[info] new ota 6.2.2/6.3 update from amazon and how to prevent - Kindle Fire General

hallo guys
just saw that amazon is pushing the next OTA - 6.2.2
this time i could again verify this method to prevent the OTA:
i deleted /system/etc/security/otacerts.zip - watched the update downloading to the cache folder but did not install - after a reboot the update file was disappeared from the cache folder - i was registered at amazon all the time - and i'm still on 6.2.1
this worked for me - no guarantee
update: worked with 6.3 again !

I assumed the file needs to be permanently removed based your post, but I renamed them to keep them around (I am glad I did)
I did what you recommended and then I rebooted (renamed instead). Once I rebooted though, GMail would crash everytime I tried to use it and the Market said it could not connect. Once I put those files back and reboooted they worked again. So any other ideas would be appreciated.

... but I renamed them to keep them around ...
Once I put those files back and reboooted they worked again
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yes - as i wrote - i deleted otacerts.zip (only this one) from /system/etc/security/ (renamed and moved to sdcard)
i'm using the android market without any problems
sorry had a typo with the filename !

I only see cacerts.bks and otacerts.zip. Which did you delete?

sorry it is a typo - thank you !!!
it is otacerts.zip !!!
will correct the post - again thanks !

Anyone have any details about the update? What's new?

i think it's too new for detailed information and don't know cause it did not install
but i'm shure detailed information will be availabe in the next days
as well as a pure update version as it was with 6.2.1: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1407852

I can't delete the file. I have ES File explorer with su privileges... Voodoo is set so I am rooted... I have read/write checked in settings. Is there something I'm missing?
EDIT: Never mind, I just got it. Sorry! Hopefully this works. Has anybody done this and had it update on them?

DalekCaan said:
I can't delete the file. I have ES File explorer with su privileges... Voodoo is set so I am rooted... I have read/write checked in settings. Is there something I'm missing?
EDIT: Never mind, I just got it. Sorry! Hopefully this works. Has anybody done this and had it update on them?
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don't know - sorry - but for me it's the second update i survived

Tried this, will be cheering/complaining loudly, depending on how it goes
Probably a silly question, but I suppose if we get the OTA that knocks out recovery as well?
Edit: Perhaps a sillier question, but does having TWRP prevent the OTA anyway? Usually the OTA is flashed via stock recovery, no?

It should wipe everything.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk

podspi said:
Tried this, will be cheering/complaining loudly, depending on how it goes
Probably a silly question, but I suppose if we get the OTA that knocks out recovery as well?
Edit: Perhaps a sillier question, but does having TWRP prevent the OTA anyway? Usually the OTA is flashed via stock recovery, no?
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The OTA updates thus far typically overwrite the filesystem, so yes it would knock out recovery. You can use a "patched" ROM that will not touch the partition the recovery data is on.
TWRP does not stop OTA amazon updates if you are running the stock amazon ROM, as it operates at a level outside of the operating system. However, you can use TWRP to load an alternate operating system aka ROM, such as CM7 which would not be subject to amazon's OTA updates.

jshaw49 said:
Anyone have any details about the update? What's new?
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One thing I've noticed is that it mounts a lot faster when attached to my PC via USB. On 6.2.1, it mounted in about 10 seconds. Now it does it in less than 2.

DesDr0id said:
TWRP does not stop OTA amazon updates if you are running the stock amazon ROM, as it operates at a level outside of the operating system. However, you can use TWRP to load an alternate operating system aka ROM, such as CM7 which would not be subject to amazon's OTA updates.
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Thanks for this. Exactly what I was looking for (I'm fairly new to rooting).
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda premium

Just wanted to say that I tried this, and as far as I can tell it worked like a charm. I even tempted fate by hitting 'Sync', but my Kindle refused to update (it wouldn't even attempt to download the update from device settings).
I just flashed the pre-rooted 6.2.2 update and deleted otacerts.zip, so here is hoping they didn't change something to make this not work...

i'm glad that it is working for you too ...

