Battery life suddenly very poor - how to identify cause? - Touch HD General

For the first few weeks I had my HD the battery life was brilliant. With minor use it'd have high levels like 95+% when I go to bed at night, but the last week or two something has begun really guzzling power from it and I can't figure out what.
I don't think I installed anything new, so I want to find out if there is a way I can easily identify where the power is getting drained so badly. For instance, some days now it is down to about 55% by the middle of the day without even making a call or using any data services etc. I have bluetooth & wifi switched off all the time too!
Is there an app that can identify battery drain in a similar sort of way to cpu/memory use? Or does it normally follow that something using more memory/cpu will be the cause?
Thanks guys!

Cret said:
For the first few weeks I had my HD the battery life was brilliant. With minor use it'd have high levels like 95+% when I go to bed at night, but the last week or two something has begun really guzzling power from it and I can't figure out what.
I don't think I installed anything new, so I want to find out if there is a way I can easily identify where the power is getting drained so badly. For instance, some days now it is down to about 55% by the middle of the day without even making a call or using any data services etc. I have bluetooth & wifi switched off all the time too!
Is there an app that can identify battery drain in a similar sort of way to cpu/memory use? Or does it normally follow that something using more memory/cpu will be the cause?
Thanks guys!
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Try the following task manager and click on CPU Usage at the top. This should help isolate what programs are active

Thanks very much for the reply.
I did look in a task manager I already had and I found that Phonex seemed to be varying but generally using up to 10% cpu just sitting in the background so I have uninstalled it (shame - it's nice).
I'll add in the task manager you've given me and check that, and see how it behaves now PhonEx is gone.....

Thanks very much for the reply.
I did look in a task manager I already had and I found that Phonex seemed to be varying but generally using up to 10% cpu just sitting in the background so I have uninstalled it (shame - it's nice).
I'll add in the task manager you've given me and check that, and see how it behaves now PhonEx is gone.....

Here's an update - I couldn't find anything else that was really using any cpu, and the main culprits using memory seem to be important stuff (I think - shell32.exe & device.exe & cprog.exe) so I doubt I can do anything about them.
Anyway, it wasn't bad last night after removing PhonEx but this morning it had used 10% battery in half an hour without even being used at all!!!
Rebooted and it's stayed on the same battery level now for over an hour but I don't trust it - it seems very erratic and I'm really not sure the best way to find the cause still.
I'd do a hard reset but it'll be a right PITA to get everything back on it again afterwards.

Cret said:
Here's an update - I couldn't find anything else that was really using any cpu, and the main culprits using memory seem to be important stuff (I think - shell32.exe & device.exe & cprog.exe) so I doubt I can do anything about them.
Anyway, it wasn't bad last night after removing PhonEx but this morning it had used 10% battery in half an hour without even being used at all!!!
Rebooted and it's stayed on the same battery level now for over an hour but I don't trust it - it seems very erratic and I'm really not sure the best way to find the cause still.
I'd do a hard reset but it'll be a right PITA to get everything back on it again afterwards.
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I would recommend reading this thread
A number of ideas have been given including using SQTools to identify what is using up the battery.
Good luck and keep me informed

Thanks for the reply again.
Are SKtools/SQtools two different things, or is that just a typo?
Have already got SKtools installed so I'll give it some scrutiny. It's obviously behaving at present though as it's an hour since my earlier post and still on the same battery % level.
Thanks for the link to the other thread anyway. I'll obviously be keeping a close eye on this so I'll advise any findings as they come up.

I've never known anything like it with this battery - no regular pattern sometimes brilliant sometimes awful. Very sensitive to chargers and type - one person reported here that if he charged through usb on computer his battery life went down really quickly afterwards. If he charged through mains battery life was much better. I also just found my charger on my motorbike has a small amount of rust/dirt in it and is causing the device to discharge.
I am not helping but just reaffirming your findings. I did find a programme called BattLog useful to see what programmes were causing high level battery usage. I don't have the link but you can find it here somewhere using search. Another tool for your collection.
Good luck!

Battlog eh? Thanks for the suggestion - will look it up
*edit* here it is - I'll try this tonight, if only as it's quicker than going through the SKtools menus to get to the power usage:
I just began uninstalling stuff to see if it helps (seems to currently run around 106-111mah drain - no idea what might be considered 'normal' and have seen other posts questioning this but no real answers - yet).
Uninstalled Memmaid, and the wedge 18 tab action screen, and also Singh's 15 tab thingy. Have also turned off Handy Switcher as I had that running from startup. It's still drawing 106mah after all that!
One side effect though after removing those, was the weather applet appeared on S2U2 when I unlocked it - first time it's worked! It did disappear again though so there's still a problem with that too.

I've seen many posts where people blame software they have installed and the developer denies it is the software etc.... I think in the end it comes down to the device/battery or manila/TF3D. I may be wrong of course and will be interested to see how you go with it all.

I think it must be software since I have a lot on there and it was fine for the first few weeks I owned it and then suddenly began losing LOADS of power.
For some reason my data connection is not working now either! Might be time for a hard reset I guess.

If you are getting ~150mah consumption when the unit is in use, then with a standard 1350mah battery the lifetime should be 9 hours per charge.
If your battery dies in 1 day, then the unit is consuming the same amount of power almost all the time, even when it's locked or sleeping and this is not normal, unless you want it this way.
Some software, in particular lock managers and button managers are believed to be causing battery drain as they prevent the device from entering deeper sleep states where power can be conserved.
There's software floating on this forum that enables wi-fi and wave audio drivers to remain active in unattended mode (when your backlight is off) too, battery is drained a lot faster when any of these are installed.

