Update stock Kindle Fire - Kindle Fire General

I just got my Kindle fire in India and I am using a US proxy to disguise my ip address.
My f/w version is 6.1_user_(something). I intent to remain on stock for sometime. I am not getting any option to manually update my KF in Settings > Device ( the button to update kindle is not active ) . Am I missing something

download the update manually and place in the correct folder on your kindle, and you will then get the option... instructions on the webpage linked to here:


[Q] Can't Email Personal Documents to rooted 6.2.1 Kindle Fire

I updated to pre-rooted unsecure 6.2.1 via instructions in eldarerathis' thread but now I cannot send personal documents to my Fire via the device email.
Additionally, my KF says "Attempting to retrieve the device email..." and finishes the task but my device email doesn't show under My Account. I've verified that I stayed registered in Manage My Kindle after updating to 6.2.1 but all personal docs send to my KF stay in the Pending Deliveries queue. I tried deregistering and registering two times but end up at the same roadblock every time.
Does anyone have tips on how to get sending personal documents working again? I've only found one reference in XDA to the message "Attempting to retrieve the device email" but there's no info on how to remedy it.
I'm using the same image as you are (pre-root unsecure 6.2.1) and don't seem to have this issue.
Solved my problem. I had to reinstall KindleforOtter.apk from the System\App folder. I had to do similar actions to some OOB apps like mail.apk after I installed 6.2.1 rooted image.

[NOOB GUIDE] KINDLE FIRE: ICS 4.0 Error Loop Message

My story:
For noobs like me, its hard to fix something when you are unaware that you install an app that will potentially break your device or work inappropriately.
I had my kindle fire as a gift from my husband which is very upsetting to me that I accidentally broke it by just downloading an app that I didn't know it will cause a problem. This kindle fire that I have is important to me because its not just a gadget but its a GIFT from a special someone and its ok to me if I bought it for myself I could prolly buy it again..but its not.. I spent the whole night up searching for answers to fix this thing, took me a day to fix it *sigh* and glad I did.
Well..to make it short and simple to understand: If you downloaded the app that messed up your kindle fire here: http://syndicateapps.com/main/ICS_Releases.html
.I did not rooted my kindle fire before installing this app and I did not install TWRP too to recover it back to its normal state (This iv only known now, because I do not have knowledge about the risks of this app) but Then.. this is a the right simple guide for you.
1. If you do not have a USB cable to sync your device to your computer. Get one first
2. Connect your kindle fire using your USB cable and connect it to your computer.
3. Download Kindle Fire Utility http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1399889
4. Extract the Kindle Fire Utility you just downloaded
5. Open up the folder click install_driver this is a windows batch file.
6. After installing, exit the application
7. Open up run from Kindle Fire Utility folder
8. Now you notice you will see alot of choices:
1. Bootmode Menu
2. BurritoRoot <Temporary>
3. Install permanent root with superuser
4. Obtain stock update .zip
5. Install latest TWRP Recovery
6. Extras
0. Recheck device status.
9. Type in number "2" which is : BurritoRoot <Temporary>
10. Did'nt work? , now choose option number "3" which is : Install permanent root with superuser and this will surely work as it worked in mine
*NOTE that some of the options in this utilities doesn't work as for you can't navigate your kindle fire because of that darn spam loop message.
11. Now that you have rooted your kindle fire, we need to go to
option number "6" which is : Extras
12. under extras choose "Install Google apps / Go Launcher Ex
-Now! Its time to go back to your Kindle Fire - At this point you will notice your kindle fire giving you a notification as to which app you want to run as default.
Now is the time to do the right thing, Revert it back to its original state.
13. Select "kindle" Launcher and it should navigate you back to default.
14. Now you can delete the damned ICS 4.0 app that messed up your Kindle Fire.
and its up to you now if you wanna tweak it still but to me i just deleted all every little trace of that ICS app.
* This Guide is through my experience that worked for me, I intended to post this one to help newbies like me to recover their kindle fire. because I know how hard to find a guide that its simply to understand. Honestly, Iv been reading all day, and trust me, not even a single word they are mentioning that I understand. I even asked customer service help for kindle fire, didnt helped me either. I just tried it ALL-around and I almost broke my Alienware laptop because of this darn app, good thing I used my other laptop to do repair on my kindle fire *sigh*.
*If there is something missing, MODERATORS of this forum please feel free to edit.*
based on what I'm reading, u could have flashed this launcher
in recovery and u shoulda been good to go
edit: damn, I didn't notice u wernt rooted first, ignore my ignorance.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
Still not quite working
So i followed all the steps in this guide as well as the Kindle Fire utility Thread.
But when i get to the step 10 and 11 it says that Device not Connected.
adb tells me device not found, I've checked the c:/users/uname/.android/ and the adb_usb.ini file has 0x1949 in it.
under Device manager the kindle shows up under android phone as an android adb interface. No yellow ! or anything
Why is the device suddenly not recognized
not sure where it went wrong, i just want to remove the ICS 4.0 launcher.
I'm not wanting to root it, i'm sure once the ICS 4.0 is gone i could root without problems.
Am i missing something? I only downloaded the KFU, do i need to download android sdk or adb, i was under the impression that the KFU is all i needed.
Any help is appreciated
Stupid ICS 4.0 Launcher has really messed things up fore me.
Ok sense i couldn't get the adb stuff to work, i noticed that when i plugged the kindle in, right before the connected to computer message came up, it showed the notification tab very quickly so after about 30 mins i finally got the timing right with unplugging and repluging it to hit that bar in time and i uninstalled the app.
Took way too long, but at least i can use it now.
hi..me also facing the same trial and error method..but cannot get the timing correct...please help with some alternative way...me also a newbee..
Or you could delete it off the device with a app manager
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

[Q] Cannot cannot register kindle fire after replace the Amazon Kindle.

