Verizon email hundred off sale - Networking

Ok, so Verizon is doing a hundred off all their 4G smart phones right now. Ive been waiting for a hew phone and this may be the time.
I currently have a D2. I originally looked at, and was ready to buy, the D4 for the keyboard, but the screen was terrible when compared to the other phones and I've honestly been using the keyboad on my D2 less and less.
I've also looked at the Galaxy Nexus, I've tried to like it but I just can. I was very dissapointed by the hardware when it was announced first off and secondly it just doesn't feel like a very well built phone. It feels cheap and plasticky. Ive seen way too many threads about signal issues too. Having a phone you can do anything to doesn't matter if it doesn't work. Also its the most expensive, by a hundred dollars.
I've looked at the Razr and love the screen and speed of the phone. Its got the Moto build quality, Gorilla Glass, kevlar, aluminium etc etc all the other stuff they say it has. Its very light and thin, too much so I think. Also its a bit wide and Im not sure I like the way it feels in the hand. I like the size of the Maxx better actually, but the hundred extra they charge for whats just a bigger battery is a bit asinine. Also its a moto and that means locked down tight. Sure there will be some ROMs for it but not to then extent you have with the Nexus or HTC. I'm kinda used to it coning from the D2 but sometimes it would be nice to have more variety and support. Even though it looks like someone may have figured a way to bypass the bootloader, but who knows how long it'll take to filter to CDMA phones. I also don't know if that would increase support a ton.
I've looked at the Rezound and in my hand that feels the best to me. Its got an unlocked bootloader now so support is going and it should increase. I like the screen. I could really care less about beats, but Its cool it comes with a halfway decent set of headphones I guess. Things that worry me is the build quality, but I think its probably fine and battery life. I've also heard that the call quality is not the best.
So it seems the prices are running 99 for the Razr and Rezound and 199 for the Nexus. I'm leaning towards the Rezound right now, as long as battery life or call quality isn't awful.
Anyone have any opinion or suggestions Id appreciate it? Thanks

if I had to choose right now, I would go with the Galaxy Nexus since it's a plain Google phone with no fluff and built for ICS from the start instead of Gingerbread build and upgrade to ICS (at some point).

I wouldn't trade my VZW Incredible 2 for anything....Yeah, it's a year old or so, but still one of the best phones built. Slap a case on it and it's nearly indestructible, and I've never had a single issue with the stock ROM.
except I'm on T-mobile now so I'm getting an Amaze

xneuromancer said:
if I had to choose right now, I would go with the Galaxy Nexus since it's a plain Google phone with no fluff and built for ICS from the start instead of Gingerbread build and upgrade to ICS (at some point).
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Ok, but there are ICS builds for the Rezound, obviously not official ones, so I should be able to use one of them and get the ICS experience on that as well right?
Is there anything that can be or has been done in the dev community to address the battery life and signal issues that Nexus is having?

All I can say is "I love my Nexus". Signal is fine for me. Battery life as well. The determining factor for battery life is really screen time. I can currently get a solid 4 hours screen on time using the stock battery. If I'm not using the screen as much I can get 15 hours easy , although I'm still playing with different kennel settings etc. Using Franco kernel and rooted 4.0.4 ROM at the moment.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

jcmm11 said:
All I can say is "I love my Nexus". Signal is fine for me. Battery life as well. The determining factor for battery life is really screen time. I can currently get a solid 4 hours screen on time using the stock battery. If I'm not using the screen as much I can get 15 hours easy , although I'm still playing with different kennel settings etc. Using Franco kernel and rooted 4.0.4 ROM at the moment.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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Obviously the Nexus is a hundred dollars more then the Rezound at this point. You may not be having signal issues, but a lot of people are. Now the question is is it hardware or software. Software can be fixed and Id be fine dealing with that until it was taken care of. Im going to take it on faith that its software and let just say itll be fixed eventually.
How much can different kernals effect signal and battery life? Im thinking it can be quite a bit.
Does anyone have a battery life comparison of the Nexus to the Rezound? I just need to know if theyre comparable.
Also you can now swap kernals on the Rezound too. Sure it will never have the dev support the Nexus has, but it should have a good bit right?
I just want to know if I do decide on the Nexus that Im actually getting a hundred dollars more phones worth.
One of the things that does make the Nexus attractive though is resale. It will always go for more then most phones just of because of what it is. Once the next big HTC drops the Rezound will take a hit in the resale market.

Anyone else have any suggestions?

Having had all Verizon's phones I'm happiest with my nexus razr looked and felt the best but Motorola killed it with blur for me. The rezound gets uncomfortably hott trust me I went thru 3. The hardware is not bad at all on the nexus don't go off of a spec sheet you honestly can't tell the difference. Ics is top notch pure Google experience works this time
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium


[Q] Does the Atrix live up to the Hype?

