[GUIDE] Modify mms.apk - Galaxy S I9000 General

this is a step-by-step guid to modify your mms.apk in order to modify the MMStoSMS limit and max receiver per message, it works with custom roms
1 download Apk Manager from here (thanks to Daneshm90)
Apk Manager 4.9
(windows only)
extract apk manager
copy your mms.apk file from /system/app
and twframework-res.apk from /system/framework to your computer
copy mms.apk into place-apk-here-for-modding folder
start script.bat
select option 22 (Set current project)
select mms.apk from the list that appear
select option 10 (decompile apk with dependencies)
when asks for dependencies drag and drop twframework-res.apk into the window
then select enter, let it work, don't close apk manager at the end of his work!!!
open apk_manager/projects/Mms.apk folder
go in /res/xml and open mms_config.xml, you can use notepad or every text editor you like
go to
<int name=”recipientLimit”>10</int>
and change it to
<int name=”recipientLimit”>100</int>
with this option you can max the number of receiver person in a message up to 100
now go to
<int name=”smsToMmsTextThreshold”>4</int>
and change it to
<int name=”smsToMmsTextThreshold”>100</int>
this way you can make up to 100 SMS before it automatically converts it into an MMS
save and close
now we will make a modify so the sms we receive doesn't show the time we RECEIVE the message, but the real time the SENDER wrote the message
go to /smali/com/android/mms/transaction/SmsReceiverService.smali
open it with any text editor
search this line
invoke-static {}, Ljava/lang/System;->currentTimeMillis()J
substitute all the line with this
invoke-virtual {p1}, Landroid/telephony/SmsMessage;->getTimestampMillis()J
now search the line
invoke-static {}, Ljava/lang/System;->currentTimeMillis()J
(it's the same line but it's correct don't worry, there are 2 of them )
substitute all the line with this
invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid/telephony/gsm/CbMessage;->getTimestampMillis()J
save and close
now return to apk manager
select option 11 (compile apk)
select yes to both the question
let it finish, now don't close apk manager yet, open apk manager folder, you will find a new folder named keep, open it and go for the file mms_config.xml (/res/xml) delete it, also delete resources.arsc e classes.dex in main keep folder
now return to apk manager and press enter on the script
when the work is done close the program (option 24)
go to place-apk-here-for-modding folder and you'll find 2 files, delete the mms.apk file and rename the Unsignedmms.apk file to "Mms.apk"
(REMEMBER TO MAKE BACKUP OF ORIGINAL Mms.apk file in order to quickly backup in case of error )
copy this file back to /system/app in your phone, overwrite the original file

thanks dude. is it works all gb roms?

erdemsaid said:
thanks dude. is it works all gb roms?
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hi the first part, concerning the changing of max message size and max receiver works with all phones, personally i tested it with samsung i9001, i9000,i9003 and s5570, the second part, concerning the time the sms was SENT instead of RECEIVED works only with phones that have CB options inside, for example on s5570, the 2° part doesn't work, because the phone doesn't have CB messages options in sms app, understand?

wow thank you dude, maybe I'll develop a nice ROM....
Send with Tapatalk on my Samsung Galaxy S i9000 @Android 4.0.3 AOKP

tweax said:
wow thank you dude, maybe I'll develop a nice ROM....
Send with Tapatalk on my Samsung Galaxy S i9000 @Android 4.0.3 AOKP
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i'm glad you find my guide useful
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda premium

could you update the guide with the possibility to change received time in sent time?

can anyone send me a stock mms.apk plss. accidentally un installed it

musashihatred said:
can anyone send me a stock mms.apk plss. accidentally un installed it
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for i9001? which telephone?

iscio said:
could you update the guide with the possibility to change received time in sent time?
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with this guide the time you see in received message is the tiem the message was sent, not received

Good guide ^^

deltaquarty said:
for i9001? which telephone?
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Any galaxy s variant mms apk. i9001 will be ok
Cool guide mab. Im starting on it. XD
Sent from facebook

sending you as soon as i arrive to university you want i9001 stock right?!
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda premium

arrived uploaded the stock mms.apk for i9001 enjoy

Thanks thanks thanks ill do your guide
Sent from my 3310; i7-windows7 ultima

musashihatred said:
Thanks thanks thanks ill do your guide
Sent from my 3310; i7-windows7 ultima
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good if you find problems in my guide i can make the work done for you if you prefer

is it possible to use this guide with gs2?

