Stereo audio for video recording: Backwards! - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

I don't know if any of you have noticed or not, but the Note records video in stereo! The only problem with this is that it seems the channels are backwards!
Left is right, and right is left!
This is the case when holding the Note such that the home button is on the right. Even when you rotate the device 180 degrees around, so the home button is on the left instead, even though the recording shows up oriented correctly, and the audio is correct as well, when you export to your PC, the video is now upside down!!
Has anyone else had this issue?
Is there a way to fix it?

Are we alone?
FINALLY!!! I've been searching for weeks for any information about this issue with zero success! I repeatedly missed this thread because I was using the terms "reverse stereo". Finally in a last ditch effort before posting a new thread of my own I decided to search for "stereo" only which led me to this thread.
I must say I was hoping I'd find some answers here but it does give me some measure of comfort to finally see that I am not alone. I was beginning to think that my unit was defective and it still very well may be. The only other explanation I can think of for such a sheer lack of information on this topic is that most people haven't noticed this issue, which is really difficult to imagine.
My issue is exactly the same thing: When I first noticed the stereo sound was reversed I thought that perhaps I was holding the device upside down in terms of the orientation intended for video recording, but when I attempted to fix the problem by changing the orientation of the device I noticed that the video was recorded upside down, meaning I was holding it correctly all along and the stereo is indeed backwards!
I've NEVER had this much difficulty finding information on such a major issue. So I would really like to know, as I'm sure the person who started this thread would like to know: Is this a widespread but relatively unknown problem or do a very select few of us have defective units? It would be really nice if ANYONE would comment on this! I'd be just as interested to know how many do NOT have this problem as those who do.

I wasn't aware that the Note records stereo audio on the camcorder!
Too bad it's reversed... :-(
But I hope there's a fix soon.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4

Rayan said:
I wasn't aware that the Note records stereo audio on the camcorder!
Too bad it's reversed... :-(
But I hope there's a fix soon.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
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I wasn't aware myself until I watched video taken with the Note while wearing headphones. It was quite obvious to me that the device was using a stereo mic setup, but it was equally as obvious that the stereo was reversed. I wasn't able to find any settings on the phone to correct this. Incidentally you can see the microphone pinholes on both ends of the phone -- one on top to the left of the headphone jack and the other on bottom between the USB port and the S-pen well.
As for when it's fixed I still don't know how widespread this problem is, whether it affects all Notes or if it's isolated to a very small number of units. If the latter is the case then it's likely a hardware problem and will never get fixed. If you don't have any info on the solution to the problem you can still help by reporting on whether or not your device also exhibits this behavior so that we can get an idea of how widespread it is.

AjaxTheCleaner said:
I wasn't aware myself until I watched video taken with the Note while wearing headphones. It was quite obvious to me that the device was using a stereo mic setup, but it was equally as obvious that the stereo was reversed. I wasn't able to find any settings on the phone to correct this. Incidentally you can see the microphone pinholes on both ends of the phone -- one on top to the left of the headphone jack and the other on bottom between the USB port and the S-pen well.
As for when it's fixed I still don't know how widespread this problem is, whether it affects all Notes or if it's isolated to a very small number of units. If the latter is the case then it's likely a hardware problem and will never get fixed. If you don't have any info on the solution to the problem you can still help by reporting on whether or not your device also exhibits this behavior so that we can get an idea of how widespread it is.
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I know it affects my i9100 and my P6800...

I believe i read on the sgs2 forums that ICS introduced stereo recording for that device. Are you guys by any chance also running ics on your notes? If this is the case, it could explain why so few have had the chance to notice the issue.

There's stereo recording in gingerbread. I noticed it the same way Ajax did, I was listening to a concert recording I made through headphones and heard it. Though...I also learned the note sucks at recording in loud environments
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA

the note has always recorded video in stereo. noise cancelling mic for L, normal mic for R. except i've only just noticed that its reversed as well.

I'm on Chainfire ICS and just made a test video and noticed it was in fact reversed stereo!
Now here's what's very interesting:
If I flip the Note so the home button is on the left, my video image comes straight (not upside down) and audio properly aligned!
At first I thought that the grayed out option on the screenshot would have something to do with it, but I think that's for the front facing camera, and it flips the video horizontally not vertically.
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Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4

