[Q] Bootloop when trying to edit framework-res.apk - Xperia Play General

I know there have been tons of threads concerning this but I have never found a roper answer. so could someone please fix this apk for me? I have tried every thing but all the links are dead and I don't have a stable enough net connection to download JRE or android SDK I was barely able to download apkmultitool
all I did was make a really nice ice cream sandwich theme (by replacing a bunch of .9.pngs from another ics framework-res,apk) with no xml edits that should work for stock verizon 2.3.3, because that was my base apk.
I would gladly thank a bunch of your posts if someone could fix this apk for me
EDIT: just realized that i mismatched some images, give me a few minutes and see if I can get it to work.
EDIT: ok i successfully used adb push and it booted but there are no changes. It's in my "System/Framework" directory with a bunch of .jar files but there are no changes
uploaded apk

loismustdie555 said:
I know there have been tons of threads concerning this but I have never found a roper answer. so could someone please fix this apk for me? I have tried every thing but all the links are dead and I don't have a stable enough net connection to download JRE or android SDK I was barely able to download apkmultitool
all I did was make a really nice ice cream sandwich theme (by replacing a bunch of .9.pngs from another ics framework-res,apk) with no xml edits that should work for stock verizon 2.3.3, because that was my base apk.
I would gladly thank a bunch of your posts if someone could fix this apk for me
EDIT: just realized that i mismatched some images, give me a few minutes and see if I can get it to work.
EDIT: ok i successfully used adb push and it booted but there are no changes. It's in my "System/Framework" directory with a bunch of .jar files but there are no changes
uploaded apk
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Did you change the permissions after pushing it?

AwaisKhan said:
Did you change the permissions after pushing it?
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I forgot
what are they supposed to be again?
EDIT: ok now I'm starting to get p1$$ed off! i opened my apk with winrar only to find that all the files are in their apkmultitool projects directory that's the third time it has done that
any way to fix this?
EDIT2: YEAH!! I did it!
anyone who wants a (very slightly customized) ICS theme and is running Stock verizon 2.3.3 can have it in a few minutes in a flashable .zip when I've fully finished it.

Permissions are: rw- r-- r-- (or 644)

jacklebott said:
Permissions are: rw- r-- r-- (or 644)
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OK, Darn, I was using 775