iscio said:
is it possible to use this guide with gs2?
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you mean sg2? however yes, it works for all android phones

deltaquarty said:
you mean sg2? however yes, it works for all android phones
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yes sorry but I have no dipendencies from twframeworks...I try to modify the mms.apk without dipendencies but when I put it on the phone I see again the received time

iscio said:
yes sorry but I have no dipendencies from twframeworks...I try to modify the mms.apk without dipendencies but when I put it on the phone I see again the received time
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it's difficult because i developed this guide using a sg2 files, look at files' position i indicated, and you can't miss it

deltaquarty said:
it's difficult because i developed this guide using a sg2 files, look at files' position i indicated, and you can't miss it
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sorry see my attached image. I found twframeworks but with the script it says that I have no dipendecies


How To Change Bootanimations And Boot Sounds !

*The size 7 looks funky eh? *
Ok, so this thread is a tutorial on how to change the bootanimations and bootsounds on our beloved LG - Optimus One/P500..(You had already guessed that, had'nt you? ) .. Basically I will start from scratch so this thread can be easily understood and appreciated () by everyone including newbies to Android ('n00bs' is racist, isn't it ?) ..So here goes...
1) First and foremost 'BRAINS' .. Please read and re-read the thread carefully before asking any stupid questions.
2) A Rooted Phone. Use any one click application such as z4root or gingerbreak to root your phone. There are many tutorials on the net for that matter.
3) A file manager (Installed on your phone) with the ability to R/W (Read/Write) .. Such as Root Explorer (Highly Reccomended) ,File Expert..etc..
1) Download any bootanimations online (or create one using the link below) and make sure they are of '.zip' format. Please see the links below this section.
2) DO NOT extract the file. Simply rename the file to 'bootanimation.zip' (without the quotes).
eg: if your file name is xxxxx.zip ,change it to bootanimation.zip
3) Connect your Phone to the computer ,turn on usb mass storage and copy paste the file onto your sdcard. You can place it anywhere, but just remember to keep track of it. Turn of usb mass storage and disconnect.
4) Go to Root Explorer and move your file to data/local (put it in the 'local' folder) or system/media. The location of the bootanimation varies with ROMs . Wherever you see the old bootanimation.zip file, put it in that folder. If a file with the same name already exists, replace it with the new file and move the old file onto your sdcard. (Thats your old bootanimation)
5) Reboot
STFU and enjoy your new bootanimation !
If the file you downloaded from the net is already named 'bootanimation.zip' you do not need to re - rename it. (That was obvious, wasn't it ?).
Also you could also rename the file using root explorer and not neccesarily using the PC. Its really upto you.
If you want to download some bootanimations go HERE
P.S. My personal favourite is Transformer Bootanimation by aspee.
You can create your own bootanimations using this tool.
1) Ok, for this process you need a sound file, preferably a '.wav' file, but any will do ... You could download them from the net (Google ) or you could just choose any file from your PC, its really up to you.
2) Now you need to convert the sound file to a '.mp3' format..A fast and easy way to do this is by going out here and following the instructions on screen. You could also use any other audio converters but everyone has their own preference.
3) Change the name of the converted file to 'PowerOn.mp3' ('P' and 'O' capitalized)
eg: change the name from xxxxxxx.mp3 to PowerOn.mp3
4) Connect your Phone to the computer ,turn on usb mass storage and copy paste the file onto your sdcard. You can place it anywhere, but just remember to keep track of it. Turn of usb mass storage and disconnect.
5) Go to Root Explorer and move your file to system/sounds/lgeSounds (put it in the 'lgeSounds' folder). If a file with the same name already exists, replace it with the new file and move the old file onto your sdcard. (Thats your old bootsound)
6) Reboot
Your smiling, ain't you ? Enjoy the new bootsound.
1. Download this shell script here bootsnd.sh
2. Place it on the root of your SD card & then open Terminal & type the following
cd /sdcard
sh bootsnd.sh
3. Now by using a file manager program with R/W (Read/Write) go to the /system/bin in your phone & make sure the file has transfered over! It should say BOOTSOUND & have permissions set to rwxrwxrwx! for this I use Root Explorer or you can use File Manager once you have selected R/W
4. Before transferring your sound file over rename it on your pc, android_audio and make sure it is a .mp3 file. Transfer the sound file from your pc to the root of your SDcard. Now move your sound file you want to play when the phone boots to /system/media of your phone & rename it android_audio you will have to be in R/W mode! Typically fifteen seconds is plenty long and just perfect, however anything over 30 seconds will get cut off.
5. Reboot & enjoy your new BOOTSOUND B)
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Thank him for this.
Shell script download -> Clcik Here
1) Yes. These animations do work on custom roms. You do not need to do anything else as stated elsewhere by other articles.
2) Always make a backup before doing new things.
3) If you still have a problem then you see that reply box below..Well yeah, fire away !
4) Utilize the THANKS button. That was made for a reason
Good noobs guide.
Sent from my LG-VM670 using XDA App
Omegapsy said:
Good noobs guide.
Sent from my LG-VM670 using XDA App
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Please do rate the thread and take the poll !