Jade Eyed Wolf said:
I know it affects my i9100 and my P6800...
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Okay now we're getting somewhere! So it's not just a problem with the Note which is comforting...well, to Note users anyway. At the same time if this issue is as widespread as JEW is illustrating then the general lack of information or even discussion on the matter, not just on this forum but on others as well, is strange to say the least. I guess I should point out that the former was an attempt at a condensed reference to Jade Eyed Wolf; not trying to be antisemitic.
Kame_boy said:
I believe i read on the sgs2 forums that ICS introduced stereo recording for that device. Are you guys by any chance also running ics on your notes? If this is the case, it could explain why so few have had the chance to notice the issue.
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Actually I have yet to load any custom ROM. To be clear I am experiencing this reverse stereo issue with the stock 2.3.6 Gingerbread that shipped with the device. I don't know if stereo recording is built into the OS or if that functionality was added by the device manufacturer. I do know that HTC now has stereo video recording capability in some of their newer devices but haven't yet found any indication as to whether those devices also exhibit this reverse stereo behavior.
Rayan said:
If I flip the Note so the home button is on the left, my video image comes straight (not upside down) and audio properly aligned!
At first I thought that the grayed out option on the screenshot would have something to do with it, but I think that's for the front facing camera, and it flips the video horizontally not vertically.
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Yes I also came up with the brilliant idea of simply turning my phone upside down to record video. The phone appears to know which way should be up during playback, but have you tried viewing that same video on another device? Try viewing that same video on your computer and you'll notice that regardless of how it appears on your phone it is indeed upside down! What's more the sound is STILL backwards relative to the video!
As you pointed out, Rayan, the "save as flipped" option is greyed out because it's only for self-recording mode. It essentially allows you to save video as a mirror image.
This is good that we are finally getting some discussion on this issue. Perhaps we will now be able to get to the bottom of it.

I've only found out about this today. So I registered and saw the noob video.
The left and right channels aren't actually reversed. The camcorder is just left-handed; that means the primary mic (bottom next to USB) is fixed to the left channel and the secondary (top) is fixed to the right. It's kept this way regardless of how your landscape is oriented.
You'll just have to remember to record with the record button on the left. That's really annoying. I hope this gets fixed in ICS.

me too..
any news?? I am experiencing the same problem..

Annoying if you are using a flip cover, the flap has to be kept held up.

Turning upside down helps on the device itself. Note can fix it on during playback.
But on PC it is upside down.
Ps. Yeah , my Note has the same problem.

On the PC, you can just flip the audio using whatever video program

Oh yeah. Terrible audio recording. Hissing sound everywhere.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

Have the same problem with reversed stereo. That problem appears on OFW 4.0.4, CM9 and CM10.
I tired to demux audio track, revert channels, encode to aac and mux video with correct audio.
Why CyanogenMod Team doesn't fixing this problem for a long time?

Recently i sold my Note and as a temporary solution bought S2.
Guess what! It has the same problem.


ppl with soundprobs! found my source!

