[Q] Best way to get Kindle to show up as something else for Market apps? - Kindle Fire General

Hello. I have had a Kindle fire since Jan of this year. It has been my first tablet/android device. I've had a great time playing with it, learning about rooting, bricking and unbricking thanx to this awesome forum and really want to express my gratitude for all the help provided by this site.
I am a medical student and I bought the device specifically for an app for my licensing exam. I feel like I have one last hurdle to overcome in understanding how to manipulate this device, that being a method of altering the way that the market apps recognizes the kindle. I have seen various mods that cause the device to show up differently.
My question is: what is the best mod to facilitate this and only this?
-I have everything as I like it so I prefer one that changes only this aspect.
Thanks a thousand times in advance.

Edit the build.prop file if you know how to, just change the model name to another device like the Galaxy Tab or something and you'll have a bunch more apps in the market.

Just use the modified build.prop from THIS thread and you will be all set.

thanks guys. I've read about build.prop. Gonna check out this link

I read through that link. It only supports CM7. I have had both CM7 and CM9 and prefer stock + go launcher. Do you know of any preset build.prop's that support stock?
edit: Obviously didnt read far enough, here it is: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1439916
I will test it out then update. Thanks again!
edit2: Modaco Gr6 is the mod to flash for those seeking to run stock vs. CM7/CM9. I got access to the file I needed and many other apps. I dont think i am seeing the entire android market though.


How To

Here i will be posting all of the how to threads which are helpful to all users.
i will personally do all of the tutorials to make sure they work and i will also give support to best of my ability on all of the topics.
1. How to Root
2. Enable Exchange Active Sync
3. Enable AD-Hoc Support
4. Enable NTFS Support
5. USB 3G For A500 Wifi Only
Can I also suggest Enable Ad Hoc Wifi? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1056188&page=2
NTFS Support
Thanks very handy tutorials.
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
How about bluetooth PAN ?
Sent from my Milestone using XDA App
can i also suggest a link to the how-to enable support for 3G USB modems?
Needs some additional work though especially around how to configure for a specific type/brand of modem.
FINALLY a AdHoc that works, many thanks for the file and the instructions. I tried some of the others several times with no luck.
pretty cool thanks for making it easy to find the good work the devs are doing.
Thanks for the how to's
First off, let me say thanks to all you developers and all the hard work you put in.
I am a complete noob to Android, rooting, and custom ROMS. I bought the A500 to travel with to complete simple paperwork, internet, emails, and watch movies while in the plane. I travel a lot so this makes it more compact than my laptop.
I have been following dc13's ROM thread and have to admit I am quite interested. It seems he has managed to greatly improve the battery life which is very nice for me.
My question, any chance to get an A500 Noob section for the stuff we noobs are new to? I have tried reading various threads and write ups from searches but even though itvseems like rooting shares some similar techniques, there is a bit of device specific steps also. I am interested in being able to do simple things like remove apps, try out ROM's, and even do backups. Today I downloaded apps; Titanium Backup, ROM Manager, and Busy Box because it seems those come up a lot. After reading the warnings for BusyBox I decided not to mess with it. I did try to run a simple ROM backup today on ROM Manager and got the !triangle.
I have rooted, using the directions on here. I guess it worked, but when I went into settings and tried to delete Social Jogger using the file manager app, it said I did not have permission.