Good points
I doubt there's any way of monitoring what power is being used in standby mode is there?
For instance, would an app be possible so that when sync'd and usb charging turned off the app on your desktop could run the same power monitoring process that you find in the likes of SKtools? That would answer a lot of questions I think!

I used PowerGuard, when I was troubleshooting my battery problems ... and you can run the monitor and put it in standby mode, backlight off etc. I used to consume ~180maH when on, no calls no bluetooth and ~96mAh when backlight off/standby.
For me the culprits were S2U2 and Enable HSDPA in the phone settings. I cant get 3G cause im in the US, but it was alwys searching for a signal... after disabling those two.. im at 115mAH when on and 33mAh when standby and back to an ~18 hour battery life.

Oh dear, I just made a new thread with the same question really Silly me.
What version of S2U2 are you using? Did you upgrade that recently? I moved up to 1.5 and I think that might be the culprit, but I've uninstalled it and still having poor battery problems.
**EDIT** Okay, so I have Battlog installed, the drain sometimes shows as -330ma, but how do I see what is causing that drain?

My battery was lasting 2 days on the standard rom, using S2U2 and with HSDPA enabled.
I then upgraded to the Davideuck V-1 HP, and changed the radio from 1.09 to 1.12. Again I did have SU2U installed.
The battery then lasted about 6 hours, and the unit shut down before the ending of my day at work. I can only assume that the pda was consuming too much power even when switched off.
After two frustrating days, I gave up last night, and installed Davideuck V6 and changed the radio to 1.10, and now the pda battery is lasting for ages. It's only dropped from 100% to 99% after 5 hours.
OK, I know I should have changed things one step at a time, but I must assume that either the 1.12 radio or the V-1 rom is causing the problem.
I don't think S2U2 is the culprit here. But I do suspect that it might be the V-1 rom, as I believe that some folk have a similar problem with the new Dutty rom too. However, other users of the V-1 rom assure me that they don't have such a problem, so I'm confused!

Hmm, Dutty's 2.0 is using radio 1.09. Maybe I should try 1.10? Where can I get it from?

AndyCr15 said:
Hmm, Dutty's 2.0 is using radio 1.09. Maybe I should try 1.10? Where can I get it from?
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Follow link in my signature below. Has all Radios

AndyCr15 said:
**EDIT** Okay, so I have Battlog installed, the drain sometimes shows as -330ma, but how do I see what is causing that drain?
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There should be for example "Active Application=ThumbcalStart" just above the temp/ma figures in the log file like in this screen shot post 17.
I am guessing 330ma does not sound too excessive for an open application as long as it is not running all the time.

So, idle it's at around 90-100. When I turned it off and S2U2 didn't start, it dropped down to 33 fairly steady. When I locked S2U2 and then turned it off, it stayed around 80, dropped to 50 for a little while and then came back up to 99...