I just wanted to add that I have been blocking the OTA update using Droid Wall. Still running very happy on 6.2.1.
The only down side to this method is having to set permissions initially then updating Droid Wall as I install apps.

Meh. I'm not sweating this update much.
I've still got the Market, still have Swype... Sooooo far as I can tell the only thing I lost is Google Currents, which I wasn't finding much useful since the KF doesn't seem to want to let it sync while I'm not around.
Sooooo sooner or later I'll get the Burrito running again, but I'm in no rush.


as i am fairly familiar with the rooting process I am okay with amazon pushing update OTA, but some of my friends are complaining and I have to help them root their devices again after OTA update. So if this OTACERTS.ZIP deletion actually works (without other consequences) then I will surely recommend this to my friends


How do you block OTA updates?

I would like to keep root and do not want to take the next ota update from big red when it drops. I was told that this would stop update
"in /system/etc/security/ change the files
But when I tried the phone just gets stuck in a boot loop. I went back in and reversed it and the phone boots fine. Does any one know of a way I can block updates while keeping my stock rom?
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
Yes, now how can I keep it with out applying a new rom?
jett2314 said:
Yes, now how can I keep it with out applying a new rom?
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This thread, along with so many others here, has nothing to do with development.
That being said, you remove/rename the otacerts.zip file once rooted, you don't need a rom or anything.
Thank you for your reply. As previously stated I have root and have tried to rename the otacerts.zip file, but the phone would not boot after that. Do you feel that just changing otacerts.zip would work? What is the cacerts.bks used for? I'll be sure to post in the correct form next time.
jett2314 said:
Thank you for your reply. As previously stated I have root and have tried to rename the otacerts.zip file, but the phone would not boot after that. Would like to know if any one knows of a way that works to block ota updates until a rom that has every thing I need working on a daily bases comes out. I'll be sure to post in the correct form next time.
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Actually what you said is you renamed otacerts and cacerts. The phone needs cacerts, it's how it does all the certificate checking; it doesn't need otacerts, which is to check the certificates specific to the ota releases
BossMafia2 than you for your help. I have changed the otacert.zip (mv /system/etc/security/otacerts.zip /system/etc/security/BAKotacerts.zip) with out any booting issues. I'll have to wait and see if that blocks any future updates.

