Severe battery problem! - HD Mini General

I am facing a severe battery problem with my mini (not the well known battery consumption we all know about, this is something else).
First I thought there is something wrong with Windows Mobile and I hoped when going to the NAND version this would be solved but it is not.
Let me first explain what is going on. When I charged the battery on Windows Mobile it would not go higher than 40%. Even after one night it is still at 40%. When I unplug the phone it will drop to 5% in the next couple of hours. And then it will remain at 5% for more than 24 hours, sometimes even 2 days without shutting down!!!
So it is not the battery which has no capacity but the battery level which is completely wrong... This all started when I first began to play with the SD version (may be a coincidence?...)
With the Android SD version and now also with the NAND the battery will charge to 100%. But then it drops very fast and after two hours it is at 5% and then switches off. It seems as Android does switch off the device earlier than Windows Mobile. So I cannot use this at all, my mini will only run for two hours on Android while on Windows Mobile it was running for several hours at 5%...
To make sure it is not the battery I bought brand new batteries. Until today I bought four (yes 4!) new batteries but all have the exact same behaviour. With the last battery I bought I did go into recovery before booting the phone for the first time and cleared the battery stats. But still, the exact same behavior.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be? Is it a hardware fault of my mini? Or is there a little piece of code for the battery which is not overwritten when flashing NAND?
What could I do against it? Is there a way to prevent Android shutting down on low battery? As it seems the battery is not empty at all but Android thinks it is empty... Or can I somehow tweak the battery level? Let's say always add 5% to the battery level so Android will not shut down?
Any help would be highly appreciated!! Thanks!

Try task 2a than task 29

Munjeni, please forgive my ignorance. But how can I perform these tasks? From recovery?

Google is your friend . But only found those "task" fixes only related to HD2 and other phones, does this also work on Mini?

Yes, it working! Swisly, you need mtty.exe to perform task 2a and task 29, and you can not do it with recovery.

Ok, thanks. One more question: what is the equal to "POWER + Record + Pen Reset" for the mini? Do I need to flash back to Windows Mobile first?

No, go to 3 color screen and perform mtty tasks, after this you need to install wince becouse your device will be totaly erased

swissly said:
Ok, thanks. One more question: what is the equal to "POWER + Record + Pen Reset" for the mini? Do I need to flash back to Windows Mobile first?
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I managed to do a task 2a and a task 29, flashed everything from the beginning but unfortunately no luck. The problem remains...
I found an interesting thread here.
They somehow managed to adjust the fullvoltage and emptyvoltage. With this I could prevent the mini from shutting down too early
But I have no clue how to do this. Can anyone help me with this? Or is there an easier way of doing this in CM?


Battery life suddenly very poor - how to identify cause?

