i wonder that............. - Galaxy S II General

i am new here ,a chinese senior student,and i just want to make some friends here,but in fact i am not good at english,but it does not matter,i will try harder.

Welcome onboard mate..we are all sailors here looking for a different galaxy..damn man I am so good In poetry;
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

Welcome. Enjoy your stay.

welcome dear and enjoy your stay feel free to ask any question which is related to phone and please read the rules
enjoy your stay

Ni hao 70oz - I just started to learn chinese characters, I want to read chinese. wish me luck!

Welcome to the worlds best device forums I'm sure you will be able to find a rom that suits you :] You have a choice from the finest, such as CheckRom RevoHD or MIUI if you prefer a differen't android experience.
It doesn't matter whether you speak english or not. You own the best device! That's more than enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome aboard the samsung galaxy SII ride. It will be smooth.

Anyone else find it funny that 95% of the time someone goes on the Internet saying sorry for not being good at English, they do it in better English then 90% of English as the only language people on the Internet.
Welcome to the forum.

Welcome to the SGSII forums, as other have said please search the forums before asking any questions as most likely you will find the answer you are looking for, if by chance you don't by all means ask and most on here are helpful and friendly and will be glad to assist.

Ni hao, wo shi adam.
Wo zai xiao xuexi hanyu
Wo jue de hanyu hen hao, danshi ying. :/
Wo shi ying guo ren.
Did i do ok?
Welcome to xda
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

Hello. I think all new users should start a thread to say hi and confirm their membership. It would be great to see 1000 such threads per day.
Sent from my GT-I9100T

Welcome to the board...

Welcome onboard.
Sent from my HP touchpad CM9 a2 using xda premium.

adamski123 said:
Wo jue de hanyu hen hao, danshi ying. :/
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You're doing real good there. Just wanted to correct the single tiny mistake there. If I'm reading it right, you're saying that Mandarin Chinese is good but difficult, right? In English, the words 'hard' & 'difficult' are kind of interchangeable but in Mandarin, it's not.
硬 (ying) = hard, as in rock-solid abs hard
难 (nan) = difficult, as in Math & coding for me D)
Like I said, I think you're doing good! If you're learning Mandarin on your own, hats off to you man. No sarcasm.
Anyways, welcome to the forum! 欢迎你加入我们。
サンソングガラクシS II からタパトクで書いた。

Tyrol said:
You're doing real good there. Just wanted to correct the single tiny mistake there. If I'm reading it right, you're saying that Mandarin Chinese is good but difficult, right? In English, the words 'hard' & 'difficult' are kind of interchangeable but in Mandarin, it's not.
硬 (ying) = hard, as in rock-solid abs hard
难 (nan) = difficult, as in Math & coding for me D)
Like I said, I think you're doing good! If you're learning Mandarin on your own, hats off to you man. No sarcasm.
Anyways, welcome to the forum! 欢迎你加入我们。
サンソングガラクシS II からタパトクで書いた。
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Oh yeh i shulda used nan ;/ my bad
Im learning it at skl
Have been for about a yr now
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

adamski123 said:
Oh yeh i shulda used nan ;/ my bad
Im learning it at skl
Have been for about a yr now
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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What's SKL? I assume it's the name of a school? Good luck with it! Hats off to you man. I'm Chinese but when I went to China last year for holiday, boy... They sure use some pretty difficult vocabulary, plus their accent is too strong for me to understand (if they speak too fast).
If you need any help/practice/clarification, feel free to PM me or something. I'm not really good at it but I did study it for a large majority of my life Talking about languages will be a breath of fresh air in this tech-oriented forum
サンソングガラクシS II からタパトクで書いた。

Tyrol said:
What's SKL? I assume it's the name of a school? Good luck with it! Hats off to you man. I'm Chinese but when I went to China last year for holiday, boy... They sure use some pretty difficult vocabulary, plus their accent is too strong for me to understand (if they speak too fast).
If you need any help/practice/clarification, feel free to PM me or something. I'm not really good at it but I did study it for a large majority of my life Talking about languages will be a breath of fresh air in this tech-oriented forum
サンソングガラクシS II からタパトクで書いた。
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Haha skl means school
Its teenage london talk mate
Oh awesome yeh i will definately pm u if i ever need some assistance.But as u said, they speak so fast!! Never been to china :/ my mums malaysian though.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

sxi200 said:
Hello. I think all new users should start a thread to say hi and confirm their membership. It would be great to see 1000 such threads per day.
Sent from my GT-I9100T
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he is super excited and atleast making a friendly statement, if you dont like why do you post here.