Ok guys ive been reading mixed comments about the Atrix that its good and that its not. I was in 2 minds whether to get the Atrix or the LG Optimus 2X. Originally I was gonne get which ever I could get my hands on 1st. Both have their pros and cons i.e. camera, ram, locked bootloader, screen quality, internal memory etc
Well I decided to get the LG and this comment made in the o2x forum sealed it
Ive been using my atrix couple weeks an am falling out of love with it fast, after yesterday it ramdomly shut off 2x an today once sofar. The screen is beging to bother me the screendoor washed out look. Allready returned lapdock, that cant even compare to a real laptop in my opion. So im looking hard at the Lg 2x for an upgrade of camera, gyroscope, performance, faster upgrade to gingerbread, real mirroring, 1080p recording an play back, 7.1 sound, totaly unlocked phone. Yes 512mb memory is trade off, but operating system will handly that, an the battery is non issue, I'll have a spare battery or a charging source anyway. Not to mention not paying 20/month to not tether, an having my data speeds throttled down to 1.5mb down an 310kb up lat of 350-800. An Atrix doesnt do LTE
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But now im stiill thinking what to do as Im so impatient and want a dual core phone asap. So I made this poll to see everyones view
Coming from a N1, there's not that much improvement. I'm satisfied, but not amazed by this phone. Still debating if I should return it and wait it out.
My impressions:
-Definitely faster, everything is much snappier, but browsing-wise there's not much of a difference.
-Screen is bright and sharp (as long as you don't put your face within inches of the screen you won't really notice the pentile display. But it's still an annoyance when you notice it)
-Camera is marginally better. Pretty disappointing for a flagship device. Plus the media gallery lags like this is a 2 year old phone when zooming in and out.
-GPS is amazing
-Pretty much Motorblur slows this phone's speed and potential. If this device was stock or able to flash truly custom ROMs, it'd be screaming in speed and blow every competitor out of the water.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Custom ROMS would make it a whole lot better.
19 voters.. 2 responses.. lol
I think it lives up to the hype.. couple quirks I miss from my captivate but.. besides that the phone is solid.
Now I just got to wait for Tango to support our phones :T
Came from the LG Expo. A much better improvement than the last generation phones. The phone just beats about everything out of the expo. Only thing getting to me is that the expo's fingerprint scanner doubled as a trackpad (would've been nice to have for editing text's)
harolds said:
Custom ROMS would make it a whole lot better.
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This pretty much summed it up
I think this is a situation that there is not enough tangible usage of a dual core for majority of people. Most of people wont notice any improvements in UI speed. We need evolution of software just like in iOS that despite this same architecture people could understand what the new software is bring them.
It feels a bit like a premature technology and we are all living dreaming of tomorrow while we are beta testing for Motorola/Samsung/HTC.
Just 2 cents.
Believe what you want but I love the Atrix. Had a captivate and it doesn't compare. My phone has never rebooted or lagged- I don't know what others do to theirs but my phone is rock solid.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I'm lovin mine all around. For people who return it because of locked bootloader, I'd say that you knew that when you bought it if it's a dealbreaker.
The webtop dock alone has made this phone exceed the hype. All thanks to the devs
You guys rock
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
i have a nexus one and now and atrix and have had it for about a week and i love it. It works great, no random reboots or anything ... just smooth sailing.
I know i can not customize it like I could my N1 but I think that day will come in time. I'll wait ...
Yes, it lived up to the hype in my opinion.
Came from Nexus One. Love the Atrix. It fast and solidly built. Im not sure why everyone said motorblur slow the phone down. I use ADW launcher and it scream.
The Atrix doesn't live up to the Best of CES 2011 hype. The locked bootloader, 1080p "coming soon" recording, overpriced lapdock, overpriced multimedia dock, and good-but-not-great screen keep it from living up to the incredible hype it garnered when it was announced.
Your poll is worded slightly differently: Was the Atrix worth it?
I just came from an ancient Iphone 3g, so the Atrix is absolutely amazing in pretty much every way compared to it and finally getting to use my upgrade was absolutely worth it!
I originally tried out a Captivate for about a week back when I first came up for an upgrade last november. It kept turning itself off (not sleep, total shutdown so I wouldn't receive calls, txt, email ect.) which was a deal breaker. The useless GPS didn't help it's case either. Screen was gorgeous, speed was decent, build quality was ok, battery life was ok. Anyways, I sent the Captivate back after a week, I couldn't have a phone that didn't take phone calls.
First and foremost I love the speed. This thing is lightning fast and seems to have horsepower to burn under the hood. Second is the battery life, I get home from work most of the time with over 40% battery power remaining which is absolutely astounding, my iphone couldn't make it through a full day without getting some juice at my desk and while the captivate did, it was usually at 10-15%. I'm also using the Atrix more than either of the others because I don't feel like I have to conserve battery power to make it through the day.
After those two big features, there are a bunch of less important things that I like:
Finger print scanner is great, I can unlock the phone without even looking at it. I know this doesn't sound important, but it's surprisingly useful when I'm just trying to pull information off my phone quickly and can have it already unlocked as I'm pulling it out of my pocket.
GPS is the best I've experienced on a phone, and better than some dedicated GPS units I've had the displeasure to work with.
Build quality (contrary to some reports I've read) is quite good imo. The phone itself is very sturdy feeling when held by the sides. The back cover is a bit flimsy, but it is also what convinced me to skip getting a case for the Atrix, if it gets scratched I'll just get a new back.
Gorilla Glass is not glued to LCD. Should keep repair costs down.
HDMI out is great, webtop with working firefox extensions is awesome.
Some good, some bad:
Screen resolution is good (colors not so much). The auto-brightness seems to be set a little low imho. I only notice a pentile effect on particularly small+thin fonts.
Camera is surprisingly good in low-light and indoor conditions. Not especially great overall though, tint seems a little off. May just need to set up a custom photoshop filter to correct it.
Call quality is good in quiet conditions, very clear reception and a detailed microphone. Not so good in noisy or windy conditions, the mic picks up a lot of extraneous noise, people are often asking me what's going on or where I am now based on background noise.
I haven't had much reason to use the front facing camera...frankly with AT&T's network I think video chat is a gimmick more than anything else.
I wonder about the finger print scanner/button longevity.
I wouldn't necessarily say the Atrix is the best phone around, but it was the best phone that fit my requirements (ATT, asap, batt life, fast) and so far I like it a lot.
Running ADW Launcher and really like the Advanced Clock widget.
I took mine back and have the Nexus 1 now; I liked the speed but for the most part, my 2.3.3 phone is about as fast; the main thing slowing these phones down now is the network speeds anyway.
If I'm on a wifi network, they're all pretty much the same speed.
Living up to the hype? Definitely not. There are a lot of small problems with this phone that a lot of people don't like; to me, it feels slightly rushed.
I came from an iPhone 4 and I haven't missed the iPhone experience yet. I started with the HTC Inspire which is a nice phone but the battery is rotten and the volume from the phone was pathetic. The Atrix has been an awesome phone for me. It has pretty good battery life so far and yes there are no truly custom ROMs but Adeo (REDUX) has made the UI lag go away on my end and I know others have said the same thing. I am loving the experience of this phone.
Just know that anytime you get a phone shortly after a better one will come out. It's all user preference and what you want and what you think is important. I'm happy but guy x may not be happy. So use one and if you don't like it don't keep it.
I went from a HTC Fuze directly to the Atrix. I love it. (almost) Everything about it. I have played with the Inspire and a couple other 2.1/2.2 devices (girlfriends captivate) and this thing stomps the crap out of them. The colors are just a little off, but that's probably just me going for an extreme upgrade from the phone I had before.
The *ONLY* gripe I have about it is the locked HSUPA. But with all good things come some bad, I think I'm gonna stick it out with the Atrix. Not only that but Spectral Souls looks amazing on it
Guys, please, help me to make a right decision.
Is it possible to buy AT&T version of Motorola Atrix and use it outside US? Is it simple to unlock it? Or where do you recommend to purchase unlocked phone.
P.$.: does motorola have any plans to upgrade it 2.3/3.1 in the future? As I know it's not the trivial to customize firmware for motorola phones (my old G1 can be customized without any problems).
Thanks a lot.
The phone is great nuff said.... We are all a bit too picky but for what its worth this is really the only phone out right now that can take down the iphone 4. My iphone 4 has just been sitting on my night table since I got the Atrix. Atrix has so much more potential and the Android os is so much more pleasing than iIS. Once the bootloader gets cracked its game over!
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Genixoid said:
Guys, please, help me to make a right decision.
Is it possible to buy AT&T version of Motorola Atrix and use it outside US? Is it simple to unlock it? Or where do you recommend to purchase unlocked phone.
P.$.: does motorola have any plans to upgrade it 2.3/3.1 in the future? As I know it's not the trivial to customize firmware for motorola phones (my old G1 can be customized without any problems).
Thanks a lot.
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Yes, I am using Atrix on my business trips to EU using local sim cards.
Probably, but the timing of updates is another question.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Advice/opinions on switching from Ispire to Atrix

