Play Store - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General

My market just changed to the play store. It FCs before I can accept the terms.
I'm on GalaxyTask 14. In fact I just went to GT14 so I tried wiping clean and I still get the FC on the store. Anyone else?

Same here ... I'm sure Task (on his thread) will tell us what to do once his Market also upgrades to Play...

glad to hear I'm not alone - sorry but misery loves company.
I didn't want to start off bothering Task in case it wasn't ROM related

Task 14 here and I get the same. Sucks because I need to redownload Touchdown tonight for a trip tomorrow afternoon. Hope there's a fix before then or else I'll have to find my corporate Palm Pre (gasp).

My, Play Store forceclosed and the icon is gone. Task 14 as well.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium

I had the same error with the fc... This fixed it for me. I went to settings> applications> manager applications> all. Found the new google play app & wiped everything I could, such as clear cache, clear data, then did a force stop, and finally an uninstall. After this I clicked my normal app store icon it told me it was being changed to google play again, so I figured I was in for more fcs. but went ahead and agreed. Everything was fine after no more fcs.
I noticed another file updated itself too, but can't remember the name it was some market file though.
Try this and see if it works for you or if I just got lucky.
In double checking on my memory of what I did so I could be precise here I noticed the google play application is now gone. but the market is updated and no fcs.
EDIT: Just noticed it may have only been called the play store app that I uninstalled. not google play app.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

Worked for me, thanks! I cleared data from the Play Store app and all is well.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium

Joe T said:
Worked for me, thanks! I cleared data from the Play Store app and all is well.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
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Great to hear.
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Thanks benzoman, worked for me. clearing data on Google Play did the trick.

Worked for me too !!! thanks Benzoman !!

twa_priv said:
Same here ... I'm sure Task (on his thread) will tell us what to do once his Market also upgrades to Play...
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Hmm i must be lucky working ok on mime
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk

animatechnica said:
Hmm i must be lucky working ok on mime
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
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Do you actually have an icon for it that works?
Edit: nevermind... I'm sure you do. While the forum was in maintenance I found a way to keep the new google play store and still not have the fc's
So although if you want a quick fix you can uninstall as I instructed before, or just wait until I get up a quick guide to keep the play store without the fc's.
I'm hoping someone will beat me to it though.
Edit 2: Sometimes I make more work for myself by posting quick fixes before thoroughly making sure it's the best fix and this is one of them if you want to keep the google play store and still stop the fc's.
Final Edit: If you are having issues with the play store and haven't uninstalled it yet you should just have to force close it, clear data and run it again and it should start without the FC's.
If you have uninstalled it like I suggested in the previous post and want it back or if you don't have it and want it quicker this quote I swiped from somewhere while googling should help... "If you want to speed up the update process, the usual trick involving force-closing Market, clearing data, uninstalling updates and then loading up the app again seems to work." then wait for the update. It updated so fast for me that I had a hard time testing this fix and had to disable my wifi to confirm uninstallation although YMMV especially if you're trying to get it for the first time. You may want to make sure your device is on the list of supported devices at before trying this a waiting for something that may never come.
This may cause the FC's that started me on this issue to happen again and you'll need to force close it, clear the data and run it again, as stated above in this final edit.
I've already checked this at least twice, but just in case, I'm going to make sure everything works as I say so stay tuned for a few minutes until I post a final edit 2 just in case I'm missing anything.
Final Edit 2: Seems everything works as stated. I couldn't even mess it completely up when I tried.
I think the name is stupid as [email protected], but it's the new app store so what can we do? Seemed like it is really fast and they are having some great sales on apps and a little music, so maybe it's worth putting up with the stupid new name.
If I've caused you needless hassle feel free to call me names and cuss at me. I should have thought of the short way to fix the FC's before sugesting the uninstall. My bad.
Let me know if you have any issues still and I'll help where I can.
If you made it this far in the post congratulations, and thanks.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

thanks for simple fix to market f/c

kavansky said:
thanks for simple fix to market f/c
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Would have been really simple had I just said go into settings, applications, manage applications and clear data for the play store. Which fixes the fc's.
Thanks for the thanks though
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

This must be a HC 3.2 only issue.. I had the problem on Task 14 and it was easily fixed but flashed back to AOKP b27 last night and the market updated with no issues at all...