adamski123 said:
Haha skl means school
Its teenage london talk mate
Oh awesome yeh i will definately pm u if i ever need some assistance.But as u said, they speak so fast!! Never been to china :/ my mums malaysian though.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Rofl man I was never quite into the teenage talk phase, much less the one from London! I watched Skins & had to Google so many things lol thanks for clarifying
Welcome anytime! Oh wow your mom used to be just across the border from my country o: small world we live in
サンソングガラクシS II からタパトクで書いた。

sxi200 said:
Hello. I think all new users should start a thread to say hi and confirm their membership. It would be great to see 1000 such threads per day.
Sent from my GT-I9100T
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Listen, obviously you are being sarcastic. And you've been here some time, so you have no excuse for being disrespectful...

bala_gamer said:
he is super excited and atleast making a friendly statement, if you dont like why do you post here.
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beston94 said:
Listen, obviously you are being sarcastic. And you've been here some time, so you have no excuse for being disrespectful...
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I understand he is 'super' excited, so was I as many others were. And yes, I have been here a long time. That's part of the reason I understand this is the XDA Developers SGSII General forum, not a social forum. Please explain to me how this relates to the SGSII.
And no, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful. Just hoping the member will think twice before starting such threads. I have started 3 threads since 2010 and all for good reason, not to just say hi and make friends.


Is there any build with the new Sense 3.0?

I couldn't find any build with Gingerbread and the new Sense 3.0. Is there any plan to have something like that for the European version?
Thanks for all the great work here!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
First of all, use search.
Second, you dont have rights to make threads like this in Development section
but i'll help you
maybe he have mental problems... or is a blind man
No, you should most likely sell your hd2.
Retard LOL
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
I hope this thread is part of tomorrow's rapture.
If he hasnt got the rights, CLOSE/DELETE the thread, dont make fun of him....so childish
@ Krendelrus, BUT thank you for answering his question.
@ Catastrat, Good luck with youre HTC HD2, its the best phone i ever had.
dianaroelofs said:
If he hasnt got the rights, CLOSE/DELETE the thread, dont make fun of him....so childish
@ Krendelrus, BUT thank you for answering his question.
@ Catastrat, Good luck with youre HTC HD2, its the best phone i ever had.
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+1 . Maybe is a kid with new toy.
catastrat said:
I couldn't find any build with Gingerbread and the new Sense 3.0. Is there any plan to have something like that for the European version?
Thanks for all the great work here!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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nope not at all. only windows 6.1
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
They probably should put a post count limit like 50 or 100 to post in here. I think 95% of LEGIT (none of these 'posters' posting threads with OTHER devs work in it stating ohh Im doing it for him...for what reason is that?? then the actual dev cant update .) devs have usually over 100, but maybe make it 50? idk I think 100 but I think 'atleast' 50.
That could help with this type situations, and should be possible with vb im sure. because they just [for whatever reason] get lost/confused and its hard on the mods.
/end speal
FEED HIM TO THE LIONS!!!!!!!....lol...
Use search kid.....and oh yeah,,,people will eat you alive here if you don't even know where to post your material....lol
make that me too +2 now good post man! lol
but yeah they roast on here for a not really great reason.. I bet you really had no idea or just ACTUALLY wanted your question answered sometimes stuff gets REALLY LOST in the Q&A forum.. but I came in here to actually help you and it seems as though somebody has pointed you in the right direction... just don't post here ever again like this I suppose? *shrugs*
bigtall10 said:
FEED HIM TO THE LIONS!!!!!!!....lol...
Use search kid.....and oh yeah,,,people will eat you alive here if you don't even know where to post your material....lol[/QUOTE
Why dont you just answer him correctly
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Great thread, great community, great help!!!!
+1 to this thread, thank you fellas!!!!!
Nice provocation
I suppose SOMEONE is laughing under table how HE/SHE made the community react.
don't blame him, he might be new in here.

