Not a Goodbye thread - Epic 4G General

So I got a Epic Touch for a reasonable price that should be arriving tomorrow. Not getting rid of my Epic, but it won't be on a line. I'll be happy to test anything for people. Please feel free to contact me. I'll be lurking and helping here still. Not to fear.

Let us know how it is going from epic's QWERTY to no-keyboard.
The keyboard options for new phones are sparse and not terribly viable (droid 4's display, bootloader, etc).
It will soon be time for all of us to move on, and life in the non-qwerty world seems daunting!
sent from my fully armed and operational space phone

On screen :Should stuck out for. Little but longer for the gnex
Keyboard: Should have stuck it out for a little bit longer for the gnex
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:

I didn't use my upgrade on the purchase. Bought from a themer moving to gnex due to no signal.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

The Root said:
I didn't use my upgrade on the purchase. Bought from a themer moving to gnex due to no signal.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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You'll love it
Just bricked mine .. got an iPhone instead of another epic touch

iSaint said:
You'll love it
Just bricked mine .. got an iPhone instead of another epic touch
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How's 4g on your iPhone?
That Sh*T Cray

Is this a goodbye thread?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

masaidjet said:
How's 4g on your iPhone?
That Sh*T Cray
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Surprisingly I love it so far this phone just works...

iSaint said:
Surprisingly I love it so far this phone just works...
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Aww man, my friends got them the games are crazy Temple Run!! That pull down is nice, Apple always get it right
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

Glad you will still be around, man.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

masaidjet said:
Aww man, my friends got them the games are crazy Temple Run!! That pull down is nice, Apple always get it right
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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Apple is sue happy and gets pissed when someone is better and has good ideas yet they sue others from stealing ideas or patents but look what happened in iOS 5.0 GTFOH APPLE.
Not you but APPLE

XxLostSoulxX said:
Apple is sue happy and gets pissed when someone is better and has good ideas yet they sue others from stealing ideas or patents but look what happened in iOS 5.0 GTFOH APPLE.
Not you but APPLE
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Returning it tomorrow just wanted to screw with it for a day
Sorry dude
buy yea you'll enjoy it its an awesome phone and we're gwtting a crapload of ics leaks and cm9 is almost complete

XxLostSoulxX said:
Apple is sue happy and gets pissed when someone is better and has good ideas yet they sue others from stealing ideas or patents but look what happened in iOS 5.0 GTFOH APPLE.
Not you but APPLE
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Don't get heated over the comment I made I was joking. And you should read about Apple's pull down. It's like they stole and manipulated in a way that Google could sue, but will fail in doing so.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

masaidjet said:
Don't get heated over the comment I made I was joking. And you should read about Apple's pull down. It's like they stole and manipulated in a way that Google could sue, but will fail in doing so.
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im not heated haha im just saying like "HELLO" Apple is a greedy ***** point blank.

I may even reactivate this guy every so often.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Apple is rotten to the core. Case closed.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Oh no....not you!!!! Lol
You will love it but definitely miss this group.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

masaidjet said:
Don't get heated over the comment I made I was joking. And you should read about Apple's pull down. It's like they stole and manipulated in a way that Google could sue, but will fail in doing so.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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Omg when my sister upgraded to the 4S on att I played with it for a bit and she got a text and I saw a little symbol in the "notification bar" uptop and habitually swiped down and forgot I was on an iphone lmfao I was like "O.O and they sue google partners over **** that people can't even see?"
I wish we had "technology courts" or something that will have judges who specialize in electronics and will actually know when a company is suing, that company also has parts blatantly stolen from "company b".
One thing I admire about apple is their control over the sheeple. Its so amazing!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

As the Cybermen say: Delete!

iSaint said:
Surprisingly I love it so far this phone just works...
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Adult Swim's got a **** ton of games for the iPhone. Just sayin'.
sent from my fully armed and operational space phone