My htc has, since a cpl of weeks ago, seemingly randomly turned mute from time to time.
I don't mean normal mute as in "i know the phone is muted", it's more like "i wonder if it's muted, altho the sound vol is up and everything seems normal".
The muting is global, affects both system sounds, ringtone, mp3s etc.
I always thought it was a software issue since it all started right after i uninstalled phonealarm.
Yesterday, by chance, i discovered the source.
The thing is, when stylus is inserted the phone goes mute.
If i slowly remove the stylus the phone remains mute.
If i remove the stylus with a twist or fast the sound comes back.
So it's a hardware issue!
How on earth the stylus affects the audio i'm not sure of, my guess is there's some force applied to something in the phone which makes for bad contact to the speaker or something like that....
Anyways, i've read a cpl other posts which describe similiar symptoms about the audio, but i've never heard of anyone detecting the source to the stylus.
Not exactly the first place to look for errs.
Pls try fiddling with the stylus and lemme know if it has any impact on the sound.
also a hardware problem here. hard-reset did nothing to the problem.
after reading the above, i now notice that sliding the keyboard open/closed will make the speaker work for about .2 seconds as the keyboard clicks open & closed. this is after hard reset with NOTHING done (except playing sound file using WMP)
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SkyyBoy said:
also a hardware problem here. hard-reset did nothing to the problem.
after reading the above, i now notice that sliding the keyboard open/closed will make the speaker work for about .2 seconds as the keyboard clicks open & closed. this is after hard reset with NOTHING done (except playing sound file using WMP)
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Really a reply to both above posters. The front speaker is one of those that has spring type contacts with the board. These can become loose. This has certainly happened with one or two folks vibrate motor that also conects with leaf spring contacts. They found that just a slight bend back to give the springs a better contact worked just fine.
thanks for the info, but physically taking apart my TyTN is a little daunting for me.
I think maybe better just to send mine back for repair.
however, it's nice to know what is causing the problem!
I can confirm.
How hard is this to fix? And where exactly is this located- I've looked at all the photo files in the Wiki and I'm at a loss as to where exactly I find this.
My speaker cuts out exactly when the stylus clicks in to the clip. This is really disappointing because at this point I'm stuck either enabling the vibe all the time or keeping my BT earpeice on all the time- in addition there's the issue of no sound on speaker phone.
teambnet said:
How hard is this to fix? And where exactly is this located- I've looked at all the photo files in the Wiki and I'm at a loss as to where exactly I find this.
My speaker cuts out exactly when the stylus clicks in to the clip. This is really disappointing because at this point I'm stuck either enabling the vibe all the time or keeping my BT earpeice on all the time- in addition there's the issue of no sound on speaker phone.
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Can I just check - are you having muting on both front AND rear speakers?
I ask because muting on one when the stylus is taken in/out suggests a poor connection at the speaker - whichever one. If it's both then it may be a poor connection or a cracked mboard but not a simple loose connection at one speaker.
mikechannon said:
Can I just check - are you having muting on both front AND rear speakers?
I ask because muting on one when the stylus is taken in/out suggests a poor connection at the speaker - whichever one. If it's both then it may be a poor connection or a cracked mboard but not a simple loose connection at one speaker.
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Not sure what you mean by the 'front speakers'- if you mean the standard phone speaker then the answer is no- can hear calls placed just fine. I've also discovered that I can re-enable the speaker by gently pressing the two halves together along the right edge (side with the power button). This screams 'short' to me loud and clear.
My issue is that a warranty repair will cost 3-4 weeks and 70 bucks to send to Germany (I bought mine from an importer). I'd be willing to void the thing if I was sure I knew what to look for once I got inside.
teambnet said:
Not sure what you mean by the 'front speakers'- if you mean the standard phone speaker then the answer is no- can hear calls placed just fine. I've also discovered that I can re-enable the speaker by gently pressing the two halves together along the right edge (side with the power button). This screams 'short' to me loud and clear.
My issue is that a warranty repair will cost 3-4 weeks and 70 bucks to send to Germany (I bought mine from an importer). I'd be willing to void the thing if I was sure I knew what to look for once I got inside.
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Ok, the rear speaker does not have the spring type contacts it's a white push in connector under the rear cover.
See top edge white connector (red/black wires)
mikechannon said:
Ok, the rear speaker does not have the spring type contacts it's a white push in connector under the rear cover.
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Thanks. Once you mentioned 'push in' I saw it in the photos and found the problem, see here