(Dev) Here goes nothing

This is my attempt to get some more creativity, innovation, and roms here on xda. alot of people here have incredible skills but they cant be harnessed because they dont know what to do. if you are an artist we need you make icon packs. you have made 30 roms but you cant sign them. blah blah.
so no one abuse this but i attached a toolkit to do anything and everything with android on windows. im pushing this to be used for creating themes. hopefully it can help. but i thought it would be nice if everyone had this and the opensource community could start to grow even more.
i like this idea because it can help fellow Devs and even the watchers. everyone can get involved and give something to the community.
And now i present the Avabox
Any questions post them up.
unyaffs-you have the ability to take system.img and data.img from you nandroids and get specific items from them.
Autosign- sign anything and everything. name your zip update.zip and follow the readme. roms themes, apps, anything.
Baksmali- put in apk in the folder. read readme. edit any icons wallpapers, anything. close it up and enjoy.
Perlscripts- this opens the boot.img for you.
Read the readme on all of these programs.
So this is going to be a quick tutorial Im gonna put up a video soon on how i got this to work on my computer
First things first download Avabox and unzip it in your C folder (same place you put androidsdk).
then get the java runtime from here not to be confused with the java development kit but since your there might as well grab it as well.
Install the java runtime then reboot
then open up avabox and click on autosign and place the zip you want signed in that folder and name it update.zip (dont add the .zip part it should already be a zip file).
then open up command prompt and type:cd\
cd Avabox/auto-sign
java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 update.zip update_signed.zip
After that last enter give it a second and look in your avabox/update file and you'll notice a new file called update_signed.zip
I know that this is almost word for word from the read me but a few differences can go along way expect a video shortly..... well around wednesday or whenever i can get someone to help with this
im interested in learning how to port and combine different aspects of themes and other mods. will this do it or is there other software i need. I can do the work if shown the way. I read all the post everday with peopl;e asking for this and that and i do it myself. If shown I would help with requests as much as possible. HELP PLEASE
Thank you Avalaunch!!
so with this software, can i take a signed theme mod (like launcher or taskbar) and it will grab the images for me to edit, and then repack and sign to a flashable zip?
Everyone that knows how to use bak/smali, I have a question.
The modifications I made to the extracted pngs aren't getting transferred back to the original apk when I close it back up. Any Ideas? I'm getting really close to a breakthrough for 2.1. Any help would be appreciated
regaw_leinad said:
Everyone that knows how to use bak/smali, I have a question.
The modifications I made to the extracted pngs aren't getting transferred back to the original apk when I close it back up. Any Ideas? I'm getting really close to a breakthrough for 2.1. Any help would be appreciated
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hm ill have to check into it. it should be making a new classes.dex too. i never really used it on edits.
Avalaunchmods said:
hm ill have to check into it. it should be making a new classes.dex too. i never really used it on edits.
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It changes the classes.dex and resigns it it looks like, but doesn't copy the mods of the pngs to the apk.
regaw_leinad said:
Everyone that knows how to use bak/smali, I have a question.
The modifications I made to the extracted pngs aren't getting transferred back to the original apk when I close it back up. Any Ideas? I'm getting really close to a breakthrough for 2.1. Any help would be appreciated
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What do you mean? Baksmali and Smali are for decompiling classes.dex and opening it up for the .smali files that are inside. Smali takes that output and recompiles it back into classes.dex for your .apk or .jar file.
You need to update the baksmali and smali .jar's. You have older versions and that will cause issues with certain .jar and .apk's when decompiling. baksmali-1.2.1.jar and smali-1.2.1.jar are the latest versions and will not require the BOOTCLASS PATH to be included...
Does the autosign work windows 7 (64 bit)? I've heard issues with other autosigns on 7. If it doesn't, no biggie I got xp in a VM... lol
obannvi said:
What do you mean? Baksmali and Smali are for decompiling classes.dex and opening it up for the .smali files that are inside. Smali takes that output and recompiles it back into classes.dex for your .apk or .jar file.
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Yeah I get it now, after playing with it for a while.
Avalaunch, you should change the first post.
Baksmali- put in apk in the folder. read readme. edit any icons wallpapers, anything. close it up and enjoy.
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that description is a little confusing to a person that NEVER used smali/baksmali before. It makes it seem like after you edit the unzipped files, you could just run smali and it will put al the changes in the new apk. I figured out that's not how it works lol I feel pretty stupid now looking back at my last question haha
regaw_leinad said:
Yeah I get it now, after playing with it for a while.
Avalaunch, you should change the first post.
that description is a little confusing to a person that NEVER used smali/baksmali before. It makes it seem like after you edit the unzipped files, you could just run smali and it will put al the changes in the new apk. I figured out that's not how it works lol I feel pretty stupid now looking back at my last question haha
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What im trying to figure out is why would you even need to use baksmali/smali to edit .png's inside an .apk. All that needs to be done is opening of the .apk with 7zip, modify whats in /res/drawable etc then close...No need to sign .apks or anything. If anything, the script needs to contain something to extract /res/ * from the .apk to edit.
obannvi said:
What im trying to figure out is why would you even need to use baksmali/smali to edit .png's inside an .apk. All that needs to be done is opening of the .apk with 7zip, modify whats in /res/drawable etc then close...No need to sign .apks or anything. If anything, the script needs to contain something to extract /res/ * from the .apk to edit.
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I'm actually doing more than that. I am changing the code to look for instead of <name of file>.jpg to <name of file>.png
While also putting the new png in the apk. Think that's possible? I changed all of the locations where that file comes up in the smali code.
regaw_leinad said:
I'm actually doing more than that. I am changing the code to look for instead of <name of file>.jpg to <name of file>.png
While also putting the new png in the apk. Think that's possible? I changed all of the locations where that file comes up in the smali code.
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I gotcha. So you're looking in blah.smali for any reference to .jpgs and changing that reference to look for .png instead??
obannvi said:
I gotcha. So you're looking in blah.smali for any reference to .jpgs and changing that reference to look for .png instead??
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yeah, not working too well atm, but working on it.
I think this is what I've been looking for. Downloading now.
Just noticed that ActivePerl was for 64bit. I am downloading 32bit as I have only have 32bit Vista Pro installed and not the 64bit.
regaw_leinad said:
Yeah I get it now, after playing with it for a while.
Avalaunch, you should change the first post.
that description is a little confusing to a person that NEVER used smali/baksmali before. It makes it seem like after you edit the unzipped files, you could just run smali and it will put al the changes in the new apk. I figured out that's not how it works lol I feel pretty stupid now looking back at my last question haha
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i guess i need to explain more. i use baksmali to make apks easier to search through. for me at least. instead of changing the type and everything i just put it in the folder and baksmali then do changes and create a new archive. sign and change .apk. if you smali it back to apk then it wont save edits. sorry about that anyways has this helped people so far? i love showing that windows can be a dev platform
&RoidRage said:
I think this is what I've been looking for. Downloading now.
Just noticed that ActivePerl was for 64bit. I am downloading 32bit as I have only have 32bit Vista Pro installed and not the 64bit.
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yes just google active perl i use win 7 64bit and when this toolbox was made, it was only made for certain people who had 64bit.
Sorry for the n00b question, but I have searched and haven't had much luck. Hopefully, this is the best place for this question. I just started editing .png's and updating some apk's files to customize some things on my phone for looks. However, I am really interested in modifying the taskbar and notification screen, but I have no clue where to start. Is there a guide somewhere I could follow to learn how to change them? What programs, if any additional ones will I need etc..?
Thanks for your help!
Figured it out on my own. framework.apk and resources.apk