Ohh yeah and the thanks button is always there !
Nice guide
but try this
it is a all in one android theme kitchen
easy to make bootanimations,change icons,edit status bar etc..
try it
nice.. tnx
I didn't find the sound folder to put a boot sound.
MaKTaiL said:
I didn't find the sound folder to put a boot sound.
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Are you rooted ?
viv_jen said:
Nice guide
but try this
it is a all in one android theme kitchen
easy to make bootanimations,change icons,edit status bar etc..
try it
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Didn't know about this..
Pretty useful !
Rutuj said:
Are you rooted ?
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Of course. I'm using CM7 6.5.8. No boot sound folder.
MaKTaiL said:
Of course. I'm using CM7 6.5.8. No boot sound folder.
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Please read my NOTES section, point #2
Hey....just wondering, would it work for my optumus v? And if so do I really need to use a pc? It seems to me you could just use root explorer and move it just from the get go....correct me if I am wrong
Sent from my VM670 using XDA Premium App
omgpk said:
Hey....just wondering, would it work for my optumus v? And if so do I really need to use a pc? It seems to me you could just use root explorer and move it just from the get go....correct me if I am wrong
Sent from my VM670 using XDA Premium App
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Umm well..if you do have the 'lge sounds' folder then it will definitely work.
And yeah you dont neccesarily need to use your PC everytime..As long as your sound file is 'PowerOn.mp3' You're good to go !
Sometimes, instead of converting the file to mp3 format you could just rename your file to 'PowerOn.mp3' but I personally have experienced that only renaming the file doesn't work always i.e it works sometimes and sometimes doesnt..But converting AND renaming it is a sureshot method
Please tell me whether it works for your optimus V..
Rutuj said:
Please read my NOTES section, point #2
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I followed the tutorial and I couldn't make the boot sound to work. I followed everything by the book. I don't know what to do.
MaKTaiL said:
I followed the tutorial and I couldn't make the boot sound to work. I followed everything by the book. I don't know what to do.
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The method works for sure..I tried it on Mik'o Void which IS a CM ROM..
Make sure u convert the file to an mp3 format and also rename it to android_audio.mp3. Before using the terminal emulator to use the script, go to root explorer and click on mount r/w and you are good to go.
This is the reference :
deaver_92 said:
To start go to
and open it in the text editor. Delete everything from
###Bootsound - Safe to Delete: Start###
###Bootsound - Safe to Delete: Stop###
Delete any instances of it.
Next go to /system/bin/ and delete the file bootsound.
Now go to /system/build.prop and open it in the text editor. Scroll all the way to the bottom and delete any instance of
Now delete build.pro this is an error in the bootsound script. If you don't have this file don't worry about it.
Now open the bootsnd.sh file you downloaded and scroll to the bottom. Find the line that reads
echo ' ' >> /system/build.pro
and add a p at the end so it reads
echo ' ' >> /system/build.prop
and then save and exit.
Now open terminal emulator and type in:
cd /sdcard
sh bootsnd.sh
Now go to /system/bin/ and verify that the file bootsound was created and make sure it has full permissions.
If all is well place android_audio.mp3 in /system/media/ if it isn't there already. Reboot and enjoy your bootsound!
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Gotta say, this worked like a charm! Now I have to decide which one I like best. The Transformers one would be awesome if it had a corresponding sound file simliar to the movie sound of heavy metal joining into its shape!
Thanks again for the share as well as the awesome tutorial!
venomate said:
Gotta say, this worked like a charm! Now I have to decide which one I like best. The Transformers one would be awesome if it had a corresponding sound file simliar to the movie sound of heavy metal joining into its shape!
Thanks again for the share as well as the awesome tutorial!
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Its easier to click on the THANKS button than to say thanks !
Wow it worked like a charm ^_^ !!
What an amazing guide bro..
My new bootanimation looks awesome !
the stock one is pretty trash mate.
I still wonder, how do u increase the fps of the bootanimation, i want the BIOS to work faster.
royalflusher9 said:
Wow it worked like a charm ^_^ !!
What an amazing guide bro..
My new bootanimation looks awesome !
the stock one is pretty trash mate.
I still wonder, how do u increase the fps of the bootanimation, i want the BIOS to work faster.
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Well, the bootanimation is actually a series of PNG images which are displayed in quick succession. The fps actually depends majorly on the number of images.
If u wanna create ur own BAnim there are many threads on XDA for that matter.
Rutuj said:
Well, the bootanimation is actually a series of PNG images which are displayed in quick succession. The fps actually depends majorly on the number of images.
If u wanna create ur own BAnim there are many threads on XDA for that matter.
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Thanks a lot.
Once again - Amazing Guide !
A newbie to XDA (me as such ) could understand this well written guide very well.
Keep posting such tutorials !
royalflusher9 said:
Thanks a lot.
Once again - Amazing Guide !
A newbie to XDA (me as such ) could understand this well written guide very well.
Keep posting such tutorials !
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Thanks a Lot !
There are many more to come.
Keep looking !

