Hi, i should have my Desire HD soon and am very excited.
I recently sold a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 (was rooted) and was wondering whether or not i should root my new phone and why...
The reason i rooted my previous smartphone was to make it faster but this one has three times the RAM etc. So would it be worth it now?
Also, does Juice Defender require root? It really helped my battery life with my Xperia X10...
Thank in advance!
Yes. Personally, root the phone. Why? Cause it makes it that much better than stock Android. Second, welcome to the DHD part of XDA. Glad to have you.
Now, did Juice Defender require Superuser permission when you started it? If so, then yea it requires root. If not, then no, it doesn't.
Not sure how familiar you are with the forums. But. Always search and don't spam. I'm not a moderator, but they will certainly crack down if needed. Need any tips, pm me
Root it...no questions..use the ace hack kit in dev thread...sorted.
Follow it to the letter mate,many have failed haha
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
Definitely root it mate. As long as your careful then it's easy to do and it opens up a whole new world of possibilities with the phone.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Root the phone, dude.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
I rooted mine about 1 week after I bought it and it was deinitely a good choice.
you will know when to root it... when you will be bored with the stock rom. I rooted mine after 1 year.
nikosssb said:
you will know when to root it... when you will be bored with the stock rom. I rooted mine after 1 year.
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same with me i rooted it after a year, after i'm sure i want some changes and i hope root help in improving battery life. in fact i just rooted 3 days ago :d
---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------
dhd is the best phone so far to me, it can handle lotsa thing, bt it lack one thing only, no front cam...
I had done some reading prior to buying my dhd so I knew I wanted to root it asap. It took me about 3 weeks to finally figure out how to do it but it took me from a sweet phone to a super sweet phone. Love my dhd.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
Root it. The ROM options are sweet, with a variety of stable and diverse ROM's out there to fit most of what you could ask for. You can tweak it to further boost the RAM and performance, especially useful if you load any of the new ICS rom's.
Search in the Development forums and you won't be disappointed with the community.
Hey mate,
Most definitely root. If you find it's still not preforming as fast as you wish, overclock
I am a new to android. Was a long time Iphone user and I wanted to know how to root DHD and what are the major benefits of rooting the DHD
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
I want now to.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
rooting is very easy, i rooted mine a couple of days ago and flashed a custom ROM today
There are plenty of guides in the development section. I only rooted mine last week, after having been completely new to the android system.
To give you any advice, it would be to read around what you have to do before you actually do it. For a first time user, it could sound complicated, but it really isnt.
Also, I would go for LeeDroids custom Rom and kernel, they run immaculately.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
The benefits of rooting your phone is a much faster phone and improved battery life, and much more other stuffs
the main benefit is the possibility to run apps that need special privileges... you should do when you want to run those apps. rooting by rooting is pointless...
I rooted my phone a month ago cause i wanted to change the pixel density and now i flash a new rom every day... it's a addiction.. =o)
Can you pls explain what you mean by changing pixel density
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Teach the boy to crawl first
Rather than start a new thread I hope you don't mind me asking in here!
I want to root my DHD, however I need to downgrade my phone to 2.2 from 2.2.1. Is it possible to do it on a Mac?
Any help would be great!
@eiKr, there is a whole thread about it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=905003
i really don't know, since i don't use a mac...
@niks_5in, type "LCD density" on the market and you will know what i meant! =oP need to say, i don't see any bad side effect in rooting, but since you came from iphone, you should read a lot on dev section before make any kind of change in your device...
I was on the same boat as you...
Today I decided to root it and what a difference!
Should be possible on a mac since there are osx versions of adb and fastboot available. Think there is already a pre extracted pd98img.zip available for download from the downgrade guide thread.
You don't need to run any windows exe for the downgrade.
Someone Swyped my idea.
Most benefits has already been brought up, but one big benefit is to have full control over your device.