[Q] need CF-root for XXKG1 2.3.4

need CF-root for XXKG1 2.3.4
Here it is!
LOL.. nice vid.
But really.. whats noob abt requesting for a CF root for 2.3.4? It's not out there. We want root based on the original 2.3.4 kernel..
gnan10 said:
need CF-root for XXKG1 2.3.4
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You will have to make it yourself or WAIT .
NO NEED TO REQUEST! if chainfire has the time he will come up with a new kernel!
So please! don't be a ****** n00b!
Well it's better to be a noob than an over smart one any day.
@OP- I am with you, also requesting for a KG1 kernel knowing that he will obviously do it.
JJEgan said:
You will have to make it yourself or WAIT .
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if you know ...jst answer for that...if not jst shut up....
sry 4 rude.....plz understand my situation
BackfireNL said:
Here it is!
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where it is ...i could'nt find where it is...???
im new here too!
maybe if i shout loud and stomp my feet other people will drop what they are doing and make my phone do things i want it to do. then i wont say thanks.
oh and in case you never got the sarcasm, there was no need to request a root. I am sure if CF wants to make a root he will make one and upload it with all his other pieces of work that he doesnt get paid for.
scottish is...ranting
Chainfire is normally not around in the weekend, so Monday will be mostly sure the release of of new CF-Root
BackfireNL said:
Here it is!
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OMG, c'mon!
I remember times when BackfireNL aka ... was a BOON too
JJEgan said:
You will have to make it yourself or WAIT .
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Jesus christ dude, do you have hopes to be a mod or something? You reply to every thread with a patronising tone. Be nice to people, there is no rank here.
My first post back and it has to be in a tone all too common on Samsung forums... In the nexus days people were so much more charming to eachother.
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
what an imbecile...
BackfireNL said:
Here it is!
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What an imbecile...
coradux said:
What an imbecile...
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I concur fully, that isn't what our community is about. There is too much preaching going on by wannabe mods in this forum. Let the mods do the Modding and we need to help eachother...
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
JupiterdroidXDA said:
I concur fully, that isn't what our community is about. There is too much preaching going on by wannabe mods in this forum. Let the mods do the Modding and we need to help eachother...
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
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Exactly. In fact XDA is the only forum which is corrupted by some crap members wanna be a mod. Shame on you guys. Haven't been to a unfriendly forum like this.
ithehappy said:
Exactly. In fact XDA is the only forum which is corrupted by some crap members wanna be a mod. Shame on you guys. Haven't been to a unfriendly forum like this.
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The Nexus One days was cool, everyone was helping each other and we all stood together and worked for the common good)) I actually killed my original profile because i was getting upset at the level of arrogance shown by some members towards others. I decided to come back because I love XDA, but it seems that the Samsung forums suck;(
[email protected]
ithehappy said:
Exactly. In fact XDA is the only forum which is corrupted by some crap members wanna be a mod. Shame on you guys. Haven't been to a unfriendly forum like this.
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What is wrong with expecting fellow members to at least read a thread or two bwfore posting another thread about the same topic?
Shame on you guys who condone lazy members that will never learn to use the search function, or to read down the list of thread titles, and who will always expect to be spoonfed by the people that do use the search function and read through things.
The member you are busy hating on actually answers/helps a lot of people on these forums..im not sure the same can be said for some of you guys.
Surely you cant praise the tone/manner of the op? Plus i notice none of you whiners actually gave the op an answer, instead you just jumped on this thread to flame a couple of members. Helpful, really helpful.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
stoney73 said:
What is wrong with expecting fellow members to at least read a thread or two bwfore posting another thread about the same topic?
Shame on you guys who condone lazy members that will never learn to use the search function, or to read down the list of thread titles, and who will always expect to be spoonfed by the people that do use the search function and read through things.
The member you are busy hating on actually answers/helps a lot of people on these forums..im not sure the same can be said for some of you guys.
Surely you cant praise the tone/manner of the op? Plus i notice none of you whiners actually gave the op an answer, instead you just jumped on this thread to flame a couple of members. Helpful, really helpful.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
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Everyone uses the 'Search' function before posting. It's really easy to say, use the 'Search' function but it is much harder to do and find results/answers in practical.
Shame on you too as you are one of them.

Say something about person above you!