Probably... Everyone I've noticed I said they were Task 14 except one who was still on Task 10 or something and asked task for help. I'm sure you know how that reply went.
"If you want to speed up the update process, the usual trick involving force-closing Market, clearing data, uninstalling updates and then loading up the app again seems to work." then wait for the update. This should only take a minute or two if you had it to begin with and you can trust it's official this way.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

If like me you deleted it just download it from:
And run it from file explorer

Blackwidowman said:
If like me you deleted it just download it from:
And run it from file explorer
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I wouldn't run any app downloaded from hotfile, not knowing where it ultimately came from. Too much of a chance it's been modded to steal who knows what. Especially a market app :what:
"If you want to speed up the update process, the usual trick involving force-closing Market, clearing data, uninstalling updates and then loading up the app again seems to work." then wait for the update. This only takes a minute or two if you had it to begin with and can be assured it's official.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

Good to know, I have yet to encounter any problems with hotfile but you never know. Your trick didn't work for me it would not update so I went the other way.
EDIT: info came from

actually this must be because i updated it on my galaxy nexus phone first - to update that i had to clear data on the market and then launch market and after i accepted the terms it updated itself. I then applied the same to my tab so did not see the issues others have experienced
Benzoman said:
Do you actually have an icon for it that works?
Edit: nevermind... I'm sure you do. While the forum was in maintenance I found a way to keep the new google play store and still not have the fc's
So although if you want a quick fix you can uninstall as I instructed before, or just wait until I get up a quick guide to keep the play store without the fc's.
I'm hoping someone will beat me to it though.
Edit 2: Sometimes I make more work for myself by posting quick fixes before thoroughly making sure it's the best fix and this is one of them if you want to keep the google play store and still stop the fc's.
Final Edit: If you are having issues with the play store and haven't uninstalled it yet you should just have to force close it, clear data and run it again and it should start without the FC's.
If you have uninstalled it like I suggested in the previous post and want it back or if you don't have it and want it quicker this quote I swiped from somewhere while googling should help... "If you want to speed up the update process, the usual trick involving force-closing Market, clearing data, uninstalling updates and then loading up the app again seems to work." then wait for the update. It updated so fast for me that I had a hard time testing this fix and had to disable my wifi to confirm uninstallation although YMMV especially if you're trying to get it for the first time. You may want to make sure your device is on the list of supported devices at before trying this a waiting for something that may never come.
This may cause the FC's that started me on this issue to happen again and you'll need to force close it, clear the data and run it again, as stated above in this final edit.
I've already checked this at least twice, but just in case, I'm going to make sure everything works as I say so stay tuned for a few minutes until I post a final edit 2 just in case I'm missing anything.
Final Edit 2: Seems everything works as stated. I couldn't even mess it completely up when I tried.
I think the name is stupid as [email protected], but it's the new app store so what can we do? Seemed like it is really fast and they are having some great sales on apps and a little music, so maybe it's worth putting up with the stupid new name.
If I've caused you needless hassle feel free to call me names and cuss at me. I should have thought of the short way to fix the FC's before sugesting the uninstall. My bad.
Let me know if you have any issues still and I'll help where I can.
If you made it this far in the post congratulations, and thanks.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
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[Q] DroidX Froyo market issue