can we get the htc news widget on the phone?

i pushed it on with adb, it shows up in root explorer now, but not in the widgets list. anyway to make this work?
can you send me the file? i would like to try some attempts...
i jsut copied the file to my sdcard and installed it via root explorer...worked like a charm...is the file you have themed?
EDIT: My bad for some reason (it must be late) i thought i read Google News widget...I do want to get the HTC news widget on my phone also...
ejlax said:
can you send me the file? i would like to try some attempts...
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sure, PM me your email and i'll email it to you
ejlax said:
i jsut copied the file to my sdcard and installed it via root explorer...worked like a charm...is the file you have themed?
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you installed the HTC news widget right on the phone? the one i tried wouldn't install.
i got the NewsReader.apk installed and opened...now trying to figure out how to get the widget...
anywho, i successfully modified and then pushed the modified News and Weather (GenieWidget) onto the phone. i themed it to match my FeedR widget.
tried to post a screen cap but it's not letting me. something about being a new member.
i have the widget.apk, but not the NewsReader.apk. maybe that's why it's not working. we need to share files. lol
here is the link for the newsreader.apk
the app itself does nothing but force close for me. are you getting the same result?
do we maybe also need the odex file?
i was just going to say that....i am going to check...but the rom that i have is deodexed...do you have odex files?
ejlax said:
i was just going to say that....i am going to check...but the rom that i have is deodexed...do you have odex files?
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i do not have the odex files. i'm giving up for now. lol hopefully somebody can figure it out. i'm good with my skinned geniewidget for now.
You say your rom is deodexed... you're running a fully deodexed rom on DI? Did you build this yourself, or...?
I have some ideas for the news widget, but I'd like to see newsreader working first.
I posted progress..
I posted progress on the same thread in the apps section. I rooted and pulled de-odexed files from an evo build and pushed them to the system/app/ directory, i then cleared the data in HTC Sense app and the widget and icon showed up. The problem is that they force close. You need 3 files
I don't think it will make any difference to use odex'd files. Usually it is better to have de-odex'd files to install. The files must be on /system/app/ directory in order to even show up and launch. I hope that a dev is able to take a better look at the androidmanifest.xml in the app or use logcat to see what the hell is going on.
If you want to write to the /system/app/ directory,
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
mv /sdcard/RSS.apk /system/app/RSS.apk
then applications-->manage-->HTC Sense -->clear data...
But again, FC's will occur until someone is able to look at the manifest and alter it. I looked at the MinSDK for this app and it is the same as the DInc, otherwise I would've changed that part with a Hex editor myself.
Hope someone is able to do this, we would all be one step closer to a smaller Evo, lol. (I really don't like holding a "kindle" to my ear anyways, lol!)
what errors do you get that cause the force closures? (logcat from adb)
Updating the manifest files isn't hard, but requires resigning... did you need to resign the evo files after deodexing?
vilord said:
what errors do you get that cause the force closures? (logcat from adb)
Updating the manifest files isn't hard, but requires resigning... did you need to resign the evo files after deodexing?
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I didn't need to resign because the .apk files I pulled were from a build that was de-odex'd in the "Evo Android Development" Section. Root Explorer recognizes the files right away, but because they need to be system files, they can't be installed like other apps. I don't have a logcat because I really don't dev too much, but would be thrilled if others tried this.