And I will soon flash the phone for the first time, just waiting for wid0w to set up a rom flashing tutorial (hopefully today).
thiagodark said:
I rooted my phone a month ago cause i wanted to change the pixel density
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Is that like using a higher resolution display on the phone? Can you show us a comparison?
+1 to LeeDroid 2.0.0 although you're best to look through the many available to see which one might suit you best. They're all pretty stable.
PLEASE remember that this is your choice though, nothing to do with the developer of the ROM if it goes wrong. There's plenty of information about how to do it so you should be fine! I successfully got root, s-off, recovery, and have flashed loads of different ROM's with no problems.
Be warned though that as someone else above said, it gets ridiculously addictive, you'll be checking for updates all the time!
Benefits of it for me is that I have control over my device. I got mine in the UK through Orange and there was a load of "bloatware" on there which I would never use but couldn't uninstall. Rooting and a new ROM solved this plus when a stable gingerbread ROM comes out, I'll be at the front of the line for it rather than wait for my service carrier to provide the update!
franklin20uk said:
Is that like using a higher resolution display on the phone? Can you show us a comparison?
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Yeah you can change the DPI in the boot.prop. Ill get some screenshots of my Streak up when I get home.
Yeah, I rooted mine because of those preinstaled applications such as stocks, filckr or news which i never used and they still kept running in the background. You can also make your DHD even faster by OC (+30% of CPU performance - safely), make the speaker louder so you can finaly hear it. Most (if not all) of the ROMs available are also faster and smoother than the stock and they should improve your battery life. However it is not my case, cause since i flashed the new ROM (Core Droid - nice eyecandy and super smooth) i'm still playing with the phone and sometimes i have to recharge twice a day
Its thruth that you can brick your phone for good, but if you carefuly follow instructions on this forum and think twice, its 100% safe (or 99.9999% at least).
Just one advice that might prove useful and i haven't seen it here on the forum. After flashing a new ROM, do not erase the instalation .zip filefrom the SD. Can be useful if something goes wrong, especialy if you dont have a card reader
just search for "visionary"
its a one click root tool
Yea I used Visionary and it's was very easy
I recently purchased a brand new htc G2 and it is amazing. I can see why people develop for it; the potential coming from this thing is absolutely phenomenal.
I know what I want to do to this phone but I don't know where to go to and who and what to read up on. Cyanogen mod came up so much and I read up on a lot of his stuff but all seemed so complicated due to me just starting to figure out all this stuff.
I would love to know where to start out with this thing so that my g2 would be the best g2 for me. Any recommendations as to what to do to it, read up on or easiest way to understand rooting and how to do it?
Also I was thinking about what widgets and wallpapers u guys can suggest for convenience use. It would be much appreciated
Thank you
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
This was the easiest method, and the one I used to root my phone.
Welcome to the fold and prepare to be impressed with your new phone.
Read, read, and read.
And when you think you got it? Read again. Rooting is fantastic, but can get hairy. So make sure you are 100% comfortable. But have fun unlocking the full potential of your phone!
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I read before buying it. I still am reading.
From my permarooted overclocked HTC G2 with cyanogen 7 nightly via XDA app
I'm completely satisfied as it is, mostly cuz I've never held a genius fone before. I have been reading intently about rooting but have never been...with it, if u know what I mean. It is a hard concept but hopefully that link u sent me is good. Also. Can u guys recommend cool widgets and apps?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
the1and0abd said:
I'm completely satisfied as it is, mostly cuz I've never held a genius fone before. I have been reading intently about rooting but have never been...with it, if u know what I mean. It is a hard concept but hopefully that link u sent me is good. Also. Can u guys recommend cool widgets and apps?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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"Top free" and "top paid" sections in the market are good places to start
I rooted a few days ago and used the process at theunlockr.com it was pretty easy to follow the instructions cause there was also video to go along with them. Probably took about an hour to do and was well worth it. Check it out.
A Gingervillain-ized G2
Pretty much use this and then download ROM manager, search Cyanagonmod 7, and you're good to go. You'll learn from there.