Battery Drain on XDA II

I have a very recently purchased XDA II.
I was under the impression that the battery time was considerably improved.
Although I have turned down the backlight brightness when on battery power, it still starts to loose power when I receive or send a SMS for example.
Is this normal or do I have a duff battery ?
try turning off bluetooth when you dont use it
it's suppose to be a batt hog
done that. I only have BT on when I am actually using my headset.
Any other idea's
when does it auto turn off ?
when does the backlight turn off ?
are there any SD cards connected seem to recall that they eat batt aswell
I've had mine a week, have the same power drain problem. After charging it all last night I managed to use it as a PDA for a total of 40 mins over a 6 hour period today before the battery drained. No phone calls were made, Bluetooth disconnected (I do have a 256 MB card installed, but I don't know if this has anything to do with it), furthermore the backlight is set to the default setting and the auto power off set to 1 min. In any case I would expect to get more than 40 mins use of the PDA, the specification states upto 15 hours.
I took the unit back to the store, they say that this is a rare problem (yeah right :roll: ), they gave me a new battery which I am now recharging, hopefully this will work.
mmmm, it's very strange.
I am doing a test now. I have a imate with the official imate upgrade. I have a gps sysonchip bt. One and half hours ago i connected the imate with the gps and i started a demo of 500 km. Now the battery is at 75%.....Maybe de last upgrade solved this problem.... :shock:
You should get far better performance than this.
Three things that can drain the power:
Communications/Peripherals - IR, bluetooth, SDIO wireless LAN etc. Disable all of them unless you're actually using them.
Processor hungry programs - check if you have anything running in the background that could prevent the device switching to full sleep mode.
Lack of radio signal - if you're out of contact with a base station, the device tries to connect at full power every 30s - a big battery drain, so if you know you're out of contact, turn off the radio.
However, even with everything running, I'd expect a running time way above 40mins, so it sounds like you have a hardware problem with your device. I easily get 3h full brightness, full processing (ie watching a movie or playing a game) with radio on.
Turn IR off?
Is there anyway to actually turn the IR off on the XDA II?
Just the Start-Settings-Connections-Beam-Receive all incoming beams checkbox.
tried the new battery today, same procedure as yesterday (no bluetooth etc), had a slightly better performance today from the new battery, managed to get roughly an hours actual use out of the PDA (games etc) over a period of... 10 hours, ooh atleast it lasted the working day so must be better... however still no way near the 15 hours PDA work time as stated on the box!
However something I have noticed is that every now and then (after switching off the unit and just leaving it on the desk) the screen comes to life displaying a running program, (just how do you turn off the media player? I now realise it isnt with the "X"). Anyway why does it "power" back up? I wonder if this has anything to do with my power problem, that perhaps it has switched back on whilst in my pocket (BTW I have set the buttons so that they do not switch the PDA on accidently)
So, I'm recharging again, (I think I might take the MMC card out see if tht makes a difference). I expect something better for my EUR 500, what is the point of being able to go online anywhere if you have to be plugged into the mains! If I can't get the damn thing to work satisfactoraily by next week then it is going back to the shop, despite it being a Gucci shiny piece of kit!
@MoistVelvet: Actually, it;s not so much the device itself but the operating systems that is the cause of a few quirks. Luckily, a lot has been written on this forum and other forums on websites such as A lot can been improved by limiting the number of programs that can be found in the \windows\startup folder of the XDA II. I'd suggest you have a look around in the various topics. I ended up honing my XDA II to a point where I am actually very very satisfied with it's performance ...
Can someone repost the items in the windows start up folder than can be deleted and what they do on the XDA II.
I was surprised at the amount of apps in there, but dont know what I can safely delete.
thanks for the tip, I'll have a look around.
Well the batery did last longer yesterday, managed to get through a whole workig day before it ran out, so the jury is still out!
Realised perhaps one of the reasons why the unit would switch itself on, whilst at work I have a very low signal, so every minute or two the signal strength would go up and switch the screen on. I have set to auto switch off after 1 min, but I wonder if there is there a way to stop it from switching on?
Hm, my experience is quite different. I use it throughout the day with around 15 phone calls, at least 2 GPRS synchronisations, some other usage of contacts, calendar and email and when I get home it's still around 60 percent - the most drain appears to happen on the way back home when I use the BT headset...
When your uses so much more power you may like to check what kind of programs you use. First idea is to have a critical look at fancy today plugins... my worst experience was with Battery Pack, the best way to empty your battery :lol:
Maybe you like to use UpTime plugin ( which really tells you how much you actually use the PocketPC and which doesn't do anythings while it's switched off...
MoistVelvet said:
Realised perhaps one of the reasons why the unit would switch itself on, whilst at work I have a very low signal, so every minute or two the signal strength would go up and switch the screen on.
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Actually, the reason it periodically switches on is the O2 Homezone application. Whenever your phone changes to a new base station (which can happen even if you don't move), the stupid Homezone app turns the phone on. This is a known issue, and the only known remedy is to disable the app completely (remove from Autostart folder, soft reset phone).
I have an xdaII, which i load loads and loads of things onto. I did find that the battery was draining quite quickly. eg. charge it all night, just leaving it running in the day with hardly any use would drain the battery by about 90 percent! Bluetooth was off etc.
One time, the thing drained completely, and it needed a hardboot. Im going to send it back shortly for investigation/repairs.
However, since it hardbooted, i have not installed a thing. And i am finding that the battery is lasting a lot longer. I managed to go 3 days, of average usage, (few incoming/outgoing calls), without charging the battery!
This makes me think some apps must cause the battery to drain. I had battery app installed (that runs in today screen). I had fonix voicedial installed. I had quite a few games installed.
I think some software was causing the battery consumption,.. possibly battery pack.
I have previously had problems with battery drain, due to apps running in the background.
I also found specific apps like the battery pack, LAN sdio, bluetooth and the camera app, would drain the battery quickly.
Although you can manage closing apps down through settings/system/memory/running programmes I found the app Gigatask a simpler way to manage tasks.
There are others, but I found this suitable for my needs.
Now when I close an app I know it's closed and not running in the background draining the battery.
I still charge daily, habit now when I get home from work, but I have no worries about battery drain, and it rarely goes lower than 65% for a normal days use.
Cheers, Shire
turning infrared beam recieve off will help a little

Battery dies in less than 24 hours.

