3G speeds - EVO 4G General

Ok, I'm not sure if its just the network in my area, or my phone. My speeds are so horrible, full bars and I'm getting 1.0 kb/sec. Sometimes on a good day it gets into the 30's and 40's , but rarely. I am rooted , and running the latest ota patch. Any ideas, or is Sprints network really that bad now?

Yes... Unlimited at a speed many times slower than other carriers will throttle you back to. However, you can't beat the price - or the unlimited mobile-to-mobile mins.
Edit: My wife and son are yak-fest junkies, who can use 4000 plus mins a month. But they never even dent the 1500 min 3 line family plan we have.

That's normal for sprint. I haven't gotten above 100kbps since November of 2009.

OP, is that a typo, or do you REALLY mean 1.0Kbps? Or do you mean 1.0Mbps (i.e. 1000kbps)?
I usually get between 160/750kbps at home. I noticed yesterday, in Seattle (I live 30mi north of Seattle), my speeds were much faster. I didn't test, but felt obviously, unquestionably, faster.
sent from AOKP heaven

I'm 30 mins north Atlanta.
My 3g avg. 1400/1500kbps dl.
650/750kbps up.
4g has dropped off thou from 9000-11000kbps dl to 4900-6000kpbs.

I don't have stats or benchmarks for my system,but i've noticed here on the east coast/america i've been getting better speeds when downloading and surfing,since about january,i've definitely seen an improvement,they did say at the end of last year that they would be upgrading their towers the first of this year.


Are you noticing a drop in 3g speeds in your area?

I work and travel in and around the washington dc area and I live in frederick maryland. when I first got the evo (day one), the 3g speeds in my area were really good. Say 2MB up and 2MB down. Now I get between 512K down and it's really erratic. Today I'm traveling and am in the NJ area and the speeds are horrible here too.
These are major markets for any carrier. Anyone noticing the same? Could it be congestion perhaps??
Haven't really been checking exact speeds, but just using the browser I have noticed it being slower lately. I was getting nervous it was something internal that might have changed from flashing all these different roms. I doubt it though, hopefully its the network getting ready for 4g!!
same here. when I first got the evo, very quick data speeds. close to 2mb down at work and still descent speeds at home. Now Im roaming in my house half the time, ran a speed test last night and twice got 25kbs, before I would give 750kbs - 1mbs! Called Sprint twice now and they said they have outages through Pennsylvania. Not sure whats up but they said it will be fixed soon. initially they claimed no issues then after prodding them to check the tower, they changed their tune a little. I do get good data in most places but clearly they are having problems in certain areas of Pittsburgh.
been really slow in philly past few days 3g and 4g. seems to have gotten better this morning... 4mbps on 4g and 1.2 on 3g
Blame the world cup
Pretty sure the drop on network speeds is from everyone watching the world cup on sprint tv...
Notice the same... very fast 3g (2mbpsish) speeds June 4th to 6th... after prl update and ota update... very slow (about 500ish)... I went into Samsclub the other day to get a second evo for gf... and noticed 2mbps on 3g again...
My geography hasn't changed...
I work in Hunt Valley, Maryland. The first week, my data was snappy. Now my 3g is crawling. CS did say there were towers down in that area. I live in York, Pa and my data still runs fast there so I'm guessing it is a tower issue. Hopefully they get this fixed ASAP...
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I live in Jacksonville Florida and have the same issues. DL is about 300 kbps average. This really sucks. Hopefully they are tweaking the towers for 4G or something. We have 4G now sprinkled around Jacksonville and Orange Park Florida. Rumor has it that Sprint is going to fully unleash 4G in August (Jacksonville).
I'm in the Denver Tech Center area and it seems like Sprint is fixing the 3G issues. I'm seeing about 1.5Mbps average now.

