over sensitive s pen - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

Just wondering if anyone else is have this problem. My s pen starts writing from about half an inch from the screen which make sit hard to to write a neat note. A while back i downloaded a smemo.apk for 240 dpi and that when it seem to start doing it I have tried a full flash of stock rom but still doing it.

It happened to me too, Samsung said that it's because some S-pens have trouble on its sensor. You can ask Samsung to change S-pen for you, change until the problem is gone xD. That's what i do with mine.

Ok i thought it might be somethimg like that I ordered one from ebay the other day. thanks

try disabling auto rotation..
and choose again which dominant hand in pen setting..
if you used magnet case it would affect the s pen sensor too..

Your pen is bad, a few of these threads have poped up. With a working pen you can take your fingernail and push in the tip and it will work like yours is, from far, yours is just stuck in.
You can try and take it apart (there is a post around here with instructions) and reset the tip in the rubber grommet it sits in if returning it is a issue.

Touch Screen Tune
I use Touch Screen Tune (for Galaxy note) to fine tune the pen.
And it became much better.

cyanide1973 said:
Just wondering if anyone else is have this problem. My s pen starts writing from about half an inch from the screen which make sit hard to to write a neat note. A while back i downloaded a smemo.apk for 240 dpi and that when it seem to start doing it I have tried a full flash of stock rom but still doing it.
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The tip of your s-pen is pushed in and stuck, which makes the pen think you are pushing against the Note. Not sure how to get it unstuck, but that's definitely the issue. It's happened to a couple of people.
- Frank

I also have the same problem..some guy posted a video on youtube as well..its a faulty spen...

Hi All.
Funny enough i have similar issue. My pen from time to time is oversensitive. I have been playing with it to check when and how does it happens. And i discovered that my spen has an allergy on me. I mean its me or my static charge is affecting it. Whenever i had such an issue i had to touch somethin metal or somebody to discharge myself. Or just put phone on the table. Whenever i broke circuit (i havent touch phone with both hands) or i disperse my charge spen started working again.
If you have such an issue try this out or even pass the phone to somebody else to check if the issue still stays with somebody else. I have been in touch with Samsung and they offered me a new spen so when it arrives i will check this out.

I got the same problem yesterday, i bring my note to SC and the customer service just laugh on me and told me may be my note is the new note 2 because it can hover
Anyway they replace it free of charge, thanks samsung

Oversensitive SPen means that a coil broke inside your pen, whice alterates the internal capacitance. Must be careful when carrying your pen, avoid drop it to the ground and so on...


Screen Accuracy Problems

The touchscreen on my titan is acting very problematically, with the screen slowly getting more and more inaccurate to touchscreen inputs, it's getting to the point where i have to use align screen 3+ times per day, and it's incredibly upsetting, is there any fix for this, or is it a hardware problem?
I'm not sure what it is but I too had that problem. After I flashed to DCD's 3.0.1 ROM,, the screen seems to be more stable. I still have to align screen every now and then. Do you you use your finger instead of the stylus? Sounds weird but I do that a lot and that might contribute to the problem.
Yeah, I do use my fingers on the screen a bit, with PointUI's Home, I don't see how that could cause it though o.o.
My I760 did that on two different phones. So i just got the xv6800, no problems yet except the ****ty video drivers-Or lack there of.
Okay, at this point the screen is going nuts, I'm probably going to have to send it off to sprint for a replacement at this point, as within 20 seconds of aligning the screen it's off by a good 5mm, and that number keeps rising.
Is you screen dirty? Along with using my fingers, my screen was dirty also. I just used a dry towel and clean the screen by blowing hot breath on it. Also, I bought new screen protectors. Yes it does seem odd that using my stylus and having a clean screen helped with my problem. Maybe my new ROM fixed the problem, I don't know. But its not as bad as it was before. Good luck.
Yeah, my problem was getting exponentially worse, off by about 6mm or so every time I'd align the screen, so I just returned it on my insurance plan.
Stylus vs Finger
If you are aligning your screen using the stylus and then using your finger for gestures and such the screen response is not aligned. You have to align with your finger in order to get a more accurate response because your finger covers so much more area than that tiny stylus tip.
I would alternate back and forth between the two, but to give an example of how severe the problem was getting, I would align the screen (with stylus) launch a program, and -already- the screen would respond about 4-5 millimeters down and 2-3 millimeters to the right of the stylus, which would make various tasks nigh-impossible.
I had the same issue and notice that it was mainly due to the fact that my screen was dirty as mentioned before. Sometimes you may even notice that your screen may not be dirty but remember that oils from our fingers and especially our ears when we talk can cause the alignment issues. Perhaps you can even change the screen protector and see if this helps. This should fix all of your issues assuming it is not an actual software problem. The one time that I did find the alignment to be a software issue, all I had to do to fix it was to callibrate the screen in both standard and panoramic view. I hope this helps...
Nah, it wasn't that, I tried cleaning off the screen with a microfiber cleaning cloth and everything, even removed the screen protector to see if that was causing it, it was a hardware defect.
Well I can say this.. I used to work for Sprint, Nextell, Verison, and ATT at various points. I know that with more of them, they usually send you out another device and you send your back. The think I love about ATT is that they will do this with a No Questions Asked policy except for the standard one involving abuse, water damage ect. After 3 defective devices, they will automatically upgrade you to another device.... Please make sure that the reasons are lagitimate so that this policy does not change but if you need to go through the hoops to get a better device that works.... Have at it. Do not take it to a store unless directed by the telephone people. Many people feel like they are techs because they own a ppc of some sort but they are not the ones that make the ultimate call. Let the corperate people make the decisions. Once you receive your device, immediately stress test it with all of the things that you will be doing with your device. Load and unload software, ect to make sure it works. If ther eis an issue, it ie better to notify them within the first 72 hours. I hope this helps again.