Hi guys.
My wizard battery lasts less than a day. I hardly use it. Wifi and other radio are off most of the time.
I tried changing ROMs, radio roms etc. I even got a new battery but to no effect.
Any help ?
I had that problem until I found out that activesync was staying active even after I unplugged the cable. I never found a way to keep it from doing that though so now I just make sure activesync is shut off wheneve I disconnect it. Kind of a pain, but it beats the battery dying on me.
Well ill make sure Activesync is off.
But do you think the problem would persist even after I changed roms!
It did on mine. It's something to do with activesync itself apparently. It doesn't stay on as often as it did when I was using T-mobiles ROM, but it still does it occasionally.
make sure your extrom is ok, because a corrupt extrom is also a cause of battery drainage, better yet there was a rom floating that only erases your extrom (blankextrom), i forgot who made it but its from the wizard forums
found it, go to post number 7, look at the sig below there is a link for the blank ext rom, enjoy
guys, please take a look at here, i think we have the same issues, but i have the t-mobile wing (htc herald):
Maybe your battery is bad. Buy a new one on Ebay for small cost. I bought mine for like 7 euro`s including shipping (battery itself was € 3,5). Also disable mail fetching every few minutes.
GaMeR64 said:
Maybe your battery is bad. Buy a new one on Ebay for small cost. I bought mine for like 7 euro`s including shipping (battery itself was € 3,5). Also disable mail fetching every few minutes.
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i tried two different NEW batteries straight from tmobile and the problem persists. and mail checking is on manual, which means only when I click send/receive
I'm pretty sure mine was caused by activesync running even though it wasn't connected because ever since I started making sure it wasn't running after disconnecting it from the cable my phone hasn't had that problem at all.
xeno1 said:
I'm pretty sure mine was caused by activesync running even though it wasn't connected because ever since I started making sure it wasn't running after disconnecting it from the cable my phone hasn't had that problem at all.
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i end-tasked (closed) activesync from running in my phone when i went to sleep, and when i woke up i lost 50% battery again, (with all radios off)
Some programs can drain the battery. As an example, I really like PhoneAlarm, but it drains the battery tremendously, I think it's because it polls different system parameters. This polling causes the battery drainage.
Also, the way to stop activesync from turning on by itself it to create an exchange server account. I use mail2web, it’s free. After you set up the account on the phone, when you go to the activesync menu, hit schedule, then set it up for manual.
After I set this up, I never have a problem with activesync. You can do a Google search to get the step-by-step directions on how to set it up.
Also, charge the battery with the wall power cord, try not to use the USB power. Each one uses different circuits in the wizard. I also let the battery drop below 10% before I charge it. My battery lasts about 4 days.
nvgear said:
i end-tasked (closed) activesync from running in my phone when i went to sleep, and when i woke up i lost 50% battery again, (with all radios off)
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Like calouro said, there are other programs that can drain a battery pretty quick, mine happened to be activesync. Since you shut it off and you still get battery drain then yours must be a different one, possibly a today plugin if you didn't have any other apps running in the background.
Just had a thought, you don't have any today plugins such as weather panel that are set up to update over gprs on a regular basis do you? If you're turning your radio off and it can't update it may be trying over and over to update and draining your battery.
no i don't have any today-addon or plugins, i have batterystatus installed but this problem persists even without batterystatus and it does this even after a fresh HARD reset, which tells me this is a manufacturer's program or hardware causing this flaw, i'm not the only one with this problem, there are others, look at our discussions here:
Yah, I read that post. Did you try not turning off the radio over night and see if that sloved the issue?
I've changed batteries. Using a brand new one now.
No active today plugins or anything else. Dont even have activesync running. Made sure I exited that. Still no help!
how did you flash?
i think it may be extrom prob, as someone said earlier. if you are flashing with shelltool, extrom(corrupted or not) is not replaced, when its broken, shelltool rom change will not help.
second thing is "fake connection" for activesync to stop it from turning on and on in searching of sync.
third thing is using soft, that is waking up/keeps machine awaken somehow...
xeno1 said it all before...
i think it may be something installed from good extrom too(extrom holds programs which are installed after first boot)....
one more thing:
after >60 flashes i noticed, that level of battery while flashing may be reason of fast nrg loss.
If it was 50%, machine(even charged to the max after flash) drops fast to 50% then drop slows down - wise thing is to let it discharge to ~5-9%, then charge to the max. After 1-2 such operations battery is ok.
It is useful, even if battery was full(machine "learns" about battery as it is new - sth like that).
there are no miracles.
sorry for funny english..
HEre's something funny that happened.
Before flashin a blank extended rom I had 73% battery. Once the flash was over I had 100% battery.
Now I'm tryin to drain the battery with backlight and phone and wifi continously on. Once that is done, I hope things will get better. I'll keep posted with what happens.
Even after a full recharge, the battery now doesnt last even 12 hours. And this is me not using the phone at all. It's just been switched on and kept that way.
And no thebacklight doesnt stay on, or the phone doesnt stay on (it goes into the standby mode as it should)
xeno1 said:
Yah, I read that post. Did you try not turning off the radio over night and see if that sloved the issue?
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yea if i don't turn off the cellular radio then the battery only loses about 1-2% overnight (9 hour sleep).

Battery emptied during the night??