I havent GBed. I wont bother unless its Moto released and rootable. Why? All the "where is this app?", "where is that feature?", "Im loopin bootstrap!", and my personal favorite :"how do I get back to froyo? " ...just click ur heels Dorothy......
Don’t get me wrong, Im the happy beneficiary of rooted stock. And for the folks that are all about the phone geek thing knock urselves out, Im enjoyin the reads. But let's be honest,GB isn't a warm fuzzy balance of enhancements for time invested.
After couple of functionality tweeks like rooting for bloat reduction, Froyo is highly functional and solid. I personally have a limited amount of free time...which incidentally is maximized by my highly feature-laden rock solid DX...and while Iapplaud u bleeding edge cowboys, I'm gonna stay put...til Moto releases GB and somebody here gets it rooted.
just sayin...munch,ymunch,munch...
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Technically with the locked bootloader everybody is running a Motorola released version. This new version of gb that was released was by an ota to a few phones. While not a full fledged update to gb it is very stable and reliable. I have been on it and have zero problems. All of my apps appeared. And no bootloops. The directions for everything that needs to be done are very well done and there is almost a zero percent chance of truly bricking your phone. And with sbf'ing and everything I had to do to get to gb it only took me about fifteen total minutes to get there. Enjoy your stable Froyo and popcorn and I will enjoy my stable Gingerbread.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
jazaddict said:
I havent GBed. I wont bother unless its Moto released and rootable. Why? All the "where is this app?", "where is that feature?", "Im loopin bootstrap!", and my personal favorite :"how do I get back to froyo? " ...just click ur heels Dorothy......
Don’t get me wrong, Im the happy beneficiary of rooted stock. And for the folks that are all about the phone geek thing knock urselves out, Im enjoyin the reads. But let's be honest,GB isn't a warm fuzzy balance of enhancements for time invested.
After couple of functionality tweeks like rooting for bloat reduction, Froyo is highly functional and solid. I personally have a limited amount of free time...which incidentally is maximized by my highly feature-laden rock solid DX...and while Iapplaud u bleeding edge cowboys, I'm gonna stay put...til Moto releases GB and somebody here gets it rooted.
just sayin...munch,ymunch,munch...
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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wow. thanks for the worthless post. save that kind of stuff for your therapist. nobody here cares to hear that you're not a flashaholic. geez. how arrogant
EDIT: lol. i just came across your last couple posts in another thread. i see the true reason you havent gone to gingerbread is because you dont know what you're doing. Which, there's nothin wrong with. But dang dude. really? i'll go back to eating my popcorn and enjoying my rock solid gingerbread rom, lol.
razorloves said:
wow. thanks for the worthless post. save that kind of stuff for your therapist. nobody here cares to hear that you're not a flashaholic. geez. how arrogant
EDIT: lol. i just came across your last couple posts in another thread. i see the true reason you havent gone to gingerbread is because you dont know what you're doing. Which, there's nothin wrong with. But dang dude. really? i'll go back to eating my popcorn and enjoying my rock solid gingerbread rom, lol.
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lol that's funny.
He must have got this site confused with facebook.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Ur right that Im not up on all the knowledge necessary. And that's part of the point....why spend the time? What's the reward for the risk? I've read more "help,I did what it said and my phone won't this that or the other" than ur "rock solid GB" stuff. Glad ur happy, sorry ur such loss poor converationalists.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
jazaddict said:
Ur right that Im not up on all the knowledge necessary. And that's part of the point....why spend the time? What's the reward for the risk? I've read more "help,I did what it said and my phone won't this that or the other" than ur "rock solid GB" stuff. Glad ur happy, sorry ur such loss poor converationalists.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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What's the point? Why do you do things that you do? It's simply because this is a development forum for people who enjoy this stuff. We enjoy flashing things and learning all we can about this stuff. It is fun for us. The reason people have issues is almost 100% user error. That means that they forgot to do something. Or didn't fully download a file. Or did something in the wrong order. There's almost never a problem with the software provided to us. The files work, people just make mistakes
Jmoney47 said:
What's the point? Why do you do things that you do? It's simply because this is a development forum for people who enjoy this stuff. We enjoy flashing things and learning all we can about this stuff. It is fun for us. The reason people have issues is almost 100% user error. That means that they forgot to do something. Or didn't fully download a file. Or did something in the wrong order. There's almost never a problem with the software provided to us. The files work, people just make mistakes
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+1. With the locked bootloader and no way for people to try to flash the radio or kernel. It has made this phone nearly impossible to hard brick. I only know of one. Every other person has worked through there problems by the helpful people and guides on this and other forums. You stick around here long enough and you will be eating gingerbread instead of popcorn.