So as you guys can see, it would be nice to find device specific support for us boneheads who want a bit more freedom, without needing to know all you Devs know.
Any help would be great. I am just not sure which steps to take in which orders and also which apps are required to do what I would like to do.
PS: any idea if these A5's are able to get Swype?
Sorry so long. Thanks again for any and all help guys!
Thanks for this thread ...
I am still unrooted due to the fact that we have no easy way to revert back to stock ( revert to stock for dummies ) ... and the locked bootloader.
this is due to Acer making too many different versions of Build# and Kernel # for various countries of the world ...etc
Why can't we just have 2 versions like the Asus TF do ?? 1 for US region and 1 for WW region... sheesh !!
Could you please add a link to an easy way to restore to stock ( once that becomes available ? )
eersfanpilot said:
First off, let me say thanks to all you developers and all the hard work you put in.
I am a complete noob to Android, rooting, and custom ROMS. I bought the A500 to travel with to complete simple paperwork, internet, emails, and watch movies while in the plane. I travel a lot so this makes it more compact than my laptop.
I have been following dc13's ROM thread and have to admit I am quite interested. It seems he has managed to greatly improve the battery life which is very nice for me.
My question, any chance to get an A500 Noob section for the stuff we noobs are new to? I have tried reading various threads and write ups from searches but even though itvseems like rooting shares some similar techniques, there is a bit of device specific steps also. I am interested in being able to do simple things like remove apps, try out ROM's, and even do backups. Today I downloaded apps; Titanium Backup, ROM Manager, and Busy Box because it seems those come up a lot. After reading the warnings for BusyBox I decided not to mess with it. I did try to run a simple ROM backup today on ROM Manager and got the !triangle.
I have rooted, using the directions on here. I guess it worked, but when I went into settings and tried to delete Social Jogger using the file manager app, it said I did not have permission.
So as you guys can see, it would be nice to find device specific support for us boneheads who want a bit more freedom, without needing to know all you Devs know.
Any help would be great. I am just not sure which steps to take in which orders and also which apps are required to do what I would like to do.
PS: any idea if these A5's are able to get Swype?
Sorry so long. Thanks again for any and all help guys!
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You have to mount the file system as rw... If you are using EStrong File explorer for example, you have to give it ROOT access before it can write to your /system files. Go to the settings and scroll down to the root portion. enable that... then go to the folder where you have the file you want to delete... and... delete it...
Slowie911 said:
Here i will be posting all of the how to threads which are helpful to all users.
i will personally do all of the tutorials to make sure they work and i will also give support to best of my ability on all of the topics.
1. How to Root
2. Enable Exchange Active Sync
3. Enable AD-Hoc Support
4. Enable NTFS Support
5. USB 3G For A500 Wifi Only
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Can we sticky something in this forum? perhaps this would be a good start??
and add this to the how-to???
Sticky! Sticky!
Again, I recommend sticky and to add:
6. How to recover device , seen here.
Thanks for doing the guides for noobs
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
Hells yeah! Sticky this! jejeje
Sent from my T7575 using Board Express
mapaz04 said:
Hells yeah! Sticky this! jejeje
Sent from my T7575 using Board Express
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Do we have a moderator?????????????
This seems very odd