teambnet said:
Thanks. Once you mentioned 'push in' I saw it in the photos and found the problem, see here
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Ahh... Good news.
Did you also re-glue that pesky stylus retaining rubber/plastic square??
mikechannon said:
Ahh... Good news.
Did you also re-glue that pesky stylus retaining rubber/plastic square??
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No. My stylus seems to be locking in place just fine with out it. This raises a question in my mind: maybe it's not there to brace the stylus; could it be there to protect vibration damage to the mobo?
teambnet said:
No. My stylus seems to be locking in place just fine with out it. This raises a question in my mind: maybe it's not there to brace the stylus; could it be there to protect vibration damage to the mobo?
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Well yes in a way. As you will know by now there is a white plastic spring clip that locks onto the end of the stylus, so the rubber block is not to retain the stylus as such. However, without the block the stylus does in many cases tend to rattle about a bit and often the clip alone is not enough to allow you to pull stylus out and have it come out extended. So yes it prevents a bit of vibration but also just firms up the stylus when extracting it.
Speaker Speaker!
i also have this annoying rear speaker problem since 2-3 weeks now.but my tytn doesn't seem to have a plastic block to disturb the speaker connector,coz i dismantled the phone n replugged the speaker connector and turned it on while its still turned on.but the problem persisted.i don't know wot to do,may be i can solder the speaker wires to the mobo!is this ok?
disruptorx said:
i also have this annoying rear speaker problem since 2-3 weeks now.but my tytn doesn't seem to have a plastic block to disturb the speaker connector,coz i dismantled the phone n replugged the speaker connector and turned it on while its still turned on.but the problem persisted.i don't know wot to do,may be i can solder the speaker wires to the mobo!is this ok?
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You could solder the wires to the board connections. But, without testing, you might find that the problem lies elsewhere e.g. faulty speaker.
I assume you have done a hard reset just to be sure it's not a software issue?
speaker oldering!
mikechannon said:
You could solder the wires to the board connections. But, without testing, you might find that the problem lies elsewhere e.g. faulty speaker.
I assume you have done a hard reset just to be sure it's not a software issue?
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yeah you're right but theres something i haven't mentioned earlier.when i first experienced this problem i thought it was some kind of a loose connection and hit the phone softly on the back where the speaker lies.some times it worked and after 2-3 ringing times the sound went mute.anyway before soldering i should check the never occurred to me since its a new device!
yes i tried hard resetting,in fact i upgraded the rom recently to black 3.1
Worth checking because I did see a report by someone who replaced the speaker and it then worked - and none of our devices are very old!
finally mike,i got it done!its the speaker you were right,repalced the speaker and voila!its working again!
thnx for the help man!
Not a hardware issue...
I have been having a notifications issue as of late. Currently using VP3G v2.0 Cingular... (non hybrid).
I will get notifications fine for SMS/MMS, Email, Newsbreak... but after it goes to sleep... it will randomly stop sending the sounds. I will wake the device and see missed emails and text messages.
If I go into System > Sounds & Notifcations... and go to the Notifications tab... I can select my text message selection.. and press the Play/Preview button... nothing will happen... if I then press the Stop button... THEN the Play/Preview button again after.. it plays fine... and it will work again for a limited amount of time before it goes silent.
This is obviously not a hardware issue... please help if you can... everything is perfect except this inconsistent behavior with the notifications.
Hope to hear from some of you... much appreciated.
More Hermes Sound Issues
Hi guys,
Tried all previous post suggestions, my 'no sound' issue seems more deep rooted than a few contacts (or the lac there of) here and there.
Ruling out software (after hard reset) and ruling out misalignment or contact deterioration, here's the insight to my problem:
when sound is either played through the back unit speaker, or the earpiece at first it seems like there no sound. But in either case, if you bring your ear up close to the respective sound source, a 'jittering' sort of sound barely audible can be heard. As the symptoms on both the sound source are identical, I assumed that its a problem in the sound circuitry, but non the less, I tested the rear speaker by changing with a known good working one, the results were the same.
Any one have any suggestions at all? or even access to the schematics that indicate the audio circuitry for some trouble shooting?
Thanks in advance.
All I can suggest is to try cleaning the contacts (both on the motherboard and the speaker) with Isopropyl Alcohol, or surgical spirits for the layman, to see if there is any corrosian present.
Use a cottonbud dipped into the alcohol. DON'T USE METHO... It leaves a residue.
Trying to track the sound circuitry isn't really feasible as the Hermes Mainboard is multi-layered and is a ***** to try to work on. You'd destroy it instead of fixing it.