Well I have about 3 days left until I reach my 30 days with my inspire and I do like it but now with news of a possible bootloader crack for the atrix, should I return my inspire for the atrix? How do the cameras really compare? I did like the front facing camera on the atrix, but that was about it. They were sorta of the same when I played with them at the store. Inspire did have the bigger screen and was able to use custom roms which steered me towards it.
Has anyone returned their inspire for the atrix? Before any news of the bootloader being cracked, and didnt miss the custom roms etc?
SysAdmNj said:
Well I have about 3 days left until I reach my 30 days with my inspire and I do like it but now with news of a possible bootloader crack for the atrix, should I return my inspire for the atrix? How do the cameras really compare? I did like the front facing camera on the atrix, but that was about it. They were sorta of the same when I played with them at the store. Inspire did have the bigger screen and was able to use custom roms which steered me towards it.
Has anyone returned their inspire for the atrix? Before any news of the bootloader being cracked, and didnt miss the custom roms etc?
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I wouldn't count on an unlocked bootloader just yet. My wife has the Inspire and it's a fantastic phone, but the Atrix is a whole different animal.
I suspect that I highly modified Inspire would have the same day to day feel, maybe less, but there is NO comparing usuable battery life. The battery on the Atrix is the best of android phones I've owned to date and that's a lot of them.
The cameras are great, but I don't use them much.
The screen on the Inspire is bigger and easier to use as a result of the size. Colors seem just a tiny bit more "colorful" on the Inspire.
All in all, I bought both at the same time and gave the Inspire to my wife. That should let you know which one I prefered.
Can you elaborate on the whole different animal part? What kind of benchmarks are you getting? Battery life wasnt that bad on the inspire, but I wasnt aware the atrix's battery life was that much better.
The bootloader story was a hoax, it wasn't unlocked and probably never will be. I would stay away from all Motorola phones because they all have locked and encrypted bootloaders. Other than the original droid, you probably won't be able to flash custom roms on any of them.
SysAdmNj said:
Can you elaborate on the whole different animal part? What kind of benchmarks are you getting? Battery life wasnt that bad on the inspire, but I wasnt aware the atrix's battery life was that much better.
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Even with a 1.8 ghz oc on the inspire it still suffers from slowdowns because it needs to share cpu time where the atrix doesn't so there almost never any slowdown. I had the inspire for a week or so and the battery life on the atrix is way way better. As far a benches the atrix gets 2700 or so in quadrant on a single core, I think the inspire gets like 2100ish. I know you can get like 3500 on 1.8 oc but to get it your battery is destroyed. I don't feel like the inspire is a bad phone the atrix is just better and new, where the inspire is already 8 months old (desire hd). Just my .02.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
It depends on how you will be using...personally i'm a fan of both phones, but the Atrix just has something special... the battery is VERY strong, it does have a much better capability for future possibly. Webtop will eventually be completely cracked and run a full ver. of linux (it has already begun), so if u want a small computer on the go, this will be great. This phone is more future proof (dual core, tegra, ram, webtop, etc.) The inspire may have a bigger screen but that comes with a price counting that the inspire has a smaller battery. If you are into camera, then maybe inspire...the atrix camera is pretty good for 5mp but it does come out a little tungsten (in defense, built in image editor).
In general there are a lot of variables, what you really have to look at is how will you use the phone and then weight what the benefits for those specifics.
QuarkGluonSoup said:
The bootloader story was a hoax, it wasn't unlocked and probably never will be. I would stay away from all Motorola phones because they all have locked and encrypted bootloaders. Other than the original droid, you probably won't be able to flash custom roms on any of them.
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cmon, it's just a matter of time, once someone figures the algorithm it's over...anything is hackable.
Mafisometal said:
cmon, it's just a matter of time, once someone figures the algorithm it's over...anything is hackable.
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Droid X/Droid 2/Milestone 2 have been out since last summer, Droid/Milestone since late 2009...latest thing was a hoax to screw with hopeless user base...good luck with that.
I had the inspire for roughly a week and couldn't deal with the terrible battery life and the speaker that put out minimal volume even at max. The atrix has been a great device regardless of custom roms. There are a few developers hooking us all up with great mods for this phone. I'll for sure be sticking with the atrix over the inspire.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I know you can root the atrix, but can you nandroid backup?
Can you install mods from CWM?
Also, once you root it do you get the option to install from unknown sources?
I'm about to exchange the inspire in an hour for the atrix, but of course with the locked bootloader being a big deterent. Then again, the inspire call quality isnt great for me, sometimes I couldnt even make a call when inside a store like sports authority, I have a bad signal issue. Speaker volume,etc. I definitely need the main phone function to work properly before I worry about custom roms.
Another thing I dont get is , why is it much easier to root an atrix with a one click root app but to root the inspire seemed a bit more tedious. The inspire being the unlocked phone and all.
I personally feel it will be cracked or leaked at some point. In the mean time there are devs that are working on methods to bypass the bootloader issue to allow for more customized roms. I don't remember the specific phones but there are a handful of them that have been overclocked whilst having a locked bootloader. The bootloader is a barrier to easy modding but with all the resources available, there are already plenty of fun/useful addons that you can put on your matrix.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I had two Inpires and I returned them both. The first one had a real poor speaker that was tinny and I could hardly hear the ringtones. I missed calls and text messages because of the speaker. The other issue was signal strength. I had no service in many places my wife's iPhone4 had two bars and made calls with no problem. The second Inspire had a better speaker but it was still very low. I installed my own ringtones that I edited with increased volume so I could hear them through the speaker. The rear facing speaker was a bad idea on htc's part. The second phone went back because again the signal strength. I got in trouble twice because my boss was calling me and I didn't get the calls because the Inspire had no service in an area I always had service in before. I finally had to forward the calls to my wife's iPhone and use it for work. I went back to my htc pure and sent the second Inspire back. I am hoping that the Atrix won't have the same signal issue. I have read of many people that actually got increased signal in places they had poor signal strength so I am hopeful.
I would go against trading the inspire for the Atrix. I'm sure if anyone reads most of my posts about the Atrix, it will start to get very long winded, very fast but honestly that's how I feel about the phone.
Foe clarification, I had owned the Atrix for about 13 days then took it back so I am very familiar with the device. I have only played with the Inspire for about 20 minutes total but I do have a good feel for it.
The inspire has a better screen and a better overall feel about it. The screen is larger and of good quality; although the resolution is higher on the Atrix you can root the inspire and get a density changing app from the market and make them virtually the same.
The Atrix was very fast but IMO, not that much faster than a Nexus 1 to justify the purchase; I would say everything g was a little smoother but if I just kept my applications in check the Nexus 1 kept up right along with the Atrix. Of course, bloated/heavy vs streamlined and clean software respectively was tthe rresult of this.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
I went to the Atrix and so far so good. My calls are loud and clear and dont seem to miss any, and I can make them from anywhere. Still need to test different places out. As for the screen, for some reason I find the Atrix's screen to be sharper and I like the blues better for sure. The Atrix and screen feel more solid than the Inspire did to me. Inspire was feeling a bit flimsy when pushing on the screen, possible due to all its covers on the back. Using ADW launcher so its definitely smoother than the Inspire so far. I havent even tried a rom yet. Still reading up on that but I may soon. I just want a quick way to restore back to my prevois state.