Last night before I was going to bed I have had my xperia fully charged.
When I woke up this morning the battery was almost empty.
I can't understand how that happened :S I had no programs running except maybe g-alarm.
Anyone who has an idea what could've drained my battery?
No reception or low signal from ur fone provider maybe? it consumes a lot of power getting the signal. Or your wifi is turn on.
Happened to me several times.
But I'm not sure I didn't let something run in the background. Mediaplayer for example .. skype can eat battery in minutes too.
Also I don't know what battery level I had at the evening. It was above 50%, but then with Xperia, the indicated level does not correspond to remaining time well. It drops fast after 50%.
I would love if I could close any application with red phone button. Anybody knows about software which can do it ?
Dr.Sid said:
Happened to me several times.
But I'm not sure I didn't let something run in the background. Mediaplayer for example .. skype can eat battery in minutes too.
Also I don't know what battery level I had at the evening. It was above 50%, but then with Xperia, the indicated level does not correspond to remaining time well. It drops fast after 50%.
I would love if I could close any application with red phone button. Anybody knows about software which can do it ?
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are you using fish panel?fish panel caused battery drain in my experience.also bluetooth and wifi as well.
do you use AEButton plus or S2U2 (more to the point AEButton here) as AEButton especially seems to have drainage issues if its 2.6.5, at least it seemed to for me and some others...
human75 said:
are you using fish panel?fish panel caused battery drain in my experience.also bluetooth and wifi as well.
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None of these. And Fish panel for example cannot be left running in the background (AFAIK). Media player, or skype easily, since they are even intended to be run in background.
Happens mee also sometimes. Weekend I noticed that after useing opera it does it. I chargered my xperia in friday, didnt use it then whole day, or in saturday, but in saturday night I wanted to check news whit opera, battery was 90% when I start, after use its was 80%. I go to sleep and morning I waked up to that xperia says battery critical. It cant be anything else when I didint use nothing else whole day, and when it was allredy stand one day whit only 10% loss, and now randomly use 60% battery at night.
I think I had S2U2 running in the background, could that be it?
I'll soft reboot before going to bed tonight and see what happens ^^
use fdcsoft task manager, it'll tell you what's running
battery won't run down on its own, it needs something to cause it.
as said lowsignal will do itn
do you really need to leave the x1 on overnight?
if you turn it off it'll be all nice and alert after a nice sleep
only time my x1 runs low is if I fall asleep reading something with mobipocket on autoscroll...
I found that when I was running Push E-Mail over iMAP, I had this battery draining issue. Make sure you're configuring FlexMail or any other IMAP IDLE client to only the essential folders that you want to keep 'live', as each IMAP IDLE folder requires its own connection and can eat up a lot of resources/battery.
I've actually wrote myself a MortScript that will monitor the battery status and allow FlexMail to stay open if the battery is over 80%, and it will close FlexMail if the battery falls below 80%.
Still hating the fact that we only get battery readouts in 10% increments. Total crap for a high profile device...
I don't need to know what is running. I want to be sure I've just closed something. In fact I need to close 99% of application, I only need IM+ in background and that only sometimes. Also sometimes I need to adjust some settings without closing current application. But otherwise I always want to close, not minimize, and I want to do it with a key.
Same issue here , will a lil bit more tricky , i had my phone TURNED OFF , and was CHARGING , woke up and the red little light on the power button ( light of death) was on, replaced my batter with my spare one , and the phone came back to life , yet it isn't charging ( the charging icon is there but still not charging) , I'm using the wall charger ( if any one is thinking of an usb issue) . So for now i'm useing an "external battery base charger" which sucks to be honest ( takeing the battery in and out isn't the best thing ever ) ..
The funny part is that SOMETIMES ( 1 out of 100 ) the phone charges, why !! i don't really know . I reflashed my device , hardreset and done anything someone can possibly do yet no solution , it's not on warranty and to be honest i think that it's more of a software issue (i know that not charging while switched off is against this ) , I'll be so greatful if any of you guys have any ideas
I had the same problem, but for me it happend when I got a text message at night the the screen wouldn't turn off but xperia tweak fixed that
I had one instance of mysterious night-time draining. It actually woke me up at 4am with the low battery alarm.
The only thing I think might have caused it is that I had it sitting next to my old Nokia, which was switched off. I figure its antenna must have been interacting with the X1's such that it had to go to full power just to keep the cell signal.
Hello all,
I don't have this issue now but i've noticed something weird last night.
All background applications was turned off, screen backlight was turned off, LEDs on both sides was turned off... But there was white light inside my phone. I was sleepy so i didn't check keyboard backlight. Propably it was it. It was visible only it dark, in correct angle.
I've turned device off and on again and there was no light any more.
I had tried this issue before, it fixed after I uninstall the SKtools
I uninstalled S2U2 and I think it made the job
Li-ion or Li-poly?
i've been searching forums here and there regarding x1's battery issue and i'm not using any of those suspected programs (AEplus, S2U2, batti, etc.). mine is just stock xperia as of now, except for SPB plus. but still my battery only manages 14 hours of juice with very minimal usage i assure you. i have tried charging while off, hard reset, upgrade to R2A UK generic ROM, but still my battery sucks. i also noticed on the Settings>Power box that my "Main battery" is Li-ion, isn't it supposed to be Li-poly as the one written on the battery itself (BST-41)? Also, how much drain do we expect from a weak carrier signal? thanks guys.
FrezoreR said:
I uninstalled S2U2 and I think it made the job
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I also had a problem with the battery not lasting me through the night. I eventually found out it was S2U2. I upgraded to v1.45 (with the power-saving option) and now the battery remains at the same level during the night.
FrezoreR said:
I can't understand how that happened :S I had no programs running except maybe g-alarm.
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You said it yourself.
I've been experiencing this for many days. I would charge my unit overnight only to be awaken by the low battery signal. In a normal scenario my X1 would only loose only 0-10% over a period of 8 hours in standby. When the fast discharge occurred it would drop to 50-60% and the unit was warm in touch.
I checked repeatedly to find which program was to blame, soft reset the device various times and changed my usage patterns to rule out programs that didn't had to do with it.
In the end I discovered that every time G-Alarm was triggered or set up an Alarm the quick discharge effect and warm device appeared.
I got rid of it and haven't encountered the problem again.