Edit: I should say no way to flash a custom kernel or custom radio.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
While I share the philosophy of the OP (waiting for OTA and z4root-esque rooting), I don't agree that anyone should avoid applying GB. I did that sort of thing with my WinMo phone and if I felt the need to GB now, I absolutely would with no worries about the quality of the rom.
And with the potential for a long break without being rooted, I may just do that. I'm not up to speed with a lot of this, but will a root for the OTA be possible and will it take some time? I needs my AdFree, Tether and CacheCleaner.
I'm not trying to go against the tone of the thread here by saying this, but I have Gingerbread and am really not looking back. Stock Froyo was boring, everyone will agree with that. From there you had either ApeX or rubiX (or later Liberty). I ran all three actually and settled between Apex and rubiX Focused. Apex is/was good for battery life and overall stability. rubiX Focused is/was good for speed and stability, battery life was a bit less than Apex. But to me Gingerbread is the best of both worlds. 30-40 hour battery life PLUS the much improved (for most) Quadrant scores and overall speed and snappiness is like rubiX + ApeX. (video here)
I guess all I'm trying to say is that *when done properly*, if you flash from your favorite ROM to Gingerbread it's completely doable without any hitches or hangups. The thing to remember here is this: you're going from your favorite build/ROM/setup to something completely foreign. When I first flashed 2.3 (the most recent OTA, deodexed & rooted) there were some things I complained about. Then, with time and just playing around with it, I figured them out. I think most people are "having issues" with it because it's really that much of a change. It's not the jump from 2.2 to 2.2.1. It's a whole new setup, interface and all. I think it's the process that scares people, and that's understandable, but just remember.. it's virtually IMPOSSIBLE to brick your phone. With SBF, you'd almost have to be trying to mess things ups. Find a decent guide and give it a shot. You can always flash back to your current setup.
portnoyd said:
While I share the philosophy of the OP (waiting for OTA and z4root-esque rooting), I don't agree that anyone should avoid applying GB. I did that sort of thing with my WinMo phone and if I felt the need to GB now, I absolutely would with no worries about the quality of the rom.
And with the potential for a long break without being rooted, I may just do that. I'm not up to speed with a lot of this, but will a root for the OTA be possible and will it take some time? I needs my AdFree, Tether and CacheCleaner.
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Just a heads up, be careful with Wireless Tether on 2.3.. or even 2.2 if you're going over 5GB. People are saying that's being watched now.
I didn't really say "what's the point", I said the reward for time spent seemed dubious.....and I said I applaud the efforts and am the beneficiary of them. But damn there's lotta varying degrees of success. Part of my trouble is my PC's incompatibilty with the DX drivers that prevents me from sbfing....which seems like the safety net.
Buy beyond that I haven't read anything that puts GB so very much up the foodchain from froyo ....boring? Froyo is boring compared to GB how?
And zippy? My DX is very zippy...
Maybe Im not running enough stuff ;-)
I have to say, extended battery life has my eyebrow raised...that'd be welcome.
To be honest I was thinkin about loading the dx drivers on the DAW side of my dual boot XP box...down side is that boot is offline with no antivirus etc to maximize the resources for the studio ....don't wanna **** up a well-oiled machine....which brings me back to sittin in my chaise lounge on the sideline til GB is as easy as rooting &deodexing was.