Possibly looking at the GS3, would like some opinions

I have a friend who is letting me use the upgrade on their line at the end of September to get a phone so I can keep my unlimited. As it sits right now I have a Galaxy Nexus. I love the phone but want something with newer tech. I had a few questions though.
The first being battery life of the phone compared to the GNex. I'm not at all satisfied with the performance of the Nexus regarding the battery. I average under 2 hours screen time and medium usage, and that sort of stinks. Since the S3 has the same size battery as my extended I have now, is the batter life good in those regards?
Secondly there are some good looking phones coming down the line. I'm a picky person when it comes to screens. Is the quality good regarding the screen? I have some burn in on my nexus and I don't know how the S3 is. Also, the nexus has an annoying issue where the screen loses sensitivity after a while. Does that happen on the S3 as well?
Would I be better waiting for the Note 2, RAZR maxx HD, or the HTC device or getting the S3?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Here's my personal opinion;
If you're looking for newer tech, why don't you wait for the new Nexus phone(s) coming around December? The S3 is bound to lag behind upcoming phones because technology is moving really fast.
Since the Galaxy S3 has the same screen as the Galaxy Nexus, it is bound to be affected by screen burns after a year or more. The screen quality is excellent but Super AMOLED screens are prone to burn-ins. The Note 2 has a better screen, in my opinion.
The battery life of the S3 is superb! Really. My friend's Nexus doesn't last long at all whilst my S3 can last for a long time!
Stick with the Nexus for now.
Thanks for the honest responses. I wish more companies would follow HTC and use super LCD2, the screen is awesome and crystal clear. I like the note 2 but I fear it might be just too big.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Just wait a bit for the optimus g or a bit more for the new nexus. The sg3 is great, but there are going to be a few better choises very soon, at least hardware-wise. Then razr maxx hd looks promising, It might be a good bet considering the google acquisition of moto...
I have never been a fan of LG, they always seem to be lacking. I heard a rumor about the new nexus being the 5 inch phablet from HTC. Not sure how I feel about having a super big phone. I'll have to check out the note 2 to figure out if I could handle it.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
chrisjm00 said:
I have never been a fan of LG, they always seem to be lacking. I heard a rumor about the new nexus being the 5 inch phablet from HTC. Not sure how I feel about having a super big phone. I'll have to check out the note 2 to figure out if I could handle it.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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The razr maxx hd looks nice on videos and articles, but Its a bit thick and has a dual core cpu. Lg makes great hardware, but I've never liked the software and slow updates. There are probably going to be other devices with a s4 pro(quadcore) chip soon I would wait and go for one of those.
SGS3 is awesome... Best phone I ever had (and I had quite a few..).
Battery lasts me all day (just email, browsing & reading newsfeeds), no problem. Screen is nice, no complaints. The S3 is just gorgeous and really speedy. I use mine with a 64GB SD-Card, which is the reason why I passed on the GNex.. I need storage space for movies and music!
Best of all, I hook my S3 up to my 42in flatscreen TV (LG), and the picture is nice and crisp...
Did I already suggest you should get an S3 (Quad core)?
Sure, there will always be better & faster phones coming out, but this one just has everything you (probably) want.
Just one thing I really hate about the S3: the physical 'Home' button. HTC did that better on the Rezound (a crappy phone w/ a nice screen...), even though those morons gave it 4 buttons. - How dumb is that?
I certainly will never get another HTC as long as 'Sense' is around - even though I used to root all my phones and put Custom ROMs (preferably CM) on them anyway...
However, I have to admit that after using Samsung TouchWiz (in JB flavor) for the last 6-8 weeks, I have no desire switching to some always half-broken CM ROM anymore.
With TW, at least, all the features work.. right away!!!
Sent from my rooted GT-I9300 running Samsung's 'leaked' Android 4.1.1/JB [XXDLI7] using xda-developers app (blue)
Isnt there a new HTC one x5 coming out? (seeing as you said you like htc screens, this ones meant to be 5 inches and full 1080p) could be just a rumour but have a look:
I am having this phone and after using a store model I found it pretty smooth.
i have to honestly say this phone is amazing. not a single fault with it.
its heavily supported by the community, paranoid android is amazing too. etc etc etc.
but as always, just look at what you need. theres never any point looking for the greatest tech, because another this or that will come along in a month and be the new 'best'.
for me, external SD card was a must, removable battery is always nice, etc etc.
either take the dive and get an S3 which will be a really really solid phone for the next 12 months and probably longer, or wait another 6 and get the next big thing, be it nexus, galaxy, HTC <insert name here>... but just make sure it does what you need (and with the number of custom roms out there, this is becoming more and more flexible)
diz_dizane said:
i have to honestly say this phone is amazing. not a single fault with it.
its heavily supported by the community, paranoid android is amazing too. etc etc etc.
but as always, just look at what you need. theres never any point looking for the greatest tech, because another this or that will come along in a month and be the new 'best'.
for me, external SD card was a must, removable battery is always nice, etc etc.
either take the dive and get an S3 which will be a really really solid phone for the next 12 months and probably longer, or wait another 6 and get the next big thing, be it nexus, galaxy, HTC <insert name here>... but just make sure it does what you need (and with the number of custom roms out there, this is becoming more and more flexible)
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Same here, this phone is great, lots of fun and also needed an SD card and battery I could swap. Nothing worse than arriving somewhere and having to wait for the phone to charge!
I was thinking of jumping from the Sensation 4G with Tmo to the GS3 since they are offering an upgrade 2 months early...I think I will stay with my rooted Sensation a bit longer its awesome anyways but I think Tmo will be getting a new line up before Christmas...Im considering the Note 2 but it may be too big Im not sure yet...just dont wanna waste an upgrade and a month later the lastest and greatest hit the market....
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using xda app-developers app
A lot comes down to personal preference.
Like the first reply said why not wait until december.
I had the Galaxy S3 and I hated it.
Found it very uncomfortable to use. Impossible to operate in one had. I would try it out yourself, i wish i did, its not as smooth as everyone makes out. However, i was advised to do lots of things to it which would have made it smooth like rooting etc (i couldn't be bothered with the hassle of that)
Screen is very good but not as good as other phones and its really bad in sunlight. Almost unusable.
Dont know what battery other people have got but its not very good. You wouldn't get through a day with it thats for sure. Android fans had a tough time over the years with battery but this is an improvement.
Also, the device is not very pretty as others seem to think. Again this is personal preference. Its very plasticy and flimsy. One drop and its dead. Poor build quality.
As you can see my post is very negative due to the experience I had with it. Personally, if your an android fan wait til december.
The opposite of what he ^ said.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
antdawe said:
A lot comes down to personal preference.
Like the first reply said why not wait until december.
I had the Galaxy S3 and I hated it.
Found it very uncomfortable to use. Impossible to operate in one had. I would try it out yourself, i wish i did, its not as smooth as everyone makes out. However, i was advised to do lots of things to it which would have made it smooth like rooting etc (i couldn't be bothered with the hassle of that)
Screen is very good but not as good as other phones and its really bad in sunlight. Almost unusable.
Dont know what battery other people have got but its not very good. You wouldn't get through a day with it thats for sure. Android fans had a tough time over the years with battery but this is an improvement.
Also, the device is not very pretty as others seem to think. Again this is personal preference. Its very plasticy and flimsy. One drop and its dead. Poor build quality.
As you can see my post is very negative due to the experience I had with it. Personally, if your an android fan wait til december.
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An opinion, that most people do not share. I would just wait for the next Nexus or look at what HTC is brining out. Something tells me the new Nexus phone may be a disappointment, I do hope I'm wrong though

[Q] Happy with your Nexus 4?

