rooted nook believes it is a phone? - Nook Touch General

I use the Good Technologies email client to check my corporate email (my company forces us to use Good; so I have no other choice).
It works all well on my Android smartphone.
However, when I tried it on a rooted Nook Touch and I entered my email + pin (provided by my company) I get the following message “Your phone network is off. Turn on your phone network and click OK.” And I cannot get out of that loop and therefore never authenticate my account + email client.
How is that possible, my nook is not a phone...?
I know someone with a Kindle Fire (also Wifi only) and it works fine for him...anyone any idea what is going on here? Is there a register/setting that tells the nook (android 2.1 I believe) whether it is a phone or not?
Thanks for any hints!

nrseife said:
I use the Good Technologies email client to check my corporate email (my company forces us to use Good; so I have no other choice).
It works all well on my Android smartphone.
However, when I tried it on a rooted Nook Touch and I entered my email + pin (provided by my company) I get the following message “Your phone network is off. Turn on your phone network and click OK.” And I cannot get out of that loop and therefore never authenticate my account + email client.
How is that possible, my nook is not a phone...?
I know someone with a Kindle Fire (also Wifi only) and it works fine for him...anyone any idea what is going on here? Is there a register/setting that tells the nook (android 2.1 I believe) whether it is a phone or not?
Thanks for any hints!
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It's probably the default message for the client. It has nothing to do with whether you're actually on a phone; the programmer just didn't differentiate between phones and other devices when he wrote that line. As to a solution? I would check to see if the wifi is working before using it.

Thanks...tried that (checked wifi works when using the browser) and no luck.
What is weird is that it worked for a friend of mine who has a Kindle Fire (wifi only like my nook). He never got the "Turn on the phone..." message...

Nook Touch
I am about to give up. One last shot at it...maybe someone out there has an idea: When I go into the Nook Color tools (came with the rooting), there is a tab (battery details) that specifies where the devices is burning battery power. In one sub section it lists phone idle: 4%.....and cell standby: 80%. When I click into the latter, it tells me time w/o signal is 100% and the time on time (4m 1s for instance).
I still suspect that somewhere there is a register that has been set during the rooting process to a value that convinces the Good Technology SW this devices is a phone (but just turned off). I wonder if I shoot root it again with a different methodology (that does not install too many of the Nook Color tools)? Any advise?

Good Technology email now working
Just wanted to let you know (although seems like not many care...), that the Good email client is now working on my new NSTGlow (I did not go back and tried it on my NST without Glowlight, which my wife now has, but I do not expect it makes a difference). I can now access my company emails!
I rooted the NSTGlow a while ago with TinyNoot and then installed the Good client, that worked. When I re-rooted it (after first restoring the original system) with any of the rooting methods that install Google app support, I could not (i.e., Good failed to intsall or more accurately to authorize access). I am not sure why - it is just an observation (Good asks me to turn on the phone which of course is not possible on my Nook...).
I do not mind the lack of Google apps from My Market, because using "Gemini App Manager" on my rooted phone and can make a backup of all MyMarket apps and then install them on my Nook (if I do not get it from the Amazon store).
System is really working well - but I miss
1) multitouch support (particularly for my browser (Opera Mobile) and ezPDF), and
2) usb/sound support
3) NookTouch Tools: to re-configure the buttons etc and the menu bar when pressing the "N" button.
Hopefully, these will be addressed soon .... ;-)

nrseife said:
System is really working well - but I miss
1) multitouch support (particularly for my browser (Opera Mobile) and ezPDF), and
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I've installed multitouch kernel for NTG from this thread and it works for me.
nrseife said:
3) NookTouch Tools: to re-configure the buttons etc and the menu bar when pressing the "N" button.
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Try ReLaunch. It can assign itself to "home" and "library" buttons.

nrseife said:
Just wanted to let you know (although seems like not many care...), that the Good email client is now working on my new NSTGlow (I did not go back and tried it on my NST without Glowlight, which my wife now has, but I do not expect it makes a difference). I can now access my company emails!
I rooted the NSTGlow a while ago with TinyNoot and then installed the Good client, that worked.
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I tried going this route on my NST. I rooted it with tinynoot, installed the Good client, and it failed at the same 'Your phone network is off." message.

smcpeek said:
I tried going this route on my NST. I rooted it with tinynoot, installed the Good client, and it failed at the same 'Your phone network is off." message.
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NST or NSTG? I have never tried this with my old NST.
Anyway, I noticed that the Good client version is also critical. I am using version
Good luck!

nrseife said:
NST or NSTG? I have never tried this with my old NST.
Anyway, I noticed that the Good client version is also critical. I am using version
Good luck!
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This is with the NST trying the latest Good version. Do you know if there is an archive anywhere that would have a .apk for the older Good versions like

The AOSP (android open source project) did not have a common device tree for phones and tablets until Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) and was not even made with tablets in mind until HoneyComb (3.0). That being said Gingerbread and previous versions were written for phones so the underlying software structure is going to favor them in a way that uses "phone terms" to describe activity.
Now for "cell standby" consuming battery, you can assume that it is normal sleep drain. When I had a NC I removed the Phone.apk and other related packages and nothing changed. It was even said that it was pointless to do so as there was no positive effect on battery life.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2


[Q] Downloading Tablet apks off market running cm7?

