Must send HD2 for repair how to restore warranty? - HD2 General

I have O2 HD2 which has a fault, I shall be sending this back to HTC for repair but I would like help to make sure everything is as it should be.
I visited HTC website and downloaded the latest HD2 O2 firmware , unzipped the file and placed LEOIMG.nbh on the SD card and installed that.
my phone now says SPL-3.03.0000 is this correct ? is there anything else i need to do?
thank you for your help.

Yep, spot on.
Amazing how messed up and confused people get over it.

If you search there are many guides that show in detail how to do this. In the future before you start flashing you should know how to revert changes before you flash anything.
Sent from my HD2 using xda premium

Realalist said:
If you search there are many guides that show in detail how to do this. In the future before you start flashing you should know how to revert changes before you flash anything.
Sent from my HD2 using xda premium
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In all fairness it was a long time ago that i did anything other than update my android sd build , but I had read how to uninstall the HSPL when i originally did it.
I was just checking incase it turned out i needed to do anything else (I just wanted to make sure) , but turned out it really was that simple
HTC sent my phone back after 1 day (i have to wait until monday until UPS redeliver as i was out) , hope it came back fixed.


Bought Magic and its modded!Need Help

Hey Guys
New to the forums and happy to be here
Girlfriend bought a HTC Magic on ebay from an Aussie seller. Its second hand of course.
In great condition but noticed that it does not have the standard ROM on it. It has CyanogenMod 3.937 on it. My gf wants exactly what i have on my phone and that is the standard ROM. How do i do this?
For some reason also in the current rom i cant get into the market? it does not load up?
My gf just wants it on the standard ROM and how it would and should be factory defaulted when you first get it.
I have posted on another site that directed me here, one said i would be crazy to go back to stock and i should update it to a stable version and market and that should fine then.
What are peoples suggestions here?
If that makes sense?
Really would appreciate you guys help on this!!!!
Thanks guys
Mmmm if you have the same Magic (both has the 32A or 32B for example) I think you can try to root your phone, make a wipe and then a nandroid backup, after that, copy the nandroid backup to the SD card of your girlfriend, and in her Magic do a Wipe and then a nandroid Restore... That should leave you both with the same rom I think...
Remember that you need to have the same magic (32A the both or 32B)... Do not try to do it with a 32A and a 32B (different magics)...
Very simple, go to, create an account for e-support, register the Magic (serial number is used).
Then download a ROM image from the HTC site, using the serial of the phone.
Instructions are included when running the .exe file from HTC.
This will restore to the ROM originally shipped with that phone.
Alternatively, you can enter YOUR serial, download the ROM from HTC for your phone, and install that one.
Just make sure if you do the seconf one that your gf phone is exactly the same (32A/32B) as yours.
mousey12 said:
Hey Guys
New to the forums and happy to be here
Girlfriend bought a HTC Magic on ebay from an Aussie seller. Its second hand of course.
In great condition but noticed that it does not have the standard ROM on it. It has CyanogenMod 3.937 on it. My gf wants exactly what i have on my phone and that is the standard ROM. How do i do this?
For some reason also in the current rom i cant get into the market? it does not load up?
My gf just wants it on the standard ROM and how it would and should be factory defaulted when you first get it.
I have posted on another site that directed me here, one said i would be crazy to go back to stock and i should update it to a stable version and market and that should fine then.
What are peoples suggestions here?
If that makes sense?
Really would appreciate you guys help on this!!!!
Thanks guys
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NielDK said:
Very simple, go to, create an account for e-support, register the Magic (serial number is used).
Then download a ROM image from the HTC site, using the serial of the phone.
Instructions are included when running the .exe file from HTC.
This will restore to the ROM originally shipped with that phone.
Alternatively, you can enter YOUR serial, download the ROM from HTC for your phone, and install that one.
Just make sure if you do the seconf one that your gf phone is exactly the same (32A/32B) as yours.
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Thanks mate.
Problem is i am not too sure how to do this. I went to the support page for HTC Magic ( vodaphone) but all that is there is are FAQs...
Im not up with all the lingo here which is making a bit more difficult... just need this fixed asap cause gf is getting a tad impatient
mousey12 said:
just need this fixed asap cause gf is getting a tad impatient
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when you're not sure what's going on, asap is probably not going to happen.
give her your phone instead and then you can take your time to learn what's what with customising these phones.
to work out which phone you have (32A or 32B) power off the phone and turn it back on by holding down the power button and the back arrow key.
you'll get a screen showing three androids on skateboards.
at the top will be a bunch of info beginning with something like sapphire pvt 32b eng s-off g and finishing with a time stamp.
write down all of the info for both phones and post it in here.
then people can advise you on which phones you have.
EDIT: you can read up on some more info here...
I see you are on Vodafone.
This is for some reason not downloadbale from HTC site.
So I suggest you read this thread to restore the original ROM.
It is tricky, since you will need to use Nandroid backup/restore.
Note, you can also backup your ROM this way and restore to you GF phone, but that involves modding your phone aswell.
So, if you are from AU, this is the thread to read:
mousey12 said:
Thanks mate.
Problem is i am not too sure how to do this. I went to the support page for HTC Magic ( vodaphone) but all that is there is are FAQs...
Im not up with all the lingo here which is making a bit more difficult... just need this fixed asap cause gf is getting a tad impatient
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my X10a isnt updated to latest build number?