[Q] Extreme 4g slowness - Fort Worth, TX

Is anybody experiencing pathetic download speeds on 4g? I've been getting 128 kbps down the past two days (prior to this speeds were excellent). Upload speeds are good, so i'm inclined to think that this is a local issue? Any ideas?
I'm using AvaV9 with the latest radios.
sfasu77 said:
Is anybody experiencing pathetic download speeds on 4g? I've been getting 128 kbps down the past two days (prior to this speeds were excellent). Upload speeds are good, so i'm inclined to think that this is a local issue? Any ideas?
I'm using AvaV9 with the latest radios.
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Well I dont turn on 4g often but yes very slow and not reliable in North Richland Hills....I am normally in Dallas during the day where i only max between 3-5mps..At night i connect to wifi....My opinion, it waste battery and only good if your outside in our area/ regular 3g is always reliable 512kbps up and down
my friend is getting about 10mb/sec.
Although clear has been acting up. Been extremely slow the past week.
I am in slc utah but have been having the same issues. 4G download speeds are very slow off and on but upload speeds are still at standard 1 mb. I'm still trying to figure this one out....
mdizzle9 said:
I am in slc utah but have been having the same issues. 4G download speeds are very slow off and on but upload speeds are still at standard 1 mb. I'm still trying to figure this one out....
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been seeing the same down in san antonio tx the past couple weeks.
Yeah here in Orlando, I was avg 3-5 mbps download, now I'm only getting 1 mbps download
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
shoo, in Richardson (just a little outside of Dallas) I get 2 mb down at home but 10 mb down at my school..
Edit: I take that back, I tested that like a couple of months ago, after posting that comment I went back and tested my 4G at my school...I was gettin a little under 100kb down and 3mb up. That dont make no sense.
Edit2: Ok, what the hell goin on here? I get home where I have 4g, but no bars, and Im pulling 1mb down...haha this 4g is playing with my emotions!
I am seeing the same thing in Frisco, Dallas, Plano and Carrollton although... It is VERY hit and miss. From my office I typically get 3-5mbps, it seems that here recently something has happened and there are times when I get less than 100k. Are any of you guys using an EVO? I've also noticed that with the 4G turned on the CPU goes to 100% sometimes (haven't been able to replicate with 4G off.)
Boss has EVO, wife has EVO and we all see the exact same thing...
Same thing happening here in vegas 500 down and 1 or more up
Sent from my overclocked Cyanogenmod htc evolution 4g sucka
In irving I was getting 68k earlier today
Sent from my phone with the geebees
I'm in the Mid-Cities area, Euless to be more specific. I just got 6mb down and almost 1mb up. Maybe it was being worked on or something today. Anyone want to verify that it's good again?
In Fremont, near SF, I've never had a problem with my 4g. Even with just 0-1bar of 4g, it's always been solid and consistent, around 8mbps down
Yea, I had a peice of paper on my door this morning saying 4g tour is up. So I decided to try 4g again and now on I'm getting 5mbps down and 2 up. Yesterday I posted up above in this thread with horrible speed. North Richland Hills/ Ft worth
Sent from my HTC EVO using XDA App
damn im gladd finally saw this ive been trippin thought i jacked my wimax yes two days ive heatrd of a down load cap coming but lower than three g and i was getting 12m day before im calling in morn i got another bone to pick see what gifts a little *****in gets post info this thread
by friday
Anybody consider the elevated solar activity since sunday as a possible cause of the current issues? I know my cable has been pixelating, and my home internet has been intermittant. Just something to think about.
Also I have never seen speeds as fast as you guys get on my EVO. Of course I run CM6 so I only get 3g but I have never had speeds above 1mbps usually alot less. Oh and I'm in the North Fort Worth/North Richland Hills/Haltom City area.
My 4g speeds are back to normal.
Have been getting terrible speeds all week long in Downtown Dallas. Both 4g and 3G have been very slow.
my 4g speed hits 10-11mb/s on average right here in fort worth, right around the 820/35 area and pretty much up and down 820, all the way to jackborrow (sp)?
haven't tried downtown area yet but ill test it out and let ya know
Mine is very hit and miss the last few days. I will have periods of good speed, then it slows to a crawl. With tethered downloading I especially notice an initial burst of speed, then at times it slows to 10kb/sec =(.
Well i just found this snippet from some article
Clearwire told Electronista:
Throtting is based on the current utilization for each cell tower, and many low-use towers do not throttle speeds at all. For high-use towers, throttling occurs during peak-use times.
A customer’s maximum speed is based on the number of gigabytes of data transferred in the past seven days and the download speeds for the past 15 minutes. Speeds are recalculated every 15 minutes, at which point a throttled customer will be bumped up to a higher speed. Rather than implementing one speed for throttling, the calculations will move customers between 48 different speed brackets.
The worst offenders using peer-to-peer software on Clearwire’s network may face repeated throttling.
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Seems to fit my symptoms like a glove. Bums me the **** out too, because when im throttled I might as well be on dial up.