Thx for the civil discourse.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
jazaddict said:
I didn't really say "what's the point", I said the reward for time spent seemed dubious.....and I said I applaud the efforts and am the beneficiary of them. But damn there's lotta varying degrees of success. Part of my trouble is my PC's incompatibilty with the DX drivers that prevents me from sbfing....which seems like the safety net.
Buy beyond that I haven't read anything that puts GB so very much up the foodchain from froyo ....boring? Froyo is boring compared to GB how?
And zippy? My DX is very zippy...
Maybe Im not running enough stuff ;-)
I have to say, extended battery life has my eyebrow raised...that'd be welcome.
To be honest I was thinkin about loading the dx drivers on the DAW side of my dual boot XP box...down side is that boot is offline with no antivirus etc to maximize the resources for the studio ....don't wanna **** up a well-oiled machine....which brings me back to sittin in my chaise lounge on the sideline til GB is as easy as rooting &deodexing was.
Thx for the civil discourse.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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I am definitely getting better battery life. The other day I calibrated my battery and had to wait for 1 day 13 hours and change before the thing finally died. Also if the drivers aren't working for you try this. http://www.droidxforums.com/forum/d...-solution-your-windows-rsd-lite-problems.html
just put it on a cd and go. It is linux. I haven't used it since my windows 7 64 bit system did the job for me just fine, but I have heard a really good response with this. Also, if you have any questions about it the guy is really good at answering them.
Since you are on stock....you are really in the perfect position to upgrade to gb the easiest. Root, Droid 2 Bootstrap, wipe, run the 3 files from tbh, wipe, and reboot. Off you go.
Just to note TBH has put out a rooted version of the GB leak....
I have blur_version.23588.p1 p2. And p3 plus the droid 2 bootstrap. So ur sayin I'm good to go from 2.2 rooted stock froyo up to GB without needing any sbf connection to my PC, right?
This is a good time for me to phuck around w the phone cuz Im off this week.
Couple of last questions :
I bought power amp...am I gonna lose it?
Does the camera settings issue mentioned recently apply to me on this load?
What does OTA stand for?
Can I get back to froyo 2.2 without sbf?
How many pecks in aa bushel?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
jazaddict said:
I have blur_version.23588.p1 p2. And p3 plus the droid 2 bootstrap. So ur sayin I'm good to go from 2.2 rooted stock froyo up to GB without needing any sbf connection to my PC, right?
This is a good time for me to phuck around w the phone cuz Im off this week.
Couple of last questions :
I bought power amp...am I gonna lose it?
Does the camera settings issue mentioned recently apply to me on this load?
What does OTA stand for?
Can I get back to froyo 2.2 without sbf?
How many pecks in aa bushel?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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1. No it will redownload after you flash
2. Yes. No idea why or how to fix
3. Over-the-air. It is an update sent directly to your phone from Verizon.
4. No. But SBF'ing is not difficult at all, it's just the idea that scares people and that people make stupid mistakes
5. I think two, or four maybe. But that is completely unrelated. Look it up
Thx....damn quick response.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Well she-it...I was all ready to pull the trigger when I double checke file size. #2 should be 16.2m and im only showing 21.7k. Only one of the three links is working.
Anybody know of another link?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
jazaddict said:
Well she-it...I was all ready to pull the trigger when I double checke file size. #2 should be 16.2m and im only showing 21.7k. Only one of the three links is working.
Anybody know of another link?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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all links work here
No joy.
Got an abort on the first file. (Good place to get one I guess). These files were downloaded to the wifey's laptop and copied over.
One distinction ...instructions here included "wipe", but the instructions from the modderX site did not mention wipe.
Furthermore there are 2 wipes .... I tried wiping the cache...no joy. The other wipe looked too scary..sumpin about reset factory blah blah blah.....