from what i have been reading build number should be R2BA026.
mine is still R2BA023, is this normal?
i have ran SEUS, and the "software update" on my phone and they all show its updated
Are you branded or unbranded
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
Yes its normak if you have a brandet version. That means your carrier need to send out the firmware to seus. They maybe just eaitet fir the android 2.1 update. Instead of rolling 26 aswell
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
i have a X10a through telstra, its also rooted.
wonder if i'll ever get updated?
aussiesausage said:
i have a X10a through telstra, its also rooted.
wonder if i'll ever get updated?
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mate, u will either need to debrand completely, or flash your phone with a different ROM
(or is that basically the same thing !) i flashed my optus branded x10 with global generic (i think its UK or Nordic) and all is good.
another benefit of this is that u wont have to wait for Helstra to get their finger out and have a 2.1 branded ROM for you. if you have a generic rom, then you get the 2.1 update as soon as its available (via seus obviously)
cheers, tim
edit: when you run SEUS - it checks what version you have (telstra) and then looks in the dB for the latest telstra rom available. telstra have only published/released up to the version you are running, therefore "no updates available". If you were running a generic version, when you connected up to SEUS it would be looking for a different version. hope that is a bit clearer
if i completly debrand it, and something happens to it, can i just brand it again and send it back, kinda like. rooting then un-rooting ect
mrtim123 said:
mate, u will either need to debrand completely, or flash your phone with a different ROM
(or is that basically the same thing !) i flashed my optus branded x10 with global generic (i think its UK or Nordic) and all is good.
another benefit of this is that u wont have to wait for Helstra to get their finger out and have a 2.1 branded ROM for you. if you have a generic rom, then you get the 2.1 update as soon as its available (via seus obviously)
cheers, tim
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I'm also with optus, do I need to flash mine? or is optus quick with releasing updates.
Also does you optus My account widget works in your phone, coz mine doesn't show data usage.
I contacted optus to find out why and they had no idea that we got a widget in the first place
aussiesausage said:
if i completly debrand it, and something happens to it, can i just brand it again and send it back, kinda like. rooting then un-rooting ect
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sure can mate, look at the decrypted ROMS page in the DEV section. But unless something serious goes wrong, you will never load a telstra rom on it again
HQXU said:
I'm also with optus, do I need to flash mine? or is optus quick with releasing updates.
Also does you optus My account widget works in your phone, coz mine doesn't show data usage.
I contacted optus to find out why and they had no idea that we got a widget in the first place
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I found that optus were the quickest of the Aussies, but still they would be a few weeks behind. You will NOT get the update within the same day as it gets released - put it that way.
re: widget - yeah mine never worked but now im on generic i dont have it anyway
wow, i just had a look through that thread, and theres pretty much nothing that would walk me through it, so basically i think i would screw my phone
unless ofcourse you feel like helping me, it sounds good!
could you help me out with what i need to get started or a tutorial or something?
aussiesausage said:
wow, i just had a look through that thread, and theres pretty much nothing that would walk me through it, so basically i think i would screw my phone
unless ofcourse you feel like helping me, it sounds good!
could you help me out with what i need to get started or a tutorial or something?
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right, im gunna want a bit of confirmation from others here....been a while since i did this.
using Bin4ry's post i grabbed the latest files from the fileshare websites listed. basically the files that Bin4ry and the other guys have created are a script (batch files) that prompt you step by step. i know the method is called ROOT but its the same process. To ROOT in this original method, you had to flash back to an older revision of the firmware and then update. When you flash back to the older version, it is a generic version. Then you can simply use SEUS to update to newest. KEEP IN MIND that doing ANY kind of firmware update will completely erase anything on the internal memory. This is NOT the sd card, so pics and such will be ok but contacts - msgs - settings will all be gone. might be best to do the one-press root, install titanium backup first and then backup your phone book and other important apps that you may have.
main thing is to ask questions. there are sh!tloads of ppl on here with heaps of knowledge. be safe in the knowledge that you cannot, CANNOT completely screw your phone. you can always flash another firmware back onto it using SEUS. once ppl hack the bootloader, this will be a different story but until then just get in there and have a go