Sprint Service Issues in Texas

Since the end of November, most of Texas, it seems, has had a drop in speed/service quality with Sprint's 3G and 4G networks.
In Austin, I would regularly get between 1 and 2 mpbs download on 3G, and up to 6 on 4G. After the end of November, I get between 100-500kbps, if anything, and 4G service has been halved.
I called Sprint and they said that the outage is still in effect and they are working on it. I have experienced the slow network in Austin and Dallas. Very frustrating.
Anyone else?
San Antonio has had some issues as of late. I'm not a heavy data user, but definitely noticed a slowdown.
i live in austin and by my house (campus/hyde parK) speed across 3g has remained pretty constant. im in a low lying area so i have no 4g there
at work (arboretum area) i work at the top of a hill and prefer 4g to work wifi. I can normally get 3-4 and have even got 6 or 7 a handful of tests. i have never seen 3g anywhere (on my evo obv) above about 800 kbs. where are you that you have seen 1-2 mbps? cedar park? round rock?
for reference i just downloaded the 58 mb 3.7 update over 4g in about 2 or 3 minutes.
I live in South Austin, William Cannon and Manchaca, basically, and would always get over 1000kbps there, even though I am in a valley and don't have the best signal.
At work, by Zilker Park, and downtown I consistently used to get between 1 and 2 mbps. I never see 1mbps anymore.
Here is a copy of the email I got back from Sprint Support:
Dear Mr. _____:
We regret any frustration this matter may have caused. Our records indicate that there is a trouble ticket open for the Austin area. Customers may experience connectivity issues during this time. We are currently investigating this matter for the root cause of the issue.
Im in San Antonio as well and it has defiantly been throttled down. you might want to try this little tweek it helped me alot since im on the line of 1604 and service really craps out there.
ps u need to get ur MSL
T3hPWN said:
Im in San Antonio as well and it has defiantly been throttled down. you might want to try this little tweek it helped me alot since im on the line of 1604 and service really craps out there.
ps u need to get ur MSL
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service around 1604 has sucked bad lately, same with out in helotes, and just about everywhere i go normally.
I live in Houston and I noticed a some what slower data rate here since about the middle of November... I had rooted my phone and thought maybe i would get better connection with it being rooted and nothing changed... I havent called Sprint yet because I have been so busy, but maybe after the holidays I will call them and see whats going on.
per the rep i just talked to, tower down affecting (wouldn't say where it is) San antonio, and a handful of other south texas cities, brownsville, san B____ something. and a city in west texas.