Its good to be on vacation.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA Premium App
Hello Wildfirers...
I saw this thread on the Nexus forum and found i interesting. Thought of starting a similar one here.
Just complete the sentence with your own imagination.
You know you are rooted when ___________________________.
Let the humor flow!
You know you are rooted when ... your phone is stuck at the HTC splash screen for 15 minutes and you still do not panic
You know that you are rooted when.. You test whatever fancies you in you phone.. And still not panic
You know when your rooted .... when you always smile at the # symbol
sent from my android powered beast!
you know youre rooted when you have superuser in your appdrawer? ......haha? ......anyone? xD
oh oh
you know youre rooted when youre sick and tired of flashing custom roms and then you feel bad for iphone users.
you know you're rooted when your phone says ***REVOLUTIONARY***
androidino95 said:
oh oh
you know youre rooted when youre sick and tired of flashing custom roms and then you feel bad for iphone users.
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Even when it is not rooted I feel kind of sorry for them...
You know u r rooted when your friends look at your boot-animation and ask, "How did you do that?"
You know you are rooted when U find your self looking every single day for a better ROM to spend another 2 hours flashing and restoring And it feels great
You know you're rooted when you see blue signal bars in the status bar
Sent from my Wildfire using Tapatalk 2
You know you are rooted when are ready to fcuk the phone to its greatest abilities :-D
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
You know you are rooted when when your Girlfriend tells you to stop rambling on about phones
sent from my android powered beast!
You know you're rooted when you're browsing XDA in a supermarket...
Sent from my Wildfire using Tapatalk 2
lispa said:
You know you are rooted when U find your self looking every single day for a better ROM to spend another 2 hours flashing and restoring And it feels great
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Nice one You know you are rooted when you come back to xda forums to talk about hacks for your phone
You know your rooted when your little child's first picture will be of you holding your phone to your face.
Blah Blah Blah
You know you are rooted when you change rom every day and spend the most of your time in CWM DD
You know you are rooted when you only have the apps that you need
You are rooted when you don't want to revert back to normal ever again.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire
You know you are rooted when your bigger brother has a unrootable powerful phone and he is so ****in jealous from you
True story.......
Sent from my still alive, ICS capable HTC Wildfire.
I really hate this phone, had I known how much of a headache this phone would be I would have just gave in and got a stupid iPhone. I am currently on 98.18.78 XT907 rooted with a locked bootloader (I used the work around after OTA update, wasn't previously rooted) I really don't need root. The only reason I wanted root was to install a custom ROM on my phone but when I finally got around to the idea of rooting my Razr M I was completely overwhelmed with all of the information and didn't even realize what I would and would not be able to do without an unlocked bootloader. I really don't want to mess around with safe strap... I don't want to mess around with anything anymore, this is all just a big mess and I will never get another Motorola product again for this.
Ok... Lets just say I am a little flustered and now I'm ranting, I'll try to just get to the point. My phone is rooted, it has safe strap installed (serving no purpose) and I mounted my external SD as internal memory by editing some lines of code (followed a tutorial). I want a clean slate. I want to be able to go back to stupid stock, because I would rather have the option of doing a restore to factory and not have to worry about freezing the updater, etc. Like I said, all I wanted root for was to load a custom ROM. Since that is such a headache right now due to lack of time, I would love to just have this phone back to stock, erase EVERYTHING, and just deal with it. Is this possible or am I stuck in limbo now until I get a new phone in a year?
I miss my Droid X soo much, even on gingerbread it was a better phone. :crying:
Droid X is not a better phone.
In post #62 of this thread RikRong has a link to the fastboot files you need. You should be able to use RSD to flash back to complete stock.
More info on RSD for you-
http://sbf.droid-developers.org/scorpion_mini_xt907/list.php second is rootable with motochopper 1.3 third one is the November update
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
silentshadow867 said:
I really hate this phone, had I known how much of a headache this phone would be I would have just gave in and got a stupid iPhone.