[Q] Noob walk through, talk throughs...

I have looked but not been able to find one specific for the Vega.
Is there any where that explains all of the accronyms that every one uses and what is best for the tablet?
I have the vega completly stock... I keep reading about rooting and ROM's this and ROMs that... is thre some where that explains what all of this means so I can figure out what I can do with mine and how to do it?
Sorry if this is a silly Q... im learning... well trying to.
Hi there and welcome to xda developers.
There is all the info you need here on this site. You just need to spend some time reading. If you have a completely stock vega, we need to change that. I would recommend starting with my rom-add on. It is just that, it adds the google parts. Have a play with that to get you started. It does not require any additional software to install, so its great for beginners.
As for rooting, this is to gain access to the protected android system. This is used by some applications such as button Saviour (a must for the vega) There is a full guide and my rom add-on here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=931337
After that have a read up on clockwork mod. This is a recovery/flash app that is used to flash custom roms on the vega.
After you are all happy with that try out some of the great ROMS from corvus and Zebwen.
If you have ant specific questions feel free to fire them at me, i will help out best i can. Just remember the "search button is your friend"
Good Luck
Thank you mate, that has helped a lot.

[Q] Fixing issues on a Rooted "Stock" KF

I am new to the Kindle Fire, and recently rooted with Kindle Fire utility without a hitch. Many thanks to all the Dev's that put that together, great work. I am not new to rooting and customizing ROMs on Droid phones, but new to the "tablet" world.
However, after doing some searching, I am unable to find information on some things.
1) Google Market. Its running fine, but there are a ton of apps missing from the market (ie Facebook). I have seen some threads on how to fix this if I am on CM7, but was wondering if its possible to do this on a "stock" rooted KF?
2) Blocking updates. Is there an easy way to "block" Amazon from being able to push updates to the device? I know this has caused issues like losing root, etc.
3) Freezing Apps. Are there any "standard" apps or processes that can be frozen/removed from the Stock ROM that aren't needed? I haven't been able to find a definitive "list".
Thanks again,
Hey there.
Let me see. You can use "Titanium backup" to freeze stupid things like maps. I dont have mine anymore so i cant populate a list for you atm. You can try to update the "Market" app to resolve issues with missing apps. My advice: use stock rom,root it. And use a launcher like launcher pro. Then use setcpu.
1 - try the modaco rom - it shows to the market as galaxy tab:
2 - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1451328
this one is also a good starting place to find different things:
Editing the build.prop file should fix market visibility. I just purchased and rooted mine last night but i'm also having the same issue. Going to try out this after work. Should do the trick. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1371021
res1n said:
Editing the build.prop file should fix market visibility. I just purchased and rooted mine last night but i'm also having the same issue. Going to try out this after work. Should do the trick. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1371021
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Sounds good. I saw this post, but I haven't seen a build.prop for the stock rooted Kindle fire. If you get yours to work, please post it. Thanks!
b63 said:
1 - try the modaco rom - it shows to the market as galaxy tab:
2 - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1451328
this one is also a good starting place to find different things:
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I would like to stick with the stock rom, since hardware acceleration seems to be an issue with most of the custom roms. Do you know if Modaco supports hardware acceleration?
The only roms that have trouble with hardware acceleration are the ICS roms, all other roms have working HWA.
As far as I know the missing apps from the market can't be fixed if your on stock, even if you edit the build.prop, thats why I moved from stock to cm7.
I don't know if there is a way to completely block amazon updates, but I just froze silentupdate with titanium backup when I was stock and I never got the notification to move from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2.
The only app I know of that can freeze apps is titanium backup pro in the market, and there is no list of apps that can be removed/frozen on the stock rom, just use common sense when removing/freezing the apps, don't delete an app if you don't know exactly what it is or delete the kindle launcher, and then wonder why your homescreen is gone, and make sure to backup any apps you mess with.
scarfoot said:
I would like to stick with the stock rom, since hardware acceleration seems to be an issue with most of the custom roms. Do you know if Modaco supports hardware acceleration?
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modaco is a optimized 6.2.2 stock rom - you can update with it and loose nothing cause it don't format any partitions - read the op of modaco for more information ...
b63 said:
modaco is a optimized 6.2.2 stock rom - you can update with it and loose nothing cause it don't format any partitions - read the op of modaco for more information ...
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Thanks I will take a look at that. Thanks for the advice.
Looks like MoDaCo for the Kindle Fire was the way to go. My market is working great now, system is very fast, really impressed overall. Still retains the "stock" feel with a few tweak. Now I have to figure out if it doesn't get updates from Amazon.
look at my first post - the link in point 2
allthrough i think in modaco the file is allready removed it's better to check twice
There is a system app called OTA Silent Update and you can just delete it and your all good.

Moto XPRT Gingerbread Modding HERE!