Hey everybody.. tried to find the answer to my question but seem to have no luck. I have nook color and atrix 4g. At&t has the app called *att messages* that basically is something similar to imessages for apple. I can even continue my conversation from tablet, but only thing is that nook color runs on cm7, which is a phone os,thus tablet part of android market is not available. Is there some way to trick that? Because I would love to be able to run tablet apps on my nook?
Since you already downloaded and installed on your A4g, you should have the .apk file.
Grab it from your phone, "magically" transfer it to your NC then install from there.
When I said "magically", I meant do whatever kind of method you feel comfortable with to xfer the .apk to your NC.
a. email it or
b. upload to dropbox from A4g then download to yr NC or
c. using usb cable or
so on, ... there are a lot of ways to accomplish.
votinh said:
Since you already downloaded and installed on your A4g, you should have the .apk file.
Grab it from your phone, "magically" transfer it to your NC then install from there.
When I said "magically", I meant do whatever kind of method you feel comfortable with to xfer the .apk to your NC.
a. email it or
b. upload to dropbox from A4g then download to yr NC or
c. using usb cable or
so on, ... there are a lot of ways to accomplish.
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I understand that, and that would not be the problem, except the apk is tablet specific, so its a different version for tablets which wont allow me to download or install it on my atrix. Also atrix's apk wont work because phone apk requires 3g connection in order to pull data
Alright, I'll try to help but either I am clueless what you talked about or you are really confusing about it.
Get back to the first post, you said you have the app installed on your phone A4g, then you wanted to install it on your NC. You said the app is tablet app while it is on your phone? and CM7 is a phone OS while running on your NC, which is a tablet, not a phone?
Your next post, you said it's tablet-specific app? What does that really mean?
It's only work on a specific tablet? then how was it on your phone A4g?
Last, if you already confirmed that the app requires 3g connection and you should know that the NC is NOT the phone, hence no 3g connection, then why you want to install it on your NC????
you should try syncsms tho it requires a data connection on bothe devices bit wifi or cell sevice
A fundamental question is: what makes it a tablet app? Honeycomb/ICS only? If so, you won't get tabletness from your NC under CM7.
You would, however, if you upgraded your NC to CM9/ICS. See other threads in this forum.
Also, as dima pointed out, if the app will only use the phone radio for its data (and not WiFi), the NC can't do that, period, no matter what software you're running.
votinh said:
Alright, I'll try to help but either I am clueless what you talked about or you are really confusing about it.
Get back to the first post, you said you have the app installed on your phone A4g, then you wanted to install it on your NC. You said the app is tablet app while it is on your phone? and CM7 is a phone OS while running on your NC, which is a tablet, not a phone?
Your next post, you said it's tablet-specific app? What does that really mean?
It's only work on a specific tablet? then how was it on your phone A4g?
Last, if you already confirmed that the app requires 3g connection and you should know that the NC is NOT the phone, hence no 3g connection, then why you want to install it on your NC????
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Sorry for all the confusion. Let me clarify:
Atrix is running on NottachTrix 1.2.5
and NC is running on CM7 nightly
AT&T has 2 apps in Android market with the same name: first one for cellphones and second one for tablets. (can't post links, due to very few posts on xda)
I can download and install first one on my atrix and it works like a charm; but it wont work on NC since it requires 3G connection. The second one wont download on atrix, simply because Market tells me it is not compatible with my atrix.
When I go to my NC and try to download second app, which should be compatible, its not allowing me to download and install it, since CM7 on nook is identified by market as a phone OS, hence its saying its incompatible.
So the whole question is -is there a way to trick market into thinking i have tablet OS on my Nook so I could download that app? messing around with build.prop didnt do me any good
from what it seemed like, it looked at a device Id or something, i dont think there were any OS requirements..
Will end up probably installing CM9 and see how that works...
About me pointing out about phone data usage by app, it was only the case with phone app not the tablet one, and it only uses it for initial setup..
stolenmoment said:
A fundamental question is: what makes it a tablet app? Honeycomb/ICS only? If so, you won't get tabletness from your NC under CM7.
You would, however, if you upgraded your NC to CM9/ICS. See other threads in this forum.
Also, as dima pointed out, if the app will only use the phone radio for its data (and not WiFi), the NC can't do that, period, no matter what software you're running.
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vegeta_2123 said:
you should try syncsms tho it requires a data connection on bothe devices bit wifi or cell sevice
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thanks, I'll check it out
I'm having the same problem. I'm running the latest Cyanogenmod nightly build for my Nook Color and althought my NC is a tablet and is described as such in the "setting>about" screen, I'm unable to download any tablet apps from the android market (currently called google play). Tablet apps are those which are designed for for the larger screen size and the sometimes better resolution depending on make & model. So, is this because Cyanogenmod 7 is based off of Android Gingerbread 2.3? Is there a way around it withought flashing to CM9/ICS?
Sent from my NookColor using XDA
dima0988 said:
Sorry for all the confusion. Let me clarify:
Atrix is running on NottachTrix 1.2.5
and NC is running on CM7 nightly
AT&T has 2 apps in Android market with the same name: first one for cellphones and second one for tablets. (can't post links, due to very few posts on xda)
I can download and install first one on my atrix and it works like a charm; but it wont work on NC since it requires 3G connection. The second one wont download on atrix, simply because Market tells me it is not compatible with my atrix.
When I go to my NC and try to download second app, which should be compatible, its not allowing me to download and install it, since CM7 on nook is identified by market as a phone OS, hence its saying its incompatible.
So the whole question is -is there a way to trick market into thinking i have tablet OS on my Nook so I could download that app? messing around with build.prop didnt do me any good
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OK, the picture gets a bit clearer.
So, there are 2 apps, let's call them
a. "ATT message for Phone" and
b. "ATT message for Tablet".
Using your A4g, item a. downloaded and installed no problem but you can't download item b. due to incompatible device (as the A4g isn't a tablet).
So you use the NC to download item b. (good direction) but assumingly 'cuz of the CM7, you still cannot download it (item b) due to the incompatible issue again.
Here's my take
1. You know that the NC is NOT the phone, hence no 3G connection, right? I just don't want you waste your time getting the app installed but no use.
2. Pls provide the link to the second app (item b) so I can try on my CM7 and CM9 and see what happens. If I can't ('cuz due to the CM7 OS) then
3. I or someone will try to download it (item b) from the NOOK stock ROM as it should not be a problem
dima0988 said:
AT&T has 2 apps in Android market with the same name: first one for cellphones and second one for tablets....
I can download and install first one on my atrix and it works like a charm; but it wont work on NC since it requires 3G connection...
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And you are thinking the tablet version won't require a 3g connection? How would it get SMS without a phone connection? I'm sure it's more than lack of tablet gui that is keeping market from saying it is compatible. It's looking for a device with phone (3g) capability.
Edit: I just looked at the description of AT&T Messages on the market. It sounds like it is much like Google Voice and does sms messaging via internet. So I may be wrong about needing 3g on the tablet.
Edit2: I just downloaded the tablet version and installed it on my CM9. Runs ok. But I was not then able to install the apk in CM7. Install screen shows up having all data blank.
Edit3: I modded the apk so it would install on CM7. It installed but crashed immediately on running. I think you are out of luck. I guess if you want to run it you have to move to CM9.
have you tried the market access app? it should allow you to trick the market into thinking you have a different device.
I know and understand that NC has no 3G nodem and hence the communication is only via wifi.. but I'm assuming it will go over wifi, since at&t offers you the ability to also read and send texts from your computer.
link to the second app: http://bit. ly/xomO0x
i know, i maybe sound like a total noob, but i would like to make it work, since it could be very handy to be able to send/receive texts via NC)
votinh said:
OK, the picture gets a bit clearer.
So, there are 2 apps, let's call them
a. "ATT message for Phone" and
b. "ATT message for Tablet".
Using your A4g, item a. downloaded and installed no problem but you can't download item b. due to incompatible device (as the A4g isn't a tablet).
So you use the NC to download item b. (good direction) but assumingly 'cuz of the CM7, you still cannot download it (item b) due to the incompatible issue again.
Here's my take
1. You know that the NC is NOT the phone, hence no 3G connection, right? I just don't want you waste your time getting the app installed but no use.
2. Pls provide the link to the second app (item b) so I can try on my CM7 and CM9 and see what happens. If I can't ('cuz due to the CM7 OS) then
3. I or someone will try to download it (item b) from the NOOK stock ROM as it should not be a problem
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that's what i was thinking - since its doing messages over the internet, why would it matter wifi or 3g?
you said you were able to install it on CM9? meaning it does sync messages and all that stuff? because if that's the case, I might be moving to CM9 over the weekend..
leapinlar said:
Edit: I just looked at the description of AT&T Messages on the market. It sounds like it is much like Google Voice and does sms messaging via internet. So I may be wrong about needing 3g on the tablet.
Edit2: I just downloaded the tablet version and installed it on my CM9. Runs ok. But I was not then able to install the apk in CM7. Install screen shows up having all data blank.
Edit3: I modded the apk so it would install on CM7. It installed but crashed immediately on running. I think you are out of luck. I guess if you want to run it you have to move to CM9.
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dima0988 said:
that's what i was thinking - since its doing messages over the internet, why would it matter wifi or 3g?
you said you were able to install it on CM9? meaning it does sync messages and all that stuff? because if that's the case, I might be moving to CM9 over the weekend..
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It acted like it was running properly. I had not registered a mobile phone so there was nothing to sync to. It thinks CM9 is a tablet and runs fine.
Thanks, I'll try it soon
leapinlar said:
It acted like it was running properly. I had not registered a mobile phone so there was nothing to sync to. It thinks CM9 is a tablet and runs fine.
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Thank y'all for help!
Thank you all for your help. I decided to go the easy way and upgraded my nook to CM9, which runs smoothly and apk is working fine. Also might try the syncsms as was noticed before..
TheWalkingDead said:
I'm having the same problem. I'm running the latest Cyanogenmod nightly build for my Nook Color and althought my NC is a tablet and is described as such in the "setting>about" screen, I'm unable to download any tablet apps from the android market (currently called google play). Tablet apps are those which are designed for for the larger screen size and the sometimes better resolution depending on make & model. So, is this because Cyanogenmod 7 is based off of Android Gingerbread 2.3? Is there a way around it withought flashing to CM9/ICS?
Sent from my NookColor using XDA
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I was not able to find a solution, simply because GB 2.3. is the phone OS, and even if you will play around with build.prop file and fool it into thinking its motorola xoom, it will still act like a phone and you wont be able to run tablet apps, unless you upgrade to cm9..
dima0988 said:
I was not able to find a solution, simply because GB 2.3. is the phone OS, and even if you will play around with build.prop file and fool it into thinking its motorola xoom, it will still act like a phone and you wont be able to run tablet apps, unless you upgrade to cm9..
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you can try this - go to any best buy other electronic retailer, get to a stand with tablets, go to google play and get the app you are looking to get and then the backup utility (i use Mybackup pro), download and install mybackup pro, backup the app that you wanting to have, then you can delete app (att messages), then go to file explorer (and if you have mybackup pro, to their folder called rerware), and get to the backup and you'll see that apk lying in there. press and hold and it will allow to share that file. Simply email it to yourself.. that's the other way to do it