Hey guys!i saw this like game on x8 forum,so i wanted to post here,so i can see how we know each other on g3 forum rules?you need to describe a person who posted above you lets start
And just to say,g3 forum and his members are still my favourite,and i learned much from you guys,and ill be thanking you for that till the end of my life
The guy above me is croatian, he enjoys dubstep a lot ! and he makes some amazing ports for our phone !
He didn't learn me anything but he changed the way I listen to music with my phone !
The person above me has the best and most famous Avtar.
I once used his CM6 theme when I had a g3, thanks for that.
Person above me encouraged me to settle my differences with members in the G3 community and helped me get back into development. Thanks man!
The person above is one who I really look up to. I never understand whatever tech stuff he speaks, but looks cool.
The guy above me taught us how to make a cool phone stand for our g3.
The Guy above me made a really good guide to porting 9lockmods and is always giving positive feedback on here!
The Guy above me is great at porting bootanimations
The guy above me once had a Galaxy3 & he helped me & others in some situations while being a Galaxy 3 user..and he posted fast darmancy 3g battery tweak which i used in my rom...Thanks man
Sent from Galaxy
Hercolubus Rom v 2.1
powered by
G3mod by Arakmar 12/04/2012.zip
The person above me has helped me and others several times solving problems related to ROMs and tweaks. And he has put up an excellent thread of collection of kernels all in one place which has helped all.
the guy above me is a genius-themer.. thanks for porting great all those great MAKEUPs for our sg3.
& he has a lots of sexy wallpapers in his collection..
the guy above me is damn gud at makin posters and banners ....but he makes awesome funny troll comics
deepash said:
the guy above me is damn gud at makin posters and banners ....but he makes awesome funny troll comics
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The person above me does it with his left hand.
dont believe what he says .....ask his gf
brajesh.sharma87 said:
The person above me does it with his left hand.
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hahahahaha 'it' is valid for men only
The person above me handles things amazingly
---------- Post added at 10:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 PM ----------
deepash said:
dont believe what he says .....ask his gf
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you were just doing 'it' with his gf? :/ man you could have done more, lol
btw he's bhramchari, jahan dikhi naari wahi nazar maari aur dur se dekh k bola mai hu bhramchari xD
The guy above me writted something I can't understand
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't even know what we call 'bhramchari' in english, xP
I know hindi is not allowed in this forum i just used a simple funny rhyme
^The person above me doesn't understand hindi
SerkSerk said:
The guy above me writted something I can't understand
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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The person above me says he doesnt understand anything xD
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk
SerkSerk said:
The guy above me writted something I can't understand
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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The guy above me does not understand HINDI....
He is from france
and he has a iphone
EDIT: i think i messed up the order
EDIT 2 :Fixing Up the order....
D3HuM4NiZ3D said:
The person above me says he doesnt understand anything xD
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk
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the guy above me gifts us with the best audio enhancements.....
reddead66 said:
the guy above me gifts us with the best audio enhancements.....
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Anytime bro
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk

The official off-topic thread!

Seen this idea around the forums a lot, i hope RDs are allowed to make these threads as well (not just mods lol )
However, if there is an issue, i will close the thread.
Here's a thread for everyone to just sit and relax, i just require a few things:
Absolutely NO FLAMING
Be appropriate: You know the rules, they apply here as well! Remember, we have minors (such as myself) in these forums as well, so please be considerate.
Have fun!
Ready? Let's go!
Mods: If there is an issue about me posting this, please feel free to close this thread.
So this isn't really official .
Y nobody uses this thread?
Today, my dead bought Galaxy Note secretly. I don't want to know how my mum explodes when she finds it out .
Your "dad" is not "dead"
He will be dead when your mom finds out about the new phone
gcuchiha said:
Your "dad" is not "dead"
He will be dead when your mom finds out about the new phone
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lol our English teacher just told us that we pronounce dead like dad .
I have a birthday! Cheers
And good luck Germany LOL.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
dark_knight35 said:
lol our English teacher just told us that we pronounce dead like dad .
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Sometimes even the english teachers don't know it all.
I feel quite like your dad, I guess. I just bought a Samsung Tab and I'm sure my missus explodes, literally. She thinks a tab is definitely something we won't need.
thETImo said:
Sometimes even the english teachers don't know it all.
I feel quite like your dad, I guess. I just bought a Samsung Tab and I'm sure my missus explodes, literally. She thinks a tab is definitely something we won't need.
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My English teacher says 'beamer'(German word with English origin) instead of 'video projector' and 'transparencies'(for overhead projector) instead of 'slides'(for powerpoint).
thETImo said:
She thinks a tab is definitely something we won't need.
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This was also the opinion of my Wife on a new Phone. Now she plays half the Day with it