[Q] Sprint SGT Update

Just got a system update notification... taking forever to install... anyone know what it entails?
Edit: SO I see that Sprint ID / EW!!!) was installed, and my Firmware is 2.2.1, and baseband is S: P100.08 S: EB28, and Build is SPH-P100.EB28...
Problem is, I can't remember if that's new or not...lol. Damn me for not paying attention, and DAMN ME for thinking that the possibility of a HC release was possible... stupid hopes and dreams....
Edit II: Just found this report... compared to the rest of the updates, the SGT got the short end of the stick YET AGAIN!!!
"The Samsung Galaxy Tab update adds Sprint ID features."
I updated also and 2.2.1 is new, also ot updated the modem as seen by hitting the soft menu key during the update and looking under about phone, baseband. I would like to see if the update package had a whole modem.bin in ot but i installed the update before I got the temp file. The last update only had a modem file of a few kbytes so it just patched the modem. It would be great to get hold of a whole modem.bin as there are none for the sprint tab currently.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA App
I was just going to as if anyone was able to grab the modem.bin. Hopefully we get luck and someone is able to do so.
What about root status? I'm hesitant to update if it breaks root because of the issues I've had with the stock gallery app (removed it via a root file explorer).
I updated my rooted Gtab and the root seems unaffected. I use mine without a data pack - wifi only. I used the root to get rid of the activation nagger in the notification bar - and it's still gone and SuperUser is still operating.
However: Sprint ID only works through a Sprint Subscriber Data Pack - not over WiFi, unless you have a company "Keyword". Alas - I don't like Sprint ID anyway.
sprint tv
i installed the "sprint" id, and it says in the description about sprint tv. i had this on the evo, but i feel like i'd make better use of it on a 7 inch screen. any ideas how to get it on the tab? i searched the market under the sprint tab and had no luck finding it.. any suggestion would be great
I got the OTA shortly after trying to install clockwork and patching an overclocked kernel. I wasn't expecting the OTA until Monday, but I went ahead and try to install it (it failed, of course).
I managed to pull the downloaded zip file out of my cache and check if there was a modem.bin. Unfortunately, once again, there's only a modem_delta.bin, so no luck there.
I tried running the update again manually after rolling back my kernel, and apparently I still had a modified boot.img, so after doing a full wipe, rolling back to DJ30, and then manually updating to EA24, I was able to get the EB28 update installed, with all of its Sprint ID goodness. It's very late now so I don't have time to actually play with it much, but I'm actually happy to be back to an official build. I'm hoping they fixed a few of the bigger issues I had with EA24, but I somehow doubt it.
Previously I was rooted and had the Bauxite kernel. I flashed the original kernel back and then installed the EB28 update. I lost root, so I tried superoneclick again. It said it rooted but superoneclick locked up while "Remounting system with read-only access..." My tab is unresponsive but the buttons are still lit up.
Update: I finally got it to reboot and I am rooted again.
matt6x7 said:
Previously I was rooted and had the Bauxite kernel. I flashed the original kernel back and then installed the EB28 update. I lost root, so I tried superoneclick again. It said it rooted but superoneclick locked up while "Remounting system with read-only access..." My tab is unresponsive but the buttons are still lit up.
Update: I finally got it to reboot and I am rooted again.
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Would you mind attaching your file for the original kernel? I forgot to make a backup when flashing Bauxite.
powermatt said:
What about root status? I'm hesitant to update if it breaks root because of the issues I've had with the stock gallery app (removed it via a root file explorer).
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I applied the update last night and can confirm that root is still intact, so the super one click method should still work if you haven't rooted your tab prior to this update.
Unfortunately, what is also intact is my long standing issue with the stock Gallery app (rogue sensor usage causing massive battery drain). Ah well, removed with Titanium backup, replaced with Just Pictures, problem fixed. Again.
Other than the addition of Sprint ID, this seems to be a pretty minor update. Could be my imagination, but it seems a tad snappier than the EA24 update. Could be the incremental increase to Android 2.2.1. But other than Sprint ID, there are no major new features.
powermatt said:
I applied the update last night and can confirm that root is still intact, so the super one click method should still work if you haven't rooted your tab prior to this update.
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Thanks for the useful info. I was hesitant to run the update after the previous hassles. I've just updated mine without any noticeable detrimental effect.
Tony C.
Root was not intact for me after upgrade. I tested with root explorer, and font changer. Both failed after trying to get root permission. I just used SOC after upgrade. All was good...
Here is my backup kernel prior to the new EB28 update. Sorry for the delay, I've been engrossed in basketball.
matt6x7 said:
Here is my backup kernel prior to the new EB28 update. Sorry for the delay, I've been engrossed in basketball.
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Thanks I really appreciate it!
I was previously rooted with SuperOneCLick (rageagainstthecage method). I did not unroot prior to the upgrade. The upgade said it failed but a look at About Phone proved otherwise. I would suggest that people unroot before the upgrade but it did not matter for me.
After the update I no longer had root access. But I was able to root with SuperOneClick again. I have had no problems since the upgrade/reroot. There are no interface differences that I have spotted so far.
Can someone please post the application name for the Sprint ID so I can remove it. I had gotten rid of all the Bloatware and now after this update I get this which I will not use.
By the way I was rooted with Super One Click and using the Once Click lag Fix and after update I did lose Root. Just re-rooted and am fine now. Got scared because the orientation was not working and I thought it broke it. Sohow the update set the orientation lock.
Also I deleted a couple files hoping these were the new Sprint ID update.
Does anyone know what they are and if I need them can somone please post them? I will take the best guess of what I remember them being called.
Perhaps someone can post there Sprint file names.
Can someone post the update.zip for the update? I got the OTA notification but when it attempted to install (using Stock recovery), it failed, somehow.
Thanks in advance.
I need the update.zip as well.
Hell, mine still tries to update my tab to EA24 which always failed. Can't even get the notification for 28. Time to go to Sprint and raise some hell....
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA Premium App
My sprint galaxy tab was updated the EB28 the day I got it (two days ago), today I was trying to get CWM on the tab, got stuck at Samsung screen, so I used odin and flashed back to DJ30 (without baseband, which is already at EB28) and have been trying to get back to EB28 since.
Can any of you kind gentlemen who updated to EB28 do a roto backup and upload the file? I think this is the only way I can get back into EB28 at the moment.
Many thanks!