[Q] NST General Questions

Hello fellow Nookers,
I've been lurking around here for the past couple of years, only to join about 8mo ago. I find the amount of knowledge and willingness to help at XDA fascinating. There are clearly A LOT of intelligent people here that could probably solve many of the worlds problems, if collectively asked. So, a big virtual thumbs up to all of you.
Well, enough of the mushy stuff. I'm here for a reason right? I have quite a few general questions regarding things such as... a rooted nook, Google Play, .apk files, transferring .apk files, searchmarket, etc.. Rather than start separate threads, or jump on many existing threads, I figured it might be easier to list them in one thread.
So, here we go.
Above all other questions below, here is what I am ultimately after...
I am looking to download .apk game files from Google Play so that I can transfer/install them on my Kindle Fire HD. So why not root the KF? I have read posts that rooting a KF using Amazon Prime will render Prime useless. I need my Prime for watching movies/shows. The games I want from GP are not available on the less-than-stellar Amazon App Store. I value my KF device more than my outdated NST, which is why I have no issues rooting the NST.
Now for the questions...
(1) I've followed the [Root] NookManager post here at XDA ( ) and successfully rooted my NST running 1.2.1. Per the post, there were quite a few steps not mentioned according to this nook devs page ( ). [Q] Are the below areas from nook devs not necessary when following the [Root] NookManager post?
After you have burned the uSD card
At the Android Welcome Screen skip "Sign In"
Enable Location Services when given the option.
Connect to Wifi and launch Youtube from ADW App Drawer.
Click the Menu button (On top at the right, next to the time.).
Select "My Channel" and Login using your Gmail Account (ensure the [email protected] format to link)
Exit Youtube and Launch Gmail.
Sync your Gmail Account and Exit. (If it fails to sync that is fine - it will do so later on if you give it a few minutes)
Open up Market and Accept Terms and Service.​
(2) Before rooting, I changed the email address on B&N associated with the NST. The email with B&N matches the email I use for GP. However, the email on the NST, in account settings, is the previous email address. [Q] Is this an issue?
(3) When accessing GP on NST via the Browser App in ReLaunch, there are many games I cannot download. I get the message "This app is incompatible with your device". I've read a few posts online (outside of XDA) showing ways to spoof an older Android device to a current Android device. But, as with most things, it came with warnings and only working for devices running firmware higher than 1.2.1. [Q] Assuming this would trick GP into thinking I have a newer Android, is there a known way to accomplish spoofing a 1.2.1 device?
(4) Something worth pointing out... when accessing GP, and navigating to Settings/My Devices, "phone" is listed. However, when I go to Settings/Android Device Manager on GP, it states No Active Device Listed. [Q] Should there be a device in the Android Device Manager? If so, how to accomplish this?
(5) As it has been widely reported, the search feature on GP doesn't work when on the NST. For the record, I have noticed while in Settings, the search feature does in fact work. So, it has been suggested to use SearchMarket (which I have installed). However, this app seams to have its limitations. When I search for a game on SM, that I know is on GP, SM is not finding it. Also, the Market App within ReLaunch cannot find the game either. [Q] Is SM searching Market, and is Market different than GP?
(6) These next questions relate to downloading, rather than installing, apk files to the NST. Since my goal is to obtain apps from GP, that are not available via AAS, so I can install them on the KF, [Q] how can I have them sent to the mSD Card? [Q] Aside from using download/torrent sites to obtain .apk files, are there any "legal", safer, ways other than GP?
Well, I think that about covers it. I may regret saying this, but all of this came about because of one game... Blackout: Bring The Color Back. I am soooo hooked on that game. I first played it at Dave & Busters, and was hooked within minutes. I think I sat there playing it for a good 45 minutes. Then I found it on Apple's App Store. Now, I need it on the KF. If I could download this one game from GP, I would be ecstatic. LOL... can't believe I admitted that.
Thanks in advance.
Too detailed? I can dumb it down, if you think it'll help.
diditall4danook said:
(1) I've followed the [Root] NookManager post here at XDA ( ) and successfully rooted my NST running 1.2.1. Per the post, there were quite a few steps not mentioned according to this nook devs page ( ). [Q] Are the below areas from nook devs not necessary when following the [Root] NookManager post?
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At the end of that guide did you follow and install the NTGAppsAttack package ?
If you read that guide it tells you the steps you read on nookdevs are some of the steps to sign in for first time to google.
I used NTGAppsAttack last night just fine. It is a little time sensitive so follow the intructions directly after installing.
Google recognized my NSTG instantly. The youtube trick is basically one of the methods to make google play acknowledge your device.
diditall4danook said:
(2) Before rooting, I changed the email address on B&N associated with the NST. The email with B&N matches the email I use for GP. However, the email on the NST, in account settings, is the previous email address. [Q] Is this an issue?
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Maybe. Try suggested above and if does not work after a day go backup to your backup de-register nook and try again with other email.
diditall4danook said:
(3) When accessing GP on NST via the Browser App in ReLaunch, there are many games I cannot download. I get the message "This app is incompatible with your device". I've read a few posts online (outside of XDA) showing ways to spoof an older Android device to a current Android device. But, as with most things, it came with warnings and only working for devices running firmware higher than 1.2.1. [Q] Assuming this would trick GP into thinking I have a newer Android, is there a known way to accomplish spoofing a 1.2.1 device?
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NST is a android 2.1 device also known as Eclair.
Its an old version very old. Even those games you can run on the nook with norefresh/fastmode you will still sometime need to get hold of an older version thats supports 2.1.
Try Simon Tatham's Puzzles (the B n W at least)
diditall4danook said:
(4) Something worth pointing out... when accessing GP, and navigating to Settings/My Devices, "phone" is listed. However, when I go to Settings/Android Device Manager on GP, it states No Active Device Listed. [Q] Should there be a device in the Android Device Manager? If so, how to accomplish this?
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Step one go to "Cog"->"Settings" on google play website. On right hand side click on EDIT on phone line and rename "phone" to be something better like "NST_1". Believe me you will regret not doing so when you have more than one!
Android Device manager requires a very up to date version GAPPS to work.
You want it to location your nook or blank it?
diditall4danook said:
(5) As it has been widely reported, the search feature on GP doesn't work when on the NST. For the record, I have noticed while in Settings, the search feature does in fact work. So, it has been suggested to use SearchMarket (which I have installed). However, this app seams to have its limitations. When I search for a game on SM, that I know is on GP, SM is not finding it. Also, the Market App within ReLaunch cannot find the game either. [Q] Is SM searching Market, and is Market different than GP?
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If your GAPPS updated itself then yes search may work. Searchmarket i expect does have different result ordering or interprets keywords slightly different or simply hides incompatible apps from you. Does it matter? You can use web version and install to device if your desperate.
diditall4danook said:
(6) These next questions relate to downloading, rather than installing, apk files to the NST. Since my goal is to obtain apps from GP, that are not available via AAS, so I can install them on the KF, [Q] how can I have them sent to the mSD Card? [Q] Aside from using download/torrent sites to obtain .apk files, are there any "legal", safer, ways other than GP?
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No idea what AAS and KF mean. Personally I use titainium backup or esfile explorer to save my apks. You can get them on your NST using dropbox or over windows shares (samba) using esfileexplorer. If you get hold of version 1.6X of esfileexplorer it has option for white background still (might have brought it back in later versions). One advantage of saving your apks you can keep the version that does what you want not be forced to update to something breaks what you want like esfileexplorer.
Hmm KF = KindleFire?

