[Q] what sbf should I flash (I bricked my defy) - Defy Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

so, I bricked my defy
I was on cm7 7.2 kang, then I flashed the white rabbit and that was ok
after that I accidentaly flashed the miui rom pikachu without a wipe
and was stuck at boot logo...
so I downloaded the 2.2.2 Service Flash Central Europe because nordic was unavailable
now, all I got is the white led on the defy, can't even boot into bootloader
what to do?
what sbf should I use??
please help

Many others with the same problem:
Can you remember what previous sbf's you flashed?
Normally RDS will detect your phone when you plug it in.
Try to remember witch sbf's you have flashed and flash one with the same bl number.
You can try to download the sbf again and install it from a different pc. If you think you never flashed a gingerbread rom.
For a good link to the CEE sbf:

read before you flash
i thought it is near impossible to brick defy as its boot loader is locked ... reading saves a lot of time.

vsvj said:
i thought it is near impossible to brick defy as its boot loader is locked ... reading saves a lot of time.
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You CAN brick it . If you get a power-out on the exact wrong time f.i.
Or you use a USB-cable with a knick in it...
Best thing is not to flash a rom with a bl version higher than your official released as then you can always claim warranty (If your not over the warranty data of course)


[Q] need some experts help please!

hi guys i need ur help
i flashed full 2.3.4 spf on my defy
i didnt like it so i downgraded it using this guide
i have followed the steps one by one and every thing worked just fine
now im on froyo that camed with the guide
but every time i try to flash spf using rsd lite it says finished 100% then pass
and my phone dosent but up
no screen no power and i cant accsess to recovery mode or boot mood
but when i log in the boot mood the rsd lite see it but my phone screens still off
any ways i have flashed to eclair that came with the guide and my phone is working again
i have tried to flash another spf the same a black screen with no power
now im back with that fixed eclair that came with the guide
any one can help me and tell me why i keep getting black screen when ever i flash
any one can help me please ?
thanks in advance
I think that is because you flashed a level 5 sbf so you can flash a full sbf with level greater or equal than 5
Motorola Defy CM7 RC 1.5 OC 1GHz
Easy thing first, wipe. Check motto drivers and check if you are installing correct sbf. when it says pass, don't unplug phone. Wait for it to restart itself then wipe again
Got a Headache? It's all in your Head.
You flashed full 2.3.4 sbf which contains CG31.smg and CG39.smg ver=5
from now on you are stuck with limited options of downgrade. There is no possible way to flash a sbf which contains CG ver less than 5 now. "downgrade" to you now means you will have to restore nandroid and then flash fixed sbf which has had CG31 and CG39 replaced with those two Code Groups from one which is of ver=5. I'm not sure, but "maybe" you can flash any sbf you like and then flash fixed sbf from that sbf with these two code groups replaced with one containg CG=5
There's a Eclair (2.1) Chinese SBF with CG level 5. Use that, root, install 2ndinit, flash a fixed SBF.
Don't use the camera flash though!
Good idea!
But the fact remains that he is always stuck with CG31 and CG39 at level 5. Regardless of how he downgrades this will never change. As far as warranty purposes it will never be possible unless his region officially releases a system containing these two CG's at level 5. It is nice though to be able to "downgrade" and still install custom roms and stock froyo roms and the like but ALL of these will still need a fixed sbf containing level 5 CG31
Follow the steps from this tutorial and you will succeed.