For the first few weeks I had my HD the battery life was brilliant. With minor use it'd have high levels like 95+% when I go to bed at night, but the last week or two something has begun really guzzling power from it and I can't figure out what.
I don't think I installed anything new, so I want to find out if there is a way I can easily identify where the power is getting drained so badly. For instance, some days now it is down to about 55% by the middle of the day without even making a call or using any data services etc. I have bluetooth & wifi switched off all the time too!
Is there an app that can identify battery drain in a similar sort of way to cpu/memory use? Or does it normally follow that something using more memory/cpu will be the cause?
Thanks guys!
Cret said:
For the first few weeks I had my HD the battery life was brilliant. With minor use it'd have high levels like 95+% when I go to bed at night, but the last week or two something has begun really guzzling power from it and I can't figure out what.
I don't think I installed anything new, so I want to find out if there is a way I can easily identify where the power is getting drained so badly. For instance, some days now it is down to about 55% by the middle of the day without even making a call or using any data services etc. I have bluetooth & wifi switched off all the time too!
Is there an app that can identify battery drain in a similar sort of way to cpu/memory use? Or does it normally follow that something using more memory/cpu will be the cause?
Thanks guys!
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Try the following task manager and click on CPU Usage at the top. This should help isolate what programs are active
Thanks very much for the reply.
I did look in a task manager I already had and I found that Phonex seemed to be varying but generally using up to 10% cpu just sitting in the background so I have uninstalled it (shame - it's nice).
I'll add in the task manager you've given me and check that, and see how it behaves now PhonEx is gone.....
Thanks very much for the reply.
I did look in a task manager I already had and I found that Phonex seemed to be varying but generally using up to 10% cpu just sitting in the background so I have uninstalled it (shame - it's nice).
I'll add in the task manager you've given me and check that, and see how it behaves now PhonEx is gone.....
Here's an update - I couldn't find anything else that was really using any cpu, and the main culprits using memory seem to be important stuff (I think - shell32.exe & device.exe & cprog.exe) so I doubt I can do anything about them.
Anyway, it wasn't bad last night after removing PhonEx but this morning it had used 10% battery in half an hour without even being used at all!!!
Rebooted and it's stayed on the same battery level now for over an hour but I don't trust it - it seems very erratic and I'm really not sure the best way to find the cause still.
I'd do a hard reset but it'll be a right PITA to get everything back on it again afterwards.
Cret said:
Here's an update - I couldn't find anything else that was really using any cpu, and the main culprits using memory seem to be important stuff (I think - shell32.exe & device.exe & cprog.exe) so I doubt I can do anything about them.
Anyway, it wasn't bad last night after removing PhonEx but this morning it had used 10% battery in half an hour without even being used at all!!!
Rebooted and it's stayed on the same battery level now for over an hour but I don't trust it - it seems very erratic and I'm really not sure the best way to find the cause still.
I'd do a hard reset but it'll be a right PITA to get everything back on it again afterwards.
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I would recommend reading this thread
A number of ideas have been given including using SQTools to identify what is using up the battery.
Good luck and keep me informed
Thanks for the reply again.
Are SKtools/SQtools two different things, or is that just a typo?
Have already got SKtools installed so I'll give it some scrutiny. It's obviously behaving at present though as it's an hour since my earlier post and still on the same battery % level.
Thanks for the link to the other thread anyway. I'll obviously be keeping a close eye on this so I'll advise any findings as they come up.
I've never known anything like it with this battery - no regular pattern sometimes brilliant sometimes awful. Very sensitive to chargers and type - one person reported here that if he charged through usb on computer his battery life went down really quickly afterwards. If he charged through mains battery life was much better. I also just found my charger on my motorbike has a small amount of rust/dirt in it and is causing the device to discharge.
I am not helping but just reaffirming your findings. I did find a programme called BattLog useful to see what programmes were causing high level battery usage. I don't have the link but you can find it here somewhere using search. Another tool for your collection.
Good luck!
Battlog eh? Thanks for the suggestion - will look it up
*edit* here it is - I'll try this tonight, if only as it's quicker than going through the SKtools menus to get to the power usage:
I just began uninstalling stuff to see if it helps (seems to currently run around 106-111mah drain - no idea what might be considered 'normal' and have seen other posts questioning this but no real answers - yet).
Uninstalled Memmaid, and the wedge 18 tab action screen, and also Singh's 15 tab thingy. Have also turned off Handy Switcher as I had that running from startup. It's still drawing 106mah after all that!
One side effect though after removing those, was the weather applet appeared on S2U2 when I unlocked it - first time it's worked! It did disappear again though so there's still a problem with that too.
I've seen many posts where people blame software they have installed and the developer denies it is the software etc.... I think in the end it comes down to the device/battery or manila/TF3D. I may be wrong of course and will be interested to see how you go with it all.
I think it must be software since I have a lot on there and it was fine for the first few weeks I owned it and then suddenly began losing LOADS of power.
For some reason my data connection is not working now either! Might be time for a hard reset I guess.
If you are getting ~150mah consumption when the unit is in use, then with a standard 1350mah battery the lifetime should be 9 hours per charge.
If your battery dies in 1 day, then the unit is consuming the same amount of power almost all the time, even when it's locked or sleeping and this is not normal, unless you want it this way.
Some software, in particular lock managers and button managers are believed to be causing battery drain as they prevent the device from entering deeper sleep states where power can be conserved.
There's software floating on this forum that enables wi-fi and wave audio drivers to remain active in unattended mode (when your backlight is off) too, battery is drained a lot faster when any of these are installed.
Good points
I doubt there's any way of monitoring what power is being used in standby mode is there?
For instance, would an app be possible so that when sync'd and usb charging turned off the app on your desktop could run the same power monitoring process that you find in the likes of SKtools? That would answer a lot of questions I think!
I used PowerGuard, when I was troubleshooting my battery problems ... and you can run the monitor and put it in standby mode, backlight off etc. I used to consume ~180maH when on, no calls no bluetooth and ~96mAh when backlight off/standby.
For me the culprits were S2U2 and Enable HSDPA in the phone settings. I cant get 3G cause im in the US, but it was alwys searching for a signal... after disabling those two.. im at 115mAH when on and 33mAh when standby and back to an ~18 hour battery life.
Oh dear, I just made a new thread with the same question really Silly me.
What version of S2U2 are you using? Did you upgrade that recently? I moved up to 1.5 and I think that might be the culprit, but I've uninstalled it and still having poor battery problems.
**EDIT** Okay, so I have Battlog installed, the drain sometimes shows as -330ma, but how do I see what is causing that drain?
My battery was lasting 2 days on the standard rom, using S2U2 and with HSDPA enabled.
I then upgraded to the Davideuck V-1 HP, and changed the radio from 1.09 to 1.12. Again I did have SU2U installed.
The battery then lasted about 6 hours, and the unit shut down before the ending of my day at work. I can only assume that the pda was consuming too much power even when switched off.
After two frustrating days, I gave up last night, and installed Davideuck V6 and changed the radio to 1.10, and now the pda battery is lasting for ages. It's only dropped from 100% to 99% after 5 hours.
OK, I know I should have changed things one step at a time, but I must assume that either the 1.12 radio or the V-1 rom is causing the problem.
I don't think S2U2 is the culprit here. But I do suspect that it might be the V-1 rom, as I believe that some folk have a similar problem with the new Dutty rom too. However, other users of the V-1 rom assure me that they don't have such a problem, so I'm confused!
Hmm, Dutty's 2.0 is using radio 1.09. Maybe I should try 1.10? Where can I get it from?
AndyCr15 said:
Hmm, Dutty's 2.0 is using radio 1.09. Maybe I should try 1.10? Where can I get it from?
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Follow link in my signature below. Has all Radios
AndyCr15 said:
**EDIT** Okay, so I have Battlog installed, the drain sometimes shows as -330ma, but how do I see what is causing that drain?
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There should be for example "Active Application=ThumbcalStart" just above the temp/ma figures in the log file like in this screen shot post 17.
I am guessing 330ma does not sound too excessive for an open application as long as it is not running all the time.
So, idle it's at around 90-100. When I turned it off and S2U2 didn't start, it dropped down to 33 fairly steady. When I locked S2U2 and then turned it off, it stayed around 80, dropped to 50 for a little while and then came back up to 99...