Nook simple touch 1.2.1

I've just received Nook simple touch. It was bought from USA and sent to Bangladesh. After unpacking, I powered on the device and followed the steps. At one stage it connects with the wifi network successfully. Then, It shows error message -"Sorry we're having trouble setting up your Nook...."
I communicated with Nook support and share the serial number. Their feedback was "my Nook is disabled, that's why it is not registering..." usually the device is disabled for lost, stolen etc cases. But I told that the device was purchased from and it reached to me with intact packet. Also I have invoice of it. But they told me to talk to
Later, I called to Nook's hotline asked that where the issue is related to the location from where I'm trying to use it. Feedback was - Nook is useable only from USA and UK having a valid credit card. It cannot be used from Bangladesh.
Now, what should I do to make it workable from Bangladesh?
Maybe this from the Nook forums:
As long as the epub files you wish to load on the machine are without DRM, like those in Mobileread's own library, the answer is yes. In fact, that is how I've been using the Nook ST for the last week. I'm setting this reader up for my mom who doesn't have wifi or internet access. Since I'm going to sideloading everything anyway, it seemed stupid to bother with registering the nook.
Here's how after you initially charge the nook and activate the unit:
How to Skip OoBE Experience
1. Enter the Factory Screen by holding the TOP RIGHT Button and slide your
finger across the top of the Nook from left to right. A button labeled
"Factory" will appear in the top left of the screen.
2. Once in the Factory screen, hold down the TOP RIGHT Button and tap in the bottom right of the screen.
3. A new button will appear labeled "Skip Oobe". Tap that and you're done!
While you are at it, you might consider installing the latest software update, which you can manually d/l on your computer and install on the nook via USB.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ aware that a few subsequent posts in the same thread suggested that battery drain was unusually high when using the Nook unregistered. Maybe there are other solutions out there.But it's a start.
You can gut all the B&N stuff if you like.
You will not be able to read B&N DRMed purchased content.
You will still be able to use it for Adobe Digital Editions from OverDrive (which have other DRM).
That's how you read library books (at least here).
When unregistered B&N can use a lot of current.
Turning WiFi on but never actually using it since it was started uses a lot of current.
Turning WiFi on, using it for something, leaving it on is not nearly as bad.
Sounds confusing? It is.
I'm intrigued by this problem and have done some reading online about various peoples experiences. Many had the device registered in the US before taking possession in their respective countries. Some use non-US credit cards without any problem. It seems that there are differences which may be related to firmware versions and perhaps even to changing B&N policies (many of the posts I read are 2-4 years old).
There's a lively Russian Nook users group over on Reading through a rough Google translation (always fun) it seems that the standard approach there is to select a US time zone (change it after registration) and skip the credit card part. It might be easier to set up a B&N account on the B&N website first (although that does require a credit card--surely they accept valid international CCs?). In any case, there don't seem to be any additional issues mentioned by the Russians with regard to registration. Curious.
The OP does not state if the intent is to purchase ebooks from B&N or just to have a functioning eink reader for side-loaded material. I guess it is possible to root without registering if you never want to interact with the B&N store, then remove the B&N stuff that is causing the battery drain (or however much of the B&N stuff you want to remove).
It would help to have more info about the intended use for the Nook in question. Meanwhile, shame on BestBuy....
[addendum: Aha! Try this thread]
Thanks a lot nmyshkin
Now I able to use Nook by using you bypass method. Also the battery drain seems faster (40% in 3days).
Another problem is wifi connectivity. I want to use wifi to browse internet (using the hidden trick). How can I do it?
sameee781 said:
Now I able to use Nook by using you bypass method. Also the battery drain seems faster (40% in 3days).
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Yes, as warned. This is the reason to pursue other options because the battery ought to last for a few weeks, not a day or two.
Another problem is wifi connectivity. I want to use wifi to browse internet (using the hidden trick). How can I do it?
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Unless you have a very early firmware release (unlikely at this date of purchase), you probably can't use that old trick. It was "fixed" in the second or third firmware update so that the default Android browser became unreachable without rooting.
If you want internet access (and/or email, etc.) your best bet is to root the device. To my mind the easiest way to accomplish this is with NookManager. If you want Google apps (and access to the Play Store for more apps) then you can do that after rooting here, or follow the link to it in the NookManager post.
However, unless you want to selectively delete some B&N stuff after rooting, it would be better if you could get the device registered before you root. Now that you know at least one work-around to get the Nook sort of running, maybe try a factory reset and then approach the registration as the Russians have and see if it works for you.
nmyshkin said:
However, unless you want to selectively delete some B&N stuff after rooting, it would be better if you could get the device registered before you root. Now that you know at least one work-around to get the Nook sort of running, maybe try a factory reset and then approach the registration as the Russians have and see if it works for you.
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Could you please suggest the Russian method by which I'll be able to register?
sameee781 said:
Could you please suggest the Russian method by which I'll be able to register?
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Look up back at post #4. But you will have to do a hard reset first so that the Nook goes back into registration mode.
Hi nmyshkin
As mentioned in post#4, I didn't find Nook registration trick in
If you have a launcher installed you can simply select "OOBE" (Out Of Box Experience).
If you don't have a launcher installed, ADB:
adb shell am start -n com.nook.oobe/.o.ORoot
(That's dot, small O, dot, capital O)
If you are not rooted you'll have to follow the other instructions above.
sameee781 said:
Hi nmyshkin
As mentioned in post#4, I didn't find Nook registration trick in
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According to the Ruskies, you should select a US time zone during registration and skip the credit card (I didn't enter a credit card when I did my registration and everything went just fine--it says you can skip). I don't recall the entire registration process any more, but if you need to enter an address, use a fictional US address, something like "125 First Street, Montebello, CA 90640" (the little town where I grew up...). Ditto for a phone number if needed (818-792-6942) For an email address, something without a country identifier would be best, like a Gmail account you can tie to the Nook.
After registration is successful you can change the time zone in the Settings panel.
As an afterthought, a credit card on file is needed if you plan to have any dealing with B&N. For example, I was curious to see if I could get one of the "Friday Free" ebooks from B&N, even with my rooted and much amended Nook. Although the ebook was free I could not access it without a credit card on file. Once I gave them the card info I had no trouble selecting the ebook and it appeared (by magic!) on my rooted Nook within a few minutes. So whatever I've done so far has not broken that process. Now whether I'm going to be interested in reading that book, I have no idea, but I had to try the process
@nmyshkin & Renate
Current status -
I've rooted my nook using NookManager and installed NTGAppsAttack. I've installed Facebook app but cannot use it properly as it shows internet connection issue. But I can bowse internet using operamini. I've tired to use facebook using operamini. But I could not able to write dot in email address field and unable to login. These are the minor problem because my primary objective is to read books.
The main problem is battery drain. So, I want to register the device to solve battery drain issue. If I follow your instruction, will the battery drain issue be resolved? Or I should unroot it and try to register?
sameee781 said:
@nmyshkin & Renate
Current status -
I've rooted my nook using NookManager and installed NTGAppsAttack. I've installed Facebook app but cannot use it properly as it shows internet connection issue. But I can bowse internet using operamini. I've tired to use facebook using operamini. But I could not able to write dot in email address field and unable to login. These are the minor problem because my primary objective is to read books.
The main problem is battery drain. So, I want to register the device to solve battery drain issue. If I follow your instruction, will the battery drain issue be resolved? Or I should unroot it and try to register?
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I'm not entirely clear on the order of operations with regard to registration vs. rooting. Registration WILL solve the battery drain problem, so however that can be achieved, that's the way to go, I think. If you can, with your rooted Nook, start the registration process, then try that. If there's no way to invoke registration without resetting to factory, then do that and root again after you have registered successfully.
I don't know anything about Facebook but it may be a challenge with an older browser. BTW, there is general agreement that Opera Mobile works better on the Nook than Opera Mini. You can get that from the Amazon App Market or sideload it directly from the Opera archive here. But first, you need to clear the registration/battery drain hurdle.
Registration is not appearing if I restart the device. As I've skipping oobe it is not going to registration page. If I use DeviceRegistator it gives error.
sameee781 said:
Registration is not appearing if I restart the device. As I've skipping oobe it is not going to registration page. If I use DeviceRegistator it gives error.
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Yes, once when my too-much altered Nook lost its identity I tried to use DeviceRegistrator and it failed for me too.
NookManager is your friend. Put the SD card back in your Nook and boot it up. Choose the "Restore Factory Image" (or whatever its called).
Then try to register as described earlier with your unrooted Nook. If that works, put the SD card back in again and root. Then proceed from there as you like.
nmyshkin said:
Yes, once when my too-much altered Nook lost its identity I tried to use DeviceRegistrator and it failed for me too.
NookManager is your friend. Put the SD card back in your Nook and boot it up. Choose the "Restore Factory Image" (or whatever its called).
Then try to register as described earlier with your unrooted Nook. If that works, put the SD card back in again and root. Then proceed from there as you like.
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Should I not face the similar problem like first time? Here is the screenshots taken at the time of getting started with my Nook. The problem was also mentioned in the first post.
sameee781 said:
Should I not face the similar problem like first time? Here is the screenshots taken at the time of getting started with my Nook. The problem was also mentioned in the first post.
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I have no idea, but I would sure get closer to the router/modem on your Wi-Fi network so that you have a better than "fair" connection.
The one thing which has worried me about the registration process as described by the Russians is that surely the B&N server can tell if the registration info is coming from a server outside the US (or UK). Even faking the time zone doesn't seem likely since the information won't match the server clock that is sending it. But that's what they say worked.
Anyway, what do you have to lose? The Nook is fairly useless as a reading device if you have to charge it every day--or more often. You need to try registering it again. If it doesn't work, then you try something else.
nmyshkin said:
Anyway, what do you have to lose? The Nook is fairly useless as a reading device if you have to charge it every day--or more often. You need to try registering it again. If it doesn't work, then you try something else.
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Yes, anyhow I've to solve battery drain issue otherwise the device will become useless. That's why I'll also be there in this forum for your help.
-I tired to register near from my wifi router. Also tried by making my phone (Galaxy S4) as portable wifi hotsport. Both are Failed. I'll try again and again....
-In my device there are only few timezone options available, all are US time zone. There should not be issue selecting any one of them.
I'm thinking about their authentication policy. May be their server is checking the originator IP address first which is a non US IP for my case. Hence, it is giving error.
sameee781 said:
I'm thinking about their authentication policy. May be their server is checking the originator IP address first which is a non US IP for my case. Hence, it is giving error.
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Yes, I thought about that too, although enough people from outside the US claim to have been able to register without any problem (few details, of course....). I suppose you could try a free proxy server (Google), but most of the free ones seem to be transparent enough that they are detected as not being truly from the country of "origin". Still, if all else fails, it's another possibility.
I've found some open proxy proxy server IP
How can I configure this proxy so that the device IP seem to be a US IP? I've a wimax wifi router and android phone having wifi hotspot feature.