Apple Earphones w/ Remote and Mic

Will Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic work with motorola defy?
I mean will i hear music normal? i had apple ipod shuffle earphones and they worked gread. not sure for this one with remote.. has anyone tryed?
Check around here, I've posted my findings. I'll let you find your answer.
I've tried them and yes the earphones and mic work flawlessly.
The buttons however are somewhat erratic. During a call, it sometimes work. But when I'm not on a call, it never worked.
I suggest you try the P series of Meelectronics headphones. I use Meelectronics M9 and the quality for the price is awesome. I ordered the M9P (P is at the end of every model that has microfone), can't wait to try it out.
On their website it says that many Android phones are supported (Defy is supported).
Phone Version Device Compatibility (designated as the P version)
M9P review. Other can be googled.
Well, i have some Apple In-Ear Headphones, but nor the Microphone to the Remote works correctly. The Microphone does not work at all, phone does not recieve any signalling from the headphone, the only thing is pressing middle-button produces a short circuit detected by the phone. Remote does not work correctly, middle-button does nothing at all and + and - buttons sort of double presses-hold the call button, so in some apps you can change tracks. In PowerAmp you can change to next track by pressing + or - button. In stock music player, pressing those just toggles play/pause and fire the music app.
I readed a lot about this and its something to do with the circuitery inside the remote, made to work on iPhones and iPods and not well understood by android phones. About the mic, my theory is that it does not work because of the resistance of the microphone inside, checked connections and should work, also tried with differents headphones w/mic and they worked....
definitly you should try them before, if you're planning getting those, maybe you're lucky and mic works like arvs0z and use "Headset Button Control" App to fix the issue about controls.
EDIT: Got them working almost flawlessly
Removing some resistors from the remote, i got the center button and microphone working, the only problem is that the microphone has very low imput gain, its almost unusable, got to get it VERY close to the mouth to get a very soft signal in phone. BTW the center button works almost prefectly, but + and - dont work at all.
arvs0z said:
I've tried them and yes the earphones and mic work flawlessly.
The buttons however are somewhat erratic. During a call, it sometimes work. But when I'm not on a call, it never worked.
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really how its possible I tried but mic is not working, somebody here said that due to some resister inside the mic so its work only with certain model and iphone only
jollyb said:
I suggest you try the P series of Meelectronics headphones. I use Meelectronics M9 and the quality for the price is awesome. I ordered the M9P (P is at the end of every model that has microfone), can't wait to try it out.
On their website it says that many Android phones are supported (Defy is supported).
Phone Version Device Compatibility (designated as the P version)
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hey, and what you think about these Melectronics M9P? It is a good choice i think and i might also get one of these for myself!
Maybe of topic, but I used a pals Blackberry headset for couple of days and earphones and mic worked flawlessly. no music controls only the answer call button though.
your_login said:
hey, and what you think about these Melectronics M9P? It is a good choice i think and i might also get one of these for myself!
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Using the m9p and i'm very satisfied. Defy & m9p, perfect match. Music quality is awesome, switching songs, answering calls without a problem...
using apple headset too! works perfectly
lmxf said:
using apple headset too! works perfectly
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How did you get this working?
I tried my Samsung Galaxy S headphones in the Defy but they do not fit. I have Apple Iphone headphones (the one with a volume control and mic) and these work fine for music but I do not have music controls or MIC.
Anybody know where I can get stock defy earphones?
I really like them . But the left earpiece is broken
Sent from my MB526 using XDA App
I read lot of posts about Apple headsets, buts i can't find answer.
I have iPhone compatibble Logitech Ultimae Ears earphones with mic and three buttons like this:
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Earphones works, but microphone and buttons don't work (yes, i read threads about it) - i look headset have 4-pole JACK, but when connector is pluged in phone i can see last pole of JACK:
My question: my Defy have only stereo (3-pole) jack, or why i can't insert conector completly?
Thanks 4 answers.
sorry for my english
Defy has a 4 pole jack and that's exactly how my headphones' jack looks like (it's because of the jack position).
Male_zvire said:
I read lot of posts about Apple headsets, buts i can't find answer.
I have iPhone compatibble Logitech Ultimae Ears earphones with mic and three buttons
Earphones works, but microphone and buttons don't work (yes, i read threads about it)
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What version of UE headphones do you have? Did you ever get the microphone to work?