does your touch screen do this ??

Hi guys,
Please download and watch the 2 videos i made and try to reproduce it if you can.
On the keyboard i'm """literally barelly/not touching"""" the screen.
On notes, drawing that slowly i get that. Already tested on another unit and had the same problem...just wanted to see if i'm not alone here..
This is unpleasant... If you already noticed the problem please do coment if you fix it or...
I did calibrate the screen, messed with reg settings but nothing changed.
I'm just trying to see if this is software related or hardware related.
Thank you !!
Very strage...
about the second video, what happens if you move the finger rapidly on the left portion of the screen?... are the results identical to the results of the right portion (as you did in the beginning of this video)?...
if you encountered this with another device, it's probably reparable via software upgrade... I hope...
unfortunatly it does the same thing be it left or right
on both devices.
It's an alignment problem. Try realigning the screen, touching as lightly as possible on the crosses and not moving your finger until the cross moves. No worries. Mine did the same stock and never after I realigned.
I was resigned to living without the ability to draw on my HD2 but I just tried drawing in notes and was pleasantly surprised that it works quite well, even with my fat fingers.
was this solved by the realignment?
no, it helps a bit, but still not 100%. Whatever I do, I can always make the keyboard go crazy. The touchscreen needs a better driver.

[Q] Stylus cuts out

I have had my thinkpad tablet for a while now and I have found that the stylus will work for a short while if it hasn't been used in a while then it will jump into one of two modes the first being that it has no pressure sensitivity and the second is where it just doesn't work at all (usually it will eventualy settle on the not working at all phase). I am wondering if anyone else has run into this? Is it a problem with the tablet or the stylus? I have already passed my warranty period so unfortunately I can't get them to fix it. The new stylus is 40$ so it would be nice to see if someone else has run into this before spending the money.
Just thought I'd mention replacing the AAAA battery under the red cap before buying a new stylus. Also, some folks have found the tip of the stylus can become unseated and requires pressure to get it back in place.

[Q] I've noticed a problem with palm rejection.