Hello everybody, It´s been like a week since I last posted, a lot of things went wrong in my house and I somehow lost all my computers
anyway, back in business again, Last night I had to install the stock Sprint GB sbf, to my surprise it worked Really, Really good.
I´ve had a Defy+ and a Milestone 2, And I remembered having lots of issues with modding aka. no signal, wifi issues (like the cm7 and 9 ones) data issues, system lags, poor battery life, kernel errors on development, Overclocking settings not being saved, recovery mess-ups, and a lot of depicable stuff, most of all kernel-related.
Anyway, last night I flashed the stock rom over cm7 and noticed a real speed, functionality and battery boost, so I thought of just theming, de-bloating and optimizing the stock Sprint ROM.
Please follow me here:
We will never be able to flash custom kernels (not w/o the help of a reaaaaal good DEV)
CM9 &10, though they are eye-candy, are based actually on Gingerbread kernel, so no new features can be added besides the ones you can get withg new apps.
CM7, though stable, lacks the performance and functionality of the stock rom.
Finally, the stock rom as I said, (and I´ve tested TONS of ROMS in different motorola devices) is the one with the best responsivenness, snappiness and battery life, plus It's almost clean (eg. bloatware is easily removed.)
How will it be done?, you may ask.
Well Our first step, will be deodexing the stock GB SBF.
After deodexing we will be optimizing the build.prop on our phone, to trick apps into installing on our phones, and to make some quick optimizations.
Once we have deodexed our rom, we will be able to run,autorun and theme /system/apps.
Apps like Gnow, the statusbar and other tweaks can be easily (RELLY EASY) ported to deodexed ROMS
So this is the challenge guys, Let´s build our own stockcustom ROM.
So far I´m re-flashing stock sprint GB to continue testing only the essential apps, so we can build from there.
And just for a tease; here is my latest build.prop, with some tweaks and tricks taken from other roms and my personal experience, just make sure you have root access, fire up a file explorer and replace your build.prop
Please Refer to next post for links on how to maybe help me with deodexing the full rom.
And please, developers, dont take this as a shady move towards your development, I just think that the best way to make something is to start from scratch..... there are too many source files, modded files and crap files on cm7,9&10 specially when not officially supported (Because everybody messes with the files and re-distributes them, so a lot of clutter and unneeded files, references and code are injected on some releases....)
So my friends, we have a common goal, By now I have succesfully overclocked/undervolted the phone to 1350/233 mhz (not on recovery!!)
I´ve deodexed system/framework/
and Im stuck trying to deodex system/apps/
Xprt Owners of the world, please come on over here, we can do this...
I´m an architect/artist so I really want this to have a sleek look, but not copying a specific stock look, if you know what I mean....
From now on refer to the "wished features post" for features you´d like
And now my final statement:
Though it IS possible to compile JB or ICS from source to our phones, my experience with this somehow outdated android motorolas, is that you will not get significant performance boosts or super cool functions with new software. The only way to get this functionality is by upgrading the kernel which I again declare IS NOT POSSIBLE on our phone. CM9 and 10 my look like JB and ICS, but run straight off a GB kernel.
Yes you will get a lot of new stuff like menus and graphics, but the functionality will be the same, plus all the eye candy will trade off your new features with lags and possible errors.
Software is built in time with devices, and it doesn´t matter how much you say "but the hardware is capable of more!!", incremental software updates "ignore" some HW features, so they have to be forced or modified to run, which adds more procesess/tasks to the kernel and this will suck your speed and battery.
Let´s build something pretty...............:laugh:
Hello everybody, and welcome to the world of modding.
From today, we will be coordinating an army of people to work towards a common goal: Having the best ROM for our phones, and surviving the day.
The tools you absolutely need:
Be a self-troubleshooter
Advanced Google skills
Some Weed
First of all I will just oversee the topic: ODEXED vs DEODEXED
In simple words, Odexed systems have XX.apk and XX.odex, which store certain app properties (like icons, colors, fonts, menus) so that they wont be messed up with, thus making the system more stable, Deodexed systems, have only APK´s with their icons, colors and behaviors packed on, thus making theming, modding and using alternative system apps easier.
If you would LOVE to read about the subject, please refer to this: http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/what-is-odex-and-deodex-in-android-complete-guide/