So hello guys. Before say anything , I have to say this first.
My English is not good, or should I say, terrible ! So if you see anything wrong with the grammar , I'm truly sorry for my Bad english.
So ok, Let's get straight to the point.
- I'm having A Kindle Fire, the FW is 6.2.2 and I have rooted it.
- I'm using the Go Launcher Ex and when I tried to use Amazon Kindle Apps ( To read books ) , I just couldn't launch it so .... I tried to replace it with the Amazon Kindle from the Google Market.
After I downloaded and installed it, I CAN open the apps now, but I couldn't connect to Amazon Sever ( or as It said ) , so does my Amazone Appstore ( I mean the one that Amazon put in first ). And I couldn't register my Kindle Fire either
- After that **** , I tried to " Reset to Factory Defaults " but It still the same...
So guys, any advice ? And well, I also want to know that can I use any other launcher beside Go Launcher Ex ( Like the Launcher Pro ? I installed it but It keep Force Close ).
Thanks in advance , and sorry for my Bad English.
If you want to try another luncher, maybe try other ROM for KF. CM7 have ADW, ICS have pretty stock luncher too
For CM7 go
ICS is still in alpha build so I cant recomend it to you.
About Registration - Try to unroot device before attempting to log in to amazon.
Root KF should not block connecting Kindle Reader to the Amazon server. I can connect to Amazon download and read all my books same like prior to rooted. Now my KF is run on ICS still has no issue with Kindle Reader. May be, you register you device to the wrong account, try check it again.
easy fix - uninstall the amazon reader app
I had the same problem after rooting I installed a ton of new software, and the amazon standard services (books, movies etc) all stopped working and the content was "missing". It was still on the device but did not show.
I restored factory defaults (from Kindle Fire settings menu), re-rooted and re-installed software more carefully.
For me it turned out the Amazon reader app was the culprit. I removed it and everything worked and is working fine. So you don't need to reset and re-root - just remove the app.
Assuming you loaded this software for a reason but you don't need it. If you are side-loading books into the device and you want them to show up in your "Books" tab, then you just need to use Calibre software on your computer to change the metadata of the e-book file from PDOC to EBOK
rickzee said:
I had the same problem after rooting I installed a ton of new software, and the amazon standard services (books, movies etc) all stopped working and the content was "missing". It was still on the device but did not show.
I restored factory defaults (from Kindle Fire settings menu), re-rooted and re-installed software more carefully.
For me it turned out the Amazon reader app was the culprit. I removed it and everything worked and is working fine. So you don't need to reset and re-root - just remove the app. ...
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The Kindle App on Kindle Fire poses problems of data corruption for normal users at times. The solution is this:
Make sure WiFi is 'ON' when doing this)
Go to the Gear wheel at top right when at Home Screen
Then click on:
. More,
. Settings,
. Applications
... (choosing ALL applications to view),
Select 'Amazon Kindle' and then
. Click to clear DATA (which clears the cache at the same time)
Press Home at bottom left
SIT BACK as it all returns to The Way It Was.
No restart needed. No need to remove the app.
Not sure that would work for your situation but it's a real possibility.