good luck and happy modding!!
mrtim123 said:
right, im gunna want a bit of confirmation from others here....been a while since i did this.
using Bin4ry's post i grabbed the latest files from the fileshare websites listed. basically the files that Bin4ry and the other guys have created are a script (batch files) that prompt you step by step. i know the method is called ROOT but its the same process. To ROOT in this original method, you had to flash back to an older revision of the firmware and then update. When you flash back to the older version, it is a generic version. Then you can simply use SEUS to update to newest. KEEP IN MIND that doing ANY kind of firmware update will completely erase anything on the internal memory. This is NOT the sd card, so pics and such will be ok but contacts - msgs - settings will all be gone. might be best to do the one-press root, install titanium backup first and then backup your phone book and other important apps that you may have.
main thing is to ask questions. there are sh!tloads of ppl on here with heaps of knowledge. be safe in the knowledge that you cannot, CANNOT completely screw your phone. you can always flash another firmware back onto it using SEUS. once ppl hack the bootloader, this will be a different story but until then just get in there and have a go
good luck and happy modding!!
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thankyou, but my phone is already rooted, does that mean i can install a diffrent ROM? or has other stuff gotta be done to isntall a diff one?
mrtim123 said:
I found that optus were the quickest of the Aussies, but still they would be a few weeks behind. You will NOT get the update within the same day as it gets released - put it that way.
re: widget - yeah mine never worked but now im on generic i dont have it anyway
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a few weeks thanks I will try to flash it.
aussiesausage said:
thankyou, but my phone is already rooted, does that mean i can install a diffrent ROM? or has other stuff gotta be done to isntall a diff one?
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main reason that you would root first is so you can use titanium backup to backup your apps and settings. You will still need to flash to a non branded firmware, jerplea has a few ROMS on his posts, probably best to have a look in those threads and ask the masters
i am by no means an expert, i just fumbled my way through it
mrtim123 said:
main reason that you would root first is so you can use titanium backup to backup your apps and settings. You will still need to flash to a non branded firmware, jerplea has a few ROMS on his posts, probably best to have a look in those threads and ask the masters
i am by no means an expert, i just fumbled my way through it
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heh, i just bricked my phone trying the SEUS way lol, fixed it though
i got no need to back up, nothing on there as its a pretty new phone anyway
trying that flash tool thing from the decrypted roms thread
confusing as hell
oh man, i give up. i got no idea how to do this from any of the posts.
just tryed the flash tool thing and it wont work either.
i give up
aussiesausage said:
oh man, i give up. i got no idea how to do this from any of the posts.
just tryed the flash tool thing and it wont work either.
i give up
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when you say wont work....what do you mean? When running the flash tool are you following the prompts on screen? you need to have USB Debugging enabled on the Settings=>Applications=>Development enabled. let me kow where it is failing and we might be able to get it working for ya....if you are still keen anyway
just been reading through the original post from Bin4ry again (the flashing/rooting one)....i think that you should post on it exactly where the problems are, where it is failing and what you are doing. There are several active users on there that are very knowlegable on flashing
i have debugging enabled.
i turn my phone off, hold down back, plug it in. and the green light lights up ( as it says in the read me ), i start X10flash.bat, and then it says C:/andrew/downloads/X10flash.jav -jav. ( or something like that ) is not a valid internal or external command, press enter to exit
aussiesausage said:
i have debugging enabled.
i turn my phone off, hold down back, plug it in. and the green light lights up ( as it says in the read me ), i start X10flash.bat, and then it says C:/andrew/downloads/X10flash.jav -jav. ( or something like that ) is not a valid internal or external command, press enter to exit
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it sounds like a java problem you have java installed?
what OS are you on? if its Win7 64bit (or Vista 64bit), there is a 64bit java fix that you need to run also. have a look at this thread -
if you are on a 32bit machine then chances are its a deviceID issue but from what you have posted above - it looks like the java problem.
win64 bit, and i think i got java cant remember lol.
will check it out though soon thanks