Another thank you, but shifted

Like what i did in the title there? 2pro, anyways
Been following everyone going from HeroC to Evo shift. did loads of research as im picky about my phone. just took the plunge 2 hours ago and has not looked back!! i almost dont want to root it cause its already fast as F*$%
so point being: thank you to all the XDA devs and mods, and everyone else that points in there 2 cents and effort.
look forward to messing with this bad boy
If i can add to this thread. After reading specs i was going to get an epic. But after reading almost everything here im getting a shift. I havent seen one bad comment on it yet!! Thank you everyone on here!!
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
I'm sure I bad mouthed it initially, but I'm anal about my phones. Let's just say it has started to grow on me. The future looks bright
It's really a great phone, especially coming from a Heroc. Heck, I barely use the keyboard cuz' I have gotten used to "swyping"
...and the phone is smooth, fast, and all that jazz.
Is swype preinstalled on the shift?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
It isn't, but but the Swype beta was open last time I checked so go apply!
My only gripe is the screen size seems so small.
Sent from my bathroom, with toilet paper.
How does angry birds run? Love it but stopped playing,the lag is frustrating on the heroc
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
vampir4997 said:
How does angry birds run? Love it but stopped playing,the lag is frustrating on the heroc
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Buttery smooth.
Sweet. Just orderwd my shift.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
vampir4997 said:
Sweet. Just orderwd my shift.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Welcome aboard!
Sent from my HTC Evo Shift 4G
Damnit it isnt here yet. Isnt there an app so i instantly get my shift!
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App guys on the shift forums are Sooo nice to each other 8)
Lol different story on my phones forums (Epic)
Ànybody try the psx4droid on it?? And yea we are a happy bunch with nnew phones( still wish i had mine in my hand)
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
vampir4997 said:
Ànybody try the psx4droid on it?? And yea we are a happy bunch with nnew phones( still wish i had mine in my hand)
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Yea you guys made a great decision if its true sprints announcing a 3d HTC device -_- useless lool
We have 30days if we change our minds
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
vampir4997 said:
Sweet. Just orderwd my shift.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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angry birds is all it takes sometimes it seems lol.
Shifted from my Evo using XDA app.
iSaint said: guys on the shift forums are Sooo nice to each other 8)
Lol different story on my phones forums (Epic)
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So true. I started on xda a few months after the buying a g1 (in November 2008), and left almost a year ago due to the rude attitudes. Coming back to the shift forum has been a nice surprise.
iSaint said: guys on the shift forums are Sooo nice to each other 8)
Lol different story on my phones forums (Epic)
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I used to own an Epic and man there is a hell of a lot of drama over there. Even on their IRC...the truth is that there are just not enough handsets out there yet. Dicks will eventually buy it and then start trolling here.
iSaint said:
Yea you guys made a great decision if its true sprints announcing a 3d HTC device -_- useless lool
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If I'm understanding you correctly, I agree. I think 3D is the most pointless 'innovation' since the cable card. Heck watching anything 3D makes my wife vomit and gives most of the people in my family headaches (I don't have either of those but I think its pointless). With very few exceptions, 3D is used as a gimmick. A hand pops out of the screen and wooshes over the audience. Does it look cool? Sure, but it also serves to immediately remind the audience that they are watching a screen. As an actor that just bothers me. The point of watching a movie/TV show/play is to be wrapped up in a story and a good one should make you forget you're watching anything.
Avatar is the only movie in 3D I've seen that I felt did that to a decent extent and even then there were still a few moments in there that just made me feel like they were shouting in my face "LOOK WHAT WE CAN DO!"
kenvan19 said:
I used to own an Epic and man there is a hell of a lot of drama over there. Even on their IRC...the truth is that there are just not enough handsets out there yet. Dicks will eventually buy it and then start trolling here.
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This will happen the moment a "one-click" root method is available.
It will be up to us to keep them in line, and keep our little piece of the world free of riff raff.
The Hero forum really wasn't that bad to be honest with you either.

Kyocera Echo cases...