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this is all just a big mess and I will never get another Motorola product again for this.
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Who caused this mess? Who's the one that did this to your phone? You! You are the one crying and complaining about how much of a headache this phone is when actually YOU are in total control of what happened to your phone. So instead of coming on here and asking for help, you rant and rave about how you hate this phone that YOU caused.
I miss my Droid X soo much, even on gingerbread it was a better phone. :crying:
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Look above quote for comment. Answer: You
So here's some more help for you:
Search on here for Matt's utility 1.20 Follow the directions (very easy) and it will make your phone as it was out of the box. If you need help with it, just asked. Don't whine and cry about how you hate a phone because of what you did to it.
LOL this post is epic.
IndianaBond said:
Who caused this mess? Who's the one that did this to your phone? You! You are the one crying and complaining about how much of a headache this phone is when actually YOU are in total control of what happened to your phone. So instead of coming on here and asking for help, you rant and rave about how you hate this phone that YOU caused.
Look above quote for comment. Answer: You
So here's some more help for you:
Search on here for Matt's utility 1.20 Follow the directions (very easy) and it will make your phone as it was out of the box. If you need help with it, just asked. Don't whine and cry about how you hate a phone because of what you did to it.
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Indiana, you said exactly what I was thinking, but I've often been the "bad guy" in the M and HD forums so I thought I would just sit and wait for someone else to say it. Thank-you. :good:
RikRong said:
Indiana, you said exactly what I was thinking, but I've often been the "bad guy" in the M and HD forums so I thought I would just sit and wait for someone else to say it. Thank-you. :good:
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Yes we all think this... I try to refrain from being the "bad guy" but all to often I tend to...I'm a noob but I read and read and search and then do it again if after all that I can't find the answer I'll post ...it upsets me when others just post rather then helping them selves...
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
Wow. Just wow. Sorry bro, this is the best stock phone I ever owned. Rooted and debloated anyways.
RikRong said:
Indiana, you said exactly what I was thinking, but I've often been the "bad guy" in the M and HD forums so I thought I would just sit and wait for someone else to say it. Thank-you. :good:
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I don't post that much; I read a lot. There's been a lot of problems that people have run into with their M's but they ask for help when they, themselves, did something wrong with it.
I couldn't sit by and let the op say how he hates this phone when he did everything to it that caused the issues. If he just came on here and said that he needed help, he would've got a pat on the back and been helped.
HemRoyd said:
Wow. Just wow. Sorry bro, this is the best stock phone I ever owned. Rooted and debloated anyways.
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Maybe if we talk enough trash about this phone Motorola will unlock the bootloader to appease us
I'm very frustrated after the November update. My phone is laggy now and gets stuck in 3G.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
zombolt said:
Maybe if we talk enough trash about this phone Motorola will unlock the bootloader to appease us
I'm very frustrated after the November update. My phone is laggy now and gets stuck in 3G.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
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Do you turn off your phone once or twice a week? I usually do for a few seconds. It'll clear the cobwebs out of the phone. Also, there's an app called Memory Booster that I use that helps a lot.
I have been using total crap Android phones for quite a while, beginning with the LG Ally. That phone was totally unusable until it got hacked and I could load custom Roms on it. Then it wasn't a bad little phone at all. I've had the Play R800x, the Samsung Gem (for about 6 hours), and the LG Vortex. The Motorola Razr M is ANYTHING but a crap phone. Even stock ICS, it was a speedy, reliable and fun phone. Now with Jelly Bean, it's hardly worth the effort of loading a custom ROM for the differences they provide. Now, we have the promise of KitKat coming next, and even stock, I expect it will rock this phone out.
Brother, if you have troubles with the M, all I can say is, you DESERVE an iPhone. Or maybe even a Windows phone!
Naaaahhhh... no one deserves a Windows phone.
zombolt said:
Maybe if we talk enough trash about this phone Motorola will unlock the bootloader to appease us
I'm very frustrated after the November update. My phone is laggy now and gets stuck in 3G.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
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Yeah, that update has caused a lot of issues. Fortunately, I'm running aftermarket on both phones, so I haven't had to deal with the pains.