[Q] How to edit theme images and not have phone hang on boot?

I've figured out all apk files are really just zip files, but why am I not able to unzip the framework-res.apk file, edit the images within, then save it again without causing my phone to hang on boot?
Is there some step I am missing? I've tried rezipping with normal compression, store only, and only photoshopping and resaving a single image within the apk and still it fails.
How are images edited and updated? What am I missing?
I use apkmanager myself for most theming. You might look into it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
An apk is a zip, but it's a *signed* zip
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Here is the way I do it. I use 7zip to do this and I think it is the only program that can do it.
The way you can do it is to extract the drawable-hdpi folder within the framework-res.apk then do all your edits and save them with the exact same file names. Then you can go back into your framework-res.apk and drag and drop the drawable-hdpi folder back in and it will over write the original ones. Now just hit the Up (like to move up a directory) button until you see the message "framework-res.apk has been changed. Update it in the archive?" then click yes. Now you can put it on your phone without force closing. If you were just editing framework-res and it was not within another .zip file then you won't get that message and that is fine.
APK Manager.
You can use extract/zip (2/3) for image-only edits, but you need to decompile/compile (9/11) to mess with xml files.
Do *not* sign system apks (like framework-res.apk). Do sign other apks.
Btw, this is in the wrong forum.
(Next step: learn about the update.zip packaging script. Remember to name it something besides update.zip afterwards, because on the Fascinate we're installing everything through Clockwork, which should be the only file actually called update.zip.)
s44 said:
APK Manager.
You can use extract/zip (2/3) for image-only edits, but you need to decompile/compile (9/11) to mess with xml files.
Do *not* sign system apks (like framework-res.apk). Do sign other apks.
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Oooh! I didn't know this app made xml's editable. That opens up a whole new set of theming fun. I can't wait to release my new theme. It should be well received (I hope)
Btw, this is in the wrong forum.
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I considered putting this in Themes, but this was a theme development question, so here it ended up. If the Theme and Development forums ever hook up and have a few drinks, then spawn a sub-forum, Theme Development, I assure you it would have been a much easier decision to make
Thanks everyone for helping me out. My last time playing with a phone is an old WinMo 5 device. Anroid seems limiting in it's own ways (no dedicated theme files (can't update without losing the apk theme), but much better for customizing for a 'look' of the OS.

Transparent statusbar...!!! Guide needed!!!