Hello and OT thread

My wife just surprised me with a sgs3, for my bday. Anyways just wanted to introduce myself because you will see me posting. I will have a lot of questions, after i read of course. I came from the Desire HD and Sensation so i'm familiar with android and rooting but now i'm dealing with a beast and this is my first samsung phone. Anyways, i'm glad to be apart of a new community.
sent from the Nudy bar, one handed.
Mod edit:
Lets give this idea a try, make sure to read this post
veyka said:
You know what, let's go with this idea.
As long as you guys can keep this friendly, lets make this the SGS3, hello and chat thread.
A few ground rules:
1) I am relying on everyone to report and ignore any trollish posts rather than respond to them
2) If this goes downhill, I will not hesitate to close it
That said, enjoy :good:
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Yes you need to read a lot. But for starting, read XDA rules (a must read)
And welcome buddy.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
let us all introduce ourself now
Yes, read read read and then read some more. search before posting and try not to ask stupid questions or ask for things to be spoon fed to you and you'll be ok
Hi, I'm graffixnyc and I like unicorns and long walks on the beach
Lol you guys are a much tougher crowd than the HTC guys. This is my 3rd android phone and have been a member of xda since last november. I know the routine but goodlooking out.
sent from the Nudy bar, one handed.
swift2fly said:
Lol you guys are a much tougher crowd than the HTC guys. This is my 3rd android phone and have been a member of xda since last november. I know the routine but goodlooking out.
sent from the Nudy bar, one handed.
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Yes, I discovered that too when I switched from HTC to Samsung.. But then again I think more idots use samsung devices so patience runs thin with more senior guys. hahhaha
2 rules to follow
if you are coming from HTC, you will catch up fast. SAmsung phones are usually "development friendly". Very easy to tinker with their phones (VZN Locked bootloader exempt)
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
graffixnyc said:
Yes, I discovered that too when I switched from HTC to Samsung.. But then again I think more idots use samsung devices so patience runs thin with more senior guys. hahhaha
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or may be the senior guys are idiots here
This kinda thread actually isn't a bad idea, well what I mean is to have ONE thread to introduce ourselves in, we all know each others user names but maybe we would have a better community if we said a bit about ourselves and our first names or something.
Just a thought.
Tom, 27, software dev student, I enjoy electronic music, cars, the outdoors and of course gadgets of all kinds!
I hope other people get involved or else I've just made a right tit of myself
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
nodstuff said:
This kinda thread actually isn't a bad idea, well what I mean is to have ONE thread to introduce ourselves in, we all know each others user names but maybe we would have a better community if we said a bit about ourselves and our first names or something.
Just a thought.
Tom, 27, software dev student, I enjoy electronic music, cars, the outdoors and of course gadgets of all kinds!
I hope other people get involved or else I've just made a right tit of myself
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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Patrick, 36, Computer programmer, part-time night student, part time tech writer for land of droid, semi-pro musician (Spector bass endorsee)
There now we both look like tits.. a nice pair of tits, but tits none the less
Oh.. Hello
Saw, 32, Salesman and 'semi-pro' stock trader , love programming but still learning.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
aww heck, m might as well join in.....slappy 48, dad of two, separated, used to be self employed gardener, unemployed for last 2 years due to cancer(all good now) , philosopher, anarchist, peace lover, assassin of "best Rom thread"
Arsaw said:
Oh.. Hello
Saw, 32, Salesman and 'semi-pro' stock trader , love programming but still learning.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Nice, I've actually been thinking of getting into day trading. My friend started doing it when he got laid off and now he just trades stocks in his basement all day.. He makes very good money and has no boss to answer to. But he does have a high risk of losing everything he has if something he had his $ in crashed
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
graffixnyc said:
Nice, I've actually been thinking of getting into day trading. My friend started doing it when he got laid off and now he just trades stocks in his basement all day.. He makes very good money and has no boss to answer to. But he does have a high risk of losing everything he has if something he had his $ in crashed
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Trading stocks is very risky business. Learn everything you can about stocks trading and then unlearn. Ironically, I make money only by not knowing too much about stock
Anyway, good luck to you and your friend.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Jonathon, John, Jon whatever you want to call me I'm the vagabond of XDA, but occasionally I'm good for a piece of info here and there. :highfive:
Age: 18 Location: UK
Hi, I'm netarchy, and I'm an alcoh... oh wait, not that kind of thread. ;D
Haha you guys are cool. btw reading helped me today. My phone is officially rooted.
You can call me Swift. Today i turned 31. I grew up in the states but now living in cambodia. I am the Creative general manager/account manager for a film, music, ads and event management company. Look us up 391films and KlapYaHandz cambodia.
sent from the Nudy bar, one handed.
netarchy said:
Hi, I'm netarchy, and I'm an alcoh... oh wait, not that kind of thread. ;D
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netarchy, I thought you were a porno-holic?
Other than a Forum I can not think of any other Online communication tool that would not send alarm bells running where a 59 year old communicates with a 16 year old!!!
That's the essence of a forum, we are all equal and no one judges anyone. We all share the same desire and that is our tech.
For those that do not know me....
It's Beards, your Senior Consultant Surgeon.
Happily married for over 37yrs with grown kids (yippee) and a Granddaughter who is my shadow.
I do a lot for charity (as in my signature) and am always willing to both help and learn.
At 59 nearing 60 rapidly..... please be gentle. A few of my brain cells have become lonely.