IndianaBond said:
Do you turn off your phone once or twice a week? I usually do for a few seconds. It'll clear the cobwebs out of the phone. Also, there's an app called Memory Booster that I use that helps a lot.
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Please understand, I came from a an HTC incredible, the crown jewel of legacy androids. I have no other experiences except rooting other friends phones which were low budget prepaids. The hardware on the phone is decent. It certainly is unfortunate the bootloader is locked. I was on 4.2.2 since late last year with the dinc and it kills me I cannot use this phone to it's full potential
Sent rom my XT907 ing xda app-developers app
IndianaBond said:
Who caused this mess? Who's the one that did this to your phone? You! You are the one crying and complaining about how much of a headache this phone is when actually YOU are in total control of what happened to your phone. So instead of coming on here and asking for help, you rant and rave about how you hate this phone that YOU caused.
Look above quote for comment. Answer: You
So here's some more help for you:
Search on here for Matt's utility 1.20 Follow the directions (very easy) and it will make your phone as it was out of the box. If you need help with it, just asked. Don't whine and cry about how you hate a phone because of what you did to it.
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Question for you...I'm trying to get the November update but can't because I'm rooted and deleted stuff without doing a backup (dumb) but I was going to use Matt's utility 1.20 but it says at the top not to use it for the latest 4.1.2 update so douse that mean it won't work for me?
kehres83 said:
Question for you...I'm trying to get the November update but can't because I'm rooted and deleted stuff without doing a backup (dumb) but I was going to use Matt's utility 1.20 but it says at the top not to use it for the latest 4.1.2 update so douse that mean it won't work for me?
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Could you provide some information about your device...is the bootloader unlocked...what's the system version and build date...
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
ezknives said:
Could you provide some information about your device...is the bootloader unlocked...what's the system version and build date...
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app[/QUOT
98.18.78 date is may 24 2013
---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------
ezknives said:
Could you provide some information about your device...is the bootloader unlocked...what's the system version and build date...
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
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Boot loader is locked ...is it possible to unlock this bootloader
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kehres83 said:
ezknives said:
Could you provide some information about your device...is the bootloader unlocked...what's the system version and build date...
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app[/QUOT
98.18.78 date is may 24 2013
---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------
Boot loader is locked ...is it possible to unlock this bootloader
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It is not possible to unlock your BL on that version. However, you can use the FXZ to update to the newest OTA. It's the third one on this list:
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RikRong said:
Indiana, you said exactly what I was thinking, but I've often been the "bad guy" in the M and HD forums so I thought I would just sit and wait for someone else to say it. Thank-you. :good:
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I gotta admit, I miss the bad guy!
Sent from my Droid Razr M using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 AM ----------
netizenmt said:
I have been using total crap Android phones for quite a while, beginning with the LG Ally. That phone was totally unusable until it got hacked and I could load custom Roms on it. Then it wasn't a bad little phone at all. I've had the Play R800x, the Samsung Gem (for about 6 hours), and the LG Vortex. The Motorola Razr M is ANYTHING but a crap phone. Even stock ICS, it was a speedy, reliable and fun phone. Now with Jelly Bean, it's hardly worth the effort of loading a custom ROM for the differences they provide. Now, we have the promise of KitKat coming next, and even stock, I expect it will rock this phone out.
Brother, if you have troubles with the M, all I can say is, you DESERVE an iPhone. Or maybe even a Windows phone!
Naaaahhhh... no one deserves a Windows phone.
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Totally agree with you other than one small detail. I'll take the Windows phone over the iPhone. Hell, give me a Blackberry over an iPhone.
Sent from my Droid Razr M using xda app-developers app
Jersey846 said:
I gotta admit, I miss the bad guy!
Sent from my Droid Razr M using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 AM ----------
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It comes out sometimes.