Well, now that you are totally aware of the odex-deodex situation, you might ask yourself..
-how the phuck do I deodex my system??????
Well, deodexing implies merging the .odex properties onto the apk.
Hey!!!! but how???
you need brains, patience, Java SDK7, Android sdk, and music.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1852322 this instructions are for deodexing.. good luck....
To save your time, you need Android SDK and JSDK properly installed, you need xUltimate (Try and find the version that works on you), and you need the patience and willingness of Sidharta.
Ive tried already 5 versions of xUltimate to find out errors on different files!!!!!!
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2065270This will tell you some other basics on the xultimate deal.
There are other ways to deodex, help me google that.
We will be based on the stock 1FF-p3_kronos_cdma_kronos-user-2.3.5-4.5.1-110-KNS-46-49-test-keys-signed-Sprint-US SBF....
I would love to develop something good to both sprint and boost, but I have a Sprint handset, so I cannot assure our development will work on boost handsets, so please just sprint handset owners only for now.
For xultimate errors and troubleshooting, please refer to Google.com!
Ive been up all last night deodexing my system apps, and found out that most google related apps cannot be deodexed...
maybe that's why you need to install gapps in cm7 or other custom roms...
anyway people, let's get fully deodexed.
Make sure you have both Android SDK and Java SDK 7 PROPERLY installed oin your pc before trying this.
Cheers, luck and please reply
One last thing, I dont know if it is related somehow, but try to flash your stock rom without a SIM card inserted
Quick update: I Think I´ve got it figured out....
You need full Android SDK, and Java development kit, Android sdk tools alone wont do it, and java alone wont do it, you need developer runtimes and libraries for some programs like xultimate to run right.....
And you need not to activate, use or anything your phone before trying to deodex, I guess just starting up and entering simple things as the time, or having a sim card installed, or your google account can write data on the phone and mess up with the deodexing process.....
xultimate has already deodexed full framework and has passed from the yesterday´s troublesome google quick search box...(first thing to fail last night) so let´s hope it goes well.. it is indeed a loong process...
and just another error, but now I think I have it figured out, you need smali-baksmali assembler/disassembler for some specific .jar packed files... I´ve just installed it, and hopefully will post a fully deodexed stock rom today or tomorrow, for you to test and for us to start theming.
remember if you want to try... you need jdk not just java, you need full android sdk bundle, and you need smali/baksmali on your jdk installation for it to work properly...
This completely sucks, I´ve been trying to troubleshoot the errors xultimate is throwing at me on specific files, that lead me to download A LOT of java JRE and JDK versions, and both in x64 and x32 flavors, which apparently caused a major mixup on my PC´s guts....
Now I´m freaking trying to clean up my dev enviroment, trying to re-set the appropiate paths and classes, but hell with it...
Anyone succeeded??? please let me know if you´ve tried and if you get into any error can you please upload a screenshot???
Sounds like hell. I haven't tried, because I just don't have enough time in the day to do something like this. Plus, the xprt is my only phone, so I can't afford to experiment on it much.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
tzuba12 said:
Sounds like hell. I haven't tried, because I just don't have enough time in the day to do something like this. Plus, the xprt is my only phone, so I can't afford to experiment on it much.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
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are you trying to deodex the stock rom?
rongsang said:
are you trying to deodex the stock rom?
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yes sir, but in the mean time I managed to patch it with the battery mod, power menu and ICS style notifications
If I can deodex it I think I can improve it a little bit more in terms of performance and looks and functionality , but my powerful pc is a zombie right now, this is no task an old notebook can handle
I have deodexed it a long time back but sadly I can't upload it now. You can run kitchen from cygwin and it will deodexed your rom completely.
Sent from my MB612 using xda app-developers app
Ive used the kitchen and xUltimate with no good results mate!...
I always get smali errors or heap size errors despite I was using even a 4gb heap size, and tried using different versions of smali baksmali....
I am beggining to think I´ve been cursed by the digital gods.
BTW, if you´re able to upload it, I´ll be very thankful dude! I think Im going nowhere right now