said national 3g coverage is down, probably due to the winter storms, but i doubt any towers i receive coverage from have been affected.
I live in Mineral Wells, a small town about an hour west of Ft. Worth, and I haven't really noticed a significant drop. I don't have access to Wifi or 4G, freaking boondocks, all I have to base this on is my 3G service.
I just ran a test off of a server in Austin with the SpeedTest app, and got:
Download: 139.6 kB/s
Upload: 82.8 kB/s
Ping: 175 ms
What do y'all think, good numbers?
Yea thats San Benito, I grew up there. Its been kinda slow recently here. but I dont notice. I am always on wifi when I get into the house.
Have been seeing the same thing here in NE San Antonio (IH 35 N & 1604) just tested again with 4G and got 3.55 mbs down & 0.85 mbs up. 3G 0.70mbs down & 0.26 mbs up. I have seen up in the 6.0 mbs when I first bought phone in October.
prosper (north of dallas) 3g sucks eggs. 4g is kinda spotty, but there.
I have wondered why service was lagging so bad. I have been driving around Dallas all day today trying to load maps and it has taken about 5 minutes per page over 3g. Can't get a decent 4g signal to stick and haven't been able to for the past month. I have noticed a major decline in signal strength/speed. I use mine mainly for the hotspot and it has definitely dropped in speed in the past month. I now get about 100 kbps if I am lucky. I hope they fix something soon.
Sent from my HTC Evo
xxxradiationxxx said:
I have wondered why service was lagging so bad. I have been driving around Dallas all day today trying to load maps and it has taken about 5 minutes per page over 3g. Can't get a decent 4g signal to stick and haven't been able to for the past month. I have noticed a major decline in signal strength/speed. I use mine mainly for the hotspot and it has definitely dropped in speed in the past month. I now get about 100 kbps if I am lucky. I hope they fix something soon.
Sent from my HTC Evo
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There are updated radio's for the Evo and it helped get my speeds back up. I am in Richardson and both 3g and 4g had slowed to half. Now 3g is back to normal and 4g is close to what it was a few months back.
If you are not on the new 3.70 build number only flash the radio and wimax update to the latest. DO NOT UPDATE PRI IF YOUR NOT ON 3.70!!
Seems like Sprint finally fixed whatever was the problem this weekend. On Saturday, suddenly my phone was finally getting over 1000kbps on speedtest.net and seemingly working like it used to.
cmart4 said:
prosper (north of dallas) 3g sucks eggs. 4g is kinda spotty, but there.
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down the road in aubrey 3g is spotty at best... !!! although the home agent hack did help somewat but its still disappointing speeds not to mention with the entire north dfw metroplex exploding in population u would think they would have 4g blanketed by now but nope...