android 4.2.2 update question

Hey guys, will the android update 4.2.2 erase everything on my nexus?I am rooted and unlocked, so if the main update thing does erase all of my data is there another way to update without loosing any of my data? I used the nexus toolkit to root, and I know there was an option to reinstall android without erasing data, but is that possible with a newer version of android..
No it will not erase everything.
Because you are rooted, there is a chance that the OTA will not succeed, depending on how close to stock you are. (Some root apps appear to diddle a variety of things in /system, and if any of these things are targets of the OTA patching process, the OTA will fail). Also if you have a custom kernel, this particular OTA will not succeed.
If the OTA fails, no worries - it always fails during initial verification steps when it is checking to make sure that the checksums of targeted files exactly matches what it expects, before anything on your tab has been altered. So, if it fails don't freak out - everything on your tablet is the same as before the OTA started.
If it succeeds, you will loose root as a result of the setuid/setgid permissions of the "su" binary getting reset by the OTA installer script. You can either manually fix that with a "chmod" command (via adb with the custom recovery running and /system mounted) or you can simply re-flash the same SuperSU (or Superuser) root installer kit that you used when you originally rooted. The OTA also flashes a new stock recovery in place, so you will need to re-flash your custom recovery back into place after it has finished. That should be no problem so long as you know how to do so, using either fastboot directly or a toolkit.
I'm not sure you needed to start a new thread on this - scroll through a few pages here and see just how many "4.2.2. update question" threads there have been recently.
good luck.
PS If your OTA fails and you want to try patching things by hand, read through all the trouble threads in here before posting. Each time it runs, it will report the source of the error in /cache/recovery/recovery.log. As always, make a Nandroid backup before you begin.
Sorry what exactly does ota mean? And so your saying there's no way to update without loosing my data? If that's the case I'm not updating because I'm filled to the max with data
microzee said:
Sorry what exactly does ota mean? And so your saying there's no way to update without loosing my data? If that's the case I'm not updating because I'm filled to the max with data
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Which part of this:
bftb0 said:
No it will not erase everything.
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did you find confusing?
I said that it will either succeed or fail, and if it fails it will do so in a way where nothing changes. If it succeeds, it will change some things, but not the things you are referring to as "my data".
OTA = Over The Air (update)
I used rootkeeper, temp unroot then installed ota update by toching on it. But after successfully updating my tablet is still on 4.2.1. Pls help. Even after updateing application msg on boot ithas not updated.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
sukhjit_bhullar said:
I used rootkeeper, temp unroot then installed ota update by toching on it. But after successfully updating my tablet is still on 4.2.1. Pls help. Even after updateing application msg on boot ithas not updated.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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I was wondering if RootKeeper would work or not.
---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------
Wait....I just tried usig RootKeeper to temporarily un-Root the device then upgrade to 4.2.2 and it seems to have worked without an issue. I let it run through the entire upgrade, it rebooted, I looked to see what version I was on, it shows as 4.2.2, I then used RootKeep to restore Root, it worked like it was supposed to and it looks like it kept 4.2.2 as well.
I've tested a few apps that need Root and they worked just fine.
Hi all,
I've the same Problem here. the OTA-Update fails on my Nexus 7 (rooted). The message is only the green Robot with "Error". After restarting I can see that the version is still 4.2.1 :crying:
This is not the mainpoint (I've read up to now some threads which describing this issue). My point is: I can not restart the OTA-Update. There is no message whicht tolds me, that there is an update avalible... neither in the statusbar nor in the Settings.
Additionaly I can not find the log-file, which was some times described, where the error will be explained (I think it was deleted after the second restart).
Can someone explain me, how I can restart the OTA? Is it possible with the Framework-data deletion-trick? If I use this trick, what will be deleted in the Framework? Is there a place where the file /cache/recovery/recovery.log will be backuped?
If here is the wrong place for my questions, I'll make a new thread, but I think the thread which I've chosed fits it more or less
SolarPlexus said:
Can someone explain me, how I can restart the OTA? Is it possible with the Framework-data deletion-trick? If I use this trick, what will be deleted in the Framework?
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it's the framework data deletion trick*, yes. If you find solution to the update error problem, please keep us posted, cause i have the same issue...
*settings->apps->all->google service framework->force close->clear data. After that you go to the update menu (settings->about tablet->system updates) and tap on check now.