Battery dies very fast, how to monitor tasks better?

My battery on the HTC Pure went from 45% charge to 2% auto-shutoff within a matter of 1.5 hours without any usage on my part. In fact, I had rebooted it and not touched it since.
The thing has been dying a lot faster after I installed some programs from Marketplace. I'm wondering if they are doing background processes that zap its power or what.
Any recommendations on monitoring what's going on in the background???
try to calibrate battery
(thanks helgee):
1. Discharge the device. Absolutely.
2. Take out battery for 60 sec.
3. Put the battery back. Don't switch on the device!
4. Charge the device by normal way (not by usb!) to the full state (green LED).
5. Take out battery again for 60 sec.
6. Put the battery back.
7. Switch on the device.
How can you discharged your battery? I didn't find a option on my Touch Diamond 2.
Ciedric said:
How can you discharged your battery? I didn't find a option on my Touch Diamond 2.
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You don't do this unless you want to damage the battery.
crypted said:
My battery on the HTC Pure went from 45% charge to 2% auto-shutoff within a matter of 1.5 hours without any usage on my part. In fact, I had rebooted it and not touched it since.
The thing has been dying a lot faster after I installed some programs from Marketplace. I'm wondering if they are doing background processes that zap its power or what.
Any recommendations on monitoring what's going on in the background???
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Exactly the same thing here, after installing some apps from Marketplace, the batt started to drain very fast. Don't know why yet. The apps installed are:
The Daily News
I've removed Mobeedo, The Daily News and Pocketnow just to test if they were doing something.
abzza said:
try to calibrate battery
(thanks helgee):
1. Discharge the device. Absolutely.
2. Take out battery for 60 sec.
3. Put the battery back. Don't switch on the device!
4. Charge the device by normal way (not by usb!) to the full state (green LED).
5. Take out battery again for 60 sec.
6. Put the battery back.
7. Switch on the device.
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I did this and it worked, now it appears to last even more than before.
Thanks a lot.
Hi,i´ve tried that 2 times and no result,can you help me with this,less than a day with battery is very sad...!
I´ve disabled the sense and i´m running the predifinicion of windows 6.5!
Big hug!
Tryied and loved it...!
Fast battery discharge
I had this very same problem. I had it with WM 6.1 and the Pure. Both due to the same app. BING is your problem. If you have a memory card in your phone it causes it to be constantly accessed instead of just on demand such as with storing pictures from camera. This is a battery life killer. Ditch BING, remove your storage card, save what you want to a PC and wipe it. After that put your saved files back on the card and put back in phone. This should stop the battery drain issue. Hope this helps.
ALSO: Some people swear by the battery drain and charge thing...others do not. Use it if you like but without getting rid of BING or finding a way to keep it from accessing your memory card the difference you will see will be barely noticeable.
u can change the radio , then u will get better.
my radio is