I'm new to the forums here and I have the HTC One X (ATT) and I've come to hate the lack of support of it and also all of the control ATT has over the updates. So I started looking into the Nexus 4 and just wanted see how satisfied or unsatisfied actual users were with their Nexus 4. So please comment and share your thoughts!
I am satisfied with my Nexus 4. Being using for 2 weeks and it's the best your money can buy.
If storage and glass aren't a big deal, then this phone is the best choice.
PS Ordered the second one on 27th for my bro. I love it SOOO much!
ak700 said:
I am satisfied with my Nexus 4. Being using for 2 weeks and it's the best your money can buy.
If storage and glass aren't a big deal, then this phone is the best choice.
PS Ordered the second one on 27th for my bro. I love it SOOO much!
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what about the lack of LTE?
andrew.simon said:
what about the lack of LTE?
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When I am in SF for work, I have LTE but I need to use office wifi for tranfer and other stuff. At home, my LTE is soooo slow that I need to use my home wifi.
Bottom Line - I don't need LTE.
ak700 said:
When I am in SF for work, I have LTE but I need to use office wifi for tranfer and other stuff. At home, my LTE is soooo slow that I need to use my home wifi.
Bottom Line - I don't need LTE.
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Thinking about it now makes me realize that I don't have to have it and Wi-fi really is everywhere. I'm guessing you are on T-Mobile right? So you purchased at a discount?
andrew.simon said:
Thinking about it now makes me realize that I don't have to have it and Wi-fi really is everywhere. I'm guessing you are on T-Mobile right? So you purchased at a discount?
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No I order through the Play store and use tmobile pre-paid's $30 plan. Works for me. I also have Sprint, which my family uses.
Love my nexus 4... Official cm10. Official PA. official AOKP. Franco and Faux kernels...
Gorgeous 768p IPS. Luxury feel in the hand. Amazingly slick curved display (defiantly don't want to drop this phone)
Meh camera (still great though, just not exciting) and some thermal throttling (being worked on)...
Lte is a non issue as hspa± is plenty fast. I mean, it loads YouTube, music, xda all instantly. Its not like we are doing real time video games and 1080p video streaming (just runs down my data plan quicker)
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
elliot.newnham said:
Love my nexus 4... Official cm10. Official PA. official AOKP. Franco and Faux kernels...
Gorgeous 768p IPS. Luxury feel in the hand. Amazingly slick curved display (defiantly don't want to drop this phone)
Meh camera (still great though, just not exciting) and some thermal throttling (being worked on)...
Lte is a non issue as hspa± is plenty fast. I mean, it loads YouTube, music, xda all instantly. Its not like we are doing real time video games and 1080p video streaming (just runs down my data plan quicker)
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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You really make some valid points. Camera on my HTC One X is nothing crazy either. (pretty sure they have the same specs?) I'd also like to get into modding my phone and I think the Nexus would make it easy but I honestly have no idea what I would be doing. Hahaha. How do I learn more about it because I'm a complete newb.
Awesome phone, I completely love it. Don't need LTE either. External SD would have made this phone too good to be true.
Got it on the 19th, being a pig in mud since.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
BruceCLin said:
Got it on the 19th, being a pig in mud since.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Haha. Love the metaphor! :good: I can see everyone loves their Nexus that's for sure!
andrew.simon said:
I'm new to the forums here and I have the HTC One X (ATT) and I've come to hate the lack of support of it and also all of the control ATT has over the updates. So I started looking into the Nexus 4 and just wanted see how satisfied or unsatisfied actual users were with their Nexus 4. So please comment and share your thoughts!
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I got the N4 in the mail the Monday after it came out. I too am coming from the AT&T HTC One X. I used the N4 for about a week straight before deciding to break out the ol' One X (just for a change of pace). Quite frankly, it would be hard for me to give up the N4 for the HOX now.
The HOX is a great phone, but the N4 just makes it feel slow in comparison. Maybe I'm spoiled by the speed of the N4, but I just felt like I had to wait forever to do basic things on the One X (running the latest ViperROM, btw). The HOX has better battery life, for sure, and the camera is better. I miss those two things the most. The HOX still has the best screen out there (other than the Droid DNA), but the N4 really isn't far behind. Once a few color control apps come out for the N4, my guess is that I won't really miss the screen as much. For what it's worth, I forgot just how big the HOX's screen is. When they say 4.7", they mean it. The N4 has a 4.7" screen too, but it's probably more like a 4.5" once the on-screen buttons are considered. But the additional width is really nice and almost makes up for it. I don't have LTE anywhere near me where I live, so that's irrelevant to me. I don't travel much either.
Here's my summary.
HTC One X:
- slightly better, arguably bigger screen
- better battery
- better camera (in terms of picture quality; the software is on par with the N4)
- smaller development community, although they're doing a great job imo
- poor multitasking on Sense roms (works fine on AOSP roms)
- stock Android
- blazes through any task you throw at it
- AT&T doesn't control your phone
- easier to root, flash roms, kernels, etc.
- future proof with quad-core processor and 2GB of RAM
I am fully satisfied with my Nexus 4. I love my One X, but I will not be going back to it any time soon, most likely.
I've actually been with the iPhone since the 3GS when I came into the smartphone world. I read up about this and decided to give it a try from the 4S I was using, and I'm really enjoying the Nexus 4.
I'm still a bit apprehensive to give up iOS since I've been with it for so long--still haven't sold my 4S--but I have a feeling I'll be sticking with this phone for a while. The larger screen real-estate is also much nicer to have in general. I'm torn!
Zaimojin said:
I've actually been with the iPhone since the 3GS when I came into the smartphone world. I read up about this and decided to give it a try from the 4S I was using, and I'm really enjoying the Nexus 4.
I'm still a bit apprehensive to give up iOS since I've been with it for so long--still haven't sold my 4S--but I have a feeling I'll be sticking with this phone for a while. The larger screen real-estate is also much nicer to have in general. I'm torn!
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I feel like you and me are one in the same! The only thing I do miss is the amount of iPhone users. All my friends and family have one... Which makes me miss iMessage and group texting :/
You are on the forums and mentioned your problems with the 1X community's lack of activity.
I like the screen, but other phones have better screens which are also better calibrated. I like the camera, but indoor photos have very inaccurate white balance.
Connectivity is good (I'm using a $10 MEdia Net plan from AT&T and have used over 2GB every month and one month even went over 12GB cause my Internet was out), and I'm getting 500KB/s average (~4Mbps). Battery life is also good; I get about a day of moderate use and 6-7 hours of literally constant, active use. I am really hurting from the lack of storage as I do a lot of reporting and don't always have time to transfer the interview recordings. I do a lot of work away from a PC and need to be able to quickly seek tracks, so I have to keep he audio on internal memory.