Nexus 7 Mic stopped working

I got my pre-ordered Nexus 7 16GB (from Staples) on 7/16 and everything worked fine until today. I just tried using Google Now and it is not picking my voice. So I went to Evernote to record Voice memo and it is not picking up anything either. I did Factory reset and not solving my mic issue. I think the mic in my Nexus 7 died? Anyone else got mic issue?
Waitzar said:
I got my pre-ordered Nexus 7 16GB (from Staples) on 7/16 and everything worked fine until today. I just tried using Google Now and it is not picking my voice. So I went to Evernote to record Voice memo and it is not picking up anything either. I did Factory reset and not solving my mic issue. I think the mic in my Nexus 7 died? Anyone else got mic issue?
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Mine appears to be dead straight out the box, not working in a hangout either :'(
Mine seems to be dead out of the box as well. Tried a factory reset which didn't help.
toggle the bit
Did you try toggle the mic on/off?
mackendw said:
Did you try toggle the mic on/off?
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Its not the toggle on/off but I have fixed mine with a rather strange fix.
Put your lips over the mic hole and gently suck for a second or two, this fixed mine. If you tap the back panel you will see it is working slightly(on Google now) but after doing the suck trick fixed the issue. Hope it works for you.
Tried tapping on the back near the mic and mine doesn't register any sound at all. Tried sucking on the two mic holes which didn't seem to help.
How do you toggle the mic? I have searched everywhere for microphone options in the settings. I must be overlooking something.
My mic isn't non-functional, but it barely works. In order for it to register anything, I have to turn it so the mic is right in my mouth and practically shout.
---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ----------
Just got off the phone with Nexus support. They said that my tablet is defective and has to get returned for a replacement (about a week).
I just called Google and they are replacing mine as well. Luckily they do advanced exchange so I won't be without my new nexus 7.
I called Staples Customer Service this morning. They told me they will get me a new unit tomorrow and pick up my defected unit. Hopefully, I am not misunderstanding them. I am surprised they have stock to give me a new unit this quickly.
wopr101 said:
Its not the toggle on/off but I have fixed mine with a rather strange fix.
Put your lips over the mic hole and gently suck for a second or two, this fixed mine. If you tap the back panel you will see it is working slightly(on Google now) but after doing the suck trick fixed the issue. Hope it works for you.
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That is a strange way you figure out how to fix your unit. I love my Nexus 7 but don't love it enough to put my lips around mic hole and suck on it. :silly:
I love how simple it is to get people to suck on their tablets holes.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I found the problem, at least on mine. You know that small hole in the case that allows sound to reach the microphone? Mine doesn't have that.The microphone itself is still there, but the solid case prevents it from picking up anything usable.
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>Put your lips over the mic hole and gently suck for a second or two
Make sure to close the door beforehand.
>You know that small hole in the case that allows sound to reach the microphone? Mine doesn't have that.
wopr101 said:
Its not the toggle on/off but I have fixed mine with a rather strange fix.
Put your lips over the mic hole and gently suck for a second or two, this fixed mine. If you tap the back panel you will see it is working slightly(on Google now) but after doing the suck trick fixed the issue. Hope it works for you.
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There is no way I'm doing that without a bottle of wine and a Barry Manolo album.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Waitzar said:
I got my pre-ordered Nexus 7 16GB (from Staples) on 7/16 and everything worked fine until today. I just tried using Google Now and it is not picking my voice. So I went to Evernote to record Voice memo and it is not picking up anything either. I did Factory reset and not solving my mic issue. I think the mic in my Nexus 7 died? Anyone else got mic issue?
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Mine has the same problem and the NFC chip doesnt work.
Mic quit working on my as well. Purchased mine last friday from Officemax and everything was good (including the mic). Tried Google Now last night (as well as a few other apps), and the mic was not working.
Factory reset and back to stock did nothing to fix the problem. Going to exchange it today.
Same thing happened to mine. Google is sending a replacement today. I don't understand how it just stops working after a couple weeks like that. Let's hope the new one doesn't have that problem.
The microphone on mine stopped working as well. I couldn't talk to Google now. I popped the back off, and it worked just fine. There is a little rubber 'gasket' around the actual mic, and where the hole in the case line up, that can come loose, and cover the wee little pinhole.
My problem
I am also having problems with the microphone of nexus 7. I have observed two things. If i hold the device in portrait mode then the microphone works sometimes and sometimes not. And if i rotate it into landscape mode then it always works but then there is noise. Anyone else having a similar problem?
Hi all.
I tried the suction with a vacuum cleaner . It wasn't working.
But after a good look at a super video from Adam:
Nexus 7 unboxed the xda way
I noticed that you will not void your warranty by opening the back cover.
You have to be careful though, to not damage it.
- I opened the back cover from the top (where the camera is) and sides to get a better view
- use a small stick to gently poke the microphone (mine was slightly moving)
- then i pressed from top on that mic. and moved it probably 1 or 2 mm into the Nexus.
It's now working without any problem.
Hope it will be helpful to some of you.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app