[Q] How Do I Prevent OTA 4.3 Update

So my Nexus 7 has downloaded the OTA firmware before I realized that Google was doing a roll-out. The Nexus 7 want me to reboot and do the FW upgrade but I don't want to upgrade the tablet. There does not appear to be a easy way to retain Root, and i'm not interested in teh steps for CFW, etc so it easier for me to stay on v4.2.x. Is there a way to prevent the upgrade? can I delete the downloaded OTA update or something? What is the path to the OTA update files? I would like to know before rebooting as I'm not sure if rebooting will just force the update. I have rooted the tablet but no other hacks such as unlocked boot loader have been performed on the device. I did a web search but did not see a in dept conversation on how to refuse the update once it has been downloaded onto the device
You could try a root keeper app that will retain root after the update. As for preventing the update, I'm not sure how that would work. Should be easy enough to keep root though.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
A RootKeeper does not work with 4.3 due to the way that secuirity is implemented in the new FW. This has been noted in the description of the RootKeeper app on the Play store
The OTA file is in /cache and should be called ab67ca07c4b2e03eca795ada10ff041b77fbb7bf.signed-nakasi-JWR66V-from-JDQ39.ab67ca07.zip (that is, if you're using wifi-only device, otherwise the name will be slightly different)
But in another thread it came up, that at some time the update will spring up again, so you should keep an eye on it
p.s. that should be the update file, but still take this with a grain of salt, i don't have much experience messing with ota updates.
Sound Anarchist said:
The OTA file is in /cache and should be called ab67ca07c4b2e03eca795ada10ff041b77fbb7bf.signed-nakasi-JWR66V-from-JDQ39.ab67ca07.zip (that is, if you're using wifi-only device, otherwise the name will be slightly different)
But in another thread it came up, that at some time the update will spring up again, so you should keep an eye on it
p.s. that should be the update file, but still take this with a grain of salt, i don't have much experience messing with ota updates.
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I checked the cache folder using es explorer and it showed no data files(zip) in that folder. maybe the file was not downloaded yet or was already applied and the device is just waiting for a reboot to consummate the upgrade
Or you could just flash CleanROM and have 4.3 and root.
Sent from my NookColor using xda app-developers app
u could take a look at this thread:
Thanks for all of the input. I resolved this issue. I just enabled root in es explorer which showed the hidden OTA zip file in the Cache folder. I renamed the file, but the OS deleted it after the rename so I could not even save a copy of the file. I have since rebooted and the OTA did not re-download (which is a good thing) although I still get an icon in notification indicating that the OTA is ready to install.
I'm just not interested in updating to the latest 4.3 build due to lack of time. I have many Android devices and spending the time to Root and or unlock the boot loader on each device is just taking to much of my time. So I'll just stay on the current build until I have time to tinker again. Thanks again everyone for your input
I clicked the update (stupid I know) and because I was stock 4.2.2, but rooted, got bootloop. I had to use fastboot to update to the stock 4.3, now hunting for root instructions. I post this so folks running anything non-stock don't blindly accept the OTA update or headaches will ensue.
downwiththebanksters said:
I clicked the update (stupid I know) and because I was stock 4.2.2, but rooted, got bootloop. I had to use fastboot to update to the stock 4.3, now hunting for root instructions. I post this so folks running anything non-stock don't blindly accept the OTA update or headaches will ensue.
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It's a shame I saw your warning too late, couldn't resist the OTA update.
Now I'm stuck at logo.
Do I have to use fastboot as well to manually update to 4.3? What instructions did you use?
timnik said:
It's a shame I saw your warning too late, couldn't resist the OTA update.
Now I'm stuck at logo.
Do I have to use fastboot as well to manually update to 4.3? What instructions did you use?
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I wish I had seem this warning earlier too. I blindly accepted the OTA update yesterday thinking "Oh hey Android 4.3! Awesome!" and now I'm running in a whole load of problems and glitchs. I'm also not rooted yet which makes another problem because I can't find anything to root 4.3 yet. Also can't find anything on how to restore back to stock Android 4.2.2. Does anyone know anything about this? Will factory reset do the trick? I have all my stuff backed up.