Coaxing GrooVe IP to work?

Yeah, I know it's kind of "out there", but consider the problem a proof-of-concept exercise
I've found an old version of the app that will install and "run" on Eclair--but not so old that it still tries to log into GoogleVoice. I can get past the intro screen but for the "sign in" screen I get a white-out condition except for the little bar that says "Sign in". The menu options (help and exit) can still be brought up.
I use GrooVe IP Lite on my Nook Tablet and a cheap little unactivated Kit-Kat smartphone I bought as a dedicated mp3 player (after my beloved Insignia Pilot died :crying. It works great for an emergency call if you can scare up wi-fi----and it's free (to any land-line in the US or Canada--cell phones too, I guess). In this respect it seems better than Skype to me unless you have a lot of overseas contacts (I don't).
So....I uninstalled the current app from my little Kit-Kat device and side-loaded the old app. It ran just fine, allowed me to sign in, etc. Once signed in and exited, the next time the app starts you are already signed in. Hmm. I started digging in the /data/data folder for the app and came across two xml files of preferences, one of which clearly contained log-in information (my assigned telephone number, my email, etc.). So I tried copying that file to the same folder on the NST, hoping to get past the indomitable white-out. No joy. Same behavior AND when I checked the xml file I had overwritten it had been returned to a generic state, minus my personal data
I tried two other things. I reactivated the old phone.apk system app. That made no difference. I didn't try the telephony or whatever that other one is. I also started up USB audio before going to the app, thinking it might check for audio capabilities (and it still might) but that made no difference.
I'd probably never use the app on the NST but I am curious about what is keeping it from working. Perhaps the voip server just rejects log-in attempts from really old Android systems.
Any ideas?
Sorry for necroposting but this topic is in line of mine reasoning to use device as much as possible as it is. So if it does not have camera why would you need a Skype or Whatsapp? As a VoIP phone that is OK. Did you made any progress on that one? I am asking because I have a feeling that it might be possible to write an application that would work like VoIP/SIP/web phone to completely remove Phone.apk that reside in NST.
SJT75 said:
Sorry for necroposting but this topic is in line of mine reasoning to use device as much as possible as it is. So if it does not have camera why would you need a Skype or Whatsapp? As a VoIP phone that is OK. Did you made any progress on that one? I am asking because I have a feeling that it might be possible to write an application that would work like VoIP/SIP/web phone to completely remove Phone.apk that reside in NST.
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No, I eventually gave up on the idea. It was only a lark from the start, just to see if it would be possible, but the demands of the task exceeded my knowledge. GrooveIP has changed the way connections are made as well as encryption schemes several times over since I first looked at the issue. All that aside, I doubt that the device could now login to the new servers even if all the code were properly in place.
Re: Phone.apk, on the NST this is where the control of the Android volume resides, so if you remove that you lose the ability to control the media volume (or any volume, for that matter). I eventually discovered this after a lot of flailing around with kludges to prevent the media volume from blasting out when using USB Audio. Many people had deactivated or deleted Phone.apk (me too). When I re-enabled the app I suddenly had access to the volume controls.
nmyshkin said:
No, I eventually gave up on the idea.
Re: Phone.apk, on the NST this is where the control of the Android volume resides, so if you remove that you lose the ability to control the media volume (or any volume, for that matter). I eventually discovered this after a lot of flailing around with kludges to prevent the media volume from blasting out when using USB Audio. Many people had deactivated or deleted Phone.apk (me too). When I re-enabled the app I suddenly had access to the volume controls.
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First thanks for reply. Second does that mean you won't have anything against me trying to do something like that... it might not be GrooVeIP since I haven't decided what service would be optimal to begin with. Third I have read your experiments with Phone.apk and that part of volume control resides there that is why I suggest not to remove it but rewrite it in a more usable form. Even if I fail doing that at least I might have satisfaction in knowing that I tried.
SJT75 said:
First thanks for reply. Second does that mean you won't have anything against me trying to do something like that... it might not be GrooVeIP since I haven't decided what service would be optimal to begin with. Third I have read your experiments with Phone.apk and that part of volume control resides there that is why I suggest not to remove it but rewrite it in a more usable form. Even if I fail doing that at least I might have satisfaction in knowing that I tried.
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By all means, give it a try! Supposedly some versions of WhatsApp would run on the NST. Again, whether you could log in to a server is another matter.
nmyshkin said:
By all means, give it a try! Supposedly some versions of WhatsApp would run on the NST. Again, whether you could log in to a server is another matter.
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I also think that WhatsApp would fail since company promised support for devices with Android older then 2.3 would be maintained until February of this year. Still some other existing software might go through installation process and be registered using code sent to mobile phone that have same software or maybe I find something new who knows.