[Q] Need SBF with CG version 5 or 6

Hi, I'm looking for a sbf file for my Defy (not +, red lens) with a CG version 5 or higher.
It's because I bricked my Defy so I flashed this sbf : JORDN_U3_97.21.51
It's US T-Mobile version so I can't phone in France with Orange. Someone told me it's a CG version 5.
If you have a solution to phone with this version in France, I'm taking it too
Thank you
So your phone is working but you have no signal or what?
ehhm, what do you want to do ???
is your phone booting and ready to go on the home screen? then you don't have to flash any sbf ...
if you can not call due to wrong baseband, there is a tool calles "Defy Baseband Switcher", that changes the Baseband to e.g. france orang version ...
hoped to help you ... and if so, please click "thanks"-button
The ~ same thing
I accidentaly installed the CM9 kernel when i should have installed the CM7 one with ICS. Then i made a nandroid restore of my previous CM7. Than... phone dead. Starting but no CWM no ROM booting.
As i have had CM7 with GB kernel i flashed ( not knowing) an old SBF than didn't booted. I tried the US T-Mobile 2.5.1. It boots, i can root it, install CWM.
But than when i try to install a CM7 nightly ( installed ok) it dies again. Starts but No CWM no Rom booting.
What to do? I don't know what SBF to flash or what method to install?
DJ_Synergy said:
ehhm, what do you want to do ???
is your phone booting and ready to go on the home screen? then you don't have to flash any sbf ...
if you can not call due to wrong baseband, there is a tool calles "Defy Baseband Switcher", that changes the Baseband to e.g. france orang version ...
hoped to help you ... and if so, please click "thanks"-button
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I tried Defy Baseband Switcher but it doesn't work. Thank you anyway.
You can download all the SBF's from the Wiki Page( Defy General Thread). But you are in my case. I have a thread opened in the Q&A. That SBF you installed is dreadful. So after 2 nights of searching until 4 am i got smth to work. For the record i didn't install a GB SBF. I wanted a Froyo one. The one that worked for me is this one > http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...1&highlight=cg
Follow the first guide. Go to Recovery Wipe data/cache, reboot with volume up pressed. Enter programming. Flash SBF. It starts in Chinese. Don't worry. On the first screen you see press the button/box (with Chinese writing) in the middle of the screen> select English> then Next> then press Later (as you don't need the MotoBlur crap). Than Root it with Superoneclick, install CWM and flash whatever ROM you like.
Warning: Do not turn the flash on the camera. With the Kernel on this SBF you will burn it. Install another Froyo Kernel with your ROM. Don't know how> ask.
Thank you but your link is dead...
Link update:
The one you installed is BL5. You can try the froyo above. Or someone PM'ed a couple o minutes ago with this option for the Eclair SBF:Root, install the cwm. Then wipe data, install kernel don't reboot and install cm7. I tried it and it did not work but maybe it works for you. Also if you don't know how to root the Eclair sbf you must do the following> Flash 2.21 , Run the archive(USB debugging On), let it finish/close by itself, flash the 2.51. Sorry, i can't attach files.. will try later