Fix for how hard the sound sucks

Maybe someone has already posted this; it wouldn't surprise me. I was watching Dexter on my tab a few nights ago, and I said, "Wow, the sound really sucks. Let me turn it up." It was turned up. F***. Somehow, I got the idea to cup my hand around the speaker so that it reflects out to my ears... and it worked. So, I did some experimenting. 30 seconds later, I got it; I found out that if you hold any kind of card over the speaker, that because the speaker itself is on the slightest angle, the card doesn't block the sound, it projects it in another direction. Where the sound used to be low, bassy, and at times incoherent, the volume now gets a slight boost, a decrease in the bass, (and thus) the ability to understand what the hell people are saying.
Let me not talk anymore; I have a feeling people look something like this in reading my post:
So now, I'm going to post a picture of what I did to my tablet, and instead of trying to make sense out of what I'm saying, just try it for yourself. If you like it, agree with me. If you don't like it, don't agree with me! But for me, personally, this nifty little trick (which, by the way, does not get in the way of the folio I have for my tab, but may get in the way of yours) makes viewing a much more tolerable experience than it was before.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
So, as you can see, I used electrical tape to secure an old card down to my tablet; it goes over the speaker, and very slightly past the edge of the device.
Again, don't try to understand my explanation, and don't knock it just yet; try it out. Hopefully, you guys get the same result as me, and hopefully, it renews your faith in viewing on your tablet.
Edit: For some reason, the images won't appear. These are the links to the images:
Tim 13 said:
Maybe someone has already posted this; it wouldn't surprise me. I was watching Dexter on my tab a few nights ago, and I said, "Wow, the sound really sucks. Let me turn it up." It was turned up. F***. Somehow, I got the idea to cup my hand around the speaker so that it reflects out to my ears... and it worked. So, I did some experimenting. 30 seconds later, I got it; I found out that if you hold any kind of card over the speaker, that because the speaker itself is on the slightest angle, the card doesn't block the sound, it projects it in another direction. Where the sound used to be low, bassy, and at times incoherent, the volume now gets a slight boost, a decrease in the bass, (and thus) the ability to understand what the hell people are saying.
Let me not talk anymore; I have a feeling people look something like this in reading my post:
So now, I'm going to post a picture of what I did to my tablet, and instead of trying to make sense out of what I'm saying, just try it for yourself. If you like it, agree with me. If you don't like it, don't agree with me! But for me, personally, this nifty little trick (which, by the way, does not get in the way of the folio I have for my tab, but may get in the way of yours) makes viewing a much more tolerable experience than it was before.
So, as you can see, I used electrical tape to secure an old card down to my tablet; it goes over the speaker, and very slightly past the edge of the device.
Again, don't try to understand my explanation, and don't knock it just yet; try it out. Hopefully, you guys get the same result as me, and hopefully, it renews your faith in viewing on your tablet.
Edit: For some reason, the images won't appear. These are the links to the images:
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my only problem is with the headphones volume, ive tried 5 different pairs and they are all to quiet
The Usual Suspects
Tim 13 said:
Maybe someone has already posted this; it wouldn't surprise me. I was watching Dexter on my tab a few nights ago, and I said, "Wow, the sound really sucks. Let me turn it up." It was turned up. F***. Somehow, I got the idea to cup my hand around the speaker so that it reflects out to my ears... and it worked. So, I did some experimenting. 30 seconds later, I got it; I found out that if you hold any kind of card over the speaker, that because the speaker itself is on the slightest angle, the card doesn't block the sound, it projects it in another direction. Where the sound used to be low, bassy, and at times incoherent, the volume now gets a slight boost, a decrease in the bass, (and thus) the ability to understand what the hell people are saying.
Let me not talk anymore; I have a feeling people look something like this in reading my post:
The card trick is easy to understand, but it begs the questions:
-- Are you running a stock ROM
-- ICS or JB
-- Have you tried any of the generic Android volume boosters like Volume+?
I don't have any volume issues with my TF300T. I've got Power Amp (unlocked) installed as my music player and it uses Direct Volume Control 2.3+, though I'm unsure if this effects volume of videos from the web. Anyone? I'm also running seanzscreams Hydro 4.1 rom and I forget if he did any volume boosting--it would not be out of character for him to have done so.
What I want is the usb adio that Jelly Bean is supposed to support.
Sent from my TF300T via Aurora, slip sliding away with Hydo 4.1 rom.
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I am unlocked and rooted, running ICS, and I think that makes it a stock ROM, right? Sorry, I'm kind of a moron when it comes to stuff other than the simple. I probably couldn't even root this thing again if I tried.
And for your other question, I've never tried any volume boosting apps; it never even occurred to me to search for that kind of thing. If you didn't tell me about their existence, I would have written it off as being as ridiculous as searching for a vibration function on the Android Market I'll go try one out now. This isn't a messy option or anything but it's certainly not ideal. lol
corpusloqui03 said:
I've got Power Amp (unlocked) installed as my music player and it uses Direct Volume Control 2.3+, though I'm unsure if this effects volume of videos from the web. Anyone?
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Power Amp sound settings only control the sound of audio played directly from Power Amp.
Volume + definately works, i can vouch for that app