[Q] Battery Issues;BSOD/SOD;EBL?

So, I'm at a loss of what to do here. No matter what settings I seem to use I can't get good/decent battery life.
In fact, I get terrible battery life. With light to moderate usage I have to charge my phone at least two times a day, mostly three. Current widget reads that at standby I'm anywhere between 55mA-70mA and when in use 200mA-500mA. When charging it reaches 400mA-600mA
I see everyone talking about being able to get 5-10mA and I'm amazed at this. I've searched and read most "Battery saver" threads and none of it seems to work.
I was originally using Chucky rom lite and when I noticed the drain was abnormal I switched to the set up that chiasoft uses in his ReadMe for the ROM (stock 2.10ROM/2.08 radio).
Although since switching to the stock WinMo ROM I had repeated BSOD and SOD issues. To the point that it became unusable. I switched over to latest Energy ROM.I installed EBL and on both Stock and this Energy ROM. I am still having BSOD/SOD problems. Could it be the EBL? I plan on upgrading the radio to 2.12 in a few after I test out this EBL theory.
My setup as of this post is this:
WinMo ROM: Energy.BLACKSTONE.21916.Sense2.5.Nov.08 (Switched back to Stock 2.10)
Radio: (Switched to 2.12)
Android: MooMoo Froyostone Sense 3.2 w/hastrain kernel
998max/245min Ondemand on boot
Profiles: Screen off; Priority 100; 384max/245min ondemand
Battery <25% 576max/245min Priority 0 ondemand
Sampling 20000; Up Threshold 40
Advanced Task Killer:
Kill Level Agressive
I really don't want my LI-ON battery to die before I've even had the phone for the year. So if anyone can think of anything to help I'd be ever so grateful.
And of course, thanks to all the people who make all this possible.
(Sorry for the tl;dr post. I wanted to give as much info as possible.)
when you fully charge your batter what is your mV ? use the battery life widget to determine this. If it is not nowhere 4000mV once fully charged, you might need to consider buying a replacement battery.
btw. my mA reading is actually worst than yours. Might have to calibrate the battery again later.
mofoahh said:
when you fully charge your batter what is your mV ? use the battery life widget to determine this. If it is not nowhere 4000mV once fully charged, you might need to consider buying a replacement battery.
btw. my mA reading is actually worst than yours. Might have to calibrate the battery again later.
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idk what it is fully charged. I'll be sure to check it later though. How do you calibrate the battery?
Also, I realized that I made an oversight on my part. When I switched to the stock WinMo rom I hadn't realized fully that it changed my Radio to 2.08 even though I posted it.
The rom chef recommends 2.10ROM/2.12 Radio, so that's what I switched to to check out that combination.
btw change it to interactive not on demand.
you charge the battery when your phone is off. Till your charge indicator turns green.
Once that is off. you can use root explorer or adb and go to rm/data/system delete the batterystats.bin leave your phone plugged in while you are deleting the batterystats.bin file
i prefer root explorer. but its not free and your device has to be rooted.
let the phone drain the battery till its dead and turn it on again to make sure it is completely dead.
charge the phone like you would usually afterwards.
mofoahh said:
btw change it to interactive not on demand.
you charge the battery when your phone is off. Till your charge indicator turns green.
Once that is off. you can use root explorer or adb and go to rm/data/system delete the batterystats.bin leave your phone plugged in while you are deleting the batterystats.bin file
i prefer root explorer. but its not free and your device has to be rooted.
let the phone drain the battery till its dead and turn it on again to make sure it is completely dead.
charge the phone like you would usually afterwards.
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I don't have interactive in my options.
what version are you running?
mofoahh said:
what version are you running?
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2.03 I got it through here.
Just installed 2.04 and there still isn't an interactive.
thats odd. because im on 2.0.4 also and I am able to select interactive.
btw i followed this guide for the battery conditioning.
and this one for my setcpu settings.
mofoahh said:
thats odd. because im on 2.0.4 also and I am able to select interactive.
btw i followed this guide for the battery conditioning.
and this one for my setcpu settings.
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Yeah. No interactive settings. Also, that guide recommends 1190 max, but mine only goes up to 998.
Also, I finally got it to down to 7mA in standby. When I changed the radio to 2.12 and using a 2.10 stock WinMo rom.
no issues here getting 48 hours of light use, or a full 24 of moderate use...