【Mod 2】【GB】 Remove "Software Update" (ATT) from settings.apk

【Mod 2】【GB】 Remove "Software Update" (ATT) from settings.apk
here is how to remove "Software Update" from Settings.apk found in gingerbread, Att builds.
decompile settings.apk
edit xml settings.apk\res\xml\settings.xml
delete last 3 lines (not including very last line)
<com.android.settings.IconPreferenceScreen android:title="@string/software_update" android:key="software_update" settings:icon="@drawable/ic_settings_softupdate">
<intent android:action="android.intent.action.SOFTWARE_UPDATE_SETTING" />
I used apk manager
copy file to 'projects' folder
run bat script
option 10
find framework-res.apk from same build and drag to 'apk manager' cmd window
press enter
edit xml
recompile option 11
y for system app
y for add files
dont need to delete any
press enter
output file will be in 'project' folder 'unsigned######.apk'
here is KK4 already done.
also has Mobile hotspot warning message fixed.
copy to system/app
reboot to recovery
wipe cache and delvik
Who is the ass that rated this 1 star?
I rated 5 just to bump back up to 3.
see the other settings mod: [Mod][GB] Remove ATT tethering warning message
(aka bump... 1/4 the page veiws)
I rated 5 stars to help out. This isn't really helpful for me since I am running CM7 but it is one of the few threads I saw where someone explains in detail how to improve other builds so it can be used by other DEVs.
I just used titanium backup pro to remove it
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
RichMD said:
I rated 5 stars to help out. This isn't really helpful for me since I am running CM7 but it is one of the few threads I saw where someone explains in detail how to improve other builds so it can be used by other DEVs.
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Agreed. It would be really nice to see more of these type of posts in the dev section.
justin860 said:
I just used titanium backup pro to remove it
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
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use tibu to remove what? try to make sense
tibu cant remove words.
TRusselo said:
Who is the ass that rated this 1 star?
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this is the usual welcome arent you use to it by now ?
Nice work on this. I, as I'm sure others, appreciate this stuff.