Data speed sucks

I get about 2-3mbps at home.....so about 5 minutes from my home i wanted to show my friend how fast my data is vs his Sprint.....well my 3G crapped out at around 200-300kbps and his Sprint was in 5-6mbps range.....this is the second time now Tmobile data does this to me. The other time my friend was streaming 128kbps music on ATT iPhone while I had GPRS with pretty much non-working data connection....< this was 1 year ago, and exactly the same this year !
Spotty network connection. Happens to me all the time.
Yeah that sucks. I always read about other people getting 4-6mbs on their vibrants. In my town I only get 1-2.5mbs on 3g, in the town next to me I can get 3mbs. If I want real speed I just stay home and get 14mbs on my wifi network.
Fear the beard...
kolyan said:
I get about 2-3mbps at home.....so about 5 minutes from my home i wanted to show my friend how fast my data is vs his Sprint.....well my 3G crapped out at around 200-300kbps and his Sprint was in 5-6mbps range.....this is the second time now Tmobile data does this to me. The other time my friend was streaming 128kbps music on ATT iPhone while I had GPRS with pretty much non-working data connection....< this was 1 year ago, and exactly the same this year !
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This happens to the best of us. I tried a speedtest with vs a dude who was all proud of his Evo using 4G and i beat him in my office 4Mbs vs 3Mbs. It just all depends on where you're at and how congested the network is. If it makes you feel any better, my Vibrant can smoke my Droid X 90 percent of the time.
kolyan said:
I get about 2-3mbps at home.....so about 5 minutes from my home i wanted to show my friend how fast my data is vs his Sprint.....well my 3G crapped out at around 200-300kbps and his Sprint was in 5-6mbps range.....this is the second time now Tmobile data does this to me. The other time my friend was streaming 128kbps music on ATT iPhone while I had GPRS with pretty much non-working data connection....< this was 1 year ago, and exactly the same this year !
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Networks vary. This shouldn't be a surprise. Each tower is different. Different loads. Different backhauls.
2 days ago I had a friend over with his iPhone4, and I was telling him about Nero v3 on my Vibrant, and the subject of speed tests came up. So he pulls up his speedtest.net app, and happily shows me a 2.5mbps test, with 220ms ping. I'm like "hey, not bad", then I pull out my Vibrant and run a test: 4.4mbps, 84ms ping.
It only went slow because you were trying to one-up your friend.
Ive been getting edge like speed on my vibrant ever since thanksgiving day. It sometimes gets to 3g.
I finally rang up tmobile support and apparently its becuase theres a network problem with the towers....so, in 72 hours, it should be fixed by the engineers.
Before the slow speed I was getting constant 1500-2000kbps, now I am struggling to get over 100kbps, almost dial up speed
Verizon 4G LTE 22 megabits/sec download. What the heck???????????????????????????????
I am simply speachless at how fast Verizon wireless 4G LTE is.
So my friend is getting a new phone and we go on a shopping adventure. Verizon, At&t and T-Mobile all 3 stores accross the street from one another.
All 3 stores are located in Los Angeles in a verified 4G area.
We ran a little experiment, hitting up 4G phones and running speedtest. We ran speedtest a few times, and the below are average max scores
Verizon HTC Thunderbolt 20-22 mbps download every single time, and 35mbps upload
At&t Motorola Atrix 4G Max download 0.36mbps What the heck? That doesn't even count as 3G I don't think
T-Mobile Vibrant 4G Max download about 1.5mbps. Still not 4G in my opinion
My personal T-Mobile Vibrant 3G max download about 3mbps. For some reason my Vibrant 3G had faster downloads thant the Vibrant 4G every single time, and we ran the test like 10 times.
So At&t was just simply a joke. T-Mobile was more acceptable, but still not 4G speeds, and I have no clue why my 3G Vibrant outperformed the 4G Vibrant. So we ran the test on the HTC G2 4G, again faster speeds on my Vibrant 3G. Doesn't make sense.
Now, Verizon 4G LTE 22 mbps download, 35 mbps upload. NO I AM NOT KIDDING.
He ends up getting the Thunderbolt, driving around LA all day yesterday, not one single spot did the Thunderbolt go below 18mbps download, and was consistantly getting over 25mbps upload.
I am amazed, now THAT IS 4G!
Are those speeds real or is the phone reporting incorrectly? He is even getting almost 40 mbps upload sometimes. Seriously? Tell me thats just a software issue giving false speeds, because that is almost not believable!

NYC users - 3G speed even worse than it was?