Updated sucessfully to Froyo! Everything runs great.... Except that I can't connect to the market.
I get a time out error/can't connect. Gmail and all other apps have no issues.
I have tried this solution:
and, this solution:
without success. The second one caused a boot loop and I had to re-flash .604 via SBF/RSD.
Anyone have any suggestions or a fix for the DroidX?
Both of those links were for the droid. Im have the same issue though.
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I was aware that they were for the Droid... I was just hoping that they would work for the DX.... although after looking at the build.prop files I now realize that was a REALLY STUPID NOOB error.
I guess I was hoping that the .zip's contained some code that would change a setting and not RR the whole file.
If someone knows what setting needs to be changed please let me know. For now, I'll have to go back to 2.1 if I can't get the market.
I don't think its an X on Froyo issue, Markets not working on my EVO and X
Google server error?
Other Android users(non-Droid X Froyo users) have reported the same issue in another forum. Seems to be a "Google side" error. Probably just maintenance because of all the Froyo releases this month.
Markets back up
Alot of search results not showing up on both of my phones, Google issue
kyrumo71 said:
Markets back up
Alot of search results not showing up on both of my phones, Google issue
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Cleared cache in Market all is good
I was having the same issue yesterday, but tried it today and all works again. Must have been a Google problem.
Good info bro! I cleared the market data and all fine now. Thanks
Sent from my DROIDX
How do you clear the market cache? I can't seem to find it.
Worked perfect with root explorer. Thx
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Market didn't work at first, then it did but with weird apps i never heard of in the Top Paid, then a few hours later almost all my previously installed apps showed up, then the market seemed normal expect for like 10 apps that i can live without for now wont show up.
It was a market issue. Market works great now!
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

Trouble installing apps after dl30

So after flashing the leak, i found that i couldnt install any apps except for tapatalk. It seems to start download then stop right there. Also im having problems with the Facebook sync. Any help is appreciated thanks.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I have exactly the same problem (installing apps and facebook)
I have no idea how to fix :/
Settings>Applications>Manage Applications>All>Market>Clear Data
Ditto. DL30 install went fine, set it up w/ my Google account, even made sure I was in Talk (that was mentioned somewhere), went to Market to install Titanium Backup, no go. Starts downloading, then just quits, with no message or error.
FDro said:
Settings>Applications>Manage Applications>All>Market>Clear Data
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Didn't help, unfortunately...
FDro -> this did not work for me
Its funny that this was brought up with the DL30 leak because I am having this exact same market downloading issue on DL09 that I've been running w/o no issues for about 2 weeks now. App states "Downloading" then stops w/o any errors. Have already tried the clear Market Cache, also tried the Uninstall Updates, no go on either. Issue is with both WiFi and 3G.
+1 here. I've re-formatted/cleared/reflashed, waited for the market to update, pretty much everything I can think of so far.
Everything else (and I mean everything) is fine! 3G data and Wifi are both working very well for browsing/e-mail/etc. Just the market is broken.
At one point I did have Angry Birds get to about 6% downloaded, but it was VERY slow. It's the only app I had start downloading at all.
I hope somebody smart swoops in with a "you guys are idiots ... do this" post
I am having the same issue. Tried clearing data. I have no "uninstall updates".
There's some chatter in irc that's it's a server issue, not the market app...
Same here. Any fix? I cleared data under settings no luck yet. Hoping for a fix.
So this is a problem on DL09 too? This could be a Google problem.
is there a way to update to new market app ? maybe it will help.
Yeah I think there's something wrong with the server..couldn't update any apps on mine or my fiancées fascinates
sent from my superclean stupid fast fascinate
dwhsix said:
There's some chatter in irc that's it's a server issue, not the market app...
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Classic bad timing on our part! I love it!
I can and shall wait until tomorrow. Besides, I wiped my SD card and have about 12GB of MP3s to re-sync. Plenty of stuff to do.
its back for me!
App Market is in and out .. Rumors are it is going web based tomorrow .. Know what that means? Google Music .. FINGERS CROSSED!
Yeah, Google Music would be awesome. Oh, and I was just able to do my downloads and updates about 2 minutes ago. Maybe I got lucky?
Too funny. At first I thought it was due to froyo as well. But no. Just the market. Appears to be up for me now. Just installed xda
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morbiddk said:
Yeah, Google Music would be awesome. Oh, and I was just able to do my downloads and updates about 2 minutes ago. Maybe I got lucky?
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We ALL got lucky today! LOL .. I have been waiting for this day for months .. now I will take over the world!