[Q] OUYA-StockPlus and updateing

hey guys this is my first android device il be getting it in a few days and my question is if I install OUYA-StockPlus will i be able to update my OUYA though the console or will I have to block updates and only update though a new flash when a new version of stock plus comes out?
Updates are blocked in this rom because the OTA updates overwrite CWM recovery and remove root. I wouldn't expect a new rom for every Ouya update either, only the updates that make major changes.
Also, since this is your first Android device, be very careful. As of right now there is no way to restore your device if you overwrite your kernel. It is also a real pain if you lose access to adb.
What if say someone else started your ouya and installed the update without knowing that they weren't supposed to would it corrupt it or would the ota install as its supposed to and you would just lose root and your rom. Im just wondering cuz I have already installed the playstore and the update blocker but i was just wondering what would happen if for some reason an update were to be installed would i be stuck in a loop and have to restore manually or would the ota install and just overwrite my cwm and just be like it was never there. I seen posts explaining what will happen but they're very vague and it seems as if the people asking messed up in the first place.
huckjam said:
What if say someone else started your ouya and installed the update without knowing that they weren't supposed to would it corrupt it or would the ota install as its supposed to and you would just lose root and your rom. Im just wondering cuz I have already installed the playstore and the update blocker but i was just wondering what would happen if for some reason an update were to be installed would i be stuck in a loop and have to restore manually or would the ota install and just overwrite my cwm and just be like it was never there. I seen posts explaining what will happen but they're very vague and it seems as if the people asking messed up in the first place.
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The Dev of the StockPlus ROM actually physically removed the OUYA updater, so it's not possible for it to be updated that way. The only way to update StockPlus is by you downloading the .zip file of the new version and installing it manually through CWM, so there's no danger of anything happening automatically or without your say so.
DroidXero said:
The Dev of the StockPlus ROM actually physically removed the OUYA updater, so it's not possible for it to be updated that way. The only way to update StockPlus is by you downloading the .zip file of the new version and installing it manually through CWM, so there's no danger of anything happening automatically or without your say so.
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Very nice that's kinda what i figured thanks for the clear answer!