By most people's standard, I'm very careful with my phone. I consider my usage to be of common sense and responsible practice. The Gorilla Glass is very scratch resistant, but I'm sure a few encounters with silicate and a hard surface would leave a mark.
But really, all of these things pale in comparison to one criterion: the development community. I came from a Galaxy S and the community was amazing. Though the HP Touch Pad was well known, it apparently wasn't popular enough to garner a lot of dev support and those forums are fairly sparse.
By getting a Nexus phone, you know that the every dev is prioritizing your phone over any other model they might be working on as well. Cyanogen posted. AOKP posted. Moles posted. These are the respective heads of the three best teams this community has to offer. Check their post history. They don't appear in too many other phones' forums; they usually have teammates do that. But for the Nexus 4, they want to be the ones posting. That says a lot.
And a lot of other devs know this about the community heads' devotion to the newest Nexus model. They are locked in to a N4 for the major dev support, but will also provide their own amateur, but very valuable, contributions as well.
I'm sure the 1X is a great phone. I'm sure the 1X+ is a great phone. Same goes for the DNA, Optimus G, and other leading smartphones out there. But the N4 attracts the biggest development teams, and in turn attracts smaller developers. It kind of feeds on itself, with regard to popularity. None of these other phones have so much 3rd party support going on for them.
So, if you are looking for the absolute best hardware, maybe you should keep looking (keep the N4 in mind, though). If you're looking for flexibility, know that your stuck with one battery on the road and can't expand the meager storage provided. But if your looking for ROMs, kernels, and tweaks that let you customize the phone exactly how you want it, and maximize the potential of the hardware, then look no further.
The Nexus 4 subforums are truly the promised land.
Hung0702 said:
You are on the forums and mentioned your problems with the 1X community's lack of activity.
I like the screen, but other phones have better screens which are also better calibrated. I like the camera, but indoor photos have very inaccurate white balance.
Connectivity is good (I'm using a $10 MediaNET plan from AT&T and have used over 2GB every month and one month even went over 12GB cause my Internet was out), and I'm getting 500KB/s average (~4Mbps). Battery life is also good; I get about a day of moderate use and 6-7 hours of literally constant, active use. I am really hurting from the lack of storage as I do a lot of reporting and don't always have time to transfer the interview recordings. I do a lot of work away from a PC and need to be able to quickly seek tracks, so I have to keep he audio on internal memory.
By most people's standard, I'm very careful with my phone. I consider my usage to be of common sense and responsible practice. The Gorilla Glass is very scratch resistant, but I'm sure a few encounters with silicate and a hard surface would leave a mark.
But really, all of these things pale in comparison to one criterion: the development community. I came from a Galaxy S and the community was amazing. Though the HP Touch Pad was well known, it apparently wasn't popular enough to garner a lot of dev support and those forums are fairly sparse.
By getting a Nexus phone, you know that the every dev is prioritizing your phone over any other model they might be working on as well. Cyanogen posted. AOKP posted. Moles posted. These are the respective heads of the three best teams this community has to offer. Check their post history. They don't appear in too many other phones' forums; they usually have teammates do that. But for the Nexus 4, they want to be the ones posting. That says a lot.
And a lot of other devs know this about the community heads' devotion to the newest Nexus model. They are locked in to a N4 for the major dev support, but will also provide their own amateur, but very valuable, contributions as well.
I'm sure the 1X is a great phone. I'm sure the 1X+ is a great phone. Same goes for the DNA, Optimus G, and other leading smartphones out there. But the N4 attracts the biggest development teams, and in turn attracts smaller developers. It kind of feeds on itself, with regard to popularity. None of these other phones have so much 3rd party support going on for them.
So, if you are looking for the absolute best hardware, maybe you should keep looking (keep the N4 in mind, though). If you're looking for flexibility, know that your stuck with one battery on the road and can't expand the meager storage provided. But if your looking for ROMs, kernels, and tweaks that let you customize the phone exactly how you want it, and maximize the potential of the hardware, then look no further.
The Nexus 4 subforums are truly the promised land.
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Couldn't have said it better. The best devs are working on this phone (provided if they could get one) and that is the exciting part of Nexus4. Trumps all other phones out there.
It might seem very complicated at once if you are not familiar with Android, but it's actually quite simple. And people are always there to help. I'm looking forward to at least 1 great year with this phone.
And the fact that I am the only one I know are using it makes it super cool. I have several friends who know of N4 but didn't purchase one all liked the phone after I showed them. Their impression was the speed and the screen.
A friend asked me to purchase an iPhone for him since I'm going back to China soon. While in Apple Store, I took out my phone and google talk'ed with him. I can't help but notice the "Genius" looking at me. :laugh: And signing on that 3.5' tiny screen is just ridiculous. I paid half the price for what he is gonna pay for that piece of gadget, but I don't even have the desire to try out the iPhone 5 in their store.
When I got my N4 I was stunned at the slim look and mild colors. I wasn't sure if I'd like it after being on an SGS2 for over a year. I've gotten to where I really love everything about the phone, except the signal.. It sucks.
I can hold the phone next to my Nexus 7 or Galaxy Tab 10.1 and where I would normally get full bars of Wifi signal, I get 1 bar if I am lucky. The cellular signal is terrible as well. Living in Florida with hurricane glass and Double block walls - my SGS2 got really good signal, this thing is just garbage. If you rely on good signal, its not for you..
The touch sensitivity on the on-screen buttons at the lower portion of the phone seem to be not so great, other than that and the signal issues everything else is excellent..
I'm very happy with my 8GB
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Like you, I previously owned a at&t htc one x as well. I ordered my nexus 4 on the 13th and have been using it for a couple of weeks now. Since then, I have sold my htc one x.
to be completely honest, i have to say i liked the camera and screen combination of the htc one x better. Colors on the htc one x were brilliant and vivid, while the nexus 4 screen seemed to look dull. this is all personal preference, but i prefer the 'over-saturated' look.
speed on the nexus 4 is a lot faster compared to sense, but when i had cm10 on my htc one x it wasnt a slouch either.
in terms of aesthetics, they are both beautiful in their own ways. i quite liked the htc's design, but i agree on the lack of support, with the nexus you are guaranteed at least a couple of updates, (just look at the nexus s, got 4.1)
here's my advice to you: as nice as the nexus 4 is, if there is nothing wrong with you htc one x, dont upgrade. If you want jellybean 4.2 and dont want to wait for the update, root your HOX and put cm10 on it.
I was able to sell my HOX for $260 and my nexus 4 was $340 after taxes/shipping.
I for one am very happy with my Gnex4...Ive had every phone that came out this year...just sold my note 2 which was a pure beast if I must say but this nexus have a more snappier feeling as far as speed and development is going crazy for this phone which is a big +....but overall this is the best phone on the market hands down...with the note 2 very close behind...