If you thought the Echo was bad, wait till you start seeing the horrendous clamshell cases start popping up for it. Sprint has suddenly regain it's status as the laughing stock of the mobile world.
Can't wait for the defender!
_MetalHead_ said:
Can't wait for the defender!
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You know they are coming lol
Now I know what Sprint meant by making the impossible, possible. They are trying to have a phone with worst sales figures than the Microsoft Kin.
HondaCop said:
You know they are coming lol
Now I know what Sprint meant by making the impossible, possible. They are trying to have a phone with worst sales figures than the Microsoft Kin.
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Sounds very possible! That is what they had to of meant.
HondaCop said:
You know they are coming lol
Now I know what Sprint meant by making the impossible, possible. They are trying to have a phone with worst sales figures than the Microsoft Kin.
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not fair, kin was marketed for teenagers, verizon just did it dirty with pricing
Two batteries.... why not two cases?
"With just three small movements you can unease your phone, transform it. and recase your 'tablet'! The tablet case also has a hinge on it, that can break while you go to PC mode! If you're buying a terrible phone, why not get a case that's just as bad?"
HondaCop said:
If you thought the Echo was bad, wait till you start seeing the horrendous clamshell cases start popping up for it. Sprint has suddenly regain it's status as the laughing stock of the mobile world.
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you know, i thought of this last night, as soon as i saw it, first though huh, how the he$# are they going to make a case for this that doesn't make it as bulky as it already looks, well good luck on that design, lol.
I showed my roommate this phone, (he has a palm pixi) and he asked when its coming out. He's screwed because he jumped on a pixi and his contract ends this summer. He better hope an evo 2 comes out of nowhere.
Swyped from my Evo on steroids.
i wanna pretend like yesterday never happened.
TorxT3D said:
i wanna pretend like yesterday never happened.
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PS. My name is HondaCop and I approve this message.
I doubt sales will be strong enough to see a significant line of accessories for this. In another month or two, the echo will be one of the free with contract phones.
TorxT3D said:
i wanna pretend like yesterday never happened.
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My friend has
My friend has this phone and it is pretty ****ing sick !!!! It's a creeper you see !
KELO777 said:
My friend has this phone and it is pretty ****ing sick !!!! It's a creeper you see !
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That phone is HIDEOUS!
How is this related to the EVO?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
It has everything and nothing to do with it.
I'm just extremely relieved. I thought hondacop was back. *wipesbrow*
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conqu1stador said:
It has everything and nothing to do with it.
I'm just extremely relieved. I thought hondacop was back. *wipesbrow*
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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Hahaha where did he go? I thought he was still around.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
He moved on ... thankfully, to yellower pastures. You know how he was, what with his golden shower deal.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
conqu1stador said:
It has everything and nothing to do with it.
I'm just extremely relieved. I thought hondacop was back. *wipesbrow*
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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Seriously... he came back to rag on the Echo on an Evo forum? Someone was bored....
DirtyShroomz said:
Seriously... he came back to rag on the Echo on an Evo forum? Someone was bored....
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You suggesting he created / used a stealth account to rise a thread? His own? Quite possible. And, if true, not surprising.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

So now that the world has officially ended..

Ig we'll never see an unlocked bootloader.. or many other things that we've been wanting.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
And since the world has ended I buried my atrix and ipad2 in the backyard so anybody who wants them can have them
brian2220 said:
And since the world has ended I buried my atrix and ipad2 in the backyard so anybody who wants them can have them
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i want an atrix device, please deliver to me
i am from china.......
The world ended and I didn't even know about it?
[email protected] said:
The world ended and I didn't even know about it?
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Yeahh and since we're still here typing you can assume we're all going to hell. Along with our Atrixes(Atrices?) Ohh well since I have this amazing ass phone I can say I've officially lived.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