Xiaomi Mi A1 Volume issue with connected headphones - Volume self adjusts to DND mode

Recent Mi A1 owner here, as usual getting little joy from Mi support.
I purchased a new Mi A1 recently but when I connect the headphones the volume self adjust down to DND mode. If i try to increase it will resist and push itself back down. This is an intermittent problem but will usually happen within 2-10 seconds of plugging in.
The headphones are JCV with inbuilt mic and three rings. One button to answer call. When this button is pressed the volume reduces one step on the slider (volume slider display appears on phone.) They are working fine on my other devices.
The Mi A1 is Gold MDG2 running stock 7.1.2
I'm trying to determine if this is a hardware issue with the phone (in which case I can exchange) or
a software issue with Android
it has been suggested in (1) other thread that there may be an incompatibility issue with the inbuilt mic.
Has anyone else suffered similar issues? Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
I believe this is an android issue. I've experienced the same on other phones, but it happened so infrequently (1 or 2 times a month), it didn't bother me. The quick fix was to take the headphones out and insert them again right after it happens. I find it happens with IEMs (with volume controls or even one button for pause/play/fwd/back) that are damaged or well used/dying soon.
Since i read this thread, i went looking to see if there were some fixes. Can you see if you can enable your System UI tuner? Follow this path >Do Not Disturb>Volume Buttons Shortcut to off?
I only read this so i am trying myself as well and will see if i get this problem again. My reasoning as to why this may work is that i think the volume controls may be an issue on the IEMs/headphones. I think it must be sending some kind of command that enables the DND with the volume button controls. Anyways, just my hypothesis, maybe give it a try.
hoolifailure said:
Since i read this thread, i went looking to see if there were some fixes. Can you see if you can enable your System UI tuner? Follow this path >Do Not Disturb>Volume Buttons Shortcut to off?
I only read this so i am trying myself as well and will see if i get this problem again. My reasoning as to why this may work is that i think the volume controls may be an issue on the IEMs/headphones. I think it must be sending some kind of command that enables the DND with the volume button controls. Anyways, just my hypothesis, maybe give it a try.
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Thanks for the tip about system UI. I have disabled it and will be testing now to see the effect. The JVC headphone are fairly new but are budget. I will try to purchase the Xioami basic headphones this week to see if the problem persists. They have the same feature set as the current pair I am using.
Same here.
Sometimes the volume will increase itself, making bad things to my poor ears...
The stange thing is that sometimes instead of increasing the volume, it will stop the music or enable DND mode.
This isuse happen with some device not all. I think this is hardware issuse, not software. I asked one guy who use LG quadbeat 3 like me, he says everything fine with him.
Try to test with xiaomi test, the test auto recognize volume down button without press.
So what is solution?
Use headphone without mic, or just one "skip" button.
Really disapointed with this device. After facing warm color screen and laggy scolling, and jack problem make me feel tired.
The first and last phone with xiaomi.
Some additional findings:
It seems that blowing into the microphone causes the volume to reduce on the handset. Also, if i am driving the issue intensify's so it seems to be something being picked up by the microphone that is making the volume reduce.
Xiaomi customer support are baffled and only advise to take it to a service center.
Okay this might sound weird, but I faced the same issue in yu yureka.
The cause from what i was able to determine was this type of connector will work without the issue you faced,
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
where as
this type of connector will give you issues.
In Yu Yureka the scenario was reversed.
My CX180's and my JBL headphones (don't remember the model) work fine with the connector with two "grooves" where as
another pair of JBL's (don't remember the model) and a model of Sony headphones with three "grooves" will give me the above mentioned issue. Again, Just what i experienced. Might not be the case for all.
(Tested on both the black variant and the white variant)
Almost assuredly, it will involve 3rd ring because the 3rd ring is what sends the commands and the command it sends is what I suspect is the issue.
2 rings means no remote/mic and no commands, those two rings are output only, only transmit the sound.
bravovn said:
This isuse happen with some device not all. I think this is hardware issuse, not software. I asked one guy who use LG quadbeat 3 like me, he says everything fine with him.
Try to test with xiaomi test, the test auto recognize volume down button without press.
So what is solution?
Use headphone without mic, or just one "skip" button.
Really disapointed with this device. After facing warm color screen and laggy scolling, and jack problem make me feel tired.
The first and last phone with xiaomi.
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It don't think this a purely hardware issue. It's happened on my old phones (Axon 7) and specifically with nougat, never happened in Lollipop. Also, Nexus/Sony/Moto devices have the same reported issue. So to blame this fully on Xiaomi, I don't think is fair. If that many manufacturers have similar reports, it's clear its something beyond hardware or a particular phone/manufacturer.
The one IEM I had this issue with is one with a single button. So I don't think that is a solution.
Can't say I've had such a bad experience with this phone. In fact, I think it's made me interested in buying Xiaomi again, especially if they continue in the android one program.
pow01 said:
Some additional findings:
It seems that blowing into the microphone causes the volume to reduce on the handset. Also, if i am driving the issue intensify's so it seems to be something being picked up by the microphone that is making the volume reduce.
Xiaomi customer support are baffled and only advise to take it to a service center.
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Odd indeed. Have you tried with other headphones? I'm guessing the system ui thing didn't work then?
I tried with my Sennheiser Momentum (3 button cable), an old pair of KZ ED10 (single button), and a newer set of KZ ATR (single button), all without issues. The only one I have with this issue on are my other cheap and well-worn VJJB K4 (single button). I'll keep testing.
hoolifailure said:
Almost assuredly, it will involve 3rd ring because the 3rd ring is what sends the commands and the command it sends is what I suspect is the issue.
2 rings means no remote/mic and no commands, those two rings are output only, only transmit the sound.
It don't think this a purely hardware issue. It's happened on my old phones (Axon 7) and specifically with nougat, never happened in Lollipop. Also, Nexus/Sony/Moto devices have the same reported issue. So to blame this fully on Xiaomi, I don't think is fair. If that many manufacturers have similar reports, it's clear its something beyond hardware or a particular phone/manufacturer.
The one IEM I had this issue with is one with a single button. So I don't think that is a solution.
Can't say I've had such a bad experience with this phone. In fact, I think it's made me interested in buying Xiaomi again, especially if they continue in the android one program.
Odd indeed. Have you tried with other headphones? I'm guessing the system ui thing didn't work then?
I tried with my Sennheiser Momentum (3 button cable), an old pair of KZ ED10 (single button), and a newer set of KZ ATR (single button), all without issues. The only one I have with this issue on are my other cheap and well-worn VJJB K4 (single button). I'll keep testing.
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I can confirm the two pairs of headphones I have tried are "three ring" variety and both give issues. It seems to be something to do with the microphone picking up sounds as when I blow into the mic the volume will reduce one step and when I am driving it will reduce all the way to DND.
Surely this does not mean I cannot use inline headphones with a microphone? I guess investing in bluetooth is the way forward. This almost renders the headphone jack as useless. I will be purchasing the Xiaomi budget headphones (with inline mic and answer button) and will report my findings accordingly. These are also "three ring".
Follow up report for anyone experiencing similar issues.
Since purchasing the Xiaomi basic headphones I have not experienced any issues.
Possible cause: The Xiaomi have a higher ohm rating than my previous set, so it could be something to do with this. My old JVC HAFR37A had only 16 ohms whereas the Xiaomi basic operate at 32 ohms. Both headphones have the same feature set.
Thanks for all the replies.
Some additional information regarding the Xiaomi basic headphones.
Went for a swim today and after completing several lengths of the pool I discovered the headphones in my swimshort pockets. Expecting the worse I left them on the side to dry.
Later that evening tested the headphones and the sound quality and function were all intact!
Yes I have exactly the same issue! I thought it was my headphones that were not working, but in fact I see that many have this problem. I ordered new headphones.
sunny765 said:
Okay this might sound weird, but I faced the same issue in yu yureka.
The cause from what i was able to determine was this type of connector will work without the issue you faced,
where as
this type of connector will give you issues.
In Yu Yureka the scenario was reversed.
My CX180's and my JBL headphones (don't remember the model) work fine with the connector with two "grooves" where as
another pair of JBL's (don't remember the model) and a model of Sony headphones with three "grooves" will give me the above mentioned issue. Again, Just what i experienced. Might not be the case for all.
(Tested on both the black variant and the white variant)
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Exactly Same issue i'm facing ...dont know how to solve ....input 2ring jack.. working fine..but 3ring jack strange behaves... Do u know how to fix? Do i buy 3.5mm male to Splitter like headphone female and mic female separate? or buy usb c to 3.5mm female