I've yet to "condition" my battery. I'm worried it'll do more harm than good. Especially since I just got it finally to a decent mA draw. Although I'm worried my phone won't charge up to 100%. Always stop at 95.
Is conditioning really necessary/important?
easy answer... whats your full charge voltage? shuld be 4.2
if not , your looseing batt life..
t1h5ta3 said:
easy answer... whats your full charge voltage? shuld be 4.2
if not , your looseing batt life..
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yes full charge voltage should be around 4.2. Try charging it with the phone OFF till your charge indicator is green. This way you can achieve a full charge.
By the way how the hell are you getting 48 hours on light usage?? excuse my language. What are your setcpu settings, configurations. etc.
mofoahh said:
yes full charge voltage should be around 4.2. Try charging it with the phone OFF till your charge indicator is green. This way you can achieve a full charge.
By the way how the hell are you getting 48 hours on light usage?? excuse my language. What are your setcpu settings, configurations. etc.
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Yeah, 48 hours seems improbable. I finally got it down to 7-10mA on standby, and I think it charges up to 4.2 but I'll find out for sure tonight.
I had the same problem, make sure you use EBL android launcher and set to autoboot at 3 seconds. Make sure you restart your phone anytime youw ant to load android. I assure you this will work.
My HD2, like all others can be flattened in 2-3 hours with windows/android if used hard, the difference seems to be on very light usage/standby win mobile could last 4 days... with everything turned off and basically not used Android would struggle to last 2 days !
Same phone same network/signal levels etc, can only be poor power management within Android, and I think that means voltages for all the processor and comms modules, not just a simple case of turning down speeds.
What do others think ?
Update: Upon switching to WinMo:2.10 and Radio:2.12+ MooMoo's MMS fixed froystone3.2 I was achieving 6-10mA in standby. The phone would last all day with a two-three hour charging period with moderate usage. Low battery use, rare DC's. Perfect. Best build I've used so far.
I'm noticing a new problem however, and I wonder if it's happened to Chiasoft who recommended this build. I'm getting serious touch screen freezes since last night. Anytime before that the set up was working AMAZINGLY.
Now? It's almost unusable sometimes. This morning it was happening in Android so I switched to WinMo and surprisingly enough it happened in there too. So I read touch freezes are Radio problems mostly. Is this true? Should I switch to a new radio? I'm confused as to why it would just randomly start happening though and worried it would mess up my battery troubles I just solved.
Any advice?
Hmm. I noticed that it almost always freezes when I hold down the end home button to turn off the phone or data or to silence it. I can't actually use the touch screen again until I hit the button again to put it to sleep.
I wonder if it's hardware related because it was happening in WinMo that way as well.
Okay, so now the entire adroid system is acting up mostly related to the touchscreen. Like I use the calculator and it appears that i'm holding a button down. Or I try to make a call and it's not responding. It appears that when I hit end call button repeatedly it allows me to unlock the phone. But when holding down the end call button to get to the Power Off screen nothing in that menu is responsive.
It seems... software related, but I'm not sure. Any info would be helpful. I'm going to reformat my card and reinstall droid and see what happens.
So, called t-mobile. They're sending me a new replacer phone. Oh well. We'll see how that one goes.
pretzdothack said:
Okay, so now the entire adroid system is acting up mostly related to the touchscreen. Like I use the calculator and it appears that i'm holding a button down. Or I try to make a call and it's not responding. It appears that when I hit end call button repeatedly it allows me to unlock the phone. But when holding down the end call button to get to the Power Off screen nothing in that menu is responsive.
It seems... software related, but I'm not sure. Any info would be helpful. I'm going to reformat my card and reinstall droid and see what happens.
So, called t-mobile. They're sending me a new replacer phone. Oh well. We'll see how that one goes.
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I give you only a very short suggestion
You have just to DELETE SETCPU
and delete ANY TASK KILLER (you can keep it just to close any apps that could hang, but not to "free up ram")
Android is not Windows, you dont need to free up ram, and you dont need to overclock/undervolt to gain some minutes of battlife despite stability.
Talk to any Dev and they will confirm this.
Good Luck