MIUI HD2 service problem

Hello all, i recently got my phone back, i bricked it. They didnt noticed and did a board swap
Well now i got my android back on track but im having some service problems.
When I'm at home, i sometimes lose service, but even when I do have service i have to try an average of 20 times before a text i send actually goes out. Also i can't recieve or make phone calls.
When im at work though, i have no problem what so ever. Everything works like a charm, and thats why i'm confused. I already contacted Vodafone, they say there isn't anything wrong with there network and my phone should work.
So any tips on what I could do? Flash a different ROM? Reflash this one? (because there was a country wide problem with the Vodafone network whilst i was installing this rom)
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks for reading, Greetings Thierry
You should check which radio you have on your hd2.
2.15er radio is recommended for usage with android
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
Im currently on radio.
I saw it was recommended in some guys guide. So that shouldn't be the problem if im correct?
Yes it shouldn´t be.
Hmm to make sure that software is okay do a complete reflash or try another ROM.
Could be also the kernel.
Try this one and flash it via CWM
Ok im reflashing this rom cause i really love it
Hope it will refresh some service settings or something. Im thinking maybe he got some fault settings when the vodafone network was down, i dont know. Hoping
Therk said:
Ok im reflashing this rom cause i really love it
Hope it will refresh some service settings or something. Im thinking maybe he got some fault settings when the vodafone network was down, i dont know. Hoping
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Yes wipe everything and reflash all the things (btw do you use clockwork?).
If you need further help write me a pm and we can figure it out
Good luck
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
Ok so, i did this:
- Reflashed the MIUI rom. (same problem)
- Flashed dif. rom. (same problem)
- Reflashed MIUI rom. (same problem)
- Flashed new kernel. (same problem)
Any other ideas?
Oh yeh and i use clockwork
Okay you can do following :
Run task29 (will erase everything except bootloader) : do some search for the prog and the how to!
Go into bootloader to
Flash magldr and flash it
Flash clockwork mod with right partition etc
Flash new rom.
Otherwise it's a network problem or a hardware (but i don't think so since you said it works if you are not at home).
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
Wait that could be it, i flashed 250mb when i got my phone back from the repair guys.
But before that i used the 150mb one, could that be it?
Therk said:
Wait that could be it, i flashed 250mb when i got my phone back from the repair guys.
But before that i used the 150mb one, could that be it?
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It depends on how much space your rom needs.
You should see the roms thread to check what layout it needs and how much space.
But if it's still the same rom like you had before (and if it was working before like it should) flash a 150mb layout
Probably this is the issue
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
Well i did everything you described, but still nothing :S
Im running out of ideas here, how can I have service before i bricked my phone and at my work, but not at home?
Therk said:
Well i did everything you described, but still nothing :S
Im running out of ideas here, how can I have service before i bricked my phone and at my work, but not at home?
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Me too :/
Arghhh I think it's the network.
It shouldn't be your phone since we checked the main possibilities :/
I am really sorry but you can try to flash another kernel. Try tytung kernel. It's my last idea
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
jonas2295 said:
Me too :/
Arghhh I think it's the network.
It shouldn't be your phone since we checked the main possibilities :/
I am really sorry but you can try to flash another kernel. Try tytung kernel. It's my last idea
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
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Its not ur fault, im really happy for all the help if got from you thanks.
I tried the kernel, no luck. Im gonna bring it over to vodafone, let them figure it out Can't believe its the phone or the SIM.
Will keep you updated, thanks!
Therk said:
Its not ur fault, im really happy for all the help if got from you thanks.
I tried the kernel, no luck. Im gonna bring it over to vodafone, let them figure it out Can't believe its the phone or the SIM.
Will keep you updated, thanks!
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You are welcome
Write me a pm about what they told you
Maybe you should flash windows mobile before you go to them so they can't say it's android causing this issues
Or you can surprise them with windows phone haha
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium

Warranty repair. Need to get things back to STOCK!