I recently updated to stock GB and decided to try some speed tests in different parts of the the city today. This is my first experience with EI22 or anything not based on EC05 for that matter.
Anyway, in my neighborhood (Morningside Heights), data speeds have always been terrible, but I was able to pull pretty decent 3G speeds in most of the rest of Manhattan with Froyo. Today, I drove through Manhattan, starting as far south as Union Square, and worked my way all the way back up the west side. In short, 3G speeds were the worst I've seen them. Areas were I was able to pull in upwards of 0.8 Mbps with Froyo, I could barely crack 0.3 Mbps with Gingerbread. The best I got was about 8th Ave and 14th, were my downstream was 0.5 and upstream of 0.73. Everywhere else hovered between 0.12 and 0.3 down and 0.2 to 0.63 up. In every case, as per usual, 3G upstream was faster than down.
I have no idea if this is a Gingerbread issue, the fault of my Epic or if Sprint's 3G network is just that much worse now than it was a few weeks back, but this is far and away the worst I've seen it since becoming a Sprint customer.
I only ran a handful of 4G speed tests, and those had downstream speeds between 7.33 Mbps and 8.74 Mbs, and meager upstream between 1.37 Mbps and 1.46 Mbps.
I blame apple
They copyrighted 3g and decided to to sue sprint
Sprint was then forced to comply to apples demands and turn of 3g
What you get is now only 2g unless u have an iphone
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Ummm.. I really hope you don't believe that. That really is a ridiculous claim..
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I don't think it's gingerbread. I believe it has to do with all the new iphone subscriber on the network. I've noticed my speeds got crappy ever since the iphones release. I even had my sister asking me to take a look at her Evo because she said it takes forever to load on 3g. Only remedy so far is turning on 4g if you have coverage lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
RayTrue04 said:
I don't think it's gingerbread. I believe it has to do with all the new iphone subscriber on the network. I've noticed my speeds got crappy ever since the iphones release. I even had my sister asking me to take a look at her Evo because she said it takes forever to load on 3g. Only remedy so far is turning on 4g if you have coverage lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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I agree. Still on Froyo , here are my 7 AM Sat results (Upper East Side, 90's):
0.34 - 0.7 MBPS down, 0.6 - 0.7 MBPS up, PING: 87-122 MS
- most ping times were under 100 MS
- d/l speeds are inconsistent but generally are closer to the lower end of the range number rather than the higher end
2.95 - 8.77 MBPS down, 1.47 - 1.50 MBPS up, PING: 119-126 MS
- ping times are consistent, although sucky
- download speeds are very insconsistent
- it is NOT Gingerbread.
- it is NOT the iPhone launch either - these speeds are similar to what I had since August, way prior to the iPhone launch.
- Sprint's 3G: you get what you pay for. Wifey's completely stock Droid 2 Global (VZW) pulls 1.5 - 2 MBPS down consistently, with consistent PINGs in the 70 MS range.
- Sprint's 4G: great if you can find it, but spotty coverage and battery life drain limit its usefulness. Would take consistent 1.5 MBPS+ 3G with in-building penetration over current version of WiMax any day of the week.
Sprint 3G has always sucked in NYC
dieselg5 said:
Sprint 3G has always sucked in NYC
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Not when I had my Hero. Sprints 3g was pulling upto 5mbps
But ever since I got the epic, my 3g has been horrible. 4g has ALWAYS been great (I keep it running when I'm in ny) but 3g took a big hit.
I came down to florida the day of the snowstorm so I haven't really gotten to see the speeds get worst in nyc, but down here on 3g I'm getting 1.8 mbps (atleast on eh06... since I've upgraded to ei22, I've noticed things taking a bit longer to load but ima blame that on my phone still getting used to the modem.) I haven't ran speedtests with ei22 yet. Ima wait a couple of days.
I expect when I come home, for 3g to be even more atrocious than it was.
Trust me bro...keep 4g on in the city. It stays connected along the entire 6 train line in the bronx and all throughout manhattan. I haven't gone to brooklyn in a while but I imagine 4g is upto par there too.
I blame the 3g problems on all of the inevitable iphone 4/s owners in the city...
I suspect its all the iphone users in nyc
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
dieselg5 said:
Sprint 3G has always sucked in NYC
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As I said in my original post, I've pulled considerably better 3G speeds in other parts of the city before. For instance, in NoHo, I could consistently pull around .75Mbps. That same area now won't let me crack .3Mbps.
