI, this new radio greatly improves battery life, but for me it added a major bug. When talking to someone the screen actually times out and if its been like two minutes and you pull the phone away to hang up, the proximity sensor doesn't register because the phone is "sleeping"... Flashing back to original tmous fixes, its a shame because i was getting like 5 hrs extra life on battery.
microhaxo said:
Just an FYI, this new radio greatly improves battery life, but for me it added a major bug. When talking to someone the screen actually times out and if its been like two minutes and you pull the phone away to hang up, the proximity sensor doesn't register because the phone is "sleeping"... Flashing back to original tmous fixes, its a shame because i was getting like 5 hrs extra life on battery.
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I've actually been having that issue with the older version (and this is my 2nd HD7 as well with the same issue). The proximity/light sensors turn the phone on/off during a call properly, but after a minute or two of talking, the phone no longer turns on when I pull it away from my face. I don't know if this is by design or a bug.
Also: Is this just a radio update? Or is there more to it than this? Software? Updated WP7?
prjkthack said:
I've actually been having that issue with the older version (and this is my 2nd HD7 as well with the same issue). The proximity/light sensors turn the phone on/off during a call properly, but after a minute or two of talking, the phone no longer turns on when I pull it away from my face. I don't know if this is by design or a bug.
Also: Is this just a radio update? Or is there more to it than this? Software? Updated WP7?
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It is present to all phones, at least for those i tested of.
A work around for me was the change of screen time-out setting in lock & wallpaper.
This version improves both OEM and Radio firmware.
Regards, ansar.
So is this then the latest ROM for the T-Mobile US HD7?
Yes, it's the newest. Also it improves battery life greatly. After flashing back to original and back to this one i've noticed that the proximity lock bug during phone call doesn't happen any more, seems random for when it happens on new flashes. said:
It is present to all phones, at least for those i tested of.
A work around for me was the change of screen time-out setting in lock & wallpaper.
This version improves both OEM and Radio firmware.
Regards, ansar.
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I was able to install this ROM to my phone and it's been very good so far actually, thank you.
Hi, ansar.
Can i unlocked my T-MOBILE?
I have to say, ever since using this newer ROM with the updated radios, my phone has lasted longer battery wise, and reception has even improved greatly. I get better data speeds, and there is even a slight improvement in overall performance of Windows Phone 7. It's all been pretty nice.
Thanks ansar.
Dumb question: But does flashing this erase all my stuff?
art0605 said:
Dumb question: But does flashing this erase all my stuff?
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Yes, this is essentially a hard reset. Everything gets wiped and you start all over again.
prjkthack said:
Yes, this is essentially a hard reset. Everything gets wiped and you start all over again.
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Ok, thanks for the heads up. Even though that's not I wanted to hear!
Final dumb question: If I purchased and installed an app prior to the hard reset, will I have to buy the app again after the process?
art0605 said:
Ok, thanks for the heads up. Even though that's not I wanted to hear!
Final dumb question: If I purchased and installed an app prior to the hard reset, will I have to buy the app again after the process?
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I didn't have to. With the free apps I installed it actually notified me that I'd already purchased the app and asked if I would simply like to download it again.
art0605 said:
Ok, thanks for the heads up. Even though that's not I wanted to hear!
Final dumb question: If I purchased and installed an app prior to the hard reset, will I have to buy the app again after the process?
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Your purchases and app downloads are tied to the primary Windows Live ID on your phone (the first Windows Live ID that you set up on your phone). So as long as you sign in with that same ID, you can redownload all your applications to your phone without charge. If you plug in your phone to your computer and sync it right after you hard reset, Zune will even restore all your apps for it so you don't have to go through the Marketplace manually.
Hello, as successful as I have been with this ROM I must note that it is a little bit buggy.
Today my phone rebooted for the first time since I've owned it for example. Also, I think it affects the 3G/2G selection process in a negative way. Normally I use ##3282# to set my phone 3G only but it seems to ignore the setting at times...