I'm [12.Aug.2012] NexusHD2-ICS-4.0.4-CM9-HWA V2.6 (Kernel: tytung_HWA_r3.4) And tried hard for a mod to make its statusbar transparent...!!!:fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed:
Followed this guide but failed as it resulting no statusbar at the end.
Please can anybody guide us(noobs) with a proper tutorial for systemUI.apk mods for our leo???
Been looking for one as well, always end up stuffing mine up.
I'm not sure which guide you followed but you can try this one - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=20654552&postcount=3
And if you are looking for different mods in general check out the SGN Themes&Apps section http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1340
It's way more active when it comes to mods&themes compared to the HD2 section (Which consists mostly of Questions and Disscusions anyway )
gogodu5sU said:
I'm not sure which guide you followed but you can try this one - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=20654552&postcount=3
And if you are looking for different mods in general check out the SGN Themes&Apps section http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1340
It's way more active when it comes to mods&themes compared to the HD2 section (Which consists mostly of Questions and Disscusions anyway )
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Sorry this is the guide I followed!!!!
jhha said:
Sorry this is the guide I followed!!!!
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You were right, this guide - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1523703 works well.
I actually never sign SystemUI.apk nor framework-res.apk, never had a problem with that, so you can skip that part.
Try APK Multi-Tool - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1310151
and don't forget to drop framework-res.apk into Apk_Multi-Tool\other
next open Command prompt and navigate to that folder
apktool if framework-res.apk
and you should be ready to de- and recompile.
Attached is 100% transparent and 50% transparent. (have not tested 50% though)
Flash in recovery.
im trying to figure this out for the rom in my sig which is a jb rom
but that guide did help me at all lol
none of the code matched up
Thanks those two mods worked, thanks.
Kameirus said:
im trying to figure this out for the rom in my sig which is a jb rom
but that guide did help me at all lol
none of the code matched up
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Probably because it's a different version of Android
gogodu5sU said:
You were right, this guide - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1523703 works well.
I actually never sign SystemUI.apk nor framework-res.apk, never had a problem with that, so you can skip that part.
Try APK Multi-Tool - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1310151
and don't forget to drop framework-res.apk into Apk_Multi-Tool\other
next open Command prompt and navigate to that folder
apktool if framework-res.apk
and you should be ready to de- and recompile.
Attached is 100% transparent and 50% transparent. (have not tested 50% though)
Flash in recovery.
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Thanks man I'll definitely try with this & let you know & many thanks for the modded zips(till I learn how to manipulate SystemUI.apk successfully my leo can enjoy it!:highfive::highfive::highfive! Thanks again.!
I found this guide too...!!! :fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed:
& managed to compile the SystemUI.apk but still it results in absent status bar in either way of following
1. Replacing the original SystemUI.apk in the ROM with the modded one & installing the ROM(Tried both signed & unsigned versions)
2. After installing the original ROM & later replace the SystemUI.apk with the modded one with root explorer (Tried signed version)
But when I Edit the permission(with root explorer) of the modded SystemUI.apk copied to the system folder (As in 2nd method), as for other system apps it worked. :cyclops::laugh::laugh::laugh:
I cant understand in which step I made things wrong! In which step we manage permissions of an app while decompiling, compiling or modding.!
It'd be nice if somebody can direct me right.! Love to learn from XDA...!!!
Kameirus said:
im trying to figure this out for the rom in my sig which is a jb rom
but that guide did help me at all lol
none of the code matched up
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Try above link...!!! Its originally for JB...!!!:laugh:
jhha said:
Thanks man I'll definitely try with this & let you know & many thanks for the modded zips(till I learn how to manipulate SystemUI.apk successfully my leo can enjoy it!:highfive::highfive::highfive! Thanks again.!
I found this guide too...!!! :fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed:
& managed to compile the SystemUI.apk but still it results in absent status bar in either way of following