method for fix HD2 SD android standby battery drain 50+ma

This method is suitable for hd2 SD Android, not test on NAND mode. If you encounter problems as the standby battery consumption(50+ma), you can try this method to solve:
If you reboot android and monitor the standby battery drain is 3~5ma,do not happy too early and think that you get a good android rom, because after reboot,it will likely become 50+ma;
If you reboot android and monitor the standby battery drain is more than 50ma, do not despair, don't think that this version is so bad and you need to replace another immediately, because you can use this method below to fix:
1, reboot WM, don't hurry, wait 1 minute, let's WM fully reboot, especially some softwares installed on SD but need to run when reboot. press the power button to turn off screen(not shutdown mobile), open the back cover, remove the TF card, the screen will light up, tap the power button again to turn off the screen (not shutdown), wait 10 seconds, insert the tf card, the screen lights up again, now boot android and monitor standby battery consumption, 90% under 10ma ----- In short, that is, before boot android, pull out and plug in TF card;
2, if fail, you need pull out and plug in battery before reboot WM, then repeat the above steps;
If works, please say thanks
Don't charger when monitor standby battery drain, please use currentwidget monitor and use its log function to record. What is "the standby power consumption" pls consult Mr. Google.
Other users reported that changing the sd to another one solved the high drain in standby for them, so you basically are saying the same.
I use the original 2GB card the few times I decide to test android, because first time I tested superram build, my 16GB card got wiped for some unknown reason; I may as well see if your method changes anything.
Worked for me! Tnx!
Had 50+mA wen using android sd, very annoying because in the beginning I had no problems.
Now it's back on 8mA! Tnx!
Thanks for the solution, seems to work every now and then when i get high drain on standby ^^ thanks
At first try, this seems to work well. I was getting 60+ ma usage in standby with Darkstone's SuperRAM build, even with a fresh install. Going through this little bit of voodoo got my standby usage down to the 5-8ma range. Thanks for finding this, though I don't like thinking about how much trial and error it took to discover.
I just hope I don't have to do this every time I reboot.
Was getting low power usage through this morning, when I unplugged the phone from the charger. I had left Android running on the phone overnight. I discovered that the HD2 was back to using 60ma when I got back to work. Repeated the magic spell, and I was back down to 8ma in standby. Really strange. Does anyone have any kind of explanation for this behavior?
Wow thx work like a charm.
imrazor - My theory is by pulling the SD card out in WM you stop all applications that use the SD and when you boot android the SD card is only used by android. Well thats what I think ^^
The point is it works and we now have better MA in standby.
Sort of works
The SD fix does take the standby drain to around 7mA, however I can only wake the phone once. The next time I try to power up, my phone never cuts on, and I have to pull the battery.
This is exactly what I am looking for. I will try it. Is it possible to write a program in WM to do this instead of pulling out SD Card?
cygwinxp said:
This is exactly what I am looking for. I will try it. Is it possible to write a program in WM to do this instead of pulling out SD Card?
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That's an amazing solution.
If someone can tell me what to kill, I can try do create this nice prog...
Any idea why it works?
Didn work for me... Dont know did I do it right? I normaly shutdown my phone, do those things with the sd card (plug in plug out) and when I start android continuesly 50-70mA on stanby.. I did the battery thing and still the same...
Current changed from time to time from 5-8mA to 50-70mA and back.
Killing all applications sometime give effect to decrease current.
Switching off autolight sensor sometime give effect to decrease current.
Sometime call in/call out give increase current.
Switching off in-pocket and near-ear sensors (call settings) give good effect to decrease current.
continue testiing
my head is overheat
switching on near-ear sensor after call return power consumption to 60-70mA.
switching off near-ear sensor not give decrease current.
call in/out not give effect.
sw on/off auto backlight not give effect.
sometime callout decrease current to 6-8mA,
but best result give system restart
Turn off HTC Sense
flap said:
If someone can tell me what to kill, I can try do create this nice prog...
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HD2 SD android standby battery drain 50+ma comes from 3 places:
1) What was running in Windows Mobile when you boot Android
2) The Android ROM you use
3) What is running in Android
1) The answer is turn off HTC Sense
When I turn off HTC Sense in Windows Mobile I get much better battery drain in Android. If I do not turn off HTC Sense then I usually get standby battery drain 50+ma. So flap can you create a nice prog to turn off HTC Sense etc. and then boot Android?
HTC Sense is not the only program. In addition to turning off Sense first, running a RAM cleaner (e.g. cleanRAM) in Windows Mobile will also help or - even better - reboot Windows Mobile without HTC Sense before launching Android.
2) use Portadroid to easily try different SD Android ROMs
3) see BetterBatteryStats
I started having this problem one day randomly (after i installed some new apps). However, even after i installed all the new updates and apps the problem persisted. I tried this method you mentioned and now my battery standby drainage is back to 7mA (instead of 30-60mA). Don't know how it works, but it solved my problem. I have since reinstalled the apps that I wanted and it has been working fine for 24hours...
thanks man
hi i just ask you what mean Tf Crad? SD card or SIM card
Hello, it doesn't work for my HTC Leo. I have battery drain 230-800 ma on the latest MIUI SD ROM. Any idea what should I do next? Maybe I must change the program, that measure the battery current? Now I'm using CurrentWidget.
Thank you, I will test it.