FIX and INVESTIGATION: Android OS (battery drain) problem on Gingerbread

CASE CLOSED!!! Please read bottom part or flash stock GB 2.3.4!
I have posted this already on another thread (almost word for word) but I just really want you guys know and not panic about this problem and avoid going through difficult fixes like deleting system apps, recalibrating battery or even resetting your phone.
Since JVK was released, many observed that Android OS sometimes get hungry and devours battery. For some reason it is triggered to go berserk. Others say that the main culprit is the Auto update app. But other apps like Google Maps, Latitude and even just in a place where there is very low network signal or Wifi reception could also trigger this problem.
Now, I have a very simple solution: Turn off device, remove battery for a minute, put it back then turn it ON. Yes it is just that simple, REBOOT YOUR DEVICE.
Yeah after you turn on your device Android OS is still on the top of the list with high percentage but I believe it is just as it is because it previously consumed a lot of battery. All you have to do is observe again for an hour if your battery is dropping again, look into the graph and see if it is still steeping to the bottom. If it is dropping like Mt Everest, do the procedure above again.
If not, you will observe that after a couple of hours Android OS's percentage is getting low. Problem is fixed, (temporarily though).
Why go through deleting apps, recalibrate battery etc when you could just turn off your device for a minute?
I have experienced it a lot of times already (one of the first users who upgraded to JVK) but it doesn't bother me anymore. Turning off then on your device is very simple ain't it?
I highly advise that you do not touch anything on the sensitive part of your phone as there is no known single root of this problem. Just like I told you, many situations or apps could trigger Android OS to go berserk. Until there is no definite solution to this problem, I suggest you do the above procedure and save yourself from going through the pain of removing system apps, battery calibration or even hard reset.
By the way my battery usually lasts 3-4 days unless I made Android OS angry again.
INVESTIGATION CLOSED!!! The culprit is caught. But the fix is not so simple. Only Samsung and genius devs (apparently the fix requires closed source modification) could fix this. If the problem occurs on your device, just do the temporary fix above. Please do not try to mess with your device for now.It is now fixed in XXJVP 2.3.4!
Click HERE and read the bottom part for more details.
All this is due to Tatsuya who pointed us to the right direction. A big thanks to him for helping us in this investigation. CASE CLOSED
Tatsuya79 said:
Ok thanks for the credits.
This previous link I gave explains how you can use watchdog to alert you when this bug triggers, so you know when to reboot your phone to stop this leakage (if you really want to stay on gingerbread until a fix is made by Samsung).
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Guys if you want to help out please please please dial this *#*#4636#*#* and check "Usage Statistics" and let us know the top 3 items on the list! (highly suggested by {Angel}).
Below are some of the possible culprits currently pointed out by some users (I will update the list based from your feedback):
1. Software Update service
2. Google Maps
3. Latitude
4. Low network signal
5. Very low WIFI reception
6. Auto updates in Market
If this helps, a simple thanks is enough
This is a post coming from Angel:
{Angel} said:
Those of you with high drain, you can also check battery history through *#*#4636#*#* and see what you have under other usage 'running' and see if your phone as not been sleeping lately. I get this occasionaly with froyo and I suspect many people do also. A reboot fixes it for me, after that my battery usage is superb, but it's annoying as hell.
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And this is my post somewhere:
jbdroid said:
Yes just like I said in the first post, this is just a temporary fix. But I think users should just do this rather than touch anything on their phone unless they really know the source of the problem.
That is why I suggested that they report what could be the possible triggers, like apps or situations, that make Android OS to awake and gobble up the battery. If we could just pinpoint those triggers maybe we can now figure out the root of the problem. Your fix of removing a system app, the auto update app, is not even the single source of the problem. We just do not know if that app is an essential app or not. Sooner or later you will have that problem again.
I am not saying we should just sit and wait. All I am saying is if you are a plain user and you do not know the exact root of the problem, then just do what I suggested. But if you are a dev and is exploring the root of the problem, then do as you like and we will be most thankful if you find out the answer.
People are mislead about what works and what is not. I just want to help.
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Rebooting works, and it seems to be working until you start some apps again. I have the same apps installed as I had on JPY, but JVB drains my battery dead in half a day.
luci.pacurar said:
Rebooting works, and it seems to be working until you start some apps again. I have the same apps installed as I had on JPY, but JVB drains my battery dead in half a day.
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Could you pinpoint some apps? I will update the OP to keep track of possible culprits so that others will avoid triggering this problem. Thanks!