1. Replacing the original SystemUI.apk in the ROM with the modded one & installing the ROM(Tried both signed & unsigned versions)
2. After installing the original ROM & later replace the SystemUI.apk with the modded one with root explorer (Tried signed version)
But when I Edit the permission(with root explorer) of the modded SystemUI.apk copied to the system folder (As in 2nd method), as for other system apps it worked. :cyclops::laugh::laugh::laugh:
I cant understand in which step I made things wrong! In which step we manage permissions of an app while decompiling, compiling or modding.!
It'd be nice if somebody can direct me right.! Love to learn from XDA...!!!
Try above link...!!! Its originally for JB...!!!:laugh:
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yes ive seen that thanks
found out last night that the status bar transparency on jb cant be done yet
pier10 said:
Unfortunately, there's still no hack on CM10 ...the .smali files (that need to modify) isn't exist in JB.
It's rather easy on CM9. Here's the guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1523703
btw, the notification is transparent on this theme
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im gonna try and figure out the notification pull down later today
jhha said:
Thanks man I'll definitely try with this & let you know & many thanks for the modded zips(till I learn how to manipulate SystemUI.apk successfully my leo can enjoy it!:highfive::highfive::highfive! Thanks again.!
I found this guide too...!!! :fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed:
& managed to compile the SystemUI.apk but still it results in absent status bar in either way of following
1. Replacing the original SystemUI.apk in the ROM with the modded one & installing the ROM(Tried both signed & unsigned versions)
2. After installing the original ROM & later replace the SystemUI.apk with the modded one with root explorer (Tried signed version)
But when I Edit the permission(with root explorer) of the modded SystemUI.apk copied to the system folder (As in 2nd method), as for other system apps it worked. :cyclops::laugh::laugh::laugh:
I cant understand in which step I made things wrong! In which step we manage permissions of an app while decompiling, compiling or modding.!
It'd be nice if somebody can direct me right.! Love to learn from XDA...!!!
Try above link...!!! Its originally for JB...!!!:laugh:
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Permissions are set in the AndroidManifest.xml. (in the root folder of the decompiled apk)
Sometimes, if an app is asking for "wierd" permissions which i/it doesn't need i just delete those lines from that file.
But in your case, i don't know what happend.
Kameirus said:
yes ive seen that thanks
found out last night that the status bar transparency on jb cant be done yet
im gonna try and figure out the notification pull down later today
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Sorry Kameirus
but i can't help you with that either, i guess you would be better off downloading the jellybean source
and try to mod it that way or wait until somebody else does.
I don't think that those "smalis" don't exist, they are just named differently
and overall just different since it's a new android version.
My guess would be, if you want to add transparency you might want to look at:
If you are going to learn a bit about smali, you could try Virtuous Ten Studio - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1619473
It makes smali's a bit easier on the eye and has a nice smali-guide within.
gogodu5sU said:
Permissions are set in the AndroidManifest.xml. (in the root folder of the decompiled apk)
Sometimes, if an app is asking for "wierd" permissions which i/it doesn't need i just delete those lines from that file.
But in your case, i don't know what happend.
Sorry Kameirus
but i can't help you with that either, i guess you would be better off downloading the jellybean source
and try to mod it that way or wait until somebody else does.
I don't think that those "smalis" don't exist, they are just named differently
and overall just different since it's a new android version.
My guess would be, if you want to add transparency you might want to look at:
If you are going to learn a bit about smali, you could try Virtuous Ten Studio - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1619473
It makes smali's a bit easier on the eye and has a nice smali-guide within.
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i saw that smali a little while ago when i was going thru the folders
ill look at it later after i get home
thanks for the tip
well no luck lol
but i did learn how to flash a backup blindfolded lmao
Ok I think I figured out whats the problem is with my compiling...!!!
When you run the compile it ask to replace every thing that not modified from the original. I chose "yes" earlier all the time! But when I select "no"
I could get a working SystemUI.apk even without zipaligning or signing.! :cyclops::cyclops::cyclops:
Learning something everyday!