[Q] andriod on htc hd2 struck on black screen after a call

I have a HTC HD2
and i installed andriod nand rom on it with the following things
HSPL 2.08
i installed almost 10 andriod roms and find the same problem
after making or receiving a call screen goes into black screen and hangs up. i have to reboot the device by removing the battery. i would appreciate if any one can provide me the solution to fix this problem as i love andriod roms.
thank you
mohammedmazher said:
I have a HTC HD2
and i installed andriod nand rom on it with the following things
HSPL 2.08
i installed almost 10 andriod roms and find the same problem
after making or receiving a call screen goes into black screen and hangs up. i have to reboot the device by removing the battery. i would appreciate if any one can provide me the solution to fix this problem as i love andriod roms.
thank you
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I am facing this only when battery is bellow 15%. If this is the case then just charge it before it goes to 15%.
If that's not the case then you can try installl MAGLDR v1.3
Do you have this issue in Froyo or Gingerbread ROMs? or in both? What version of CWM are you using?
I have the same problem on MIUI since after approximately 1.3.18 (cutover from Froyo to Gingerbread). Also have this problem on CME DHD2 Compact.
It is also an issue if someone tries to call me.
Sometimes, if I try waking the phone from sleep (power button) and it hits the black screen, and I wait long enough, it will wake. But again, the only real fix I know is pulling the battery.
I am running MAGLDR 1.13
Also, another fix that works sometimes is plugging in the phone into a power source e.g. laptop USB port
It's something about light sensor, when you put your screen into a strong light it would be turn "unblack" again. I don't know how to fix it, is this a problem with this hardware because it's broken or my version of LEO doesn't support NAND full functionaly.
Begging for answer!
i know about my poor english
I have this problem too.. running latest Hyperdroid rom by pongster (magdlr version) and it's driving me crazy. Sometimes phone wakes up normally after a call like it shoud, sometimes is stuck with black screen for few minutes, hours even (although i can't wait that long so i pull out battery)..
Back on WinMo everything worked normally, so it's not an hardware issue with proximity/light/whatever sensors
Is there any fix out yet? I googled and searched this forum a lot and haven't found nothing much helpful, ony a couple of threads with bunch of people with same problem like me. An option for disableing those sensors would be just as good, i've tried few apps for keeping the screen awake and none of them actually worked..
Any help is appreciated.. thanks in advance.
Anyone? :/
I have the same issue - running Gingerbread, MAGLDR 1.13
Very annoying cause everything else works super.
Temporary solution i use is to use headset / handsfree. Then there is no problem.
So experts on XDA, we are begging for a fix for this!
I have the same issue since first Android roms and never found a real solution for the problem.
Instead i found a bypass that works for me reasonably well (99% of the cases the screen turns on after a call).
I installed the following 2 applications that wakes up my screen after the call (install then enable each one):
1. Screebl -
2. Modified version of SpeakerShake -
I suspect this issue is somehow related to hardware failure in light sensor. Installing these programs solve this problem for me.
Also take a look on the following thread:
I have had the same thing happen to me but only around 2 or 3 times in a about 3 months of usage. Had it on both CM7 and MIUI Gingerbread ROMs regardless of battery percentage.
Some users experience this using SetCPU
if you have a profile for screenoff and it's set to the lowest frequency, try to set the frequency to something above 500 MHz.
If you have smartass set as governor, then even setting the frequency to it's highest (without OC) during screenoff wouldn't change anything in battery performance, but the device will wake up faster.
Your setup works for me as well - until we`ll see a fix for it this will do
Quiethinker said:
I have the same issue since first Android roms and never found a real solution for the problem.
Instead i found a bypass that works for me reasonably well (99% of the cases the screen turns on after a call).
I installed the following 2 applications that wakes up my screen after the call (install then enable each one):
1. Screebl -
2. Modified version of SpeakerShake -
I suspect this issue is somehow related to hardware failure in light sensor. Installing these programs solve this problem for me.
Also take a look on the following thread:
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Yup, this worked for my setup to - thanks!
hi guys ! i can`t realy figured out how to set it . shall i use only one app or both ? and wich settings should be ?
xanthrax said:
hi guys ! i can`t realy figured out how to set it . shall i use only one app or both ? and wich settings should be ?