Anyone jump from the AT&T LGOG to the N4?

If so, thoughts and opinions? I've had the LGOG since the 5th of November, and I'm seriously considering selling and grabbing the N4...
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
Just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the LGOG?
Ordered my Nexus 4 on the 13th. Still waiting.
estallings15 said:
Just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the LGOG?
Ordered my Nexus 4 on the 13th. Still waiting.
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This requires more of an depth response than I currently have time for, I'll post again later tonight. Very quickly, I really like the LGOG, but I just have some niggles that are killing me, and most of them I *think* would be solved on the N4.
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
I haven't tried the LGOG but they are essentially the same internal components except the LGOG has what I hear is a pretty mediocre 13 megapixel camera. I don't like the LGOG design because it's more square-ish and the rounded look of the Nexus 4 is much better but that is a matter of taste. Stock JB could solve some of your problems if they are software related, from what I hear Motorola's and LG's android skins are not very good.
Havent had the Otimus G but it looks like a very very good phone...But if you switch to the N4 you wont regret it...Development is gonna go crazy for this phone...theres so many Devs that I know that are coming to this phone who are just waiting to get one...this N4 forum is already great with very helpful people and its only gonna get better so if you looking to tweak and rom out...this is the spot...believe me!!!
eliter1 said:
I haven't tried the LGOG but they are essentially the same internal components except the LGOG has what I hear is a pretty mediocre 13 megapixel camera. I don't like the LGOG design because it's more square-ish and the rounded look of the Nexus 4 is much better but that is a matter of taste. Stock JB could solve some of your problems if they are software related, from what I hear Motorola's and LG's android skins are not very good.
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AT&T LGOG has the 8MP cam, as well as an SD slot, and LTE. I thought the AT&T LGOG looked better than the N4, but I haven't held an N4. LG's Android skin is okay. Not as intrusive as Sense, but not as silly as Touchwiz. I never use the stock launcher on a phone, so with the LG you can't notice it much.
I don't have LTE around here, so that's not an issue. Performance wise the AT&T LGOG is superb for the most part. Even with ICS. Its the smoothest/fastest Android device I've used. (I've used a TON, all the big players except the new DNA)
HUGE deal breaker for me is the notification LED on the AT&T LGOG. Its a small ring around the power button. Can't see it. Ever. Also its not multi-colored. Then you put a case on it, even the Belkin bumper, and its completely covered up. Gone.
My WiFi performance is horrible. The range seems very short, and it never wants to automatically connect. Not just my home network, but several others. Then when I manually try to do something, it usually gets stuck in a half off/half on state, and I have to reboot. This could be a software issue that could very easily get fixed in the future.
A lot of us are having insane battery issues. Myself, if I'm SUPER lucky, I get 10hrs. Android OS is always at the top, by far. The screen isn't ever at the top no matter how much you use it. Some are saying its a 3G fast dormancy issue. I've got LTE disabled. I'm also running a no bloat ROM, with a kernel that's under-volted. Again, software issues that are probably going to be fixed eventually.
Which brings me to my last issue. Dev support. The bootloader is unlocked, and that's awesome. If you look in the dev section, we have ONE rom. If you look in the Original dev section, we have ONE kernel. I have no idea if the AT&T version is going to take off or not, but its off to the slowest start I've ever seen on a new device of this caliber. Also I'm missing JB. I'm really REALLY missing AOKP. Some of the best times I ever had on an Android device was my GNex w/AOKP.
So this is where I'm at. Give up a better looking phone (yes yes, debatable) LTE, (which I don't have anyway) and the SD slot, to gain a MUCH better notification LED, JB 4.2, WAY WAY more dev support, and obviously faster updates. (I've had Nexus phones before, hell I still have an N1)
BoostedSR20 said:
AT&T LGOG has the 8MP cam, as well as an SD slot, and LTE. I thought the AT&T LGOG looked better than the N4, but I haven't held an N4. LG's Android skin is okay. Not as intrusive as Sense, but not as silly as Touchwiz. I never use the stock launcher on a phone, so with the LG you can't notice it much.
I don't have LTE around here, so that's not an issue. Performance wise the AT&T LGOG is superb for the most part. Even with ICS. Its the smoothest/fastest Android device I've used. (I've used a TON, all the big players except the new DNA)
HUGE deal breaker for me is the notification LED on the AT&T LGOG. Its a small ring around the power button. Can't see it. Ever. Also its not multi-colored. Then you put a case on it, even the Belkin bumper, and its completely covered up. Gone.
My WiFi performance is horrible. The range seems very short, and it never wants to automatically connect. Not just my home network, but several others. Then when I manually try to do something, it usually gets stuck in a half off/half on state, and I have to reboot. This could be a software issue that could very easily get fixed in the future.
A lot of us are having insane battery issues. Myself, if I'm SUPER lucky, I get 10hrs. Android OS is always at the top, by far. The screen isn't ever at the top no matter how much you use it. Some are saying its a 3G fast dormancy issue. I've got LTE disabled. I'm also running a no bloat ROM, with a kernel that's under-volted. Again, software issues that are probably going to be fixed eventually.
Which brings me to my last issue. Dev support. The bootloader is unlocked, and that's awesome. If you look in the dev section, we have ONE rom. If you look in the Original dev section, we have ONE kernel. I have no idea if the AT&T version is going to take off or not, but its off to the slowest start I've ever seen on a new device of this caliber. Also I'm missing JB. I'm really REALLY missing AOKP. Some of the best times I ever had on an Android device was my GNex w/AOKP.
So this is where I'm at. Give up a better looking phone (yes yes, debatable) LTE, (which I don't have anyway) and the SD slot, to gain a MUCH better notification LED, JB 4.2, WAY WAY more dev support, and obviously faster updates. (I've had Nexus phones before, hell I still have an N1)
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Very good post are you considering switching since you love AOKP???...we got it here and I read that is pretty good...Im running PA7 with is awesome...very smooth and stable...
alewis2k12 said:
Very good post are you considering switching since you love AOKP???...we got it here and I read that is pretty good...Im running PA7 with is awesome...very smooth and stable...
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I haven't had a chance to go over the N4 forum much yet, I just got this wild hair up my ass today. Let me throw up some screenshots of some benches.... see what you think.
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
BoostedSR20 said:
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
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very good scores...seems like the same as the N4...their pretty much the same phone or very close...I guess your comfortable with the phone the scrores shows its a keeper or If you wanna go flash crazy...come join us over here lol...
BoostedSR20 said:
So this is where I'm at. Give up a better looking phone (yes yes, debatable) LTE, (which I don't have anyway) and the SD slot, to gain a MUCH better notification LED, JB 4.2, WAY WAY more dev support, and obviously faster updates. (I've had Nexus phones before, hell I still have an N1)