Decompiling/compiling SystemUI.apk

I have been trying all night to compile SystemUI.apk
Does anyone have a quick link to a guide that they used to de/compile SystemUI.apk so i can change some smali and some .xmls??
all the guides ive found have not solved my compiling issues.
Download apktool and set it up correctly make sure the latest java is installed along with the most recent jdk. You have to load the framework usually before you edit a system apk, and remember system.apk's don't need to be signed. Sometimes it is necessary to load a secondary framework-res most likely for tw roms/firmware
apktool if framework-res.apk
apktool d SystemUI.apk
Leave window open
apktool b SystemUI blahblahblah.apk
After it's done
Drag meta-inf and androidmanifest.xml from old apk to new one, zip align and rename blahblahblah.apk to specific apk and voila push to system/app set permissions rw-r-r or chmod 644 reboot wipe cache and dalkvik fix permissions and you're ready to rock and roll
There is a thread on xda by ibotpeaches concerning apktool I would take a long hard look at it before you get into this stuff. Wouldn't want you messing anything up getting your phone stuck in a boot loop.
USMC0341 said:
Download apktool and set it up correctly make sure the latest java is installed along with the most recent jdk. You have to load the framework usually before you edit a system apk, and remember system.apk's don't need to be signed. Sometimes it is necessary to load a secondary framework-res most likely for tw roms/firmware
apktool if framework-res.apk
apktool d SystemUI.apk
Leave window open
apktool b SystemUI blahblahblah.apk
After it's done
Drag meta-inf and androidmanifest.xml from old apk to new one, zip align and rename blahblahblah.apk to specific apk and voila push to system/app set permissions rw-r-r or chmod 644 reboot wipe cache and dalkvik fix permissions and you're ready to rock and roll
There is a thread on xda by ibotpeaches concerning apktool I would take a long hard look at it before you get into this stuff. Wouldn't want you messing anything up getting your phone stuck in a boot loop.
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I already know about installing the framework, and i installed both twframework-res.apk and framework-res.apk. i also installed SystemUI.apk as per several posts. I already read through ibotpeaches' post, that is where i got apktool afterall = ). in still running into compiling errors however.
Any ideas?
As implied, I have decompiled no problem, its compiling im running into issues with.
Nv1dia said:
I have been trying all night to compile SystemUI.apk
Does anyone have a quick link to a guide that they used to de/compile SystemUI.apk so i can change some smali and some .xmls??
all the guides ive found have not solved my compiling issues.
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Here you go man he tells you exactly how to do it its not that hardhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2279024
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
jthrasher47 said:
Here you go man he tells you exactly how to do it its not that hardhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2279024
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
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I am afraid this is not the answer as my errors look nothing like that. I remember reading a while back when i themed for the GS3 that i needed to move files out of apk before decompiling, i can't seem to find this page again however..... in any case thank you both for the help, i will just have to continue looking.
Nv1dia said:
I am afraid this is not the answer as my errors look nothing like that. I remember reading a while back when i themed for the GS3 that i needed to move files out of apk before decompiling, i can't seem to find this page again however..... in any case thank you both for the help, i will just have to continue looking.
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Why haven't you posted the log so the compile error can be seen. How can you expect help without giving all the vital information?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Nv1dia said:
I am afraid this is not the answer as my errors look nothing like that. I remember reading a while back when i themed for the GS3 that i needed to move files out of apk before decompiling, i can't seem to find this page again however..... in any case thank you both for the help, i will just have to continue looking.
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That link is showing the framework-res.apk error. Your getting "style" errors correct? You need to modify 2 XMLs from the res/layout folder. And cause I'm a nice guy I'll link you to my DB that has the modified ones and originals. PM me and I'll share my DB folder with you. Its very easy. The aapt for apktool needs updating but we Ave to resort to workarounds for the time being. Same thing for framework-res.apk and others. We'll get ya straightened out!
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
reverepats said:
That link is showing the framework-res.apk error. Your getting "style" errors correct? You need to modify 2 XMLs from the res/layout folder. And cause I'm a nice guy I'll link you to my DB that has the modified ones and originals. PM me and I'll share my DB folder with you. Its very easy. The aapt for apktool needs updating but we Ave to resort to workarounds for the time being. Same thing for framework-res.apk and others. We'll get ya straightened out!
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
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I have resolved the issue.. Thanks for the help though! Turns out a simple reboot of my computer was all i needed. I wasnt getting a styel error. It was a simple Java error is all. Thank you everyone for all your help!