[Q] battery issues after testing mango. help please

Hi to everyone
after death of my previous hd2, i bought a brand new one with fully working battery
i installed wp7 with no problem, but changed back to wm because it wasn't my taste. but after that, something strange is happening. my battery works fine, with regular rate between 100 and 60 percent. but after that, it suddenly start falling down (60 to 10 percent in half and hour) no hidden active program or network activity
i tested everything. tried different roms, radios, even getting back to original spl and stock rom. but nothing helped
is installing wp7 capable of damaging the battery?
is there any way to recalibrate or wipe HD2 battery?
does anyone have similar problem?
Have you tried running you battery completely down and recharge it fully again several times? That "trick" helped me get some more juice out of mine Seems like the OS can't read the voltage correctly before it has had several complete cycles...
pooyab said:
Hi to everyone
after death of my previous hd2, i bought a brand new one with fully working battery
i installed wp7 with no problem, but changed back to wm because it wasn't my taste. but after that, something strange is happening. my battery works fine, with regular rate between 100 and 60 percent. but after that, it suddenly start falling down (60 to 10 percent in half and hour) no hidden active program or network activity
i tested everything. tried different roms, radios, even getting back to original spl and stock rom. but nothing helped
is installing wp7 capable of damaging the battery?
is there any way to recalibrate or wipe HD2 battery?
does anyone have similar problem?
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There has already been enough discussion on this topic..pls read this
The only solution that worked for me amongst all the options (based on my experience)
1. Tried the camera trick - NOT WORKED
2. Followed the steps below - NOT WORKED
* Boot the phone to MAGLDR
* Select "Reset" option from the menu
* Phone reboots normally
3. Hard reset the phone - NOT WORKED
4. Charge the phone in magldr USB storage option - NOT WORKED
5. Finally, flashed the 2.12 radio, did the camera trick (not sure if its relevant). The battery life has improved dramatically. It lasts more than 24 hours and still running (26% left) - WORKED.
Follow the thread below to download the 2.12 radio