Hi all,
I've read the stickies and other threads and just want to be certain I'm going about this the right way.
I have a hardware fault with my HD2 (running NexusHD2 v3.0) and want it repaired under warranty. HTC have accepted to take the phone back but I'll obviously need to flash it back to stock.
The oldest ROM for my device appears to be "RUU_Leo_Vodafone_UK_1.43.405.1_Radio_Signed_15.26. 50.07U_2.04.50.22_2_Ship.exe" which is likely the one that shipped with the phone as this is one of the first off the production line, so I'll be flashing this one.
The hardware fault on the device has caused the MicroUSB port to break, so I won't be able to flash via a cable. I see I'm able to flash a stock rom via the same method of custom WM roms (that takes me back! ), but what I'm wondering is... after flashing via SD card, will the stock rom both remove HSPL *and* the newer Radio rom I flashed?
I assume I won't have to Task29 the phone or anything before flashing WM, as iirc you have to Task29 via a cable.
Thanks for your help!
I'd download the official ROM from HTC's website (that you have to give them your HD2's serial number), just to be sure that you won't flash a wrong ROM and everything will be in order.
Also flashing via SD the ROM should remove both HSPL and newer radio (I'm 100% sure it does that with official ROMs, but with unofficials it may change only the radio).
flashing a stock rom will not remove the spl..cause ive had first hand exp with it
just flash the stock rom then get the hspl package from this site and you can flash the stock spl from it
Spaqin said:
I'd download the official ROM from HTC's website (that you have to give them your HD2's serial number), just to be sure that you won't flash a wrong ROM and everything will be in order.
Also flashing via SD the ROM should remove both HSPL and newer radio (I'm 100% sure it does that with official ROMs, but with unofficials it may change only the radio).
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Flashing via SD removes HSPL - Confirmed !
I have a hd2 with a radio hardware fault. It works great without the sim inserted. When I send it to htc to repair should I revert it back to tmobile stock rom or let them see it in android with the sim radio not working?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Just send it back as it it.
Mine got the dreaded no touch problem so sent back as was.nobody even mentioned it being hacked..
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
What do u mean.. they will still fix it anyway?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Thanks everyone for your advice - flashing stock now. I'm lucky enough to have a rooted Samsung Galaxy 5 (i5500) as a backup phone so I won't have to be without Android, but I'll sure miss the HD2 while it's repaired!
I have a hd2 with a radio hardware fault. It works great without the sim inserted. When I send it to htc to repair should I revert it back to tmobile stock rom or let them see it in android with the sim radio not working?
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To be honest, I wouldn't risk it. Companies will do anything to get out of warranty claims, and by doing what you've (we've ) done, we have voided the warranty and should expect no service from HTC regardless of the fault in its current condition.
It's a shame as my hardware fault obviously has nothing to do with flashing software or the like; it'd be like an insurance company not paying out when someone hits your car because you'd changed its radio.
HTC might be a lot more, um, "human" though, like tleaf100 found out... but I just wouldn't want to chance it. You're sending the device direct to their chosen repair centre anyway, they might not be so decent!
Just to confirm - the (latest) Vodafone UK stock rom removed the custom SPL, splash screen, radio and everything else. You'll soon know if your stock rom removes all of this as it goes through an [OK] checklist while it's flashing.
Being back on WM seemed rather strange.
All ready to be sent off...
HTC are so **** with service send it back stock otherwise they will only **** you about for weeks and get you to pay for it back, cost me 25 quid, arseholes!
---------- Post added at 06:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 PM ----------
and also took them 6 weeks!!
how did it all go with htc,any probs ?
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium


help I need to get back to a stock rom that is not from sprint, its from a canadian company named mts and i erased everything from my sd card without thinking and no back up, i need a stock tom to get a new phone please help.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Google is your friend
How long ago did you erase your sd card???
""Shooter on Deck""
Almost 2 months ago
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
I'll do some searching for ya
Were you being sarcastic or did you eventually come around to do sso?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
I wasn't sarcastic. I did do a lot of looking around for u. Nothing came up.
Well thanks anyway
df011 said:
Well thanks anyway
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If you remember what the original boot screen was you might be able to find it on the web. Install any 2.1 sense rom, then flash the right boot screen, delete super use and I'm willing to bet it'll fool any sales rep so you can upgrade your phone. That's the best solution I can think of.
Hey, i'm on MTS too, why do you need to flash the original ROM? (just curious)
Anywho, maybe someone else here can answer this but.......
i do have a backup of the original 2.1 on my phone. I'm not sure if i can send you that so you have something to put on your phone and restore to?
Those are some good suggestions and I dont know if that would work I think you'd have to ask the development about that
reticulatus said:
Hey, i'm on MTS too, why do you need to flash the original ROM? (just curious)
Anywho, maybe someone else here can answer this but.......
i do have a backup of the original 2.1 on my phone. I'm not sure if i can send you that so you have something to put on your phone and restore to?
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You could do it through Dropbox or something and then he could put it in his recovery's back up folder and then restore the back up through recovery. Or, if you are S-off you could restore through Hboot with a too. Just a couple of ideas that should work.
long ago did you erase my sd card
long ago did you erase my sd card