[MOD] SMS/MMS App with bubble conversation and ICS Theme

Here u can download a modded version of the stock SMS/MMS apk with bubble conversation!
- all features of the stock sms/mms app
- black and white theme (see screenshots)
- Multilanguage
- No MMS converting [only after 100 SMS]
>> HDPI port and theming by me.
>> Development by P4qui7o (original thread of the apk here)
Tested and Working on Milestone CM7. Maybe works on other phones! (Testers welcome)
if there were any bugs in theme, please report.
Don't ask for new features because i am not a developer!
easy way
- download zip file
- install via openrecovery
- download apk file
- Copy apk file to /system/app (overwrite stock Mms.apk if any)
- give rw-r-r permissions
- Delete Mms.odex (from stock apk)
- reboot phone
have fun
Just copy? Don't need to change the name?
Sent from my Milestone using XDA
MotoMileCm7 said:
Just copy? Don't need to change the name?
Sent from my Milestone using XDA
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u can change the name but u dont have to
i change the mms apk in system folder and reboot but the sms deleted and no new created.
porting was easier than i thought
updated first post and added an installscript for openrecovery.
Have installed, but get Force Close, so i cant Start it. Have restored the Original.
Device: Motorola Milestone CM7 RC2.
Does it converts sms to mms or you have fixed that?
Protector1981 said:
Have installed, but get Force Close, so i cant Start it. Have restored the Original.
Device: Motorola Milestone CM7 RC2.
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did u use original Mms.apk before? you might have to delete app data of SMS/MMS in settings. (messages won't get lost)
ep2610 said:
Does it converts sms to mms or you have fixed that?
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No MMS converting [only after 100 SMS]
Yes, have cleared the Data. Then copy the new Mms.apk, change rights and crashed system service (no reboot required). But get Force Close.
Then Reboot, checked for app data (is cleared), but get Force Close.
Have attached Logs.
blackout1911 said:
No MMS converting [only after 100 SMS]
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Thanks I will give it a try on my galaxy ace (BeautySence v2)
Protector1981 said:
Yes, have cleared the Data. Then copy the new Mms.apk, change rights and crashed system service (no reboot required). But get Force Close.
Then Reboot, checked for app data (is cleared), but get Force Close.
Have attached Logs.
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i think i found the problem... if u have a root explorer go to /system/app and delete Mms.odex also ! that should fix the FC
edit: updated the OR-zip so that mms.odex will automatically deleted on install
blackout1911 said:
i think i found the problem... if u have a root explorer go to /system/app and delete Mms.odex also ! that should fix the FC
edit: updated the OR-zip so that mms.odex will automatically deleted on install
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thanks!! work great!!
Sent from my Milestone using XDA
I did wrong????
MotoMileCm7 said:
thanks!! work great!!
Sent from my Milestone using XDA
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does not work ... does not show the contact name ...
and fails to open configurations ..
I did wrong????
themajestic58 said:
does not work ... does not show the contact name ...
and fails to open configurations ..
I did wrong????
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i delete the:
after this i install the zip file
blackout1911 said:
i think i found the problem... if u have a root explorer go to /system/app and delete Mms.odex also ! that should fix the FC
edit: updated the OR-zip so that mms.odex will automatically deleted on install
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Thanks Works perfect.
Where is the reference for the bubble text color? I would like to change the color of the incoming text.
creeve4 said:
Where is the reference for the bubble text color? I would like to change the color of the incoming text.
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there is actual no option for that
blackout1911 said:
there is actual no option for that
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I'll try to be more specific: where is the color referenced in the app (i.e. when I decomplie the apk, which smali file do I need to edit to change the color)?
creeve4 said:
I'll try to be more specific: where is the color referenced in the app (i.e. when I decomplie the apk, which smali file do I need to edit to change the color)?
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i havent found that yet, sorry
blackout1911 said:
i havent found that yet, sorry
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I've searched too, but no luck. Please let me know if you find anything and I'll do the same.

[Guide] How to enable multi-user?

hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
Simix93 said:
hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
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The easiest way to enable multiuser support especially for our Galaxy Tab 3.0 is to edit the framework-res.apk with apktool and change the max user in there. The best thing with this way, your account will not vanish when you restart the device.. :laugh::laugh:
faruqmunshif said:
The easiest way to enable multiuser support especially for our Galaxy Tab 3.0 is to edit the framework-res.apk with apktool and change the max user in there. The best thing with this way, your account will not vanish when you restart the device.. :laugh::laugh:
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ah I did not know .. you tell me how to do? maybe put to me now if there is. Anyway .. this is useful for anyone who is not practical to make changes to the framework
Here is the alternative, modifying framework-res.apk.
What I've done on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210) :
- Modifying framework-res\res\values\integers.xml (locate the entry, and put X, where X <= 8 instead of 1, X = the number of allowed max users) :
<integer name="config_multiuserMaximumUsers">8</integer>
- Modifying framework-res\res\layout-port\keyguard_host_view.xml (to show user selector on lockscreen) :
>> Adding this after the second </FrameLayout>
<FrameLayout androidprv:paddingTop="@dimen/status_bar_height" androidprv:layout_width="fill_parent" androidprv:layout_height="wrap_content">
<include androidprv:layout_gravity="top|center" androidprv:layout_width="fill_parent" androidprv:layout_height="fill_parent" layout="@layout/keyguard_multi_user_selector" />
- Adding framework-res\res\layout-port\keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<com.android.internal.policy.impl.keyguard.KeyguardMultiUserSelectorView android:layout_gravity="bottom" android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/keyguard_user_selector" android:visibility="gone" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:contentDescription="@string/keyguard_accessibility_user_selector" android:layout_childType="userSwitcher"
<com.android.internal.policy.impl.keyguard.KeyguardLinearLayout android:layout_gravity="bottom|center" android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/keyguard_users_grid" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="@dimen/keyguard_avatar_size" android:layout_marginBottom="400.0dip" />
- After that, copied from the original framework-res.apk AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF directory to your newly compiled one (using a zip file utility) so I can bypass the sign process (like you should do with auto sign tool - signapk.jar)
And voilà, after putting back my modified framework-res.apk to the device and rebooting, i'm able to add new users in settings
i have tried to modify my framework-res.apk, but it's not succesful.
I installed framework-res with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar if Framework-Res.apk
This installed a file named 1.apk in my users-directory.
After that i extract the framework-res.apk with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar d Framework-Res.apk
Everythings seems to be fine, a directory with the name Framework-Res is created.
I modified the 3 files "integers.xml", "keyguard_host_view.xml" and "keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml" as described.
Now i pack it together with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar b Framework-Res
Get 2 errors with PNG-Files "File is case-insensitive" and correct the filenames (uppercase .PNG to lowercase .png).
After that i found in the folder "dist" the framework-res.apk.
The filesize is less about 12mb then before, it's now round about 36mb.
I put this file in my /system/framework folder and reboot. But the system is still displaying the Samsung-Logo.
Replaceing the file with the original file and everything is ok.
What do i wrong?
with best regards,
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
Spatz said:
i have tried to modify my framework-res.apk, but it's not succesful.
I installed framework-res with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar if Framework-Res.apk
This installed a file named 1.apk in my users-directory.
After that i extract the framework-res.apk with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar d Framework-Res.apk
Everythings seems to be fine, a directory with the name Framework-Res is created.
I modified the 3 files "integers.xml", "keyguard_host_view.xml" and "keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml" as described.
Now i pack it together with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar b Framework-Res
Get 2 errors with PNG-Files "File is case-insensitive" and correct the filenames (uppercase .PNG to lowercase .png).
After that i found in the folder "dist" the framework-res.apk.
The filesize is less about 12mb then before, it's now round about 36mb.
I put this file in my /system/framework folder and reboot. But the system is still displaying the Samsung-Logo.
Replaceing the file with the original file and everything is ok.
What do i wrong?
with best regards,
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Before recompile your framework-res.apk, you should find the png files with uppercase (.PNG) from your decompiled framework-res.apk/res/ and rename them to lowercase (.png).
when finished, flash it using CWM or other recovery.
Does anyone have working framework-res.apk for T310 ? I've updated mine, but I do not see anything new. When I flash zip fro T311 from a different thread, I have this options, but some labels in the system are missing and messed up.
slobodan.bogdanovic said:
Does anyone have working framework-res.apk for T310 ? I've updated mine, but I do not see anything new. When I flash zip fro T311 from a different thread, I have this options, but some labels in the system are missing and messed up.
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Just follow the guide in this thread to make your framework-res.apk working with multiuser. or if you have no time, just give me your framework-res.apk and i will try to decompile it for you,
Spatz said:
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
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You can also copy from your original framework-res.apk AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF directory to your newly compiled one so you can bypass the sign process
I have an issue when having multiple users enabled.
When I am logged in as the owner (first user) I am able to connect device via usb and transfer files.
When I am logged in as the second user, and when I try to connect device vis usb, it is not recognized. MTP Driver installation fails in this case.
Anyone has the same issue?
Simix93 said:
hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
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Working on Tab3 7" ?
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?
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I do not know, I have not tried it, so you head to the end you just have to move an app
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?[/QUOT
Multiuser only supported by Android 4.2.2 or higher. As i know, the android version in Tab 3 7" is 4.1.2. If you want to use multiuser, wait until tab 3 7" recieved update for 4.2.2..
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faruqmunshif said:
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?
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Multiuser only supported by Android 4.2.2 or higher. As i know, the android version in Tab 3 7" is 4.1.2. If you want to use multiuser, wait until tab 3 7" recieved update for 4.2.2..
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Don' work =/
I do not believe he will get more 4.2.2.
I think like other devices, it will jump to 4.4
Spatz said:
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
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Spatz-is there any chance you could post detailed instructions? Or can you post your framework res.apk file?
Sent from my SM-T310 using xda app-developers app
I used your procedure to modify the framework-res.apk file and it doesn't work on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210). It keeps boot-looping. I managed to put back the original framework-res.apk and it's working, so I didn't killed it completely!
I do it this way:
1. Use apktool to decompile the apk file (apktool.jar).
2. Modify the xml files with Notepad++.
3. Use apktool to recompile the apk file.
4. Sign the file with autosign tool found on XDA (signapk.jar).
5. Put the framework-res.apk file back using ADB in recovery mode and set the right permissions on the file.
What tools have you used? Did you do it differently than me?
Thank you.
i am curious about this, but i'd like to know how multi user works. How do I "log" in to the tab and use my gmail, etc? And then how would my wife log in and user her email and etc? Are there profiles or something similar?
never mind
Hi. I see this method does not work very well. I recommend the app SwitchMe. It's much easier and just requires root permission which everyone should have. I can't post links because I'm a newbie, so just search for it on the Play Store. :good:
alfreddallaire said:
I used your procedure to modify the framework-res.apk file and it doesn't work on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210). It keeps boot-looping. I managed to put back the original framework-res.apk and it's working, so I didn't killed it completely!
I do it this way:
1. Use apktool to decompile the apk file (apktool.jar).
2. Modify the xml files with Notepad++.
3. Use apktool to recompile the apk file.
4. Sign the file with autosign tool found on XDA (signapk.jar).
5. Put the framework-res.apk file back using ADB in recovery mode and set the right permissions on the file.
What tools have you used? Did you do it differently than me?
Thank you.
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As I mentionned some posts before, I did not use the signapk.jar but instead copied signed informations from my original framework-res.apk to the new one.
See my post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48429541&postcount=10 there.
I updated my tuto post to include this in the process (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48315919&postcount=4)