[Q] Amazon App Store and Android Market

Hey Everyone,
I haven't seen anything on the Epic forums about this yet... so here is my piece.
I got the Amazon app store the other day, and I'm pretty impressed. The most impressive feature, to me, isn't the free app a day... it is the fact that it remembers your purchases/downloads. I've wiped my phone yesterday to start from scratch, and as soon as I reinstalled the Amazon App Store, it asked me if I wanted to view my purchased apps. I clicked each one, they downloaded and installed.
The part I don't get, is why can't the Android Market do the same thing? You are required to put in a user/pass (just like amazon app store)... so what prevents them from at least remembering what apps you've downloaded and provide the links to re-download them? I've used Titanium Backup to back up and restore, but I'm not convinced that it doesn't create problems (phone runs much smoother and with less problems when I don't use Titanium Backup to restore).
I know this was long, and you've probably lost interest already... but if anyone has any info or knowledge on the subject, please chime in!
That is all.
Actually my nexus one does auto restore from android market, so it might be a feature in gingerbread.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
The market does remember your purchese apps. When I had the moment then switched to the epic all the apps I bought came up on this phone when I loged in on to my gmail acc
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Ok, maybe I need to clarify a bit...
I haven't "purchased" any apps from the Android Market or the Amazon App Store. I've downloaded numerous free apps.
I would imagine paid apps get re-linked... but what about the free apps you've purchased?
I've been playing around with ROMS... so after every wipe, I go in to the market... and nothing is there.
If this is a feature in Gingerbread, it will be awesome. I would never worry or hesitate to wipe my phone if I had an issue. It isn't downloading the apps that bother me, it's searching for each one individually.
For some reason the epic doesnt have the back up data thing that aosp phones do.
When you sign in, it automatically redownloads and installs everyapp you had installed.
Also, on you can see everything youve downloaded and install it by hand.
I agree that its stupid the epic is missing that feature. My hero running cm6 has it
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
DK28 had the app restore feature, not sure why it was removed since.
A_Flying_Fox said:
For some reason the epic doesnt have the back up data thing that aosp phones do.
When you sign in, it automatically redownloads and installs everyapp you had installed.
Also, on you can see everything youve downloaded and install it by hand.
I agree that its stupid the epic is missing that feature. My hero running cm6 has it
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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Wow, never knew about this. So if I wipe my phone, I can log into and it will redownload all of my apps for me? As nice as it would be to have it all on the device, logging in to the website isn't bad at all!
A lot of the reviews of the Amazon Appstore never seem to mention what I personally think is a killer feature: sorting and filtering.
At any step of the way, you can choose to only view 3+/4+/5+ star apps, among other options. As soon as I heard about the new store, before it even came out, I had high hopes for sorting, knowing it's one of the great features of
Google tends to shun sorting/filtering in favor of typed search queries. You can see this in the almost religious devotion to search in gmail, where sorting by anything but date is impossible without using a third party client--and this limitation is vehemently defended by Gmail supporters.
In this regard, I think Amazon will remain on top. I just don't see Google backpeddling on this philosophy, and the Android Market will remain dominated by algorithms and search queries.
mnanez5280 said:
Wow, never knew about this. So if I wipe my phone, I can log into and it will redownload all of my apps for me? As nice as it would be to have it all on the device, logging in to the website isn't bad at all!
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A little off topic but Sense 2.0 ROMS do that also. I've been running Myn's and Mik's Desire Z ports on my Evo and whenever you log back in with your Gmail account all of your apps, paid and free, automatically start downloading to the phone. Pretty neat feature.
Yep, got a Wifi Xoom today, and sure enough about 90% of my installed apps came over...all of my purchased apps are available for redownload.
Same thing happened when I switched from HeroC to Epic.
This re-download was a new feature of 2.2, and you have to have 2.2 and be going to 2.2+ to restore.