Hey guys, I just picked up my Tegra Note and I'm enjoying it, but in testing out the potential and limitations of the DirectStylus, I came across a problem and I want to find out if it's just my problem, or if it's reproducible with all Tegra Notes with the latest system updates.
Basically, I'm using the stylus, and stylus only mode is activated. This works pretty well and ignores most/all inputs from anything except the tip of the stylus.
However, I have noticed that if I slide my finger onto the screen from the outer edge/bevel, it will often (nearly 100% of the time) register this as a touch. For an example, if I tap the home button with my finger nothing happens, however if I drag my finger from just below the screen onto the home button, it will press. Likewise I cannot scroll through home screens by normally swiping my finger, but if I swipe from off screen on the left or right, it will register. Bringing down the notification area with a finger swipe, etc, all work as well when naturally this should only be possible with the stylus.
The main problem with this is when writing/drawing with my hand resting on the edge of the device. If my palm is entirely off the screen it is fine. If my palm is entirely on the screen then stylus only works, too. However, if in the process of writing my hand slides from the side onto the screen, suddenly the stylus looses focus and I'm drawing lines with my palm.
I hope I have explained this issue correctly, and I wondered if this was a known problem? If there are any solutions? Have I messed up and set an option somewhere I shouldn't have? Should I get it replaced? Sorry for all the questions! :laugh:
Oh and it's not rooted or anything. Just stock, updated to the latest system version through the system updates.
Thanks, hope you can help!
I get a similar issue at the bottom left of the screen sometimes. It only seems to effect the bottom left but in both orientations so that rules out a hardware issue. Doing a quick lock and unlock seems to fix it for me and it functions fine until next time I turn on stylus mode. Seems hit and miss with no real way to replicate it.
It didn't seem to do it before ota 2.3 so I predict a hotfix for the issue. Its a minor issue, the battery life on 4.4.2 isn't however, 4-5hrs with lite use is pretty rubbish. I suspect that's an issue with the power saving features (I think it's stuck on Max performance all the time).
Would be nice if they fix the SD write issue but Google dictate that I think.
Mine was certainly a lot worse than that - persistent on all four edges of the screen and there is no way to stop it. 60-80% of the time it was manageable, but consistently reproducible, other times it was far worse and could only manage dots and dashes when I tried to write anything while resting my palm on the screen. It also developed a 'blind spot' problem I've noticed reported on a couple of forums - a spot where the stlus simply refused to draw - so I grew more concerned that I had a problem with the actual hardware. So, I took it into the store I bought it from, and they're going to replace it for me.
Hopefully I won't have a problem with the replacement one, because I absolutely love the tablet!
I've had similar problems... just remember, all of the stylus functionality is governed by software; the screen on this is simply a regular capacitive screen that's also capable of detecting the size and shape of what's touching it, and the rest is calculated by software. It's a neat idea, but in practice it hasn't held up as well as Nvidia would've liked us to believe. Now that I've had a Galaxy Note 2 for a couple months, I have to say that the active stylus experience blows the TN7 away, but then again it's a much more expensive technology to implement. I almost always used a pencil with my TN7 while it was my day-to-day work buddy since I found the stylus to be too sticky and hard to write with... I also found several of the issues I was having weren't as bad while using a pencil, so maybe you could give that a try. Also, remember that if the screen is dirty that it will affect the stylus's performance as the screen is so sensitive that even a little moisture could register as a touch on the screen.
I received my replacement tablet today, and it is a lot better than the one I previously had. While the problem is still there, it is far, FAR better than before. Now it seems to be a minor nuisance, rather than a consistently reproducible problem. On top of that it has a much more vibrant screen - less yellow and washed out - and no 'dead zones' when trying to write with the stylus. So while I am certain software has an impact on performance, there must have been something weird going on inside the hardware of my previous device, too.
Considering the price, the fact that others have had similar issues, and how much I like about everything else - I'm very happy with my new TN7 now!
Have same problem .... When i swipe from left or right side of the screen it detects stylus nd do all the things.... Dont knw wat to do amazon is not replacing too the tablet..!
Same problem, I don't usually mind it other when I'm using an app like sketchbook pro, it becomes really annoying.
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Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

[Q] S-Pen keeps attaching and deattaching while its out!

When I'm using my s-Pen i keep seeing ("s-pen attached") and it keeps poping the S-Pen menu and my spen stops working and works again! Its like my phone thinks i attached the spen so it stops working.
Anyone has this issue or can help me with this?
Try going into S-Pen Settings and removing the tick from 'Disable pen detection' box, and see if that makes any difference. Sounds like something is wrong with the S-Pen slot, and the phone thinks the Pen is in it when it's not. Not sure how that slot senses the Pen - maybe some dust or debris has got lodged inside it and is confusing whatever sensor is in there?
I already tried blowing in there, if i do that the dialog about deattaching s-pen will keep appearing! its not something that always happen, it happened while i was in the car and sometime before it, don't think it ever happened at home(90% of my life im in my house ) but when it happened, it kept doing it repeatedly that made it unusable!