[Q] New to Nexus 4 / Couple general Q's

Hello everyone,
I am new to the Nexus 4 community however not new to XDA. I have survived an HD2 and also a T989 GSII. I have had so much success with XDA and I am looking forward to working with community of folks over here. I got a Nexus 4 (being delivered Monday) to enjoy the Android experience. However the more I look over it the more I feel it lacks some of the features that I enjoyed with previous custom roms like Toggles on the notification panel for example. I know there are many apps that will accomplish the same thing but why use all these 3rd party apps when you can flash a decent rom and get a better experience with often better battery life. I am coming from an All Star Developer ROM that is a compilation ROM ( CM10, AOKP & PA )
I apologize for the rambling. I need to know:
1: What is the difference between Original Android Dev and Android Development forums? GSII did not have two forums so I was a little confused.
2: For a genuine NEXUS device, are there still bugs in ROMS? RR, SOD, GPS not working, etc? This is not a huge issue with most GSII roms I just wondered if you guys experience this at all with this phone being stock Android already. I wouldn't think this would be the case.
3: I have done my research and I am ready to move on with rooting and probably Romming. Is there anything else maybe that would be noteworthy that is specific to the Nexus line of devices. This is a vague question so don't worry with it too much. I am just curious.
Thanks everyone! I can't wait till Monday!
jcnbama said:
Hello everyone,
I am new to the Nexus 4 community however not new to XDA. I have survived an HD2 and also a T989 GSII. I have had so much success with XDA and I am looking forward to working with community of folks over here. I got a Nexus 4 (being delivered Monday) to enjoy the Android experience. However the more I look over it the more I feel it lacks some of the features that I enjoyed with previous custom roms like Toggles on the notification panel for example. I know there are many apps that will accomplish the same thing but why use all these 3rd party apps when you can flash a decent rom and get a better experience with often better battery life. I am coming from an All Star Developer ROM that is a compilation ROM ( CM10, AOKP & PA )
I apologize for the rambling. I need to know:
1: What is the difference between Original Android Dev and Android Development forums? GSII did not have two forums so I was a little confused.
2: For a genuine NEXUS device, are there still bugs in ROMS? RR, SOD, GPS not working, etc? This is not a huge issue with most GSII roms I just wondered if you guys experience this at all with this phone being stock Android already. I wouldn't think this would be the case.
3: I have done my research and I am ready to move on with rooting and probably Romming. Is there anything else maybe that would be noteworthy that is specific to the Nexus line of devices. This is a vague question so don't worry with it too much. I am just curious.
Thanks everyone! I can't wait till Monday!
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1. "Development is classified as original work and/or documented edits and changes made to others work (with their permission) that makes it your own.
Stock ROM dumps that are modified (deodexed, etc.) from the manufacturer's original intent and then repackaged together classifies as development.
Kernel's and Recovery obviously classify as development as they are modified and compiled from source""
2. Minor bugs here & there, nothing like the ones you're used of. Read the OP & last 20 posts in the thread.
3. follow the link in my signature, do not use toolkits!!
Good luck, it's an amazing phone!
Vangelis13 said:
1. "Development is classified as original work and/or documented edits and changes made to others work (with their permission) that makes it your own.
Stock ROM dumps that are modified (deodexed, etc.) from the manufacturer's original intent and then repackaged together classifies as development.
Kernel's and Recovery obviously classify as development as they are modified and compiled from source""
2. Minor bugs here & there, nothing like the ones you're used of. Read the OP & last 20 posts in the thread.
3. follow the link in my signature, do not use toolkits!!
Good luck, it's an amazing phone!
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Thanks for the info! I guess more specifically I need to know the difference between the "Original" Development thread and just the "Development" thread. Should I refer to one more than another?
Also, in reference to toolkits. I am just curious where the issue lies with that? Because honestly that is exactly what I was going to do. I am not lazy, just efficient lol. I figure why do alot of manual driver installs and command prompts if someone created a program that would do it for you? (I reference links below) Is it faulty software? Badly written programs etc? I would think there would be more room for human error when doing it yourself vs. something automated. What are your thoughts on this? Has anyone else had luck using the toolkits in the links? or any other rooting toolkits? Thanks again!
jcnbama said:
Thanks for the info! I guess more specifically I need to know the difference between the "Original" Development thread and just the "Development" thread. Should I refer to one more than another?
Also, in reference to toolkits. I am just curious where the issue lies with that? Because honestly that is exactly what I was going to do. I am not lazy, just efficient lol. I figure why do alot of manual driver installs and command prompts if someone created a program that would do it for you? (I reference links below) Is it faulty software? Badly written programs etc? I would think there would be more room for human error when doing it yourself vs. something automated. What are your thoughts on this? Has anyone else had luck using the toolkits in the links? or any other rooting toolkits? Thanks again!
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Because, you learn something very important while rooting & unlocking your phone. Human error is covered for by the step by step guide. Human error while using the toolkit, you're stuck trying to understand what the fck happened. Learn fastboot mate. Learn to control your device to a 100%, learn to fix it if it's stuck. Understand what happens with "fastboot OEM unlock". Do you know what that means btw..?
The difference between Original Development & Development is in the quote I posted above. Paranoid Android = Original.
TWRP Recovery = Original
"XYZ" Rom based on cm 10.1 + abcd theme = Development.
Vangelis13 said:
Because, you learn something very important while rooting & unlocking your phone. Human error is covered for by the step by step guide. Human error while using the toolkit, you're stuck trying to understand what the fck happened. Learn fastboot mate. Learn to control your device to a 100%, learn to fix it if it's stuck. Understand what happens with "fastboot OEM unlock". Do you know what that means btw..?
The difference between Original Development & Development is in the quote I posted above. Paranoid Android = Original.
TWRP Recovery = Original
"XYZ" Rom based on cm 10.1 + abcd theme = Development.
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Hey thanks again. I appreciate the input. I have more to learn in the NEXUS forum. I am used to ODIN and other forms of Samsung software so I will certainly read over the tutorial and absorb information. It will also help me to share my knowledge with others.
jcnbama said:
Hey thanks again. I appreciate the input. I have more to learn in the NEXUS forum. I am used to ODIN and other forms of Samsung software so I will certainly read over the tutorial and absorb information. It will also help me to share my knowledge with others.
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If nothing else, you owe it to yourself as a proud n4 owner!!