[Q] Devy [email protected] ROM

Hey guys,
I was running CM 7.1 on my devy without problems for a year till my speaker broke yesterday. I wanted to return to stock to send it for repare on monday but somewhere I made a huge mistake.
To make a long story short, after trying all sorts of roms, I am stuck at the JORDN_U3_97.21.51.sbf rom. It is the only one that even boots! The other ones result in a dead black screen and I'm feeling lucky that I still even can use rsd-lite to get the 97.21.51 back....
What to do? Which retail version can I use? I have a dutch phone and had official Froyo before I installed CM 7.1. I already tried all ROMS from germany, western europe and [email protected] http://sbf.droid-developers.org/umts_jordan/list.php ...
Also I can't install clockwork mod because market doesn't work @ 97.21.51 and installing it by zip with 2nd init also gave a error... Going back to cm 7.1 by installing it with 2nd init didn''t work eather (bootloop) .
Please some help here to get my phone to retail status so I can send my phone for repair of the speaker!
Greatings Marc
Make sure that u r using the latest RSD and drivers.
Make sure that u r using the latest RSD and drivers.
If still after using the latest RDS u can't boot with the SBF u want, use the one which boots and boot to stock recovery (power + volume down) and clean every thing then try flashing with RSD the SBF u want.
I'm not responsible for any thing happens to your phone. (to don't get blamed if any thing happens)
Thank you for the reply. This is the method I have been trying for the last 24 hours (without result). RSD 4.9 and latest drivers as far as I know.
I think it more has to do with the type SBF. Anyone got a tip which SBF best to use in my situation?
Looks the desktop of your defy after flashing the ORDN_U3_97.21.51.sbf rom like the image in the attachement?
If yes, you have unfortunally flashed the strange eclair SBF with CG5 (bootloader 5).
All normal froyo-SBFs that you will flashing in future have only CG4 (bootloader 4).
If you flash the "normal" froyo-SBFs you will ending in a black screen after RSDLite finished his work. RSDLite will eventually show you, "FLASH suceed". But the flashed Bootloader is lower than CG5 and so you will ending in a dead black screen.
You cannot go back to official froyo, the only thing you can do is to install defy2ndinit, flash a a fitting nandroid froyo for the "strange eclair-SBF" and flash a fixed-SBF of a 4.5.1-128.
The service center will normally repair your speaker for free because the fault is not caused by OS.
But they also will flash a normal froyo for service, and this will ending in a black screen.
You can try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=24961811&postcount=2 to take back your defy to a froyo-version which contains Bootloader 6 but still a froyo OS.
@Rattor , thanks for your reply. It doesn't sound to well but at least I have hope again to bring my Devy in normal state... I have send it for repare of the speaker today. I wunder with what firmware it will return...
Got a mail from the service center today. They send the Devy to another (external) repair center... Curious how it will return.. THis could get interesting.... (temporarly on windows mobile 6.5 now (HTC TOPAZ) => going crazy!!!! 2 batterys per day and SOO slow)
BTW. the screen did look like the attached image RATTAR!
Devy back!
Today I finally got my devy back! Speaker working and even an official ROM on it. Version.34.164.3.MB525.retail.en.FR.
Let's make a backup first!

[Q] Which SBF to flash over JDGC_U6_2.13.0_SIGNED

I'm in this kind of awkward situation...
I flashed this chinese Rom thingi-dingi to upgrade my BL to 6...
Then I installed CM10.
This also was kinda normal.
Yesterday i had a problem and decided to install my old nand backup....
it was, i think, corrupted.
Now i have huge battery problems, like defy wont work when not connected to wall charger...
well long story short, want to try and flash a DACH sbf over it.
But i need one that works...
Tried JRDNEM_U3_3.4.2, but it didnt boot up.
Now I installed this chinese SBF, but dont know if it will boot up...
so is there an official DACH FROYO SBF with BL6?
Its not about the Battery, its broken, but i went back to chinese rom and would just like to have a german stock rom with gapps and stuff...
Dont want to have CM10 until i have new battery, dunno why...

[Q] Bricked EU Droid Pro?

Hello guys,
I got one Droid Pro EU version from my friend, he tried to flash phone with this SBF file: VRZ_XT610_4.6.8_user_signed_1FF.sbf because he had some boot loop problem. He is a little bit crazy and dont know to much about flashing phones and "IT" at all. I dont know why he even tried to flash... But after flash his phone cant boot, there is this error in Bootloader (v. 03.0C):
Service Reqd
Before flash he had in the phone 2.3.3 CM7. Boot to recovery is not possible.
Any idea what version of SBF should I try to flash for fix it? Or is it even fixable?
And what about the "VRZ" in the name of SBF. Isnt it shortcut for "Verizon"?
Thanks in advance
UPDATE 04/02/2012 21:22: I successfully bring the phone up by flashing this sbf VIILA_U4_4.5.2_51-28_R01_SIGNED_STABLE45LAVENUSGBPERAR_P012_A027_M003_HWp3_Service1FF.sbf
(I found on web some another cases, bricked Droid Pro, and this SBF helps them).
Phone is running, so tomorrow will be continuing. (Checking of GSM, root and flash of CM7). I hope other problems will not occur.