I once saw that the battery drain from 95% to 9% after one night, and the android os used most of it. I rebooted my phone, and the problem has gone away, since. Happy with Gingerbread!
I'll give it a go! thnx
Active Widgets: WeatherBug Elite, 3G Watchdog, BatStat and Calendar.
Apps: All from above plus Twitter, Titanium Backup, Facebook, Twitter, Tapatalk, Camera360 Ultimate, Root Explorer, Foursquare.
Mostly I use the Twitter client and the browser. Location services are disabled.
It is hard to figure out from the above apps or which is the most probable suspect. Just incase the problem recurs on your phone, dial this: *#*#4636#*#*, Go to Usage statistics and Battery Information and please report back (include also information on the Battery Use in Settings).
I hope we can help others avoid having this problem until there is a fixed solution.
Did what you suggested and pulled the battery at 30% waited 5 minutes and put it back in.... 1hr later it was at 35% (WTF!) and 30min later it was at 38% (WTF!)
im assuming its recalibrating?
Not necessarily. Maybe the battery meter is anticipating the fast consumption rate of Android OS that is why when it got fixed, the meter is able to readjust the readings based from the current consumption rate of your phone. Good to know it helped
Maybe use the 'forbidden' task killer? Works for me... Maybe im imagening it but works.
Btw my battery goes quickly down after getting below 25%. My battery not calibrated? Should i.calibrate it? I have this program to do it but am afraid that calibration goes wrong. (example what if my battery is 95% and will calibrate to 100. What if.i charge my battery higher than this.. Will it show 104%? Or will android stop working for it cannot be displayed in the notificationbar.
Using cm7.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
You do not have to recalibrate. Cm7 has a known issue about battery. I think you cannot charge past 94 or 95 percent and battery usage is a bit terrible. Please refer to cm7 thread for possible fixes, (the last time I checked their thread, they say it is probably kernel related).
Just turning off, pulling the battery and turning on does do a lot for me! i went from 10% per hour to only 1%! great thnx!
About battery drain in gb, once fixed the wifi sleep policy issue ( by setting it to "never") u shouldn't have batt drain, but i've installed green power ( juice defender do the work too i think) to get some wifi management possibility back and it improuved my batt life.
But never the less, my battery won't last more than one day of hard usage ( being hanged on xda all day long, for instance ;-)
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Guys, just turn off the task killer, it helped in my case. looks like its not working well on ginger
Rebooting works just temporarily.
It will come back the next day or so.
This is not a solution at all tbh.
Yes just like I said in the first post, this is just a temporary fix. But I think users should just do this rather than touch anything on their phone unless they really know the source of the problem.
That is why I suggested that they report what could be the possible triggers, like apps or situations, that make Android OS to awake and gobble up the battery. If we could just pinpoint those triggers maybe we can now figure out the root of the problem. Your fix of removing a system app, the auto update app, is not even the single source of the problem. We just do not know if that app is an essential app or not. Sooner or later you will have that problem again.
I am not saying we should just sit and wait. All I am saying is if you are a plain user and you do not know the exact root of the problem, then just do what I suggested. But if you are a dev and is exploring the root of the problem, then do as you like and we will be most thankful if you find out the answer.
People are mislead about what works and what is not. I just want to help
Guys, on Gingerbread I've had battery drain two times:
1. Had about 14% drain in 3 hours all of a sudden, without doing anything at all. Just started going down for some reason.
2. This morning, saw about 40% drain in 7 hours..
And, both time I solved it by Clearing Memory from the Task Manager.. Went back to normal 2-3% drain per 6-7 hours after that..
So this might also be a solution. Go to Task Manager, RAM tab, and Clear Memory..
i'm on ginger also and my battery acts weird. 2 days ago i charged my phone over night while it was closed. the battery holds for 15 hours with massive use.
last night i did it again, but today it went from 98% to 80% in about an hour !
this is really weird.
addicted2088 said:
Guys, on Gingerbread I've had battery drain two times:
1. Had about 14% drain in 3 hours all of a sudden, without doing anything at all. Just started going down for some reason.
2. This morning, saw about 40% drain in 7 hours..
And, both time I solved it by Clearing Memory from the Task Manager.. Went back to normal 2-3% drain per 6-7 hours after that..
So this might also be a solution. Go to Task Manager, RAM tab, and Clear Memory..
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Did you manage to check first what is running on your device by looking into Battery Usage settings? I think you have a case of rogue application running in the background.
If you have not rebooted yet could you please attach a screenshot of the battery usage list and graph? In that way we might possibly identify the app running prior to the clearing of memory. Thanks!