[Q] General thoughts, experience and concerns on Froyo 2.2.2

To start this off, I want to say that this is an awesome community full of great people willing to help others. It takes this sort of open source sharing to come together for the greater good. That is why I want to make a thread to document my experiences so that it may help others and myself.
As of yesterday, I started using froyo 2.2.2 by joshkoss. This update is probably the best of all of them and I like it much better than 2.2.1, which is what I previously had installed. Having said that, there are still some problems, which I almost find enjoyable to discover how to fix.
Throughout most of my updates, my GPS has been slow to connect. Finally on 2.2.2 it is impossible to establish a connection and everytime I turn on GPS it always asks me to 'Accept' or 'Cancel' the agreement. I've never had this happen before. Anyone know what to do about that?
Beyond this issue, I wanted to try this fix by ciscogee. I have gotten all the way to the point on ADB tools that in my cmd prompt I can type 'adb devices' to show me my devices serial number. For me, it ends there. As soon as I can figure out how to do this fix step by step for a beginner I will type it out in this thread. I am using Android SDK.
Another problem with this 2.2.2 update is that my banking app no longer works and it force closes right after start up. Then when I try to send a report, that also force closes. It worked on 2.2.1 so Im sure it has something to do with it.
So as of right now this is where I'm at. I hope I can help some people out with their Continuum. I just dont have the detailed knowledge of the inner workings to really bring something to the table, but I hope to at least help someone else out and learn something in the process.
My Wells Fargo app quit working when I switched over to EC07 and I haven't been able to pinpoint what the problem is. I posted my problems in another thread, but basically I had several apps that were FCing when I tried to use them. I did logcat on them, and based on the errors I got from there, I think is has something to do with the apps trying to access data either over 3G or wifi.
Never got any further than that though.
That's weird. Did you have problems reporting the failure? Ill have to try out that log app and see what I can find out. Hopefully ill have something later today.
Anyone else have problems with a banking app? Mine is comerica bank.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA App
Trailblazer101 has a fixed browser app. Try that.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium
I don't think that'll help. My browser has never forced closed.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA App
Thinking is a lil dif than trying it and knowing for sure.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium
I tried the hacked browser and it didn't change anything on my phone. Both the stock browser and TB's hacked one FC as soon I tried load a page.
One thing I did notice though, was that the browser would let me surf the web just fine. It was when I tried to log into any account; Wells Fargo, Google, etc.,that it would FC. Don't know if that means anything or not. Wonder if it is the same reason some banking apps aren't working. Could it have something to do with using secure connections?
Just a thought.
ciscogee said:
Thinking is a lil dif than trying it and knowing for sure.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium
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You're absolutely right! You really can't mess up this phone either.
rowdyw said:
I tried the hacked browser and it didn't change anything on my phone. Both the stock browser and TB's hacked one FC as soon I tried load a page.
One thing I did notice though, was that the browser would let me surf the web just fine. It was when I tried to log into any account; Wells Fargo, Google, etc.,that it would FC. Don't know if that means anything or not. Wonder if it is the same reason some banking apps aren't working. Could it have something to do with using secure connections?
Just a thought.
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I get what you're saying about the force close on secure connections. Ive only had a force close on one bank app. Never online through the web browser such as dolphin.
Was the hacked browser an internet browser?
Yep, my Wells Fargo app doesn't work either.
Same fc issue... as with the Flixter and imapmyrun apps.
(Small vibrate... pause... blackscreen & 3 pulse vibrate fc.)
I'm running Miunia Beta 3 on ec07 radio with the Ciscogee .85 blue theme.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA App
Yes exactly. My comerica does the same vibrating act.
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Ahh just found another one with the buzzing act. The app called zillow. Makes me wonder if I should go back to my old rom...nahh ill stick out for an update...come on joshkoss!
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Ok, after reading some old posts, I think I may have found a connection with the FC issues and certain apps. It seems that there were alot less FC problems when using the EC03 baseband vs. the EC06 baseband.
Does anyone know what the differences are between the two?
I've said it before, but; I don't know much about programming, language, kernals, etc. but I can see patterns. And what I have seen is that most of the apps with FC problems are trying to access network data, and alot of those seem to be secure connections (such as banking apps). Someone said before that it is hard to know what the real problem is because everyone uses different apps, but I have seen the same apps listed as causing problems with several different users here over and over again. So that makes me think that there is an underlying problem causing these issues.
Like I said, I don't know much, but this seems like the problem to me, and if these clues make something, somewhere, inside someone's brain click that actually does know something about this, then maybe I helped a little bit.
rowdyw said:
Ok, after reading some old posts, I think I may have found a connection with the FC issues and certain apps. It seems that there were alot less FC problems when using the EC03 baseband vs. the EC06 baseband.
Does anyone know what the differences are between the two?
I've said it before, but; I don't know much about programming, language, kernals, etc. but I can see patterns. And what I have seen is that most of the apps with FC problems are trying to access network data, and alot of those seem to be secure connections (such as banking apps). Someone said before that it is hard to know what the real problem is because everyone uses different apps, but I have seen the same apps listed as causing problems with several different users here over and over again. So that makes me think that there is an underlying problem causing these issues.
Like I said, I don't know much, but this seems like the problem to me, and if these clues make something, somewhere, inside someone's brain click that actually does know something about this, then maybe I helped a little bit.
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If that's the case, it sounds like a problem with ssl. I wonder if a fascinate baseband would fix it. Trailblazer proved that a fascinate baseband would work on our phones a few months ago
Release your inhibitions, feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you. only you can let it in - Natasha Bedingfield
It would be worth a shot for sure.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using Tapatalk
Try that link... let's find out if it works.
Thanks, I will have to try it out when I get home.
Will cwm save my existing radio if I wanted to back up what I've got?
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minirome said:
Will cwm save my existing radio if I wanted to back up what I've got?
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA App
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I believe so. But, if not, reflash with odin.
Either let me fly or give me death. Let my soul rest, or take my breath. - DMX
Cwm will NOT back up your radio!
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium

After Dexter Mod, Google Play doesn't allow purchase

Just completed the Dexter Mod to allow Google Play on my A7.
All appears working fine, except that Google play will not allow me to purchase any apps. I get an Error ("An error occurred, please try again"), everytime I touch the price button on any app or music.
I've rebooted the device without clearing the issue.
Any ideas?
Oh yeah, this device is not on Googles list of supported devices.
Update - Still no joy. Free aps download, but cannot buy
I decided to try to re-do the mod.
I first went to Google and deleted all my accounts.
I did the Dexter mod again from scratch and set up a new Google Acct after the reboot.
Going to Google Play updated the Android Marketplace to Play Store on the tablet.
Using Google Play I still cannot buy an app, but I can download a free one. There are only two apps listed anyway. Missle Command which I cannot buy for $0.99 and 8Track, a music app which is free and downloaded fine.
The first time I did this there were a bizillion apps available, although I could get to none of them.
Any ideas here?
***** Another Update: I discovered I can buy apps using Play Store through my PC for the A7 which upload fine, but still not directly thru the A7
Another Update: Success
Seems like after waiting a while and not using the tablet's Play Store, when finally returning, I have a full list of games and apps.
I also just successfully downloaded a free game (Angry Birds Space) directly from the A7.
This is good news!
I had read elsewhere that on another tablet (Samsung, I believe), ignoring the Play Store app on the tablet for a while would eventually alloe it to work properly.
Seems like that's the case here.
Wow, quiet group here! Lots of views on both of my current threads and not a single comment. I know everyone was just waiting for me to figure it out myself ;<)
Dexter has more than a dozen Mods for at least 3 OS on at least 6 platforms. Probably that is the reason that no one replied ??
rockethead26 said:
Wow, quiet group here! Lots of views on both of my current threads and not a single comment. I know everyone was just waiting for me to figure it out myself ;<)
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I haven't been in this forum in a while just pop in once in a while, might find better help for the a7 at, but any ways have you tried clearing the cache and data of the google play store in your settings?
Thanks for the recommendation on the other site. Everything works fine, but the device is listed as not supported by a great majority of the apps. It's kind of a worthless tablet, at least it was free.
rockethead26 said:
Thanks for the recommendation on the other site. Everything works fine, but the device is listed as not supported by a great majority of the apps. It's kind of a worthless tablet, at least it was free.
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I been using the cm7 which uses a modified build.prop for the xoom, or you could easily find a modified market here on xda
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smallba said:
I been using the cm7 which uses a modified build.prop for the xoom, or you could easily find a modified market here on xda
Sent from my EVO using XDA Premium HD app
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Thanks for the suggestion. I think I'll just let this one die a quiet death.