htc phones get better signal than sammy phones
i forgot about this phones but my epic touch uses a 5 year old antenna or something like that while the evo 3d uses a relativity new one hence better signal and speeds
gtuansdiamm said:
htc phones get better signal than sammy phones
i forgot about this phones but my epic touch uses a 5 year old antenna or something like that while the evo 3d uses a relativity new one hence better signal and speeds
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I've noticed a few of the more honest Sprint reps I've spoken with have said that the HTC devices have considerably better antennae than the Epic. Supposedly the HTCs are crappier in every other respect, though. I still hold that Sprint's 3G in NYC is worse than it was a month or so ago.
Things down started slowinglast Jul IIRC. If you think Sprint 3G is bad in NYC, try Suffolk County, Long Island... unless you're next to a tower, it's often slower than thick molasses, dying snails and glaciers.
Now off Froyo EC05 and onto GB EI22 rom, the measured speeds are (drumroll!) exactly the same. As for 4g connectivity, it has dead zones in various places i.e. Upper West Side. I don't know how people manage to keep 4g on all the time and not run out of juice - extended or extra batteries?
Lol at the guy who said it was apple...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
dohturdima said:
Things down started slowinglast Jul IIRC. If you think Sprint 3G is bad in NYC, try Suffolk County, Long Island... unless you're next to a tower, it's often slower than thick molasses, dying snails and glaciers.
Now off Froyo EC05 and onto GB EI22 rom, the measured speeds are (drumroll!) exactly the same. As for 4g connectivity, it has dead zones in various places i.e. Upper West Side. I don't know how people manage to keep 4g on all the time and not run out of juice - extended or extra batteries?
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Same with Nassau.
dohturdima said:
Things down started slowinglast Jul IIRC. If you think Sprint 3G is bad in NYC, try Suffolk County, Long Island... unless you're next to a tower, it's often slower than thick molasses, dying snails and glaciers.
Now off Froyo EC05 and onto GB EI22 rom, the measured speeds are (drumroll!) exactly the same. As for 4g connectivity, it has dead zones in various places i.e. Upper West Side. I don't know how people manage to keep 4g on all the time and not run out of juice - extended or extra batteries?
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I live on deer park avenue and work on 110, if it weren't for optimum wifi, I'm pretty sure I'd have killed myself by now (that's the only positive thing you'll ever hear me say about cablevision, lol)
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marcusant said:
Lol at the guy who said it was apple...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Yay there is someone who gets a joke
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
dohturdima said:
Things down started slowinglast Jul IIRC. If you think Sprint 3G is bad in NYC, try Suffolk County, Long Island... unless you're next to a tower, it's often slower than thick molasses, dying snails and glaciers.
Now off Froyo EC05 and onto GB EI22 rom, the measured speeds are (drumroll!) exactly the same. As for 4g connectivity, it has dead zones in various places i.e. Upper West Side. I don't know how people manage to keep 4g on all the time and not run out of juice - extended or extra batteries?
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In my neighborhood, I can't stay connected to 4G at all. Usually, I can get on and I'm then dropped within a couple of minutes. If I'm driving around Manhattan, I can stay on 4G for a chunk of the time, but usually get dropped in a few places. 4G is nice when it works: the speeds typically range anywhere from 5Mbps to 8Mbps in the areas of Manhattan I've used it. That being said, it's tendency to just drift in and out make it pretty hard to deal with. There are also a few total Sprint dead zones in areas where dead zones should exist - for example, around 34th and Park, there's almost zero coverage.
sitting by a window on 110th and Broadway, ran the speed test app 3 times to check 3G speeds:
Ping 286 - Download 0.12 Mbps - Upload 0.29 Mbps
Ping 362 - Download 0.01 Mbps - Upload 0.23 Mbps
Ping 356 - Download 0.03 Mbps - Upload 0.27 Mbps
remind me why I'm paying for this
I have been seeing some pretty crappy speeds myself (not in New York though).
Nothing nearly as slow as what I had been seeing for awhile. You should also take into consideration that Sprint has been rolling out the GB update OTA so that could be what's causing the abysmal speeds lately?
I noticed a huge difference in 3G today. Could be because the majority of the people got the update? Just a thought. But speeds are blazing fast for me on 3G today and it hasn't been since GB rolled out.