Exhausted every effort trying to fix this problem.. ATRIX 4G: new battery time?

I'll post everything I've tried and everything that's gone wrong here.
So initially I purchased this phone off of a friend nearly brand new, the screen had broken and had been replaced. Otherwise the phone is in perfect factory condition.
I unlocked the phone, and am using it on Rogers. APN settings working perfectly.
I installed GOLauncherEX on the phone as Motoblur wasn't doing it for me.
Battery life was crap (lasting hardly 3 hours and dying while I sleep). I found that Motoblur HOME had been running alongside GOLauncherEX. At first I simply uninstalled the third-party launcher, but then opted to grab LauncherPro+ and HomeSwitcher. This dramatically improved battery life.
Lately, I've been having issues once in awhile again. Mostly if I leave the phone unplugged while I'm sleeping (fully charged when unplugged) and we'll use the timeline 3am - 11am. It would either die completely or drop to around 15%.
As long as I could have enough charge to last me through work, I was fine with this as it was way better than what had been happening before.
This morning something extreme and unexplainable happened.. and it's the first time I took a look at the battery usage meter to see what had happened. Picture is below.
If someone could offer some tips or help that would benefit me even the slightest, it would be very much appreciated.
My bad for sneaking a link in, but it was the only way to show the issue.
(Remove the space between 1297964 and 124 at the end)
Oh and also, phone is rooted, bloatware is frozen via Titanium Backup Pro.
Have you recalibrated?
WiredPirate said:
Have you recalibrated?
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Do you have any suggestions as to what to use to calibrate?
I'm not keen on flashing any new roms if that makes a difference.
SL1VR said:
Do you have any suggestions as to what to use to calibrate?
I'm not keen on flashing any new roms if that makes a difference.
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Calibrating is something you may need to do after flashing a ROM, you can search and find a guide or you can use this app.
I have not flashed any new roms and I don't intend on doing so, but I'll check out the app you posted.
Thanks for your help,
any new ideas are still welcome.
The benefits of battery calibration are not limited to only if you flash a new ROM. Battery calibration should be the first thing you try if you are experiencing battery troubles imo, and there is allot more in depth information in the guides you could search for.
There is one more thing I can think of you can try, download Watchdog and see if there are any malicious or poorly written apps burning up your cpu/battery.
WiredPirate said:
The benefits of battery calibration are not limited to only if you flash a new ROM. Battery calibration should be the first thing you try if you are experiencing battery troubles imo, and there is allot more in depth information in the guides you could search for.
There is one more thing I can think of you can try, download Watchdog and see if there are any malicious or poorly written apps burning up your cpu/battery.
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Thanks for your help, grabbing Watchdog now.
Maybe unlock the bootloader and flash a custom rom?
Go into account and sync and shut off background data. I was getting. 10-12 hours battery life and now over 30 by just doing that. Worked for a buddy at work too.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Radio is key. After I flashed radio 1.77.30p, my phone can easily using 3 days without freeze anything.
Do not use 1.97 radio and don't use task killers. 2.3.4 gingerbread does a much better job of killing tasks than Froyo did and it's unnecessary. Also, turning off background data is not necessary.
Phalanx7621 said:
Do not use 1.97 radio and don't use task killers. 2.3.4 gingerbread does a much better job of killing tasks than Froyo did and it's unnecessary. Also, turning off background data is not necessary.
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I would say it is. Apps including google will try and update and locate your phone via 3g and gps when its sitting there idle. Its not necessary if you only install apps that dont use background data, or disable them individually but some dont allow it.
I still was able to get 15 hours with data enabled and over 30 with it disabled. There is a huge difference there. I just have to open my yahoo now to update it which I dont mind.
While I appreciate everyone's replies and help, has anyone actually looked at the picture I posted?
As much as I am most definitely interested in prolonging my battery life, that picture is showing a sudden drop from 70% to completely dead, idling, screen off, while I'm asleep.
SL1VR said:
While I appreciate everyone's replies and help, has anyone actually looked at the picture I posted?
As much as I am most definitely interested in prolonging my battery life, that picture is showing a sudden drop from 70% to completely dead, idling, screen off, while I'm asleep.
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I would purchase a new battery from Motorola, It looks like your battery has one or more bad cells in it. Only thing that really explains it. Even with everything turned ON as far as data - the battery should not drop that far that fast.
i'm not entirely sure whats going on with the charge level dropping so sharply. Either something is draining your battery big time or the readout when it says 100% is incorrect.
I had issues with the battery up time as well. In my case, the battery wouldnt last more than 8-9 hours. I had to charge it two times a day. Once overnight so its 100% when i go to work and again as soon as i get home. If i charged to 100%, unplugged and went to bed, it would be at 15-20% when i woke up.
The last time i went abroad, i left the radio turned off completely. I noticed that the battery held its charge for about a day and a half.
Now i did root, unlock the BL and install CM7 on my phone. It seemed better but not that much. After i setup the phone to NOT use my 3G data connection while my wifi was on, i noticed that i was getting great battery life when i was at home but still rubbish at work.
I'm doing a test right now to see if this makes a difference or not. I have turned off data on my phone all together this morning. I charged it to 100%. Normally after 6 hours at work, my phone is at about 30-35%
Right now its sitting at 75%
the 3g is whats killing the battery, on my phone anyway. I will see how long the battery lasts without turning on my data at all. Then i will compare that with how its like with background data turned off.
I would suggest you try re-calibrating your phone's battery, i use battery calibration from the market. Then either turn data off altogether like i have or just turn background data off as the others have suggested and see what kind of a difference it makes.
While i realize you dont want to, it may help further to have a ROM like CM7 installed as it wont have all the bloatware that can further reduce the performance of your phone. You should definitely give turning the data off a go to see its the culprit before you go spend money on a new battery which may or may not fix the problem.
Best to isolate the root cause before you spend money on fixing it. If turning off the data doesnt do it, then you very well may have a battery problem.
Routaran said:
i'm not entirely sure whats going on with the charge level dropping so sharply. Either something is draining your battery big time or the readout when it says 100% is incorrect.
I had issues with the battery up time as well. In my case, the battery wouldnt last more than 8-9 hours. I had to charge it two times a day. Once overnight so its 100% when i go to work and again as soon as i get home. If i charged to 100%, unplugged and went to bed, it would be at 15-20% when i woke up.
The last time i went abroad, i left the radio turned off completely. I noticed that the battery held its charge for about a day and a half.
Now i did root, unlock the BL and install CM7 on my phone. It seemed better but not that much. After i setup the phone to NOT use my 3G data connection while my wifi was on, i noticed that i was getting great battery life when i was at home but still rubbish at work.
I'm doing a test right now to see if this makes a difference or not. I have turned off data on my phone all together this morning. I charged it to 100%. Normally after 6 hours at work, my phone is at about 30-35%
Right now its sitting at 75%
the 3g is whats killing the battery, on my phone anyway. I will see how long the battery lasts without turning on my data at all. Then i will compare that with how its like with background data turned off.
I would suggest you try re-calibrating your phone's battery, i use battery calibration from the market. Then either turn data off altogether like i have or just turn background data off as the others have suggested and see what kind of a difference it makes.
While i realize you dont want to, it may help further to have a ROM like CM7 installed as it wont have all the bloatware that can further reduce the performance of your phone. You should definitely give turning the data off a go to see its the culprit before you go spend money on a new battery which may or may not fix the problem.
Best to isolate the root cause before you spend money on fixing it. If turning off the data doesnt do it, then you very well may have a battery problem.
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I'll definitely try everything you've mentioned, I did calibrate my battery since I first started this topic. I'm not sure if there's a difference, if there is, it isn't noticeable. My phone died last night, and I charged it overnight again so I haven't had a chance to see if what happened the other night will happen again. Soon enough, I'll post details if I notice anything peculiar.
Since you said you bought the phone off a friend I would like to make sure you have the right battery.
The battery "must" be of the following to show the right charge level, otherwise it might appear the battery discharging very quickly.
The part/model no.: SNN5893A
Manufacturing Date: ??/April/2011 or onwards
In regards to the poster above who mentioned shutting off background data, my phone lasts 17-19 hours running CM7 with nothing frozen, background data on, and I record quite a bit of video + pictures every day. I don't use task killers either. So I'm thinking that maybe the background data thing is either actually covering up a radio problem, a carrier issue, previous ROM information leaking through, or a faulty battery as stated above that could possibly need replaced.