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(install then enable each one):
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Incearca Sanity app, cauta pe Market, mie aceste doua nu mo ajutat
with me is so but only if I navigation (Navigon) and to have someone call me and then left the screen black and I can not make
try to change the kernel. that works for me
hey guys! i found the solution goin through the market!
download an app called "Sanity" theres a free version in the regular android market.
go to the settings > general > check "Reverse Proximity" (This will give you some warning about not using it if you DONT have a buggy proximity sensor). Check it anyways. Then go back to preferences then click "Proximity" scroll down and uncheck Turn off screen and leave leave the Turn on screen checked. this will force your phone to stay on during calls so that it never has to go through the proximity phase of calls this no more black screens. Hope this was helpful ^_^
I had this problem aswell. MIUI & Cyanogen mod were the ROMs I was using, and this problem started occuring after a few months use (my screen is also damaged from a fall, so maybe the sensors are a little damaged as well).
When I installed the WinMo 6.5 stock ROM again, everything was normal, except that my screen still turns black during calls BUT I can activate it again by pressing the power button.
Now I installed android again and the Screebl app (enabled it) and I have the same functionality! The only problem that remains is that my screen still turns black during calls, so I have to answer with the phone button and putt down phone with the power button. Still beats having to remove the battery though .
If someone has a fix for the black screen, it would be more than welcome!
But, thanks a million for the Screebl app tip! I can use my phone again .
papaganz said:
I had this problem aswell. MIUI & Cyanogen mod were the ROMs I was using, and this problem started occuring after a few months use (my screen is also damaged from a fall, so maybe the sensors are a little damaged as well).
When I installed the WinMo 6.5 stock ROM again, everything was normal, except that my screen still turns black during calls BUT I can activate it again by pressing the power button.
Now I installed android again and the Screebl app (enabled it) and I have the same functionality! The only problem that remains is that my screen still turns black during calls, so I have to answer with the phone button and putt down phone with the power button. Still beats having to remove the battery though .
If someone has a fix for the black screen, it would be more than welcome!
But, thanks a million for the Screebl app tip! I can use my phone again .
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I also try with WinMobile and the problem was still there ...
I think the sensor is broken ....
I will bring my phone to service ... and when i take it back I will tell you whether it is repaired
I had the same problem with Android roms on my HD2. I saw in an other thread a member (z-o-r-r-o-, thanks btw) wrote "just clean dust on the screen, where sensor is situated". This looked like a joke to me, but it's not. On a review of the phone I found the place of the proximity sensor. This is on the top of your screen next to the speaker, on the left if you look at the screen. I just took off the protection layer of the screen and cleand the sensor and the problem was solved. So I cut of a bit from the protection layer so that the sensors arn't touched by anything.
I think the problem is that this sensor is much more sensitive with android roms.
Hope this works for you to.

my phone wont wake up?

i have installed rom 29.AUG 25 Lang HD2 Pdaimatejam Rom Wp7.5 Tango 7.10.8779.8 v8.3 >FULLY UNLOCKED>
and my phone wont wake up from standbuy?
i set it to never lock but apon pushing the power button it still never wake up?
can anyone tell me how to remidy the problum?
jackrabbit72380 said:
i have installed rom 29.AUG 25 Lang HD2 Pdaimatejam Rom Wp7.5 Tango 7.10.8779.8 v8.3 >FULLY UNLOCKED>
and my phone wont wake up from standbuy?
i set it to never lock but apon pushing the power button it still never wake up?
can anyone tell me how to remidy the problum?
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Try to change the power button to another button (green phone, home key etc.) in leo advanced, when i set the windows key it WON'T wake up my phone it only locks it, but when i set the green phone button to lock and unlock the phone it does work!
jackrabbit72380 said:
i have installed rom 29.AUG 25 Lang HD2 Pdaimatejam Rom Wp7.5 Tango 7.10.8779.8 v8.3 >FULLY UNLOCKED>
and my phone wont wake up from standbuy?
i set it to never lock but apon pushing the power button it still never wake up?
can anyone tell me how to remidy the problum?
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I've also had a problem like this with the 8.3 rom. My HD2 appears to be bricked, however. I left Nokia drive running while bike riding to track my travelling distance, and when I completed my ride, the phone was dead. It would not re-charge, and the LED would not even illuminate when attached to the charger.
Might be a power usage issue with this rom.
I hope we can both get our HD2 phones running again.
Anyone have suggestions?