My rooted unregistered Nook Simple Touch chews battery like crazy

I got a Like New NST, reset it, unregistered it, and rooted it. I haven't replaced the kernel yet. But I have noticed that (even before I rooted it) the battery consumption is unacceptable. I've seen some old threads about this (for example , and some suggested removing some APKs like Phone.apk and TelephonyProvider.apk, while others suggested removing or disabling some B&N-related APKs.
The thing is that some other threads seem to imply these solutions are bogus and that they don't really help. There is a lot of conflicting information spread around on this topic.
Does anybody know if there is a solution to this issue? I'm really loving the NST, it's an amazing reader in all ways except for this glaring issue.
Winston S. said:
I got a Like New NST, reset it, unregistered it, and rooted it. I haven't replaced the kernel yet. But I have noticed that (even before I rooted it) the battery consumption is unacceptable. I've seen some old threads about this (for example , and some suggested removing some APKs like Phone.apk and TelephonyProvider.apk, while others suggested removing or disabling some B&N-related APKs.
The thing is that some other threads seem to imply these solutions are bogus and that they don't really help. There is a lot of conflicting information spread around on this topic.
Does anybody know if there is a solution to this issue? I'm really loving the NST, it's an amazing reader in all ways except for this glaring issue.
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I sympathize and don't want to add to the conflicting information. Read what I wrote here: under "Decrapify system/app". I can tell you definitively that Phone.apk has little or nothing to do with your battery drain. I did a major study on that issue a long time ago:
nmyshkin said:
I sympathize and don't want to add to the conflicting information. Read what I wrote here: under "Decrapify system/app". I can tell you definitively that Phone.apk has little or nothing to do with your battery drain. I did a major study on that issue a long time ago:
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Thank you for all your work, you are very methodic and logical, and I appreciate your generosity sharing all your knowledge about the NST (I have been reading up on different things here before I decided to buy one.) :good:
So, to condense all this, it looks as if neither deleting Phone.apk nor disabling B&N apps helps with battery consumption. Also, am I correct in concluding that having an unregistered Nook (or a Nook which is offline, even if registered) will invariably result in poor battery life? That's quite unfortunate, as I was planning to use my NST as a fully offline device.
Winston S. said:
So, to condense all this, it looks as if neither deleting Phone.apk nor disabling B&N apps helps with battery consumption. Also, am I correct in concluding that having an unregistered Nook (or a Nook which is offline, even if registered) will invariably result in poor battery life? That's quite unfortunate, as I was planning to use my NST as a fully offline device.
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Almost, but fortunately not quite right. Although B&N did some questionable stuff when they cobbled together the NST/G system, I don't think they expected the devices to spend a lot of time online. If the system detects that there is no WiFi, it just slaps a post-it on its internal "refrigerator" to remind it to try a check-in later. All of that happens pretty quickly and in the grand scheme of things Android where stuff is not always killed outright even when you've finished with it, it's not a Big Deal.
So register and forget. It's the easiest path to device stability and the intended power consumption pattern.
nmyshkin said:
Almost, but fortunately not quite right. Although B&N did some questionable stuff when they cobbled together the NST/G system, I don't think they expected the devices to spend a lot of time online. If the system detects that there is no WiFi, it just slaps a post-it on its internal "refrigerator" to remind it to try a check-in later. All of that happens pretty quickly and in the grand scheme of things Android where stuff is not always killed outright even when you've finished with it, it's not a Big Deal.
So register and forget. It's the easiest path to device stability and the intended power consumption pattern.
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Thank you again, I suppose if that's the case then I will register my NST. A couple questions: So if I register the device and never again connect to Wireless that "refrigerator post-it" won't expire?
And, most importantly, if I register with B&N will they push the 1.2.2 update on my device, or can I prevent that without any ill effect? I'd really like to stick to 1.2.1.
EDIT: I read your previous OP about the 1.2.2 OTA update, and your link for how to block it here:
Renate NST also suggested deleting /system/app/DeviceManager.apk, but I don't know if this would be problematic with the B&N registration issue I'm trying to fix to begin with.
Is there a preferred way to do this and still keep the device registered and battery life unscathed?
I appreciate your help!
Winston S. said:
Thank you again, I suppose if that's the case then I will register my NST. A couple questions: So if I register the device and never again connect to Wireless that "refrigerator post-it" won't expire?
And, most importantly, if I register with B&N will they push the 1.2.2 update on my device, or can I prevent that without any ill effect? I'd really like to stick to 1.2.1.
EDIT: I read your previous OP about the 1.2.2 OTA update, and your link for how to block it here:
Renate NST also suggested deleting /system/app/DeviceManager.apk, but I don't know if this would be problematic with the B&N registration issue I'm trying to fix to begin with.
Is there a preferred way to do this and still keep the device registered and battery life unscathed?
I appreciate your help!
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I think since you are just starting out working with the device and don't have work to lose by updating and re-rooting, registering and then updating (you can do it manually by downloading the file yourself) is your best bet. The device keeps a "last date contacted" and "next date to try contact" in settings.db. If there is no WiFi, it will just keep changing the dates. That's all.
OTOH, if you do not update but NEVER connect to WiFi, there will probably be no issue. The method to block updates "works", as I found, but it did not prevent the occasional reboot when I was connected to WiFi, so I finally just threw in the towel and updated my devices, starting over from scratch. I'm happy with the many changes I've made since, so it worked out for me. Not sure why you want to stay with 1.2.1. It is virtually identical to 1.2.2 and I don't believe there is anything on-site here that worked with 1.2.1 which doesn't also work with 1.2.2. All B&N did was patch contacts with their servers for TLS 1.2 compliance.
Deleting/disabling DeviceManager will give your NST Alzheimers as far as your registration is concerned and it will just begin wondering why it can't remember who it is and how/when to phone home--wherever that is. One of the problems with disabling B&N apps is that there are also jar files which don't get disabled and the system still tries to fool with those. You can delete/disable those as well but the more you niggle at the system architecture the more unstable the device becomes and the more things fail to work properly (like the Reader and Library).
Like I said before, it's better AND easier to just treat the device the way it was designed as far as updating or registering. You don't have to use a credit card, you don't even have to use a real e-mail address, I suppose. Then when all that is out of the way you can just install your own launcher and set the "n" button to Home. Voila! You'll never see or hear from the B&N stuff again and your battery will last a good long time.
nmyshkin said:
I think since you are just starting out working with the device and don't have work to lose by updating and re-rooting, registering and then updating (you can do it manually by downloading the file yourself) is your best bet. The device keeps a "last date contacted" and "next date to try contact" in settings.db. If there is no WiFi, it will just keep changing the dates. That's all.