Update - README

URL for updates appears to have changed. Now it's HTTPS and the OTA is now being pulled from https://amzdigital-a.akamaihd.net. Unfortunately I don't have SSL sniffing enabled so I can't give you the links.
Installed the update, rooting fails with KingRoot 4.1. Reset to factory defaults, installed Kingroot 4.1, rooting failed :crying:
Old method of flashing the recovery first from rbox still works. For now you need to downgrade to pre-rooted, until rbox releases a pre-rooted
Rooting is still possible:
- Download install_firetv2_recovery_v3.zip
- Download firetv2_recovery_v5.zip
- Extract both to same folder
- Run install_firetv2_recovery.bat
- Plug in power to AFTV2 and let it flash the recovery.
- When it's done copy ramdisk-recovery.cpio.lzma and sloane-5.0.5-rooted_r4.zip firmware to a NON corrupt usb or sdcard
- Reboot, choose recovery with a keyboard
- Install the firmware
- Boot and bingo :good:
1st Gen?
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
roligov said:
Some how got both URLs for the full firmware version and the OTA.
Download link:
Will attempt root after it installs...
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Do you have more then one version of a FTV device... aka Fire TV (1st Gen), Fire TV Stick, Fire TV (2nd Gen) ?
I do have multiple AFTV1s and AFTV2s, but only 1 is configured to go through my PC as a proxy. The full firmware is the one my AFTV2 is downloading. Will update in a few minutes....
roligov said:
Sorry ignore this. This thread can be trashed, this is an AFTV2 that was sitting in the cupboard not on Still odd the full update came through? Thought all firmware updates were OTA's, Sorry guys!
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By chance, did that AFTV2 have FireStarter installed prior to updating to 5.0.5 just now? If so, can you check to see if FireStarter is still listed in your Settings > Applications list?
I saw some strange behavior on one of my boxes that makes me think the new issues envolving FireStarter are not limited to the update.
Sorry developing news: 1 firetv2 was on an old firmware, so it got the update and nothing further.
Another FireTV2 of mine had the update on the box and was ready to install it. I had to remove the update from /mnt/shell/emulated/0/Android/data/com.amazon.device.software.ota/files/update-kindle-full_sloane-
I will sniff the link again quick.
Bad news, the URL for updates has changed to HTTPS. The firmware is now being pulled from https://amzdigital-a.akamaihd.net. Unfortunately I don't have SSL sniffing enabled so I can't give you the links.
Elias: New article for you: Be aware if you haven't disabled the updates via package manager and are blocking via your router, your device will get the OTA as that site is not 1 of the 3 we currently block.
Rooting appears to be blocked on, at least with KingRoot 4.1
Tried Kingroot v4.8.5, still failed. It's official. Amazon have decided to be c*nts. Rooting is blocked in Sound the alarm bells, run for the hills! DO NOT UPDATE if you enjoying root!
I can also confirm that Firestarter is broken and will not work after a reboot, this is the error you will get:
Image of rooting failed with KingRoot: http://i.imgur.com/2G9zHb5.png
roligov said:
Bad news, the URL for updates has changed to HTTPS. The firmware is now being pulled from https://amzdigital-a.akamaihd.net. Unfortunately I don't have SSL sniffing enabled so I can't give you the links.
Elias: New article for you: Be aware if you haven't disabled the updates via package manager and are blocking via your router, your device will get the OTA as that site is not 1 of the 3 we currently block.
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sorry for asking but which packages do you've blocked to prevent the box updating?
I've already disabled two services with adb but now I'm not sure if I'm safe or not.
Go to http://www.aftvnews.com/block and follow method 1, that's probably your safest bet. Second just add the new URL above to method 3, even though it's https, the URL can still be blocked because only the traffic is encrypted not the URL.
Last image before I go to bed. Proof I have the update: http://i.imgur.com/VVmdG7U.png
Just because they're using HTTPS doesn't mean blocking via DNS or router methods won't work, it just means you can't easily sniff out the full URL of the update. Something like Charles Proxy would allow you to decrypt SSL during the proxy, this assumes that the client (Fire TV) is either not validating certs or you can install the cert you're using in Charles on the device itself.
bubbanc said:
Just because they're using HTTPS doesn't mean blocking via DNS or router methods won't work, it just means you can't easily sniff out the full URL of the update. Something like Charles Proxy would allow you to decrypt SSL during the proxy, this assumes that the client (Fire TV) is either not validating certs or you can install the cert you're using in Charles on the device itself.
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You can block via DNS, but you can't block via URL. To block via URL a router has to do packet inspection to inspect the HTTP request, and when using HTTPS, it's encrypted so the router can't do that. The FireTV does validate certificates, and you need root to be able to add one.
bubbanc said:
Just because they're using HTTPS doesn't mean blocking via DNS or router methods won't work, it just means you can't easily sniff out the full URL of the update. Something like Charles Proxy would allow you to decrypt SSL during the proxy, this assumes that the client (Fire TV) is either not validating certs or you can install the cert you're using in Charles on the device itself.
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Correct. But it probably depends on your router, but my router is a Mikrotik and it can block at layer 7 (application layer in OSI). Because the URL request is in plain text, it can still block it. I've tested and confirms it works on the Mikrotik. The issue is that this is a new url that we have not been blocking, meaning those who are only blocking via router or dns will still get this update.
is this the way to block it? or need to put https in front of it?? thanx
So on an unrooted device this update deletes Firestarter but moves all apps to the recent section, so no big loss here. One major problem I'm having though is that DTS and Dolby Digital Audio is not working at all in Kodi (16.0)
htchd2fix said:
is this the way to block it? or need to put https in front of it?? thanx
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Bramton1 said:
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Does this method work with https?

HD 10 7th generation does not update

I am having issues updating my HD 10 th gen tablet version Originally I had rooted my tablet and then unrooted it once I came across the firetool box which I am currently using. I am unable to update the table and I receive a failed to update when trying to update the tablet. I also tried to do it manually by going to amazon, downloading the latest version and copying it to the root directory of the tablet. Still get the same message.
Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
I'm having the same issue. And I have not got any solution.
If you used Fire Toolbox on your tablet, it disables OTA Updates and Automatic Updates. These two changes can be reversed/restored by using the Toolbox again and re-enabling either/both of those settings in Main Menu (page 2) > Modify System Settings.