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Design is a matter of taste, agree there.
I gave up LTE. I had 15-20 Mbps and now I have 3-7 Mbps. I only notice the difference when I try to download big files. I can barely notice the difference when I watch HD videos. My brother has a Nexus 4 on T-mobile and he averages 15-20 Mbps. I am in San Diego BTW.
I got the 8GB version and I don't need more than that. I carry an iPhone 3G as a PMP and I just got a $50 HTC One V that I am switching to. I am trying to move my Music and Videos to the cloud but the slower data is a little bump in the road.
I think LG HAD to make a top of the line phone for AT&T so they came out with the LGOG but knew that it wasn't going to sell too well. I still haven't seen an add for one. I am pretty sure that the average consumer does not go into the store with the knowledge of the LGOG even existing.
The Nexus 4 is probably going to be one of the top 3 phones with dev support, probably only behind the GS3. Since the LGOG from AT&T doesn't even seem to be the same version from other GSM version you can bet there's going to be a VERY small dev support.
They are identical hardware, sans LTE. But in the very beginning the N4 was having throttling issues and low benches for all the reviewers. Not that benches mean anything for real word usage. How's it feel?
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
BoostedSR20 said:
They are identical hardware, sans LTE. But in the very beginning the N4 was having throttling issues and low benches for all the reviewers. Not that benches mean anything for real word usage. How's it feel?
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
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Someone said that benches were probably not optimized for the hardware and 4.2, haven't tried myself or seen any new benches.
I like it. The device feels solid. I never owned a Gnex but it felt plasticy just like most Samsung device including my old Note. I am really not concerned about the glass but I take REALLY good care of all my devices. I like the design. I always put a case on my phones but I like this design too much to cover it up so I just got screen protectors for the front and back. I hear people saying it scratches if you put it on a counter but then again doesn't all glass scratch? The software is fast, smooth, snappy, etc... It's stock, it's great. I haven't even found a reason to install a different ROM.
Device feels very great...super lag at all...Im very happy I decided to go for the N4...I have no complaints at all...
eliter1 said:
Design is a matter of taste, agree there.
I gave up LTE. I had 15-20 Mbps and now I have 3-7 Mbps. I only notice the difference when I try to download big files. I can barely notice the difference when I watch HD videos. My brother has a Nexus 4 on T-mobile and he averages 15-20 Mbps. I am in San Diego BTW.
I got the 8GB version and I don't need more than that. I carry an iPhone 3G as a PMP and I just got a $50 HTC One V that I am switching to. I am trying to move my Music and Videos to the cloud but the slower data is a little bump in the road.
I think LG HAD to make a top of the line phone for AT&T so they came out with the LGOG but knew that it wasn't going to sell too well. I still haven't seen an add for one. I am pretty sure that the average consumer does not go into the store with the knowledge of the LGOG even existing.
The Nexus 4 is probably going to be one of the top 3 phones with dev support, probably only behind the GS3. Since the LGOG from AT&T doesn't even seem to be the same version from other GSM version you can bet there's going to be a VERY small dev support.
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I'm gettting about 6mbps down with the LGOG. As long as the N4 gets close to that, I'm fine. I'm on WiFi most of the day.
You haven't seen the commercial with the guy making the action scene in a movie w/the AT&T LGOG? I've seen it several times. But, NO one around me knows about the LGOG, the SGSIII is the big one right now. ( I had the international version on launch day, great phone) I get asked all the time "why did you get of your SGSIII???" as they look at me like a befuddled puppy.
I would think the N4 should be THE top dev phone, its a Nexus after all? (phone for devs) The GNex dev section was nuts.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda premium
eliter1 said:
Someone said that benches were probably not optimized for the hardware and 4.2, haven't tried myself or seen any new benches.
I like it. The device feels solid. I never owned a Gnex but it felt plasticy just like most Samsung device including my old Note. I am really not concerned about the glass but I take REALLY good care of all my devices. I like the design. I always put a case on my phones but I like this design too much to cover it up so I just got screen protectors for the front and back. I hear people saying it scratches if you put it on a counter but then again doesn't all glass scratch? The software is fast, smooth, snappy, etc... It's stock, it's great. I haven't even found a reason to install a different ROM.
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Yeah, I stopped using cases awhile back, and started using Ghost Armor. But with this phone I didn't wanna cover it up, so it got nothing. Then I found the Belkin bumper case, and tried that. Not bad, but I wouldn't do it again. Personally I like the glass. Gives it a spiffier, heavier feel. But then again I liked the thin light feel of the SGS2, Gnex, and SGS3. I'm not real picky about style/feel. Although I can't stand HTC's layout. The power button on top makes me want to throw the phone. (I did like the One X though, other than the power button and Sense)
I am however a flash/customization-aholic. I was really banking on the AT&T LGOG dev support taking off more than it has.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda premium
BoostedSR20 said:
I'm gettting about 6mbps down with the LGOG. As long as the N4 gets close to that, I'm fine. I'm on WiFi most of the day.
You haven't seen the commercial with the guy making the action scene in a movie w/the AT&T LGOG? I've seen it several times. But, NO one around me knows about the LGOG, the SGSIII is the big one right now. ( I had the international version on launch day, great phone) I get asked all the time "why did you get of your SGSIII???" as they look at me like a befuddled puppy.
I would think the N4 should be THE top dev phone, its a Nexus after all? (phone for devs) The GNex dev section was nuts.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda premium
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I am a big smart phone fan in general but even I didn't know about the LGOG until people started saying that the Nexus 4 was going to be pretty much the same thing as the LGOG. Maybe I did hear about it but I didn't care, I wasn't too happy when I heard LG was making the next Nexus device. LG is just not too good at marketing their products and making customers even consider getting an LG product. If you don't get LTE in your area then I think the Nexus 4 is a no brainer. You may even get faster speeds on HSPA+, some people get about 10-15 Mbps on their Nexus 4. I am in an LTE market so I am screwed, AT&T is not going to develop their HSPA+ network anymore here.
Yeah I'm leaning towards getting the N4. I wish someone who's had both could post. The LED and JB w/dev support alone is enough to convert me. LTE is useless, and I will slightly miss the SD slot.
Any WiFi or battery issues?
I see you can actually order one now, but its 6-7 weeks out!! It will be old news by then!
eliter1 said:
from what I hear Motorola's and LG's android skins are not very good.
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This is outdated. Starting with the Optimistic G, LG's skin is now in "Not Awful, But Bulky" territory, and Motorola's skin is actually quite good (starting with the Atrix HD and other ICS-based devices), and provides some genuine functional improvement on AOSP without any real downsides.