[Tool][Win]Android Multiple APK File Installer (via ADB)

Hi everyone! I would like to present you a multi apk file installer application for windows
Multiple APK files installer
>Install multiple apk files.
>To open app click "Start_APP.bat" after unzipping. If not then open the "Akash" folder & double click "Android_Apk_Installer.exe".
>First check that your device is connected or not by clicking "Check ADB Devices"
>Click "Select APK Files To Install" and select multiple apk files.
Note:- Your PC must have drivers of your android device.
You tell me.
Download Link
My Other Works:
Auto ringtone volume increase before receiving call[APK]
Missed Call Notification Reminder[APK]
Front Flash Notification apps
[email protected]
kos25k said:
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Thanks for using it. Any suggestions for improvement?
@akash45 special thanks for your great tool
i need it a lot and use it always just 2 suggestions :
1- please add all " rename multiple apk " option to your tool.i mean i select some apk in your tool and change all of name to thats package name.the method of rename is this please " appname versionapp "
2- please make big size of tool.exe and more nice interface
thanks again and i,ll can test your next version
Hamidreza2010 said:
@akash45 special thanks for your great tool
i need it a lot and use it always just 2 suggestions :
1- please add all " rename multiple apk " option to your tool.i mean i select some apk in your tool and change all of name to thats package name.the method of rename is this please " appname versionapp "
2- please make big size of tool.exe and more nice interface
thanks again and i,ll can test your next version
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First of all thanks for using my app. I'll try to keep all this thing in my mind while making next app update.
akash45 said:
First of all thanks for using my app. I'll try to keep all this thing in my mind while making next app update.
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i will wait
@akash45 bro any new update ?
Hamidreza2010 said:
@akash45 bro any new update ?
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Hi, i as you said to change the package name, it don't think it would be a good idea to change as i have to change the package name plus all the code inside each and every page. Secondly its just an app to install apk files into your android device so what extra changes should i do?
This worked
my credits to the dev
Damn , it does work . Thanks alot .
I almost wanted to use titanium , but something about just clicking and waiting is much easier compared to titanium
akash45 said:
Thanks for using it. Any suggestions for improvement?
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Love Your App! One thing I'd be really happy about, is if you'd be able to add the -g flag. Thanks