Steve jobs gone

Steve Jobs Resigns!!! What you think?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
The end of Apple begins here >
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
remains chairman of the board and controls all the execs via some sort of darth vader telepethy.
big deal
depending on who replaces him I'd say it could bring the demise of apple.
or they could get better....
but im going to say most likely the demise of apple. I wonder how much their stock is going to drop
Tim Cook named successor, btw.
Sent from the American Dream.
Android Google the World is yours!!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
ummm...shouldn't that read "retires"? He's not a healthy guy, as is well known.
This will mean less than nothing in terms of their day to day biz. It's still his company. I have my issues with them but objectively speaking there's a lot to admire about him and Apple. (No, I don't and won't own their products, but I don't have to be a tribalist either.)
blu9987 said:
or they could get better....
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Considering, they can't get any worse IMHO. You want to touch that icon? Oh, there's a charge for that. You want, this to work? Ya, there's a charge for that too. ROFL!!!
And whats this, its a rectangular shape? LAWSUIT!! A Windows original icon borrowed by crApple? LAWSUIT!!
Sorry, crApple sucks, I hope it is their demise.
and I thought he died
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
DroidApprentice said:
ummm...shouldn't that read "retires"? He's not a healthy guy, as is well known.
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Yes I agree. The whole death scenerio entered my head at first.
I wonder how the stock will perform in the next few weeks ?
He's been gone on a medical leave for quite some time.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Apple stock down 6% after hours
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
haha this was posted on XDA before it was on the main page of google news, 24 hour news, and TMZ.
Killasmoke said:
Apple stock down 6% after hours
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Really? LOL!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
I love it.
Sent from my epic on boost !
..... ballin on a budget
ac16313 said:
Really? LOL!
Yea its down i'm watching cnbc business channel they where talking about Steve jobs for 20min they going to have a hour show about him at 8pm
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iPhone gets flash now, Steve jumps off a cliff.
honestly, I hope apple can keep up the momentum he started. If iphone didn't start the trend, we may never have gotten android, and if the 2 didn't keep trying to 1up eachother, android wouldn't be as awesome as it is. Competition drives innovation. I wish apple luck... if only to keep a fire lit under google's ass
Wizard Knight said:
honestly, I hope apple can keep up the momentum he started. If iphone didn't start the trend, we may never have gotten android, and if the 2 didn't keep trying to 1up eachother, android wouldn't be as awesome as it is. Competition drives innovation. I wish apple luck... if only to keep a fire lit under google's ass
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That is true ... we all know what happens with monopolies .... competition is always good for the consumers

Why oh Why Samsung!

Cause they is inept.......Plain and simples!
They have THE best phone currently available in the market (SGS2), one of the best tablets (10.1) and about to have the mutha of ALL phones (Galaxy Nexus), SO you have to ask yourself a question about the motivation of a company who seems to be hell-bent on cementing their place in the market as a rip-off merchant.
At least Apple try and pretend to have come up with an idea (by preaching out the usual "innovate" subliminal dictorate) BEFORE launching their attack dogs. Sammy just blatantly highlight>copy>paste>plagiarise and HOPE that no-one else in the world has eyes, sense, access to a computer or quite simply the nous to notice what they have done.
What is the Korean for "IDIOTS"?
Rofl, thats hilarious!
This is ingenious, i think we're not giving them enough credit. Now when apple sues them they can say "clearly our products are different enough for anyone to spot the difference" and cases get thrown out of court. Or maybe their just stupid as fk, who knows.
Well a few years back, wasn't it just norm, to copy paste publish what ever they wanted. Like the pirates they are.?
I am not surprised, seems they need to engage a USA firm of Americans who know the difference, and can setup a good thing.
Boss: Can we have a picture of Google maps running on the Galaxy Player 5.0 please.
Marketing firm: Sure no probs, a quick google search later and 'shop out the Apple bar and nobody will be able to tell the difference.
Boss: Thanks
Fandroids (inc me): Doh!
OldSacNut said:
BUSTED SAMSUNG! It's like Jerry Springer up in here!
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Nice, the worst photoshot work i´ve ever seen even i could do better. how can i be sure that someone just paste it there and now say it´s from samsung? You believe in everything... Come on. Are you from US? lol
themapleboy said:
This is ingenious, i think we're not giving them enough credit. Now when apple sues them they can say "clearly our products are different enough for anyone to spot the difference" and cases get thrown out of court. Or maybe their just stupid as fk, who knows.
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wow, that is just amazing.
someone's losing their job over that one, i'm sure. but you have to remember, marketing morons in big companies aren't exactly rocket scientists (or even comparable in intelligence to a pig for that matter).
That's why I like photoshop lol. You can make a coca-cola guy drink pepsi hahahah
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
Head-desk.... Hahaha.
silly samsung
Stop it, or i will call my mamma!
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium
sinto202 said:
Stop it, or i will call my mamma!
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium
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How the heck did you get the SGT 7.7?
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olyloh6696 said:
How the heck did you get the SGT 7.7?
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
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From my mamma, and i am not kidding!
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium
sinto202 said:
From my mamma, and i am not kidding!
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda premium
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Does she work or have anything associated to Samsung?
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