OTOH, if you do not update but NEVER connect to WiFi, there will probably be no issue. The method to block updates "works", as I found, but it did not prevent the occasional reboot when I was connected to WiFi, so I finally just threw in the towel and updated my devices, starting over from scratch. I'm happy with the many changes I've made since, so it worked out for me. Not sure why you want to stay with 1.2.1. It is virtually identical to 1.2.2 and I don't believe there is anything on-site here that worked with 1.2.1 which doesn't also work with 1.2.2. All B&N did was patch contacts with their servers for TLS 1.2 compliance.
Deleting/disabling DeviceManager will give your NST Alzheimers as far as your registration is concerned and it will just begin wondering why it can't remember who it is and how/when to phone home--wherever that is. One of the problems with disabling B&N apps is that there are also jar files which don't get disabled and the system still tries to fool with those. You can delete/disable those as well but the more you niggle at the system architecture the more unstable the device becomes and the more things fail to work properly (like the Reader and Library).
Like I said before, it's better AND easier to just treat the device the way it was designed as far as updating or registering. You don't have to use a credit card, you don't even have to use a real e-mail address, I suppose. Then when all that is out of the way you can just install your own launcher and set the "n" button to Home. Voila! You'll never see or hear from the B&N stuff again and your battery will last a good long time.
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The main reason I want to avoid 1.2.2 is because I tend to value stability overall, and since most of the stuff here was created by the era of 1.2.1 or before, I am leery of doing something that will make things less compatible. Plus I am distrustful of B&N changes on a device this old. I also thought I had read you explaining some changes that needed to be done after a 1.2.2 update to make something work (NM, maybe? I forget.)
So my question was more along the lines of whether, when I register the device, it will be flagged immediately for update and cause some trouble if I don't, or even if the update will be downloaded in the background without me being able to do anything about it. I suppose I could always patch the sqlite file to disable OTA updates and then register. That would be the safest way to go. And you need to use ADB for this to work, right? There is no way to edit the file onboard the NST itself?
I can't wait for the battery consumption to be normal, because I am really enjoying my NST with its great ergonomy and the ability to install different readers. Mine is going to be a dedicated offline ebook reader, but a great one. And much of the reason it is so amazing is thanks to folks like you and Renate who have contributed so much. :good:
Winston S. said:
The main reason I want to avoid 1.2.2 is because I tend to value stability overall, and since most of the stuff here was created by the era of 1.2.1 or before, I am leery of doing something that will make things less compatible. Plus I am distrustful of B&N changes on a device this old. I also thought I had read you explaining some changes that needed to be done after a 1.2.2 update to make something work (NM, maybe? I forget.)
So my question was more along the lines of whether, when I register the device, it will be flagged immediately for update and cause some trouble if I don't, or even if the update will be downloaded in the background without me being able to do anything about it. I suppose I could always patch the sqlite file to disable OTA updates and then register. That would be the safest way to go. And you need to use ADB for this to work, right? There is no way to edit the file onboard the NST itself?
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There's really no reason to be concerned about the 1.2.2 update. It's all fine. B&N would not go to the trouble on an old device like this only to somehow wreck it. It's just a TLS security update and involves connection to their servers. Since you do not intend to use the device online, the only minor issue (resigning Opera Mobile browser-- which I've already provided elsewhere) is moot for you.
As for changing the OTA flag, you can do it via ADB if you install sqlite3. This is probably best since moving settings.db back onto the device after editing can be tricky. But you could eliminate the entire tango by just updating to 1.2.2 and going on with your life
nmyshkin said:
There's really no reason to be concerned about the 1.2.2 update. It's all fine. B&N would not go to the trouble on an old device like this only to somehow wreck it. It's just a TLS security update and involves connection to their servers. Since you do not intend to use the device online, the only minor issue (resigning Opera Mobile browser-- which I've already provided elsewhere) is moot for you.
As for changing the OTA flag, you can do it via ADB if you install sqlite3. This is probably best since moving settings.db back onto the device after editing can be tricky. But you could eliminate the entire tango by just updating to 1.2.2 and going on with your life
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Thank you for clarifying that, I think I have had an overdose of information from reading too many threads in a short span of time and somehow I got the idea NookManager had some sort of issue after the 1.2.2 update that required some tinkering. The fact that the update is limited to the TLS update means it doesn't affect me, so things would be OK. On the other hand, not installing the update also seems like wouldn't be an issue and I really wanted to get ADB going anyway to install things wirelessly, so the most logical path seems to go through the minimal effort required to change that setting anyway. It turns out I already have sqlite3 installed (I am running an Ubuntu system,) so even more reason to do this!
I'll be reading up on the way to get ADB working.
BTW, I know you have proposed probably changing NookManager to address different issues you have encountered. Let me know if I can be of any help. I have no experience building Android components and limited experience compiling, but I would be happy to learn a new skill.
Thanks! :good:
@nmyshkin I easily managed to change the OTA setting through USB ADB. (I'm keeping track of all this process so when I have everything set up I will create a thread for posterity to help anyone else with the same questions.)
Now, the problem I wasn't anticipating is that I didn't foresee the battery problems, so I used that procedure to avoid the Register prompt on startup (Bypass OOBE procedure.) But of course now I don't know how to register the Nook. Do I need to reset to Factory using NookManager, root, disable OTA, and then register? It would be nice if there is a way to avoid this?
EDIT: Searching through another thread I saw your suggestions (almost 3 years old) to use the DeviceRegistrator, so after creating a B&N account I did and it said that the registration was successful, but in Settings the Account is showing up as unavailable, so I restarted the NST, and still I am getting Account Unavailable under Settings. Does the Device Registrator not work anymore? Or have B&N stop registering NST devices?
So I checked by logging into the B&N account and as expected there are no NSTs linked to my account. The DeviceRegistrator app has a few options (Register Device, Authenticate Device, Register User, and Authenticate User.) I didn't touch the User options so I guess that is to create a new account. I just used the "Register Device" option. Do I need to Authenticate Device too, or is this just not working anymore?
I read somewhere that there is also another app called OOBE Reg or something like that that basically runs the default registration procedure, but I haven't found that app in my NST.
I actually went down a similar rabbit hole myself at one point when I was investigating selective disabling of B&N apps, etc. Yes, you need to authenticate. That may or may not have the desired effect. Right now DeviceRegistrator is your only option. It may or may not be possible to authenticate a rooted device by this method.
Having said that, maybe it's time to take a step back and ask yourself whether all this angst is worth the end result when the path of least resistance will yield an equally functional result. The answer to that depends, in part, on how much other stuff you have already done. But before you do more things don't forget that the basic device needs to be in optimum working condition (like not eating battery) first.
nmyshkin said:
I actually went down a similar rabbit hole myself at one point when I was investigating selective disabling of B&N apps, etc. Yes, you need to authenticate. That may or may not have the desired effect. Right now DeviceRegistrator is your only option. It may or may not be possible to authenticate a rooted device by this method.
Having said that, maybe it's time to take a step back and ask yourself whether all this angst is worth the end result when the path of least resistance will yield an equally functional result. The answer to that depends, in part, on how much other stuff you have already done. But before you do more things don't forget that the basic device needs to be in optimum working condition (like not eating battery) first.
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I will Authenticate using DeviceRegistrator and see if it works. The Catch 22 is that if I revert to Factory and then register the device I might have a problem with the 1.2.2 update I want to avoid (but yes, I realize at this point my aversion to 1.2.2 is basically irrational.) So I will try this approach first and report back. I will double check to see if the Nook Device shows up in my B&N account too, and I'll report again.
I agree 100% about putting the device in a sound baseline state before installing a lot into it. I'm documenting all that I do, and when I reach that state I'll create a thread about it. Hopefully it can be of use to someone down the road, because I do see new NST units being bought still every week in eBay.
I was relieved that ADB over USB was already enabled by installing NookManager and that I only needed to create a couple of files in my Ubuntu machine for it to work.
Winston S. said:
I was relieved that ADB over USB was already enabled by installing NookManager and that I only needed to create a couple of files in my Ubuntu machine for it to work.
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That's actually news to me. I had thought the flag for WiFi ADB was set. I've never tried USB.
nmyshkin said:
That's actually news to me. I had thought the flag for WiFi ADB was set. I've never tried USB.
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Yes, apparently ADB Konnect is set up so that if you start ADB Wireless it sets the flag, and then unsets it. I just tried ADB through Wireless and it also works.
To update on the DeviceRegistrator, I tried to Authenticate the Device and it didn't work (I got a banner saying that the operation is no longer supported.) So it looks like I will need to restore to Factory, register, and then root (which defeats the purpose of disabling OTA updates, as I can't do that until I root.)
@nmyshkin, is resetting the Nook to factory by using "Erase & Deregister Device" option in the stock Nook Settings the same as resetting to from NookManager or holding the two Page Back hardware buttons on startup?
I reset mine using the "Erase & Deregister Device" menu option, and then registered and rooted it again, but still I am having problems with CoolReader (I am using the cr3_0_49_13.apk posted in the relevant thread.) Basically, there are no options to set the refresh interval where they should be, and the Options interface is black. Somebody mentioned this as well but they fixed it by restoring to factory, so I'm wondering what the deal is. Is this the only version of CoolReader people use with the NST?
Winston S. said:
@nmyshkin, is resetting the Nook to factory by using "Erase & Deregister Device" option in the stock Nook Settings the same as resetting to from NookManager or holding the two Page Back hardware buttons on startup?
I reset mine using the "Erase & Deregister Device" menu option, and then registered and rooted it again, but still I am having problems with CoolReader (I am using the cr3_0_49_13.apk posted in the relevant thread.) Basically, there are no options to set the refresh interval where they should be, and the Options interface is black. Somebody mentioned this as well but they fixed it by restoring to factory, so I'm wondering what the deal is. Is this the only version of CoolReader people use with the NST?
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No, erase and deregister does just that. It removes your account info and settings. The factory reset is an actual reimaging of the device from the protected onboard image. This can be done with the two button technique, NookManager or eight failed boot attempts.
I'm afraid I can't help much with CoolReader. I once had a version installed but found it had way too many settings for me. I ended up using only the screensaver/book cover option but that was pretty silly and I eventually got rid of and wrote my own app for that.
I located the version for the other fellow, but that's the extent of my knowledge. I'll try it in a bit and see what you're talking about.
nmyshkin said:
No, erase and deregister does just that. It removes your account info and settings. The factory reset is an actual reimaging of the device from the protected onboard image. This can be done with the two button technique, NookManager or eight failed boot attempts.
I'm afraid I can't help much with CoolReader. I once had a version installed but found it had way too many settings for me. I ended up using only the screensaver/book cover option but that was pretty silly and I eventually got rid of and wrote my own app for that.
I located the version for the other fellow, but that's the extent of my knowledge. I'll try it in a bit and see what you're talking about.
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Please, don't waste any time with CoolReader. As usual, you saved the day. I'll reimage the device using the correct procedure, as I mistakenly believed this is what the Erase and Deregister option did. I think this will take care of the CoolReader weirdness, and if not I have found that NoRefresh works remarkably well with it anyway. Thank you!
Winston S. said:
Please, don't waste any time with CoolReader. As usual, you saved the day. I'll reimage the device using the correct procedure, as I mistakenly believed this is what the Erase and Deregister option did. I think this will take care of the CoolReader weirdness, and if not I have found that NoRefresh works remarkably well with it anyway. Thank you!
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Mmm.....I see nothing in that version of CoolReader thats looks anything like it was adapted for the NST. I got that version from a e-book blog post link so shame on me for passing along bogus stuff. It's definitely NOT the version I once had installed (whatever that was...). The current market version is incompatible and the "new" CoolReader GL installs but does not run. I took a look at the CR home at SourceForge and there are many versions available there but it would be trial-and-error with them--and maybe there is no magic bullet. If you search for "CoolReader" on the forum you will find a variety of references. In some lists of "working" apps there are version numbers. Tracking down one of those might be a start.
nmyshkin said:
Mmm.....I see nothing in that version of CoolReader thats looks anything like it was adapted for the NST. I got that version from a e-book blog post link so shame on me for passing along bogus stuff. It's definitely NOT the version I once had installed (whatever that was...). The current market version is incompatible and the "new" CoolReader GL installs but does not run. I took a look at the CR home at SourceForge and there are many versions available there but it would be trial-and-error with them--and maybe there is no magic bullet. If you search for "CoolReader" on the forum you will find a variety of references. In some lists of "working" apps there are version numbers. Tracking down one of those might be a start.
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Thank you for looking at this. I am a little confused, because you helped @ALinkToTao who was having problems with it, and he seems to imply that the version linked here which you referred him to ended up working for him..
So I'm just going to write that off to him being confused about the version he ended up installing. I will see if I find something that works, thanks again.
Winston S. said:
Thank you for looking at this. I am a little confused, because you helped @ALinkToTao who was having problems with it, and he seems to imply that the version linked here which you referred him to ended up working for him..
So I'm just going to write that off to him being confused about the version he ended up installing. I will see if I find something that works, thanks again.
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Yeah, so I need to redeem myself there. In my lame defense, I was just going with what was posted here:
Clearly that is bogus. So I checked out @wozhere's listed working version, or something close.
I think the place to start is with the 3.1.2 series from the SourceForge home of CoolReader. The attached version looks a lot more like what I remember and has screen refresh options (only visible as settings while viewing a book).
There were many more options on the version I once had, so this one is a starting point only.
